The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 17, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    LocalTSfews Briefej
Young Fletcher Hurt Word
that Norman Fletcher, former
Salem boy now living with his
mother at Tangent, is Improving
slightly from Injuries sustained
to his hip In an accident
Accident $erioas Jem Hunt of
Salem either drove his automobile
off the pavement or something else
went vrronp. near Aurora "Wednes
day night. Hunt was unable to ac
connt for the mishaD. He states
last 1 tn&t he thinks it was a fault of
' V. v tf I mm
Saturday afternoon wa3 brought 1 1"" ' S
' A . .from considerable soreness along
by Ms aunt. Miss Ethel Fletcher, hig right &5de anJ hi3 tcad Jg
who risited him at Tangent yes- bandaged. His ehl-le was practic
terday. Norman was struck and alv a new one Following the d
k nocked to the pavement by the viation from the highwar, the car
C. P. Bishop car. driven oy me ; headed for a teleh.nA rni tho,
chauffeur. The boy was walking
along the road, the Bishop car
passing a truck on the highway
when the accident occurred. He
has been unable to walk since
the accident, although no bones
are broken. Norman has been
going to high school in Tangent.
Rummage Sale Special bar
gains men's clothes. Thurs.. Fri..
Sat. this week. Corner Ferry and
High sts. Daughters of Veterans.
Owns Falls Lund D. E. Get
ter was In the city yesterday to
confer with the county court rel
ative to announcement of the pre
vious day that 260 acres of land
In the SUrer Creek Falls area
had been, withdrawn from use by
the government. . First -statements
of the press alarmed- him.
for he believed be owned land
which the stories said was with
drawn. Sure enough, he does. He
has hundred acre plot In the
Silver Falls area which takes in
the South Creek FallB, the only
falls on that branch of the creek.
The Evergreen Miniature Golf
course at 557 Court street, will
- reopen Saturday, Oct. 18th. after
being closed for several days for
alterations. Many improvements
have been made and Saturday a
new price scale of 36 holes of
golf for 25c will go into effect.
Truck no Good Alleging that
the truck he bought from the F.
W. Pettyjohn company wasn't
what it was said to be, Joe Humf
lett yesteday filed complaint in
circuit court for return of the
money, totaling $337.50, which he
put into the deal. Humflett says
in his complaint he returned the
truck and demanded his money
back as soon as he found out what
it was like.
Vinegar apples wanted. Gidt-on
Stolz Co.
Long Run Yet T h e rock
crusher at Silverton has about
three more weeks of grinding
ahead of it. according to the
county roadmaster who was at
the plant Thursday. Most of this
rock will be placed on the mar
ket road between Silverton and
Sublimity, with the finer rock to
be used- as topping on roads in
that district. Charley Hoyt is in
charge of the crusher.
School FIT j The fir At the
Chemawa Indian school Thm-day,
smoke of which caused Salem resi
dents to fear a conflagration was
under way, was purposely set by
caretakers to get rid of oil seep
age from the pipe line to the pow
er house.
Meier Mass Meeting. Come and
bring your friends at the Armory,
8 xa. tonight. Hear Homer T.
Bone and Mrs. Alexander Thomp
son, Mrs. Hollie .Parrish Hinges
will 6irg.
Worth $460.50 Estate o f
Fred Schlag has been appraised
at $49.50 by C. W. Pugh, T.
Stolk and George "Sargeant. Car
olina Schlag. administratrix, has
been granted order to sell per
sonal property in the estate.
Case Continued The case
against W. A. Salisbury, charged
with attempted defrauding of an
innkeeper, was continued yester
day in justice court. He was re
leased on his own recognixance.
A hotel keeper in Elkhorn signed
the complaint.
Scott Released Bert Scott
was released and his case contin
ued in justice court yesterday. He
is charged with larceny, by bailee
for the alleged theft of three
calves, belonging to ' farmer in
tne Scotts Mills di&Rttt,
Special price for canning alTI
"- iv. iw . 1- -
i utT. UlKUk lUUilUK IJCrjL ML lUe IV-
Saleui Visitor Edwin Soco!of-1cal postoffloe, left . by airplane
eli. general , secretary f the Y;
M. C. A. in King county. Washing
ton, was a visitor In Salem, yes
terday. His home is in Seattle.
Mr. Socolosfky directed the annual
Pacific coast men's and boys'
tour of the orient last summer.
Three local boys took the tour:
Frank Spears. Jr., William Dyer,
Jr., and Frank Cross.
Jewell to Speak Dean J. R.
Jewell of the school of vocation
al education at Oregon State col
lege, is to speak this noon to
the Salem Advertising club
which is to r.iet at the Gray
Belle. The club is now making
plans for the annual merchant's
forum which will be held before
the holUQrs. Talks will be made
on holiday window trimming,
merchandising and advertising.
impact throwing Hunt from the
machine. Russ Ambrose brought
Hunt back to Salem following the
Blind Corner Accident Because
C. H. Johnson. 1975 West Nob
Hill, could not see around the cor
ner at Commercial and Superior,
Wednesday at 5:3 5 p. m.. because
of a hedge which made it a blind
corner, his car was hit by the ve
hicle driven by D. F. Sanders.
Sanders was parked near the curb
and backed into the intersection.
No one was hurt.
Fresh caught salmon 15c lb.
Mrs. Velleda Ohmart Looks Back
On Most of Salem History; City
Now Includes her Pioneer Home
Graduated From Willamette University
When Waller Hall was new
from Portland Wednesday nlht
tor . ioa Angeie. wnere fie was
summone'd on account of serious
illness of Ms mother,
Bas Accident A street bus
ran into the vehicle driven by'C.
LTaeger, 849 South Cottage str- t,
at the corner of 19th and State
streets at 12:50 p. m. Thursday.
No damage or injuries were re-ported.
Obit uary
Dry planer wood for immediate
cifliverv. Tel. 1542. Fred E.
Wells Inc.
Hazel Green 50-25c.
New Members. Rev. H. C. Sto
ver and William R. "Bill' New-
I myer were introduced as new i
, members of the Lionj club at the
i Thursday luncheon meeting. The
1 men will be initiated at the next
: meeting. Kent Shoemaker, new
'state traffic thief, and Walter
Lansing, also of the state traffic
department, tutsts-, were also in
troduced. To rent see rental list of
Becke & Hendricks every day on
classified page of Statesman.
Gear Crippled Resulting Iron
an accident at State and Liberty
treets, the car driven by T. B.
Agsten. The Dalles, suffered a
! crippled steering gear Thursday.
I Olvin Boe, Salem, was the d. Iver
of the ear whi h did the damage,
according to Aersten. Bowe claims
:he had to dodge a third car and
! could not avoid the accident.
Mrs. Florence L. Cannon died
at the residence, 1498 North
Church street, October 16, aged
83 years; mother of Mrs. T. S.
MacKenzie of Salem and Arthur
Cannon of Fargo, N. D.; sister of
I Ira Johnson of Nebraska and
j Mrs. Horace Jones of Fargo;
alto survived by five grandchil
dren and one great grandchild.
Funeral services to be in charge
of Rev. Kantner. Announcements
later by Clough-Barrick company.
Many, many yeas ago, in 1846
to be exact, two men left St. Jo
seph, Missouri, with the beads of
their' two oxen and one saddle
pony, pointed toward the west
where rolled the. great Oregon.
These two adventurers were Joe
Waldo for whose family the "Val-
do hills were named, and Fabri
tns Smith whose life in and about
Salem has left a -decided stamp,
and who was the father of Mrs.
Velleda Ohmart, a delightfully
"young-old" lady who lives in the
great square white house to the
left of the Pacific highway south
of alem almost opposite from
the Richfield beacon. The house
is set on a hill and overlooks the
land that once was a donation
land claim purchased by Mr.
Smith from the original owner.
-1 Here Mrs. Ohmart has spent
most of the years since 1855, the
year of her birth, and lias watch
ed the donation claim become a
portion of a tity with at .present
more than 100 families living on
it. It is bounded on the west
by 12th street, the north by Mc
Gilchrin street, fcto the south
Pringle Creek, and with-the. ex
tension .of South Cpmmercial
street, which becomes the Pacific
highway outside the city limits,
cutting through the west edge.
Once upon a time there was a
real foYest strip which extended
between the hill upon which the
square house now stands, and the
few scattered buildings that was
Salem when Mrs. Ohmart was a
small girl.
Mrs. Ohmart graduated from
Willamette university in 1873.
Just at this time of year when
the schools are getting into full
swing under the present modern
conveniences" it is interestinK
to chat with Mrs. Ohmart and
learn from her quick spoken sen
tences which are sparkling with
keen reminiscences of those early
days when Willamette was the
"institute' and all erades from
the primary throusrh the unh-er-
alst In the celebration. Mr. Ob
mart died In 1921 and bow Mrs.
Ohmart Is carrying on In the most
businesslike and sturdy manner,
keeping excellent track of all that
Ees on. about the "farm," and al
so entertaining and going out
with as much alacrity and ease as
many a much younger person.
In fact Mrs. Ohmart seems to
have seen Salem grow and kept
youthful with its growth. The
years bare passed but they, bave
built strength instead of ereadrg
weakness, and have developed
store of fascinating memories,
and have sharpened an iEterei-l
outlook on the world.
Dinner Planned The member
shin dinner of the Salem Y. W. C.
A. will be held at the Y. M. C. A. j far Vp?et Foliee reports show
Monday evenin, October 27. at C ; tbat an automobile driven by N.
o'clock. Members of the Girl Re- g. Wolfer, 1955 North Fifth street,
serves and Encinitis clubs will i turned over on its side after it
take part. Rev. Grover C. Birtchet, j was struck by a machine by Mrs.
pastor of the Presbyterian church, i ester Mi-Ilwain, 1095 Shipping
vill be the speaker. Theme for ; street, at Norway and Fifth. Wolf-
the dinner will be "World Fellow- er 6ayg that she failed to see tl 3
i . .. ... x t i
Mrs. Ettie Chapman died at
the residence 1272 State street
October 16, aged 68 years; wife
of Oliver A.; mother of Mrs. C.
E. Spangler of Hadlock, Wash.,
R. F. Chapman of Walla Walla,
Wash., Mrs. Noble Ponte, Mrs.
C. L. McLin and Lloyd P. Chap
man all of Salem; a!&e survived
by 10 grandchildren. Funeral
announcements latef by Clough
Barrick company.
Dollar dinner every night 5:45
to 8 at the Marion hotel.
Hit From Rear When he slow
ed up for a curve on the road near
Rosedale. F. A. Winslow's. car was
struck from the rear by a ma
chine bearing license 29-337, he
reported to the sheriff. W. R.
Daugherf of Brooks reported an
accident involving a truck and
trailer of the Portland-Corvallls
Auto Truck line.
Card of Thanks We wish to
extend our heartfelt thanks and
appreciation to the many friends
and organizations for their sym
pathy and beautiful floral tri
butes. Mrs. Pearl Bonney. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Bonney and fam
ily. Motion to Strike Motion to
strike cross complaint of Anna
and Bertha Luthy in the circuit
court suit brought against them
by Claude A. Johnson will be ar
gued in Judge Hill's department
of court Tuesday, October 21, at
9 o'clock.
Fresh caught salmon 15c
Special prices for canning
this week. Midget Market.
Club Celebrates Latin club
members at the high school held
a party Wednesday afternoon to
celebrate the 2000th birthday of
Vergil and presented a program
based on life and writing of the
poet. A birthday cake was fea
ture of the reception following
the program.
Rummage Sale. Sat. 118 S. High.
Degree of Honor.
Inspects Bridge The county
roadmaster, Frank Johnson, was
at Wheatland yesterday to In
spect a bridge which was report
ed to be in need of repairs. He
found Installation of two planks
to be all that Is necessary to pat
the structure In shape.
Dance Sat. Hazel Green S 0-2 5 c.
Appoint Guardian First Na
tional Bank has been appointed
guardian of the person and es
tate of George I. Whitesell, an
insane person, and Arthur W.
Bmtthers, Clark Jackson and K.
C. Gearin have been named ap
praisers. Fresh caught salmon 15c lb.
Special prices for canning all
this week. Midret Market.
Account Filed Final account
In the. estate of J. McD.'Headrick
has been filed., by Margaret E.
Head rick, administratrix, and
shows a balance on hand of 14.
043.40. Final bearing In the estate
has been set for November 15,
Heirs to Appear Heirs In the
estate of Emily W. Jeffries have
been ordered to apnear before the
court Tuesday, December 2, to de
termine why petition to sell prop
erty belonging to the estate should
nttipr machine until it was hair
way through the intersection.
Old time dance Yew Park every
Friday night. New management.
Ladies 25c. Gents 50c. Come!
Fndergoes Operation Mrs. G.
G. Looney of Hazel Green who
underwent a major operation at
the Good Samaritan hospital in
Portland Thursday morning is
reported as being as well as
could be expected considering
the critical nature of the cele
bration. Quarterly Meet The Castle
United Brethren church will hold
Its first quarterly conference of
the season at the church tonight,
beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Rev.
Morris Goodrich of Philomath,
district leader, will be in charge,
reports the pastor, Rev. L. W.
Shoe Shining for Ladies and
Gentlemen. Stage Terminal. Da
vid E. Hadnot, Sr.
Sponsor Show Lions club, at
its session yesterday noon, was
asked to support the picture
show which the Business and
Professional Woman's club is
sponsoring at the Elsinore Octo
ber 24 and 25. Winnie fetty-
iohn anneared before the Lions
for the women's club.
Non-Support Charced Alfred I
Easter was lodged in the county j
jail yesterday after a preliminary
hearing' on charge of non-support.
He has a wife and four children
and makes his home near Browns
ville. He is to hare a formal hear
ing in Justice court this morning.
Meier Mass Meeting. Come and
bring your friends at the Armory,
8 p.m. tonight. Hear Homer T.
Bone and Mrs. Alexander Thomp
son. Mrs. Howie rarnsn Hinges
will sing.
Osborne's Bail 95000 Ted
Osborne was held In Jail yester
day after a preliminary hearing
ia Justice court on the charge of
manufacturing intoxicating li
quor. His bail was set at $500
and he was unable to furnish it.
Sale Confirmed Order con
firming sale has been .made in
the case of. Investors' Syndicate
against Ivy F. Anderson and oth
Chandler A. Emmons died at
the residence of his son. 1780
Court street, October 15, aged
81 years; husband of Sarah E.;
father of Orrin W. of Salem,
Clarence M. of Omaha, Neb., Mrs.
Clara E. WIese of Brookings, S.
D., Mrs. C. J. Nehls of Aurora,
111. Funeral services Saturday,
October 18, at 1 p. m. from the
W. T. Rigdon and Son chapel,
Rev. B. Earle Parker officiat
ing. The body to be forwarded to
Manning, Iowa, for Interment.
Nellie G. Baldwin died at the
residence, 2450 West Nobhill
street, October 14, aged 68 years;
wife of Annon; mother of Mrs.
Esther Ritchey of Salem; sister
of J. A. King of Wisconsin, and
grandmother of Mavln and Gor
don Ritchey of Salem. Funeral
services Friday, October 17, at 3
p. m. from the chapel of W. JT,
Rigdon and Son, Rev. C. C. Ha-
worth officiating. Interment City
View cemetery.
Lulu Dingee died at the resi
dence, 21st and Market street.
Wednesday. October 15, aged 7,9
years; wife of Samuel; mother
of Mrs. Bessie Crocker of Dos
Angeles, Calif.; grandmother of
Marjory and Barbara Crocker
Funeral services Friday, October
17, at 1:30 p. m, from the cha
pel of W. T. Rigdon and Son,
Rev. B. Earle Parker officiating.
Interment City View cemetery.
Skids Into Stage William Rob
erts of Gladstone skidded into the
rear of a Pacific Greyhound bus
yesterday as it stopped to cross a
railroad track north of town, ac
cording to report yesterday to the
High School Swim Fetrining
swimmers will meet with Bob
Boardman. physical director at e
Y. M. C. A., in five periods
throughout the day. The swim
mers will be high sf'ooi Loys.
Bicycle Recovered Robert Hu- ,
bert reported to police Thursday
that he found his bieycle. stol.a
earlier In the week, in a yard on ;
North Commercial street.
Meier Mass Meeting. Come and j
bring your friends at the Armory,
8 p.m. tonight. Hear H'-rner T. i
Bone and Mrs. Alexander Thomp- j
son. Mrs. Hollie Parrish
will sing.
Inebriate Fined Arretted at
6 p. m., Wednesday, for intoxica- .
tion, Albert Muzzy, Salem, was re
leased Thursday after paying a
fine of $10.
Basketball Meet Officials from
the Commercial an Industrial
basketball leagues will meet to
night at the Y. M. C. A., at 8:00 .
o'clock to discuss plans. j
Fisher on Trlp Earl L. Fish- j
er, state tax commissioner, left !
last night on a business trip to j
Kansas City. He will attend the
national tax convention. :
sity courses were taught there.
The president was T. M. Gatch
and there were actually four
teachers at that time. Today there
are many times that number, an I
there is a $1,740,000 endowment
and there is an administration
building, a mnslc hall, a gymna
sium, a labrary and chapel, a sci
ence building, and a beautiful
dormitory Quite a change from
the old days.
The institute burned while Mrs.
Ohmart was attending school and
she well remembers the construc
tion of Waller hall which took its
place. It was necessary to have
one commencement In Waller hall
before the building was complet
ed. Recalls Graduation
Of the class from which Mrs.
Ohmart graduated there are only
three living. Mrs. Charles Moore,
LaDrue Royal, and Mrs. Ohmart.
Fourteen graduated on that grad
uation day way back in 1873 and
they each read an original essay.
Mrs. Ohmart wrote on the subject
of "Historic Nights," .and she can
very easily tell you the gist of
what she wrote about, even as
Lshe talks about each member of
the class and tells little jokes and
friendly things 6f interest about
Mrs. Ohmart graduated from
Willamette when she was 18
years old. When she was 20 years
old her mother died and for two
years it was Mrs. Ohmart who
kept the home for her father.
Then came Mr. Ohmart and ro
mance developed a wedding. That
was when Mrs. Ohmart was 22
years old. For a short time she
and Mr. Ohmart made their home
on what is now the Clifford
Brown home on Mission street,
then they moved back to the old
Smith home and for all butaa
few months Mrs. Ohmart has
spent her life there.
"I've been a farmer's wife and
lived n a farm all my life," laugh
ed Mrs. Ohmart. And what a
successfully happy life 6he has
made of it!
In 1927 Mr. and Mrs. Ohmart
celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary. Their four chil
dren, Roy, Reynolds, Chauncy and
Lois Ohmart were all there to as-
fLT QVoie: u
Wool-Filled Genuine
Size 70x80 double
m it s me o
f I. iSfcS- 'fm JrfB. (Today main floor)
Now is the time to buy really good blankets. These
genuine BEACON wool filled, double comfort blan
kets are soft and downy and warm, Just what you
would expect of a high grade bed cover.
Pretty pastel colors in plain or plaid in such delec
table shade as peach, orchid, apple green, rose
pink, sunshine, and blue or tan. Wide sateen b!nd-
Portland License
cense was issued in
-Marriage li
Portland on
Thursday to Arlie D. ETiiff, Ma
lin, and Ruth R. Pettit, Salem,
both of legal age.
Tire Stolen G. A. Coffey, 350
Lincoln street, reports to the po
lice that" a tire was stolen Thurs
day from his parked machine.
Many out for Band Twenty
five boys enrolled for the Che
mawa band at the first call for
volunteers this fall.
Mies Demurrer Fred M. Bock
fand wife have filed demurrer to
the suit brought against them by
Ray Maxfield in circuit court here.
Elbert N. "Bert" Tracy died at
the residence, 1170 Market
street, October 15, aged 58
years; husband of Estella; fath
er of Ralph S., Mrs. Lou Prot
teau of San Carols, Calif., Mrs.
William P. Hohman of Balti
more, Md., and Mrs. Walter Snow
of San Francisco. Calif.; son of
G. H. Tracy of West Salem;
brother of J. C. Tracy of Dallas
and Ferris of Glendale, Calif.,
Mrs. Howard Parker of Tacoma,
Wash., and Mrs. A. J. Wieser of
Salem; nephew of Rev. J. D.
O'Dell of Hlllcrest. Funeral an
nouncements later by W. T. Rig
don and Son.
' -
Dr. Oua Xxa Cht
bni Medietas 180
K. CrauMTdal St-,
Salem. Office vm
Tocsdtr' 1 to 7 )&
ittnur, n u 7
' A xmrEXAx, bibectobs
Ou Srvk Is PetMoal
Oar Price An Keiscutl
(to Bom to Mqdw
Licensed Lf4y Eaitalmr
OU 2193, Used Fnrnitnre
1S1 N. High
Come and get your cabbage
for kraut now '
West Stayton
City View Cemetery
Established 1803 l Tel. 1206
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
. Jut tea naiantee from tho,
heart of tows
this week end only
y2'b 20c
One lb. 32c
Two lbs. for 60e
185 N. Commercial ,
Phone 197 '
The original Yellow Front
Candy Special Store of Salem
Fen&lar Agency
Going Out oi the Credit Business !
Every 37 to 55 Two-Pants SUIT Now 21
Every 37 50 to 55 O V E R C O A T Now $21
Every 65, 75 85 SUIT Now 31
Every 65, 75, OVERCOAT Now 31
Every 5 - 6 50 HAT 2 95 1 8 50 -9 10 HATS U 95
SILK SCARFS, 2:50 Values, Now P9
Gillman Brand and
Admiration Clothes
Every 1-9S -9 2-6S SHIRT F9 1 9 3S0 - 4 SHIRTS 'I89
Every 1 50 - 2 S0TIE 89c Every 3 50 - 4TIE 1 39
- - - -
456 State Street
not be granted, .