The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 08, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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    - I.
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, Ocfoticr 8, 1930
5 -
t -
jAir Commerce Bulletin Says
Willamette Portion of
Airway is Ideal
'Thls portion of the airway Ilea
la the famous Willamette valley
and the terrain la low and gen
rally flat," reads the report la
recent Air Commerce bulletin
Issued by the United States gov
ernment. The article concerns the
completion of the San Francisco
Seattle airway providing 24-hour
facilities between Los Angeles
and Seattle.
"No particular problems were
Involved in laying oat the airway
between Eugene and Seattle," the
report continues. "The airway
runs in a straight line slight east
f North, from Eugene to Swan
Island airport at Portland. wUa
Intermediate fields located at
Brownsville and SUverton and
with airports available at Albany
and Salem.
"Many landing fields are avail
able daring the drier portions of
the rear. The chief problem in
preparing the Intermediate land
tar fields In this section has been
te aeenre adequate draining and
a. good sod coverage to prevent
dangerous softening of tho fields
taring the rainy season.
The article describes in detail
the emergency landing fields se
cured between San Francisco and
Portland and includes a statement
concerning the erection of air
"Many of the beacon altes be
tween. Redding. Calif., and Eu-
gfue were extremely difficult to
loeateVhd to reach with construc
tion materials." the report reads.
The topographic .mapj from
which the field representatives
worked were none too accurate,
lue to the extremely broken na
ture of the country. All of this
area was densely covered with
timber, often exceeding 100 feet
In height, which made it impos
sible to determine the relative
height of the surroundings from
the ground."
Coast air Mail
Service Available
Air mail service Is now avail
able daily up and down the coast,
the mail south being .closed hero
at 3 p. m. It then goes tp Port
land from which it Js malted tht
tame evening.
Plans are under way to have a
western Oregon supplementary
service which will pick up mall at
Intermediate points and connect at
Medfort with the southbound
Judge Siegmund
Great Knot Tier
Records Reveal
Judge J. C. Siegmund yester
day filed away papers showing he
had performed his 204th marri
age ceremony while county Judge.
The ceremony yesterday afternoon
united George W. Smith and Hazel
Churchill, both of 3705 W. 62nd
street, Portland.
Siegmund has been county
- V
U ' VI
(r J
iU -:':fa to
Mrs. Mary Estrs, who recently ac
costed couple in San Francis
co, claiming the man was her
husband. The other womu said
he was hers. Then they disap
peared, and Mrs. Estes has ask'
ed the police te help her find
the hwsband who deserted her
after two months of wedded
Judge slightly less than three
years, or since December 1, 192,7.
Incidentally, the very first day be
was In office he was called upon
to officiate at a wedding and now
he laughs as he recalls how per
turbed he was that once.
The judge says hardly a week
passes that he does not perform
at least rite, and the
past summer he has managed a
considerable better average than
that Since March 1, be has mar
ried 42 couples. His average for
the first three years, in office, if
the present demand continues, will
be around 70 or 71 ceremonies a
Civil Service
Faker Is Said
. Working Salem
Civil service officials and police
officials have been notified to
watch out for men fakers' who
are representing themselves to be
agents of the United States Civil
Service Commission with federal
jobs to be given out through their
One such man has apparently
been operating in Salem recently,
a woman reported to Civil Service
officials at the postoffice that a
man with the story of civil service
jobs approached her and sought
a fee.
The man or men are working
all over the country, and accord
ing to the government office, the
scheme they work is to promise
federal jobs with entering salary
of 1,900 for each person who
pays a 50 fee. No description of
the man or men is given.
No one, of course, ean guaran
tee a federal job in this manner.
'keeps the foot well-
it v
If you don't see this
Trade-Mark it's not
DON'T let anyone tell you that a so-called ,!Arch"
Shoe is an Arch Preserver Shoe, for it isn't. Be sure
to look for the trade-mark on sole and lining. It identifies
the genuine. Arch Preserver features are patented and can't
be duplicated. That's why no other shoe can provide the
amazing foot freedom and comfort in action f hat the Arch
Preserver Shoe gives you. Smart new styles indescrib
ably lovely. We have your site in stock.. Our exclusive
vheel-to-ball" fitting is the final assurance of foof satisfaction.
Display of Patterns at Au
rora Interests Women
Of Other Places
AURORA, Oct. 7 Mrs. "WU-'j
liam Able of Canby was here Sat
urday afternoon to attend a tea
given by -Mrs. Diana Snyder at
the Presbyterian church, when a
large number of quilt patterns
were displayed for the pleasure
of all present, by Mrs. Buttles of
Portland. Later in the evening
Mr. Able and children joined
Mrs. Able at dinner at the home
of Mrs. Chester Gilbreath.- v
Some of George Zieglers
friends called and had Sunday
dinner with him. He has been on
the sick list. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kerr and
daughter Tevone, of .Corvallis,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conkey of
Monmouth and Mrs. Anna Tre
maln. Mr. and Mrs. Sldnpv Rnnr1ine
drove down from Portland Sat
urday evening and h'ad a Tisit
with Mr. and Mrs. Lane dribble.
The school is closed for two
days and the teachers are all at
Salem attending the teachers In
stitute. .
Franklin Tyler who Is now lo
cated, at Beaverton with the
Standard Oil company, spent the
week end at bis home here.
Only two opinions, both of
them involving minor cases, were
nanded down by the state supreme
court Tuesday prior to taking np
the October docket of appeals,
with a total of 88 cases sched
uled for argument during the next
six weeks.
Judge George Tazwell of the
Multnomah county cireuif court
was reversed in an opinion writ
ten by Justice Brown, in an or
der removing Robert G. Hofer as
executor of the will of Robert
Fehlman, deceased.
In the other opinion, written
by Justice Belt, the court affirm
ed the decree of Judge Robert
Tucker of Multnomah county,
awarding damages to the Carstens-j
Packing company in a suit against
the Southern Pacific railroad. The
suit was before the court on ap
peal by the' railroad company.
Petitions for rehearing in the
case of May vs. Roberts and in
Donaghy vs. O. W. R. and N. com
pany, were denied by the court."-
Woodry s Named
As Defendants
In Civil Action
Alleging that goods and furni
ture were taken from his home
October 4 without his consent, L.
R. Martin yesterday filed com-
Strenuous Initiation
Were you ever coated with a
stlckr chocolate substance and
then thrown Into a tank of wat
er?- Or perhaps you were lather
ed with a broom and shaved with
a huge wooden razor before your
unexpected bath. If you ever
crossed tne equator on a moaern
steamship, you hare experienced
one of these sensations.
Dean Roy. Hewitt of Willam
ette college of law told of his ex
periences when crossing tne
"line" last summer at chapel, re
cently. It was on his tour
plaint to recover goods or money
against N. and Medora Wood
ry. Removal of the goods was made
by Medora Woodry, the complaint
sets out. Martin says he demand
ed Tetnrn of the goods without
avail. He aslu return of the
goods, consisting largely of
breakfast tables and chairs and
bed. and springs, or judgment of
1100 for value of the goods. He
also asks f 100 damages'and costs.
Bits For Breakfast
o o
(Continued from page 4)
is bo doubt. The first concern
of such reorganization should be
to 'conserve -the interests of the
large number of stockholders
who paid in their money that
the mill might be built.- They
deserve to be protected, so that
their Investments, when the con
cern is finally put on a paying
basis, may share in the profits,
and their stock be good for Its
I. I
is Scheduled
Described - by. Hewitt
around the northern part of
South America.
When a ship crosses the equa
tor. King Neptune comes aboard
with a number of his courtiers
and Initiates the neophytes who
have never keen there before. He
is dressed in bis traditional fash
ion with long whiskers, sea weed
in his hair, and that instrument
resembling a pitchfork grasped
in his hand. -
If you are a man, you are
shaved; if you are a woman, you
get the chocolate, in your hair.
Then the bath. In the meantime,
if Old Man Neptune so desires it,
you have your bathing suit filled
with ice. Then, you can go clean
up and watch the rest of the par
ty take their initiation. You have
then earned a diploma which
King Neptune's herald presents
you the next day.
Eating two-inch bananas in
the Canal Zone, spoiled Dean
Hewitt for the kind we get here.
The small ones "just mek in
your mouth." Colon and Panama,
the two entrance cities to the
canal, are quite interesting,
pointed out the speaker.
In order to go from east to
west (from the Atlantic te the
Pacific), one's ship goes from
west to east. The canal on the
Atlantic side Is northwest of the
exit on the Pacifie slope.
One of the disappointments of
his trip, claimed Dean Hewitt,
was missing the. sight of, the
Christ of the Andes because' of its
being covered with snow. ' The
statue and pedestal are over 60
feet high. Mr. Hewitt's tour was
made during- July and August
which Is winter south of the trop
Statesman9 Annual
a I ( il r U vMJ VzJ
Out of State
and City of
Local Department Provides
Statistics and Advice
To Avert Losses i
National fire prevention week
is being observed m Salem, as
well as the country over, between i
October 5 and 11. The key to the
plan this year Is "An Appeal to
Reason." The local fire depart
ment has issued slides to various I
theatres for display.
Startling fire facts, pointed
out by the department are mat
32 human iivea were sacrificed on
the alter of carelessness in Ore
gon ifl 1929. Seven of these were
children under 10- while three
were young girl students of an
educational . institution. Seven
were feeble and invalided people
over 60.
Ninety-four Oregon people,
many children, were seriously
burned and . injnred by fire in
Oregon in 1929. The total loss by
fire in this state during the same
time was $6,808,000, over $7 per
Rules Given
To Prevent Fires
The remedy or these losses lies
in the ceasing of carelessness. A
few ot the things recommended
are as follows:
Keep houses elean of combus
tible refuse at all times,.
Avoid accumulation of flam
mable materials about the prem-
. Never use kerosene or gasoline
to kindle or rejuvenate fires.
Keep flammable liquids in ap
proved fire-safe containers.
Never use explosive or highly
combustible liquids for cleaning
clothes; especially where there is
an open fire or flame.
to End Oct
Be sure that ytrur electric wir
ing; fa properly insulated and
Be sure that your electric iron
la oft; pull out the plug.
Inspect, clean and make your
chimneys and flues fireproof.
Keep roofs clean of moss and
apply coating of flreproofing el
ement Keep matches out of reach of
children; use only the safety
Never permit smoking where
The U.S. Marine Band
(The President's Own)
Salem, Monday Oct. 13th
Horse Show Stadium Fairgrounds
Afternoon Concert
Students 25c
Adults 50c
Reserved Seats S1.00
General Admission 50e
Reserved Seats $1.00
Seats On Sale at Burnett Bros. Jewelry Store .
Sponsored by Salem Lions Club
Buys This Great
Oregon Newspaper
by Mail for
combustible materials are stored
or exist.
Step on that discarded "smoke'
stub. Be sure that match la out
Consult your fire chief and co
operate with him in fire preven
tion. Encourage others to observe
these precautions, and always
Think! and be careful
Stocking Maine waters with
land-locked salmon has greatly
improved the fishing.