RENEWALS NOW DUE To accommodate tab scribe r who have delaycl renewing subscriptions at bargain rate of $3, T h o Statesman continues this offer a few more days. -OA1 WEATHER Cloudy, probably rain to day, unsettled Saturday; Max. temperature Thursday .", Min. 86, cloudy, rain .41, river -2.8. FOUNDED 1&51 EIGHTIETH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, October 24, 1930 No. 181 T IS ALOOF IN MODERN AGE Mrs. Biirkner Hasn't Heard Of Julius Meier and Doesn't Care to Prohibition and Suffrage Unknown Problems to Mt. Angel Recluse By SIDNEY JACKSON MT. ANGEL, Oct. 23 The tumult of the present political campaign in Oregon., the prohi bition question, woman suffrage, and other problems of the day, do not bother Nellie Biirkner. the little hermit woman of Butte creek. In fact she has never heard of Julius Meier or Phil Metschan, and what is more she doesn't want to. In the seclusion of her tiny cottage, situated on a little flat above Butte creek she has liv ed since 1892. Following the death of her father, in 1909, she never set foot off her ranch for 18 years. Neighbors brought her the few supplies she needed. Only lately her neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Blersack, have per suaded her to come up and see them. At first the little hermit was very hy, but now she comes " every day, weather permitting, and listens to the radio. How ever, she has to go home early, so has missed the pleasure of hearing Amos and Andy. First Auto Ride Two Years Ago Two years ago the Biersacks took her on her first automobile trip, when they visited Scotts Mllti.. Mrs. Biirkner came west with her husband, brother and father in 1892, traveling overland from Utah by wagon. They home- steaded in Butte canyon. Here the tired wanderers made their home. Below them they could hear the muffled roar of Turn tr page 6 col. 5 IS FATAL TO TWO STEUBENVILLE. O.. Oct. 23 (AP) Two men lost their lives and a third was Injured seriously In the cave-In of a rail road tunnel that burled a Wheel ing and Lake Erie freight train near Adena, 25 miles southwest of here today. The dead are E. E. Duga, 55, Dillonvale, and Jerry L. Sells, 40, a conductor. The injured train man was Al Romando, 35. who suffered a crushed hlpand a bro ken arm and leg. Rescuers dug several hours in the debris before the men were removed. Sells' body, buried by dirt and stone, was the first re covered. Romando was saved by supporting timbers that separ ated him from the crumbling tunnel roof. Duga and Sells, caught under the heaviest part of the cave-in, apparently were kill ed instantly The victims were trapped in the train's caboose which was demolished -when it was caught -with six freight cars about 300 feet from the east end of the tunnel. The cars were pulled from the tunnel by a locomotive. PAIR SUSPENDED EUGENE, Ore., Oct. 23 (AP) Allan Spauldlng, Med ford, and Robert Stelwer, Port land, today were suspended from the University of Oregon for one quarter, authorities an nounced. The suspension order was based on alleged misconduct on the part of the two while in Portland last weekend. Spauldlng is a sophomore, Stciwcr a freshman. REARS HUNGRY CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARKOre., Oct. 23 (AP) Es tablishment Of a bread line here would be welcomed. Crater Lake national park bears, grown fat on bacon and other delicacies thrown to them by turists during the summer, now are facing- the problem of putting on as much weight as pos sible for their winter nap. The bears know their meal hours. Workmen coming in from the park to Government hall for their meals soon discover bear or two following them. By the time all the men are in at least a dozen bears have gathered in anticipation of any scraps that may fall their way. TWO POLICIES HELD UP PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 23 (AP) Mrs. Alice H. McCredie, wife of Judge W. W. McCredie, today received a check for f 60, 000 in fall payment of the largest insurance policy carried by the late Charles Y. WiKfall. who eith er killed himself or was fatally wounded In a mysterious shooting here August 12. UN REIN RAILROAD CAH Lost two Days But Isn't Hurt x- w Meet Lawrence Sullivan, aged 3, who wandered in the Nevada mountains In freezing tempera-, ture for two Cay, and nights, but suffered only from exhaus lon and hunger. He had wand ered away from his uncle's auomobile. DELAY OPPOSED IN BRAIN RATES CASE General Move is Launched Throughout Northwest Against Rehearing PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 23. (AP Washington, Oregon, Idaho and western Montana grain growers through their at torney, A. M. Geary, Portland, are opposing the attempt of the railroads to obtain reconsidera tion and further postponement of grain rate reductions ordered by the Interstate Commerce com mission. Geary has prepared a brief for the grain growers and has sent it to Washington. The growers, answering the railroads asser tion the Mountain-Pacific north west was favored unduly in the rate order, contend grain move ments in this section consists largely of low priced wheat transported at less cost than flour or coarse grain which pre dominates in other sections; that movements are over direct routes with fewer transit stops and less use of low outbound proportional rates than in other sections. Delay Means Loss Of Capital, Claim The brief does not "attempt to minimize the effect of the pres ent financial depression on the railroads" but says that to many of the growers the depression means "not merely loss of earn ings bnt loss of total capital In vestment.' Wheat fs being held at ship ping points and credit has been extended to growers on the strength of the commission's or der, the brief says. The reduced rates, under the commission's order, would be come effective January 1, 1931. Parties to the brief include va rlous granges and other farm or- , ganlxations of the four states. Too Enthusiastic; put Park Needs Bread Line Wigfall Insurance Paid Bags Buck With a bow Two other polities, one for $10,000 and one for $5,000 re main unpaid because of their sui clde clause. The manner in which WIgfall came to his death has not been determined. Judge McCredie, Wigf all's law partner, indicated today if the policies were not paid within the six months limit permitted by law. suits for collection would be filed PROP IS ARCHER CORVALLIS, Oct. 23 (AP) Professor B. G. Thompson, noted Oregon archer, has re turned from the Rogue River country with a 150 four-point buck he shot with bow and ar row. CONFESS ROBBERIES KLAMATH FALLS. Ore.. Oct 23 (AP) Jule Stine. J. H. Herr and Richard Mortier, arrest ed here today, confessed to a ser ies of about 30 robberies in Klam ath Falls and neighboring com munities. Search of the men's quarters revealed an assortment of guns. jewelry, purses, cooking utensils. radios, phonographs, clothing, gasoline, children' banks, and ten sacks of cement. - - WILL SEND ENVOY KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Oat. 23 (AP) Klamath In dians, assembled la tribal council at Sprague river yester day, decided to send a delega tion to Washington, D. C, in the Interest of the tribe. The exact object the delega- i not revealed. UN VICTIM OF ATTACK BY E Mrs. Storey Cannon hit on Mouth and Chin; Then Assailant Flees Cripple Returns After he Had Begged Food at Home on Highway Mrs. Storey Cannon, who lives on the highway two or three miles south of town, turned from the telephone yesterday afternoon when she heard her dog fussing. She had been telling a friend about a queer looking stranger who had asked for food at her home that morning. As she turned, the stranger himself grabbed her by the arm, telling her 'I'll learn you to make fun of a poor cripple like me." He hit her a glancing blow on the chin and mouth and struck her again on the back of the head, she told Deputy Sheriff Sheriff Bert Smith who investi gated at her call. Her right arm bore bruises se vere enough to show the imprint of the man's four fingers. The man entered the home as she was using the telephone. Man Flees Wtien Neighbor Comes According to Mrs. Cannon she screamed, and when a neighbor woman was heard approaching the man lost his nerve and fled down the highway. Deputy Sher iff Hasklns and Mr. Cannon went in pursuit of him but did not lo cate him. The same man, described as about 40 years old, wighing about 160 pounds, about 5 feet 10 inches tall, approached the Cannon home yesterday morning and asked for rood. The lower part of his right eve was dropped or pulled away from his face, his left leg was lame and his teeth were black in front. He wore a dark suit and a sloppy hat. A man answering about tne same description was noticed on the down town streets the pre vious day by one of the deputy sheriffs. HEAD US IT'S LINCOLN1, Neb., Oct. 23 (AP) Walter B. Head, Chicago banker and official of the Ne braska Power company, today told Senator Gerald P. Nye, chairman of the senate campaign funds committee, that his oppo sition to Senator George W. Nor- ris was a personal matter and that the power company was in no way Involved. Head's testimony was In ans wer to Senator Nye s charge that the "opposition to Senator Nor- ris had been placed substantially on the power tru3t." The banker who Is chairman of the board of the power com pany, said he personally fin an ced a pre-primary poll In Ne Nehraska to test the strength of prospective opponents to Norris, because the incumbent senator had failed to support Ihe re publican candidate for president in 192S. Norris defeated State Treas urer W. M. Stebbins for renom- ination in the August primary. The poll was not secret as has been indicated by testimony be fore the committee. Head de clared. "I told at least 40 or 50 men in this state of the move ment." Smoking Stars To Remain .oii Football Team CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Oct, It. (AP) Despite a telegraphie plea signed by every member of the Tennessee football team ex cept Gene McEver, injured half back. Coach Chuck Collins of the University of North Carolina, to day refused to reinstate Jim Magner and Al Cole, suspended players, in time for the Tarheel game in Knoxville Saturday. Magner, North Carolina's high est scoring back, and Cole, soph omore J?nd, were suspended for . ' w . , a wee it .viunuay iot smoaing cig arets after the Georgia game. Collins left tonight with a squad of 31 men but Magner and Cole remained on the campus. 62 Million Eggs Are Taken From Oregon Streams PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. IS. (AP) Hugh C. Mitchell, direct or of fish culture for. the Oregon state fish commission, announced todar that more than C2.000.000 eggs had been taken from spring and fall Chinook jjaimon uunng the past year. More than half Of these eggs were produced from the Willam ette river and its tributaries. The remainder were taken from coast statMCS. STRANG IN HI MATTED Definite Moves to Provide Jobs Made By Federal Agency Overtime for Postal Workers Forbidden so Ex tra men may be Employed ; Shipping Board and Army Engineers Change Policies By CECIL B. DICKSON WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. (AP) The federal govern ment took concrete steps today to stem the tide of unemployment as the Hoover cabinet committee set up tp handle the problem began functioning. Coincident with a call from Col. Arthur Woods, the re ief director, asking industry to cooperate, government de partments announced plans toO- provide employment to a number of the 3,500,000 idle Americans. The postoffice department took steps to suspend overtime work to regular employes in order that substitutes may obtain employ ment. Orders to this effect will go forward tomorrow. Plans of the shipping board to reduce its domestic force by 500 and its foreign personnel by 250 in its reorganization program have been abandoned to prevent an increase in the number of obless. Secretary Hurlev moved to have the army engineers adopt the "stagger system" of employ ment on rivers and harbors work, particularly along the Mis sissippi river. He also is seeking cooperation of contractors to aid in increasing the number of Jobs on certain projects. Although Chairman Legge of the farm board noted that agency had no means of dispos ing of the wheat purchased in stabilization operations to aid the unemployed, he said in his response to questions that if con gress wished to pay for the wheat, the board would be glad to turn It over to the Jobless. WILL START S WASHINGTON. Oct. 23 (AP) The senate's inquiry into the operation of banking systems will open November 15 under tenta tive plans announced today by Senator Glass, democrat, Virgin ia, the chairman of the investi gating committee. The hearings promise to give an Insight into the operations of the stock exchanges where fluc tuations In stock prices have cre ated considerable interest both at the capitol and the White House but, the investigation itself is not aimed at the stock exchan ges. Pending conferences with the other committee members. Sen ator Glass is announcing no def inite plans for the study other than to emphasize that it will be conducted into all phases of the national and federal reserve banking systems. Senator Glass, a co-author of the federal reserve act, has al ways contended the act was in tended to forbid the use of feder al reserve funds in speculation. BUDGET FOR CITY TO BE CONSIDERED Appointment of the budget com mittee which with the council will formulate the city budget for 1931, will be made the next reg ular council meeting, November 3, Mark Poulsen, city recorder, an nounced Thursday. Under the Salem charier each councilman appoints one citizen of Salem to serve with him on the budget group while the mayor ap points a member-at-large making 30 men on the budget organlza tion. Each chairman of a council com mittee submits an estimate of his department's needs for the com ing year and these estimates are turned to the ways and means committee, headed by Ellis Fur vine. This committee in turn re ports a tentative budget to the general sroun of 30. Comparisons of prosepctive expenses are maae with the costs for the year just nassed. When the budget Is completed. the council is called upon to vote for It or against it as the council alone can levy taxes. Destroyers of Pacific Fleet Crash, Damaged SAN DIEGO. Oct. 23 (AP) Colliding in the darkness and dense fog early today, the des troyers Claxton and Jacob Jones, attached to the destroyer sauad- tons. battle fleet, and based here were damaged severely, and two members of the crew of the Clax ton were Injured to such an ex tent their removal to the naval hospital was necessary. The Claxton has a gaping hole in her port side. Just forward of the bridge, while the Jacob Jones bow was fouled up for a distance of several feet. No men on the latter vessel were reported hurt. INQUIRY Oil DAIS I! MAYOR LIKELY TO POWER MM Says he Probably Will Sign Resolution Providing Vote on Filings Mayor T. A. Liresley while re luctant yesterday to state exactly his decision on the council ordin ance putting the North Santlam Marlon lake water and power right filings on the ballot November 4, indicated late in the day that he would "probably sign the resolu tion." If the resolution, passed Monday by the council, is given the may or s signature, Salem citizens a week from Tuesday will vote yes or no on the proposition of a mu nicipal filing on the rights. City Attorney Trlndle has asked that the ballot be taken to give added proof of Salem's intent when he goes before the state rec lamation commission and asks that the city be given prior rights. While Salem has already asked first claim to Marlon and the North Santiam, the filing of the Northwest Power company is a prior one and will need to be up set Mayor not for Municipal Plant Mayor Livesley Indicated yes terday he was by no means an advocate of municipal power sys tems. He said he felt that the de mand of Salem for light and pow er was not sufficient to make pos sible municipal production of low er rates than were now available throuph the larger units which Turn to page 6col. S TO L PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 23. (AP) Organization of a work- ingmen's loan bank, with a capi tal of $150,000 or more to be used for unemployment relief, was pro posed here today by Ben Selling, chairman of Portland's unemploy ment committee. The bank's funds would be loan ed to married men with families who have lived in Portland six months or more. The loans would not exceed $25 a month and would continue not more than five months. They would be repayable at $2.50 a week beginning March 15. 1931. Other proposals suggested es tablishment of clubs where un married men could obtain meals for five and ten cents; establish ment of woodyards where tran sients could saw wood in payment of meals. Selling said his bank plan would care for 1500 families during the winter. He believed 95 per cent of the loans would he repaid. S DRY UP NEW YORK WATERTOWN, N. T., Oct. 23. (AP) Prof. Robert P. Carroll, dry candidate for governor, would use the marines against prohibi tion violators, If elected, he told an audience here tonight. He said he would ask for 10,000 marines to clean up the speak easies in New Yck city and would declare martial law if necessary. He also "would ask for sub marines to blow the rum fleet of the coast, to the bottom of the sea." Hit-fun Driver Is Killed When Car Turns Over PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 23. (AP) Clyde A. Barton, 35. of Portland, was killed late Wednes day night near Portland when his car turned over on the highway near Portland. Barton, who was fleeing from a minor accident, was alleged to hare been Intoxicated. He had hit a parked car belonging to Alfred Moline, Portland. Moline pursued Barton but lost sight of him near Kendall station. He drove as far as Clackamas station and then turned back. On his return he saw the overturned ear 100 feet off the road. Barton was dead, IMP DYED PROPOSES MI T FOR BUSINESS HELD JKHED First Anniversary of Stock Crash Sees Optimism Creeping Back Idle Industries Resuming and men Laid off are Called to Labor NEW YORK, Oct. 23 (AP) A series of Items of business optimism sang across the wires of the nation today the first an niversary of the stock market crash. They told of several thousand men being called back to fu1 time Jobs, of plants preparing to resume normal operations, and. In one Instance of an increase in wages. President Hoover's committee on unemployment began func tioning at Washington and mu nicipal agencies made definite movements for the relief of local conditions. None would minimize the ser iousness of the present situation, but there was an undercurrent of increased optimism in the day's news. From Detroit came announce ment that the ten plants of the Fisher Body corporation outside Detroit would resume full time operation Monday. Between 6, 000 and 7,000 men who have been working only three days a week will benefit. The plants are situated in every area of the country. The Yellow Cab company of Turn to page 6col. 3 OSIERS ASK PAY BUT DON'T CET IT WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. (AP) A demand by six of the star players on the George Washing ton freshmen team that they be paid for their football services to day resulted in their dismissal from the squad. James "'. Pixlee, director of athletics, said five of the players had gone in a group stating that unless the university reverted to its former practice of giving room and board as well as means of getting spending money, they would leave school. Forewarned of the move, Pixlee sent out a aswer they could leave immediately. Later another player Joined the "pay or no play" group, and he, too, was invited to leave the university. Meanwhile six other freshman athletes were under investigation. Dr. Cloyd Heck Marvin, presi dent of George Washington, re iterated Pixlee's answer as th3 group came to him asking honor able dismissal. He said George Washington would rather have no football team than one where the players were receiving money to represent the institution. It had not been decided tonight whether the players would be expelled. The players announce' late today they had withdrawn from the univer sity. STILL IN MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Oct 23 (AP) In the opinion of Dr. E. Starr Judd. president elect of the American Medical as sociation, the golden age of med al discovery lies ahead. The possibilities of the future, Dr. Judd said today, are fully as great as the accomplishments of the last decade. "We probably have Just begun" he told the assembly of the Inter state Post Graduate Medical as sociation of North America, j "We cannot tell what research holds Just around the corner, but cer tainly, the belief so often express ed that medicine has gone as far as it can, is in error." Dr. Judd, who is a member of the Mayo clinic and a professor of surgery in the University of Minnesota graduate school of medicine, said he regarded as a "remote possibility" the adoption of a plan whereby a government al unit would take over the prac tice of medicine, paying physi cians' salaries and using general taxes to meet expenses. Bryant Sentence Reduction to be . Warmly Opposed CORVALLIS, Cre.. Oct. 23. (AP) District Attorney McHenry said today he would vigorously op pose any official move to obtain commutation of the sentence of Lans Bryant, now serving a life prison sentence for the murder of Lewis Dickerson, assistant foot ball coach at Oregon State college, Reports that appeal for commu tation of the sentence had been made were received here with con siderable surprise. TURNING MEDICAL ra NW Hittite Relics may Tell Man s History From Darkest Ages Her Abductors Still at Large If &r4N CHf 1 ALMA McKINLBT SUSPECTS FREED P Mrs. McKinley Says man in Carthage Jail Isn't Her Abductor CARTHAGE, Mo., Oct. 2 3 (AP) Held 24 hours as sus pects in the kidnaping of Mrs. Alma Wilson McKinley, Green field, Mo., heiress, William Pra ter and Mrs. Emory Hill today were released from custody. Mrs. McKinley, ordered from her home October 13 and kept in hiding 21 hours by a lono abduc tor, came from Greenfield to view Prater. She looked at the 41-year-old motor ear salesman through bars of a cell In the county Jail. Af ter several minutes she said with assurance: "He's not the man." ILLS OF BUSINESS NEW YORK. Oct. 23 (AP) Edward E. Shumaker, president of the R. C. A. -Victor Co.. Cam den, N. J., told the membership council of the Merchants associa tion of New York today that the causes of our business ills had been removed. Shumaker said business reacts to prosperity as an individual does and becomes sick from over expansion, over-production and all the attendant evils accumulat ing in the boom period of 1927- 29. He showed that savings ac counts had increased and that business recession was only ten per cent berow normal years. He said to avoid a slow con valescence confidence must be es tablished. Merle Thorpe, editor of "Nation's Business" agreed and added the country was far from "broke." Town Wiped out, 100 Dead, Word TAMPICO, Mexico, Oct. 23. (AP) The commander of the garrison at Alamo, state of Vera Cruz, reached the village of Chapopote Nunes tonight, and, communicating with military heads here, said that as many as 100 persons may have died in floods there and that the town had been practically wiped out. Stepmother Ground DENVER, Oct., 23. (AP) As 10-year-old Leona O'LoughHn went to her grave today, police continued the relentless grilling of her stepmother, Mrs. Pearl O'Loughlin, for an elaboration of her statement in which Detective Captain Clark said the woman as sumed responsibility for the child's murder. Mrs. O'Loukhlin's statement to Clark also caused the police to detain Frank O'Loughlin. her brother-in-law, for questioning. The five day Interrogation of the woman was interrupted today by a court order from Judge James C. Starkweather which re solved the barrier of incommuni cado which police established last Snnday when she was arrested. Frank O'Loughlin was taken in to custody as he -was preparing to attend Leona's fnneraL Detectives found him at the O'Loughlin home where he has been living. He was talking with Detective Leo O'Loughlin, father of the slain child, who also was ted ground 1 Liaiif i"$ N HA S CURED DECLARED Archeologists BurrovV and Find Evidence of Stone age Strata Reveal Remains of Many Succeeding Civilizations By PRISCir.T.A RING ALISHAR. Turkey. Oct. Si .- -(AP) A gray sin-baked niourd stands in the h-art of the un dent land of th Hittites. Bur rowing through if for five yesu. American archeologists have v, a cross-section of the history f mankind as thy dug for a "Men tion of the Hittite mystery. On this one mound, the Ali share huyuk (huyuk is Turkih for "artificial hill") a mound f. 300 feet lon and 2.000 fet wide, situated 12 miles south east of Angora, th Oriental t stltute of Chi.'atio university has Just completed its fifth era son of excavations. Dr. Hsr Henning Von Dr Osten. leir of the expedition; Richard Mar tin of Chicago, and a German. Herr Reifenmuller, who are a!l veteran pursuers of Hittite mys teries, saw the 1930 expedition produce the niont important rt sults of the Oriental Institute ' five years in Anatolia. Digging 81 feet below the it adel wall which crowns the Alt shar mound, th expedition tbi year struck the dwelling place f stone age man, exposing relict of a settlement existing at leflt 10,000 years bfare the christian era. Working down to this neo lithic level, the expedition h exposed one on top of the o:hn relics of ten distinctive pnli of man's history. Many Periods of History Revealed Below the surface, wl.te stood the remain of an Aimr. ian settlement abandoned sojmp 80 years ago, wer found In mif cession the Omanli strata, the Seljuk, the Byzantine, the Ro man, and the Mre.-iins of the fr lod comprising at once the Gallio invasions of A-iU Minor. t'tr Cappadocian kingdom and Oe Phrgian. Downward, farther away and longer ago, come the strata c-t the new Hittite empire, nl downward again, leaving tte iron and coming to the bronze age, appear the remains of the great first Hittite empire, whi.-h rose to power in the second halt of the third millenium B. C. and fell somewhere round 1800 B. C. Piercing below this great treas ure house for Hittite study, the American expedition passed the strata of men of the copper sr. and so at last reached neolitfci eum. exposing the wooden rorf. (Turn to page ?, col. 1) SETS BIS 1DDIM1 A steady rain, which btgan Thursday morning, contlantdl throughout the day to add .41 Inches of rainfall by 6 p. m. to the less than one-inch precipita tlontion heretofore in October. Yesterday's rain was the first here since October 17, when one hundredth of an inch was record ed. October of this year bids fair to exceed a year ago when only 1.17 inches was recorded for Oc tober. November, 1929, was eew of the driest months ever record ed for the fall season, only .S of an inch precipitation being rec orded at Salem. December, 1929, came back "wet" with a venge ance, 11.09 Inches of rain falling during that month. Confesses Glass Slaying glass which laboratory tests shew ed the girl had swallowed befer being thrown into Berkeley lak last week. The statement which police sai4 implicated Frank O'Loughlin can at the end of an all night inquisi tion by Captain of Detectives Bert Clark. . "Get Frank and give us a rani ty test." Clark quoted Mrs. O'Loughlin as shouting. "We mtttt both be eraty!" Douglas Millican. eight year eM son of Mrs. O'Loughlin by a previ ous marriage was questioned te day by investigators for th district attorney. They said Doafr las related details of the meal &f the O'Loughlin home last Tnes4 night, shortly before Leona disap peared. The girl and her faifc both were fed some rice, Deugta said, which his mother warned him not to eat. "She told me I had already eat en too much other food," Donr-'f said his mother said, when be ak- ed for a bowL f u. V 4