The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    rhe OREGON STATESMAN. Sakm, Oregon, Saturday Morning. October 11, 1930
Church Items of Interest to People of Salem and Territory
Mius Dorothy Hue, on Fur
lough From Africa, to
Visit Tabernacle
The Alliance tabernacle Is
pleased to announce for the com
lnir Sabbath a visit from Miss
Dorothy Nue, returned mission
ary from French West Africa,
who will speak both morninf
and evening at the tabernacle.
Miss Nue is a missionary of ex
perience, having spent several
years In this field and is now
home on furlough. She comes
recommended as an interesting
and forceful speaker.
Thursday night, October 16,
Rev. O. Vernon Brown of New
York City, home secretary of
general board of C. O. M. A.,
will give a message of general
Interest at the tabernacle. Many
who attended the conference
held In Salem last October will
remember Rev. Brown's mes
aarea and will desire to hear
him again.
The Alliance has had fare
wells for four of the young peo
pie who are leaving this week
for Bible school. The Misses
Carol Riser, Wlnnlfred and
Helen Rand who will attend the
North Pacific Evangelistic instl
tute the coming year, and Henry
Renchel who will attend the la
terdenominational Bible schoo
at Three Hills. Alberta, Can.
The church surprised the
young people with many beauti
ful and useful gifts to help them
In their efforts to equip them
selves for christian service. Many
Jbuntrap ibetfjkes; m ibalem Cfmrcfjeg
Highland and church, Edgar T. Sim,
pastor. Bible school 10 a.m. E. M. Beck,
tt, Sapt. Classei for all a let. Morn
ing worship 11 a.B. Subject: "Tha In
carnate Word." Ereninc aerTieo 7:80
p.m. Subject: "Called to fo Out:" Thia
aerrira will be eapeeially for younr
people who leaTO for Bible school coon.
Special aingins by the young people and
then. The Jr. C. E. 5:30 p.m., Mrs.
Hasel . Eeekard. leader. The Sr. O. E.
at 6:3 p.m. Mid week prayer meeting
Thursday 7:30 p.m.
North 17th and Nebraska streets. Lehr
W. Biddle, pastor. Sunday achool 9:45
a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub
ject: "Working at Our Task." Erening
worship 7:30 o'clock: subject: "Fellow,
ing Jesus." Young People's meeting
S:30 o'clock intermediate and Senior
leader, Edith May Lord.
first BprarrrjALisT
O. E. Scott of Salem will lecture Sun
day at 7:45 p.m. and messages. A cir
cle will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. by
accredited readers of the church. AH ser
vices held at the Kelson building on
Chemeketa street between Liberty and
Commercial. Formerly held at Fraternal
temple on Center street.
Thrteenth and Ferry streets. C. O.
Weston Pastor. Sunday school 1:45 p.m.
Church serriee 3 p.m. Eranirehstie ser
vice at 7:4i p.m. Tuesday: Bible study
Jn the book of acts 7:45 p.m. Wednes
day: Women's prayer meeting at 2:30
p.m. Thursday: church prayer meeting
and Christian life messages 7:45 p.m.
Saturday r Young People's serrica 7:45
Re. E. T. Actley of Eugene will speak
t 11 o'clock Sunday morning on the
Cigarette Question. Tho mission is jut
north of the city park at Amity.
Market and North Winter streets. J.
B. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school :45
am. Morning worship 11 o elork; sub
ject: "Spiritual Pressure." Ereaing
worship 7:30 o'clock. Young
meeting 6:30 o'clock; subject: The
Two Witnesses." Herbert Hansen, lead
Corner of Center and 13th 'reet. A.
t t nuior. Sunday school 8:45
am. Morning worship 11 o'clock: sub
ject "Christ Divine. " Special music hy
Fioninr worshio 7:30 o clock.
subject: "Angels." Young people's meet-
(tin n'clnck: suhiect "Marks et
Good Citiien." Prayer meeting Thurs-
dsy 7:30 p.m.
Phnrrh and Chemeketa streets. Phone
mir.;i Pw Oeorca H. Swift, rector.
Hl Communion 7:30 a.m. in the chapel.
Morning prayer, special music and aer
ii . church school 9:45 a m
nwn a a .w - ,
Girls' friendly group, meeting 4 p.m. m
Parish house, semees at i :o p.".
rrxsT ciTtracH of chxist,
Chemeketa and Liberty street. Sun
day services at 11 . n PmV
Jeet, "An Sin, Disease and Death
Eealt" Sunday achool at t:45 and 11
a.m. Testimonial saeeting every Wed
nesday evening at 8. Reading room at
40A Masonic Temple open from 11 to
5:30 except Sandays and holidays.
Court and 17th atreetfc E. f. Shoe-,
maker.- pastor. Sonday school 1:45 a.m.
Morning worship 11 'VetocV. " Prot V
tor Horea of Eugene Bible university
will speak botb mom Ing and erening.
Evenag worship 7:30 o'clock. Young
People7 meet in at S:30 o'clock: subject:
"Marks of a Good Citiarn." Mrs. Trank
Marshall, leader.
ST. J0BVB XVrSnjkM (Ho. Synod)
North 16th and A streets. Rev. H. W.
Cross, pastor. Sunday school at a.m.
English service :45 with Holy Com
munion, preparatory service at 9:15. Ger
man at 11.
High and Ferry streets. Church
achool 9:40 a-m. Preaching 10:50 a.m.
and 7:80 p.m. A. M. sermon "Assur
ance." Anthesa "Soldiers of Christ
Arise" Williams. B. Y. P. U.'s :30
p. as. Popular soag service at 7:80. Ser
mon "Our Standing." Special musie
anthem "Glory aad Praise aad Honor"
Corner Capitol aad Marion streets. W.
T: Lieakaemper. pastor. Sunday school
10 a.m. F. E. Kruae, Supt. German ser
vice 10 a.m. Sobject : "The Convenient
Food." English services 11 o'clock.
Subject: "The Goodness of God." Spe
cial musie: Choir anthems "Sing .to the
Lord of Harvest." by E. S. Lorcns and
"Praise to God" by Ira Wilson. 8tory
elsewhere on harvest borne and missionary
" i
' gouth Commercial and Myers streets.
8. Darlow Johnson, pastor. 348 E. My
ers street, phone 2784. Church school
9:45 a.m., Stearns Coshing. Supt. Mora
nr wnrahin 11 o'clock. Bermon by Dr.
P. Howard of South America. Anthem,
"Choose To This Day" (Roberts)
Three lea rues at 8:30. Happy Sunday
Evening Hot-r at 7:30. Song service led
V. C. A. OrwLr. Duet. "Hold Thou My
Head" (Briggi). Mrs. Irene Love and
Mias Helen Ingrey. Sermon by the pas
tor. Official board meeting Wednes
day erening at T:30 in Leslie Ban. Mid
i week- meetings Thursdsy evening at
f-:'' I I rx;
-c" A -- ii-M 7 At f A -v Wm&m''.y
Above are three of the six leaders wbo will be at the First M. E. church Monday to bring; the message
of the world mission of Christianity. They are: top, left to right: Dr. George P. Howard, Evangelistic
missionary In the Latin republics and H. K. Mondol, Indian layman teacher in Calcutta missions;
Rev. E. R. Fulkerson, 20 years a missionary to Japan. .
interesting and helpful services
are being planned at the Alliance
tabernacle for the coming year,
which will be of Interest not
only to the membership bat to
the general public as well, says
Louise Pinnell, pastor.
. ,
Prophecy Class
Attracts Many
Enrollment in the Bible pro
phecy class to be started soon at
the Highland Friends church is
growing steadily. Everyone who
is Interested in a Bible course
is welcome to join this group
says Rev. Edgar P. Sims, pastor
who is Initiating the course.
One block south of Center oa 19th
street. Rev. Fletcher Galloway, pastor.
Residence 475 N. 24th street, phone
2309-W. The psstor will spesk Sunday
from the following subjects: 11 a.m.
"Holiness aad Temptation." This la
No. 9 of a series en "Sonet if ication.
What It is and what it is not." Mrs.
Hattie Litwiller, Miss Thea Sampson,
Clarenee Litwiller, and Fletcher Gallo
way, the quartet, will sing. 7:30 p.m.
"Tampering with tho Compass While
tho Storm is en." Sole, Milfred Stall.
Sunday achool 9:45 a.m. Frank M. Lit
willer, Supt. N. T. P. S. :30 p.m. Thea
Sampson, president. Prayer meeting
Wednesday 7:80 p.m.
35 Ferry street. Louise Pinnell. pas
tor. Phone 753-J. S. S. at 9 :45. Mrs.
Myra White, Supt. Sermon a 11 o elect.
Miss Dorotny nue, reiurneu miignij
from French West Africa, will bring
a missionary message followed oy tne
communion. Duet Miss rmneu ana jars.
Myra White. T, P. S. at S:30 led by
Irene Wallace. Evening service at 7:30.
Miss Hue will again spear. musie oy
young ladie gospel quartet. Tuesday ev
ening prayer and fellowship meeting led
by Miss Minnie Leirjc
Corner of N. Liberty and Marion
streets. Phone S654. William M. woo-
ins. minister. Bible school at 9 :45 with
elasse ifor an area under eompeieni
teachers. Mr. Fred Broer, Supt. bate
Biblical instruction for all who come.
Morning worship at 11. Organ prelude.
"Rock of Ages. ine tour message ou
Paul's Epistle to tho Ephesians will be
given by the pastor. 8ubjeet: "The Be
liever's new relationship in Christ."
There will be special music by the choir.
The B. Y. P. U. groups will meet at
:30. The Senior a and intermeoiama
are studying the "History of World-Wide
Missions." Evening evangelistic service
at 7:30. Rousing song service in charge
of song-lader. The fifth sermon in the
series on "Great Crises of Sacred His
tory" wiH bo preached. Subject: "The
Greatest Promise Ever Made" or "The
World Turned Upside Down to Fulfill
God's Word." Vocal selections. Or
chestra and choir. Wednesday evening
prayer and praise service at 7:30.
VUtinn and Twelfth streets. A.
Hendenon. pastor: phone 1903-W. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock: subject: "What
la Written and How Readest Thou I
Special muiic by junior orchestra eon-w-d
hv Prof. 'Thoman' school of mu-
aie. at the Sunday school hour. Evening
n n'rlm-k. Kundav school 10 a.m
Mrs. Alice M. Henderson, Supt. Young
People's meetings 7 p.m. Leader, Ken
neth Holler. SuUect: "Marks of Good
Church street between Chemeketa and
r..i Rv P W. Eriksen. pastor. 11
am ''"The Unfolding of Faith." Also
fVmmnn'mn service.. Poecial musie: An
them "I Will Abide Witn rnee oy ine
choir. Solo: "My Task." Mrs. Gor
don MeGilchrist. Evening service
7:30. F.arly developments in the
Church. Special music. Anthem by we
i- . finnav school at 9:45.
Max Gehlhar.' Supt.. Special opening of
primary department, i no imner
fellowship hoar at o:ov.
:30 for both Senior and Intermediate
leagues. Church council will meet Mon
day evening at 8 p.m. at the ehureh so
cial rooms.
vaanar tjss If- B.
Tv:t bj! Jffra streets. Hugh
B. Fouks. Jr pastor. .Sunday ecaooi
9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o eloeh;
.v.i.. . -nviiw a arvi featarinr a
mass demonstration, of the Sunday school
consecration service for ttac rrers ana of
ficers, and a brief message by the pas
tor. Evening worhlp 7:90 o'clock: sub
1.1. AAJrmmm tiv Rev. T. I.. Cartwright,
associate secretary of the Board of for
eign missions for China and
Young People's meet inn t :30. Three
league groups. -
rvraitT mmftstit
lOtV atreets. H. C. StOVer,
Inlafer fiandav achool at 10. a.m. An
inUa sraraian Drocram at 11. a
sic by the junior grdaps cr tns aunuay
school. Christian Endesvor at o:a. .v
mmirm at 7-30. Sermon ' on
Qualified Worker." Eveming anthem
"God is Liove y ira wiisoa.
North Cottage and ChemekeU streets.
Rev. Fred Alban Well, minister. Church
school 10 a-m. Mites H. MeKey. Supt.
Moraine wonhin 11 o dock: subject
"Tha Rvlirion of Ii'.am." Solo by Mrs.
Trnma Huston. Organist, Mrs. Walter A.
rris osmmtABT BAPTIST
Yovth Pra and D streets. G. W.
Ruttch minister. Sunday school 9:45
a.m., Sam Sehirman, Supt. Service 11
a.m. Sermon topic. "Preventing Decay
in Oar Spiritual Life." Choir Anthem,
U'nm.n'i aiilinai-v Society meCta
tha liarrh at 2 30 T m. ReV. John Roth
will bring a missionary message te the
women of the school. Erening service
at 7:30 clock. Sermon topic "Fa
tare Hope." Regular mid-week prayer
service at 8 p.m. Wednesday.
Meets ia Reiser scheolhoose, three
miles north of Salem on the river road.
Tlaves Beall. pastor. Church school at
10 a.m. Jos. E. Bartruff. Supt. Church
worship at 11 a.m. Subject: "The Com
pliant of Christian Idealism." Dele
gates te be eheaea to attend the meet
ings "In Salem First Methodist chare h.
Oct. IS aad 14, oa "The World Mia
sioa of Christianity." Official board
meet oa Thursdsy at 7:30 p.m. Ve ev
World Church Mission
Will be Told by Team
Of six Leaders Monday
The world mission of Christian
ity will be brought to Salem
church people and others interest
ed in a two-day series of meet
ings to be held Monday and Tues
day. October 13 and 14, at the
First Methodist church. The ser
ies, given under auspices of the
Oregon 'conference of the Metho
dist Episcopal church, will bring
S5S Court street. C. 8. Johnson, pas
tor. Sunday achool 3 p.m. Worship S
o'clock; subject: The Fall Gospel mes
sage. Erening worship 8 o'clock. Young
People's meeting 8 ' clock Friday even
ing. Meetings Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday evenings.
Ber. Amos E. Minneman, apstor, 18th
and State streets, phone 3720. German
services 9:45 a.m. Sabjoet: 'Remem
ber the Sabbath Day to Keep tt Holy!"
English services 11 a.m. Subject:
"Christ's Ideal Regarding the day of
Worship." Sunday school 9:45 a.m.
Martha Batterman. Supt. Luther league
7 p.m. See story elsewhere. German
services 8 p.m. Subject: "Tho Holy
Spirit in the National Affairs of Israel."
This is the second of a series of evening
sermontof the work of the Holy Spirt.
Corner Hood and Cottar atreeta. C
W. Hatch pastor. Morning service 11
'clock. Subject "Model Prayer." Spe
cial musie by Mr. and Mrs. Keppenger
in tae evening service. Evening service
7:30 o'clock. Subject by Rev. Atchley
of Eugene. Sunday school 10 a.m., John
Van Lydegraf. Supt. Midweek prayer
service 7 :30 p.m. Wednesday. Young
people's meeting 7:30 p.m., Dora Keppen
ger, leading. Subject: Illustrated lecture
by Rev. Atchley of the Anticigarette
League. The whole evening service is
under the auspicea of the young peo
15th and Mill streets. Weslev Dexter
Gordon, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning worship 11 o clock; subject:
Values." Evening worship 7:30 clock:
subject: "The Ways of Men." Young
People s meeting 6:30 o clock.
Robert L. Payne, minister. Fraternal
temple. Center street between High and
Liberty street. Bible school 9:45. Morn
ing preaching service 11 o clock. Sep
mon topic True Sympathy." Baptist
Young People's Unions meet at 6:30.
Erening preaching service 7:30. Ser
mon topie "Faulty Churches. Faulty De
nominations. But a Faultless Savior."
Special gospel musie at both services.
Choir and orchestra practice at pastor's
home, 492 North Summer street Tuesdsy
evening 7:30. Prayer meeting held at
the home of Mrs. Martha Lot t is. 600
Union street Thursday evening.
Orchard Heights Road. Meredith A,
(troves, pastor. .Sunday school 11 a.m.
Morning worship 9:45 o'clock; subject:
"The Great Physician."
Gerth avenue and Third street. Mere
dith A. Groves, pastor. Sunday school
9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 e clock;
subject: "The Great Physician." Spe
cial music will include a chorus number
bv Miss Grsnt's cls't. Evening worship
7:30 o'clock; subject: "The Lad There."
Special feature "A Boy Auction."
Young People's meeting 6:30 o'clock;
piano number by Helen Gosser.
Corner Hasel and Academy streets.
B. 8. at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a
and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer and
testimony meeting Thursdsy evening at
7:30. ,
High and Center streets. Bible school
at 9:45 a.m. Orville J. Hull. Supt. C.
F. Doane will teach the men's Bible
class... Morning worship at 11 a.m. Rev.
N orris Peasoner will sneak, his subject
Old Power for tha Sew Ares." Even-
in- worshio at 7:80 n.m. Rev. Haas
cr's anbiect will be "Did Jeama .Actually
Rise From the Dead 1" The choir un
der the direction of Pmf. E. W. Hob-
son will sing. Young People's boar
a.m. Choir rehearsal. Thursday-. 7 :30
p.m. Mid week services. Wednesday,
7:30 p.m. Joel Benton ia charge. .
Center and Liberty streets. Charles E,
Ward, pastor: Sunday . achool 9 :4 a.sav I
Mornlnr worship 11 o'clock: euMect
"Befna a Good Animal." Anthem and
ae4o as special mosyf. Evening Worship
7:39 o'clock; subject: "Sosae Ceases af
Crime." an illustrated service using the
first' part of the pi eta re eary.aarar.
Young Peoeplo a meeting Thursday
p.m. Potlnck supper followed . by devo
tional meeting.
Corner of Winter aad Cbasaekesa
atvaata. Graver C. Birtehet. D. D-. P
tor. Bible school at 9:30 a-sn. U M.
Raman. Sunt. Morning wed ship 11
o'clock. Communion service. Sermon
hv tha vaster. "The Great Discovery.'
Anthem, "O Bread of Life" (Christian
sen). ' Solo. "Y Who 8m. and Ye Who
Sorrow" Maunder) Wm. Wright. Or-
ran numbers. "Indian Summer" (Brew
er). "Cantilena" (Salome). "Fantasia
ia F" (Polleri). Intermediate and Sen
ior C. E. societies and Yams? People
Forum meet at 6:50. Evening worship
T:30 o'clock. Sermon by-Dr. Birteaet,
"A Clean Heart." Anthesa. "Jesus,
Lover' af My Soar (Cams). Organ
numbers, Andantme la Do" (Wstten)
"Hnmoresaue" (Dvorak). "March i
G" (Hill). Mid-week serviee ea Thara
dav at 7:30 o'clock; Dr. Birtehet wiH
tnui ml X.
Church and State streets. B. Earle
Parker. D. D pastor. Church school
9:45 a.m. Morn in a- worshis 11 e'eloek
sabjoet: "The Dividends of Kncearag-
BtiL" Eveninr worship T:30 a dock
sabjoet:' special musical program te eorn
memoraU 25th' anniversary of Prof. Ro
berts' service ar organist and ta dedicate
Carrier memorial chimes. S Yos.Bg Peo
here probably the strongest team
of Christian missionary leaders
ever assembled in the northwest
Six leaders sent out by the
board of foreign missions of the
church to further acquaint the
folk of this country with work
done in the mission fields will ap
pear here, each to take active
part In the program Monday,
which is open to the public. Tues
day the sessions will he open to
ministers only, when a discussion
group will be led by Dr. M. A.
Marcy, superintendent of the Sa
lejn district.
The six leaders are: Dr. George
Howard, born of South Ameri
can missionary parents and an
evangelistic missionary to the edu
cated groups of the Latin repub
lics; H. K. Mondol, an Indian lay
man teacher in one of the Meth
odist Calcutta high schools; James
Ding, president of the Anglo-
Chinese college at Foochow and
son of a noted Chinese pastor;
Mrs. James L. Ding, daughter of
the director of Pekin-Hankow
railway and for. ,r professor of
Hwa Nan college in Foochow;
Rev. E. R. Fulkerson, 20 years a
missionary to Japan and former
United States vice-consul at Na
gasaki; and Rev. Frank T. Cart
wright, associate secretary of the
board of foreign missions for Chi
na, Japan and Korea.
Of particular interest to the
women of the city will be the ad
dress at the 7:30 session Monday
night on "What Jesus Christ
Means to a Chinese Woman," to
be given by Mrs. Ding.
The morning session Monday
will open at 10 o'clock with Rev,
Hugh B. Fouke of the Jason Lee
church here to conduct the open
ing devotlonals. At 10:15 Dr.
Howard will talk on "The New
Day in Foreign Missions;" at
11:15 Mr. Mondol will speak on
'Building the Indian Church."
The afternoon meeting will open
at 2 o'clock, when Mr. Ding will
talk on "China's Challenge to
Christianity," followed by address
by Rev. Cartwright on "Your
Church at Work Abroad."
Dr. Fulkerson, who will speak
also Sunday night at the Jason
Lee church, will give an address
oa "Facing the Issues Monday
evening following Mrs. Ding's
The session Tuesday will be
gin at 9 o'clock In the morning
and continue until noon.
New Minister
At Woodburn
WOODBURN. October 10.
Rev. E. W. Blew, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church .of
Woodburn and the Bethel
church, east of Woodburn, was
officially Installed Wednesday
evening. The installation was
effective for both churches.
Rev. Grover C. Birtehet, newly
installed pastor of the Salem
Presbyterian church, preached a
very interesting sermon te the
many church members present
Rev. H. L. Grafious. paster of
the Gervais Presbyterian ehureh
presided over, the-- installation
services, and rave the charge to
the people. Rev. L. S. Mochel. re
tired minister of woodburn, gave
the official eharge to Rev. Blew.
Religious Survey
To be Undertaken
, After some weeks; of careful
preparation, members of the
First Baptist church will take
religious census of Salem, work
to get ander way shortly. Dr.
William H. Robin's, the pastor.
announces that information
desired concerning the many an
churched of the city, especially
the Baptists who are without
church homes.
Work Under way
On Church Unit
The parsonage of the Castle
United Brethren church has been
moved to Its new location ' and
basement walls for the new educa
tion of the unit will be poured the
first -of the week. The pastor is
living temporarily at 632 North
High street
Additional Church
News on Page 7
! i
The monthly meeting of t h e
Marion County Holiness associa
tion which is sponsored hy about
15 churches Is to be held in the
Church of the Nar-arene Tuesday
of next week.
This meeting will be of special
interest because ' of the fact that
the sessions will b a farewell to
three outgoing missionaries to
China, J. J. Trachsel, Miss L. L.
Aggola, and Miss Bessie Cordell.
Also Rev. C. W. Ruth of Pasa
d e n a, California, nationally
known evangelist will be with the
party of misionaries and if sched
uled to speak. '
. The chairman of the sessions
Will be Rev. M. A. Bishop of
Cleveland. Ohio, who is national
missionary secretary for the Hol
iness association. s
The sessions Tuesday axe to be
held at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m.
and 7:30 p. m. A large number
of visitors from nearby cities
will attend these services.
M. C. A. annual member
renewal week has passed
the half-way mark in money rais
ed with 18,994 now in its fund or
promised. This amounts for 218
new and renewed memberships.
Rev. C. E. Ward, pastor of the
First Congregational church, ad
dressed the men's committee at
the noon lunchc-on yesterday.
Thomas B. Kay, chairman, pre
sided and spoke a few words.
The goals for the week are
00 renewals and 150 new mem
bers. Optimism and enthusiasm
prevail in the minds of the
Doth Rev. Ward and Mr. Kay
stressed the position of the Y. M.
A. in the community and its
importance to public welfare. Mr.
Kay Is a member of the board
of directors of the local associa
tion and has been for some time.
Rev. Ward is a member of the
championship volleyball team
and has two sons in the boys' de
partment roster. '
Portland man
To Occupy Local
Pulpit Sunday
Annual harvest and home mis
sionary Sunday will be observed
Sunday in the Reformed church,
of which Rev. W. G. Lienkaem
per is pastor. In observance of
the occasion, the women of the
church will serve a meal in the
church basement at noon.
A special missionary service
will be held at 2 o'clock that af
ternoon, at which Rev. A. F.
Lienkaemper of Portland will be
the speaker. The choir will sing
My Salvation and My Glory"
and "Crown Him Lord" by Ira B.
Calvary Baptist
Has Extensive
Program set
Announcement of various
events scheduled for the week
for the Calvary Baptist church is
made as foHows:
The trustees will meet Monday
evening. Tuesday evening at
7:15 o'clock the W. W. G.'s will
meet at the church, from where
they will go to the home of Lor
raine Gregg for their regular
business and social meeting.
Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock
the Married People's class of the
church will meet in the church
dining room for a potluck sup
per, to be followed by election of
officers for the coming year.
The regular fellowship meet
ing will .be held Wednesday
night and" Thursday the choir
will meet for rehearsal. The
Women's society will meet Frl-
aay afternoon at the home of
Mrs. XVayne Henry. Mrs. Hubcr
will have charge of the devotion
al hour and Mrs. Earl Gregg will
nave the study hour. An inter
esting meeting is planned.
Primary Group
Invites Mothers
a iKcwai ctoui win De netu in
the primary department of the
American Lutheran church Sun
day morning, with opening ot the
new rooms ior the department to
be observed. The primary depart
ment quarters hare been redecor
ated and new equipment added.
All mothers of primary .hlldren
and mothers with children of the
cradle roll are especially Invited
to attend this event.
Women Sponsor
K Russian Chorus
The Women's Union ot the
First Congregational church will
sponsor a concert by 'the Royal
Russian chorus on October 27.
This chorus has made a triumph
ant tour through 60 nations and
comes to us as. one ot the great
est singing organisations of the
worldVPrlncesa Margarita Slavi
ansky, daughter of the founder of
thia world famous ehorusJ now
its conductor.
. To Stndy John
Beginning Sunday morning.
Rer. Edgar P. Sims ot the High
land Friends church, will con
duct a series of messages on the
Gospel of John,
"All Are
(By The Church Editor)
If this were a sermon, the, "text" would be taken from the
last line of most any church notice which reaches this newspaper
'office. Thia last sentence is variously phrased: "You are wel
come to all our services"; "Everyone welcome '; "All contiaiiy
invited to attend" and similar-wise.
Because of these last lines, the church editor has today
usurped this space which is inlended for ministers on'y, :tnd
wants to ask a friendly question. Aren't those last sentences
useless? Maybe you folk who write the church notices r-ave
observed that they are consistently deleted. Ot at least the C. E.
tries to make them that way.
Is it necessary to tell anyone that he or she is welcome to
a church service? Are not the doors of every Salem church open
wide and friendly to believer and non-believer, member and non
member? Of course they are! Possibly no one ever thought of
ioubting it.
That is why the church editor takes the liberty of drawing
a heavy black pencil mark through the well-meant welcome no e
appended to so jnany curch notices. It's bad psychology to tell
folk they are welcome to church; they ought to know that, to
take it for granted. Isn't it a poor church, a poor minister, who
doesn't make a newcomer feel better by action than by word
that he is heartily welcome to that church home?
, There, ministers, you know why that last line is Invariably
omitted. And there, reading public, you "know why the editor of
this page believes it isn't necessary for you to be verbally wel
comed in advance to the church and Sunday school sessions held
regularly in Salem. .
And now, let's make it final and positive; unless a given
event is limited by the words "for So and So only"
SIL"ERT0N, Oct. 10. An in
teresting Sunday school cla3S has
been formed at the Methodist
church for the older young peo
ple. This includes the young Mar
ried set and others out of high
school. Mrs. Virgil Krushk- Las
been chosen president; Harold Ta
vis, vice-president; Luzetta Day.
secretary and Harold Alfred, treas
urer. The class meets every unday
mornning for its regular session
and on the first Friday evening
of the month it will hold a spe
cial business and social meeting.
Committees have been appoint
ed and are at work on naming the
society and working out a consti
tution and by-laws. The committee
on naming, headed b Miss Ethel
Trotter is expected to report by
Rev. W. S. Gordm will instruct
the class. Among tn? members are
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kruske, Mrs.
Lloyd Kircher. Miss Ethel Trot
ter, Harold Davis. Catbaleene
Cuddy, Luzetta Day, Leonora
Naegli, Elaine Clower. Harold
Alfred. Mrs. Pearl McC'eary.
James Manning, and Mr. and Yits.
Vernon Day.
To Welcome
Church Body
The church fathers sang "Our
Souls Can Neither Fly ifor Go
to Reach Eternal Joys," but not
so the Knight Memorial church.
The presence of airplanes in the
church Sunday and for the pleas
ure of the children, a balloon as
cension following the program,
will indicate the alr-mindednSss
of the people.
Dr. F. E. Brown, pilot, will
demonstrate the plane's construc
tion; Vernon Bushnell will point
out the beacons; Frances Oliver
will describe the scenery; Mrs.
Asa Fisher will speak of the
ftves and messages carried by the
plane; Mrs. Arthur Barnard calls
attention to the hazards of fly
ing and the pastor solicits pas
sengers. Admission will be only by tick
et which may be obtained at the
door free.
New Women's
Group Lays
Many Plans
The newly organized Woman's
Missionary society of the Ford
Memorial church held its month
ly business meeting Wednesday
afternoon at the home ot Mrs.
Rose Burleigh.
Mrs. J. B. Smith, chairman of
social life committee, announced
the place of the next Silver tea
to be at the community kitchen
of Mrs. H. R. McDowell's on Oc
tober 29. Mrs. J. E. Tolson an
nounced plans for an election
day dinner. Plans for attending
the W. F. M. S. meeting at Mc
Minnville October 22 and the
Ladies' Aid rally, at Indepen
dence on October 23 were also
discussed. A fine spirit' of opt!
mism for the winter's work char
acterised, the entire meeting.
Topics, Leaders
Are Announced
Leaders and Topics for the
three young ' people's meetings
Sunday night at the First M. E
church are announced as follows:
University chapter, "Youth Look"
at Missions," Virginia Slusser,
leader; First church chapter
'Some Why's and Who's of Friend
ship," Forest Holladay, leader
Junior high chapter, "Th6 Value
of a Person." Kenneth Wood
Bible Study :-
. Lure for Three
' Il number of young people
from the Highland Friends
church will leave next week to
take work In the Portland Bible
Institute. Mllo C. Ross and Gen
evieve Beckett, who will be in
the senior class, and Doris L
Ross w howlll be in her first
year, are planning to go.
Kev. F. L. Cartwright, associate
secretary of the boairt of for
eign missions for China and Ko
rea, who will speak Sim'lay
night at 7:30 o'clock ut the
Jason Lee Memorial church.
The service will be ihe conclud
ing event of the annual rally
day program. Rally day services
for the Sunday school depart
ment will be hel'.l at 1 1 o'clock,
when the pastor, Uev. Hugh B.
Fouke will preach a sermon np
prooriate to the occas!on.
Women's Groups
Plan Meetings
For Wednesday
The Women's Aid society of the
Castle United Brethren church
will meet for work at the church
parlors Wednesday morning at
8:20 o clock and the Woman's
Missionary society will meet at
the church at 2:30 o'clock that
same afternoon.
The midweek prayer and Bible
study service will be under the
leadership of Rev. V. N. Blod-
gett this week. The service is on
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Dorcas Society
Plans Winter's
Work and Play
Plans for the annual Mission
Festival to beheld at Christ Lu
theran church, 18th and State,
Sunday, Oetobcr 19. and a' dis
cussion of various phases of the
winter's program of work mark
ed the sessions of the Dorcas so
ciety at its regular meeting in
the ehureh parlors Wednesday,
Committees were appointed as
follows: hostesses, Mesdames
Wain, Watson and Loos; pro
gram, Mesdames Leiske and R.
L. Meyer; flowers, Minneman
and Abry; visiting, J. A. Propp
and George Netz.
Church Night
Is Wednesday
The members and friends ot
the Knight Memorial Congrega
tional church will meet Wednes
day evening at 6:45 o'clock; for
the monthly church night sup
per. The occasion is to. be a re
ception for the new members and
to hear reports of vacation ex
periences. Mrs. A. C. Haag and
committee are in charge of the
! -''-
V)' j
Church St. Bt. Chemeketa and 'Center, A
Downtown Church
11 A. M. The Unfolding of Faith.
Anthem: I Will Abide With Thee.
Solo: My Task. Mrs. Gordon JieGilchrlst.
7:30 Early Developments in the Church.
Special Music: Male Quartet:
5:30 Y. P. Fellowship Hour, Light refreshment!.
Rev. P. W. Eriksen, Pastor.
At a special musical service
designed to commemorate the
twenty-fifth anniversary of the
service of Prof. T. S. Roberts as
organist at First Methodic
church, and to dedicate the Car
rier Memorial chimes, the fal
lowing program will be featured
Sunday evening:
Anthems "Fear Not Ye O
Israel," Spicker. Incidental so
lo, Miss Eleanor Moore, Ronald
Craven, R. D. Eanon. "King
All Glorious," Barnby.
Trio: "Praise Ye'" from "Atti
la" by Verdi Miss Moore, Mr.
Craven, Prof. Cameron Marshall.
Men's Chorus: "Blessed is He
That Readeth." Colburns.
Organ Recital by Professor
Roberts, five numbers: "Andante
Cantabile," from string quar
tette Tschaikowski. "Home
Sweet Home," from the tran
scription by Dudley Buck. "The
Adoration," from "The Holy
City" Gaul. "Where Dust Gath
ers Deep" Stebbins. Aria "Re
ligtosa" Demarest. Piano and
organ. Miss Gretchen Thielsen
and Prof. Roberts.
Walter Winslow, president of
the official board, will deliver a
brief address.
Ward Will use
'Weary River'
Movie Picture
"Weary River," starring Rich
ard Barthelmes: and a very in
teresting penitentiary picture,
will be used in the illustrated
service at 7:'0 o'clock Sunday
night at the First Congregation
al church. How prisoners are
photographed, attired and finger
printed will be shown in this
story of a man who honestly
tried to reform. The homely
philosophy of the warden about
"the weariest river must find its
way to the sea" awakened the
slumbering goodness within tha
prisoner and caused him to turn
from a life of crime.
The minister will speak on
"Some Causes of Crime." Chil
dren must be accompanied by
their parents.
First 'Church
Night Event
Big Success
An enthusiastic group attended
the church night supper Thursday
night at the Ford Memorial M. E.
community church. Following the
meal was a short program. Miss
Ruth Rees played a piano num
ber; Wesley Warren gave a whist
ling solo; a trio from the Epworth
ieague sang; and Mrs. Guy New
gent sang a solo.
The following heads of their de
partments gave talks regarding
plans for the coming year s work:
Mrs. Rose Burleigh for board of
stewards; Miss Nellie Badley sot
th choir: J. W. Simmon s for
i ,naPV ' trilBteea. Miss Cora
j hlMn for the Junior Leanu. A.
c HenninKiien for the Boy Scouts,
, tj.j nmn for tha Girl's
Reserves, Mrs. J. W. Simmons for
the Women's Missionary Society,
Mrs. A. C. Henningsen for the
Sunday school and intermediate
league, Lyie Thomas for the Ep
worth league and Rev. M. A.
Groves for the fiendly Indians and
general church work.
Plans were started for a sim
ilar occasion a little later in the
Luther Young
Folk to Give
Report of Meet
Reports on the Luther League
convention will be given at the
a a a.
young peoples nour ai iu
Christ Evangelical Lutheran
church Sunday.
At this meeting plans will also
be made to affiliate with the gen
eral Luther league of the newly
m e r g e'd American Lutheran
church. The merger was formed
at the recent Toledo convention
of the Iowa. Buffalo and Ohio
The intermediate and senior '
young people's groups of the
Castle United Brethren ehureh
will hold election of officers dur
ing the regular meeting period on
Sunday night, beginning at 4:39
Rodgcrs Building. Hijii and Ferry Bts.
Graded Church School 1:40 a. m. W. T.
Jenks. Supt. Three B. Y.'a :S0 p. m.
Preaching services 10: 50 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
A. M. "Ananrwnoe" Pastor
Anthem: "Soldiers of Christ Arise" Williams
P. M. "Our Standing" Pastor
Anthem: "Glory and Praise and Honor"
Incidental solos, Mrs. Dale Taylor,
Zelda Harlan.
Popular gospel song service Special music
W. Earl Cociirma, pastor
eaiag services.
ple meetings 6:30 e clodc