The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 28, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning. September 28. 1930
H i
Negotiations With Fox West
Coast so far Failure;
Change due Oct. 1
(Continued from pas 1)
the Indirldual properties the
holding company will control
tooth theatres. Each theatre will
coptinue to he operated separate
ly. " Archie Holt, long assistant
manager of BUgh's Capitol, will
be manager of the Capitol theatre
and Verne Mclntyre. former man
ager of the Elsinore, and later as
sistant for a time under the Pox
manager, CoL Darid E. Dow,' will
be manager of the Elsinore. Both
men are experienced In the the
atre management and both are
well and favorably known to Sa
lem people.
The theatres will dperaie as
they alwaya hare, and will fea
ture the beat shows available,
The popular Fanchon and Marco
shows will be continued at the
Elsinore. The policy of the oper
ating company will be- to eerre
Salem people with, high-class en
tertainment, getting first-run ma
terial from the beet producing
Officers of the General The
atres. Inc., the holding company
are William S. Walton, president,
H. M. Hawkins, vice, president,
and T. A. Roberts, secretary
(Continued from pr 1)
688.51, with refunds on account
of duplications amounting to 12,-
146.35. The gross receipts were
S5. 838, 542. 16 and admlnistra
tlon expense $189,959.28. The
registration expense was less
than three per cent of the gross
receipts. Net receipts totalled
$5,648,582.88. The counties re
ceived $882,860.96 and the state
highway commission $3,756.
721.92. There was apportioned under
the motor transportation a total
of $215,778.97. Of this amount
$161,834.23 was apportioned to
the state highway commission
and $53,944.74 to the counties.
(Continued from pace 1)
and the Oregon gravel company
in Salem. The crusher of the
Oregon gravel company at Salem
is turning out from 100 to 200
yards a day, and all the crushers
are grinding up about 1500 yards
a day.
Crashers Operate
One More Week
All crushers will be working at
least another week, after which
about half of them will close
Don't let your shoes d f I
j write age !
in your face !
'TtHE Arch Preserver jShoe Aty 9
j X prevents the foot strain H
I .and fatigue that make so inany vivOl II
women look tired and1 old. VXv II
' Holds up the arch instead of VOl
letting ic sag and ache. Gives VrvO I
barefoot freedom to nerves vCk.u I
and blood-vessels. Keeps the i fvvi
feet buoyant, happy ... the TvV I
face youthful, radiant. Lovely VfOl
new slenderizing styles. WxfvV
! "'fteL-'i H H
! U 3fe- j j.;
In aU Mocha Brown or Dull X. II
I Black Kid. Shaped heeL . N M
J . . j N :
. . . : i ill -
m-tef , I . i ;,-
, . ' i- ' h - ; f " v.- .
4 fr'i
- "ftLir &
Edwin On-ill DeLarm, former
Pacific coast aviator, who is
antler arreftt in Chile for alleg
ed participation in an attempt
ed revolution.
down. Two or three will run the
greater part of November. About
40,000 more yards of gravel will
be turned out to finish jobs start
ed. All the grading that will be
done in the county this season has
been finished except the ; 12th
street job and about a mile
around St. Louis.
One more day's work from the
Turner paving plant will see the
end of the pavinp Jobs for the
season. This work would have
been finished Saturday had not
the morning rains forced the crew
to quit' for the day.
27. (AP). Snow and cold In
north Saskatchewan today claim
ed their first vict'm of the fall
season. The frozen body of Al
bert Irvine. 16, was found In a
PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 27.
(AP) A 4one bandit tonight held
up employes of an east side gro
cery store and robbed them of
: C
A. t' x-F f. s M
Viewing Exhibits, Sacred
Concert, Horse SHojw
Are Attractions i
(Continued from )
will be open. An airplane! stunt'
lng squadron will give at hour's
performance between 11 and IX
o'clock. There will "be sacred
concert between 1 and S O'clock
In the afternoon and this Will be
followed by a matinee horse Show
performance. There will f be no
racing. The gates will be open at
7 o'clock In the morning and; will
close, at 6 o'clock at night!
Saturday's attendance was large
but aot so profitable Inasmuch as
so large a part was of children
who did not pay If they were un
der 12 years of age. There I were
12,000 admissions, bqt the gat$
receipts showed a loss of $3,3 87.
75 over that of last year, ;
' i
'if OF L
i i
-j n ,
(Continued from pit 1 '
tor to the commission of : over
Leper's Absence
Delays He ring
When asked about the rumors
in connection with the Luper case
Governor Norblad, who as chair
man of the reclamation cpmmls
sln was designated as the spokes
man, stated that the commission j
was still making investigation of ;
the Luper matter. The governor
said: H i
"Luper has been out of the city
since the first hearing. He said
he would be back Thursday and
the reclamation commission
planned to hold a further hearing
with him then, but h did not
return. I understand he is to be
In on Monday and we will hold
our session at that time.; Until
this meeting the commission does
not desire to make any ; public
statement except to say that It
has continued its investigation of
Luper's administration." ! :
SEATTLE, Sept. 27. S(AP)
Shot through the jaw. Patrolman
V. G. Cottle was found lying un
conscious on the street in the
Capital Hill section here tonight,
his flashlight clutched ia bis
hand. His assailants had fled. Cot
tle was rushed to a nearby hospi
tal. :
Too Late to Classify
WANTED Expert shoe salesman.
Address 345. Statesman. .
FOR SALE Grapes. Phono 104F3I.
I rooms, corner lot. closs fa Leslie
school $3090.
J On paved street. Largs lot Cut to
2.uu. Terms.
Centrally- located, livm Quarters.
$1800. See GEISER With
1 South High Street
1 t 1
: -
v . v wa:v
Minerva Aaronsos. the l-year-old
Jewess, who It Wtrotked to John
I. Kaskob, Jr son of the million
aire ciralrman of the Demoeratie
National Committee. . Young Ras
kob U a Reman Catholic, but the
romance it said to have leaped ail
religious tarriera. The will be
wed next Spring.
Abner J. Ratcllffe died at the
residence, 13 8 1 Lee street, early
Saturday, September 27, aged 68
years; husband of Mae Smith
Ratcllffe; father of Claude S. of
Australia, Roby end Clifford,
both of Salem, Mrs. Zella John
son of Portland; brother of Hen
ry S. and George Ratcliffe, Mrs.
M. Poague all of Salem, and Miss
Anna F. Ratcliffe of Oak Grove.
Member Knights of Pythias. Fu
neral services Monday, Septem
ber 29, at 1:30 p. m. from the
W. T. Rigdon and Son mortuary.
Interment City View cemetery.
- ' Si
Every Home
Can Be
with a little cafe in selecting the proper furnishings. Great
expense is not necessary to acquire pleasing results
The Furniture Style Show is now on at our store and we
extend a cordial invitation to the public to call and look'
over our floors and see the many new things we are show
ing. Furniture, carpets and draperies to suit all require
You will be surprised at the beauty and simplicity of tho
modern home furnishings built with the idea of making
every house a home. '
Gullistan Rugs
Berkey and Gay
Monarch Ranges
Old Home of Local Banks
Is Taken Over by Dallas
Men; Firm Moves
The American Fidelity Invest
ment company -has sold Its build
ing on North Commercial street,
known as the Fidelity buiMlng.
formerly the home of the First
National bank and the old . Cap
ital National bank, to A. B. Da
rts and Dell Davis of Dallas, it
was Announced Saturday.
In the transaction the Invest
ment company haa taken as part
payment a farm of 1SS acres sit
uated tour miles from Pallas. The
farm la largely planted to prunes
and walnuts and will be further
developed by the Investment com
pany. The consideration for the
building la said to be J40.000.00.
The agent who handled the deal
was A. C. Bohrnstedt.
The American Fidelity Invest
ment company was organised by
Elmo 8. White, who since its or
ganisation has been president,
and Charles. ElUry, since its or
ganisation has also been one of
its principal officers. , ,
In PortL&nd Now
The company has had a steady
growth and its business in Port-
land crew to suxh an extent that
for some time-tt has demanded
the personal attention of Mr.
White and Mr. EHlery and on ac
count of its continued -growth
there it has decided to maintain
its head office where It now has
Its offices in the Bedell building
in that city. However, it will con
tinue to be represented In Salem
and has secured offices on the
fifth floor of the Bank of Com
merce building where it will con
tinue to give its Salem customers
the same service they have had
in the past.
After October 1, whan the in
vestment company will vacate the
present headquarters, the real es
tate department will be discon
tinued and William A. Bond and
0 U w a vjtw m -k BMW m m m a a m a ram M M - m m J m J w" r
Jacob Wanner, who have been in
eharge of that end, will be located
in their old rooms at 122 North
Use to which the building on
North- Commercial Just sold will
be pnt has not been announced,
however It is probable It will be
used by several small concerns
for the present
Phelan Doesn't
Think Much of
His Grid Team
SEATTLE. Sept. 27 (AF)
Jimmy- Phelan, new University of
Washington football coach, thinks
very little of bis grid team despite
the fact Chat the Huskies trimmed
the Whitman college eleven 48 to
in the first game of the year
here today.
"The blocking of the Washing
ton outfit was very poor and it
showed that it knew Very little of
fundamentals," said Phelan after
the contest.
"Beginning neat Monday I wiU
start in "from the grounds and
teach this gang some fundamentals."
Police Answer
Riot Call, Find
Burglar is bug
BERKELEY, Cat.. Sept. 17.
(AP) -A potato bug had the
Berkeley police department all
aflutter today.
A police -riot squad car roared
throagh the city streets when
Mrs. Peter Bioletti. breathlessly
told otifcers her basement was
full of burglars. With the house
surrounded police entered.
They heard hoarse whisper
ings coming from the basement.
With drawn guns they entered.
They found, a potato bug crawl
ing around a metal hater wbtoh
amplified the sounds and broad
cast them throughout the house.
He was killed when he at
tempted to escape.
India Is the largest sugar-cane
producing country In the woeld.
irt i i in 1 1 1 1
cnii i cub
sum iiiciies
(AP) An upward climb In the
volume of crime murder to petty
theft, was shown today in the
first bulletin of a crime survey
covering 772 cities In 44 states,
supervised by J. Edgar Hoover,
chief of the department of justice,
bureau ' of investigation.
" The bulletin covers in-statistical
form all "offenses known to
police" from January to August,
and showed an upward trend in
almost every type of crime.
The Increase of criminal actlvi
tr tor August was listed by the
Hoover bulletin as "slightly less
than ten per ceat" over July fig
area previously tabulated by the
International Association of
Chiefs of Police.
Cooking School, Armory,
Ladies of Salem and vicinity are urged to ttend
. th Free Cooking School which will be presented by.
Trie Oregon Statesman at the Salem Armory, corner
Liberty and Ferry streets on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, October 2, 3, and 4 .This is The States
man's own school and the work is put on by the Ella
Lehr Cooking School organization. Miss Helen Good
win will be the demonstrator.
Miss Goodwin will prepare dishes and give to
the ladies of the community the latest wrinkles in
modern cookery. This school is open to the public
and many Salem stores are co-operating in making
the event a big success.
Statesman cooking schools have always stood
out as great community features, and this one prom
ises to eclipse them all.
The instruction will be from two to four o'clock
each afternoon.
Artie tk Arrangement Results Only From
Wiely Chosen Furniture
No returns for New York City
and only partial returns for Chi
cago were listed in August re
port. With these cities elimin
ated Detroit was shown to Tead
in the volume of crime with 2,280
reported offenses. Los Angeles
waa next with 2,183; Cleveland
third with 1,645; San Francisco
fourth with 1,503; St. Louis fifth
with 1,323; Philadelphia sixth
with 1,243, and Newark seventh
with X.llT.
Rochester Wins
Third oi Series
ROCHESTER, N. Y.. Sept. 27.
(AP) Slamming foua Louis
villa pitchers to all corners of ths
lot, the Rochester Red Wings took
the third game of the junior
world series here this afternoon,
f to 2. Nearly 8,000 attended de
spite the wintry weather.
R H a
Louisville 000 001 0011 7 2
Rochester 140 301 OOr 14 I
Modern beauty is a symph
ony of good taste, particul
arly in the home. The old
fashioned ideas of many
colors, many odd pieces
and many periods has been
resolved down to the new
idea of subtle harmony,
achieved by die blending of
a few relative period de
signs: subdued colors re
lieved by a vivid flash and
artistically simple arrangement.
First Furnish Your
Home for Your
Homo Should
Come First.-
310 Court Street
it "