PAGE THREE Mysterious Fire Destroys Home and Contents at Roberts The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, October 9, 1930 r, f BRESSLERHQMF IS DESTROYED Nothing Saved From Early Morning Blaze Here Recently ROBERTS. Oct. 8 The J. P. Bressler home and all Its contents were destroyed by fire her early this morning. The family was at breakfast when the fire was discovered in the bedroom. It had gained so much headway before it was no ticed that nothing could be sav ed. Mr. and Mrs. Bressler had lived at - the home for 2fr years and many valued keepsakes, among them a rare old violin were destroyed. The family had been away all summer and had Just-returned on Saturday. The winter supply of canned trait and: vegetables was stored- la the: home .-& was also destroyed. No clue to the origin of the fire has 'been discovered..- MOTOR TRIP TO Dale Trtdtinger Is Honored by Woodburn Scouts WOODBURX, Oct. 8. Dale TraUinger, one of the outstanding scouts in the Woodburn troop was award ed a special trophy Monday evening when the scoots met for their regular easiness session. Assistant Scout master Theodore Rose presented Trullinger with the award, a handsome friendship plaque. The award, present ed in behalf of the troop commUte was given for Scoot Trallinger's proficien cy in scouting and his good influence In the troop. IS .G.J. .RICE T NEwPRESDEN BUS ENJOYED AURORA, Oct. 8 A party of motorists chose Sunday to follow the Roosevelt highway to Nesco win. Ocean Park and Cutler City. The fall coloring of the leaves along the highways is most vivid it. this time. Those in the party were Miss Caroline Will, of Coeur D'Alane, Idaho, Mrs. Katherine iimmerman, Mr.' and Mrs. (jouis SVebbert, and Ralph Zimmerman. Mrs. Will has been a guest of her lister, Mrs. Zimmerman for two reeks. Mrs. Ida Yergen and Miss Jane Vergen, spent the weekend in Portland visiting friends, they re turned Tuesday. John Johnson and wife; were n Aurora Tuesday, visiting Mrs. Henry Kraus, mother of Mrs. Johnson, and calling upon other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritter are moving from Aurora to Portland this week. Mr. Ritter expects to enter a mechanical school. The Ritters have been residents here tor over two years. The tenth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yergen fell upon October the sixth. The friends and relatives wishing to make the memory of the event an un usually happy one, gave them a surprise in the evening. Five tables of cards were in play, after which lunch was served by those who had the affair in charge. Those whose thoughtfulness made 4he evening a success, were Mr. and Mrs. George Yergen, Mr. and Mrs. John Kister, Mrs. Nellie Miner of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. M. X. Cfissel, Mr. and Mrs.Andy Snrall, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Green, Mr. ifhd Mrs. Fred Dental and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Yergen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gooding, and children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver'and chil dren, Miss Foy, Walla Walla, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Yergen and child, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yergen, Mrs. Fred Yer gen, and Mr. and Mrs. George Clark.. O O ville-Suver, Monmouth and Dal las , The budge t committee of Falls City met on October C, af ter estimating the future expen ses for theminlng year. It was decided that the general fund be Increased with the sum of $260. What could very easily have proved a serious accident hap pened last, Sunday to Bill Ames and a companion. While travel ing on the Falls City-Dallas high way their car struck some loose gravel, skidded into the ditch and turned over. Mr. Ames suffered bruises and the loss of three teeth. His companion received facial bruises and cuts from scat tered glass. A passing car took them to the Dallas hospital fo? medical attention. The car was considerably damaged. HILL E CLUB HEARS POLITICIANS Federated Women of Wood- burn Elect Officers for Fall Term Falls City I -o FALLS CITY, Oct. 7 The Parent Teachers association held Its first meeting of the school year, last Monday evening with a large attendance of the public present. The meeting was opened by a song, led by Mr. Reiber. In struction was given by Miss Mc Donald. The chairman of the meeting. Mrs. PauJ appointed the various committees with the Instruction that they became active at once and report at the next meeting. Papers on the activities and ob jects of Ue P. T. A. was read by .Mrs. Hatch and Mrs: Gottfried, ' after which the members of the association was called upon to 'give their -conception of what the P. T. A. stood for. After the ! meeting was adjourned, delight ; ful refreshments were served In the domestic science rooms. Mr. William Buhle who here for many years efficiently served the public of Falls City as a bar ber, ave moved to West Salem where he has opened up a shop. His son Fred Is taking over the establishment here. Dr. and Mrs. Horn and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Paul took advantage of the - beautiful Indian summer last Sunday and went on a joy- ride which took them to Louis- AUMSVILLE, Oct. 8 T h e Aumsville community club held its first meeting of the year as a banquet to all newcomers in the vicinity with a 7 o'clock dinner with 200 attending. The progxam included: songs with Professor Mountain leader. Mrs. England at piano with Kenneth W. Bayne, S. B. Mills. Miller. Hayden and Sam Brown political speakers and Mr. Louden of Portland speaking for Meier for governor. Henry Porter told the early history of Aumsville, Charles Martin, the history of the com munity club; Mrs. Bradley, what a community club should be: a solo by Gwen Martin. The day being the 20th wed ding anniversary of M and Mrs. Charles Martin, Mr. William Gray in behalf of the club pre sented Mr. and Mrs. Martin with an electric lamp. The meeting night being changed for the club will come on Friday night instead of Mon day night the next meeting of the club will be -Friday, Novem ber 7 with a pot luck super. The officers for the club for this year are: president, Charles Martin, vice president; William Gray; secretary. Miss Grace Rich ards and directors M. McCol lough and Fred Denham. A reception will be held Fri day, October 10 for the freshman attending high school. H. P. Jensen and children Al bert and Evelyn of Turner spent Suaday here at the Chris Jensen oma. Twenty members of the Bethel Sunday school attended the North Santiam Sunday school convention held at Pleasant Point Sunday. N. D. Bradley returned Mon day from California where he has been with his brother, Everett Bradley. WOODBURN. Oct. 7 Mrs. C. J. Rice was elected president of the Ladies Aid society of Wood burn Tuesday afternoon when the Federated Women met in the Methodist church. Mrs. Lee With ers was chosen as vice president of the Ladies Aid and Mrs. Hat tie Peterson is to be the club's vice president for the coming year. Mrs. Simmons is the newly elected treasurer. Plans were laid Tuesday after noon for the annual Ladies Aid dinner, which is held on election day. An Interesting part of the pro gram was the opening of a "money-apron." The apron was started by Mrs. E. N. Hall and was passed about to every club member. Each member put a patch on the apron with a coin under the-patch. The completed apron was opened and contained 1 13. The money is to be used to carry on the work of the society. Mrs. Alice Guyer won a beaotiful clothes-pin apron for guessing the amount of money in the apron. Mrs. E. N. Hall and Mrs. Don elson were the committee for re freshments. The Federated Wo men also enjoyed a box of marshmallows won at the Metho dist church rally day for the larg est attendance of any other church organization. The Wo man's Home Missionary club and the Women's Foreign Missionary cub also met at the same time and carried the routine business Rev. and Mrs. Glen S. Hartong have returned from an extended visit in California. Rev. Har tong is all ready to again begin services at the Methodist church. where he is pastor. ROAD CAVES IN CAR IS DITCHED ddent while crossing over a nar row dam just about one half mile from the Doner home. The rainy weather had caused the ground to soften and it caved off one side upsetting the car. Eva Doner was pinned under the car and was cut and bruised. Lu cille Lee was hurt in the back. The boys, Harlan Kelley and Glenn Mills were uninjured but badly frightened. It was a nar row escape for all. ON MOTOR JAUNT WOODBURN, October 8 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nibler, their daughter Leta and Victor Kelly left Tuesday morning for a trip into Washington and other points of interest in the north. They plan to be away about ten days. The tourists will visit friends and relatives in Seattle and then go to Lewiston, Idaho. They also plan on visiting In British Columbia. FEMALE HAS 601 PERRYDALE, October 8 Perrydale's orchestra was reor ganized Tuesday evening with Robert Mitchell conducting. Wanda Elliott at the piano Bert Lee and Charles Ross, trumpet, Ray Wilson, bass, Glen Stevens, saxophone, Robert Mitchell, trombone, Helen McMillan and Roberta Mitchell steel guitar, Lois Newman and Pete Peterson violin and Fred Vincent with the drums. Miss McMillan and Roberta Mitchell will give vocal selec tions as will Dwight Manning and Rollo Cobhin. Their first appear- Stayton Women Tot one Over9 On Legionnaires STAYTON, Oct. 8. Mon day evening several legion naires went over to Silver ton to attend a meeting there. They were much sur prised to see some of their wives drop in Utter in the evening. It seems the Silver ton Auxiliary was patting on an entertainment and dance and gave the Stayton ladies the tip to come over too and fool their "papas." ance will be In Amity Wednes dav eveninr when- thev nlay for month. The Gllson's the commercial club banquet. home Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Lorenro Gilson and Grandpa Bones went to Taft Sunday to visit with John Bones and family. (Grandpa Bones will stay at the Bones home for a returned ra n i INSTALLS OFFICERS Auxiliary Staff Also In stalled at 'Joint Ses sion Recently tains 183 members. Following the instalation, dancing was en joyed for a short time. 9ILVERTON, Oct. , 8 T h e Joint installation of , the officers of the Delbert Reeves Post of the American Legion and the American Legion auxiliary was held Monday evening Jack Eak in of Dallas acting aa installing officers for the Legion, and Mrs. A. J. Titus for the auxiliary. The evening's events began at 7 o'clock with a pot luck supper at the armory. Following this the business and Installation took place. WOODBURN. Oct. 8 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Guiss and their daughter, Mrs. Pecken are visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Guiss for a few days. J. W. Guiss is enjoying a two month's leave of absence from his posi tion ;vs illuminaing engineer for the Washington state highway department. They will, also visit in California during their vacation. End Oily, Sallow Skin A little Calonlte powder sprinkled on a wet cloth and rubbed gently over the fice each night ends shiny, oily skins puts new life into sallow skin, and cleans the pores of all dust, dirt and prevents blackheads. It makes the skin feel refreshed and bright, so you will enjoy a The local post now congoodj. Bitot's rest. Adv. KEIZER, Oct. 8 Two young couples starting out from the Frank Doner home in Keizer ex pecting to. attend a show in Sa lem met with an automobile ac- Sot : Drill Team to Initiate Class At Woodburn WOODBURN, October 8 One of the finest fraternal drill teams of the state, that of the east 600 assembly of the United Artisans In Portland, will be in Woodburn mursaay evening to Initiate a large class of Woodburn candi dates. The Woodburn lodge is show' lng a substantial growth. BIBLE SCHOOL POPULAR SCOTTS MILLS, Oct. 8 The Church of Christ Bible school Is growing fine with an' attendance of 48 Sunday at 10 o'clock. Rev. Leroy Crocker and wife of Salem come oue every Sunday morning and conduct services at 11 o'clock. Everyone is welcome. British unemployed have in creased by 850,000 in a year. To be a Healthy Woman watch your Bowels! What should women do to keep their bowels moving freely? . A doctor should . know the answer. That is why pure Syrup Pepsin is so good for women. It just suits their delicate organism. It is the prescription of an old fam ily doctor who has treated thou sands of women patients, and who made a special study of bowel troubles. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is made from Fresh laxative herbs. pure pepsin and rther harm)e68 ingredients. It doesn't sicken or weaken you. No restrictions of habit or diet are necessary while taking it. But it's action is thor ough. It carries off the sour bile and poisonous waste. It does ev ery thine vou want it to do. It Is fine for children, too. They love its taste. Let them have It ever time, their tongues are coated or their skin is sallow. When you've a sick headache, can't eat, are bilious or sluggish; and at-the times when you' are most apt to be constipated take a little of this famous prescrip tion (all druggists keep It ready in big bottles), and you'll know wny Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the favorite laxative of over a million women!. Da. W. B. Caldwell SYRUP PEPSIN t A Doctor's Family Laxative r Electric Heat Thoroughly Practical ! t ! Huge Sales Campaign Now in Progress, Featuring The IPaffaimiKOtmimti EiecstoS By the EOF F ELECTRIC Shop LIKE TO SEE THEN MADE ? ? ? "THEPWAY OF ALL MEN" .4vaw Friday and Saturday- at r -- ' ' ' r ff -'-1 -y -J- - - - r i kiln --'imgr - Uv ll : ii y '3 fe5n a? S j a?r ?L J ' v -.jit f flSsa fc-X -v " v - " t if: v I "lill v ' I lwiiwiwwmMMiwtn mmimm You can't help admiring the charm of natural beauty, any more than you can help enjoying the natural mildness of a Camel Cigarette. Camel's mildness starts in the sun-drenched fields where the tobaccos grow. Only the choicest of the golden Turkish and mellow Domestic leaves are selected for Camels. Through every step of their cure and manufacture the delicate, sun-ripe fragrance of these tobaccos is scien tifically preserved. And so Camels come to you mild and delightful not fiat and flavorless. Swing with the crowd to Camels. Learn the happy difference between true mildness and insipid flatness. Smoke without fear of throat-discomfort or after-taste just for pleasure! iMELS LISTEN TO t CAMEL PLEASURE HOUR Evenings ea N. B. C Pacto Cout network, KTAR, KFSD, KSL, KOA, KHQ, KOMO, KGW r Sv' " '"