PAGE ELEVEN Carefully; Something for you Here wij ft 7 1 f t Ti!,mit'- Pr ling , ygg V Sflleal Advert ihi I Advert., per Vine vra. roonta, dally and Sunday j fr line 41.00 tti ?f?X 4ted ua- JS! J dkwificatiMi. Coy ts omjM after this time -wHlb rna wrth lieadln. Too Lats to - HELP WANTED '"--mviWMJiniini HELP WANTED MALE inrni n niniin TEN TDM wttri nrrtnm Taa - t Wodr ojjt Good for UMt !inJiew- Why J? when yu ean be your own boaa? Hurry-- HELP WANTED FEMALE eNTE? GlrJ as apprentice for iotoraphic studio. Apply Kennell ils studio. tiADIKS 8 EE - STDNET COHEN rfer for aellingr Xmaj cards our adv. ttwder "Salesmen Wanted." SALESMEN WANTED 1 tAJU," ' " " ' ' ' iinmivuuun WANTED Etiwrt iIhu nU.m.n Address 245, Statesman. DIVISIONAL SALES MANAGER To develop sales In this territory on liberal over-riding commission basis for acknowledged leader in the field. Successful selling plans, generous commission and monthly cash bon to managers and sub-salesmen will help you build a profitable sales organization. Write for details. Di rectors of sales. PROCESS CORPORATION DEPT. 555 Troy at 21st, Chicago, III a- y,i n-u-u-uif i rmj-Kft MAKE BIQ MONEY For Xmas In spare or full time SELLING XMAS CARDS. Why not earn $5 to $15 dally? You can If you work for It; we are a NORTHWEST INDUSTRY estab. 16 years giving real service. 100 magnificent cards to sell from ; BIG COMM. ; BIG CASH BONUS: sample kit free: we delvr. and coll.: wonderful box asst. 22 cards sell 81. Sidney B. Cohen Co. Inc. Mfrs. 1957 Eighth W. Settle. Wn. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Wood-cutting on shares. Aiso ould like to rent a farm on shares or crop payment. Experienced farmer and dairyman. C. T. Davis, R. F. D. 7, Box 94. ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeper wish es position with responsible firm. Twenty years experience. A 1 refer ences. Box S3 4, Statesman. WANTED Furnace firimr, W. U. student Exp?rienced. Call 2571J. eve , nings. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, cash ier and typist wants full or part time work. Box 142, Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Grapes. Phone 104F32. CUCUMBER3 lc per lb. Tou pick. -a we pick. Ed Dunlgan. Silverton Rd. Tel. 3&F5. 8 ft. disc drill, also 1500 pound horse cheap. R. 1, Box 138. Salem. TOMATOES "the firm canning varieties" at the brown tent on River- c1de drive. "Bring boxes." i FOR SALE Good used furniture from S room house by owner at Salem Transfer Co. 455 Marlon fit let. PORTABLE typewriters, all makes, new and used. Adders and typewriters for rent Typewriter Exchange, 4X1 Court street . FOR SALE Old papers, 10c a bun dle. Statesman office. Gravenstein's, Rullfson'a Box (9. Route . mi) RAJ.E TTnderwood tvoewriter. Good condition. Reasonable. TeL !185-W ; TRADED Miscellaneous w mmMiwwwvi i- - -- - DRAG saw to exchange for wood cutting. George Noble, R, 2, Box 60, CJervnis, Oregon. WANTED Miscellaneous j,-XAJfSKjSJJJ r i , WANTED Second hand 1-4 h. p. motor, slow speed. Not over 1200 R O. S. Statesman. WANTED Used pianos. In ex change on radios, phonographs, or fur niture H L. Stiff Furniture Company. MISCELLANEOUS m nnfyVrVi WB can dry your filberts and wal nuts. Machines now Veady. 410 8. 24 th St.. Salem, Ore. W. E. Park ft Son Prop's. To settle an estate: a $100 first mortgage on a $15,000 farm bearing mtf rest duVin. 1936. W1U be dis counted to equal 6 money. H. C. SHIELDS 22$ Oregon Building TeL 1784 DOGS boarded in a real dor hotel. j. jg Flake, reuano (umi rvmv r " . . nnnnnnnnr WWMW , Clean Your Furnace Our vacuum system eliminated dust and soot Phono 886, ROSEBRAUGH noilPtHT. WANTED TO RENT " UNFURNISHED X or 4 room ap artment with heat children ; bog 685. t wtstsmsn ROOM and BOARD t m -.i.i in - - -' WILL care for enua m pnvie home. TeL $071 ' BOOM and rcnl Good home cook to. 1656 Court. TeL 1160W. "". BOARD and room t Ml s Excellent meals. A pieaaan r-lose in. HejigBMS FOR RENT APARTMENTS rtn ix h'iw"" . ' baf deeping porch, water, rarage. 635. $18 .ijj'n j.i ' 1 1' im " " 4 room apt 133S State. .-J-fLn.l sissasasasa NICELY furnished heated apt 699 ..V s, lixlZ with room" u. -. . garac. Cheap. "FOR RENT Duplex apartment S51 North Winter. , L T1 1726R. i- rw" -T-,.,,. i -, --ii-ii-ii - 7 and 6 room unwrolahed apart .netToV 9-roW house, do m. 46f sjenter '"'- . ..ii.Miiifin " r '" " : 11 " '"" ' J V n . wpa nnilff US1 A MlliliBirJ it mntm. gemeat . Funusnea row-- ' eL 794, rWELL furnished" room- asd PU. for rent at $261 Hazel Ava. Tet 1W- FOR RENT APARTMENTS m m lsVssa -njunjxaA JL. -rli11 sparrments. s nicely furnlsiied nani f --i -v.i ' Electric raaga, atostrsicold. -heat aadj PHONE 2678 "mBTIiT fll lli m TAI vldV Church jtirmmt. ,Vi ' - i A3-aiiTMENT3. down town aistntita. FtM MifnMki. sptctt etI MtM't Book Store. TWII ttS - . . for if st. ' wu apartment AMBASSADOR APTS. Phone 1JTX VOU RENT HOUSES WKJB smalt Jksuse, t39 ee. TGRMfSKEB BSOSE-ruttnlDC ""r electricity buildings, -fruit garden nnn Hmii!m s a "Boa lt. TeL 111F11 w ' ' IW"WWWMWMi JCODBBN ihsme. N. 4th St. 2 R. A. cirorry trees, large garden, tel. 12T1W. IK roam, seaal-medern house on -7?iw R- r ale Of rent. Tel. 54 31 , R. houss. Mostly modern. With or without garage. 771 N. Com'L THUHIB -room homse. $15 per month tnciiuUns water, f S( N. Church. FOR -R-0TT Modern Soom house, garage, 2S.9. 17 & High. 7 cds. vanH In K SAmAns .f Xlf if aj usuv vi axaviv. vau unfurnished. F. I WOOD Jil State Street ..FOR KENT Clean buses 10 te SB. Also flats store bldgs., business lota BECKS ft HENDRICKS 18 Mortb High Street ' 1 i"i-i-M-WWM-w-WVWWXAAM FOR RENT 0 room modern home. some furniture, large rooms, with larg a trie, furnace, large lot with fruit trees, double arage. L E. Stif ler. Call S0 between S a. m. and 5 p. m. or 1710 N 17th St, evenings. FOR RENT WELL lighted balcony In the heart of the business district, 35x14 feet Plumbing and liehtine fixtures suit able, for professional officer or beauty parior. Kent nity a month. Box 45, Statesmnn. n8 acre orchard, close in. Coll 2T5 N. SOth. RENTALS Houses and apts. 315 to $43, fur nished $20 to $75. Rent of BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. FARMS FOR RENT 63 Acrea, good house, dairy barn, new poultry house. 40 A. cultivation, good land, only 6V4 miles of Salem. Will lease for a term of years for $250.00 per year. ANOTHER ONE 160 Acres, all good land and in cul tivation, good house, bam, granery, poultry house, all fenced and cross fenced. $400.00 a year; has a full line of equipment that can be bought cheap. SKE SEARS ft TUCKER 184 South Commercial Street TERM of 6 years, for cash. About 18 acres, 4 seres beaver dam. George Not))", R. 2. Box 60. Grvsl8. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Truck to make trip to Baker, Ore. Tel. 2039J. WANTED TO LEASE A well fur nished roaming house or apartment house. Address G. K.. Statesman. FOR SALE Real Estate " --" - -j"----rir---irkLnji.finnrij nr riririrwi MODERN ENGLISH TTPE 6 rooms, corner lot close to Leslie school $3000. NEW MODERN 6 ROOM On pawed street Large lot Cut to $2700. Terms. GROCERY STOCK Centrally .located. Mving quarters, $1800. See GEISBR with ANDERSON ft RUPERT 169 South High Street FOR SALE $2800.90. 4 room modern house, 2 bedrooms. $190.00 down and $29.76 a month. $3250.90. 6-rooms modern. Fire place, hard-ood floors, basement fur nace, corner lot $159.00 down, $30.09 a montn. 113,000.00. 180 acres. Modern 7 room house, good barn and other Buildings. Stock and other equipment go with the place. Running water. $3590.00. 20 A. 6 room house. All cultivated. Small payment down, easy terms. , HOLLYWOOD. REALTY 2009 N. Capitol Tel. 2807. Residence 268. LOOK-LOOK Owner Leaving State Forced to sell his beautiful 8 A. tract, close in on -paved highway, has all city conveniences, lights. Own wat er system. Hot and cold water. Bath, 5 R. bungalow, barn, -garage and hen house. Some frnlt -good soil, price re duced from 8376 9 to 92900 for a quick deal. $500 down, balance very easy terms. Hurry and see BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. SERVICE station, -garage and home for sale, cheap. On -Paeifie highway. Route 3, Boa ft. South best location In Salem. FOR SALE Falrmount Hill resi dence with a wonderful view. Built for home by owner. A. J. RAHN. 1610 Falrmount Street Phone 1927. SNAP tor someone. 10 A. in city limits. A 1 soil, garage house, bam. $2000; easy terms. Tel. owner; 1640J. FOR SALE OR RENT 6 room fur nished home, very reasonable, food location. Call L. E. Stiff ler at 500 between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. or 1710 N. 17th St, evenings. a M. EARLS 224 No. Hlah -St Phono 2242 a reiiabm Salem realtor selUng dty anl firm nmneptv of all kinds Soe- ciallst In exchanges of all kinds of property anywhere. MCRIFICB 8ME 7 room semi biMmd home, fireolace. basement l lots covered with large bearing faut and 'truit tress, berries, garden. poultry boose, varags. pavea street, near school. 1 66 Rural avenue, tele phone 2236W. TILLIE, THE TOILER MP- SMITH , BUB&V.E-S ' FlAMCE, JtHT T fi IN jAJaV M I MOTE 4.VJ t THOUGHT JT TO WAVE MIM COME AND TALK OV832. THE SO (MTEAO PHOME rUftftI.CrsfJ-. I f . l.iV I . At-Tsf ft. Tr-i I FOR SALE Real EstaU FOR' RENT UNFURNISHED 112 It&S Taw. 1 ronma; SIS 11TS N. 16th, 4 roam; lift 18 Richmond, 9 rooms; zz.s ss usjc, rooms ; 25 148 Union. S rooms, furnace: $25 3St Leslie- f rooms: 15 1CS4 S. High, 4 rooms: n 174 N. 15th, I uwiua ; sstt a. ista. rooms. '"nun; as erry ts room flat) J2 14SS S. Ltbertrr. f rooms. furnace; $30 1700 N. 17th, S rooms, lurnaos; 3z.&o is MarJon (i roosaa flaO fur.: $40.90 1 Leslie, T rooms, far.; $40.00 15 Stats, 1 baths, 9 rooms. i FOR RENT FURNISHED I $161676 State. X rooms, tath. gar ae: 425 143 Union (partly): 446 2050 & High, t rooms: $452050 a High, rooms; $45 10C Leslie, 7 rooms: $4T.5 765 Marlon, t rooms; $65 700 Stewart. i BECKE ft HENDRICKS f 18 N. High Telephone 161. WE hare a 10s aero farm well -improved and stocked and equipped to trade for -a small farm near Salem. 13H acrea good 5 room house, good barn, electricity, mile tram high way. $ miles north Salem, price $4, 000.00. A splendid 25 acre farm, well im proved, l mile east of Salem for tit, 00.00 and will take Salem home, i Good new 4 room home for only $2100.00 with $50.00 down. MeGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 203-10 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 140. LIST your prooertr with us and SAVE the commission. Buy. ers get your- name and address from our display boards., theft deal DIRECT wtth you. Tou pay us a small exhibit fee. thafs alb OWNERS REAL ESTATE ! LISTING BUREAU 121 New Bllgh Bldg. ' Telephone 717 Salem. Ore. 4 acres doss In, 7 room house, with lights, good well, near- good school. 64509. Want small place on highway. 100 acres, near Stayton, $ In cul tivation, bal. timber-pasture, 7 room house, largo dairy "bam. $12,900. Trade for acreage on highway. j C. J. Jackson with W. G. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial LOOK ! Owner of splendid 6 room modern house valued at 6450O offers a real bargain to you for immediate cash. Property carries a $1900 mortgage. Will accept $1000 for equity. Loca ted on good street in South Salem among fine homes. Lot 50x150 with large fruit and nut trees. Make an effort to see this at once. It will pay you BIG. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors S20 State Street Tel. 1727. Special Because of illness owner asks us to sell his 6 room modern home at cmce. Price $5300. Will accept vacant lots for equity or sell on easy terms. Will consider Monmouth property. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Tel. 1727. ""knveotigaethisuTckT' foreclosure price on a good modern home 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, breakfast nook, all on one floor, fireplace, basement, furnace, handy built i ins, full sized lot, garage, paved street lo cated on North Liberty street Hpuse practically new and offered at a Sac rifice. For quick, sale price $2800. $300 down ; balance $25 a month In cluding interest. For this and ether choice offerings in city, and farm properties for sale and excltange EE WELLS TALLMAN 411 Oregon Bldg. I 31500. 5 rooms, good location, lots of Iruit south or tenter on 19tn: lot I iJAUl , ICI 1119. $'500. 4 rooms and sleeping porch. garage, lot 60x137 ft blk; of bus, near Center. Terma 2 $3150 5 rooms, full basement fur nace, fireplace, garage, large j lot, fruit, reduced to sell terma! 33800 6 room English type house. hardwood floors, basement fur nace, fireplace, garage, Engle wood: easy terms. $4000 to loan. Insurance. MELA IN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 37. CLOSE IN RESIDENCE j $7500. Buys a fine large residence, located at 691 Union street ground 108x110 feet 8 nice large rooms, full cement basement furnace, fireplace. $2500. cash, balance 5 years at 16 interest. THIS PROPERTY i I S PRICED BELOW ITS ACTUAL VALUE. DON'T NEGLECT TO SEE THIS BARGAIN. W. H. GRABENHOR3T ft CO REALTORS 184 S. Liberty St TeL 515. SPANISH STYLE HOME i $5000. Buys this neat, modern, attrac tive home, 4 rooms, nook, ) tile bath, and drain board, corner lot east front, located near school on S. High Street Terms. j S. COMMERCIAL ST. HOME! $3000. Buys a good 7 room home, bast front all plastered. 4 bedrooms, $1500. easii, balance mortgage to be assumed. WEST SALEM COTTAGE ! $1$70. Buys a practically new, 3 room cottage with breakfast nook, el ectricity and plumbing, near school and church, hardwood floors In two rooms. $375 cash, balance payable. $20 per month to Include interest. " GARAGE HOUSE $1100. Buys a 1 room garage house with 2 fine lots, located in' 8. Sa lem. $100 cash, balance 'monthly. S. SALEM BARGAIN $3250. Buys a modern 6 room home with nook, electric range, full ce ment basement furnace, tire place, hardwood floors, corner; lot both streets paved, near school. 8800 cash, balance mortgagO to be assumed. N. SALEM HOME 'j $3750. Buys a modern 4 room horn with nook, tile drain board, 'tile bath, hardwood floors, full cement basement furnace, fireplace, large attic, large lot with plenty; of shade trees, east front, small' payment down, balance monthly. Now Is the time to buy your home. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST ft COi REALTORS 1 134 S. Liberty St TeL III. 10 ACRES east on pavement 4 room house, good soil, 2 cows, chick ens, equipment Price $4500. Take Sa lem home for part . 19 acres for rent i C. J. Jackson with W. (4. KRUEGER j 147 North Commercial WAS BEtTEja a; -x , r FOR SALE Real EstaU HOMES WORTH WHILE f rma. and floored attic new. 14.- 400.00. rma Court st. fine construction. extra largo lot strictly modern, $7,- 6V. t rma, .stucco and tile roof, double garage, beautiful trees, $10,000. T rma sooth, a corner to bo proud of. new and modern. $8650. WINNIE PETTI JOHN, Realtor 17 South High Street . , SMALL house. Rents for $10. Ftno lot, truit, $500. 710 N. High. EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE TWO houses of ( rooms each, one rented, the other vacant Value for both 400. Want 5 or 10 acre, tract close to Salem of even value or less. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtor $20 Stale Street Tel. 1727. FINE 72 acre farm, all In cultiva tion, to exchange for California property, preferably near Lea. An- geles. Also have some clear city property efaowlmj good Income to trade ror iarm. H C. SHIELDS Oregon Building ' Tel. 17S4. FOR- SALE OR TRADE Auto camo located on Paclfio hichwav 2 miles from Salem, also 14 acnes wtth buildings, close to Salem. Call owner. FOR SALE FARMS FORCED TO SELL FARM FINE farm. 41 acres for 6 9 00 down. Price $2760. Would be a good buy at $4700. Owner unable to run farm on account of age and ill health. 29 A. plow land, balance small timber and pasture. Spring water, small house, good barn and poultry house, best of soli. Fenced and cross fenced woven wire. Possession in October. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. 80 ACRE FARM S miles out on good road, small houss, good barn, chicken coops, 20 acres cultivated, baL timber and pas ture. Well fenced, good well, spring water piped to house. Some stock, chickens and a barn full of hay, all go for $4 800, part cash, bal. terms, or will take Salem home or small tract near Salem as part. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street . Tel. 1727. 6 ACRE SUBURBAN HOME LOCATED, on main Pacific high way, 4 miles from Ladd k Bush bank. This tract is all in orchard, now 3 room house, good drilled well, will be offered for a few days at 32650 cash. W H. GKABENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 a Liberty St. Tel. 815. L 00k! 10 A. chicken ranch, over 800 chickens, good buildings, 4 A. strawberries contracted at 7c. Only 34000. O nly $7000 for 15 A. 2 ml. east of Saiem, 6rm. plastered house. Will take In city lot or acreage near Grants Pass. O ne of our snaps. $2000 for 6 A. close to Salem, 140 chickens, cow, garden produce. Fair buildings. K eep this in mind. $2100 for 4-rm. suburban home, 3-4 acre, good well, electric lights. Terms. RENTAIjS INSURANCE J. F. ULRICH CO. 335 Staf Street Tel. 1."4 ACREAGE SEPTEMBER 29, 1930 621 acre farm, stocked and eaulo- ped, 200 sheep, 6 cows, 4 heifers, 8 horses, chlckena pigs, etc.. all farm equipment price $20,000 ; will take some trade, balance on payments from the increase and wool from 125 head of ewes, 4 interest If you want to get into business ror yourself, here Is an opportunity. If your Increase and wool each year Is 5500 or 150(H). that is all you will have to pay on the piace. , II. a SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1784 RANCH BARGAINS 3 3-Acres. Extra good dark solL all In cultivation, fair buildings, electric lights, running water. A sacrifice price only $3250.00. $1000.00 down; balance easy ; see my agent BEARS ft TUGKER 184 South Commercial 1 1 1- -i-i-i .-tiii-iir-iin-ii-h.rtr.(-i-ij 6 A. 8 mi. Salem 1V4 A. strawberries, 70 young cherries, 4 room houss, good well, 83150. Will take Salem property. 19 A. 6 room modern home, good barn, close in, on paved street, $6500 ; terma 15 A. 4 room houre, this Is a fine place all kinds of fruit and ber ries, excellent soil, on goed road. $6500. Will trade for service sta tion and store. 15$ A. Sheep ranch on good road, part in cultivation, on good gra vel road, 9 mL Salem. Money to loan Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON 329 U. S. Bank Bldg. TeL $37. 69 A. farm. 45 In cult, fair bldgs.. initt stock, iowis ana machinery, 000: take residence for part. Good 40 A. Howell Prairie farm bldga, fruit timber, creek, snap, 85, 900 ; terma 4 R. bungalow S. Salem, large lot fruit small house, on back of lot snap $2750. $100 down. PERRINE ft MARSTER9 212 Gray Building INSTALLMENT ACREAGE . $25. down and $11. per month win Buy a acres or rtcn dark prairte sou, 4A milea from Salem, all cultivated. first class for berries. Pries $850. In terest $25. down and $10. per month will boy 5 acres, all cultivated, first class filbert or berry soil, located on paved roaa. it les it,uo. mt $2$. down and tit. per month will buy a fins building site containing one acre, located close to Engiewood school. Price 9 1000. Interest 6. $50. down and $20. per month will buy 8 acres located lust Outside of the city limits, 3 room bouse, well, chick en noose, running creek the yea around. A bargain at $2009. Int . $1900. down, balance terms, will buy. 43 acrea, well improved, 8 - mils from saiem, s acrea 01 .prunes, s acrea of filberts, 1 acre ot cherrtoa. good buildings. Price $4759. Int 7 W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO REALTORS 184 8. Liberty St TeL 111. "A OH. Tll-tVgi Hy FIAMCE H OrAy- IT V TOSTtPHONEO AMD ,02lS Tfi R vr. J . WEAR. ME TAt-Ji l ! rKSs eae tv-ikf-fTN ABOUT HIM, I'-- I! ! i 1 . Cet'XTal U r r-lfifl ' ' IT My J- . I; . . ACREAGE 77 A. dairy farm, trade or sell, own terms also 129 A. relinquishment cheap. Floe timber. Writ 415, Statea- 32.609 cash If taken at once. This is the beat buy In the Willamette valley. JOHN H. SCOTT ' 1189 Court Street Tel. 622. FOR BALE 5 acre fruit tract, lo ganberries, prunes and miscellaneous traits, good buildings, well and spring. 15- minuLea drive on. good road or will rent to responsible party. Call L. E. SUffler at 609 between a. m. and 5 p. l. or 1710 N. 17th St. evening 19 A. N. "E. of Salem, good soli, good buMdings, or good' highway. $4699. Some terms. I A., good 6 room house, electric lights, water system, garage, ltt jai. town. $2150 ; terms. -14009 to loan. J - Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON St U. & Bank Bids. Tel. $37. $1 ACRES of nice land with timber enough to cut 19,000 cords of wood. Located on good gravel road 15 miles from Salem. Lots of piling. All for Business Opportunities BE TOUR OWN BOSS FOR $850. 1 Well established restaur ant doing a fine paying business. Ap ply In perssn. SEE - BECHTEL or THOMASON 241 State Street Room 4. HOTEL th small town, 22 rooms furnished, all equipment, fountains, card aad pool room. Leased for $65 per -out. Price $11,000. Take' small acreage to $6000. C. J. Jackson with W. G. KRUEGER 14T North Commercial Street MONEY TO LOAN DO YOU NEED MOHEY? WE loan on livestock, automobiles, household goods and other personal property. Terms to suit yoar conven ience. National Loan ft Finance com pany. Licensed by state. 410 Bank of Commerce Bldg. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. All tran sactions strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 218 Oregon Bldg. Second Floor Corner State and High Office hrs. 10:00 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Telephone 032. Licensed by State Federal Farm Loans, 5 per cent F. L. WOOD, 341 State Street. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contrasts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your paymcnta You keep the .car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Plione 121 Salem, Ore. PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phono 1200 ON FARMS AND CITY REAL ES TATE. LOWKST INTEREST RATES. EKRT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service in all lines. HAWlVirsS SS KUUtKlB lino TeL 1427 2u5 Oregon Bldg. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY nORSES for sale. Just off work. 1200 to 1600 pounds. Plows and scrapera 1040 Ford street on Turner road. FOR SALE Stx good cows, 3 fresh. 8 fresh soon. 3rd houss east Turner. FOR SALE 18 geese. April hatch. CHAS. POCAN, K. 1, Jeiierson. 50 ewes to let on shares. SEE Fitsgcrald at Chrysler Garage, Salem. WANTED Market poultry. any kind, any time, any quantity. TeL 13U1 2, Lcc s fiatencry. . FOR SALE WOOD FROM TIMBER TO TOU. TeL 16 In. and 4 ft wood on hand at all times Also planer wood. TeL 2985. Tracy s Fuel Yards. . DRY fir and oaa wood, coal and fuel olL Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and srood service. Telephone 3131 WOOD sawing. Tel. 1223. GUARANTEED DRY Wood coaL Tel. 13. Salem Fuel Co., 752 Trade. WE havo 16" wood on hand all the time. Prompt delivery. 349 S. 12th. Cobbs ft Mitchell Co. Phone 813. OaMVsa"sstaAasssaSs WOOD Judd. TeL 21F13, 6kVwVVwVVWwArVNJAAAAMAAftAA DHY 16 In. old fir. 4 ft fir. oak. ash. also dry old fir mill slab. C U. Harbaugns J. rangier ana l-uei, jj Highland. Tel. 1990. 16 In. old lir $7.50 cd. Tel. 26F32 4 Corners Garage. LOST and FOUND PARTY finding purse at Penneys is Known. rrease return to owner. 1630 Berry St, and save trouble. LOST Thursday from automobile, lady a hat box containing woman and child's appareL Reward. TeL 1984. Rewards LOST Bill fold containing curren cy and other valuable Reward for return to Statesman olllce. LOST A blue serge coat with watch a.nd chain, and Dersonal papers. Liberal reward for finder. Leave at 219 North 12 th St and get reward. FOR SALE USED CARS T C. T U.. ....... nnMAl 1 Ford coupe. Good paint Job, motor la A-l condition, call zsziw. 1929 Chrysler '68 coach like new. $695.09, full price; must sell. Routs 7, box lis, saiem. Close CalT 1 DRYERSTAXED WITH rKUJNE J K ur GREEN BEANS UP 2 CENTS LOCALLY Rains Cut Down Dry ing Period at Least Week Dried prune crop- and market conditions in the Pacific north-1 west axe utterly chaotic, due largel to adverse weather. coDdM tions during the harvesting- per iod. Light to moderate rains; about ten days ago were followed by several daya of warm weather with the result that the normal 20 to 25-day harvesting and dry ing period .was reduced to 10 to 14 days, by reason qt the entire crop ripening- within a period of a very few days, much faster than .the dryer fapacrties of the various districts could accommodate, ac cording to' the official weekly prune review. Since the beginning of harvest ing operations dryers and crew have been taxed to their limits in order to take care of the crop. The previous rains seem to weak en the general quality of the prune, with much resultant split ting, both on the trees and on the ground. Considerable brown rot and mold also developed fn the stock while awaiting drying. Drying was entirely completed in Bome districts by September 22, especially where crop produc tion was lighter. In other local ities, where production was heav ier, and with young orchards whose large-sized fruit was later in ripening, as In the Lake-Shore district of Clark county and at Dundee, McMlnnvilla and else where, dryers are still being oper ated to full capacity. General Markets PORTLAND. Ore.. Seut. 29 ( AP) Produce ticlisnge, net pricei: butter, ex trss 39; ttandards 38; prim firsts 36; first 33. Egzs, fresh astras 33 : fresh medioaia 20. FOR SALE USED CARS A Safe Place to Buy TODAY'S SPECIALS Tou can't afford to miss seeing; thin selection: Terms of course. ComDurs our Drict s. 1929 Chrysler Coupe A dindy 19J0 1J8 boto beaan. Looks and runs 1&27 Oakland Landau Sedan 1327 Chevrolet Cabriolet Extra good iyzf nsscx 4-dr. tiood tires 1927 Star Coupster 1925 Chrysler "70" touring 1928 Chev. cabriolet. A real bargain 1926 Ford Touring Willamette Chrysler Liberty and Chemeketa Valley Motor Company Used Cars 1929 Fordor Sedan 8485.00 Model A Truck 6 speed 450.00 Model A Standard Roadster new tires 850.00 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 850.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 235.00 1925 Chevrolet Coupe L. 125.00 1926 Coupe Model T : 135.00 1926 Tourina Model T 90.00 1924 Coupe balloons - 50.00 1924 Roadster 30.00 Model TT Truck 25.00 1026 Chevrolet Roadster 12a. 00 TERMS TRADES Valley Motor Company Tel. 1995 Center ft Liberty St. Fair Week Specials In cood used reconditioned automo bile at prices that will surprise you. Prices cut to the bone. Believe It or Not 1929 Nash two door sedan. Was $875.00, now $750.00 1927 Studebaker four door se dan. Was $750.00 now 695.00 1928 Pontiac two door sedan. Was 8575.00; now 450.00 1927 Pontiac four door sedan. Was $450.00; now . 875.00 1927 Buick two door sedan. Was $750.00 ; now 565.00 1925 Nash Spec Coach. Was $350.00; now - 276.00 1926 Hudson Coach. Was $250.00; now 185.00 1926 Oakland Landau sedan. Was $495.00; now 425.00 1925 Riokenbacker brougham. Was $325.00 ; now 815.00 We have several more st compara tive prices. F. W. Pettyjohn Co, Inc. 366 N. Commercial St. TeL 1260. McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. Tfiat Counts 192$ Chevrolet Sedan $616.90 1929 Chevrolet Landau Sedan 586.00 1928 Chevrolet Sedan, trunk 476.00 1926 Star Sedan 160.00 1928 Boick Sport Coupe 675.00 1928 Chevrolet Srort Coupe 425.00 1928 Chevrolet Roadster, rum- ble seat 825.00 1927 Ford Roadster 165.00 1926 Essex Coach . 185.90 Used car dept.. 520 Chemeketa St. Telephone 1425. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. i3OOp- ASQ VOO CAMT BEAT t QOICH EWQO3H TO CALL MOVJ I SUIT Mf H OP WSHS a r ..... COM!Ut3 A OUT P Br5aststBtr?SH?Ea555ffS2? ' Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, Soft- 29 (AP) Waest latBrss: Opes Hirk Lost Clots May T9 7B to Umm. 7 is Am 74 74. TSTfc 1 -Liia autrseu: wueec ug mho ""- . . . . T M 1 1 .ts .S9: soft white, westers - white -Staid wisttt. BOrreern spring. wstra r4 .9944. Osts: Ne. 9 39 19. waits ss.vv. Cern: We. S C Y. Hpaca 99.76. sfrRron: staadsrd 19.90. v Nuts, Hay and Hops PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 29 (AP) Nut walnuts, Ortron. iBfZ7e; ai mends. 15 20c: pesnuts. Via 12c; -can. 8527e; litberta. I7lc. Hat wlielessls buying priees.-. deliv ered PertUad. Esstera Oregon tiasthy, m una? 4 nil., aiSfWIO.Sa- k!fl- f it 17 19 : clover. 81Jo aar. 91; straw,-1794 ton: selling priest. $1 ts 9 store. . . .Hopt 1929 erop. lJVifflloo. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Or., flapt 89 (API Cattle 1C0S, caiTas 119. including 229 cattle 80 calves direct or tsrongh; Wrong er, the-stock 36s higher. - Stesrs 600-900 lbs- good $7. 50". 73; medium 6.50&7.50; eommoa 5.006.50, Steers 900-1100 lb., good 7.60 7.75; meattna 0.50 7.50: eraaen s.ou (g t.,50. Steers 11OO-1300 good 7.2S7.75; me diuss 5.60 7.25. Heifer 650 850 lbs.. good 6.78 7.00; medium 6. 75 6 6.75. coosmos 4.75 (S 5.75. Cow, good 5.50 6.25; common and medium 4.00 (g 5.50; lov cutter 2.504.00. Bali (yearlinrs excluded) 5.50 d 6.00; cutter and com mon and medium 4.00(25.50. Vealers, milk fad 10.50 ((r 11.50; medium 8.00 3 10.50; cull and common 5. 00 (h 8.00, CaWas, good and choice 8.50(3 10.00; common and medium 5. 00(28. j0. Hogs 8675, including 1443 direct er tnrourh; ope nine slow. (Sft or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded.) Light light 110 160 lbs., $10.00 11.35; lipht weight 160 180 lbs., 11.25 11.75; light weight 180-200 lbs., gnod and choice 11.2511.75; medium wight JOO-220 lbs.. 10.25 11.75; medium weight 220-250 lb., good and choice 10.O0ll.50; heavy weight 250 iiOO lbs. cood and choice 9.50(511.25; heary weight 290-350 lbs., good and choice 9.2510.75. Packing sows 275-500 lbs.. medium and good 8.50(39.50. Feeder and stocker pigs 70-130 lbs., good and ciioice 11.75713.00. Sheep 1700. including 1029 direct er through: Io early sales. FOR SALE USED CARS Ti'0.00 lma new $7.-0.00 . 445.00 27;..00 rubber 250.00 100.00 100.00 325.00 85.00 Motors, Inc. Dealers Telephone 1132 Ford and Buick Used Car Lot. 75 Cars 1923 Buick Standard Coupe 1928 Buick Standard Sedan. $835.00 $775.00 192 Ford town sedan 600.00 1927 Buick Standard coach 665.00 1929 Chevrolet m.ton truck 550.00 1928 Pontiac Coach 450.00 !(-' Buick Coach overhauled 415.00 1925 Buick Master Coupe 365.00 1928 Ford Roadster J50.00 192 Buick Roadster. over hauled 295.00 1924 Studebaker coach 185.00 1926 Iord tudor 150.09 1925 Oldsmobtle coach , 125.00 I 1927 Ford Roadster Ruxtell 125.00 1926 Ford Touring 100.00 1926 Essex Coach 93 00 1923 Willys Knisrlit touring .. 50.00 1928 Buick Touring 40.00 Salem Used Car Center Marion and Liberty Open Evenings and Sundays Telephone 1027 3729. Early Fait Specials 1928 Pontiac I dr. sedan 435.00 153 Pontiac Coupe 625.00 1928 Oakland Cabriolet 695.00 1927 Oakland Sedan 495.00 1926 Oakland Coupe, like new 535.00 1926 Oakland Sedan 4 25.00 Dodge Coupe . 295.00 192 Essex Coach 125.00 Ford Touring 165.00 Star touriof with enclosure 95.00 Dodge Roadster 85.00 Deliveries Dodga Delivery Ford with box . 50.06 75.00 Wood-Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. Oakland Phone 2126 Pontiac 359 IX. High SL 646 Cbemeketa St. NOTICE ttotlc Is hereby liven that I bare Impounded th following de scribed dogs In compliance with tha provisions .of Ordinancs No. no, to-wit: one remaw oira aos abont seyen months old. One maie ouii dog witn black ana white breast. The above describ ed doge will be killed It not re- rlcM-meiif lit nwn mm an nr KAfnrai rt.f.k. a ieft .rn.l4a 4n v,v said Ordinance. W. 8. IAIW. Street 1:0m mis- o..i-mk.. sa a a 30-U1-Z-3-4. By RUSS WESTOVER pAjry COMMA OWE! , DON'T T MI HSAatl at 1 Tl Feed Market Wanes; Eggs Stay up at Last Level Green -beana went up two cents on the local market Monday and .v. w . v 1 luc lcca "uc atantial cats were made on ton lots. Otherwise the market was : Inactive over the weekend. Eggs stayed at the' same price level as last week. Quotations made for The Statesman on Monday were: Grade B raw 4 mtlk, delivered' In Salem, 92.80 cwt. ButtcTfat at farm 87c. Burterfat, driirered to Salem 38c! raxsH rxaiTs (Wholesale Quotation, p.;': sv; m. Produce Co.) Smembr io.n Apples tarly Traasparent. lug $1.00 Grarensteia 1 Kn Grapefruit California. 100 7.25 Isl of Pine. Cuba m'an Bananas, 'ot Dates Dromedary. 86, 10 ot. pkgs. Cone' Pitted, case .6.75 -4.50 Lemons. CaMf Limes 7.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 7.00 7.50 9.00 0.50 0.50 9.50 ...9.50 1.50 1.50 2.75 1.50 40 1.50 03 02 02 o 05 ".z;r..oi4- 16 Orvnaea, Navels SO s 100't 126' .... 150 " 176' 200' 216' "" Z "Z" 252 s 288 Grapes 1 okay Seedless I.ady Fingers Concords, lug Concords, basket Fresh tig, tray ""!"." lasabas. lb Ice cream melons, lb. Cantalonpes, local, lb Cantaloupes, era'e atermeioris. lb Hackli-herrie. lb "" VEGETABLES ( Vj lioit-sala ouotatiuus I'a.-ifi Wi; a Produce Co.) September 2I. 1!30. Local celery, daz an . on Corn, yellow, sack i Bunch vegetables, dji. bute'ri-s Carrots 40 Been .."!...!.4( Turrups .........l'......0 Radishes ." 40 Parsley ...Z.60 Onions 111 fiarlic. lb ; "15 ioruatoes. boi 1 Tomatoes, flats ... ..'5 Lettuce Lake I.abih. Seattle crate i.r.o Cucumbers Cucumbers, tr.iy Cucubbers. hotK.'ise inner ........... 50 80 ...85 G5 55 1.25 40 60 .1.50 20 10 03 ..T..03 02 08 Cucumbers, pick!ine No. l't No. E's Ko. 3's '"' C round cherries. !b Green corn, sack Mustard weens. diza Endive, dozen Artichokes, dozen , Ked peppers, doien Pill weed, ib Marblehead sauash. lb. IBish squash, lb. Cabbase. local, lb. . . Peas, local, lb " Potatoes Loeal, 100 Lt 1 75 Takimas. 160 lbs. . " s on Oreen beans, lb OS I'eppers, It 04 Egg Plant, erst .-,$ Cauliflower, crate 1.75 .Spinach, erat 1.50 Onions Bry No. 1 Walla Walla 1.75 Lake La bis h, crate 1.50 Pickling onions, No. l'. lb. ; 08 N. 2 . lb 05 Sweet Potatoes, lb. ""041 FEEDS (Retail Quotations) September 29. 1930 Calf ijeal, 25 lb ...40-1.85 scratch, ton 40.00 Corn, whole, toa 52.00 - C racked and around fU on Mill run. toa . 7 on Bran, ton 77 Off Egg mash '45 V ith milk 49.00 EGGS (Buying Price) F.xtr.n 3 Standard 28 SO Mediums 28 POULTRY iBorlns Plica 1 Roosters, aid OT Heavies 19-20 Medium 11-15 Lights -. l Itroilers Lerhoraf . IT Broilers colored 19 CHAIN AND BAT (BnyiBg Price) Wheat, westers rd 5914 Soft whit 61 Barley, too Ufip23 Oat, bn 82(3 39 Hay. retail prte . Uats aad Vtc .-. 10.00 15.00 Clover ..10-ia Alfalfa, fancy 16.00 te 20.00 Alfalfa, common 12.00 to 14.00 HEAT (Buying Price) Spring Lambs 06 te .0T Live Hega 11 Dressed Hogs " Dressed Veal 16 WOOL Coarse Medina to MOHAIE Old I Kid 20 ..26 Lams 90 lbs, down 85.50 6.50: flium 4.75S.5; au weight. 4.00 4.7. Yearling wetber 90-119 lk SfC-K ST-r MLIta Tk.m c a.75; ito-169 ib a.ooorso; A 1 weights, sail as 4 eoza-oa l.oo2.0o. Portlan- Produce ' PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 19 (AP) 1 Milk raw ssilk (4 per cent). tt.SOff I 3.40 Cwt dUrr4 Portland, less t I car cent: grade B ssilk. 8.63. Batter- I fat delivered ia Portland. 88c ponltry (bylBf priea.)AUra keavy ka aver 1. lha. i.c: coiajB has 8H. te 4H' 199.. asadiooi keas. 8H 4Vi lbs, 16r llgbt keoa. lis; fa r I 39s: Pskia sacks. 4 la.. aaA ever 19; o4d. 15s; ealored dock, lie. Potatoes a am. Me. 1 grade 9.6S. Ne. t. 91.95 .. DRESSED POULTRY FOBTrLdun?, o i., aept. s tr; Dressed pealtry ajetlers. S lbs- . 96: tarksys, eU tesas eat keas. 85 80. . - - " Fruits, Vegetables PORTLAHUT. Or SerH. (AH lraiU aad s-efetaUa. Prask fralt sagas. Valeaeia, T.I9.S: grapefrais. Iaspettal. ee.eT; 1st riaes, & hmaa, 8-desea eartoaa, $9.60; basanaa 8dH Ik. Last on s California, 96.69 O T.90. UabBaga local. cviaber aatdaoe crow a SaOSsa par box. Tsautoas local. 60 65a. Oaiesa selllag prie ts retailer : seta, 8 9a sew era?. 9iyx.s sestat. - atewies a. crsM o. ssv Bpiaaek -local, oe-i scasge Craabarries early blacks. 85.253 8.59 ar baa. Water! Kiaadik. IfislUe Ib: eesebaa. l40te per Is. CsaUleapa - tsges - jsmbe, 61.T8; staadara 9139; DUlari Usdsra, l0;