The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 28, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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    Musical Program
Bishop Home
. Plans for 'tli Salem chamber
duels concert are being formu
lated and preparations are be
ing bad for the first fall eon
cert.- at which time i.Jfean-Kah-KIe
String -quartette win
make IU first appearance.- The
home of Mr, . and Mrs.' C. P.
Bishop, 7SS Court street, has
been opened for this occasion on
the evening of October 28.
This is' the second year Salem
people -hare had the privilege of
having these Interesting -eale
and many are eagerly await
ing their presentation.
The personnel of tbe Neah-Kah-ttte
string quartette Include,
Snsle FenneU pipes, well known
to music 1 Ten of tho Pacific
northwest, both aa concert rt
at of rire ability and personal
ity and as a leader of string;
trios and quartettes, with which
aha- has been identified actireUr
for twelve years. She organised
the majority of the Chamber mu
sic societies now active on the
Pacific coast. Mrs. Pipes win
play first violin la the quartet.
Hubert Sorenson, playing sec
onA vtolla is a yenthlnl meatclan
et exceptional ability, baring
had i particularly good training
ander the finest of musical in
stmetors In both Spokane and
Seattle. He has had. considera
ble work' with both the junior
and Portland Symphony urines
tras : since his appearance In
Alexander Vdovin, who plays
the Tlola with masterful preci
sion, attained his high place in
the musical world trader the
leadership of Nalbanjan and Re
setsoff, famous Russian mu si
Hans. He. holds a degree from
the Imperial conservatory of St.
Petersburg and fey five years
has been principal of viola sec
tions In Seattle and Portland
Symphony orchestras. .
' Michel Penaa Is tbe.eeOlst In
the quartet. This is his first ap
pearance in 8alem and comes
most highly recommended, He
in a Hollander by birth and has
studied ander the best sanelcal
leaders la Amsterdam, w"u.;f
Italy and Prance. He has toured
Karope, South America. United
States and Canada perfecting hi3
talent. His career with the
Philadelphia Harmonic rehes
tra, San Pranclsco Symphony or
chestra as aeloist and guest art-
. . . - m.A I miiiili
lets nave nrouaat mm uui-'
fame In the musical circles of
the country.
The Salem" Chamber society
feet most fortunate in having the
opportunity to present this quar-
let ana . are ooa5
Its concerts, -
Members of the Salem Cham
ber music society, who are pre
senting the Neah-kah-nl string
quartet, are Mrs. C P.- Bishop,
baaormry .president; lira. Monroe-
Gilbert, president; Mm. Brn
eut j Bonasteele, ueeretary'-treae-mrer:
Miss Sally Bush, first rire
emaidemt. and Hias Elisabeth
Lord, second rice president.
Thei offfcen of the organisa
tion are being assisted by the
poatd of directors which Include.
Mrs. William Lytic. Mrs. T. A.
Urealey, Mm. Walter Denton,
Mrs. O. F. Johnson. Mrs. C K.
Spanlding, Mass Elisabeth Lvy,
Miss Lena Belle Tartar, Mrs.
William Burghardt, Jr., Mrs.
CHKord Brawn, . Mrs. Carlton
Smith, Mrs. Frederick Thlelsen,
Mrs. George Rodgera, Mrs, Da
Til Bennett Hill. Mrs. Homer
Smith. Mrs. tV. H. Tarpley. Miss-
Bath Bedford, Mrs. Donald
Tewag, ttteS AUee Brown, Miss
Maud Covington, Mrs. ,C A.
Howard. Mrs. F: A. Elliott, Mrs:
C. B. Hamilton. Mrs. D. B. Jar-,
man and Mrs. Carl Kelson..
Mm. WHaam Burghardt Is the
guest artist tor the second of the
series of coming concerts.
Monmouth ' The preUminary
business meeting of the Social
Hour dub was held Wednesday
afternoon at the home of the pre
sident Mrs. F. M. Both. Mrs.
Yelssa V. Smith and Mrs. Homer
O. Dodds were elected to fill
membership racancies. An inter
esting: program was provided by
the ; program committee. Indica
tive of the. term to be held
thronghout the coming year. Mrs.
B. P. Butler will entertain at the
first social meeting of the season
to bo held October 1.
Jefferson, Announcements
have been -received of the mar
Ullage . of Miss Delate .Main.
daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I
Main of Jefferson, to A. J. Hop
kins, at San Pedro, California,
September IT. Itt9
Miss Mala vent to California
last spring to visit her brother,
Airxea Main and family, but now
she ; -will make her home there;
The .wedding; ocenrrad on the
first anniversary of the saarrlaga
of her twin sister, Elsie, to Cle-
ins Bice. p-K&s
Mrs. Edward I Clark of Oak
land, California, ; mod her two
children, , KUsabeth aad Dexter
-Tordye. who have been guests
in Salem during the fair, will
leave Sunday i for Portland to
visit at the nemo of Mrs. Clark's
- paresis lor a. short time. .
Monday. September t
' : Ansmary ineetiafUIBerV van; electlra
Oi ofricurs, g p. m.
jf library, audltariam; t:fl p. m.'
''T. 'B. O. Chapter G. win meet, Octeber t with Mrs.
B.J1. Coww,vbUaty, Orerox Jirs. C 8 poftsi is as
r iistiaxAostass.' ?; - -,t - - t P,
T L24tTtor weUeuwA. U. t?. pubUe library, aldl-
Trtfiy,.QcicSet rS
Forsaat aweeptfom Leslie
' v v -u v - ; V ' '
- 4."-; fi. ..i. 'J - . I ' V
I S" 1fH,...i.M,- - . If f I !
' ?4f??'f . ; iJ jJL- -j ,,. '
f! 1" t I ft ? V'".: 7 : J -Vjf
:f!'? ' - r ' tC . JH .
Upper right hand cornerMiss Virginia Slusser, pres- Upper left hand corner Mrs. Ralph T. Ure, recently re-
ident of the local chapter of Daleth Teth Giml, in- turned from Victoria and Vancouver, B.C.
dependent woman's organization of Willamette Lower left hand corner Mrs. Earl Dane, general chair-
university. . man of social department Salem Women's club.
Lower right hand corner Mrs. Burton Myers, charming
hostess during week.
A. A, U, W. Sections
Plan Programs -
The elnternatlonal relations
section of the Salem branch,
American Association of Univer
sity Women, will hold their first
meeting of the year, Monday
evening at 7:30 ta the pablie li
brary auditorium. Mrs? J. A.
Jelderka wfll be in charge" of 'this
section. Outlines of thp coming
season will be made and all in
terested are Invited to attend.
The literature section et the
University Women's organisation
wtfl meet for a similar session
Tuesday evening at 7:3 1 o'clock
in the public library audit onum
with Miss Mary Eyre as leader
of This group.
Marguerite McDonald
Wed to John Lucker
A wedding of much Interest to
Salem society Is that "recently
Miss Marguerite McDonald of
Vancouver, 'B. C to John T.
Lacker, Jr., at the National Mem
orial Baptist church. Washington,
D. C Dr. Grorer Johnson read
the service in the presence of the
ride's saother and relatives from
Trenton, N. J. Mr. aad Mrs.
Lucker are well known in Salem,
Mm Lucker being a dire 1 musi
cal circles during her residence
in Salem, and Mr. Lucker is the
son of tha late Mr. and Mrs. John
T. Lucker, prominent Salem fam
ily. " -
iFeHawlns a wedding trln to
Atlantic City. hir. and' Mm. Luck
er will bo at homo at the Pershing
apartments, Washington, D. C.
after Ottober.
Aurora. Mrs. Chester fill
breth- emtertained at dinner Wed
nesday evening honoring Miss
Peggy Sadler who Is leavtnr Sat
urday. .. Coven . were placed 4or
eight. - - Beveral - other social at
fairs were given in Peggie's hon
ors Sunday Mrs.' Paul Fisher of
Gladstone entertained with "an
arternoon -or gou followed try a
dinner, ' and Peggy - entertained
some of her friends with a. fire
side supper before leaving.
- sirs. v. u. cuuuie ana son
Wallace , . have returned from
Gresham, Oregon, where, they
hare atts Tar the .past tew days
as gnesta of relativea and friends.
Junior high S p.
. '.... 1 Oltyi M. Doak. Society Editor s
bday We Present . . ; . .
Legion Auxiliary
znects Officers
The American Legion Auxili
ary meeting which Jj to be held
Monday night In the Legion hall
over Miller's store, promises to
be one of unusual Interest and
enthusiasm. The election of of
ficers Is the main event of the
evening which la arousing much
interest, not only because f the
large number et candidates nom
inated at the sneeting September
IS, but also from the fact that
nominations may be made Trow
the floor this thne.
The four candidates ! tor the
presidency of the Salem unit
nominated at' the last saeettng of
the auxiliary were Mrs. M. J,
Melchlor. Mrs. WHIiam Watkias,
Mrs. Christopher Batter d
Mrs. Byron Lieuailen. r A num
ber wf other noBxtaaueas were
made and It is understood that
each post VllI bo hotly contested.
The Monday, night meeting is
to be strictly a business session.
but a social meeting-is scheduled
for October when the auxiliary
members w IU entertain : mem he ss 4
of Capital Post and other guests
with a specially arranged - pro
gram. . ;, ; '
Cloverdale Mrt and Mrs. WllW
lam BuUky entertained group
of their trlenda with a dinner on
Thursday honoring Mr. Butsky on
his lath birthoay anniversary, a
bis houauet of dahlias In pastel
shades centered the table where
cover were laid for the honor
truest. Mr. Butsky and Mrs. u.
Kunke and Mrs. MeKay of Tam
er, Mrs. F. A. Wood and Mrs.
Emery Wood of Salem Miss Nel-
Ila n&mtttnn and the hostess. MfS,
Butsky.' The youngest member ot
the grouTwarOTrpraeTrrroon
while Mm C. unft-WAs the old
: Mrr mod Mrs.' wnuam ojuixay
entertained their -relatives ..from
Roseburg mWednesday dventng.
West: Salem.- A family teun-
ioa wasr enjoyed yesterday at the
Capital Tourist onto- camp. when
M. and Mrs. H, R. McDowell
were hosts to the following reta
Tea. x Mr. r and Mm. O. W. Por
ter. Miss Mabel Porter, jesaa
Porter. Mrs.' Gat IHHeT -and
danrhler -Beverry. nil ; ot Jua-
tloaCtty; , Mxa.. nUl jGoodila
and children, Bobby and Joan of
Euxene. 1 : everal - members et
the roup attended the state fair
la the afternoon.
The first dance of tbe TUllcum
dancing club will be hsld Octo
ber 28 da CastillUit halL This
is the Orst of, the local dancing
eltrbr to nnneunee their winter's
plans. Howard Hulsey and Lee
CanflfilJ, -clah .officers, re s? ak
in t tt tha : -saeciteKiip- Ust
tih an xpscted : to l2lus
s. Uzgtf rouB than test year's
Mr. tad Mra. .Howard Xlake
am expected hosae Monday troea
Crater Lake and Crescent City
where 'they have been vacation-
Girl Reserves Honor ;
New Freshmen Girls
.The Girl Reserves .of the 8alem
High school will hold their first
meeting' of the year Friday even
ing- at 7:30 o'clock at the T. W. C.
A honoring the girls ot the
freshman class of Salem - high
school. The affair will bo In the
form of a "football style.' Grace
Skinner, general chairman of the
social committee has announced
Hands Refle&On&i
iahatl we wear wRb erhatt
oVaLiU we But uew and
seasonal ota tor tha fafi evening
mb St was esse lltfia la
etaeat that tlod as to
tTwoaad reached ontnnd touch
irtaad tha two
they beleasva Jrare
WUA sTudyUg. fc ', H
! ne woman wat3ron wis
Wpwnnssr. . lbs older womasvwero -e
-teraly omareM cut diamond staa-
AnaSk'bmoabH ofmaa dGuaoaes
rvblaa, So
SonseevatiTar prhans
vt tiVji
uss iae tight oae
la htr Was crock; with ltd Coolly
of, cut U had baen 4tsiMd'fcy
Tails disss creator xereh.lh?
Irt cs is soft satin or Wlret akl as
1 .1 s Sb now idea xe .tha ocacx b
jtc ipart A Ah rsck ttsU, Th
' ck .was aljnost -tJr utit ai
' the ' scarf began at t-- lorrr t;rt-
--efrhre.' U rws " eiusU
; t-.i a ? tmocVand drap-
ilwrifU4 lMa-L;i a am::
jTspe. :av. .Than St til aoreci
t z fjack fcs ra oud i
c:; trzrt Ht era a.her arm,
1 a-sted ad rontieg simoat i
Che afctrt, airs aat to ta
Tbess PauiJoa
that over IftO lnrttatinns will be
in the matt the early part of the
Mrs. Myrtle Smith and Miss
Dora Hayes entertained Saturday
evening honoring Mm. Harry
Cleaver, of Lafayette. Indiana,
Mrs. Cleaver before, her marriage
was known here as Miss Pearl
Fegley and was teacher ta the
Dallas schools. Guests for the ev
ening: were former associates.
had a dB circular flannaa
wldch ended in gwd diagonal
toincea la f Mot wbteh had '
breosht la a point almost to
th4 hipllaa. I
: ? Adother Para Heioghsr wasr fh?
spensibla for thevseesnd Troek!
which, too. matmd Sao baawtrd
the Jwled band et- ft weaowD
Bsr jswela wajtw laytry jaf ruhyl
ring and a diamond biaoalei with7
rhpls aoabacboa cat. Jte Crock4
wab of miLn&a ;
curplic cot, and narrow blt
wiCh'a diamond pin. Bat it woo)
th skirt that . reneetad ronert1
Partss latest faneiaa n waa lonss
and the reverse side of tb auto?
rfa bad bna saade la fan plaited
CBf ess wnicn reached nearly t
t4 aid bottosa oe tb skirt to
bjpllnak-.-'. h-.j. f.r - r5
: fhese fan plaited JsvT9s irttt
Weft werth.watchlao tu'aaaM
SI anofirKneh. dM-mer 4sst
t4d then sr-fotfc4aa?:onv HHti
t .grins' tn-w 'spUarwW": wii
.Uch fenas ta tower paK ef ,
tole. They snay B -wirfera!
thf aavurance that, they' aria tf-a
aJtr to a watt ribmaiul nasnaabbL . :
rL.i Ooaxtesr of
MacDowell Chorus
Honors Director
J Xa .compliment to the new di
rector or the Maeuoweu ciuo
horns. Miss Lena Belle. Tartar,
Mrs. Hal E. Hosa will be hostess
to -chorus-members In- her home
Monday night. All members of
the xrouo are Invited to meet tbe
new director and discuss tuf on
puBy, the plan tor - the year's
work. - -
; Miss' Frances Virgrnle Melton,
Eildent of the Salem MacDowell
announced that the opening
eoneert will - bo held October tl
t m the residence studio of Pro
fessor and Mrs. T. S. Roberts.
Professor Boberts will play a
grpup of organ numbers In addi
tion to other teatures on the pro
tram. ' Outlines of the year's activi
ties of the club have been form
ed and the schedule lightened a
little jover that of last yars pro
gram. Local people will he fea-
t tared throughout the prognu&a-
with additlonat and eeuaiiy as
Interesting gnest artists. .. One
jrosran waicb -is wing
awaued is the one given oy miss
Dorothy Pearee. Salem pianist
who recently returned from a
year's tour abroad and additional
time spent la the east.
The membership status or the
club was revised last spring to
allow Increased participation- In
the privileges, and duties of -the
club. In former years the enor
uspersonnjpl tormed only thel
active memhers. hot this
dun hfail that juina I
Sweated "V:
In the offices and 'social activities
of too MacDowell dab throng;
out the year.
This change will mean a wki-'
r circle ot interest and Increased
usefulness of the clah group.
Season tickets win be arail
able ap in previous years for
those patrons who wish to at
tend th concerts bat are not
able to take- responsibilities in
tha. organization.
Officers of the club. In addi
tion to Miss Melton, the presi
dent ore: Mrs. Vernon Douglas,
first vice-president; Mrs. Hal E.
Hoes, secretary; Mrs. W. I.
Phillips, treasurer, and Mrs. Da
vid Bennett-Hill, auditor.
Sdverton The Sflverton Wom
an's cluh wflfhold its first meet
ing of the season Monday after
noon at the home of the presi
dent, Mrs. George Hubbs Outlines
of plans for the winter's work
will fill the business hour. A
musical program will also be
given. The club' plans to take up
a course of study in addition to
Its public lmnrovement work. 1
Miss Hunter Names :
Bridal Attendants
' Much Jjrtafast It being center
ed in the wedding of Miss Macyl
Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
R. a Hunter, to Harris Lelts,
which will he solemnised the af
ternoon' of October It at 3 o'clock
In the First Presbyterian church.
Reverend W, C. Kutaer will Tead
the service. Mrj James Jenks,
Jri, will sins; proceeding and cur
ing the' ceremony and the wed
ding marches will bo .played by
professor T. 8. Roberts. ' .
Miss Hunter "baa chosen for her
bridal-party, .Miss Gladys S wen
ton of Everett, Washington, as
maid of honor; and little Janice
Lee and Jean i Marie, fire year
bid twin daughters of Dr. and
Mrs. Burton A. Myers as her lit
tle bridesmaids.
Boy Eeits vlfl attend the
groom as best man. A largo re
ception, at the church will follow
the wedding service. "
h' v .
jSalem Travelers
Summer, in East
' . Salem trerellers who have had
ait interesting trip this summer
Jre Mr. and Mrs. A. C. F. Ferry
ad children, Eleanore and
Charles. ' Mrs. Perry . and chil
dren left by train the early part
of-June tor New York where
they spent considerable time
visiting friends and relatives In
and around New York City, also
stopping for visits in Schenecta
dy, and Rochester. They were
tnat in Iowa, later in tha inn.
Mr -p anfl
aU motored to Michigan where
. . 7 . . .
they-, visited at the home of. Mr,
Mrs. H. W. Bross, former Sv
lent people. While la Iowa they
Also entertained by Salem
Mr. and Mm. A. R. Balrd.
Mr. and Mrs. perry and fam
ily returned home Just in time
far the opening of the fall term
of school and report a very
pleasant summer.
Dallas Mrs. Laird Weeds.
Tin. Carl Bale sand Mm. Ray
Scptt, entertained Thursday after
noon at the hpme ot Mrs. Woods
with a handkerchief shower hon
oring Mrs. J. B. EaTtin who leaves
the last of the month to attend
the national legion conrentlon in
Boston. Mm. Eakfn Is the torn
mitteewoman from the first dis
trict. Guests for the afternoon
were members of he local legion
Guests at the homo of Dr. and
Mm. - Kenneth Waters am Mrs.
Everett Walker and little daugh
ter Dolores of Klamath Falls, Ore
gon. Mrs. Walker, - who 'to Mm.
Waters' sister Is a former Salem
woman and lis again renewing ac
quaintances here. ' 1
I . Featuring
Translated from
the French
Headlines for Fall-proclaim the
toque beret -f- jaunty little hats
strangely becoming to the mode of
the moment. We show them in
many, many variations
Irregular drooping brims mark'
larger hats. And drooping prices
mark them all.
May we have the pleasure?
a. r.-cmrn
Salem Musicians
In Atwater-Kent
Salem was again represented
tn the annual Atwater-Kent radio
audition which was held last
night over KGW from 9: SO tn n
pan under the direction of Paul
TL Heitmeyer, it chairman of
tha audition,
- Tha two .representatives from
Salem were Miss Josephine Albert
and Wendell Robinson, both well
known in musical circles in Sa
lens. The youthful celebreties
have appeared number ot times
tn concert recitals and because
of their exceptional vetoes it Is be
lieved by many musical critics,
that they will be among the win
ning singers. Tbe decision is
made by written vote, which may
be mailed to KGW until 4:20 p.m.
! Singers will be announced by
numbers only, neither name nor
city being mentioned In connec
tion with U6 Introduction. The
Judges will hear the auditions in
private without knowing th
names of the singers, and win ar
rive at their decisions Individ u
sHy. Judges shall not call back
any contestant and request him to
sing a second time unless they
call back all contestants. Judges
and radio audience will be requir
ed to' vote for a first and second
'choice among both boy and Klrl
contestants. Each second-choice
vote cast will count as a half vots
for the person receiving It, and
shall be added to the first-choice
votes recelred by that contestant.
No ballot, which does not in
clue both first aad second choice
votes, will be counted. Votes
mailed by the radio listeners must
be postmarked not later than
P-m. Ot the day following the
Those mailed later will not bs
counted. Ballots should be hand
written. No typewritten, printed
or mimeographed ballots will be
counted. They must be mailed at
directed by the announcement
from the studio to Atwater-Ke&t
Audition,- care radio KGW.
Hubbard Mm. Charles Vreden
berg honored he'r son, Elton on
his teatb birthday with a party
Friday afternoon at the family
home, . ' d
A jolly time was had at. games
which were followed with refresh
ments. A lovely birthdsy cake dec
orated with ten candles was the
center, ot attractition.
Bouauets of dahlias centered
the table at which covers were
placed for Elton Vredenberg, the
guest of honor, Glenn Ains worth,
Wallace Brown, Max Moomaw,
James Bidgood. Richard Watkins,
and Charles Knight.
Mrs. Vredenberg was assisted
by Carol Moomaw.
"Kt n ly saauswf