- The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon,- Thnrsday Morning. October 16, 1930 PAGE THREE Curb Accidents An unknown 1 triver backed from the curb on Commercial street, Tuesday, the rear tender and causing con siderable, damage to the aatomo bile diven by E. Moore, 1254 Huge street. A similar accident happened Wednesday at 12: 5 on Knrth Panttnl WliMt the ear drlY- en b7 J. M. Cross, 1140 Madison, struck the left front wheel of the Tehlcle driven by M. J. Ryan, 2tt North Capitol; the latter failed to signal as he left the ,curb. Enrolling tonight, a number who are planning to begin work in the Capital Business college night school at the opening were not able to enroll last Monday night but will do so tonight. Those interested In beginning short hand should enter this class as another will not be started before January. It pays ti Imnrnfi mrrm tint a 4t atnilv Collision Reported In report of an accident which occurred Tuesday on the. Liberty road, Mathilda . Oakman, Salem, route three, says her car struck D. C. Bloom's track when he stopped without signalling and that all damage was to her 'car. Bloom, In bis version of the report,' says he stopped to, pick up a man and signalled 200 feet ahead and that the road -la front, of him -was clear at the time so the other mmm .Aiil 1 lvawj. ai J 11m . FOR ONLY $1 The most rea sonable protection against traffic accidents 1 the 11 policy sold at cost by The Statesman. Ton cannot afford to be without one! Divorce Granted Charles H. Campbell was yesterday granted dirorce from , Mildred K. Camn- bell, and she was giren custody of their minor child, according to decree signed by Circuit Judge Hill. He is ordered to pay $15 for three periods and then 10 every two weeks for support of the child. They were married in Colorado in 1925. Campbell charged cruel and inhuman treat ment. Rummage Sale Special bar gains men's clothes. Thurs., Fri., Sat. this week. Corner Ferry and High sts. Daughters of Veterans, .Trestle Finished -The Lake Labish bridge has been com pleted, except for painting and tarring which will not be done until next spring, reports the county roadmaster. The bridge is closed to traffic on the short sec tion which has been giving trou ble on account of sinking of the fill over beaver dam land. This will not be opened until spring, despite the fact that the fill has not sunk much since the crew quit pouring gravel into it. Catting off Corner The coun ty road department has a shovel busy at the corner near the Kil lan bridge on the boys' training school road cutting away to make a 28 degree curve at this corner. The cut is being made because of quicksand at the side of the road which fills the ditch and makes drainage a problem daring the winter and spring. A. big cut Is being made to take care of this condition. FOR ONLY $1 The most rea sonable protection against traffic accidents is the $1 policy sold at cost by The Statesman. Ton cannot afford to be without one! Meeting Postponed Regular monthly meeting ' of the county health unit executive committee, cheduled for last night was post poned until this evening. The com mittee win meet at me saiem health center at 7:30 o'clock for transaction of routine matters and discussion of the budget. Report Accident Report of ac cident September 27 which result ed in death of L. J. Sharp of Hub bard, was filed yesterday with the sheriff by J. Fisher of Hubbard. Sharp died on his way to the hos pital following the collision, caus ed, according to Fisher's report, by his machine skidding on slip pery pavement. . Three car Crash L. C. Cre- son, 2278 Hyde street, was park ed at the curb near Capitol and Marion streets, 12:45 p.m. Wed nesday. M. J. Ryan, 24 North Capitol parked and skidded into the rehicle occupied by J, M. Gross, 1140 Madison street, driv lng It forward into the rear of Creson a car. Blarstfcrs HI H. L. Marsters. local realtor, has been confined to his .home for the last week with an attack of influenza.. Driveway Accident No one was hurt in the eolUslonat Baker and Madison' streets, 5:10 p.m., Tuesday between . can of A. R. Tartar. Garden Road, and' Earl rtedler, Salem Heights, when the Tartar machine was stuck when the latter drove from the drive way behind Oregon Linen Mills. Vinegar apples wanted. Gideon Stols Co. Stalls rd Here Again H. H. Stallard, whose repeated open air, political rallies resulted last spring In his serving a Jail sen tence here, ' has booked himself for another appearance here Oc- Attachment Made The . coun tober 20. Stallard, in informing ty clerk has received return on the press of his coming, says he -an' attachment against the Tom will speak Monday night, October . Thumb Golf company in suit 20, at 7 p. m. He has ehosen the brought by the Trent Realty corn- corner of State and Liberty pany. showing that a sum held In street as a spot from which address bis audience. to the United States National bank here had been garnisheed. Hear John A. Laicg tonight over KEX. 8:45, subject: Why Every Citizen Should Vote 325x No Affalnat Pnrtr Tltrt fnn- stitutional Amendment. Pd. Adv. aminattons for the seventh grade Dollar dinner every night 5:45 to 8 at the Marlon hotel. Finish at Leslie Physical ex,- Utillty Taxpayers Committee, H. L. Walther, manager, 20C Sixth .St.. Pnrtlanil Health Report Report of the state .department of health on communicable diseases shows I school. there were eight cases, exclusive of three in the state tuberculosis hospital, reported tor Marlon county last week. Three each of whooping cough and pneumonia were reported and one each of chlckenpox and mumps. ' Twenty one cases of measles and -20 of pneumonia led the list for the state ' pupils and newcomers at Leslie junior high school were complet ed Wednesday by the school nurses and health unit physi cians, and work will be started License Suspended .For driv ing on the O. E. XL R. tracks be tween Broadway and Cherry early this week, the license for driving for .Virgil Harrison, 888 North Commercial street, baa been sus pended for 30 days. - Fresh caught- salmon lie lb. Special prices for canning all this week. Midget Market. Curb- Crash - The vehicle driv en by Charles L. Young, Sher wood, Oregon, was sftruck and thrown onto 'the enrb at 4th and Market streets, 4 p.m., Wednes day, by the.automohile driven by M. A. Rataexjk, of Salem. Hears Arguments Judge Gale S. Hill heard arguments yesterday in the case of Portland Van and Storage company against Hoss as secretary of state. The parties will submit briefs. Fresh caught salmon 15c lb, Special prices forx canning all this week. Midget Market. Pistol Returned H. L. Avery today In the Parrlsh Junior high reports that the pistol which was stolen from his car in the West . .x , , I Salem auto camp was -returned to Fresh caught salmon 15c lb. t .. nT.. r.u.. t.n. tMV wv mm. .tir .1 everyone was away. It was report this week. Midget Market. I i, ... -Dismissed J. A. Eberth, ar rested October ror'speedlng, was released Wednesday. FOR ONLY $1 -The most rea- Bomps Rear of Car Car driv en by Lewis Robinson skidded and hit J. Walter Brown's ear la the rear as the latter wag turning In an Intersection at Murray's service station at Pine Tree cor ner;- according to Brown's report School Visited Schools at Jefferson and Turner , were vis ited yesterday by Mrs. Mary X Fulkerson, eounty school superintendent. BoUains Permit E. T. Adair was issued a permit, Wednesday, to erect a garage at an estimated cost of 8100 at 888 North Li berty street. Portfolio Stolen J. W. Muel ler, Senator Hotel, reports the theft of his business - portfolio from .his ear in front of the hotel. Tuesday. To rent see rental list of Becke ft Hendricks every day on classified page of Statesman. Toll Bridge at Arlington Plan Of Association Construction of a toll bridge across the Columbia river be tween Arlington, Ore., and a point near Roosevelt, Wash., is propos ed by the Oregon-Washington bridge association in articles tiled In the state corporation depart ment here today. Incorporators are L. L. Monta gue, A. 8. Hillyer and P. N, Shown. The capital stock la 12000. Gaston Gets Tag; Writes ToAlphdnse It isn't often that as polite a letter as was received by the city recorder as was Wednesday morning. C. B. MeCullough, bridge engineer tor ths Oregon state highway commission wrote as follows: "Herewith check for 81 as per our v telephone conversation. I got the tag on August 18, but received no tag on July 31, and 1 dont believe I was tagged. "Please send me a receipt on the very beet quality of paper which you have as I would like to have it framed. Yours very truly, C. B. MeCullough (signed)." His reply read "Your valued favor of the 14 th Instant was re ceived this morning. Sorry I cannot send you a receipt print ed on really first class paper. jsviaenuy tnese receipts were not made with the thought that they would ' ever be framed and so taey are printed on paper that is anything but first class Thanking you again, I remain. Yours ' truly, Mary Poulsen, Re cord er.' Pardon Board to Meet Today; 15 Applications up The newly organized state ad visory pardon board will meet here today to consider 15 applica tions for pardon from the state penitentiary. These were referr ed to the board by Governor-Nor-blad. Rules that apply to applications for parole will govern pardon ap plications. ' All arguments for and against granting a pardon shall be filed in writing, accord ing to a rule adopted by the board. The board will meet monthly. .-. Ask Permit for Power Project In Lane County The Cascade Utilities company, with , headquarters at Oakrldge, Lane county, Wednesday filed ap plication in the offices of the state engineer here for permission to appropriate 65 second feet of water from Salt Creek, a tibutary of the Willamette river, for the derelopment of 400 horsepower. The main ditch and flume will be 4200 feet in length., with' a dam 2 feet high, SO feet long on top and 100 feet long at the bot tom. The fall was estimated at 70 feet. The cost of the project was fix ed at 35,000. It is the purpose of the company to generate power for an electric light plant. Appropriations Will be Sought i Members of the state emergen cy board hare been called to meet in Salem Friday morning to con sider requests for deficiency ap propriations filed by the Oregon state penitentiary and other insti tutions. The penitentiary probably will ask for approximately 315,000, Total deficiency appropriations to be requested will exceed $50,000. Lad Ordered to Training School Governor Norblad Wednesday issued an order transferring John Hutchinson, 18, under peniten tiary sentence for larceny in Un ion county, to the state training school for boys. The transfer was recommended by the district at torney of Union eounty and other officials. son able- protection against traffic, to the sheriff. The Incident oc- aeddents is the $1 -policy sold at I eurred October 14. cost .bv The - Statesman.. .Yon J.-' cannot, afford to h without nne' I Bualaese Man . Here William '. "". J. White, a representative, of the Bail Forfeited Two men .ar- sales department ol the Crown rested by local police earlier in Willamette Paper company, was the month forfeited ball Wednes- a business visitor la Salem . yes- oay oi z.w apiece, 'iney are 1. 1 leraay. Earl Alexander, 141 East zznd street, Portland, who failed to 1 stop on October 11; and Melville Zimmerman, Vancouver, Washing ton, who had defective brakes. Motion to Strike Motion to strike parts of answer filed in the case was made yesterday In suit of Parker Stage Lines vs. John K. Leander company. Obit uary Din gee Lulu Dingee died at the resi dence, 21st and Market street, Wednesday, October 15, aged 79 years: wife of Samuel; mother of Mrs. Bessie 'Crocker of Los Angeles, Calif.; grandmother of Marjory., and Barbara Crocker. Funeral services Friday. Octo ber 17. at 1:30 p. m. from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Son, Rev. B. Earle . Parker officiat ing. Interment City View ceme tery. - Tracy Elbert N. "Bert" Tracy died at the residence, 1170 Market street, October 15, aged 58 years; husband of Esteua; fath er of Ralph S., Mrs. Lou Prot- teau of San Carlos, Calif., Mrs. William P. Hohman of Balti more Md., and Mrs. Walter Snow of San Francisco, Calif.; son of G. H. Tracy of West Sa lem: brother of J. C. Tracy of Dallas and Ferris of Glendale, Calif.. Mrs. Howard Parker of Tacoma. Wash., and Mrs. A. J. Wieser of Salem; nephew or Rev. J. D. O'Dell of Hillcrest. Funeral announcements later by W. T. Rigdon and Son. SchaeferV Throat I and Lung Balsam for the treatment of COUGHS Bronchial Affeetlons, Whoop ing Cough, : smokers' Throat (Smokeritls). Free from narcotics, coal tar synthetics and any other in jurious drugs. at ScHaefer's : Drug Store ISA If. Commercial 1 - ; Phone 107 J . The original yellow front can dy special store of Salem " V' Penslar Agency Title Quieted Suit to quiet title was filed in circuit court yesterday by Arthur Tueker and wife against the unknown heirs of George Shirts, and others. Ballots Coming Sample bal lots for some of the precincts in the county are coming into the county clerk's office this - week, and will be sent out to the dis tricts shortly. In Rand District W. W. Fox, rural school supervisor and coun ty club leader, spent Wednesday i at the schools in the Silver Creek Falls district. Rummage sale Bligh Bldg. on High St., Fri. ft Sat. St, Paul's Episcopal Guild. From Liberty Fred Scott of the Liberty district was a business caller Wednesday at the office of the county school superintendent. Dance Sat Hazel Green 50-25c Demurrers Filed P. H. Seelv and Irma Seely have filed demur-1 rers in the suit brought against I them and others by Arthur Pfaf-finger. Book Man Here A. E. Shu- mater, with the Ginn and company book concern, was in the cltv yes terday from Portland. Default Order Circuit Judge Hill yesterday signed default or der in the divorce case of Doro thy Reynolds Foulkea against Fred W. Foulkes. Bptsford Elva Botsford died at the res idence of her .daughter, 432 South High street, October 14, aged 8 years; mother of Mrs. S. Butler of Salem, Miss Irma Botsford of Honolulu, Hawaii; sister of Mrs. Delia Staten of Hale. Mo. Funeral services Thursday, October 16. at 3 p. m. from the chapel of W. T. Rig don and Son. Interment Mount Crest mausoleum. 1 Sr. Ohma X$mm CM BtM Madidna. ll V. Com martial St, Silcm. Offlcs hears TtMsday 1 t 7 A Sataraay, 11 T P-- SAUERKRAUT Come and get your cabbage for kraut now ED CLARK West Stayton Baldwin Nellie G. Baldwin died at the residence. 2450 West Nobhill street, October 14, aged C8 years; wife of Annon; mother of Mrs. Esther Rltchey of Salem; sister of J. A. King of Wiscon sin, and grandmother of Marvin and Gordon Rltchey of Salem. Funeral services Friday, October 17, at 3 p. m. from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Son, Rev. C. C. Haworth officiating. In terment City View cemetery. PILES CORED Wium epsrattsa et teas et ssaa DR. MARSHALL Sit Oregon Hdg. TERW LL'GER'S rUWEMAJ. STKBCTOBS 770 CHEKKKZTA Oar Barries Is rsrsoaal Oar rtleas Aia maaaoaakle 0r Em I Maaan UcaaMt Lady Znkalmr City View Cemetery Established 1893 Tel. 12M - Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided for - ' Prices Reasonable INVALID CHAIRS to RENT Oil 2103, Used Furniture Department 151 If. High Plana Tf Jttt ' Prl S303 JjpCllIX Madanuly A Park Cemetery : with perpetual care Just tea nalnatea front the heart of town SssaotilstlsX . tuns r. tastes. c - : Jo'VJ1, A "Sfc. " "I A" , v S 4 v X f (..V-X-Sjl'" -Nia-:XK!iSii 1 .'' 1 w 's v ' Law; .- ' '-akisS:?s:-: X , " sw l - v t I IVVV!' V' - - , f aWJ - '4 r-Jr-K I V J ' -, vi .-J ' i v h JT-'" & - - V; ' i . J t " " , , jf ' f t -'; J': ;;' ( - of- 7 - X "sc: - . - OUR. fire proof bur glar proof vaults are the place for your valuables.' Rent a safe : deposit .: box In t our - warehouse and get : a real good night's sleep Beautiful an d charming! It's an added special quality that makes the Jbeauty of a pretty girl. But she's a natural favorite to begin with. 'And lor the same reason Camels are favorites with the modern crowd Scientific principles govern their manufacture; but the mildness, the fragrance, the delicate flavor are natural qualities of the tobacco. There's enjoyment in the smoking of a Camel. Camels go with happy faces . a lift of spirits withthe opening of every fresh, fragrant pack. For Camel's delightful mildness holds all the natural goodness of choicest tobaccos. Don't confuse it with the flatness or insipidness of "over-treated" cigarettes. IMELS -EASY TO LISTEN TO" CAMEL PLEASURE HOUR Wednesday eveaiage m N.B.C Psofie -Coast aetwerk, KGO. KECA,KTAR,XFSD, KSL, KOA. KUQ, KOMO, KGW BHMLIImU' Tofcaaea Ck. Wlaalaa Sataaa N. C