The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 18, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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Unitarian Bridge
Tea is Lovely
: Affair -
k charming event' of I Friday
m . the Unitarian bridge tea
' glTes In the Emerson room of the.
Unitarian church daring the- af
ternoon hoars. ' JLntamn leaves
' and flowers in gorgeoeus profu-
1am (MnifAsiMAjl wAMaknfMn
... avavs usiviiucu aui acwavu
' room into a very lovely bacfc
, ground-for the cards which were
in play at 14 tables.
, Mrs. W. E. Feldman was gen
eral chairman in charge ot the
arrangements and Mrs. Milton
Meyers was in charge of tbe tea
hours wbicfc followed cards. Mrs.
AWeiL Mrs. U C. Marshall.
Mrs J. Dotson. .Mrs. John
Clifford, Mrs. G. .H. Littlefield,
Mrs. C- A. Huston, Mrs. M. B.
"Wagstaff and Mrs. Blanche
Jones., .
Mrs. E. M.; Simmons receired
: the prise for high score for the
afternoon. . . - - ".
The gnest list-Invaded Mrs.
T. -A. Well, Mrs. J. G.. Dotson,
Mrs. J. M. Clifford, Mrs. C. A.
Huston. Mrs. Claude Glen. Mrs.
G. H. Scott, Mrs. J. M. Derers,
Mrs. W. E. Anderson, Mrs. W. E.
Wilson, Mrs. R. H. Baldock. Mrs.
R. W. Davis. Mrs. John Beakey,
Mrs. M. SchmuCk. Mrs. H. G.
Stover. Mrs.. jA. E. Horstkobbe,
Mrs. E. M. Simmons, Mrs. J. C.
Tibbetts, Mrs. J. B. Pretsman.
Mrs. E. L. Myera, Mrs. J. M. How
ard, Mrs. W. J. Minklewlts,
Mrs. K. W. riligerald. Mrs. Glen
Shoemaker. Mrs. J. H. Farrar.
Mrs. George Nelson. Mrs. Ben B.
Weis, Mrs. Blanche Jones. Mrs.
Oscar Cufler. Mr. G. S. Babson.
: Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. R. W.
Hans Seiti. Mrs. W. E. Ander
son, Mrs. L. H. Tarpley, Mrs.
Verne Mclntire, Mrs. Harry
Tearcy, Mrs. Willis Vincent. Mrs.
James Burgess. Mrs. Tom Wood.
Mrs. Miles McKey. Mrs. L. C.
Marshall. Mrs. C. F. Turner. Mrs.
E. E. Ling. Mrs. A. McDonald,
Mrs. A. F. Hayes, Mrs. John
Hunter. Mrs. Roy Hurst. Mrs.
Frank Halik. Mrs. L. .J. Stewart,
Mrs. E. G. Ricketts. Mrs. George
L. Forge. Mrs. G. H. Littlefield.
Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. C. S.
Hamilton. Mrs. W. E. Feldman.
Mrs. C. D. Gabrielsan returned
to her home Thursday after hav
ing speift the past month in the
east in Illinois and Iowa where
she visited relatives and friends.
ni snr, in, aiao Tisuen ner.
grandson. Charles Kay Bishop
who is a student at Culver Mili
tary academy at Culver, Indiana.
Mrs. Gabrielson was accompanied
by her son, Carl Gabrielson, who
went on to Boston to attend tbe
American Legion convention, and
TV IIU I . I US UCU W tvU S a a u wv,- j
George Thomas, Jr., 14. Keno
sha, Wis., succeeded his brother,
Bobby, 18. as junior bicycle
champion when Bobby won the
senior title. , -
Because it is so flattering to a
lender figure, and so becoming
te a woman of large figure since
ft conceals undue flesh, the
draped neckline .is -of extreme
importance this season. Further
grace Is added to thir , lovely
trocl through -. the, cleverly- at
tached side skirt flares . and
f sleeve- trimming.
Pattern' 2 02X Is exquisite
fashioned of canton or, georgette
erepe, satis or velvet in solid
- color or print.' .- Black. , brown
and green are the prominent fall
colors, with an alluring dark
green In the lead": ; -
May be obtained, only In- sixes
1,.1S, 2, S4, It, 3S.-40 and
4 2. Sixe 1 C requires. 4. 3-8 yards
of 39 inch material " f X i ,r.
K dreesnaklaf ' eaperteaca te -accessary
t aak. tfcia mjtiul trlta
ur pattern. Yardaa tar -ary -stia,"
aae itmpla. axact iaitraa-
tiont ar cives. j --
84 fifteea reata im caiaa taaa V
tally wraDBi. r mtmmpt it cack
pttra. r Writ plainly yaar ami
aadrtaa DitjJa aaaibcr. Ba u
te-ttate iia vaates. -
- Oar saw (all a ad wratt fataioa
Saafc cMtaiaiaic exqnitita iaala
'' far - adalta ut -chiidrea ' aa4 aa r
icalWat aaaertMBt- t traaafcr
sttaraaa4 stamped aaeltie,-is .
' w na4y.'--.Prie i(tea et.
Baok with patttrm. 85 caats. A-'
drasa all Mil a al rdra to gtataa-'
- aian - Patters - Dapartanfot, 343
Vet 17th it ract. . jw York City.
ews an
Olive M. DojUCciefjf Editor
Social calendar :
turday ,v
Woman's Relief Corps, litUef's hall, g o'clock.
Luncheon complimenting . Miss Emily "orerldge.
Elks temple one o'clock; , all graduates of Good Samar
itan hospital, Portland, Invited to make reservations.
. Business ' meeting, Chadwiek chapter, - Order of
Rainbow, Masonic temple. - ,---;
Marioa County Federation
Of Woman's Clubs has
Successful Meet:
'ifc Streets decorated with American flags, and banners in
gold and green, the chib colors wjelcomed delegates and vis
itors to the twenty first biennial convention or the Marion
county federation of women's clubs which met in Hubbard
for the meeting of October 17. . t
Mrs. B. G. Bentson of Silverton, president of "the coun
ty federation, presided at the business sessions which were
held at the Hubbard city hall. The program opened with
the community singing, and an invocation by Rev. Glenn
Hartong, pastor of the Hubbard Federated churches. Mrs.
Waldo Brown, past .president of the county federation, wel
comed the guests and Mrs. George Hubbs'of Silverton, re
The Hubbard high school
glee club, directed by Mrs.
Adeline Fields, contributed
two numbers. County federa
tion officers and committee
chairmen were Introduced "by
Mrs. Bentson. Those presented
were Mrs. J. G. Fontaine of Jef
ferson, vice president; Mrs. Vera
Ottoway of Willard, secretary;
Mrs. Henry Tate of Stayton, sec
retary; Mrs. Waldo Brown of
Hubbard, chairman of the child
welfare committee; Mrs. Herbert
Schroeder of Gates, chairman of
the civic committee; Mrs. Ida
belle Pelmulder of Woodburn,
chairman of the conversation
committee; Mrs. F. M. Erlckson
of fSalem, chairman of educa
tion; Mrs. Claude Johnson of
Talbot, chairman of extension;
Mrs. Ivan Martin of Salem,
chairman of the legislative com
mittee, and Mrs.' David H. Loon
ey of Jefferson, chairman of the
special committee to work for
the Marion county cottage at tbe
Children's Farm home at Cor
vallis. The establishment of a Marlon
county cottage at the Children's
Farm home is the major project
of the Marion county federation
and a collection was taken to
aid in the work. Mrs. Looney
reported that before this collec
tion was taken tbe fund totaled
The treasurer's report sbowed
a balance of $77.24 in the coun
ty federation treasury.
In place of tbe usual report
from the child welfare commit
tee, the chairman of the com
mittee, Mr9. Waldo Brown,
ealfed upon Miss Agnes Camp
bell, nurse in the Marion county
health demonstration, to tell of
the work- in that department and
of the general nationl interest, in
child health. Miss Campbell
pointed out that Marion county
has received national recognition
for it's work in child health and
urged , the continuation of the'
Mrs. John Baiientyne of Sil
verton urged the support Of' the
health work and made a motion,;
carried unanimously, that -'the
couriay federation of women's
clubs take out -a membership in
the county health association.
The . federation -went on record
as endorsing the work of the
county health unit and voted to
urge the county conrt to set
aside, funds for the support of 1
til. h.9l(k nnft
Luncheon- was served at the
Mineral Springs hotel where the
tables were attractively decorat
ed with autumn flowers.
The afternoon session was fea
tured by an address by Mrs.
Charles N. Bttyeu of Dallas, pres
ident of the Oregon federation
who told of state . activities of
the women's club--organization,
an address by. Mrs. -Henry Cor
bett of Portland and Mrs. W. F.
Fargo, district president of the
state federation. Musical num
bers were given by Miss Sylvia
Manning ot Gervais, Avon Jesse
of Hubbard accompanied by Miss
Anita -Bevens; and Gunxadine
Bidgood. ..
It was voted to hold 'the next
county- federation meeting at
Theta srtseat incloV4 past preaidmita
t tba eoonty fedcrstiaa. Mr. WaMe
Browa at Hmbb.r. lira. .Kofena Ifaah
krsr f Waofbnra, Ur. - EM - P. Ball
t Waodbnr. Mm. O. H.: Brewer o4
Htayta aa Mr. W. W. all ( Mill
Aaioar otkr in alUndnocc wra Uht
Mattia Bvaty.- SaWai; Mr. K. N. Halt,
Veo4bnrs; Mn. -Klli Btaaffm. Haoaard:
Kra. Bath rar, Baai; - Kin Vara. Ov
towsy,' Silrtos;; llra.-J. . roatalae,
Jaffarsoa;; Mrs. .IdaWellt PclmalaVje,
Waodbarn: lfra. H. A." Searaasa. Oataa:
Mra. P. M.EriekMHi, 8lejn; Mn. Htmrr
Tmte, 8tayta; Mr. Iaa. Martin. Slmr
Mrs. v. u. sastaoa, -BUTartaart mtx.
Caartea K. Bilyra a4 lira. A. B. Sur
haek. Daltaa; Mrs. Nar HrKaasia, Mra.'
Sadia Behalf Ur. CioaU da Maelaaaaa all
a Haa4iard: OKva Sichea Sadia Hb
sertr at Willard; - - - -, - - v
Eaiiaa Bidwelt. V. Gvrtrada Balekar,
Mra. tarM DaTiirMra. Calaaaaa. alt
at Wandbaia i-- Mra. Ida Garland, Hoa-
tra. an." Mattia UrKkr. Habbard;
Mra.'C. P. B iabop. Mr, a K. SpaaMiag
mi 8ak; Mrs. JruU McClatU. Waat
SUytaa; Mrar John Kaana. Bketbara;
Mra. Cka. Hi Mra. Gladys Claxtaa.
both at Aa'attTillc: . Mra. Balla TJMSlas.
Mary B. MeChir; -Mra. Myra awyrr a ad
Mra. . Stella - raMwU all f galeai
Heighta, Mra." W; It. Tata.- Mra.. Darafc
lleatar, Mra. C Haater, Mrs. W. A.
Hester nit sf ablimUy; Mra. A. C.
Boferaattedt.- Salrm nVutati: . Mr. 0.H.
H. Uabaara ; Mra. Saba P. Banaatya.
Sircotas; air. Agaaa'Caaipbrlt, Mra. D.
K Biffcardai TM. HaUbsry. Salasi; Kit
A.- JI ClitMMB."8alaa HsbU: Mr.
Oearga Laoaay.-Mra. .Jba -Terbasa.' Mrs.
C. M. gait - at f iTctfcroM: Mra. Laara
M. Wft, Madfard; Mra. Frad Wjed. Mr.
Mra. Charles Moor. Mra. A. KdV!
in. oaii. jirs. w. iriiaoa, airs. xi.
WUV aMomr Mra. vars a. Hagsaa.
Mra; Maaaa Biaa.. Mr. ir Eatreaa,
Mrs. H. O. Carl, Mrs, H. B. Cillella aH at
SV:;Mr. nm!d aC-taM. Ur.. B.
U Caopw. Mrs. Ets kUiaaa, Mra, Fraak
A. Taylor, Mra, Robert Schroeder. all ot
Mill City; Mra. Marguerite Leoaey, Mr.
Elizabeth. Looney if - Jeffereea; Mra.
Mary Sieger. Mr. William Zoael, Mr.
W. a Dalla. Mr. Brewa, Mr. Brace
Onnnintham, all of Liberty: Mra. C. An
deraon. Mrs. Mary E. J. ColeajSn, Mr.
S. L. Johasoa, Mr. Bidsood, 4n Of Hob
bard; Mr. W. B. Tomison, Mrs. P. Glen a
McDonald, Mr: E. V. Joha all of SilTer
ton; Mrs. C-. A. Ehlea, Mra. Jane Ofle,
Mr. E. L. Steinhoff, Mr. G. W. Yergen.
Mr. John Kilter. Mr, eeorga P. Clark,
Mr. H. D. Eraas, Mr. N. E. Manoek.
Mr. C. E. Gilbreath, Mr. P. . O. Otta
way. aad Mr. A. L. 8triekland all at
Aurora ;
Mra. David Wright. Mr. 1tb G. Mar
tin. Mra. Ida L. Kile. Mr. Mark M. Me
Calli.ter. Mr. W. D. Ctorke. Mrs. F. H.
Thompson, Mr. Walter SpaoMinr, Mr.
Harry J. Weidmer, Mr. B. L. Farmer.
Mr. Mande H.. Pointer. Mr. Charles A.
Lytla all of Salem.
Mrs. OIW Ottaway, Mra. Ella Knighl,
Mrs. I. F. Hillmaa, Mrs. Beryl Otta
way, Mrs. Ietta Bye. all ot SiWerion;
Mrs. 8arah Sehmitt, Mrs. J. Peundg. Mrs.
Abbie M. Bell. Mrs. Edward Champ, Mr.
Elsie Potteis Mrs. Grace E. Kerbert, Mrs.
Edna Sloper all af 8tayton; Mr. Grace i.
Aostin. Mrs. May Bronhard, Mr. Lola
Liets. Mrs. M. B. Myers, and ' Mrs. W.
M. Bnrke all of Woodtrarn: Mrs. Ella
Page Hotmer. Mrs. GeorSe W. Hubhs of
a a a .
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills, -Charles
and 11a Mills, were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mills
in Newberg Tuesday evening for
a' dinner given in compliment to
the golden wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. A. R. Mills. Covers were
placed for 36. Mr. and Mrs. Mills
were married in Georgetown, Il
linois, just fifty years ago and
came to Newberg shortly after
ward where they have res'ded
since that time.
Stayton Mrs. Martin Star en
tertained at her home Wednes
day evening with a miscellaneous
shower, honoring her daughter.
Leona, whose marriage to Moby
Zeller of Salem. ; was- a recent
erent. Many beautiful gifts were
received by the bride. Dainty re
freshments were served by the
hostess at the close of the after
non. Purges , of Jinen or
silk. Your choice
Beach Pajamas Jun
ior size
55 c
Women's , ; Sweaters
Odds and ends but all
good numbers-
Rayon Dresses- in tra
vel prints
(3hfldren's . Felt Hats,
Iota of ''colors and
K 55c
All j leather jacket:
C Quality" ,
Merchandise - --
Popular -' '
::Prices'.-. . r
Entre Nous Club
Enjoys Card -:
The Entre Nobs club met Wed
nesday evening at the club house
for an evening ot cards. Mrs.' A.
E. Wickert and .Mrs. Glen Taylor
were hostesses for the occasion.
Autumn flowers and foliage were
used for effective decorations for
the club room".
During the brief business meet
ing preceding the social hours It
was decided to sponsor, a Hallo
we'en party October 2fi at the
club house. This will be a no host
party and each couple will invite
guests for the evening.
In addition to cards several
contests were enjtjyed. Prizes
were won by Mrs. R. O. Lewis,
Mrs. Fred- Gibson. Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Wilbur. Fred. Gibson, and
R. O. Lewis.
Special guests for the evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilbur,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kisser, and
Mrs. Agnes Miller..
Club members present were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Gigson, Mr. and
Mrs. R. O. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. R.
C. Hummell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Chris 'Hamp
shire, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough,
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moses.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smart, and
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. WIckerL
Young Folk Home
From College- '
Many Salem-young folk away
in college were home Friday night'
on their way to the game in
Portland today when the Univer
sity of Oregon meets the Univer
sity of Washington.
Among those to arrive . were
Miss Julia Creech from' the" Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority house;
Maxine Glover; Gamma Phi Beta
sorority; Miss Margaret Wilson,
Miss Roberta Mills, and Helen
Darby all of Delta Delta Delta
Miss Glover sang and played
over KEX and KOIN for the foot
ball radio rally Friday night.
Robert Bishop is among the
ooys who are home for the week
end and who attended the game
in Portland.
Kensington Club
Elects Officers
Mrs. H. J. Mohr was elected
president of the Kensington club
at the first meeting of the year
at the home of Mrs. Charles Hud
kins, Thursday evening. Other of
ficers elected were Mrs. Charles
Pratt, vice president: Mrs. Her
bert Hauser, secretary treasurer;
and Mrs. Otto Wilson, press cor
respondent. Following the business meeting
a social evening was enjoyed and
luncheon was served at a late
hour. Mrs. Herbert Hauser will be
hostess to the club in a fortnight,
a a a
Willamette Auxiliary number
2081 Fraternal Order of Eagles
met Wednesday evening. Plans
were made for entertaining' Port
land Auxiliary number 4. October
22. Increased interest is already
manifested in the attendance con
test and membership drive as at
the next meeting one person will
be initited.
Mrs. Lucille Tumbleson who
had charge of the social hour,
awarded prises to Mrs. Mona
Women's Velvet Ber
ets 3 for 1.00 or,
Silk Blouses in plain
colors. Also - a few
voile rayon sports--
Wool Mackinaws for
school and college
Kiddies' Rayon Shorts
Vest Slips, and
Pajamas- ,
Silk Boucle two-piece
Suits. Also some silk
Fall fashioned parrw
thread frllk hose. All
firs qoaUlr with Ft-each f
- heels. . "ew" shades -
95c; -
j ...
v SerTice weight rhif fun r.
Mr George Wetter
Bridge Evening
Hostess r k
Mrs. George weller 1 waa host
ess at her home Friday evening,
for six tables of bridge. Chrysan
themums used In profusion about
the gnest rooms created a delight
ful decorative note characteristic
of tbe fall time and made a pret
ty background for the evening of
cards. Following bridge Mrs.
Weller served a late supper.
Guests included Dr. and Mrs.
Wolcott Buren. Mr. and Mrs.- Wal
lace Carson, Mr.- and Mrs. John
Cangheli. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lard Marshall, Dr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Steiner. Mr. and Mrs: Frank
Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Wilson, Dr.. and Mrs. Kenneth
Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Adolph,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deckebach ot
Portland, Dr. and Mrs. Jerald
Backstrand, Mrs. Lucien Newcom
er, nee " Tora Mortensen, former
ly of Salem and visiting here from
Colbon. California,,'. Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Slater, and Mr. and Mrs.
Hayesville Woman's
Club is Entertained
Haysvllle-The Haysvllle Wo
man's club met with Mrs. Grace
Snyder Thursday for an all day
meeting. Plans are under way
for a chrysanthemum show and
bazaar to be held some time in
After a short 'business session
the day was spent in quilting
with the following members
present: Mrs. Charles Reed,
Mrs. W. E. Bailey. Mrs. E. R.
Bedwell. Mrs. David Greig, Mrs.
N. W. Barbara, Mrs. M. Halbert,
Mrs. J. L. Morrison. Mrs. C.G.
Olson, Miss Mary Teel, Mrs. B.
F; Wells, Mrs. George Talmage,
Mrs. W. H. Kay, Mrs. Claude
Talmage, Miss Joy Greig and
Mry Snyder.
. The next meeting will be held
October 30 at tbe home of Mrs.
Today s Menu
A Fall Luncheon Menu
Chilled Fro it Diced
Chicken Stuffed Green Pepper
Battered Beet
Cantsloone Pickles
Hot RolU Rstpberry. PreccrTea
Cheese RelUh KUd
A""' Tooi c".k' ',!"rt c"i1't
s,ll,d NuU
Chicken Stuffed Green Peppers
S Urge green pepper
2 quart water
1 teaspoon nalt '
Wash the peppers, carefully
cut off the top so the pepper will
not split down the sides. Use scis
sors and cut out seeds and pulp.
Rinse well and add rest of ingre
dients. Cook S minutes in cover
ed pan. Drain and rise in cold
water. Set upright in pan and
add chicken filling. Add 1-3 inch
of water. Bake 25 minutes in
moderate oven. Carefuly remove
to serving plates and garnish with
hard cooked egg slices and pars
ley. Chicken Filling
d tableipoon butter
tablespoon floor
1 teaspoon salt
U tesspoon paprika
1 cap chirken stork
2 cap milk
IV caps diced rooked rliirlt-u
' eup rooked celery, diced
3 tablespoons diced, rooked green pep
2 tablespoons chopped pimento
cap cooked mushroom
Melt butter and add flour.
Blend well and add salt, "paprika,
stock and milk. Cook slowly,
stirring frequently, until sauce
thickens. Add rest of ingredients.
Boil 1 minute. . Carefully fill the
pepper cases.
- UP
Kiddies' Rayon Pan
ties, Gowns and Com
binations 35c
Carters and other
brands of knit Under
wear 10Cand55C
Rubins Infants' shirts
in wool and. silk and
Printed Voile house
frocks - and . beach
coats "
Silk Crepe Dresses in
clude the popular tra
vel prints-"
; .
Uniform house dress
es ! . -' -i .
. 'Saturday
' UnttttiSO :
S a .V hi k awr j-
Alfonso. Prince of the Asturias,
and heir to the Spanish throne.
may be Europe's - next royal
bridegroom, according te reports
that his engagement to a 16-year-old
Andalusian Princess
will 'bo on be announced. The
Mrs. EL EL Buckles
Is Hostess
Mrs. E. E. Buckle entertained
in compliment to members of the
Hal Hibbard auxiliary ?o United
Spanish War veterans at ber home
Friday afternoon for the social
meeting of the month. The guest
rooms were arranged with fall
flowers. A brief business meeting
in which plans were made for a
rummage sale for November 7 and
8. preceded a program in compli
ment to the anniversary of Roose
velt's birth. After a pleasant social
meeting, refreshments were served
by the hostess.
Mrs. Mary Gibson, of Marshfield,
was a special guest for the after
noon. Members present were Mrs.
Elizabeth Green. Mrs. Bessie Bert
elson, Mrs. Frances Jairl, Mrs.
Grace Mickelson. president ot the
auxiliary, Mrs. Ada Seymour, Miss
Adaline Seymour. Mrs. Edith
Woolpert. Mrs. Ethel Welch. Mrs.
Georgia Davis. Mrs. May Estes,
Mrs. Pearl Kinzer. Mrs. Bessie
Baker, Mrs. Ellen Thompson. Mrs.
Ruth Brant. Mrs. Glen Fium, and
Mrs. Alt ha Wood.
Mrs. G. Grabenhorst
Is Club Hostess
Mrs. George Grabenhorst enter
tained in compliment to members
of the Pringle Pleasant Point club
Thursday afternoon at her home.
The affair was an all day meeting
with a "no host" dinner at 12:00
o'clock. A short business session
followed the dinner hour and then
the remainder of the afternoon
waa anent in a uncial wav.
Guests present for the day wje
Mrs. William McCarroll, Mrs. E. S.
. Coates, Mrs. L. W. Potter. Mrs. J.
W. Keyes. Mrs. Homer Harrison,
Mrs. O. E. Meeks. Mrs. Oscar
Seeley, Mrs. Rue Drager, Mrs. J.
.V. Robertson, Miss Grace Robert-
: son, Mrs. Harry Wechter, Mrs.
Frank Clark, Mrs. E. G. Clark,
Mrs. W. M. Coburn. Mrs. W. H.
o xc fwearing, stylish
models built for real ser
vice. Fit the boys in Bus
ter Browns, v . i
a-1 X I ri'f v.-a.--;-.' . -- r - - ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaTI
f 28-year-old Prince Is shown
above with his reported fiancee.
the Princess Maria de Bour
bon, daughter ef the Infanta
Carlos de Bourbon, ef Bar
celona. Grabenhorst, Mrs. John Yates,
Mrs. Clifford Jone. Miss Margaret
Jones, Roberta Ann Grabenhorst,
Ken Wechter, and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Burghardt
returned Tuesday from a two
weeks motor trip into northern
Washington and British Columbia.
Time was spent in Seattle Port
Angeles. Victoria, Vancouver; back
to Seattle, then to Spokane, across
to Pendlton. and then to Portland.
In Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. Burg
hardt were tbe guests of Dr. and
Mrs. W. D. McNary.
Plana Tulip
W have a very fine stock of standard
Varieties such as
Keiseiskroor red,
yellow eilge
Yellew Queen Yellow .
Cottage Maid White,
pink edge
Colour -Cardinal Red.
Peach Blossom rink,
Kioctra Red, doable . .
ami many others as well mm
varieties like
Ped Dob.
Mrs. A Hard Ptertioa,
Red ft.
Dido, very large.
Orange Red . . 2.RA
Mi. Kerrell, Light
Rose, amber tinted 2.00
Alaska, fine Yellow. . 5.0
Lord C-arnovan,
White, rose edge. . 2JS0
W. C. Franklin Tulip Farm
Phone. 52F14, Wallace Road
"We Love the Kiddies'
They're Here
Upstairs Department
vairls all
We Fif the Hard to FitFeet ; r
a i-i.- ; Dt.: - - a t'u
A charming party at the jome
of Mrs. Alice, Fisher was that for
which members ot the Alpha Phi
Alpha -sorority alumnae were
hostesses Friday night in compli
ment to the new members ot the
house this year. Autumn colors in
tloweri and foliage made, a gay
background tor the social evening.
Hostesses were: Mrs. Alice Fish
er; Mrs. Cornelius .Bateson. Mrs.
Mary Pecke Coot, of Silverton,
Mrs. Leo Kafoury.- Mrs. Paul Al
len. Elaine CTwr of Silverton.
Claudifte Girth," Helen Moore,
Gladys Miller, Helen Kafoury,
Irene Breithaupt.
The invited guest list Included
the new members of the sorority
house this year: Marjorie Dror
baugh, Barbara Barham. Roberta
Varley. Mary Margaret White
Grace SatChwell. Ruth Schreiben
Dorothe Shepherd, Florence Long.
Jeanne Forrest. Geneva Breithaupt
and Isobel Tear.
Salem Matrons
Guests in Portland -
Mrs. Juliet Bingner of Portland
was guest of honor at a one
o'clock luncheon given at tbe
home of her daughter, Mrs. C. H.
Fisher. The invited guests were
Mrs. C. Thommaseene of Port
land, Mrs. A. L. Linbeck. Mrs.
Frank Farmer, Mrs. Isobel Fawk,
Mrs. Will Knower. Mrs. C B. Asb
by, Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. James
Smart. Mrs. L. D. Gibson, Mrs. V.
L. Gibson and Mrs. Cash Roberts.
The Mothers' club ot the St. "Vin
cent de Paul parrlsh met Thurs
day and decided in a regular
business meeting to sponsor -a ba
zaar, October 26. It was also an
nounced from this meeting that
there will be a business and social
meeting ot the club at the parish
hall Monday at which time there
will be an election of officers for
the coming year after which sew
ing will be the order of the after
Bulbs Now
rVV Dos.
Clara Butt, Pink Me
Farweombe Sanders.
Red T5c
Pride of Haarlem,
Inglescanibe, Yellow.COc
Princess Elizabeth,
Pink 75c
Ellen WHmott,
Primrose ?Oc
many of the new and mote rare
Fer. Di
Klopstok, Ulac SI. 00
Pink Pearf. very laspre 2.50
Butterfly,. Lllic Blue.. .00
Trince of Qrange,
Oranga) Sitrlef ... 1.50
Annie JlcGreg6r Rose
Scarlet 2.0O
Definite in wear, in looks,
in beautiful styles here for