The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 30, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAGE SIX',
A.A.U.W. Plan
For Regional
' The members of the American
association of University Women
will gather in Portland Octobers !
and 4 for the regional meeting; of
the organization which will In
clude representatives from Wash-;
ington. Idaho, Montana and Ore
gon. Sessions will be held at the :
Multnomah hotel with registrar
tlon beginning Friday morning.
The meetings we to be open-to
all ' member Of the- organization
as well u the delegates.
Friday's feature will be a fel
lowship luncheon at torhich re
ports will be given of the various
fellowships supported by the or
ganization. Mrs. Pelagias Wil
liams, stnt chairman of the
North Pacific fellowship commit
tee will be the .speaker and re
ports of work done' by the com
mittee will be given. This will be
followed by a fellowship program
during the afternoon honrs. Two
round table discussions will be
held Friday afternoon, one on
raising lands and the other on In
ternational relations.
The program for Friday will
close with a dinner. The topic of
discussion for the dinner meeting
will be on international problems
with Dr. . Norman -F. Coleman,
president off Reed colege, and
Mrs, E. Ka Bowman, director of
the Til State league of Nations
association, aa the speakers. Mrs.
A. W. Cooper, second national
Tie president will bo In charge
of the dinner program.
Saturday morning will be
taken up with reports and at 12:
10 o'clock there will be a lunch
eon meeting with Dr. Aurelia
Relnhardt, president of Mills col
lege as the principal speaker.
Miss Elnora Thompson , will
eondnet ronndtable following
the luncheon and the meeting
will close with a business meeting
of delegates.
Preceding the Friday session
there will be aa annual state
meeting of the Oregon A. A. U.
W. with Mrs. L. T. Merwin, state
president, presiding. The most
important thing for this meeting
will be the election of a presi
dent, the one officer to be elected
this year.
The final series of ru3h par
ties will begin tonight at the
Beta Chi sorority house when
this sorority will entertain with
n formal dinner. Delta Phi so
rority will follow with a formal
dinner Wednesday night and Al
pha Phi Alpha will be hostesses
Thursday night. ' These affairs
will conclude the rushing season
and the next social affair will be
the pledge service Sunday
morning. -
Most of us neglect our house
frocks during the warm weather,
tnd now w a good time to re
plenish our supply, since looking
lur best at home is as important
is at any other time. The frock
. iketehed today is particularly at
tractive with, its square vestee
turned back cuffs and pocket
trimming of .contrasting, fabric
The ruffling, which may be omit
ted, adds a dainty touch. v
Pattern 2016 is practical made
of gingham, percale, broadcloth,
rayon, wash silk or dimity, as
they lauader nicely and may be
bought In yonr favorite color
ings. Both light and dark
grounds are popular this season
tor house dresses. White pique
is nice tor the trimming.
May be obtained only in sizes
16. 18. 2t. 24, 36. 38, 40, 42
and 44. Else If requires 2 7-8
yards of 26-lnch fabric. .
Ke dranuklng exprieaee Is
BMtmrv to siik this bo1 with
mmw ptttwra Ttritn far mwrf
pi, urn siaplti tiMt lntn
tiomm im givaa.
8ts4 flf ta easts ta solas tare.
Jany wrapped, or stastps fer each
pattm. Writ vlaialy yaar aaaa.
a44raaa a4 atyla aamaar. Ba saaa
to atsta aise waatae.
'. Ow aaw fall aa wtatar fsulaa
aok caatalaiai azqvisito aioaala
Urn a4alta mm aailcraa a4 -aa
aseattaak aaaartaaaat a traaafar
jaatarae aad atawaad aavHia.4a
aw m4y. Price - fifUaa eaata,
Baak wita pattara. it attU. A4-
araas all aaail aa4 eMara to SUM
mtmm -Pattara Pavatbaaat. - S4S
Wat Itta atrceW Vew Xerh CUa.
ews an
;0ijve M. Doak.
Tuesday, September SO , j j 1
Endnitis club, 6: SB o'clock dinner, T. M. C. Alt
program ana speaker.
Women ef the Ladies of
Mrs. B. B. Daugherty, 131 Court street; i:50 ecloek.
Spring Valley missionary society; Mrs. Frank Wind
'tor, 2:20 o'clock. ; . . . ; ...
'Kntre Nous club, first resularjneetiag, clubhouse
on Center street. Cards, dancing "tor follow business
meeting. ' : . - , :"
Leslie Aid society of Leslie Methodist church, 1:10
o'elock, church parlors. Joint meeting- ef Aid had aia4
alonary society; social -hour foUowins;"waslnesa. - - j-jl
Dakota dab, begin fall meetings, I :S0 o'elock dip
aer, home of Mr. And Mrs, W. J. Liafoot. lie Fawkare
nue. Covered dish, dinner; program f oltowtnf. v ' Hi
- Missionary society of First Christian, church, tiW
o'eleek; church parlors; all women of church Invited. ! ;
Regular meeting Order Of Amaranth; Hana- Rosa
court; program to ha given by Mt. Hood court of Port-,
land. I o'clock. ..: ;. ; V. . -j
Thursday, October . . ; j 1 j..
P. E. O. Chapter G. will meet, October 2 with Mr.
B. E. Bower. Sublimity, Oregdn. Mrs. H. S. Polsal la. aa-:
slating hostess. . . j I
Literature section A. A. TJ W. public library, audi
torium, 7:10 p. m. in
Hayesville Woman's club, Mrs. Bed wen, 10SS High
land avenue, 2:30 o'clock. j
Capital Assembly No. St United Artisans, 8 o'clock,'
Fraternal temple. ' j j
Friday, October S
Formal reception Leslie Junior high I p. u j ! ;
YMenettes first regular meeting of falL Mrai
George Rhoten, 4S5 Soatk 13rd street. Dean Boy Bew-
ltt will apeak en South America. j
Leslie Parent-Teachers association beets for reeep
tlon tor Leslie junior high school faculty, at school
building. : i
Presbyterian Women
Sponsor Benefit
East division of the Ladles'
Aid society of the First Presby
terian church will sponsor a
three day sale in the Bllgh build
ing on South .High street begin
ning Thursday morning at 9:3
For the first time Dr. and
Mrs. H. J. Clements will make It
possible for interested flower
lovers Ho procure by purchase
bulbs, iris, delphinium and other
flowers 'at this sale. These
plants and bulbs are only being
placed on sale as a means to aid
the benefit sale for the church.
Additional things to be sold
will be clothes and Saturday a
food sale will be conducted.
Mrs. H. J. Clements is presi
dent of the East division and
each of the division members is
helping in the sale.
Mt. Hood Court Will
Visit Amaranth
Hana Rosa court order of the I
Imaniill. mill kin mm Its ritamt I
4t9 im iwnlo mMtlnv WAlnM.
day night ML Hood court of 1
fortiana. a oinner win oe i
served by the Amaranth mem-
Ders at e:au o ciock in compu-1
ment to the visitors.
At a ociock tne nit. uooa
court will put on a play entitled
'The Country Store" having a
cast of 10 people and said to be
extremely funny In both lines
and action. The public is in
vited to attend.
The proceeds of this entertain
ment win go to the local court
to meet necessary expenses. Mrs.
J. Burton Crary la In eharge of
the dinner fer the visitors.
Silverton Trinity Aid society
will meet at Trinity ehnren Wed
nesday afternoon with Mrs. Al
bert Sather and Mrs. A. O. Le-
gard as hostesses. Sunday Trin
ity Toung People's society will
hold a meeting at the church so
cial rooms following the morning
services. Lunch will be. served an-
mediately following the close of
the services. At this, Mrs. John
Doerfler, Mrs. Ward Terry and
Mrs: Henry Storila will act as
hostesses. A program consisting
of music and short talks will bo
given ouring tne afternoon.
The Immannel Guild will hold
its meeting at Immannel church
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
with Mrs. EHerston and Mrs. Ar-
thur Dahl as hostess and Wednes
day afternoon the Immanuel Aid
society will hold its meeting. Next
Sunday has been set aside as
Rally Sunday at Immanuel
Miss Gertrude E. Payton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Potter of Salem became the
bride of Plrl Clark Saturday aft
ernoon at 5 o'dock at the resi
dence of Rev. D. J. Howe, who
performed the ceremony. Mr.
and Mrs. Clark will make their
home ii Salem
a a a
Nydla Temple of the ; Daugh
ters of the Nile are entertaining
with a complimentary luncheon
at 12:30 o'clock Tuesday. Octo
ber 7, at 'he Masonic temple In
Portland. Admittance will ba by
1930 card.
Father Back will be host
Thursday noon at the Gray Belle
to the committee heads who are
planning tor a bazaar to be giv
en by St. Joseph's parrish - No
vember 22- aad 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paul of
Portland, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Phillips last week.
Barbara Barnes School
Profasional Dancing !
Zelma LulHy, Auhtant
Classes nrw beinoririaiixed In aU types
r .iaOamdtog:;tjisweek I
Studio hocrt 9:20-12:CD -;2:00-7:00 1 U
155 S. liberty 45ti ; . ; Telephone j55
Society Editor
October . I
Knight Memorial church.
ion Auxiliary! ?
Delegates Leave I
The national American legion
auxiliary is meeting in Boston Oe
tober 5, and Oregon's delegation
will leave Portland tonight at t
o'clock aboard the new "Portland
Rose." i ;
Oregon Is entitled, according to
its state membership, to 10 dele
gates and at the state convention
held in Baker late this past sum
mer the following delegates were,
elected and are expected to leave
tonight for Boston:
President, Mrs. Came B. Hei
der, Sheridan ; secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Mabel A Melhturff,
Marshfield; Junior past presi
dent, Mrs. Mary E. Chaney. Med
ford; national committee woman,
Mrs. Jessie Kelly; ' Baker; com
mitteewomaa for district!!, Mrs.
Alice George, Eugene; ! commit
teewoman for district 1, -Mrs.
Dorothy Eakin, Dallas; commit
teewoman for district 2, : Mrs.
Catherine Belcher, The Dalits;
Mrs. Lydla E. Horsf all, ! I Marsh-
field; Mrs. Helen Bealey, Trout-
dale, and Miss Carol Boyd, Bend.
UakOta ClUD
wril , wf J ' 'J
Will Meet Wednesday
Another club starts the season
Wednesday when the Dakota folk
meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Llnfoot, 360 Fawk! avenue
for a 6:10 o'clock covered dish
dinner with a program following.
Election of officers for the fol
lowing year will be a part of the
plans lor the evening. AU former
residents of Dakota or any one
visiting her from the ! Dakota
will be a welcome Tisltbr at the
Llnfoot home on the- occasion of
thle first meeting of the elub for
thla season.
The members of the Woman's
Missionary society of tan First
Christian ehurch will meet Wed
nesday atamoon at 2: tOf o'clock
in the church parlors, i Mrs. K.
Smith and her group will lead
the program, and Mrs.; A. 8.
Noth and her group wit be host
esses for4he afternoon, i A social
hour win follow the ; business
and program hour. All! women
of the church are Invited tor. this
afternoon meeting,
Turner Miss Bernict Bicker
and Carl Whlpper were married
Saturday morning oy Revi W. s.
Burgoyna, Mrs. whlpper; former
home waa at Gardner. Mr, Whip-
per has always lived in the vicin
ity of Turner. He is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Herman 'whlpper.
The young people will soon be
at home to their friends lh a new
cottage that is being built on the
w nipper larm. j
Zena. Mr. and Mrs. f N. R.
Holland and daughter. La Verne
of Zena, were weekend i visitors
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Roy
Vance of New Grand I Ronde.
Mrs. Holland and Mrs. Vance are
Ulsters. The Vance tamffy were
residents ef Zena unul they
moved to Grand Ronde a year
ago. ) - If
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen were
week-end. guests attha home of
Mr. and Mrs. George ! Levy In
Portland. Additional guests At
the Levy home were Mr. and Mrs.
William Courter. M M
I -i "
The first meeting of the fall
m m m : i- i
for the Hayesville Woman's club
will be held at the homo! of Mrs.
Bed well, 1029 Highland 1 avenue.
Thursday afternoon ilatl 2:21
o'clock.. i -! : r
Mr. O. O. Locke will bet hostess
for the first meeting of the Capi
tol dub Wednesday., : 5
I s
OnEGOIf STATESLIAN Salm. Oregon Tcasday Ksndag.
Annual tea Given
New High School
A charmla custom of the Sa
lem senior high school is to giro
an informal ten In compliment to
the new teachers of the faculty
each fall near the beginning of
school. This la a "get acquaint
fl" affair aad prorvery deMght-
The ten table was beanUfnl tn
M eelor .acheiae of lavender and
xdnk carried at throssh the me-
TUnm of snapdragon and Micb-
aelaua datsiea and slander pink
Upera. Mlsa Rath Branti aad
Miaa Lena Belle Ttartar presided
at the tea table.
1 Sin Beryl Bolt and Tom VfH
gxmolt hid chsrce oi the flowers
tier oecoratloas: Mrs. T. w.
umca ana. ausa laora oaia ou
charge of the table Arrangement;
Mlsa ola dark and Mlsa Mildred
Chnstenson had charge of the
invitation list: Miss 2 una, Phil Dot
and Mrs. Kthra Gilbert were in
eharge of refreshments.
- e
Salem Young Folk
Pledge at Oregon
Coming close en the heels of all
the rush parties which hare been
so much a part ot the social life
or the past few weeks and has
been scattered through all the
summer months is the pledge list,
the ultimata result of aU the fun
and frolic.
Sororities and fratarnttlA af
Ftho University of Oregon have
made known the nledr Uat of
this school. Sate myoung people
wno are among the listed are:
Mlsa Marioria Marcus haa been
Pledged to Alpha Chi Omega:
Miss Marlon Umphlette ot Amity
to Alpha Delta Pi: Miss Marjorie
Mcueugait to Alpha Phi: Mian
Bvaiyn G. Solum of Silverton. to
Zeta Tan -Alpha: Mlsa Roberta
Milk to Delta Delta Delta: Miss
Harnett Kinney to Delta Zeta:
Miss Margaret Heltsel to Kanna
Alpha Taeta and Mian Margaret
Ann Wagner to Kappa Kappa
Gamma. A total of 2S2 women
were pledged to the 20 iororitles
at the university.
Wallace Hug and David Eyre
are pledged to Beta Theta Pi;
Eugene Parr to Phi Sigmna Kap
pa: Edward Gross to Phi Delta
Theta; Kimball Page to Sigma
Phi Epsllon: Abel Uglow of Dai-
las to Theta Chi; Homer Goulet of
Salem and Dick Stone of Silver-
ton to Sigma Chi; George Belt to
Delta Tau Delta: and Stanley
Price and Virgil Devoo to Bachel
ordom. The 20 fraternities on the
university campus pledged 282
Miss Ruthlta Hoffneil. who la
attending the University of Mon
tana and staying at Ft. Missoula
with Capt. and Mrs. Dana Allen,
haa pledged Kappa Alpha Theta.
a a a
Mrs. E. B. Daugherty will-en
tertain the women of Knight Me
morial church at her homo at
1622 Court street Wednesday.
There will bo a businesa session
and following this -shrubbery
wiQ bo on sals by the members
of the Woman's Missionary so
ciety of the church.
what a joy
te he amonf the " first - te
wear these new Lo TUe
Frocks . . . tiy are sovoty
Pari, in deun 'Wifsrt
fleitetlai:..; . so Tory eaK
pensive looking! " . . . (Toe'
keep their price a secret) .
Vfti2 1 III lux, tor R fa the finest made end has noA- J Ii
I f Ml IIIJI I I 1 . C ..l.i . r M IB
w - 'JZ-Sr' y I- Tor Tr To) TT
Hk' hvWll S 111 QoaUty Ucrchandte Popular Prices
0 j tJrie will always
j . .
Degree of Honor "
Plan For Convention
Several members ot the Degree
oi .Honor lodge ot Salem will be
in attendance of the district con
vention ot the protective division
of the Degree of Honor when it
meets for Its annual convention
In Portland, October k, at the Odd
Fellow's hall, Tenth and Salmon
The convention la called for l:
20 o'dock wltti Mrs. Madeline Ca
ples, president of the convention.
The prindpal feature of the a-
ternoon will ba a school of in
struction conducted by Mrs. Lois
Oeiaer ot Ba.tle Ground, Wash
iegton. She will he assisted by
Mrs. Dora .Bowers of. Albany. A
dinner win bp served in the bufld
inir at $ o'clock- with Mrs. Fly
Hatgnt, secretary of the Portland
ledge tne charge. .
Daphne Underwood
Is Complimented
A Jolly party of (irxt and hoyi
gathered Friday evening: at the
bom , ot ' Daphne Underwood, on
the occasion ot her 12th birth
day. A program ot -gamer follow
ed by dainty refreshments was
much enjoyed by the following
yonng, folks: .
Misses Jeanette Brown, Mazine
Gbodenottgh, Eileen Good enough,
Lucile Kittson, ArJIne Sbolsetb
Dorothy Williams, Betty Sim
mons and Daphne Underwood.
Duke Brown, Robert King.
Stewart Maekelkeny, Holland
Rasmussen, Alan McAllister, Tom
Gabriel, Norman Sholseth, Seth
Underwood and Irving Under
wood and Irving Underwood.
Visiting Portland
People Salem Guests
Members ot Capital assembly
No. 84 ot United Artisans will en
tertain in compliment to four-vis
iting drill teams from Portland
at the regular meeting of the lo
cal assembly Thursday night,
The visiting teams are Oregon,
Fram, Liberty, and East Port
land. Tbe Ttslttnr drffi team will
assist with the work of the eve
ning, a social nour win rouow
the lodge work.
Zena. Spring Valley mission
ary society will be entertained
Wednesday. October 1, at the
home ot Mrs. Frank R. Windsor.
Assistant hostesses tor the meet
ing will bo Mrs. Seymour Wilson,
Miss Irene Windsor and Mrs.
Mary Jennings.
"Ihe Ges Refriserator is not only e ftne
addition to a modern kitchen, but a safe
guard to your health.
One thfec-dottar doctor call wdl jas
about pay for the little Gas wed by ea
Elactroink ki two monthsl
And who wants to be poisoned fay
spoiled food?
Don't set e cheap one the best Is
cheapest in the end.
You don't buy e Refrigerator every day
or every year, at leasFnot a Gas Electro
lux, tor it fa the finest made end has noth
in9 to wear out Sosetthe best Complete
fine at the Gas Dispbyrooms.
ti . .
ltm&er 33, 1930
Oh These
A London woman announces
that most men are. exceedingly
A British writer explain to
her that ho thinks many men.
tired with business. cultlTate
sluggish minds so that their wor
ries will aot become too acute.
Fer their own comfort they dis
guise agile brains behind a pom
pons and ponderous manner. Wo
men, he says, are seldom dalL be
cause they chatter on and 00
about - evervthlns: and nothing
there by necessarily firing- them
selves away. Men hare a norror
of revealing their reelings. They
are naturally mere secretive.
Thett, too, women Had mtle
abstractions and; generalities. Te
them personalities are much more
interesting. .
Lively brains scare people, ne
thlttlj. nl person with glfl
inMrn4 is immediate! Tinder sus
picion. One with Uo aueh Irvely;
brains 0 arraiu. ox bq jnuc w
Tersational bfl. , .
I Ira interested because last
week I told a woman who- asked
how to be popular and who listed
ait the things she was doing to
become interesting and- attractive,
that it she would stop working
so hard and become interested la
other people and what they have
to say, she would turn the trick.
The Englishman hears me out
when he says:
"With age on discover more
and more that no one is interest
ed in you, but that people are in
tensely interested in themselves.
Therefore it is possible to make
the greatest bore, thrilling as a
conversationalist when you have
attained the knack ef making oth
ers talk about themselves.
"Fortunately we all live, in a
fool's paradise, aad a fool's par
adise is a million times better than
a wise man's hell. The basis of
all human contact is to enjoy a
fool, not gladly, but Joyfully
(It he is wrong writ me.) Pre
mier Syndicate, inc., 23S S. 45th
St., New York City.
Copyright, If SO, Premier Syn
dicate, Inc.
a a
Mr. aad Mrs. William C. Paul
ua returned to their home in the
Royal Court apartment Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul us, net Dorothy
Livesley, have been spending an
extended wedding trip In British
Columbia , and Washington.
-i ----- - aanvaii
lag tor Wedneedar ".'S
at tba Si& ot tho Rose in
. Af each music-
j.?!ikaaa inVited tO bO
present no .jufyone else jfc IJ
particularly interested In
work. , Mn,..,Ant.
stives who expect to o fronSa-
lem. The meeting' is an
"Tikrrwi-inrnTJCSL SeoL 2. r
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haynea of New
port spent the Weekend wn
m friona hade. Mrs.
nJnmm ai at ten time -n of tne
beeav in the-tuning ouswesa.
eT-ition Win
Practically all sizes - - up to the
minutes styles.
Justice Bean to
v . - - - a m
Become vmet on
January 1, Word
-; -' ."f asaaawaawaawasaws
Jasticw HSJ. Bean, for the flrat
time in his career of 20 years on
the state anpreme. court, will be
come chief Justice on January 1.
He will suoceea unier jusucs
CoshoW. Ttte posiuon oi cnier
justice rotates among the mem
bers according to seniority in age
and Jn service.
Justice Bea came xo me iu
preme eonrt from Pendleton.
' SILVER CTTT, tt M- Sept. 27
AP) Vleter Culberson, 67,
predeit or , the National Live,
stock emaciation, died at hu
ranch, three auee soria wDii er
ueava ivugwes
dee to cancer.
every occasion . . .
a" i
- i i