PAGE ELEVEN R$ad This Page Carefully; Something tor you Here The OREGON STATESMAN, Salefe, Oregon, Saturday Morning, October 4. 1930 CLASSIFIED ASVESTISnra Reading notices, per line- 25c Classified Advertising, per ltne10c Classified Advertising, per lin I times 20c Classified Advertising, per line C times SOc On month, daily and Sunday per line . 1 1-00 Copy for this page accepted un til :30 the evening before publi cation for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be rua under the beading Too Late to Classify. HELP WANTED QUIET, middle aged couple to work for rent of first floor apt. C$4 North 17th Street $1260-$400O yer.r. Government Jobs. Men, women -18-50. Steady work. We coach you for coming examination, full particulars and list positions. Ap ply immediately. Box 492, care States man. WANTED Blackberry picker a Egan Bros. 3FI1. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Experienced cloth Ing SITUATIONS WANTED STEADY day or hour work. 2245J., after 7 p. nr. MARRIED man wants work in dairy or on farm. John Wuest, 1180 Wiipping street. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Tomatoes Watermelons And garden truck. Tel. 95FJ, Rt. t. Bx. 90. North of Keizer school. PILING timber for sale. Tel. 12TF21 after 6 p. m. JELLY and swept water grapes. Urn. Stoddard, Wallace Road. GIRL'S $35.00 coat, like new. J15. 00. Size 14. Tel. 1334R. FOR SALE Boys' suit, age 13. Half price. 330 N. High. Tel. 20TC.W. FOR SALE Cheap, new $r.3.00 coat, size 3 8. 980 N. 1 8th. Tel. 1 C6 4 W. FOSTER and Salway peaches now ready at Imlah orchard. TeL 62J11. tUVVVVVVrtVrVrVrViVi ii m Hi acre field corn. J 18. Gustav Gaertner, Rt. 7, B. 15. Salem. 1 ml. from city limits on "D" street. GOOD heater for sale cheap. Call 1S73J. SALWAY cannlne peaches. Pl'RITAN CIDER WORKS West Salem Tel. 2 3 74 J. Fresh Concord grape Juice. Puritan Cider Works. Tel. 2374J. WestaU'K; CANING pearlies, yellow meat. Free st"ue. Ready. L. Townsend or chard. TOMATOES "the firm canning varieties" at the brown tent on Ryer ELrte drive. "Bring boxes." PORTABLE typewriters, all makes, new and used. Adders and typewriters for rent. Typewriter Exchange, 421 Court street. FOR SALE Old papers. lc a ban- die. Statesman office. Winter apples, Rulifson's. Box 69. Route 8. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. Good condition. Reasonable. Tel. 2183-W. TRADE Miscellaneous 3! Winchester rifle with magazine for old Ford roadster or touring car. Route 4, Box 22A, Salm. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Second hand 1-4 h. P. motor, slow speed. Not over 1200 R. O. S. Statesman. WANTED Used pianos. In ex change on radios, phonographs, or fur ninire. H L. Stiff Furniture Company. MISCELLANEOUS WALNUT drying. Any Quantity. Tel. 133F2. Lee s Hatchery. WE can dry your filberts and wal r.uts. Machines now "ready. 410 8 24 th St., Salem, Ore. W. E. Park Son Prop's. DOGS boarded In a real dog hotel. E. B. Flake, Petland Farm, Pacific highway. CSsan Your Furnace 0,;i vacuum evstem eliminated dust arl voot. Phone 88S, ROSEBRAUUH COMPANY. WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED 3 or 4 wwm ap artment with heat children ; box 6S5, Sr.iresmnn. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4 room apt 1335 State. 4 rooms furnished. 412 N. 21st. with garage. Cheap. - FIVE room fur. apt. first floor, gar age. T. G. Albert, 860 Mill street. PATTON APARTMENTS, down town d strlcts. Clean, comfortable, nicely furnished, reasonable. For in spection call Patton's Book Store. 2 or 3 room furn. apt., Electrokold and radio. 730 N. Liberty. FOR RENT Duplex apartment. 931 North Winter. 3 room .furnished apartment. Close In. Lights, water, phone. $14.00. 541 Mill Street FOR RENT Pleasant furnished apt., heat, light and water. Close In. 532 N. High. FURNISHED first floor apt.. rooms, bath, sleeping porch, water, garage. $25.40. 246 So. 17th. TILLIE, THE TOILER VjHET2.fe'S MAC, u ii j-.L . la . HB L TO Buy DfeHSS FOR RENT APARTMENTS -l-,-l-,i-,-w-w-,rlrinrLn - . rocm apt. Tet 1726R. FOR RENT 3 room furnished ap artment, cooking utensils, bedding and dishes. Rent by day, week or month. Call Hii State -street. MILLER APTS, uader new man fiCement. Furnished rooms and apta. TeL 704. WELL furnished rooms and apta. for rent at 2M1 Hazel Ave. TeL 13W. - - - ,-irmrUTnrL)i ..... viic-uiat uicciy furnished rooms. Clean and desirable. E-ieciric range, eiectro-ttold. heat and water. Don't miss seeing this. rnuni. ZkS PARTLY furnished apts. 701 North ChtfTch street. TWO and tftree room apartments for rent AMBASSADOR KPTS PHon 1975 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR "KENT HOUSES $15 to 45 furnished 1 to $75. Houses for sale, no down pavment, only $20 per month. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. FOR RENT Modern R. house, basement, furnace, has fine electric range, beautiful burn, flowers, shrub bery, rent reasonable to right party. SEE owner 1605 Ferry street. S room house with basement for rent. $15. Tel. 1451R. rUFORMMEDIT house, modern, rurnished or unfur nished. One block from state capitol, three blocks from post office. TeL 13S3 or call at 271 N. Summer street FOR SALE OR RENT 9 "room house, 780 Mill street. Full wised basemeat, garage, new hog fue burn er, itsv or HAVE many calis for houses fir rent. List your houses, furnished or unfurnished, with ui. J. LINCOLN ELLIS 462 State FOR KENT Modern 5 room house completely furnlrted. lorelv furniture, :. 1677 South High street. NICE small house. 2130 Lee. FOR RENT Modern J-room house, garage, $j5.00. 1795 S. High. 7 cds. wood In basement for sale. Call 1324. FOR RENT Houses rurnlshed and unfurnished. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street FOR RENT Clean houses $10 to $60. Also flats store blds3., business lots. BECKE & HENDRICK3 189 North High Street FOR RENT 6 room modern home, some furniture, large rooms, with large attic, furnace, large lot with fruit trees, double garase. L. E. Stif ler. Call 500 between 8 a. m. and S p. m. or ITtQ N. 17th St . evenings FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE $2 SCO. 04). 4 room modern house, 2 bedrooms. $100.00 down and $:?.76 a month. $3230.00. 6-rooms modern. Fire place, hard.vood floors, basement, fur nace, corner lot $17 0.00 down, 30.00 a month. $13,00(4 00. 180 a "res. Modern 7 room house, good barn and other buildings. Stock and other equipment SO with the place. Running water. $3300.00. 20 A. 6 room house. All cultivated. Small payment down, easy t9 n,S' HOLLYWOOD REALTY 2009 N. Capitol Tel. JS07. Residence 2968. SERVICE station, garage and home for sale, cheap. On Pacific highway. Route 3, Box 4 4. South best location in Salem. 62! acre farm, stocked, and equip ped, 2(0 sheep, 5 cows. 5 heifers, 3 horses, chickens, pitrs. etc., all farm equipment, price 829,000 ; will take some trade, balance on payments from the Increase and wool from 123 ewes, 4 Interest If you want to get Into business for yourself, here 1? an od- j portunity. If your increase and wool each yenr is $500 or $;0u0. that is all you will have to pay on the place. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bvlldlng Tel. 1784. FOR SALE 47 acre farm adjoin ing small town. Easy termi Or will trde for auto camp on highway or acreage suitable for camp. A. E. HUDSON, Vader. Wn. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT $2630. Neat 4 room bungalow with corner lot both sts. paved, near school and bus line, oak floors, fireplace, $r00 down, balance monthly. A REAL BARGAIN. NORTH SALEM $2730. Four room modern stucco home, paved St., cement base ment, furnace, garage. In good condition, $150 down, balance $311:0 per mo. to include int. SOUTH SALEM $2639. Good seven room home with modern conveniences ewtpt base ment, large lot on bus line, near store and school, $1350. cash, balance mortgage to be assumed. WONDERFUL. VALUE. See it today, it may be sold tomorrow. GOOD VALUE $ 6 S2 5. Buys a modern up to date home with extra large living room, has five large rooms, with one extra room finished In basement, well arranged on one floor, bungalow style, has all modern convenien ces with fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, double garage, corner lot, east front. A REAL HOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE. REAL ESTATE AVIRE INSURANCE W. IL GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 51$. a IC EARLS 224 No. High St. Phone 224$ A reliable Salem realtor selling city and farm property of all kinda Spe cialist in exchanges of all kinds of property anywhere. REAL BARGAINS $ A farm nice level valley land near town, small house, barn, garage, henhouse, good team wagon, harness, cow and tools. $5009. Nice little gro. business, well lo cated In Salem with living rooms, cheap rent good business. 60 A. farm near Salem all In cult, bidgs.. fruit $5900. Take residence for part PERRINE ft MARSTERS NOTICE Mf three acres in Ewald Fruit Farms Is off the market. W. R. RAN DUB -TILUIB J 1 a. .j. yJ vaicmt OUT FOR SALE Real Estate FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ,.$12 1855 Tew, 3 rooms; $161170 N. ICth, 4 roems ; $20 388 Richmond, S rooms; $22.5088$ Oak, S rooms ; $25148 Union, 5 rooms, furnace: $25 353 Leslie, rooms; $25 1654 S. High, 4 rooms: $25 674 N. 15th. rooms; $27.54) 80S S. 12th. t rooms, furnace; $27. 50 658 Ferry (S room flat) $2$ 1433 a Liberty, rooms, furnace; $30 1700 N. 17th, 6 rooms, furnace; $32.50 740 Marion (5 rooms flat) for.; $40.04) m Leslie. 7 rooms, fur.; $40.00 159 State, 3 baths, 9 rooms. f OR RENT FURNISHED $1$ 1575 State. $ rooms, bath, gar age; $25148 Union (partly); $45 2050 & High. 5 rooms; $45 2050 & High, 5 rooms; $4 .1069 Leslie. 7 rooms; $57.50 765 Marion, 8 rooms; $65700 Stewart. BrXTKE HENDRICKS 189 N. High Telephone 1L CREEK LOTS A real bargain In creek lots located on Winona Court. A beautiful place to build your home. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 South Liberty Street FOR SALE Fatrmount Hill resi dence with a wonderful view. Built for home by owner. A. J. RAHN. 1510 Falt-mount Street, Phone 1927. FOR SALE OR RENT 6 room fur nished home, very reasonable, good locatlftn. Call L. E. Stlffler at 600 between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. or 1719 N. 17 th St, evenings. SACRIFICE SALE 7 room semi modem home, fireplace, basement, etc $ lots covered with large bearing nut and fruit trees, berries, garden, poultry house, earage, paved street, near school, 765 Rural avenue, tele phone 2235W. WE have a 100 acre farm well Im proved and stocked and equipped to trade for a small farm near Salem. 13 H acres, good 5 room house, good barn, electricity, H mile from high way. 2 miles north Salem price $4, 000.00. A splendid 25 acre farm, well Im proved, 1 mile east of Salem for $10, 000.00 and will take Salem home. Good new 4 room home for only J2100.00 with 850.00 down. McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON :09-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 140. LIST your property with us and SAVE the commission. Buy ers get your name and address from our displav boards, then deal DIRECT with you. You pay us a small exhibit fee, that's alL OWNERS REAL ESTATE LISTING BUREAU 121 New Bligh Bldg. Telephone 717 Salem, Ore. NEW MODERN 6 ROOM Home nicety decorated streets, paved, $28u0 terms. MODERN 5 ROOM Close in on Broadway street. $3300. a real buv. SEE Geiser with ANDERSON & RUPERT 169 South High Street TODAY'S BEST BUY $3000 bargain for $2000. $120 down, balance like rent buys a good 5 room plastered house with basement and furnnce. Let us show it to you. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Tel. 1727. $1300 house and lot 75x124 ft. on North 19th. Paving pd. $3130. 5 room house, modern with basement, furnace and fireplace, laree lot. earage. Terms. $4000. Strictly modern 6 room home, hardwood floors, full basement, furnace, fireplace. This is a real buy. Call us and see it. Terms. Money to loan Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON 120 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 637. HOMES WORTH WHILE 6 rms. and floored attic, new. $4,- 600.00. 8 rms. Court St., fine construction, extra large lot. strictly modern, $7, 500. 8 rms. stucco and tije roof, double garage, beautiful trees, $10,000, 7 rms. south, a corner to be proud of, new and modern, $8650. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 South High Street WHY PAY RENT WHEN IT WILL BUY YOUR OWN HOME? Neat 4 room bungalow on N. Cot tage street, large corner lot. Priced very low at $1400. cash $50. baL like rent 4 room, well built cottage, lawn, flowers and shrubbery. Worth $2100. Price for short time $1475, cash $25, balance like rent. LEO N CHILDS CO., Realtors 32ft State Street TeL 1727. EXCHANGE Real Estate GOOD first mortgage paper, $5, 000 to trade for farm in valley. Good 5 acre tract IVi miles from city limits, to exchange for small house in Salem. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Building Tel. 1784 WILL trade mv fine ductex house on large corner lot In S. Salem for small tract near saiem or gooa resi dence in Salem. Price $7000, straight mtse. of $2600, long- time. What have you? SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Tel. 1727. FOR SALE OR TRADE Auto raran located on Pacific highway 3 miles from Salem, also 14 acres with buildings, close to Salem. Call owner. 859J1. FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARM 44 acres of rich river bottom land, 23 A. plow land, balance timber and R. house, barn, garage, poultry nouses, J"rj mites town, bciioui uub, wonderful bargain, pries $3500; terms. ANOTHER ONE $1630. A choice 3 A. tract, river bottom land, 3 room house, oarn, gar age. hen house, some fruit and ber ries. 3 miles from paved highway. $200 down, sz& month. CHOICE 8 A TRACT $250 down, $20 month, pries $3000. S R. house, bam, hen, house. Liberty district possession November 1. Best buys In farms large and small. SEE BEUHTEb Or TttOMASUN 841 State Street - Room 4. 'IUAmonnts t ( ovEi to "ma !( fruwr. inii i-- Cfft - wyit t 1 y ACREAGE FOR SALE S aero fruit tract, lo ganberries, p runes and miscellaneous fruits, good buildings, well and spring. 15 minutes drive on good road or will rent to responsible party. Call L. E. Stlffler at 500 between I a. m. and S PL m.. or 171 N. 17th St. evenings. NOW IS THE TIME TO- BUY S0-ACRES, good dark saTl, 6 R. house, barn, family orchard. aM In culti vation, sacrificed price. $2750.00: will give terms. 21-ACRES. 6-R. house, garage and poultry nous. 15 -A. cultivation. This is good Sent lam river land. Prie $3000.00 terms. 2 $ ACRES good land, well locate on paved highway. Good 6-R. house, almost new, with built In kitchen, electric water srstetn, feood barn and new poultry bouse, 3-A. strawberries, 6-A. more ready to set out This is a good buy for $4750.00; $2000.00 down, balance easv. 33 3-4 ACRES. Two good 4-R. houses with electricity and bath, ged barn, new poulrYy bouse, 25-A. hops. This is a good piece of land. This place sold for $19,009. 0 three years ago. Our price now only $434K 00. You can't beat It Better hurry. 40-ACRES Howell Prairie soil, fins land, 6 miles of Salem. Only $5, 004) 00 50-ACRES, good 6-R. house, fair barn, garage and poultry house, 2-A. Umber, 45-A. cultivation. $ cows, 3 heifers, I horses, 2 hogs, 10$ chickens and all farm ma chinery and tools, pries $5500.60; trade for small acreage of about " same price, near Salem. Is your house insured? Are you pro tected with auto insurance? If not, SEE SEAR8 TUCKER, Realtors 184 South Commercial Street 1 OA nrfa i-hittVi nn KIn-Vtwow it cultivated, good fence, good I 'room house, N and a 2 room house, Isa-ge barn, garage, 2 chicken houses, 6 A. timber, 3 springs, and creek. 8100 per acre, $2000 loan,' take small acre age or Salem property for balance. Have small house with two corner lots north, $800. clear, except $300 paving. Want larger house with easy payments on balance. C. J. Jackson with W. G. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTETTbiryOXm proved farm near Salem. Must havs city light and price must be right What have you? Bor 952, States man. MONEY TO LOAN WB loan on livestock, automobiles, household goods and other personal property. Terms to suit your conven ience. National Loan ft Finance com pany. Licensed by state. 410 Bank of Commerce Bidg. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. All tran sactions strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Oregon Bldg. Second Floor Corner State and Hhrh Office hrs. 10:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. leiepiione viz. licensed by state MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments. You keep the rar. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferrv Phone 1 CI Salem. Ore. pesonGllloaT MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need see us before closing a loan. GENKKAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 olTTAMTASHSCrrTRETLFX TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service In all lines. ilAW K.l.Nfc m KUBKKTS t InC ) TeL 1427 205 Oregon Bids. Federal Farm Loans, Btt per cent V. L. WOOD. 341 State Street. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY BRONZE breeding stock turkeys. Prices reasonable. Tel. Amity 883$. Write Bert Stephens. Dayton, Rt 1, Box 205. WANTED Market povitrr, any kind, any time, any quantity. TeL 133r. Trf-e's Hatchery. FOR SALE WOOD FROM TIMBER TO TOU. TeL 1$ In. and 4 ft. wood on hand at all times. Also planer wood. TeL $98$. Tracy's Fuel Yards. GRUB oakwood for sale. F. C. Fitts, Tel. 87F31. DRY fir and oa wood, coal and fuel oil. Call on us for prieea. We give good measure, good quality and good service. LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGES Telephone 3131 WOOD sawing. Tel. 1223. "GUARANTEED DRY Wood coaL Tel. 13. Salem Fuef Co., 752 Trade. WE havs 16" wood on hand all ths time. Prompt delivery. 849 9. 12th, Cobbs ft Mitchell Co. Phone 813. WOOD Judd. Tel. 21F13. DRY 16 In. old fir, 4 ft fir, oak, ash, also dry old fir mill slab. C XJ. Harbaughs Transfer and Fuel, 838 Highland. Tel. 1990. 16 In. old fir $7.50 cd. Tel. 6FS8. 4 Corner Garage. LOST and FOUND i LOST Cameo brooch Retura to Statesman office for reward. FOR SALE? USED CARS FORD Coupe, wire wheels, new ra diator, $25.00. HERBERT J. OSTLLVD, Garage iumv ni,iinMi Munh f ISO OA un der ths market. 131 license, fog light, recently steam -dean eXl and Dooo pol lened. Good rubber. Privats owner. Tel. 2302W. 167$ N. lTttu That, Anyway APPOlKiTM'tM ACT "THS u Air? f IKi TEM- :m:::t - :r : m m-t ai r u mt FOR SALE USED CARS Salem's Most Sensational Used Car Sale Ws ars going to sell them regardl-ss of cost. (CASH TALKS . NOW 13 your opportunity. 1927 Bulck Coach t 1929 Nash Standard Six Sedaa ' 1928 NaahsSpeclal Six Coach 192T Studebaker Sedan 1925 Hudson Coach 1927 Pontiac Sedan Landau 1928 Pontiac Coach 1926 Oakland Landau Sedan 1925 Nash Special Coach 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 1925 Rlc ken backer Brougham 1925 Ford Coupe 1925 Ford Truck with body 1927 Graham 1 i ton truck 3-4 Un Reo cliassfs f 8-ton trailer like new These automobiles and trucks are priced In plain figures so come in and look at them, and if you are going to be in the market for a car in ne six montbs it will pay you to buy now. F. W. Pettyjohn Co., Inc. 365 North Commercial Street Valley Motor Company Used Cars 1921 Fordor Sedan $483.00 Model A Truck 6 speed 450.00 Model A Standard Roadster new tires 350.00 1828 Cnerrolet Coupe 330.00 1J27 Chevrolet Coupe 235.00 15 Chevrolet Coope , 125.00 1916 Coup Model T , 135.00 1024 Touring Model T O.00 1924 Coupe balloons 60.00 1$24 Roadster 30.00 Model TT Truck 25.00 1825 Chevrolet Roadster 125.00 TERMS TRADES Valley Motor Company TeL 1995 Center ft Liberty St Ford and Buick Used Car Lot. 75 Cars 1929 Bulck Standard Coups ....$833.00 1928 Buick Standard Sedan $775.00 1929 Ford town sedan 600.00 1927 Buick Standard coach 5S5.00 1929 Chevrolet lhi ton truck 550.00 1928 Pontiac Coach 4S0.O0 1926 Buick Coach overhauled 41a do 1925 Bulck Master Coups - 365.00 1928 Ford Roadster 350.00 1923 Buick Roadster, over hauled 295.00 1924 Studebaker coach 183.00 1926 Ford tudor 150.00 1925 Oldsmobile coach 125.00 1927 Ford Roadster Ruxtell 125.00 1916 Ford Touring 100.00 1926 Essex Coach 95.00 1923 Willys Knight touring .. 60.00 1923 Bulck Touring 40.00 Salem Used Car Center Marlon and Liberty Open Evenings and Sundays Telephone If 2 7 3739. 'Qood WiH Guaranteed Used Cars With a written guarantee. 1929 1929 192 8 l'.f.K 1928 1927 1928 1927 1928 1929 Oakland 2 dr. sodan I'ontiae Coupe Oakland Cabriolet .... Oakland Coupe, like P.'iitiae 2 dr. Sedan Oakland Sedan Oakland Sedan Pontiac Coupe Pontiac 4 dr. Sedan Pontiac 4 dr. Sedan .$7.1 0.00 . 1.2 ,.oo "..00 "..00 r 53 . 4 'J 3.00 . 4'.' . 4 2 . r.c . 5:: .00 .00 .oo :,.oo 3.00 . c: Other Specials 1926 Dodere Coupe 2R5.00 19J4 Dodge Coupe 193.00 Ford Touring - 165.00 1924 Star Rdstr 145 00 192 4 Ford Coupe (ruxtell) l.".5.00 1925 Ford 4 Dr. Sedan 133.00 1926 Essex Coach 125.00 Star touring with enclosure .... 95.00 Wood-Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. Oakland Phone 2125 Pontiac 350 N. High St. 545 Chemeketa St. McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 19tf Cher. Sedan $575.00 128 Cher. Sedan, trunk 475.00 1928 Chev. Sport coupe 425.00 1928 Pontiac 8edan 625.00 1927 Pontiac Sedan 425.00 1826 Essex Sedan 265.00 1926 Hudson Coach 183.00 1925 Star Sedan. 125.00 1927 Ford Roadster . 165.00 Used car dept.. 538 Chemeketa St Telephone 1425. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. NOTICE Notice is herebv given that I have impounded the following de scribed dogs In compliance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 1404, to-wit: One female bird dog about seven months old. One male bull dog with black and white breast. The above describ ed dogs will be killed it not re deemed by owners on or before October 4, 1930, as provided in said ordinance. W. 3. LOW, Street Commis sioner. September 29, 1930. 3 30-O1-2-3-4. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP ADMINISTRATRIX Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for t n e County of Marlon, as Adminis tratrix of the estate of W. A. Dove, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such adminis tratrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said dece dent are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney. 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from WHAT'S CCJKAs IS HOU. A Ufefti py4Ty ton AMO ' mm sk FOR SALEUSED CARS .Telephone K'60. Goods Sent Back Merchant Avers In Suit Answer H didn't sell a large portion of the goods left by a representa tive of the company, as the repre sentative said he would, so he sent them back. That's what Charles G. Hall, defendant in suit to collect $276 brought by the Continental Jewelry com pany, saya in his answer Co the complaint. Hall says the jewelry company represented to him that should he fall to sell a large portion of the goods in two months, he might send the goods back and consider the matter closed. He didn't sell, so he eent them back and consid ered the matter ended until the complaint was filed. He asks that the case be dismissed. First Trip on Valley Airline Set for Today The first round-trip flight of proposed Eugene-Portland pas senger airline is set for today by Lee Eyerly, local aviator and member of the state board of aeronautics. The start from Portland has been scheduled for 9:15 a.m. Fifteen minute stops will be made in Salem, Albany and Cor vallis. The return trip from Eu gene will besin at 12:45 p. m. Program Given At Ad Club Meet B. A. Brown, advertising man ager of the Capital Journal, took charge of a "surprise program" at the Salem Ad club Friday. Brown mixed clever stories be tween the introduction of two five-minute speakers, Stanley Keith and E. E. Law. Keith made a plea for the further study of the need of advertising and Law told briefly of the problems of merchandising. The meeting was held In the new basement grill of the Gray Belle. Eighteen members at tended. YOUNGEST .A---' -- v.. .v..-:' : i-x-i....-. : '.t.'m V :1 T aUm 1fi.irMij,LI l ri At Brookline, Mass., went aloft alona at theEaet Boston airport to wis the distinction of being Bostonk youngest pilot Lembree received only 6 hours and 40 minstec of in struction before he took the plan p alone. the dale of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 4th day ot October, 1930. LAVIIXA B. DOVB, Administratrix of the Estate of W. A. Dove, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney -for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. Bj RUSS WESTOVER 3 .w.--r- . :--.-.-.-.'v. . -v: -, ..... . - 1 ' - s - s l; v v . c: .... ,1mr.m ) m n at i l i mmimI ajHy. HftiM'T I X. MO t SHOULD AMD OP THW . isa IT A OCTOBER Tl DOCKETFILLED Sixteen Cases to be Tried With one put Over to November Court Sixteen cases have been set for the October term of circuit court, filling the docket, and one case has been eet for the opening day of the November term. November 10. The 16 cases to be heard in the Oerober term run into No vember 7. motion days for the November term of court. Cases set for the October terni follow: Monday, October 20 at 9:00 o'clock. State rs. Martin. Tuesday. October 21 at 9:00 o'clock, Yamhill county vs. Trumm. Wednesday, October it at 9. Barendrick vs. Myhres; at 1 o'clock, Hahn vs. Miller. TRAGIC END TO As a traffic finale to a brilliant career. Lieutenant-Colonel Rich ard Bennet Creecy, U. S. Ma rine Corps (above, with wife on whom he wielded a hatchet.) It happened ia a room in one of the Capital's most faahion- . - - - J J I X Cross -Word Puzzle Bj EUGENE HORIZONTAL. 1 inquire 8-4iarsh cry of a fro? 7 established ralue- 10 Hebrew aame for God V . 11 imaginary super natural beinr 11 abode IS onietade IS 7 in the matter of 88 recon struct 40 folding bed 42 move nimbly 48 article of furniture 48 golf term 47 at that place 49 Greek god of. war -Til rips Asunder 82 depart 11 existed 14 bellows 85 venomous snake IB be affected with pain 15 freedom from war IT European fish allied to the herring t0 ist II guided IS Tike M dark 11 bhxtsk , .V IT trigo nometric fuactioa tS-coirela Uve of either 80 use frugally It habitaal dnmkari It was in debted 15 liquid measure (P) 12 3W54 1 73 P 1P 25 Wvffyo 3i n 33 li- 36 3t HO Ui HI SO 5t P si 1 M 1 I WTT Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puszle. 0pw1fM 13. fry SBss Thursday, October 23, at 1, Cootes vs. NeUon Bros. Friday, October 21. at 9. Rice vs. Berger; at 1 o'clock, Leasure vs. Roth. Monday. October 27 at 10:00 o'clock, Wagner vs. Foulkes. Tuesday, October 28 at 9, Lautherg vs. Cooper. Wednesday. October 29 at 9 o clock, Eisner vs. Lima Flouring mills; at 1 o'clock. Knox vs. Amalgamated mining company. Thursday. October SO, at 9, Nelson vs. U. S. Casualty. . Friday, October 81 at . 8tiea bxch vs. General Petroleum com pany; at 1 o'clock. Bank of Cal ifornia vs. Schmaltz. Wednesday. November S at 19 o'clock. National Snrety com paoy vs. Heodrlcks. Thursday. November 6 at 9 o'clock. Hoyt vs. Lokinger. The case set for t'ue first day of the November term is state ex rel Dickenson vs. Tokstad. This will convene November 10. Nearly 59.000.000 game fish eggs were planted in Montana streams the past season. More than 9,00O.oh pounds of pecans were grown in the south last year. NOTED CAREER able hotels. Insanity, perhaps the result of tropical fevers. brought about the tragedy in which the noted officer lulled himself, and recovery for h:s wife baa been termed doubtful. SHEFFER VERTICAL. 1 bronze (a Roman antiquity 2 slide 8 abrogates 4 weU known' cereal grass I native compound metal 8 forever 7 the North Star .8 part of "to be 9 olor 11 dread 12 contracts for the labor of 14 meadow 15 imitate 17 (evert 18 trend 19 holding a lord 21 prim ; 22 hinder 24 scattered seeds 28 fruit 29 dedua tiona 81 artists ; who maka etchings 14 hajj of sand piled as7 88 files aloft 89 congealed " water 41 bind 48 scorch 44 wart . pieces of cloth '48 one of the structures that bor- derthe month -4T beverage 48 upper-. J , most park. tfO Egyptian : sun god i 81 towards rwtora 3