The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 09, 1930, Page 11, Image 11

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Bloming, October 9, 1930
Body Identified
As Mrs. Hackett
Dr. J. C. Rupert. . Milwaukee
dentist, lastnight identified the
body of a woman found slain In
the Lac Ln Flambeau Indian res
erration a week ago, as that of
Mrs. Cora Belle Hackett, 42, for
mer Milwaukee school teacher
and lately of Chicago. Dr. .Ru
pert, Who did quit bit ot den
tal work for Mrs. Hackett. said
the body was undoubtedly hers.
SILVERTON, Oct. 8 Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Lukes and family,
who have lived here for the past
two years, left Sunday morning
by automobile for Lesterrille,
South Dakota, to make their fu
ture home. A number of affairs
were siren for Mr. and Mrs.
Lukes before they left for their
new borne. -rSKST3
Casta &2?oBe?y aimal MacCietl:
7f on WnHIl AIKet ajrs IFSimcsEl ipIleimSlM
44I?Eaime i? CallE Sen IPei?cnaff
Best Quality
Peanut Butter
2 lbs. 23c
Sfllfli OIL
Bulk - - High Quality
per qt. 35c
A Good Bulk
per lb. 25c
2 lbs. 45c
Full Gream
2 lbs. 39c
2 lbs. 15c
Order Your
with your grocery order.
Try our pure Pork Sausage
It's Delicious.
Per lb. 25c
Armour's Milk
6 for
Broken Slice - - 2Yz tins
2 for 39c
Glean and FresK
fl lbs. 25c
Oval Sardines
Mustard or Tomato Sauce"
2 for 15c
Tomato Soup
3 for 25c
3 for
75 of the Season's
martestl Newest
presented in a Special Event at
' $251
We are determined to make Friday and Saturday ouf
biggest coat days of the year, with such values as
these, we can't help but accomplish this aim.
To every miss or woman who has set her coat price
at $25.00 this event means her problem is solved, for
the salient features of the higher priced coats are em
bodied in these coats. Style, Fabric, Quality, and low
All the favored Fall shades and black,
or matron.
Sizes for miss.
Of Special Interest Are These
Beautiful New Coats
specially priced at
Interesting for their beautiful furs, their fine fab
rics, and their marvelous style, distinctive in every,
way, and coats you will fajf in love with instantly.
Why not see them, your ideal is here.
Yamhill Utilizes Most of
Water now, Result of
"Less water will ran under
Yamhill county bridges unutilized
thi year than ever before," says
County Agent S. T. White. There
are 14 new irrigation projects in
Yamhill county developed this
year, project! which are now Irrh
gating Ladlno clover pastures and
other crops.
The balk ot these projects are
pumping propositions where the
water is lifted by means ot cen
trifugal pumps a heighth ot from
15 to as high as SO feet. In some
cases gravity Irrigation systers
har been established by placing
inexpensive, dams ln creeks sutfi
cleatly high to elevate the water
so that It runs out on to the land
by gravity.
km a means of showing the
rains of Irrigated pasture ln con
nectlon with the dairy enterprise.
a demonstration of Ladlno clover
under irrigation was established
on the farm of Chester L. Mulkey
near HcMlnnvllle last year. The
county agent with the assistance
of the Extension specialist ln irri
gation and drainage laid out the
system to Irrigate a ten acre ciov
er pasture. The cooperation of
the Yamhill Electric company was
also enlisted so that at practically
no cost a motor and pump was
installed and a power line con
structed under a contract par
ticularly advantageous to Mr,
Mulkey. A seven horse power
electric motor was Installed to
operate a three-inch centrifugal
pump which lifted the water
total elevation of 51 feet. This
field of clover was seeded ln May
ot last year and supported 22
cows during September and
October. This year six bushels of
Ladlno clover seed were harvested
per acre and in addition the acre
age provided pasture during April
and May and again after the seed
was harvested this fall.
Interest Gains
In Irrigation
This original demonstration es
tablished by the county agent re
sulted in greatly Increased Inter
est in irrigation this year. The
county agent and the Extension
specialist in soils and irrigation
representing the college have as
sisted ln the establishment of 14
different irrigation projects in
Yamhill county. Activity similar
to that carried on in Yamhill
county is conducted by county
agents In all of the other Will
amette valley counties.
In Eastern Oregon where irri
gation Is an old and established
practice county agents are equip
ped with rods and fevels and ren
der farmers assistance In laying
out their fields for irrigation and
also in running ditch levels.
County agents in Eastern Oregon
render Individual service survey
ing for irrigation laterals, irriga
tion systems, and establishing the
strip border method ot irrigation
on farms.
Such a broad interest has been
manifest ln this Irrigation work
ln Western Oregon it is contem
plated that Western Oregon coun
ty agents will also have to be
equipped with rods and levels in
order that they may more effect
ively render assistance in con
nection with this irrigation .development.
plan the years work for the W1U
ard Women's club.
Le Roy Rue, who has been at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. K. O .Rue since last spring
left Monday (or Spokane where
he wll work in a shoe store. Be
hod this position last year.
Mildred Egan spent Sunday at
the home ot her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F.'M. Egan.
Mrs. Wm. Haevenick is spend
ing a few days in Silverton with
her cousins, Mrs Letta Burch and
Miss Rhoda Comstock.
Engeman Brothers hare their
corn cutter out ln this section.
Last week they filled two silos at
the Dickman-Haevernick farm and
one for Karl Haberly and will fill
a silo for B. O. Longsdort as soon
as weather will permit.
Mrs. Barney Ray has been ill
with Influenza. The Rays live on
and Mrs. Frank Weber of Eugene
made a three weeks visit at the
Edward Dunnigan Sr. home. The
families were neighbors in Mil
waukie, Wisconsin before coming
to Oregon.
Mr. Dunnigan and family Join
ed this community 24 years ago.
He bought his farm of Charles
Arnold, on of the pioneer fam
ilies. Mr. Dunnigan had made
many improvements on his farm,
building a modern house, setting
out a prune orchard and filberts.
The yardhas a bird bath, a
bearing fig tree, many rare shrubs
and many flowers. The family
have been active ln school and
community affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Weber will leave
in November to spend the winter
with a son In Wisconsin. They
tried a winter there some years
ago, finding ft very cold, after
several years in the Willamette
and Mrs. George Gallagan of
Hood River spent Friday with
their mother, Mrs. Mary Gallagan
Mrs. Gallagan had the misfortune
to fall and fracture her shoulder
early in August. This Injury is
getting along well but the shock
was too much for her 83 years
and she Is confined to her bed.
She is the. grandmother of Mrs.
Ansel Solie. Karland Burnett
Mrs. Edson Comstock had as
her guests Saturday, Misses Cora
Mason and Hazel Brunner of
Ashland, who are seniors jat
Willamette. In the evening the
Comstocks and their guests to
gether with Mrs. 8. J. Comstock
and Dr. and Mrs. A. J McCannel
and Miss Jennie Graham enjoyed
a no host dinner at the home of
Mr and Mrs. F. E. Sylvester of
Mrs. Maude Haberly and daugh
ter. Miss Mildred of The Dalles
motored down to their "tome here
on business Saturday. They re
turned to The Dalles 8unday.
Misses Vera and Olive Otto way
spent Thursday afternoon at the
2 Lbs . ....... 13C
Whole Wheat or White
Extra long loaf
Wrapped He
Fluffy Cinnamon
RoHa, Doz.. IOC
Cookies, 1 A
Doz. - AUC
Honey Cream 1Q
Cake A PC
Large Pumpkin OA
Pies oUC
345 State
Your Own Home Bakery
the Maude Haberly farm ot
which Mr. Ray is manager.
Merced county, Calif., has more
automobiles than registered voters.
Pringle Community club will
meet Friday evening at 7:t0. This
meeting will open the fall season.
Election of Officers will be main
feature of evening.
C. L. Wellman, Registered Pharmacist
"In The Market"
Every Day Cut Price
SEaavflinig SjpecSall
FREE Gillette Razor, with every Palmolive or OtJr
Colgate Shaving Cream at atll
FREE Autostrop Razor and strop, with every Qfif
2 packages of Autostrop blades for 70l
FREE Bar of Lifebuoy Soap, with every OCr
Lifebuoy Shaving- Cream..
FREE Mennen Skin Balm (25c), with every J A
Mermen Shaving Cream at tFv
49c . Stationery -
A new assortment of white or colored stationery with
beautiful interlinings in boxes or neat portfolios
$1.00 Cod
Liver Oil.
75c Theatrical
Cleansing Cream
50c Jergen's
EieaeDy - - - NowJ
ann& AceecGi?Heo Coi? Fallfl
Cocc in Now and Investigate Tbeeo Vetoes!
'Swagger Set1
A EI3 Marathon
Fan Hat Value
Fall Shirts
Big values la printed and rayon
striped broadcloth.
Mini Snontte:
for Men and
Young Men
Extra Panto, $4.98
The ever appropriate, ever pleasing "Bine" , . ta
never so pleasing as in the smart models we are bow
showing. The fabrics are distinctive yl'"TVy
is of an nnosnally high quality.
For those whose fancy runt to other shades, ehoieo
is ample in tans, browns and creya, equally smart sn4
onusaal in valoa.
Southern Tie
Smart style
for general
wear. Ga-
keel, welt mdS
toU. Real
value at
Cushion fascia
ladr or brow Ud shot for
tea. Real comfort assure1 with
the cssUon Insole. Wett sola,
Bcztsh Groin Trba
A opwU
sports del.
W ith See
trsx4 trfSi
I 0
Oataet Now
at only
Inspect tbeic fins, afagle-breaste4 models . ,
their expert tailoring-. , . staunch linings . .
mart guteriats and cplorinfi ! YooTl agree
that they are value far above part
lfade of heavy
weight Amof
fceag 11 1 lira lifts)
SI Indies lottf
hall neck tbest
Cosy conferf
on the coldest
9 HE' A. R. t J E N T 0 O A B
16( N. Libert? St, Salem
home of Mrs. Karl Haberly to