The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 25, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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I I,"
f -
; I ;
niiihn nniinrnT
OlUbD bUWUtnl
Recent African Visitor Will
Also .Speak at Congre
. gationat Service
The chorus ' ' choir
of the
fctrterht Memorial church, 19th
nil Ferrr streets will be heard
la a sacred concert Sunday night
mi i:)V civet.
' Thft numbers to be preseneal
re. .'
"The Lord is My Strength
C Harris), choir.
; A PiUrim Sotimejr'. (Wilson)
trio, Mrs. Ballah Talmadge, Mrs
II. L. Braden, Miss . Myra Glea
an. . ;
- "God Is Love" ( Carter) choir.
obligato solo by Mrs. C. A. Has
ton. . - '
"The Living God" (O'Hara)
olo, Lawrence Deac n.
"Sing and Rejoice' (Wil
Hams) choir. !
Following the concert George
K. White ot Chicago will recount
his experiences and give his im
pressions of the Jubilee celebra
tion of west central Africa which
he has recently attended.
.Mr. White is a graduate of At
lanta university and University
of Chicago, an effective speaker,
with a fine sense of humor and
has intimate present day con
tacts over a wide field of Inter
racial movements and missionary
service among the colored people
of America.
Ward Announces
The moving pictures. "The
Yoke and the Past" and "Our
Daily Bread" will be used by
Rev. C. E. Ward of the First
Congregational church to illus
trate 'his abort address at the
Sunday night service. Special
music Is also planned.
ibunfoap ikrtHces m talent Cfmrcfueg
Sorxfh Cooiaereial t WMhingtoa.
f hsrla O. Hawartb, patter. Sunday
fbl at 10 .. Nsthaa Cook, SupU
MorBiaff worship 11. Harmon: "Sovioc
Pparimly. Qsartct win lin. "Thoa
Jrt Ezaltod. by Wilaoa and !'A Frwnd
f Maa," by Adami, with incidental
la by Lanra B. Miln. "5 p.m. Vesper
aerviea 4irecte4 by Mrs. Bessia Cooper.
This tcrriea is bainc spaeiallr planned
for taa yannf people and there will be
a special qaartet. Tha rjTilr anartet
will also sinr, "Tha Roma af tha Sonl,"
T T.oreai. Taarsday 7:30 p.m. Prayer
KeetiBf and Bibla study.
. South Comanercial and I Myers streets,
ratter, 8. Darlew Johnson, S4S K. Myers
street, pheas 764. Church school at
ff:4S; Stearns Co shin f, Snpt. Morainr
worship at 11 o'elork. The choir will
ioff "God ia Kins;" (Baines). and tha
J' ator will preach ea '"Knowledtw
lestroetioa." Happy ereninc honr at
7:30. LIto soar srriee led by Asbnry
bHirnera, .solo "Teach Ma O Lord"
fHamblaa). by Mrs. Irene Lore, sermon
"Mahinr races." Three liCaruc at
in ;k tAnUa mt vital eTerr-dar in I
tarest. Mid-week prayer and ttndy hour
Thursday aTenint- at 7:30. cnoir re
kearsal, 3. William Belcher directing,
Thursday ereninf at 8:30.
15th and Mill streets. Wesler Defter
Cordon, pastor. Snndsy school 10 am.
Memiar worsh'o 11 o'clock: subject:
"Thy Win" be Don." Evening worship
7:30 o clock: subject: Job and tne
Modern World."
Hia-h and Ferry streets. Graded
etnrch school 9:40 a.m. Preaching
10:50 a.m. and T:30 p.m. A. M. sermon
'Thinra Tonehing tba King." Anthem
Mv God Mv Father" WrialcT. B. T.
T. V. 6:30 p.m. Popalar soag servico
7:30. Sermon "What KextT" Jr. .
T. P. TJ. tooia- " Partnership." Leader.
Aileea Amnndsoa. Thursday evening is nturul aivhtc W. W. O.
tiirls Father and Brother banquet will ha
held Meaday evening :45. Oct. 77. ia
tha dining room or tha enure n.
rrasT church op the vazaxxhb
- One block south of Center on 19th
street. Rev. Fletcher Galloway, pastor.
KeMdenca 4TS N. 04th street, phona
MO-W. 11 a.m. "Purity versus Matur-
ltv" No. 8 of a series on " Sanctifies-
tion. What it ia and what it is not.
Raecisl music. 7:30 p.m. "Does God
Hava a Right to Call, Matt into Judg-
snentr" The male Chorus will sing.
fwtttdar school 8:45 a.m. Frank M. Lit
wilier, superintendent. X. V. P. 8. 4:30
p.m. Miss Then Sampson, president.
Jnn;or soc;etv meets at tha same hour.
Mrs. Hattie Litwiller, supervisor. Frayer
sceeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m.
Corner of Winter and . Chemeketa
streets. Grover C. Birtchet. T. D.. pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. L, M.
Kamace. Snpt. Morainr worship at 11
a'eloek- Sermon by tha aastnr. "Find
Ing tha Trail." Anthem. "Sing Aloud
l ata God" (Peace). Organ numbers.
VJnhilata Deo" (Silver). "Memories"
Bt.-Clir "Mareh ia D" (Harris).
rhrittUa Xudeavar . and Touna People's
Forum each meet at :30 p.m. Tha
large chorus choir wilt present a concert
of sacred musie .at the time at avening
wonhia. T:80 o'clock. Program it iva
a a where. Mid-week services at praise
ad prayer wilt fallaw tha aaiaaioa study
rla which aseeta in tha aaeial , hall at
' :90 p.m. Prayer meeUar ia at 7:43.
Chareh street betweoa Cheaseketa and
CVnter itnets. . Rev. P. W. Eriheea. Pal
ter. "Matt Mea Tield ta Christ ar Dia
la fiat" sermon topic 11 a.m. Sola by
A Win ahirmaa. Eveaiag serriea at 7:10.
chnrch chorus song service. Sermon
-topic: "Fo-s at Work." Sunday
.achoal at :4S. Max Gahlhar. Supt. Tba
Lather leagues and young people's fel
lowship aar S p.m. Light refreshments.
nleiet froai taa big PertlaBd eaavca-
tion. William McGUcarial ia ehargo af
loner ortn l7ta aaa caemeseta
treats. Saaday achoal at 101 aoa. War-1 sermon . hy K. 3. Keaaoner.' Saleaa. Ev
ship aa praise at 11 a.m. Evangelistra I euing warship t .-00 : aarsaaa hy O. T.
mUa at 7-44 ma. ItakSawt. iThai Cod I o J. ta wib.WA umtin.
.; Head' Mid-week servieea. Tuesday aad
' ;Way tvaaiaga at . 7:4S rmu Taa
Toung PeapU have charga at Friday rv -
eh:nr serriea. Wednesday evening prayer
aaoeting. v. Levis Kaunas, paster, atas.
i.e'.k BUM street. . rheaa voi-x.
Winter and Jeffersoa streets. Hugh
E. Fsuke. Jr aastori aaaaa 1741. Mem-
(t service 11 o'clock; suhject: "For
Thoir Sake.' Eveaiag service 7:0
O'clock: subject "Hettinr oar Hearlnra.'
Randay aehool 8:45 a.m. H. B. Carpenter,
, oirpi. atiw-wees; services i:9 sat,
Wednesday; tha paatar.. leader; place:
ha ehareh. Yeuar Paoolo'g asaotinn:
ZifS Waaa? ZjT. Matthawa, af
yUmatta TJaivaralty wHl kpeak to tha
. High Sehool Teaaa PeaaU. , Tha T4ev.
i ajediata and coUega (reap win meet at
shr. Jomra umrnig ntv - - --
J5i lth aad A at roots. JUV..H. W.
X' ' 9mY"j. fagiiaa aervtca 8:43 a.m.
ifmma 1:M iwaay tcboal 1:00
X- -A
. KenaeK-Ellis
Rev. Fred Alban Weil, pastor of
the Unitarian church here, who
has some pertinent .things to
ay In the weA'f sermonette.
found elsewhere on this page.
Interest Grows
In Bible Study
To Start Soon
Interest Is increasing in the
Bible class that will begin its
first meeting November 7 at 7:30
o'clock. Over 50 hate already
signed up for the study, although
advance registration is not ne
cessary to become a member. The
first half hour, from T:30 to
8:00, will be given to the exposi
tion of the Bible school Interna
tional lesson for the following
Sunday. From 8 to 9 o'clock will
be spent in the study of a definite
book, perhaps Somans.
Dr. William H. Robina will be
the teacher. The classes will be
free to the public and will be
held in the lecture room of the
First Baptist church. i
Center and Liberty streets. Charles E.
Ward, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Horning wordship 11 o'clock; subject:
"Wanted: A Verdict." ETeninj wor
ship 7:90 o'clock; subject: "Tha Toke
af tha Past," illustrated hy moving pie
tare entitled "Yoke of tha Past" and
"Our Daily Bread." Young; People's
meeting 0 o'clock, Thursday evening.
Korth Cot tare and D streets. O. W.
Rutseh, tain iiter; G. Schupke, assistant
minister. Sunday school 9:45 a.m., Sam
Schirman. Supt. Scrrica at 11 a.m.
Sermna topie, "A Place af Hearenly
Manifestation." Choir Anthem. Etc
inr service at 7:30 o'clock. Sermon top
ie "Is it N'othinr to Y'onf" Recnlar
mid-week prayer seirira at 8 p.m.
ran xmriTAiiAK
Korth Cottage and Chemeketa street.
Rar. Fred Alban Weil, minister.
Church school. Miles H. McKey, Snpt.,
at 10 o'clock. . Church service at 11
o'clock. Sermon: "Tha Ultimate Con-
Solo by Mrs. Trcma Hntton.
Mrs. Walter A. Denton.
nasT M. E.
Charch and State streets. B. Earle
Parker. D. D.. pastor. Church school
9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock;
subject: The Greatest Laboratory in
tha World." Evening worship 7:30
o'clock; subject: "How Old Ara You!"
Young People's meeting 0:30 o'clock;
subject: "Looking Forward." Junior
church 11 a.m. Subject: A treasure Hunt.
Pastor: Mrs. Roy M. Lockenour. Lead
er. Miss Margaret Steveasoa.
253 Court street. C. 8. Johnson, pas
ter. Service S p.m. Tha Poll Gospel
message. Evening services 8 o'clock.
Sunday school 3 a.m. Mid-week services
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday even
ings. Toung People's meeting Fridsy 1
Corner ot North Liberty and Marion
streets. William H. Robins, minister.
Bibla school with classes for au ages at
9:45 a.m. Fred Broer. Supt. Morning
worship at 11:00. Organ preludo: "Come
Thou Fount." with variations. Tha
sixth sermon on Paul s Epistle ta tha
Enhesians. Subject : The Believer a
Walk in the World." The Touna. Peo
ple's societies meet at 6:30. Special
ttndy ia tha History oi wona wiae mis
sion. Evening evangelistic service at
7:30. Another disoensational measare
on the snbiect: "Before the Court of the
Moral Universe." or "Ween Man a
Work Pails." Violin selection hy Mr.
Bixel. Wednesday evening prayer and
praise sarviea at 7:30.
rrasT xtvengeucaiv
Thirteenth and Center streets. A. P.
Tytoa. pastor. Bible school at t:45. L.
L. Thornton, Supt. Morning worsnip at
11 o'clock. Suhject. "It in Flniahed."
Selection hy tha choir. Christian En
deavor at C:30. . "Vak'rag America
Christian." Evening worship at 7:30.
Subject. "Tha Cross and tha Crewn."
Prayer meeting on Thurtdsy at 7:30 p.m.
C. K. Thompson, leader. 1
Corner of Hasel and Academy streets.
Sunday school at 10 a.. Lesion stu
dy Knaher chapter 22. Preaehing ser
vice at 11 am. aaat 7:80 p.m. Mid-weea
prayer and testimony meeting Thursday
evening at 7:30.
fiohert L. Payne, minister. Services
held ia Prateraal temple. Center afreet
aetwoea Hick aad Liberty. Bible school
at 9:43. . Morning preaehing ferriee 11
e'eloek. germoa topie. "The Events af
oar Times s Found ta tha Scripture."
Young people's meeting :. ' Eveaiag
preaching service 7 :80. Second sersaoa on
taa events as aur iimeo accsnuai ta
tha scriotnrea. Chair and orchestra prac
tice Tuesday evening: 7:45. Prayer meet
ing Thursday avtninf 7:ao, coo bnioa.
Court end 17th streets. B. T. Shoe
maker, pastor." Sunday sehool 9 :4S a.m.
WMtima warakta 11- a'clockt SUoiert:
i u.ra,,. warahia
toreawa miaaisns. Teana Peoale'a raeet-
I Df ;3o o'clock 1 subject: r "Making
1 America . Ckrktiaa., La4r, Ella
i Smith.
Cararr Capital aad Marion. Ear. W.
O. Lirnkaeeaper, pastor. S. 1 8. at 1
a.m. r. E. Kraso. Sapt-. Gansaa aer
vtcea at 18 aas. English services at It
Rev. A. r. Lienkaaanae af Port
land will conduct tha services kad deliver
taa sermoas.
SalVinOW 11MT
341 State. Saeeial revival aervicee
eginaiEg Buaday. 8ea atery alsawhera.
tteet onraoH or ceeist. ;
, aoijarnsT r. J
CheisekeU and Ubarty straela. Saa
day servieea at 11 a.m. aad a p.m. Suh
ject, "Probation After . Death? Saa
day school at 8:44 Tostl-
asoaial mstlueT ovary . Wadadadav aw
aing at 8. Eeadiaf iaaa 408 Ma
aaid uaiaia apra rrsm 11 ta az-
bJ. .-a v.j. .... .
r ; J -aiM"ja.q j .
. A new attendance .record was
made last Sunday at the Naxar
ene Sunday school when 313 per
sons were present.
. The male chorus which made
its appearance last Sunday Is to
sing again this Sunday in the ev
ening service -when the pastor will
peak from" the subject. "Does
God Have a Right to Call Man
Into Judgment?" ,
This week is to be observed "as
a week of prayer in preparation
tor a revival campaign which' Is
to open next Sunday with Rev. J.
B. McBride, evangelist. - This
series of special meetings is
scheduled ; to continue for two
weeks closing Sunday, November
16. Rev. McBride Is one of the
nationally known evangelists of
the Nazarene church and has been
engaged in evangelistic work for
30 years.
JEFFERSON, Oct. 24-The Jefferson-
district Sunday school con
vention will be held at the Chris
tian church, Sunday afternoon,
beginning at 2:30 o'clock. An
interesting program has been ar
ranged which opens with congre
gational singing led by Dr. J. O.
Van Winkle. -
The remainder of the program
Devotions led by Rev. Root.
Smith, quarter by members ot the
Methodist church; .'address by
Iter. Ard Hoven; song by mem
bers of the Friends' church;, song
by Kdith Wilson; address, DrW.
H. Lee; solo by Genevieve Wied;
song by Talbot Juniors; address
by Fred DeVries. Following Ihe
program, 'there will be a short
business session.
H. C. StoTer. minister. ' Mornina war
ship at 11. Sermon "Doing- Wright for
Wright's Sake." Ladies- chorus "O,
That Men Would Praise tha Lord"
(Lorent) Rally of Conrrerational Vaunr
jreopia i ina state at 9 p.m. evening
serriea at 7:80. Sacred concert bv tha
chorus chair. . Following tha concert, an
address by George N. White of Chicago.
Sunday school at 10 a.m. C. O. Harris,
snpt. Young People's societies at 6:45
Eighteenth and State street. Rev. Amos
S. Minaeman, pastor, phona 3736. Ger
man . services 9:45 a.m. 6object:
"Which Is tha Eeasier to Say!" Eng
lish serriees 11 a.m. Subject: "Oar
father Who Art ia Heaven," German
evening service 8 o'clock. Subject:
"Spirit Filled Men Build the Temple
According to the Plans of God." Sun
day school 9:40 a.m. Martha Battermaa,
Snpt league 7 p.m., Jacob Fax,
Orchard Heights Road. Meredith A.
Groves, pastor. Sunday school 9:45
Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub
ject: "Ia Remembrance." A special
illy Day program will ba given, be-
inning in the Sunday school hour and
closing with the Communion service at
tha closa of tha church service.
Gerth avenue and Third streets. Mere
dith A. Groves, pastor. Sunday school
8:43 ajn. Morning worship 11 a clock;
suhject : Rev. W. J. Warren will preach.
Tha Junior choir will sing. Evening
worship 7:30 o'clock; subject: "What
Boaaosa Tool" Special musio will In
clude a piano dost by tha Baas sisters, a
vialia selection hy Misa Clsndina Gerth.
Intermediate League 6:30 p.m.
Korth 17th aad Nebraska Streets. L.
W. Biddle, pastor. Sunday school 9:45
a.m. Morning worship 11 o' clock suh
ject: "Paul tha Debtor." Evening or
ehip 7:30 o'clock; Annual Woman' Day
Program. Christian Endeavor 6:30
o'clock; Intermediata Service and Home
Mission study class.
Market and North Winter atreeta. J.
R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday aehool 8:45
a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; suh-
iect: "Evidences of Salvation." Evea
iag worship 7:30 o'clock; sennoa y
Eev. L. McKeown. Toung People's
mect'ratf 6:30 jt 'clock; leader s Darwin
Coon-. - .
Thirteenth and Ferry streets. C. .
t Weston, pastor. Sunday sehool at 1:45
p.m. Church service at 3. Suhject:
Joint-Owneru." Evangaiiatio service
at 7:43 p.m. Suhject: "Let's Fallow
Him!" Tuesday: Bibla study ia the
Book of Acts 7:45 pa. Wednesday:
Women's prayer meeting at '3:30 p.m.
Thursday; Charch .Fellowship aad
prayer meeting, 7:43 p.m. Bataraay:
Toung People's sarviea at 7:30 p.m.
On tba north river reaeVS miles north
af Salem ia tha Keiser achoothoaaa.
Hayes Beall, 830 . Hood street, Salem,
pastor. Phono 1558-M., Church sehool
10 am.. Jot. . Bsrtrun. Snpt. Cnurtn
warship at 11 aaa. Snhieet: ' 'Determ
ining Destinies." Special ausie. Nov.
S, wa joia witn Jasea La enuren ror sna
Communion sarviea. Ka evening ser
Comer Highland and Church atreeta.
Edgar P. Sims, psstor. - Bible ichaal 10
i.s. E. at. Secaett, sapt. . jseraiag
I warship at 11. Even i ear service will ha
a sacred concert conducted - hy William
J. Murphy of Boise, Idaae, at 7:10. Jr.
C. E. 5:30 p.m. Sr. C. E. 8:80 p.m. On
Monday evening at 4:80 pat. Wgiaatag
jaf weekly Bible prophecy data All
invited ta UOs das Mid-week prsysr
leeting Thursday 7:80 p.m.
Servieea Sunday eveaiag at T:4S
a'elock. Mr. Cars A. Pnlloa, paatar
laf Harmanioas tamale af Portlaad.
pramiaaat - worker - inthe Near .Baglaad
atatea ana now. as well news irn ,jrars.
mad will ho the speaker-and gi'a mao
aagea, Circles will be held norn- a:a
to T P-at. ' by . accreditee! reader, af tba
ehareh. AO aervieoa held at the Kelson
building ea - Chamsfceta street aetwoea
Liberty aa Ccasavtreiai, . - i v
Baadav aerviees: Cammnniaa -at Clear
Lake 11 am. aad at Middle Grova at
T:80 p.a. , Bar. C. P. Bates, presid
lag alder af Saiem district Ja charge.
Saaday school at is a.m. s. l. u; &
l:sa, Um' J. .Beaeaarmaa, paner.
High- and Canter streets. Bibla tehaol
at t:4S a.m. ,0. J. BaU. Supt. Mora-
Ug warship at 31 aas. v. Jr.- Bwaader,
state secretary, wui anac taa
Evening worship at T:30. C A. Kella,
T. Js. w.-a. aseiatary ami aa taa BaeaK-
er.v The yaang people will take aa ae-
trve part ia this aerriea. Saeeial aaaaie
at bath aervieoa aadr tho directiosi at
Pref. Bohaaa. Toana PeanU'n- bamr-
M :ta aala-Veck MrvktS Wc4aftaay
Ministerial Association
Work at Session Monday
Of Special Interest j
In the Churches r4
Sacred concert by William H.
Murphy, of Boise, Highland
Friends church, Highland and
church, streets; :S0 o'cock.
"Yovng- People's rally. Knight
Memorial, Congregational church
3 o'clock. x
Sacred concert, choir of First
Presbyterian charch, at 7:30
Sacred concert. Knight Mem
orial church choir, 7:30 o'clock,
Ministerial association, Y. M.
C. A., at 10: SO o'clock.
W. W. G. father-brother ban
quet. Calvary Baptist church,
6:45 o'clock.
Fellowship dinner. Knight
Memorial and First Congrega
tional churches at the latter,
6:30 o'clock.
Wednesday :
Calvary Baptist church din
ner, church building, 6:15
A Woman's Day program win
be held at the Castle United I
Brethren church Sunday night at
the-regular 7:30 o'clock hour of I
worsmp. our womo. win yiu-
sent the. message of the evening,
theme of which will be "Ye Are
Sly . Witnesses".
The four speakers and aspects
ot the general subject which they I
will talk upon are: Mrs. Helen
Dunnigan, "To What"?: Mrs.
Sarah Oliver, "When?"; Mrs.
Blanche Welsh. "Where?"; and
Mrs. J. C. Hill, "How?".
A special offering will be tak
en for missionary work, to be
divided equally between the
home and foreign mission fields.
Women's Society
To Hold Silver
Tea Wednesday
The monthly silver tea ot the
mortal M. B. community church
win oe neia weunesuay a. mo
community house in the Mc
Dowell campground on Wednes
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, Octo
ber 29. A good program is be
ing arranged. Mrs. Harry Mc
Dowell, Mrs. Fern Bradford and
Mrs. Marie Burgoyne are the
The Epworth League will give
a Hallowe en party in tne com- i
munlty hall on Friday night. All I
young people , ot the League, 1
church and community are in- J
vlted to attend.
Army Announces
Special Services
Beginning Today
Special revival services are to
be held every night at the Army
hall, 241 State street, beginning
Saturday, October 25, and con
tinuing through Sunday, Novem
ber 9.
Evangelist H. M. Mead and
party are to be in charge ot
these special meetings. Male
quartet and other special singing
will be a feature of the meetings
as well as an orchestra to lead
the singing.
Reports Planned -
&r v,.,, JJW2V
Reports from the convention
held recently In Portland will
feature the Sunday evening
meeting ot the senior and In
termediate leagues at the Ameri
can Lutheran church. The
groups will meet at 6 o'clock
for fellowship hour. Light re -
freshments will be served.
Swander to Take
Morning Pulpit
C. F. Swander. itate. secretary.
will preach Sunday morning at
11- A'elaelr at tha mraf CY,r.Hm 1
hnreh. and. in the evening C. A.
n-eiu, .secretary or the Y. M. c.
A.,; will give an addressv
Week's Sermonette
Prejudice and Good Will
(First TJnitarlan Church)
FftM essential to JudgmeBts and facts are frequently
diffictjlt to secure. Some people do hot attempt to find them.
These go through life with a one track mind and are ready to
accept any statement that conform to their preconceived views.
They disregard the" opportunity for unbiased Judgments and rash
Into wnrped nefativa protests.
This is an attitude of mind an rendered tn r.ratn.Mj, t '-
tuacernea aiong tne whole gamut of human relations. Politics
. ...... -
uora an example. There is
asked for whom he intended to vote i "I never vote for anybody.
I always vote against somebody" A
It Is on thins; to be prejudiced against -bor neighbor, an-
vsuer sw loiarsim jum ana yet. anotner. to snow him good will.
The Charch isupposed to be devoid ot prejudice and to eiemBlK
iCy kood wilL,:4:-:'" ,
It the Kingdom ot God la
aaaiunw uai we snouia iooe
uesiauon oi gooa wui. Too orten we look In tain, to find petty
Quarrels and. prejadice. It would seem that Tha Church mnat rtrat
-weave a prayer rag of -rood
to receive spiritual power. Then The Chareh will be able both'
w praaxn asa ro pracuco iove
xaavan iua uvm ex ine mmmuae. . x k
The Salem Ministerial associa
tion will meet Monday at 10:30
o'clock at the T. M. C. A. for its
regular session. Devotion will be
led by Rev. H. C. Stover of the
Knight Memorial church ana the
main address will be given by
Mrs. .Kllzabeth Gallaher, general
secretary of the Y. W. C. A., on
"The Work of the Y. W. C. A."
An Invitation Is extended min
isters of the city and adjoining
territory to become - members of
the association, reports Rev. L.
W. Biddle, secretary.
The association program for
the remainder of the year loi
lows: '
November 10 Devotions by
Georee H. Swift: "Can the. Crim
inal be Reformed?" hy D. J.
Howe: November 24 devotions
by Ensign E. M. Williams;
Needed Marriage and pivorce
Legislation" by Judge L. H. Me-
December 8 Devotions by w
Earl Cochran; "Giving the Girl
a Chance" by Mrs. June Nissen;
December 22 devotions, by
Charles E. Ward; "Protestant
Work in Latin America" by C. C
January 12 Devotions by J.
W. Warrell: -What Constitutes
a Valid Claim to Property" by B
Earle Parker; January 26 de
votions by L. W. Biddle; "Mis
sionary Work in the Belgian
Congo," B. F. Shoemaker.
February 9 Devotions by
w. C. Kantner: "The Proeress of
rhnreh Unltv" bv Grover C. Birt
ehet: February 23 devotions by
w n. Lienkaemner: "Successful
R-rangellsm for Today" by Wil-
Utm H Robins.
March 9 Devotions by a. S.
Mulligan; "Religion and Health"
by P. W. Eriksen; March 23 de
votions by Fletcher Galloway;
'Reaching and Winning the
Masses" by A. P. Lay ton.
April 13 Devotions by E. S.
Hammond; "The Church and
Youth" by Hugh B. Fouke Jr.;
April 27 devotions by Grover C.
Blrtchet; "Should India be Inde
dendent?" by J. M. Comer.
May 11 Devotions by W. H.
Robins; "What Things are Es
sential in Our Religion?" by S.
Darlow Johnson; May 25 Devo
tions by B. Earle Parker; "The
Problem of the Foreign-Speaking
Church" by G. W. Rutscb.
Friends GrOUD
Jq Hear BOlSC
Singer Sunday
William J. Murphy, ot Boise.
Idaho, a tenor ot unusual ability,
will conduct a sacred concert at
the Highland Triends church
Sunday evening beginning at 7:
30 o'clock, announces the pastor.
air. Aiurpny nag naa mucn ex
perlence in music and chorus
work, and it is anticipated his ap-
pearances here will prove popu-
There will he no charge for
admittance, but a free-will offer
ing will he taken.
Gates to Speak
At Clear Lake
' Sunday Morning
CLEAR LAKE. Oct. 24 Rev
C. P. Gates of Portland will de
liver the sermon at the church
here Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Rev. H. R. Scheuerman
wll be tn charge of th worship
mn oe tn cnarge ot th worship , wi, . mw
hr- ?tlfn, ndTHS,
will meet at 7:15 o clock. . ea students at Chemawa Thursday
The church will hold its Quar
terly business meetinr Monday
nignt at 7: so o'clock.
nr r
Calvary Baptist
a iciijiiiiig Lsimici
Members of the Calvary Ban-
i tist congregation will meet Wed
nesday night at 6:15 o'clock -for
a church dinner, to be followed
by a leadership training class.
I The fellowship and prayer serv-
1 ice will be held at 7?30 o'clock!
that night, and after that the
' choir rehearsal will be held.
DMM..o. HM-.3
Banquet MOnday
The World Wide Guild ot the
Calvary Baptist, church will hold
Its father and brother banquet
Monday night at 6:45 o'clock at 1
the church dining rooms.
" r.w,-.w a b aa
tho man who reniiexL whan ha
to ho 'on earth It Is reasonable to
witnin Tne ennreh tor such a man-
will before it earn kneel h vortbin
to uoa ana love to man so as to
i . It "
! - w I 1 -it-)
His Eminence Cardinal Hayes
(center), Archbishop of New
York, and Marquis George Mae
Donald (right, well-known New
York capitalist, as they appeared
an their recent visit to the. Ca
nadian rockies. At the left of
Advance ticket sale for the con
cert to be given Monday night at
the First Congregational church
by the Royal Russian choir is en
couraging, and promisee a full
house for the 'event. The choirs
appearance here Is being spons
ored by the Woman's Union of
that church.
The Royal Russian choir is com
ing to the western territory from
New York where it was engaged
as a special feature for the Morris
Geet production of the famous
Passion Play and Miracle Play. It
also rave 60 capacity concerts in
Carnegie Hall, New York, and over
100 successful concerts through
out the east.
To those who have never heard
of this choir, it might be men
tioned that it is one of the oldest
choral organizations in the world
It was formed almost a century
ago and has visited practicauy
every country in the world
Commissioned In 1840 by tne
Czar ot Russia, the choir In 1845
made a tour of the principal cities
of Russia. Success was so pheno
menal that the tour became an an
nual event. Its foreign success was
so gratifying to the czar that he
created an endowment for the
.perpetuation of the choir. In 1880
it made a good will tour of the
I world. Including the United States
as far west as Chicago.
leader, wmm
CHEMAWA, Oct. 24. At the
Dowd Franklin, officer ot the
boys' battalion, prominent athlete
and a member of the junior class.
was elected to the presidency by
a large majority. No other candi
date even came close to the num
ber of votes he drew.
During the past two years
Franklin has taken a leading and
actlve part in stndent activities
and is well qualified to handle the
duties of the office which he was
chosen to fill.
Christine Muller, leader in T.
W. and Girl Reserve work and al-
80 toemDer ot the junior class,
was eiectea vice-presiaent. reter
a? .armfj a . ! as
jHcuuisKy, a sopnomore, won me
office of secretary. Margaret Hop-
towit. a junior, was elected ser-
geant-at-arms for the girts, -Xwr
rence omes, a freshman, was
-ergeant-at-arms fo? the
NaiTtf I?TPf7n
Not Deception
Attorney Holds
An ice cream product known aa
Freeao." which recently came in
to the market, is manufactured
and sold under its own distinctive
name and is not calculated to de
ceive the public as to what it acta.
ally is, according to a legal opin
ion hanaea down hero Friday by
Attorney General Van Wtnkle.-
The attorney general held that
the product contains no .harmful
l or deleterious substance, and els
not an unwholesome food, and its
manufacture and sale is not illegal
nnaer me taws ox this state.
The butterfarstandardrranres
l m .
irom one to s.ft per cent.
- The opinion was aourht hv J.
D-Miekle. atafo dairy and food
Fisher to Talk :
m Sunday Night
lUClOlEALXa. Oct. 14 Tbara
will f be nreachinc . servieea
i KJCareaii . Evangelical church
Sunday at t:IO p, . m. Jby the
pastor, , juTiijv u. rishef . San
m u sinr
the Cardinal is his secretary,
Monsignor Stephen Donohue.
The trio were snapped while es
route to Lake Louise. Mr. Mae
Donald's title was bestowed by
the Papal hierarchy.
Young Folk
Will Rally
Here Sunday
Young people of the Knight
Memorial Congregational church
will be hosts Sunday afternoon
to Congregational young people
from all over the Btate who will
gather here for a state-wide ral
ly. The program will begin at
3 o clock.
George N. White of Chicago,
a representative oi me colored
churches of the south, will be
the principal speaker. Mr. White
haa just, returned from Africa,
where he attended the Jubilee
celebration of west central Af
rica and has an interesting mes
sage for the young pe'ople.
Musical features for the rally
will be in charge of the young
folk of the entertaining church.
-who have also arranged a social
hour to follow the rally.
Groups to Meet
Tuesday Night
A fellowship dinner for the
members, and friends of both the
Knight Memorial and First Con
gregational church will be held
Tuesday night at 6:30 o'clock at
the First Congregational church,
Center and Liberty streets.
George N. White, secretary of
the American Missionary asso
ciation, will be the speaker and
will be Introduced by Rev. C. H.
Harrison of Portland. Mr. White
comes from Chicago.
One hundred eight boxes of ap
ples wert taken from one tree in
Graton, Calif., this year.
, of ,
Louncu of Church
To Reports
About 125 women, represent
ing the churches of Salem and vlc-
Unity, attended .he interdehomlna-
tional Council of Church Women's
Quarterly meeting held Friday
morning and afternoon at the Pra
tum Methodist church. Mrs. G. Ed
Ross of Salem, president, conduct
ed the business session which no-
cupied the early afternoon,.
I Highlights of the day's program
I a k
was Mrs. Mary Findley Locken-
our's address on "Christian Amer-
i icanizatlon." of esneclal intereat
I to the church women because of
the work they are doing in behalf
of the Japanese settlement in the
Labish territory.
Devotions were)' In char re of
Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker of Salem.
wno nsea as ber theme "Adven-
tares Through Prayer." Special
8 1
J .Vil
li ,
. v - :
V -
- - r
LnnTcn si Bt. ChemckcU and Center,
- A Dtrwntown Church
11 AM. Blnst lien Yield to Christ or Die Tn Sin.
t - , . Anthem: By tho eholr -
m l LW AlTltt SWrmaa - , !
7 ! ! r;7r2rM,Forc at Work ih Dark Age
Chureh Chorus Sona; ServiceWm. McGllchrist,
a r i- "'ctor ot Mosic.
- w reiTeshments and Portland Convention Report.
W - : ,1A GItd .Welcome to A1U ; ;
Ber. P. W. likseE, Pastor. -
Service of Music Arranged
For Presbyterian Eve
ning Worship
The choir of the FJrst Presby
terian church will present a sa
cred concert Sunday evening at
7:30 o'clock. The choir of 30
voices is under the direction ot
William Wright with Prof.
Frank E. Churchill as organist,
and has been doing some splen
did work. A cordial invitation
is extended to all friemls of the
church to come and worship in
this service of music.
Soloists for the occasion are,
Mrs. Florence Teed, Miss Jose
phine Albert, and William
Prelude "Grand Choeur"...
Anthem "A Song in the
Night" Woodman
Incidental solos, Mrs. Teed,
Mr. Springer
Solo "My Redeemer and My
Lord" Buck
Miss Josephine Albert
Anthem "Show Pity, Lord"
Incidental solo, Miss Mulkey
Anthem "Turn Ye Even to
Me' Harkei
Incidental solo. Miss Albert
Duet "Still, Still With The'
Mrs. Faye B Millie, Mr. Wright
Offertory "Moonlight"
Solo "I Will Extol Thee"
(Song of Praise) Shackley
Mn. Florence Teed
Anthem "Angel "Voices Ever
Singing-' Shelley.
Incidental solo, Mr. Springer
Anthem "Springs In the Des
ert" Jennings
Solo "The Twenty-Third
Psalm" Andrews
Mr. William Wright
Anthem "Gloria" (12th
Mass) Mosart
Postlude "Recessional
March" '. Elgar
At a conference attended by
Mrs. Mary L. Fnlkerson, Marlon
county school superintendent; a
representative of the Oregon state
motor association and other inter
ested persons, the state traffic de
partment was requested to carry
the schoolboy patrol system for
ward as rapidly as possible.
Hal E. Hoss, secretary of sta'e.
has arranged a schedule whereby
the schools requiring immediate
attention, wrill be contacted by of
ficers of the traffic division at an
early date. Working details of the
program will be placed before tho
school officials for their approval.
Representatives of the state
traffic division visited the Wood
burn schools Friday. Other schools
which have applied for boy patrols
are Aurora, Hubbard, Gervaisj
Manning, Lake Labish, Brooks,
Hayesville, Sunnyside, Iliahee,
Looney Butte, Jefferson and Mid
dle Grove.
Officers of the state traffic de
partment will study the location
of the school buildings and the
grounds in each specific Instance
and make recommendations. The
safety factor will be the first con
sideration. The student patrol sys
tem will be Invoked to augment
other safety measures that may bb
Women Doing
Work, According
at Quarterly Meet
music in connection with the de
votions Included a- vocal solo,
"Beautiful Garden of Prayer," ty
Miss Evelyn Emery of Pratum,
with Mrs. Hersch accompanying.
Mrs. Hersch, also of Pratum, play
ing a piano selection as Introduc
tion to the devptionals. Mrs. John
Jones of Pratum also played a
piano number.
At the business sessin. rfport,
all indicating splendid progress in
the work of the council, were
given, Mrs. Clarence Byrd, secre
tary, reading both her own and the
treasurer's report: Mrs. Roy Klein
reporting oA the financial condi
tion and Mrs. Ross on the Japan
ese Work, "j
In the roll call of churches, the
Pratum Mennonite church received
the- banner for the highest attend-
Rodger Bnildinc. Hit aad Ferry 8U.
Preachina; 10:5t a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Three
B. T. P. U.'s 1:30 p. m.
KING" -ii . '-'
Anthem: "My God, My. rather! Wrigley
Popular- Song Service 'and Special Music
lr Earl Cochran, Pastor
ivay Bcaoot as tubsi at 10 a. a.
- -i