The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 28, 1930, Page 18, Image 18

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The 03EG0N STATESliAy. Safea. ' Oregon, Scnday Morning, September 28,-1930,
"Endurance Contest" Form
Of Campaign for Young
. Y. M. C. A. Members
Monday will mark the lanneh
bs of Salem's latest. endurance
cooiesC, when members of the
Jsnlor dlTlsloa of the Y. M. C. A.
bests tbeir dri to to Increase the
membership of the boys depart
ment of .the association. This
effort, styled- an "aeroplane en
ds ranee" contest, - Is the first
vell-orsanlzed attempt of this
ort to be made by the boys in
the past two years. It will end
8atwday, October 4.
OrjanlxaUoa and. friendly Ht
lry are . the keynotes of this
campaign., Hew and renewed
memberships Ji the aim of Ue
week's' - endearon. " Teams) i et
beys ander the direction -or their
board of directors will, t1 with,
eaehv ether; each dollar aM la
for aew. memberships win eout
M two hours "up", and, for re
newed memberships, one. Whldi
team can -OyT longest will be
learned next Saturday night at
the crand "wlndnn" dinner nt
rbean feed.M " 1 ;
1 Lynn Helse, wltb the appella
tion ot general, and Irrlag Bale,
as major-general, will direct the
two eompetitlTe diTlsIons,
headed by Phil Bfownell and Jim
Sehon. respeetlrely. Each dlTl
sloa chief will hare at his com
mand four team captains. All offi
cers in the "endurance" forces- are
to be members of the Junior board
of directors.
Competition Will
Be Spirited -
Com petition will no doubt rise
to a high pitch when, the fire pla
toons In each dlTlsloa try to out
do each other and each diTlslon
eeks to "stay up" longest .'and
win the "feed" which win be
the prize awarded next Saturday
night. The losing -diTlslon will
hare . to W content with. Beans
aad -set np- the dinner for the
tacky nesV"-: . V'1 -"" 1 J
! IndlTidnal trophies: for L solo
"fliers" will be: solo winner. sU
ter TJf.Oa" belt buckle; " lee
ond, bronie buckle; third, Tj If.
CAwatca fob.
'- To determine campaign fra-l
port" boors for aen day andl at
tend to tther last-mipnto ; de
tails, the Junior board will meet
this afternon at 1:30 at tnaT.
; This 'will also be "bring your
friends" week for the boys'! dlTfr
slon.. The Junior life sating
corps will complete. Its organisa
tion, which was begun Saturday.
McNary Slated :
To Speak Hire
Senator Charles Lu UeNarr htOi
be the speaker at the chamber: of
commerce luncheon on Monday.
Senator McNary Is a satire of this
section, nanus; oeen born on a
farm near Salem. . He has served
as senator since 1917. ; I f ?
I'll ens
Salem alumni of Willamette
uatrerslty will meet Thursday
sight at eight o'clock in the
chamber of commerce - rooms to
organize a, local booster associa
tion ana elect otucers. Oscar D.
OIsoo, temporary AaliToan of the
group, la planning; to see that er
m wmamette alumnna" ta 'Sa-
lem receiTes work ox tnu meeung
bf telephone. There are estimat-
mA fit k annia 4 A A mMIiuI mad
gold . graduates residing here.
At uis meeung presiaeni wu
be elected. - Oscar Olson and Har
old Sakin are nominees. - Other
officers to be chosen, are nce
nresldent ' Mrs. C EL Bates and
Mrs. I. H. Lauterman, candi
dates; secretary. Miss Lillian
Scott and Mrs. Ray I smitn.
i ui it; nciu- -5 vj
tag Lens
Ejegiaas tnswrance and tnor
eagh examination lac hided.
Qi O I
ConiUtttUoit tad r
also be drawn at -
Thla wm bo the first Salem WU-
lametto mniTersity aium- -r
elation. V " . .
Demand for margartao to the
Netherlands is ao great tiat the
Industry is operating at capacity.
Iahi1 Income in-
I"." ma tTs.700 in
1928 to 1582.890,800 la
Realty Activity
Increases Here, -
J. .iiVitT Is coMider-
ably brlgbter tor number ot tbe
daVsTor are now being closed.
d So Sears and Tucker office has
Just aanoaaeed three trade. H. c.
Flniter exchanged his residence
at lilt Franklin street in West
Salem for the borne owned br tt.
M. Mead. Leo J Rode of Staytou
eiuiusea jus aovie on zjt
rbemeketa streets here for
Barber's property, consisting
bouse ana ien iou on otn
ThA Felix wrignt house
trMt becomes nronertT of
RAhern in an exchange wh
wHrbt secures Sebern's reald
at 1171 Fran kiln. West Salem
at THE
Wednesday is the first day of another month. To some it's just another month. To
others it brings home, the realization that there should be some change made in the pur
chasing of family food requirements. The housewife, dnxious to help and do her part,
very naturally will think of Busick's Store as the most likely lace to find consistent
savings. As the average home will buy hundreds of items during the month, a few Sat
urday specials at a? very low price will not offset higher prices on non-specials purchased
through the days and weeks of the month. Most everyone not now buying at these
Stores fully intend to make one of the stores their future food store. and we pledge
you our best. H BUSICK'S.
Sunkist Lemons
Nice size fresh new stock
1 1
Dozen 33c B"si?s Ble"d
trailing Onions
Creamed onions, a deli
cious and healthful food.
Nice clean solid onions
25 lb, s!i. 33c
A very good standard
quality canned
Sweet Corn
Reg. sized cans at
Coffee at 18g
is very popular. Of course
we also have other higher
grades of coffee, such as
Real fine pure white gran-
. ulated
No lumps! or warehouse
20 lbs. 81.1
Full Cream
j-'j. f
Canned Peas
10c per Can
One of the best: brands at
2 Pounds 4c
" -. :u i - - ""
Freshly milled
Mled flats
Aey are new and strictly
. r'.i'.freshr
You can always get the
following brands at Bu-
1 1 j sick's:
Gold Medal
! White River
j I Grown
Fisher Blend
Drifted Snow
We also have a wonderful
value in an all hard wheat
flour at only
SOSpersk. :-
that is proving to be our
Eagle Brand
Condensed tlilk
2 (Bans -Sg
Scdtt Tissue
3 Soils 27c
5- I
71-2cp3rcah foieltSSc
n .Paper
Sthillings Pure Cream of
. l 'Tartar " ;
The Cooking
With pleasure we announce an event of more than
average importance. A cooking school to be sure
but what a cooking school?' Several months have
been spent in planning three days that you will not
soon forget three days in a romantic kitchen .
every moment crowded with new ideas. And this
is the best part of our announcement: our school
has been arranged by the Ella Lehr Cooking Schools,
a name which means a great deal to women of the
West. Every session will be under the personal
supervision of one of the Ella Lehr staff of experts.
October 2
October 3
October 4
2 to 4 p.m.
The Ella Lehr Schools are different not only do they search
out the best among all the multittf des of recipes and suggestions
that are available, but they are devoted to creating new and
practical ideas for use in the lijtchen. In three days, the results
of months of study are revealed before your very eyes. Every
recipe has been tested and tried, every suggestion is practical
usefiil -helpful Elaborate menus that require extensive equip
ment and expensive inroads on the family budget are not con
sidered. But the simple pleasing ways of dressing up the good
old "standbys" are the essential things in the school programs.
ycooivng School win u
under the personal supervision of
A the ESa UfoCwngSchooU:
Set aside the dates. Come and ask questions and make notes.
We mvite you as our guest at me:
dilterent a thrilling and insoirincr wnf- Aw, -n in
inake life brighter during Ae rest 0f the. yeai
-;r .An4 don't forget
Try. a salmon loaf of this
may be bad at botK stores
it's fresh from the oven
- .
i I 4