The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 25, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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B 1
tlti SIX The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. - Oregon, Satarday Morning October 25, 1930
...... ... . - - - Imm mmmm mm ,
Past Presidents
Luncheon is ;
S , StiCcess !
The luncheon given in eompll-
meat to the past presidents of the
i Salem Woman's club by the clnb
menfbwTship Friday afternoon at
ea o'clock proved to bo on of
K the happiest affairs ever sponsor-
od by tbe organisation. Cover were
it placed for nests In the social
boom of the club house. Beautiful
arrangement of fall flowers and
autumn leaves made tbo luncheon
room exceptionally attractive.
1 Honor guests were Mrs. Charles
Bllyeu, of Dallas, state president
: ef the Federation of Woman's
dubs; Mrs. G. B. Benson, presl
; dent of the county federation; and
past presidents, Mrs. Isabel Geer
of Portland, Mrs. Marcla Cnslck,
I Miss MaUIe Beatty. Mrsi. Florence
! Cartwrlght. Mrs. Marguerite Elli
ott; Mrs. Alice H. Dodd or von
Und. Mrs. Helen B. Hamilton,.
Mrs. Elisabeth Jones, Mrs. Ruth
Fargo, Mrs. Harriett , Erlckson,
'Mrs; Dora - Wallace, and Mrs.
Helen Weldmer. ;
Following the luncheon hour,
the membership adjourned to the
elubroom and there conducted the
regular business meeting. It was
voted at this time to send five
memberships to the Waverly Baby
home In Portland. There was also
a motion carried to pledge all the
assistance possible from the club
in the work of community service
during the winter.
" Announcement was made of a
new study group for the literature
section, this to meet Wednesday
night In the city library. Mrs. J.
Jelderks and Miss Maude Coving
ton are to be in charge of this
The regular current events
class and book review will be giv
en by Dr. F. G. Frankliand Mrs.
J. C. Nelson at the clubhouse on
Monday afternoon, beginning 2:30
Mrs. William Fargo announced
that the third district of the state
federation will meet la Salem on
November 14. Mrs. Sadie Orr-Dun-bar
will preside.
Mrs. Charles Bilyeu was the
speaker of the afternoon and took
as her topic for discission the
question of state federation work.
, Mrs. Benson spoke briefly on the
subject of county federation work.
Commendation and support was
' given by the Salem Woman's club
: for- the Liberty Woman's club in
Its project promoting its district
through the" medium of r clever
prune recipe book which has been
compiled -and is being sold at a
small sum by the club.
Riekreall-Mr. and Mrs. Arth
ur Beaver were dinner hosts at
their home, two miles west of
Hi ok real I Wednesday evening, at
6:30 o'clock in honor of their
25th wedding anniversary.
Later they entertained a num
ber of additional friends at a
500 party at the grange hall.
Flve tables of eards were in play.
Mrs. Ellis of Salem won high hon
ors for the ladies and Ora Lantz
f Greenwood, for the men. Claule
Larkin received consolation.
Late in the evening refresh
Tnents were served.
Stand out like "nobody's business" -
4 to It
Other Raincoats for children as ....
(Other Raincoats for grownups as low as.
r i n ' m i : : 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 : : : 1 1 1
E16-rib, short crook
'. I -It " !
C handles. Coverings
c , of Gloria silk and
r rayon and silk.
ftittttimittiMtttmHtttttnimnimi rt-L
.': - QaalitT ilerchandisePopnlar Prices
News and Club
rOuve M. Doak.
SoturdqyJjQctober S5
Knights and Ladies of Maccabees. Fraternal tern-;
pie, i o'clock; Great Commaader Sherwood ot-Portland
will' speak. . .' ;
Hlihee Country club dance, at clubhouse. - v
Pi Beta. Phi alumnae clnb. lf:Sa htneheon. Elks
temple; reservations with Mrs. Milton Stelner. Compli
menting Miss Harriett R. Johnstone. r . '
Mrs. Leo Raef
A pretty Hallowe'en party was
that for which Mrs. Leo Raef
was hostess at her home oa
North Winter . street Thursday
night. The guest rooms were
decorated in black and orange in
combination with fall flowers
and fire-thorn.
Games and cards were enjoy
ed tbo firs- part of the evening
and coming as conclusion Just
before the late supper boar a
mock wedding ceremony was en
acted in compliment to the anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bra
bee. At the supper hour Mrs.
Raef was assisted by Mrs. Lief
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raef
were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brabee,
Mr. and Mrs. Lars Bergsvlk, Mr.
and. Mrs. Irwin Capllnger, Mr.
and Mrs. M. Pilkeaton, and Mr.
and Mrs. Lief Bergsvlk.
Mrs. W. H. Gardner
Is Hostess
The Mary and Martha circle of
the First Christian church was
entertained Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. W. H. Gard
ner with Mrs. C. C. Cole, Mrs.
Conklln and Mrs. Cos as assist
ant hostesses. -
A short business meeting pre
ceded several social hours which
was concluded with refreshments.
Those present were Mrs. B. W.
Macy, Mrs. C. E. Bowen, Mrs. K.
Smith. Mrs. V. R. Kickethier,
Mrs. A. B. Seeley, Mrs. A. Flint,
Mrs. L. H. Dunn, Mrs. D. D. Olm
sted; Mrs. E. J. Reasor. Mrs. Will
May, Mrs. Cockhran, Mrs. M.
Reaney, Mrs. F. Gibson, Mrs. J.
F. Rahtenkranx, Mrs. E. Case.
Mrs. C. R. Prltchard, Mrs. C. J.
Emrick, Mrs. C. F. Doane and
Mrs. Kendall of Beloit, Kansas,
who was a special guest for tbe
Gervais Mr. and Mr?. D. B.
DuRette gave a party at their
home Tuesday evening for theLf
son, Donald, In honor of his 12th
birthday. Nine boys were guests
and passed a very pleasant eve
ning, playing games until refresh
ment time when they were invit
ed to the dining room where a
large birthday cake -with candles
formed a centerpiece. Donald's
guests were Earl, Lloyd, Ray and
Roy Francis, Melvln and Robert
DuRette, Ward Lundy, Donald
Smith and Louis Freiser. Donald
received several gifts, both se
ful and amusing.
14 to 44'
1 : 1 1 1 : r 1 1 1 : : 1 1 n i ii i iq
f 16-rib, short crook H
I 1 Jl TSM 1 I "1
handlas, Fall shad
es. All silk or high
quality Gloria.
Secutjt Editor i
West Way Club has
Social Afternoon -
The West Way elub of tic
W o m a n 'a Benefit association
spent an enjoyable afternoon
Thursday at the home of 'Mrs.
Avis Martin. Sewing formed the
diversion of the afternoon and at
a late hour refreshments were
served by the hostess.
Mrs".W. D. Hawley," recently
came here from Walla Walla,
Washington, was a. special guest
for the afternoon.' Tbe next meet
ing will be "held at the homo of
Mrs. Jennie Miller. October 30.'
An afternoon of cards and sew
ing ig being planned by Mrs. -Miller
and Mrs. Ray Smith who will
be the assistant hostess. All
members are urged to be present.
Mrs. Grant Shaffner
Entertains Club
Mrs. Grant Schaffner, was hos
tess for the first meeting of a
new card club formed Thursday
at the Elks temple. Luncheon
was enjoyed at one o'clock and
this was fallowed with three ta
bles of bridge in the card room
of the temple.
Covers were placed Thursday
for Mrs. Bryan Goodenough, Mrs.
R. McNulty. Mrs. P. H. Jaskoskl,
Mrs. J. H. Hump. Mrs. M. D. Pil
kenton. Mrs. T. J. -Brabee. Mrs.
E. Heenan. Mrs. Lawrence Beach.
Mrs. Robert. Budrow, Mrs. N.
Roque, Mrs Cyril Suing and Mrs.
Mrs. Bryan Goodenough and
Mrs. Lawrence Bach will be hos
tess for the next meeting, No
vember 4 at the Bach home.
Mrs. William Gosser entertain
ed Friday afternoon at her home
in compliment to the fifth birth
day of her young son, Clay
bourne. Hallowe'en was the In
spiration for the: decorations and'
the gay cleverness qf these add
ed much to the fun of the after
noon for the young guest of hon
or and His friends. After games
and fun Mrs. Ralph Campbell as
sisted Mrs. Gosser at the tea
Small. RuesU present to com
pliment Master Claybourne were
Miriam Becke, Janet Kirk, Tom
my Roberts, Billy Mott, Lee and
Gloria Ann McClintock. Ronald
Jones. Jr.. Bitty Poorman, Jack
Slater, Teddy 'EndiWtt, Ernest
Thorn. Jr., Ralph Campbell, Jr.
The mothers of the young folk
were also guests of Mrs. Gosser
during the afternoon hours.
Hubbard The Community
guild met at the home of Mrs.
Neva McKenzie, the president, on
Wednesday afternoon. Final ar
rangements "were made for the
chicken supper which will be held
at the I. O. O. F. Hall Friday !
from 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock p. m.
Following the business session
the time was spent at cutting and
sewing aprons In preparation for
a ruture bazaar. The next meet
ing will take place November 12
at the home of Mrs. George Lef
Oer. Refreshments were served by
the hostess to Mrs. Catherine SMt
tenhart, Mrs. Henry Adams, Mrs.
May Hampton, Mrs. Jan Puller.
Miss Rose Jordan, Mrs.. George
Leffler, Mrs. Stuart L. Johnson,
Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Halting,
Mrs. Earl E. Relnhart. Mrs. Mar
garet McMannis and daughter,
Tresa, Miss Orva Barrett and Mrs.
Maud Ridgood.
Aurora Mrs. A. W. Kraus was
hostess for a pleasing bridge
luncheon Thursday. The tables
were centered with dainty Cecil
j B runner roses, and bfskets of fol
iage about the rooms carried the
high coloring of antnmn. When the
scores were added Mrs. . Frank
Miller ranked high, Mrs. Ottoway
a close second and Mrs. Ogle won
the consolation. On the Invitation
list, were Mesdames E. E. Bradl,
B. P. Stoner. C. E. Gilbreath. B.
F. Giesy. J. W. Sadler, Zene
ifichawb, - Arthur Kiel, Aurella
Powers, Loran Giesy. Frank Mil
ler. IF. Eller, P. O. Ottoway, James
Ogle, A. L. Strickland, : John and Miss Georgia Kraus.
Dallas. Mrs. R. L. Chapman
entertained members of tbe Wed
nesday bridge club with a 1:00
O'clock luncheon at her home on
Oak street. October 22. All. of the
members were present, as follows:
Mrs.' W. .u. Soehren. Mrs. C. B.
Sundberg, Mrs. , U. S. Loughary,
Mrs. J. R. Craven. Mrs. T. A. All
good. Mrs. V. C. Staats. Mrs. C E.
Staats. Mrs. H. A. Woods. Mrs.
A. B. Starbnck. Mrs. J. C. Uglow,
Mrs. A. B. Robinson of Independ
ence, and the hostess. Fail flowers
were used- for decorations about
the rooms. ?A .
Waconda Mrs. B. J. Miller en
tertained at her home Tuesday
evening honoring her daughter,
Bonnie Miller on her ' eleventh-
At the dinner table the decor
ations and place- - cards-- carried
oat the Hallowe'en ideaa and col
ors. , -';,'
Mist Miller received many love
ly gifta .and r the evening - w a
spent- la' music and games,"
- Mrev Booster, of Fairfield as
sisted la receiving, and entertain
--.Those present f were: LU
W o od,, -Virginia' Sahll. Miss
Gladya Brown, teacher at Wtto
da school; Junior. Miller,' : Betty
Beck,, i Marjorie - Smith - ''a n d
Vnanmt'anit ThTm rii Petin 11
Affairs j
Mrs. Milton Steiner
HeaH Pi Phi
Alumnae '
Mlas Claudia Plank was hostess
to the members of the Pi Beta
Phi alamnae clnb at her apart
ment ia the Royal Court ' Thurs
day evening.' At a brief business
session Mrs. Milton Steiner' was
elected president to' fill ' the va
cancy left by Ura. Frank Decke
bach who recently left Salem to
make her. home ia Portland. Mrs.
Wolcott , Buren ia the secretary
treasurer of the club.
- Following tbe business session
cards were In, play for several
hours. Tbe seore for the year will
be counted at the close of the
elub season in the spring and
awards made at that time. .
An activity in which the club
members are interested is the
settlement school being sponsor
ed by the national Pi Beta Phi or
ganization at Gatlinburg, Tennes
see, and are accumulating funIs
which forwarded lo the
national school fund this spring.
- "The : alumnae club wMl meet
the first Thursday of each month
curing tne club season. , .
Guests for Thursday evening,
were Mrs. Milton Steiner. Mrs.
Wolcott Buren. Mrs. Don Prttch
ett, Mrs. Raymond Bonesteele,
Mrs. James R. Humphreys. Mrs.
Laura Heminway. Miss Lillian
Davis. Miss Marguerite Bailey,
Miss Virginia Best and Miss
Dallas to be
Center of Interest
Dallas. Busy days are ahead
for many people of Dallas from
the number of coming events.
Among these will he tbe lunch
eon and program. October 29,
when members of the Dallas Del
phian chapter will entertain Mc
Minnville, Independence, Corval
lts and Salem chapters. October
30 the rural women's club will
hold 'an all day Institute at the
Methodist church, an address in
the afternoon by Judge Coshow
will be a feature. October 31.
will be the Hallowe'en parade in
the evening for the school "chil
dren, followed by a dance at the
armory, sponsored by the legion
auxiliary. Mrs. Laird V. Woods
Is in charge of the decorations'.
November 6 a play will be pre
sented in tbe high school audi
torium by the Rainbow girls and
the DeMolay boys of Salem, with
local members cooperating. No
vember 7 will be the annual
guild tea, when members take
their contribution of garments
or money which later are used
In helping needy cases.
With church and lodge meet
ings and bridge clubs, not to
mention political gatherings and
election day coming within this
period there is promise of activ
ity for many people.
Scotts Mills Mrs. Sarah Peter
son of Salem and district deputy
of the R. N, A. visited Scott Camp
No. 6112 Wednesday afternoon.
ITI.... 1 t v-kJ t r-. .
ber and October were compliment-
ed with a lunch, served at the
dose nf iode
. Tour favorite colors beautifully
blended, may be chosen to make
this frock styled with a cape'.et
that points to correspond with the
pointed skirt flare. A Jeweled pin.
or a bow-of the fabric may be used
at the neck.
. Pattern 1953 fashions delight
fully of printed or plain georg
ette, Oat crepe or chiffon velvet.
Outstanding fall colors are green.
nrown and black, combined with
beige, turqoiso and white!
May . be obtained only in sixes
If, 11,-18. 2. 32, 34. 3f, 38, 40
and 42. Size 18 requires 8 7-8
yards of 40 Inch material. '
' V JftuattiH gptt " to'
cary t mk tkia m4iI with
patten. Yarta for vary
siza, sad staple exact laitrve-
.tioas are giva. :: : j
Sb4 ttftaea tnM la eoini car-'
.fall? wrad..M straps for
' pstUta. Writs aialy year masM.
address and style br. Es sare
,te state, tits vaatsd. . i.
- Oar aaw fall aad wlatev fatkiaa
book eoateiaia aaqaiarta dais
for adatts aad eildrra aad - aa
u ealles t . a uortmcs t : af transfer'
patterns aad tpod aevelUe. is.
Sow ready." Pried fittaca santa.7
ok vita patter. 35 cents. Ad.
dross all bmm! aad orders to Slate-. .
na i Pattera DeMrtneai. ?S
Wcat 17tk street, Pew Yortt City..
Mill City Woman a
Club i Active
' Mill City. Mlaa Bonnie Haack
and Miss Jtoby BraiUke were
joint hostesses to tbe members
of the Woman's eiab at the home
of Mrs. Charles Gentry Taesday
evening with 18 - members and
on additional guest present.
Decorations in keeping with the
season of All-Hallowe'en were
used .effectively about the rooms.
Mrs. Frank Taylor gave a
brief outline of the legislative
measures to be voted on ' at the
coming election and Mrs. J. T.
Means was in charge of the1 pic
tare contest. Members' certifi
cates were awarded to Mrs. Har
old Ladd and Mrs. R. L. Cooper
la the picture-contest.
The members have collected
100 standard pictures for a pic
ture library. Data concerning
the artist and the picture was
typewritten and .pasted on the
back of the mounted picture.
This group was given to the
grade schools for work in the
schools. Last year the club
members made a study of 25 of
these pictures and this year an
other 25 will be studied.
Since the organisation of -the
elub, the membership of which
is limited to 30, two main ob
jectives were kept in view. One
was local civic betterment and
the other philanthropic work.
Along the latter line the club ,
bas filled pledges to the main
tenance fund for the Marion
county cottage at the Children's
farm home, the Doernbecher hos
pital, the Waverly Baby home,
the American Red Cross, the en
dowment fund and the scholar
ship loan fund.
Along the civic improvement
line was the organization of an
annual clean-up week. During
this week the members work
; with the high school pupils with
a member of the club acting as
; captain over the various groups
and each assigned to some par
ticular part of the city. Among
the many places cleaned were
the city camp grounds and the
club sponsored the building of
tables and benches for the
grounds and necessary buildings
for the swimming , pool.
Thie year the membership has
voted to raise funds for the erec
tion of a club house and to this
end the president has appointed
committees. Each month one
committee will plan to raise
money toward tbe project.
Officers of the club for the
present year are Mrs. Robert
Schroeder, president; Miss Daisy
Hendricson, first vice president;
Mrs. Frank Taylor, second vice
president; Mrs. Harry Masoh,
secretary; Mrs. R. L. Cooper,
treasurer; Mrs. Harold Ladd,
Child Welfare chairman.
The personnel of the elub Is
Mrs. W. W. Alien. Mrs. C. M.
Cline, Miss Jtuby Braltzke, Mrs.
R. L. Cooper, Mrs. John Dawes,
Mrs. L. E. Dike. Mrs. Otto Geert
sen, Mrs. Charles Gentry, Miss
Bonnie Haack, Miss Daisy Hen
dricson. Mrs. A. A. Holthouse.
Mrs. S. Jensen. Mrs. Harold
Ladd, Mrs. Fayette Lake, Mrs.
Harry Mason. Mrs. T. J. Means,
Mrs. Albert Millsap, Mrs. F. R.
Olln, Mrs. Lafe Potter. Mrs. A.
L. Raines, Mrs. Clyde Rogers,
Mrs. Herbert Schroeder, Mrs.
Robert Schroeder, Mrs. A. D.
Scott, and Mrs. Frank Taylor.
Kebekah oeventn
r . .
District Convenes
J Stayton. The convention for
the seventh district of the Re
bekah lodge is. to -be held in
Stayton Saturday. There are six
lodges in this district. Detroit.
Gates, Mill City, Lyons, Scio and
Stayton. The session opens at
2 o'clock in the lodge rooms.
The afternoon will be taken up
with degree work and other
lodge work.
At o'clock dinner will he
served following which lodge
work will be resumed. Several
grand lodge officers are expect
er, among them, Mrs. Ethel Mel
drum, vice president, of Milwau
kee, and Mrs.! Grace Taylor, con
ductress. Mill City.
The fact that tbe encampment
has offered a handsome silver
cup to the lodge having tbe larg
est attendance at the convention
Is creating a great deal of en
thusiasm. This meeting is for
Rebekah lodge members only.
Jefferson. Mrs. J. G. Fon
taine and Mrs. F. J. Wied enter
tained the Woman's club at the
home of Mrs. Fontaine Wednes
day afternoon. The decorations
were baskets of fall flowers sug
gestive of Hallowe'en.
The response to roll call was
current events. The scripture
reading was given by Mrs. Eu
gene Finley. Mrs. Laura We8t ot
Medford gave an account of her
trip to Europe, which was very
interesting. i
During the social hour, lunch
eon was served by"TBe hostesses
Members present were Mrs. Fred
Looney. Mrs; Eugene Finley.
Mrs. Herbert Looney, Mrs. Fred
Barna, Mrs. M. D. Looney. Mrs.
H. D. Mars. Mrs. V. D. Looney,
Mrs. Peabody. Mrs. S. E. Roland.
Mrs. W. J. Looney. Mrs. W. H.
Sherman. Mrs Paul Smith, Mrs.
iCarl Steiwer. Mrs. John Ter-
hnne. Mrs. Robert Terhuee, Mrs.
Fred Wied, Mrs. Fontaine,- Mrs.
R. C. Thomas. Mrs. Harley Lib
by, Mrs. A. B. Hlni, and Mar
guerite Looney. Guests lor the
afternoon were Mrs. Laura West
of Medford, Mrs. Ed Myers of
Scio, Mrs. Alfred Thompson,
Miss Myrtle Myers. Mrs. L. W.
Patton and Eleanor Looney.
. Vnrth Santlam The North
Santiam .Woman's club met at
the home of ' Mrs, Leland Keith
lev Wednesday afternoon. This
was the first meeting since the
summer vacation. At the bus
iness meetings plans were made
for the year.;
Several articles were finished
which will be given to the Turner
Boys home.' ! ' Mrs. Keithley was
presented with a gift in apprecia
tion of the ose of-Ihe sewing
room in -her i home.' r - s
. At the close of the meeting re-
iresnmenu were servea. " Mem
bers present were Mrs.' Francis
MeLaughlin, Mrs: Ruhr E. - Me-
Clellan. Mrs. Mlnav Keithley, Mrs.
Effie iV. Angel; .Mrs.. Mary ... B.
Keithley," Mrs. -May Bond;- Mi's,
Myrtle Howard, Mrs.', Anna Fab-
rique .and. Mrs. Keithley. ti.
Hallie Cobb and '-Mrs. -- Gladys
H i oaay s menu if
Breakfast --
aiteod PlaeappW '
(Frock or aaaaed)
Ready Cooked Wheat Cereal aad Creaai
,Eaa Osaelet
Msfffas Coffee
Storied. Teal Steak --ferowaed Potetoet
Bread Strawberry Proaerrea
Toaasta Salad
Oraage-Paddiac Baste
Toaated Caoeae SaadwicBea Tea
Staffed Veal Steak, Serving 6
1H aooada veal ateak, nt 1 J thirk
1 teaapooa salt
teaapooa paprika
4 tsMespesae floar
5 taolespooas batter '
V eop water
Sprinkle veal with the ,salt,
flour and paprika. Spread with
the dressing and roll up. Tie in
place with white cord. Spread
with the butter. Fit into baking
pan and add water. Cover and
bake 1 Vt hours. Baste frequent
ly. Add potatoes during last b5
minutes of baking. Add more wa
ter if needed.
3 cape bread ernmbi
3 tablespoon chopped onions
2 tablespoon chopped green pvppero
3 tableapoona chopped para!; .
teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons batter melted
5 tablespoons hot milk
With a fork lightly mix ingre
dients. Spread on meat.
Orange Pudding:
3 cups pastry floor
4 teaspoons baking powder
1- 8 teaspoon salt
2- 3 eop sugar
i err
1 teaspoon lemow extract
2-3 cup orange joiee and pulp
4 tablespoons fat. melted
a e o
Mrs. Julia Blodgett
Mrs. Julia E. Blodgett enter
tained with a luncheon at tbe
home of Mrs. E. H. Peterson at
12 o'clock Thursday in compli
ment to a group of friends. The
luncheon table was centered
with a low bowl of brilliant red
snapdragons and fern flanked on
either aide with red tapers. The
afternoon hours following the
luncheon was spent In conversa
Covers were placed for Mrs. C.
Gobler, Mrs. 'C. H. Peterson, Mrs.
Geore Johnson, Mrs. Hammer,
Mrs. Margaret Armstrong, Mrs.
Moyer, Mrs. Anna Bufink, Mrs.
Rose M. Abbott, Mrs. W. N. Blod
gett, Mrs. Theodore Bernard,
Mrs. Yule and Mrs. Julia Blod
gett. o o
Luncheon Planned
For Miss Johnstone
Miss Harriett Rutherford John
stone, province vice president of
the Pi Beta Phi national soror
ity, will be the guest of honor of
members of the PI Beta Phi al
umnae club of Salem today at
12:30 o'clock, at the Elks tem
ple. Those desiring to make reser
vations fpr this luncheon call the
president of the local club, Mrs.
Milton Steiner.
o o
Mr.and Mrs. Charles Bernard
MartinS and twin daughters, Mil
dred Maxine and Beverly King of
Portland will be the week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ben
nett, parents of Mrs. Martin. Mrs.
Martin is a graduate of Willam
ette university and is home for
j the Willamette homecoming eel
' ebration.
. o o o
Scio The Parent-Teacher as
sociation met Thursday evening
at the school house for their regu
lar meeting. Mrs. McDonald pre
sided at the business meeting,
which was preceeded by a pro
gram given by the grade pupils
and the high school glee club.
Just as sure as winter comes ... umbrellas win be in fashion. It's a
simple matter of using fashion to protect fashion. Umbrellas do change
with the season . . . there's color to consider. There's shape and handles'
to consider. .! We foist no out of date umbrellas upon our patrons ... we
do show, though, a fine line of silks and Glorias in the modern manner.
The right shade of green . . . red . s. brown . . . tan . . . grey . . . blue..,
black and white . . . purple . . and we promise most interesting qualities
at the prices listed below.
IILVERTOX, Oct. 14iRoaal4
Glover of Salem will speak at the
Republican rally to be beltf hera
Taesday night of aext week. Spe
cial music will be furnished by a
local orchestra, aad Mrs. A! via
Legard will be soloist. The rally ts
expected to be ona of the largest
political gatherings held at Stiver
ton for years. .
(AP) Paul M. Fessler, superin
Good Morning
Ladies, - - -
Here's News for You
Lovely one and two piece tailored Wool
Dresses ....
Many New Sports Suits Just the thing
for Fall weather ....
A Gorgeous Selection of New Formals
in Pastels and Black ....
Call today Many lovely things special
ly priced ....
Call today many
lovely things special-
395 North
Rain Stick
We Have
$2.98 $3.95
tendent of tke University at Min
nesota hospital at Minneapolis,1
lata today ' was eleeted president
of tne'Amerieaa Hospital associa
tion. aaHBaMNavoHaovoaMSBa
President Hoover plans ta ere- "
ate a national timber conservation
board to make a broad study of"
tomt, resources ad means to con
serve and prapt1featw"tbem.
High Street
I CI Fairfield. . c:
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