The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 28, 1930, Page 12, Image 12

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    from Mid-Vallevl! District Communities for Statesman Readers
- Independence
O i : O
Mrs. Lee OKelley It assisting In
the Keller's cleaning parlors tbls
... week. .
. Rev. W. T. Tapscott who has
been actios as pulpit supply for
the Baptist church will prach
Sunday for the last time, as tbe
Ret. K. A. Nelson ' will be here
to take up bis new work the fol
lowing Sunday. Church "servi
ces; in the evening cdmmenee at
7:30 instead of 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Will Campbell j and son
Billy, are leaving the first of the
week, for a trip east. They will
go as far east as Springfield,
Mass. Mrs. Sampbell will repre
sent Oregon in the national con
vention of the W. P. M. S.
Independence was well 'repre
sented at the state fair on Thurs
day. Those attending were Mr.
and Mrs. Pearl Hedges. Mr. and
Mrs. G rover Mattlson and daugh
ter! Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Char
lie Smiley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kel
ley I'r. and Mrs. Will Cockle,
Mr; and Mrs, Jim Robbie, Mrs.
-Elmer Busby, (Mrs. Heninegan,
Lyle , Story. Bob Irvine. Mr.
Parks, Mr. and Mrs. 0. T, Mar-
tin, Mrs. Hngh Hanna, Mr. and
- Mrs. W. E, Craven Mr. and Mrs.'
Bug Sloper, E. A. W4ddle and
young son, and Mr. and Mrs.
Carey Deater.
George Buck and his three
children of Lakeside, Coos coun
ty, spent the weekend bhere. Mr.
Back was at one time manager
f tbe creamery in this place.
Mrs. Wiley Grant, formerly of
thlf place is teaching the Eola
achool this year.
-Gail Alexander. Ottis Scott
and Oren McElmurry. accompan
ied by Pearl Alexander of Sa
lem, left for a hunting trip ' Sat
urday for the Ochoco country,
Bear Prinevllle.
Tbe Hopvllle school will begin
Monday with Mrs.' Lynn Huntley
as teacher for the lower grades
and Winfield Nelson will teach
tbe upper grades.
Tbe residence ofRay J. Dal
ton on Marsh bstreet was dam
aged by fire, which was caused
from a defective flu, most of the
household effects were destroyed-
Tbe high school opened Mon
day morning with an attendance
t 140. School dosed Wednes
day to allow tbe pupils to at
tend the fair.
Mrs. H. M. Young and sister,
Miss Eleanor Calbreatb, dangh-
I o
'. Pacific Coast Radio Network
. Saturdays, &00 to 8:30 P.M.
and . . ; .
KMX. Fridays, 9 to 9.45 f. M.
; I -Ph Cikers forage;
: . Cor. Liberty and Ferry 'Sis.
j - ; , " ..
i ;:,-15f5 Fairground Road ;
measant Service T Station
2C85 Portland- Road
?.r flew -Park Carajre,1 Y" '
V - .' f73. 12th 'St.
P:t Mate Motors, Incorporated
.f 125 Chemeketa SU, -
- I - XSi r-311-G - -
: i ... - i i
o ' 1 ; p- - - ;
jf--1- ---4 '' -j .
$?2x6l4.i . .... I
Four bort. accompanied bt
coaver, B. t, in this Chevrolet touring car, took ship for ! Alaska, then drove down the
Pacific Coast, and are now on their way home by the southern route. A. J. Fregans,
instructor of Memorial High School in Pelham, New York, is at the left. The boys are
(left to right) Lockwood Barr, William Barr, George Storm and J. Barton Elliott. The
Chevrolet performed perfectly on the entire trip. !
ters of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cal
breath, left for California this
week. Mrs. Young's home Is In
Fresno, Cal., and she has been
spending time at the home of
her parents.
SCIO. Sept." 27 Lorrane Da
vidson of Sacramento, Cal.. has
arrived in Scio for an indefinite
stay with his aunt, Mrs. Iva Ab
bott, and his grandfather, A.
Powell. He accompanied them
to the State fair Thursday.
Frank DeWall, Mrs. Stitcha.
Mrs. Brenner, and Scott Hawk
were Scio people who were visit
ors at the county seat Thursday,
More than 250 birds on a tree
were killed by a stroke of light
ning recently. i
of motor
Gone forever is the bugaboo of carbon. Chem
ists have discovered for your benefit the thing
that automotive engineers have prayed for.
Now' you chase out carbon while you drive, by using patented
carbon eliminating Gilmore Blu-Green Gasoline .. .'. at no
expense . . . .. no loss of use of car . L l. no expensive attach
ments to fill i ;
more than ordinary gasoline, , i
Pat Bams
ParrUh Garage. N. Capitol
Miller Tire Service - i I
l ' 1ST S. Commercial St. "
; Mandles Ibsj
y Four Corners ,
. ,V." H..; Morlarty ,
l4 JO : Fairground Road
: L. A; Scheeler
1I8S N. Commercial
their hirh school instructor, drove from New YnrV Van.
AMITY. Sept. 27 M. and
Mrs. H. W. Torbett and Mrs.
Torbett's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Forest Davis, motored to ;La
Grande Thursday. They will iris
turn Sunday. ; ;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosenheim
are happy over the arrival of iar
9 pound son, Lloyd Edward,
born Saturday, September 20.
Miss Verda Crook is visiting
this week end at Monmouth with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. ' H.
The Raleigh Massey. family
left for the coast Wednesday! to
enjoy a short vacation.
A good number of Amity folks
have attended the state fair this
year at Salem. Friday, Amity
!. ' - i ; '
ills banished
jvnb buttons to press f .
4 I
WEST SALEM f , . i
Wl P. Lewis Service Statiofi i
55S Edgewater St. 1 . .
p KIngwood Service Statlont j-'
Cor. Edgewater KIngwood
" Valley "View Service StaJ . 4 -
J. W. Berkey
1 -
U. S.
sphools were dismissed to allow
tbe pupils an extra day there.
E. W. Ray and Henry Rich
ter went to Pacific City Thursday
for two days.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller of
Salem, were Thursday visitors
of the J. L. Miller family.
Lee Duchine and Leon Weeks
returned from Medford where
they bad been working the past
few weeks.
Miss Mildred Bashor of Wash
ington spent a few days this
webek visiting Mrs. Dean Craven.
Miss Fannie Walker, Mrs.
Shields and Mrs. Coulter are
spending the week at the state
Chester Miller spent last
week at the Western Washington
fair at Puyallnp, Wash. This
week he Is working at tbe fair
at Salem.
and it costs you no
C, J. Rhreeve ad Sob
Dallas , Service SUUoa
-.' - Minor and Lewis
' K ,ba11as-Falls City road
: Kreata -Service . Station
Ai W. Creea's Service Sta.
A. Xelsonl Serrtee Btattoa
RICKEY. Sept. 27. The
board ot directors dismissed
school Wednesday that the
teachers and the pupils might
attend the. state fair. The pa
trons of the district were very
much pleased with tbls arrange
ment as tbe majority of tbe com
munity lke to attend the fair
on Salem day and few bare
places to leave their children. ;
Work on the extension of the
electric light line from this dis
trict to Macleay and vicinity
bas started. It is expected that
between IS aid 20 families will
install lights when the extension
is completed.
Orvin Fryslle has been operat
ing his 'wood saw the past week.
Ira Ormand who baa been the
guest of bis father-in-law and
mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Dickman, returned bo -e the
first of tbe week. He was ac
companied borne by Paul Dick
man. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Westering
of. Portland were week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
B, B. Gerner, the oldest mem
ber of the community, attended
the state fair Wednesday and
HUBBARD, Sept. 27 The
Hnbbhrd school did not close one
day for fair this year as is the
custom, for most of tbe children
wished to attend Saturday, chil
dren's day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ott and ba
by left for Hood River Wednes
day. Mr. Ott will work in the
apple orchards there.
Mrs. Edna Trumbull ot Port
land is a guest at the borne of
her aunt, Mrs. Mert Crittendon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hufford of
Hillsboro were overnight guests
4.75il9iU. ,1$ 9.70
5.00x20 ...1 $10.80
. - - j 1
i: ?fi ft I U I
I 'zr-t; nil TT
Professor Angnste Piccard with
.his family and- Lady Dram
mend-Hay, standing beside the
curious balloon craft in which
Piccard and his engineer, Paul'
Kipfer, hope to .climb 10 miles
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
C. Painter Wednesday. They at
tended tbe state fair Thursday.
Mrs. Hufford is Mr. Painter's
aunt, '
Mr. and Mrs. G. Reichel re
turned Monday from a four day
trip to Tillamook City where
they were guestf of Darrell
Reichel, a son. They brought
home a supply of salmon for
Employees In the post office at
Berlin have a physical training
class of 45 minutes twice a week.
THERE is a margin of superiority in
a Goodyear THE leading tire over
a leading tire
just as there is a margin of superiority
in a leading tire over little-used makes.
You pay no more but you get more, buy
ing THE leading tire:
Lower in Price to You-
yet Still Finer in Quality
Careful Mounting
UU a INorth Comiriercial at Center, : Telephone 66
op from the earth. The two
men wiH be carried in the hlu-
' minum container, shows at the
left, which is suspended from
'the gas bag;.
FAIRVIEW. Sept. 17 Dillon
Jones, Howard Sehon and Wilbur
Dent of Fairview school re-
presented Marlon county in the
4-H rabbit Judging at the State
Fair Tuesday. The boys won third
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Menler of
Portland were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. R. Dent at tbe State Fair
50x20 ...... $13.65
6.00x19 ... $14.70
Year Round Service
,' . ' - ; - . ; :
are on the job
AURORA. Sept. 27 Little
Helen Ehlen danghter of Albert
and. Mrs. Ehlen was' taken to the
Oregon City hospital Friday
morning where she was placed
tinder observation, suffering from
" Mrs. E. C Robinson left Mon
day for Victoria, B. C, where she
will remain for a -short vacation.
Her son Edwin left Satnrday for
Chicago, where he will enroll for
a second year in the Northwest
era medical college. During
Mrs. Robinson's absence Mrs. H.
N. Brown .of Canby, will be the
house guest of Mrs. Francis
Green at Roblnwood.
Art as taught by Mrs. Rhoner
in the Aurora grade school is
proving popular wlbth all the
students. . Monograms are to be
placed on the drawing envelopes
next week, and the blackboards
are showing much practice work.
A severe aceldent occured
Monday at the Ziegler warehouse
when John Ratxeburg who lives
noj-thwest of town, had his, right
wrist broken whjle cranking a
O r- O
Central Howell
o ' o
Mrs. gehmldt, a sister of Paul
Dettwyler and Mrs. E. Scbarer,
went to Portland Tuesday Intend
ing to start to her home In Iowa
soon after a visit of several
months here.
Benjamin Scbarer went with
his aunt and will stay In Iowa
for a year's time. Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Dettwyler and Mr. and Mrs.
E. Scbarer went with them as far
as Portland.
Henry Hagen killed his first
deer, a four - point buck, on a
bunting trip In the Ablqua basin
Wednesday. He was accompanied
by Oliver Steffen.
x 19