The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 25, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning; Octeter 23, 1930
Favors Move f or County Ageni
M. Miller to Head Com
munity Group for An
other Year
MARION. Oct. 24 With much
evidence of renewed energy and
bright prospects for an enjoy
able and profitable winter ses
sion of club meetings the Mar
lon Community club resumed Its
regular meetings Tuesday eve
ning in the V. O. W. hall after a
summer's vacation. There was
quite a good attendance and the
evening was designated as recep
tion evening for the new staff of
teachers in the Marion schools.
The meeting was opened with
community singing lead by Dr.
J. O. VanWinkle of JeHerson af
ter which a short program was
rendered consisting of a talk ou
farm insurance by E. M. Dewey,
representative of an Oregon farm
journal, vocal selections by Dr.
J. O. Van Winkle accompanied
on the piano by Mrs. Van Winkle
and an address on the benefits
derived from the employment of
a county agent, by William L.
Teutsch, assistant state leader of
county agricultural agents. Al
ter consideration of the county
agent question the Marion club
went on record as being in favor
of the emnlovment of such an
The annual election of officers
which was held at this meeting
resulted in the re-election of J.
M. Miller as president. A. F. J.
Lpfky, vice-president, Mrs. War
r e n Gray, secretary-treasurer
New officers elected were Mrs. C
A. George, social committee, M.
A. Barber, membership commit
tee. Miss Tehrrson, entertain
roent committee. After the elec
tion of officers, program and re
ception to the teachers the eve
ning was turned into a social
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The I.amberta Orchard corpo
ration, in its meeting at the
chamber of commerce rooms this
week, voted down the proposi
tion to take over the share of
stock which has been up for sale
by one of the stockhoMers. Eight
members, representing the 17
utockholders. either in person or
by proxy, voted on the question,
but U was found that two votes
were lacking to make it unani
mous, as is necessary when tak
ing over stock. A there Beemed
to be some legal questions in
volved concerning purchase- of
stock, the matter was continued
for further discussion at the
next meeting, November 4.
The Lamberta company is cap
italized at $2 5,000, and is com
posed of 17 stockholders repre
senting 25 shares at $1000 each.
This corporation, in which sev
eral Salem men hold, shares, con
trols 220 acres of five-year-old
Lambert cherries near Macleay.
tt is the largest single acreage of
this variety of cherries in the
S "iff-," 4
i -
S If. 5V" '- A
George Keech Tells of
Problems of City Government
CI (155
Frank A. Riches Shows.
Smith-Hughes Students
Prize Herefords
ImpreeMve rrrraroniea were held at the rioting rites of Uie Diamond
Jubilee of the St. Ijrnatlii college, San Francisco. Patrick Cardinal
!!), (above) archblhiiop of New York, who was aa honored
KU-t, dHUerrd the muM at tn open-air solemn pontificial high
mft9 in HU Ignatin' stMlinin. His words were tarried by loud
(speakers to thidienrr.
Gilbert Oliver Wins Fair
Prizes With his Buff
Orpington Chickens
son 47-ccre farm on the Padding
river was sold to R. M. Gurnal,
recently from Washington. Mr.
Gurnal will take possession the
first of November. In the dl Mr.
Ounderson took in a Silverton
residence in part payment an 3
will move into this for the present.
WACOXDA, Oct. 24. nibers
of the Waconda community club
met Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. Van O. fcellr and enjoyed an
all day session wiih pot luck
lunch at noon.
Quilting on the garden quilt
and hand work on other small ar
ticles were the "diversions of the
In the afternoon Mrs. Tern Ran
corn presided at a business meet
ing and many plans were dis
cussed and articles presented by
the assistant buyer, Mrs. Henry
Stafford for the coming bazaar.
A beautiful baby gift was present
ed to Mrs. Allyn'Nusom. Hi the
future the club witl work for each
other one day to a member besides
thftir usual work for charity.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Ellsworth Hubbard.
AMITY, Oct. 24. The public
speaking class of Amity high
school visited the city and state
libraries in Salem Thursday to do
some research work on the state
debate question: "Resolved, that
Chain Stores are a Detriment to
the Best Interests of the American
Thoso making the trip were:
Mildred Gorman. Pauline Simklns,
Mary Biggs, Barbara Rogers, Eve
lyn Umphlette, Jay Williams,
Chester Miller. Robert Earl, Fran
cis Hardy. Bert Southerland,
Francis Groves, Ralph vVood and
the instructor, Superintendent A.
E. Murphy.
bert Oliver, Rickreall eighth
grade pupil !s very proud of the
honors he carried away on his pen
of Buff Orpington's at the Polk
county fair last week. He won
two firsts, one second and two
Also with the same pen he won
first place in the 4-H club poul
try exhibit at the state fair and so
is entitled to two weeks at the
O. A. C. summer school next
The chickens were between five
and six months old when first ex
hibited and were unusually well
developed; some of the pullets
laying before they were five
months old.
Gilbert sold this pen while etill
on exhibition at a substantial
price as he has a number of oth
ers practically as good. ,
Among others who won awards
on different articles are Mrs.
Lowry who received first on each
her sofa pillow and boudoir pol
low and second on her pineapple
ream pie.
Mrs. A. R. Cadle who received
first place in the Art division, on
an oil painting and. Mrs. Garnett
McCrow took first honors on dark
layer cake and second on crochet
lace specimen. t
STAY TON, Oct. 24. Visitors
from Independence and Salem
wen present at the Lions club
meeting Wednesday evening. This
was the first of the dinner meet
ings. The visitors made short
talks and music was furnished by
Mrs. H. A. Beaucliamp and Mrs.
G. F. Korinek.
The principal feature of the
evening was the talk by Mayor
George Keech. Mr. Keaca has been
mayor for the past seven years,
but announced early In the spring
that he would not agan accept
the office. Many marked Improve
ments are credited to him during
his. term in office, perhaps the
most important, the paving about
town. Largely through his influ
ence the county court paved a
good part of the road through the
town, without cost to the property
Water Needed
Undoubtedly the most discour
aging thing the council and Mayor
Keech have encountered in the
past years is the supplying of the
town with pure water. Much has
been said about the unsuccessful
attempts to dig a well. It was at
first thought that vith little or
no effort or expense, a well could
be dug that would be most satis
factory. However, after going
down 50 feet, no water was forth
coming, so it was decided to go
another 50 feet. When this well
had reached a depth of about 73
feet, soiu.:ools dropped irto tne
drilling apparatus and aftei inar.y
unsuccessful attempts to dislodge
them, the council was again fjced
with the problem of abandoning
the well and digging another. So
another hole was du; pometime
later, and although ?QHig to a
depth of 200 feet, no wa:er was
found. Thus hole had been d ig
near the first one. which" gave
every evidence of a sufficient sup
ply of water.
So again this past summer, work
has been going on for a woll for
Stayton. This time in the form of
a reservoir, and Mayor Keech ex
pressed himself as being finite con
fident of its success. Needless to
Bay the council has been much
criticized, the mayor says, all on
account of the water situation.
In closing. Mayor Keech. ex-
pressed himself in favor of pav
ing Third street from the Henry
Smith corner to the Fern Ridge
road, and gave as his opinion that
the county court thought favor
ably of the proposition. The Lions
club will go on record as endors
ing this improvement. If this mat
ter is taken up by the county, the
road will be paved without cost
to the property owners. In front
of the school gounds the road
would be paved from crub to curb.
This strettfi. althorg' consider
ably traveled, Is without doubt the
worst piece of road m town
Following Mayor
SILVERTON, Oct. 24 A j
group of Silverton high school
Smith-Hughes boa and their In
structor, Warren E. Crabtree,
spent two very profitable after
noons this past week at the
Frank A. Riches stock farm in ,
the Waldo Hills. Classes in stock j
judging and various demonstra- j
tions were held. The boys found ;
Mr. Riches' demonstrations of the
single rope mexnoa i mroing
animals and his hoof trimming
particularly Interesting. Discus
sions were also held concerning
the general makeup of beef cattle
from the butcher's stand point.
RIcKes explained to the boys
that he preferred Herefords to
other tef breeds because he con-sidered-ittiem
better "feed rust
lers" and therefore more economi
cal. H;,xpanded upon this by
saying that he figured he had
four real "feed months" a year,
and then he fed the dry cows and
yearlings for the most part hay,
but added grain for the cows 1
suckling calves.
Started in 1922
In 1922, Mr. Riches started In j
the beef cattle game when he pur- I
chased three purebred Herefords I
at the James B. McNerney disper-
sion sale at Carlton.- These were
sired by the famous Beau Blan
chard 4Sth 619552. Shortly there
after he added two more. Since
then he has continuously been
building up his herd until he now
has 15 splendid head. Beau
Carlos lth 496671 is the sire of ;
most of the older stuff he owns
at present while his own herd j
sire, Grover 632831, has sired his j
younger animals. Grover was .
bred by W. M. Hutchion of !
Blockon. Missouri and was sired j
by Bonney Brummel 519244. j
That Mr. Riches ' knows his i
"Herefords' was conclusively ,
proved when he. with a compara- .
tivtly small herd, placed in the i
moneys both at the 1929 Pacific
International show and at the I
1930 State Fair stock show. 4Ie
is showing again at the Pacific j
International which opened at !
Portland Saturday and will con- j
tinue through the coming week, j
To Enable Every
Subscriber to Re
new for only 6
More Days You
by mail one year
(anywhere in Oregon)
marks. Dr. Beauchamp. a former
mayor, spoke of how little the
public appreciated the time and
effort put forth by, city officials.
fiut how they wefe ever ready
o criticlre. At Ms suggestion the
Lions club gave Mayor Keech a
rousing vote of thanks in appre
ciation of his services.
MONMOUTH. Oct. 24. An ini-
tiation of new members into the
Oregon Normal school art club
was held at Arnold Arms Wednes
day evening, with Genevlev
Groves, club president, acting as
hostess. A program of unique ar
rangement offered much enjoy
ment, and a prize winner of the
Keech's re- evening was Ellen Sernio, who
WACONDA, Oct. 24. Mr.jind
Mrs. Otto Russell of. Salem are
spending' a few days at the homeJ
of Mr. Russell i parents, Mr. ana
Mrs. C. C. Russell.
- O
Mail Schedule
Changed? for
Stayton Ofiice
STAYTON,- Oct. 24 Mrs. Em
ma Sloper, local postmistress, de
sires to inform all patrons of the
'office of4he change In time on
the outgoing mail In the evening. -Owing
to change in time of
the train leaving Salem the mail
will leave Stayton at 4:30 p. m.
each afternoon, instead of 5:3
p. u. as heretofore.
Gates High to
Stage Comedy
MILL CITY, October 24 Stu
dents of the Gates schools are
busy n a play, Kleptomania"
which they expect to present ear-
i in November. The play Is a
three-act comedy carrying 11
Those taking th different
roles are Edward Sebroeder, El
Klutke. Leon Cllne. Russel
-orrtrrleawortn. Harold Shepherd
n Ball. Ada Loedy, - Muriel
Homer. Louise Grafe. Mary Bock
and Myrtle. Knutson.
,. , fiiT.VRRTON. Oct. 14.- A deal
wa-I6sed through thaT Home
.vera' Arencr at SlWertoa tbja
w.e. whereby the O. U OwW
r - N x-- y
m k
"England and America should not
disarm wnue we rest ex tne world
it busily engaged in piling vp
armaments. w xius statement was
made by Randolph Churchill, lf-rear-old
sob ef the Riht Honor
able Winston CJrarchlil. British
statesman. He Is new en a visit
to the United States and blames
Engttsn mnemployaent ea the
SookUsta. -
SILVERTON, Oct. 24. Mrs
Bertha Bale, aged 91, passed away
at her home in Scotts Mills last
night. She has been a 'resident of
Scotts Mills for the past 30 years
and is survived by five children,
Mrs Elizabeth Hagen of Cohas-
sett, Minn., Joseph, Alfred and
Martin Bale, all of ScoUs Mills,
and Mrs. Clara Rude of Portland.
Funeral services will "be beld At
the Scotts Mills Christian church
Sanday afternoon at 1 o'clock with
Rev. H. Li. Fobs of silverton offi
ciating. Interment. will be in the
O. O. F. cemetery at Scotts
Mills. Larson and Son of Sliver
ton are in charge of 'arrangements.
AMITY, Oct. 24. The Social
Service cUb of the Methodist
church had a very interesting
meeting "Wednesday afternoon in
the form of a reception to the
teachers. The program had musi
cal duets by the Cannell sisters;
Mr. Cannell sang two solos, ac
companying himself on the guitar;
Evelyn Umphlef - gave a reading.
Refreshments were served to 40
persons present by the hostesses;
Mm Henrr Jones. Mrs. A. u.
Deaver, Mrs. William Jones and
Mrs. Parker Allison.
was presented with a trophy by
Halley Johnson, treasurer of the
The Art club is an organization
of students who are particularly
interested in and denote ability
toward the realm of art. Member
ship is limited, vacancies being
filled from a waiting list. Miss
Katherine Peterson, faculty ad
viser, personally directs activities
of the club.
JEFFERSON. Oct. 24. Mrs. S.
E. Henson returned from Cald- j
well, Idaho, Wednesday, where .
she spent the past three weeks, j
visiting her daughter, Mrs. A .L. j
Chute and granddaughter, Mrs. i
Homer Altig and family. j
The Chute and Altig families
were former Jefferson residents, i
Mrs. Henson reports having had a
fine time, and she says they are
having nice fall weather in laano
A Complete Paper from
the Capital City Deliver
ed to Your Home Daily
- - the Same Day it
is Printed - you want
Mill City has
New Orchestra
MILL CITY, October 24 The
recently organised orchestra un
der the direction or Albert Mill
sap, violinict, is making rapid
progress and are reading some
very, good selections at the pres
ent time.
The personnel of players are
W. H. Davis, Joe Muise and Vel
ma- Parsons, violins, S. 'D. Tlch-
enor elartnet, R." L. Cooper, eor
net, Mrs. E. . Kieeker traps,
Mrs. Albert llillsap, piano, A. A.
Holthouse orgaa,: an-.. Albert
Millsap violin and director.
John Scaflde, Tulane sopho
more linesman; ' weighs - 207
pounds and la only I feet C inches
and Return
Oregon Electric Ry.
for the
Oct. 25 to Nov. 1
Tickets on sate Oct. 23 to Nor. 1; return limit Nor. 3
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12:45 p. nu, 4:21 p. m. daily.
Tickets, further information, etc.; on application to
J. W. iutxme, Agenu
H. D. Mountain, City Psgr. Agent
L. F. Knowlton, General Agent
Telephone 127
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