: - -page six - - -' - . - . . . - ociety Oregon Federation B. &P. W. Plan Conference The second conference of the - Oregon Federation, Business and Processional Women's clubs will be held at Roseburg October IS. According to the program Just announced the state executive hoard will meet at 9 o'clock Sun day-morning with Miss Martha Gasch of Portland, state presi . dent nresidinr. This will be fol- - snwaRn nv mil ii n lanm ii i wuHHiuni led by the state committee chair man. v 1he group will attend church - la a body and at noon will meet for. luncheon at Indian grill room of Umpqua hotel. Music will be in charge of Mae Ross Walker, state song leader. Greetings from m-nvseuwrg ciuu win ins fiiru by, Mrs. Edith Falbe, president of the Boseburg club. . The principal address of the day. will be. given by Miss Gasch who will outline elub plans for ma year, staie ui liters uu com mittee chairman will be introdu ced and the meeting will close with an open forum discussion of problems of general interest. Mrs. Maaaiene uauin, eauor of Oregon Business Woman and Mies Clara McNiei, business man ager for the magazine have al ready signified their intention of attending the meeting and it is probable that several other mem bers of the Salem club will de cide to go. Dolores Parker Is Complimented Mrs. Virgil Parker enterlaiued Thursday afternoon in compli ment to the tenth birthday of her daughter, Dolores Parker. The motif for the decorations and the games was Inspired by Hallowe'en. This idea was carried out in the lancheon table decorations with its favors and beautiful -birthday cake. Mrs. Parker was assisted in re ceiving and servin? by Mrs. Etfc elyn Thompson an Mrs. Robert Paulus. "? Guest invited ta compliment Miss Dolores were Florence Lew is, Margery Leper, Jeanette Gra ber, Patricia Scott. Mildred Sampson. Alene Douglar, Ber.iice Elgin, Gladys Van Lydegraf, Bar ney Benson, Marion Moore, Rober ta Paulus. Gervais Margaret Prantl had as dinner guests Sunday in honor of her 11th birthday Catherine and Betty Nossack. Agnes Doran and MrgiDia Lee Kelso. The girls had a very enjoyable time playing .mats during the afternoon and before leaving for their homes Mrs. Prantl served them with ice 'ream and cake. Pattern 2026 B ANNE ADAMS ' This little lady is sure of the th arm of her printed frock with Its collar, vestee and cuffs of olid color. Two pleats on each side of the dress give ample full ness for youthful activities, but are stitched down part way to bold them neatly in place. ! Pattern 2028 may be cut from any durable wash fabric pique, linen, shantung, broadcloth, dim ity, percale, rayon, etc. -The trim ming may be white or the out standing eolofof the printed de sign. Tiny pearl buttons trim the vestee. -1- May be obtained only in sizes t, 4, f and 8. Size 4 requires 2 1-8 yards of 3 inch material. No dressmaking experience is necessary to make, this model with our pattern. Yardage for ev ery size, and simple, exact in structions are given. , i itresaaakiug exprieac u iMMUrr to ak Itaii aa4el with -ear patter. Yartice fyr every iiC aad implt, xat imlm tloaa ir givaa. - . Send fifteea cents inline i re tally wrapped, er atampa far aeca patter. - Write pUialy jaue name, addreaa ana ityle d am ber. Be aare t ttat tiie wasted. - Oni aew fait and winter faahlaa ' book 'CwDtaiaiag exqnisite Bodeta for adclti aad cnildrea aad aa excellent aortaaent of traatier pattaraa aad atamped novel tie, la now ready. Price fifteea cull.' Book with pattern. S3 cents. Ad dress sit aiail and vrdert to Etatea- mi C Pattern Department. 241 Wttim a treat. Hew York City. V ' - News and Club :0uve M. 1)0AK, . I r -a ' . - z f s 4 7 , " 3r. and Mrs. M. L. Jones "open house" today between ., (T.V'aT--. v ! o'clock in compliment to their golden wedding, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jones near Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Jones harve spent their lives in and about Salem, most of the time being spent on their farm near Brooks Both are gradu ates of Willamette university, Mr. Jones with the class of 187 A and Mrs. Jones with the class of 1878.' Many guests are expected to-call during the afternoon and evening hours. Woman's Club has Meet Of Unusual Interest Friday Members of the Salem .... with a surprise visit from Mrs. to Salem unexpectedly Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Dunbar spoke briefly before the club members on the subject of the coming Red Cross seal sale which is being prepared now. In speaking of the work accomplished Mrs. Dunbar said that it was amazing the re-0 suits obtained from the use ' Mrs. F. L Waters of the money which is col- j preSents Students lected each year in the seal sale It accomplishes much relief in tuberculosis cases needing atten tion, and aids in getting people into a position where cures may he accomplished. j A suggestion, came from the I state chairman of the American j Homes division for the organiza tion of radio clubs which would J meet each Tuesday at 3 o'clock t to hear the lecture -which is to be released over KOAC on "parent and child relations". William H. Crawford, repre senting the utility taxpayers commissioji, spoke in an explan atory manner concerning the amendments to the state consti tution which will come np for consideration on the November ballot. Mrs. George H. Alden called particular attention to the study classes which meet -each Monday following t the Woman's club meeting. These Tlasses meet at 2 o'clock at the city library. Two hours are given over to current events- under the direction of Dr. F. O. Franklin and to a book re view given by Mrs. J. C. Nelson. All members are welcome to join these classes." Mrs. J. A. Bronson and Mrs. H. H. Vandevort were voted into the Woman's ' club as new mem bers at the Friday meeting. Mrs. Gladys Collins of Inde pendence, accompanied by Mrs. Clifton Mudd, gave a lovely mu- sloal prelude of Scotch songs for the talk n Scotland which com prised he main feature of the program. Prof. Morton E. Peck of WiU lamette university, was the speaker and illustrated his talk on Scotland with numerous ster eopticon slides of Edenburgh cas Me, St. Giles cathedral and other spots of historic interest. Prof. Peck ventured the ODinion that aside from Greece and Pales tine Scotland had contributed most to civilization." And he also suggested that the unfailing courtesy of the Scotch people made their country a most at tractive place in which to travel. Plana were also announced for the Hubbard convention of Mar ion county federation of clubs which will take place October 17. It is requested that all those planning to go from Salem no tify Mrs. David Wright in order that reservations may be made for the luncheon which will be given at noon at Hubbard Min eral springs. Delegates from Salem are Mrs. David Wright. Mrs. Harry Weid mer, ' Mrs. Walter Pennington, Mrs. Charles Galloway, and Mrs. Maude Pointer. Alternates are Mrs. C. K. Spaulding, Mrs., Mark McCaHister, Mrs.- A. L. Wallace and Mrs. C. A. Spragne. SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturday, October It ."Open House" at Ronald Jones home in couapll ment to golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Jones; hours 4 o'clock until 8 o'clock. .... . . Knights of Willamette Tent No. and Lediee -et Capitol Hive No. 99 of Maccabees, 8 o'clock. Fraternal temple; Great Commander Sherwood to speak. Formal Willamette university T. Wl C. A. and Y. M. C. A. reception Lausanne ball. 8 o'citk uaiil 1 o'clock; - Soctitjf Editor-. ' 'I S J who will receivelruests in an the$hours of four and eight Woman's club were delighted' . Sadie Orr-Dunbar who came Mrs. F. L. Waters presented a group of piano students Tuesday afternoon in an attractive recital followed by a tea at her home in Mornlngside. The students who appeared have only studied less than a year and this recital mark ed their first. Those appearing wre Delorea Letz, Charles Delzil!, Ruthella Amundson, Lois Bruce, and Thel ma Bruce. Following the recital numbers, Mrs. Kenneth Waters assisted Mrs. Waters in serving tea and a delightful social hou- was enjoy ed by the students and a group of invited friends. The guest rooms were attract ively arranged with dahlias in shades of pink and salmon pink. e e Bridge Afternoon Is Attractive Mrs. Elmer J.. Scellars enter tained with an Inform bridge af ternoon at her apartment in the Royal Court Friday afternoon. Fall flowers were effectively j used about the guest rooms I where bridge was in play until a llate hour.. Mrs. Flora Thomas, mother of Mrs. Scellars, assisted in serving at the tea hour. Guests wee Mrs. Willis Roughton. Mrs. Ray Hartman. Mrs J. Lyman Steed, Mrs. Fred Stump. Mrs. George Humphreys. Mrs. Howard Blake. Mrs. T. C. Wood, and Mrs. Fred Brock. - Silverton A.'iss Faye Sparks, and Mrs. F. E. Sylvester enter tained for Mrs. Clifford Rue at the Sylvester home Thursday eve ning. During the evening four ta bles of bridge were in play. Guests were Mrs. Rue. Mrs. Al bert Davis. Miss Blanche HuUbs, Miss Cathaleene Cuddy, ML33 Marie Ronningen, Miss Elain Clower, Mrs. Ray Thoman, Mrs. James Manning, Miss Helen Ellen son, Miss Olivia PeGuire, Mrs. Nora Ball, Mrs. George Hubbs, Mrs. Herman 'Kramer, Mrs. War ren Crabtree, Mrs. Robert Goetz, and Mrs. H. B. Wells. . . Gervais Miss Alice Prantl was given a party at her home Saturday night on the occasion of her 17th birthday. Cards and dancing provided entertainment, until refreshment time. Those present were Catherine and John Mutter, Dorothy and Plus Miller, Jennie and George Hauptman. Antone and Rose Engl eh art. Eliz abeth Kuhn, Clara Messer. There sa Eisz, Rose and John Dietrich. Victor Schlndler, Elisabeth and Tony Schlechter. Cecelia, Agnes and Frieda Prantl, Tony, Edward and Mary Herlman of Woodburn. Steve Zolner Maurice Susse and Boss LaFlinn. jr Tbe OREGON STATESMAN. Sakm. Oregon, Saturday Affairs County Federation Program Made Public Stlverton One of the interest ing events of the fall for the club women of Willamette valley will be the Marion .county federation of woman's clubs meeting to be held In Hnbbard. October 17 in Pythian halL This will be an all, day meeting beginning at 10 o'clock with the president, Mrs. G. B. Bentson of Silverton In the chair. There are 21 clubs to be represented and it is expected that there will be 105 delegates present, thus making it en of the largest. If not the larg est, federation meetings for the organization. Many clubs have joined the federation since the last state convention held in Salem in Many. ' The program for the day is at follows: . 19 o'clock-. "America the Beau tiful," in community singing fol lowed by Invocation by Rev. Hartong. Mrs. Waldo Brown, will give thel address of welcome and Mrs. G. W. Hubbs will, respond. This will be followed by a group of num bers by the Hubbard Glee club and the officers processional and. introductions. Then will come the declaration, reading of the minuter, commit tee appointments, reports of the standing committees, reports of select committees and any unfin ished business. At noon luncheon will be served and there will also be a pres idents' conference during the noon hour. This will be held at the Hubbard Mineral Springs. The session will recovene at 1:30 o'clock and Mrs. L. A. Beck man will present group of piano solos and Avon Jesse will give a group of vocal solos. The business session will be opened with new business. Following this Gunga dine Bidgood will play several violin selections. Mrs. Henry Corbett of Portland will be the principal speaker of the afternoon. After her address there will be reports of the cre dentlak committee and the revo lutions committee. The meeting will close with the invitations for the tenth innual meeting and community singin of D1i. k That Tl i n rl 'Blest be the tie That Binds.' Hubbard Pythian Sisters Plan Season Hubbard At the regular meeting of the Arion temple Pythian Sisters Tuesday evening plans were made for a series of five "500" card parties sponsor ed by the Pythian Sisters and Knights of Pythias of Arion lodge. Prizes will be awarded at each party And a special prize to the highest winner of the series. The first party will be heM at the Pythian hall Monday night. October 13. Committees apointed to have charge are Avon Jesse, Julius Stauffer, and Elton McLaughlin, T ' 1 L 9 rt-iVI i a , "4 . ' . and Mrs. Ruth Stauffer, Pythian Sisters. The temple meeting for Octo ber 21 promises to be a big event whew Knights of Pythias and their wives and also Odd Fellows and Rebekahs and oth ers will be Invited to celebrate the 37th anniversary of the tem ple. Committees apointed for this event are Mrs. Blanche Brown, Mrs. Anna Stauffer and Mrs. Margaret MeMannis, decoration, Mrs. Nellie McLaughlin, Miss Le nore Scholl and Mrs. Rilla Zeek. refreshment and Mrs. Cobie de Lespinasse, Miss Anita Bevens and Miss Orva Barrett, entertain ment. e Hazel Green Mr. and Mrs. Louis Waist entertained Suuday evening with a dinner honoring Mc. and Mrs. Maurice Dunnigan on their fourteenth wedding an niversary and Mr. Dunnigan's birthday. Covers were laid for the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. Dun nigan and children. Margaret, Dorothy and Harriet, Mr. and Mrs. John Faist and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Faist of Portland and hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Faist and son Leonard. Later in the evening a group of additional guests called to surprise the honor guests. These were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunnigan, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. .Ed ward Dunnigan. Jr., and children, Lucille and Donald, Mrs. Louis Wampler and children, Clinton and Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. William Chapman, and Miss Ethel Chap man, Burno Christoffson, all of Salem. e e Gervais Mrs. Frank Nossack was honored with a surprise par ty recently when Mr. Nossack in vited some friends for an evening at their home. The time was pass ed" pleasantly at eards and later Mrs. Kelson and Miss Alice Prantl assisted Mrs. Nossack la serving refreshments. Those present were Peter Schlechter and family, Fred Hecker and family, Frank Prantl and family. Bob Kelso and family, Frank Stravens and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Meeaer and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Englehart. e Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Gilbert entertained a group of friends with a social evening and danc ing at their suburban home Thursday evening. Guests includ ed Mr. . and Mrs. Merle Smith. Miss Leah Ross, Miss Winifred Graham, Miss Florence Jones, P. Hogue and A. B. Willoughby. . . w - at. . jMae C. Gingrich has established an attractive dance stndio in the Masonic temple and Is progressing with Bonre interesting work In in terpretative dances, many of them her- own compositions sod "ar rangement. Indian dance and son? work -r", fa h e J n c particularly stre:retl. Colorful Luncheon Is Compliment To Bride Mrs. Conrad W. Paulus, nee Dorothy Livesley. tor whom there was one round of entertaining be fore ber marriage la September was the inspiration for a color ful and smart lancheon Friday at one o'clock in the Oriental room of the Marion hotel, with Mrs. Harry Hawkins and Mrs. W. Con nell Dyer as complimenting host esses. Autumn colorings in leaves and flowers with emphasis on the orange and bronze shades mingled with be rich reds of the Oriental room with a brilliant ef fect. Guests were seated at small tables. The guest list to compliment Mrs. Paulus included Mrs. T. A. Livesley. Mrs. Palmer MaeDonUld, Mrs. J. H. Callaghan. Mrs. W. E. Scandling. Mrs. O. F. Johnson, Mrs. David Eyre. Mrs. William Walton, Mrs. Frederick Decka bach, Mrs. Homer Egan. Mrs. C. E. Nelson, Mrs. John Carson, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. Hollis Hunt ington, Mrs. Asel Eoff. Mrs. O. C. Locke. Mrs. Karl Becke. Mrs. Wil- i Ham H. LyUe, Mrs. Frits Slade. Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr. , Mrs. . James Linn, Mrs. A. Bush. Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mrs. Keith PoweH of Woodburn, Mrs. Max Hofer and Mrs. Larry Hofer of Portland. Mrs. Prince Byrd," Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs. Arthur Rahn, Miss Charlotte Zeiber., Mrs. Curtis Cross. Mrs. Donald Young, Mrs. Hoy Simmons, Mrs. James Young, Mis. E. T. Pierce, Mrs. Paul HendrVks, Mrs. John El liott, Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, Mrs. Clifford Faiuier. MTs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. D. J. McLellan, Mrs. Gus Hixon, Mrs. R. D. Slater, Mrs. Roy Keene, Mrs. H. D. Maison, Mrs. Tom Holman. Mrs. J. L. Woodworth, Mrs. W. C. Marshall, Miss Kathryn Hartley, Mrs. Fred erick Lamport, Mrs. Wayne Lo der, Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs. Breyman Boise, and Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. Hawkins. Mrs. L. Andrews Is Complimented Mrs. Lawrence Andrews, nee Thelma Hatton, was complimented with a post bridal shower at the home of Mrs. Ora Mclntyre Thurs day night with Mrs. Mclntyre and Mrs. Austin Kenney entertaining as joint hostesses. A social eve ning with Hallowee'n as the motif for the decorations, entertainment and menu at the luncheon hour, made a lovely compliment to the bride. About 30 members called during the evening. Mrs. Mclntyre and Mrs. Kenney were assisted at the luncheon hour by Constance Smart. Ruth Hazeltine, and Leona Boelens. Bridge Luncheon Pretty Event Mrs. Henry Cornoyer entertain ed with a delightfully informal bridge luncheon . with covers for eight at her home Friday after noon in compliment to Mrs. Hol lis Huntington and Mrs. J. L. Woodworth. Zinnias in. all the gay fall shades made a brilliant note of color for the luncheon ta ble and for the guest rooms. Mrs. Hollis Huntington won high score in cards which follow ed the luncheon hour and Mrs. i E. Law held second high. (2ffi0QQn EHaifiii IPIL 3 today they are only - - - - They won't last long at $22.75. Shop early 1 Smart and swagger with waist line, belts. Generous lapels and raglan shoulders. Fully lined with finest silk crepe and hand tailored. Colors are tan, green, navy and admiral blue. UTILITY COATS - 1 00 c wool Handsome tweeds in smart informal Some with fur collars, fully lined. Regularly $19.75 to $29.75. Select yours today at Morning. October 11. 1930 m Today's Menu Breakfaet Sliced Oranges; Egg Omelet. Popovers, Currant Jam, Coffee. Dinner Roast Pork and Glazed Sweet Potatoes. Baked Apples, Buttered Turnips, Bread, Butter, Fresh Ve getable Salad and French Dress ing, Caramel Tarts and Whipped Cream, Coffee. Snpper. Cream of Tomato Soup, Crack era. Dill Pickles. Cookies, Tea. Celery, Fig Roast Pork and tilazed Sweet Potatoes SVa pound loin of pork 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon paprika 3 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons chopped celery 1 cup water. Wipe off the pork with damp cloth. Sprinkle with salt, papri ka and flour. Fit into roaster and add rest of ingredients. Cov er and bake 2 hours. Baste fre quently. Add the potatoes. Potatoes 8 large peeled sweet potatoes 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons dark brown sugar 4 teaspoon paprika 1 cup water. Sprinkle potatoes with salt, sugar-and paprika. Place around the meat in the roasting pan and add the water. Bake 45 minutes. Turn potatoes frequently to al low even browning and cooking. Silverton Mrs. T. W. Riches left Wednesday for Portland where she will spend a month visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Lawton M. Whitely (Margery Riches.) Miss Doris Riches who has been spending the past week with her mother, Mrs. T. W. Riches, will leave Friday for Los Angeles to enter the Wolfe school of costume designing. She plans to be gone all winter. Miss Rich es, until recently, was with the S. L. Russell Insurance company at Seattle, Washington. A movement has been started In North Carolina to popularize use of lamb and mutton. If Saflemm 3s Goumg Electric Heat IS a Proven Utility Citywide Salescampaign now in Full Swing HAVE YOU GOT YOUR PARAMOUNT 111 Frankly, we recommend it as the BEST HEATER MADE. See the educational film entitled "HEAT" co-featured with the talking version of "RENO" together with FANCHON & MARCO'S "SOUTHERN IDEA" at OTE r ir 460 State Street I ral Women s Class tj j - - -Is Enteretained Members of the Loyl Women i . .. wirt Christian church met with Mrs. Ed Townsend for the regular mommy "'" -social meeting. , A profusion of dahlias and asters made the giiest rooms most attractive. Follow ing thea business meeting Mrs. Townsend was assisted In serving by Mrs. Thomas Brunk, Mrs. G. A. Philpot, Mrs. S. A. Ris, Mrs. May McDowell, and Mrs. Ida Steel. Those present were Mrs. T. C. Crabtree, Mrs. A. S. Reed. Mrs. Miranda McDonald, Mrs. Stella Gabbert, Mrs. Myrtle Henderson, Mrs. Flora Clark, Mrs. Eva Keene, Mrs. J. C. Swartz, Mrs. D. D. Olm stead. Mrs. F. P. Smith. Mrs. F. E. Birch. Mrs. O. J. Hull,, Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Arthur D. Welch. Mrs. Cora Hunt, Mrs. Ce cilia Watson. Birthday is Honored Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ha user were hosts Thursday night for a sur prise dinner in compliment to the birthday of their daughter. Miss Margaret Hauser. Brilliant fall flowers centered the dinner table and made effective spots of color about the guest rooms. Following the dinner hour, games were enjoyed and a mock wedding was enacted much to tbe amusement of all the party. Mrs. Hauser was assisted in entertain ing by Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn. grandmother of Margaret, and Mrs. G. L. Forge. Those asked to compliment Miss Margaret were Emilyn Griggs. Iona Hanson, Catherine Headrick, Frances Jirak, Barbara MacDonald, Lila Moriarty, and Alberta VanDahl. Stayton Acacia Chapter O. E. S. at their meeting Tuesday night elected Mrs. Ellen G. Lambert worthy matron, to fill the vacancy in that office caused by the re moval of Mrs. Rose Beedle, to California. Mrs. Lambert was in staller by Hon. W. H. Hobson, past grand master of Oregon with Mrs. Grace Neibert acting as mar shal. Mrs. Lambert has for many Air (Originally $35) yean indentifled herself with the work of the Eastern Star and has held" various positions , In the or der. She is also an officer In Po mona Grange. ' Capitol Club has First Evening Event The Capitol club met for its first evening meeting of the fail for this year as the Rnests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Meyers Wednes day night Dinnejr was served in the Silver Grille room G W Belle and following this "500 was enjoyed f tM. Meyers home. Special scores for tbe evening went to Mrs. .X, Trftriftitn and Dr. W. Carlson .Smith. Brush Creek Seven little girls were guests of Miss Marjory Hill man at a tea between 2 and on Tuesday afternoon t the Hillman home Miss Hillman gave the tea as a co pletion of her 4-H club .,...ir vih hA has been doing in connection with her school -work at Brush Creek. Gneats at the Hillman home.Tiiesday were Juanita Moef Orlet Moen. Donna Krugt Ruth-Maorer. Charlotte Goplerud. Vivian. Buness and An nabelle Jensen. Knights of Willamette Tent No and Ladies' of Capital Hle No! 9 f Macabeea will meet a: Fraternal temple tonigm ai o.u o'clock. Great Commander Sher wood of Portland will be present and address the meeting. It Is urged that all members be present. Answer is Filed Mil . dlUlVu WVtfcJW. Answer to me " Tschida objecting to appoint ment of W. A. Liston as execu- ... 1 .... 9 Am. tor or tne win anu ' Ha Olbrich Tschida was filed In circuit court yesterday by Will helm- Scholz. Josephine Scholz heirs seek appointment of W. A. Liston as executor of the $509 6. 21 estate In Marion county. John Tschida is the widower of the de ceased woman, and lives in the east.