The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 20, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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the OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregot
Morning, September 1930
ociety News and Club Affairs
Ouve M. Doak, Society Ed&ors
Rainbow Chapter
s Will Compliment
Miss Wright
j A reception in compliment to
Ufce past worthy advisor of the
Order ot Rainbow for Girls. Chad
wick assembly. Miss Eleanor
i Wright, will mark the opening ot
ithe fall meetings for the order
Saturday night. Miss "Wright has
j been elected grand .Hope for the
(Oregon Rainbow assembly and is
(kow In line to be the grand wor
tby advisor of Oregon.
! The evening will be preceded
; by a short Business meeting and
! following that members of the
BeMolay will attend the recep
l tton upon special Invitation.
S The receiving line at the re
! eeptioa will include Miss Ruth
': nek. Miss Eleanor "Wright. Mrs.
M. B. Millard. Miss Betty-Mae
; Hartuag Is chairman of the re
j freehment committee.
f i
Mrs. G. McGilchrist
i Is P. El. O. Hostess
Chapter G. of the P. E. O. sis
l terhood met at the home of Mrs.
Gordon McGilchrist Thursday
i for a delightful social and pro
I gram meeting. Mrs. H. E. Bolin-
i ; ger was assistant hostess.
During the program hour Mrs.
Fred Lange read an interesting
i paper concerning the early Indian
j tribes of Oregon. During the bus
r in ess meeting the dates of Octo
i ber 3 and 4 were set for the an
j nual fall rummage sale conduct
! ed by the organization.
In accordance with the plan of
the chapter for studying the ear
; ly history of the northwest, Mrs.
! D. X. Beechler will prepare a
j prgram dealing with the Pacific
fur trading operations. Mrs. B.
I E. Bower and Mrs. H. S. Poisal
' will .be fhe next hostesses.
Special guests Thursday were
j Mrs. Fredericks of chapter AX,
; South Pasadena, Calif., Mrs. W.
; B. Burt, of chapter AK of Port-
land, and Mrs. James McGilch
; rlst.
- Kingwood Mr. and Mrs. Steph-
i - en LltUut entertain art nuit&
i tensively the past week. Among
; their guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Leston Iewis, Miss Constance
I Lewis and Mrs. Ida Smith of Port
; ladn; Mrs. Robert A. Booth of
; Eugene; Miss Helen Margaret
McGee of Ashland; Mrs. Harry
. Heffling, Toledo; Mr. and Mrs
, Guy LaRant, Vancouver. Wn.;
I Mr. and Mrs. Narciss La Raut,
; Mrs. Genevieve Marsters and La
.' Raut Lewis, Salem.
Miss McGee has gone to New
' "York City where she will study
S music. La Raut Lewis left for
; ! Boston where he will enter school.
H .
1 Mrs. Walter A. Denton at-.
tended an executive meeting of
: i the state federation of music
., clubs in Portland Wednesday
noon. The event was a luncheon
J meeting at the Sign of the Rose,
j Various topics of interest was
j discussed and plans were laid
1 for further activities for the
:"f year, these to be announced at a
j later date when complete.
Saturday, September SO
W. R. C. 2 o'clock, Miller's hall.
Encinitis Club
Begins Fall Meetings
Much enthusiasm marked the
first meeting this season of the
Encinitis club held at the T. W.
C. A. Thursday evening. Many
plans were discussed and impor
tant decisions made concerning
the work tor this year. Starting
Tuesday. September 30, the dun
will hold a meeting every week,
the evening being changed from
Thursday to Tuesday.
Miss Alice Falk, the new presi
dent, appointed the following
standing committees: program,
Mildred Judson, Helen Richard
son, Elisabeth Welch, Aileen Gil
son; social, Esther Hilmer, Mil
dred "Wynkoop, Mabel Currie,
Dorothy Franks; membership,
Betty Elofsen, Leila Park, Marie
Pillette; service, Bessie Tucker,
Lulu Eastridge, Anona Welch;
publicity, Gertrude Chamberlip,
Evelyn Poulsen, Marguerite Far
mer. Following the business meet
ing. Miss Essie Maguire, reginal
secretary for the Y. W. C. A. led
an interesting discussion on the
purpose of Business Girls' clubs
and made many suggestions for
the club work.
A marriage of interest to many
was that of Miss Phyllis Lemmpn
to Fl'oyd Wetteland Thursday
morning at the Liberty street.
Rev. W. Robins officiated. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Fields were the
only attendants. Following the
ceremony Mr." and Mrs. Wette
land went immediately to Port
land where they will make their
home and where Mr? Wetteland is
connected with station KTBR.
Among prominent people : al
ready here for the horse show
are Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Fleming,
Mrs. Hilda Cook McCormick, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Sullivan and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Helveston, air
of whom are registered at .the
The state Parent-Teachers as
sociation will have a booth in the
grandstand pavilion this year at
the state fair. There will be; a
rest room for mothers and I a
nursery for children. Mrs. I. L.
Wright will assist Mrs. M. E. Ab
bott who will be in charge of the
An informal social evening
complimented Mrs. Fredrick By
non. Sr., on the occasion of her
birthday Thursday evening.
Cards and conversation were en
joyed by a group of Salem and
Portland guests.
. .
Judge and Mrs. J. H. Bean
are spending several days in and
about Pendleton.
Mrs. Ella Howe of Portland is
the house guest ot Mrs. G. A.
Wood for several days.
Out of Town Wedding
Of Interest in Salem b
"Word has been received in Sa
lem of the marriage of William
McGilchrist, Sr., to Miss Jessie
Thompson, September 12, in
Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. McGil
christ formerly made her home
in Glasgow, Scotland, having
only come to Vancouver about
10 years. The Thompson family
and McGilchrist family hate
been friends for years through
the relationship of the late Mrs.
McGilchrist to the Thdmpson
Mr. and Mrs. McGilchrist are
now touring in Canada and n
Washington and will return to
Salem at an indefinite date.
Miss Margaret "Wilson, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wilson,
will leave Sunday for Eugene
where she will enter the Univer
sity of Oregon as a freshman.
Sororities Open
Social Season
With Teas
The freshman girls of Willam
ette university will be welcomed
to the campus this afternoon
with semi formal teas at the sor
ority houses.
The hours are decided upon by
alphabetical arrangements so that
the Alpha Phi Alpha sorority will
entertain between the hours of
2:30 and 4:30 o'clock, then the
Beta Chi sorority will begin re
ceiving at 3 o'clock and receive
for two hours and the Delta Phi
folowing beginning to receive at
3:30 o'clock.
Informal musical programs will
be given at each house in the
course ot the tea hours.
At the Alpha Phi Alpha house
the guests will be greeted at the
door by Miss Lulu Allen, and
Miss Helen Hanke will introduce
to the line which will be headed
by Miss Margaret Warnke, Mrs.
Mason Bishop, Mrs. Carl Gregg
Doney and Mrs. George Alden.
The guests at the Delta Phi
house will be greeted by Miss
Beuna Brown who will Introduce
to the line. lira. Paul V. Ed
ward. Mfsa Virginia Edwards,
Miss Betty Lewis, and Miss Paul
ine Flndley.
At the Beta Chi house Miss
Louise Brown will introduce to
the line which will be Headed by
Mrs. F. A. Elliott, and Miss Eve
lyn High.
Last Picnic Supper
Of Season Observed
Kingwood Members of the
Laurel Social Hour club gave the
last picnic supper of the season
Wednesday evening at the borne
of Mrs. J. W Page, a member
who Is leaving the neighborhood
to make here home in Falls City.
Husbands and families of mem
bers were entertained and the af
fair was also in the nature of a
farewell to Mrs. Page who was
presented by her fellow members
with a handsome piece of silver.
Those enjoying the festivities
were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Blevins,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Applewhite,
Mr and Mrs. Theodore Bernard,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. B. B. Flack. Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Beck man, Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Em met t, Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
Adams, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Page,
Dr and Mrs. D. A. Williams. Mrs.
G. E. Vorburgh, Misses Hasel Em
mett, Mona Vosburgh, Catherine
Applewhite, Vina Emmett, Alice
Morrow, Edna Page. Carl Bern
ard. Wendell Emmett and Gene
Informal Affairs at
McGilchrist Home
Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr..
baa been hostess for several In
formal affairs at her home on
North Summer street during the
past week. Wednesday evening
the birthday of Mr. McGilchrist
was observed with a 10 cover
dinner party followed with an
evening of bridge. High scores
were held by Mr. and Mrs.
James Nicholson and Mrs. Mar
garet LeFurgy.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Mc
Gilchrist was hostess for an aft
ernoon, of bridge with her club
as guests, and Saturday evening
a bridge party made a happy in
formal affair. High scores for
this evening went to Dr. and
Mrs. W. H. Darby.
Kingwood Recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Blevins were
Mr. and Mrs. John Robbing, Jr.
The marriage of Mr. and Mrs.
Robbins was a recent event at the
home of the bride in Bend. Mr.
Robbins is a nephew of Mrs. Ble
vins Mrs. Robbins was Miss Helen
Wood and before her marriage
was private secretary to President
Landers of the Oregon Normal
School at Monmouth. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Robbins will attend
Stanford university at Palo Alto,
Calif., the coming term.
The visit of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
bins at the Blevins home was an
incident in an extensive honey
moon trip during which they vis
ited the Pendleton Round-up,
Yellowston National park. Glacier
National park and In Canada,
Banff national park. Calgary.
Lake Louise and many other In
teresting places in the Canadian
B. and P. W. Club
Plans Social Meeting
The regular dinner meeting ot
the Business and Professional
Women has been scheduled for
Tuesday night at :30 o'clock.
Dean R. R. Hewitt will be the
speaker and will discuss her re
cent trip to South America.
William Wright will be soloist
for the evening.
Miss Laurell Cree, who leaves
soon for Monmouth where she
will enter Oregon state normal
school, was pleasantly surprised
Sunday afternoon with a "going
away" shower. The afternoon
was spent in music and conver
sation. At a late hour Mrs. Cree
was assisted in serving tea by
Miss Adelaide Bettencourt.
Guests present for the affair were
the honor guest. Laurrell Cree,
and Mrs. W. Gerkie, Ethel Cass
and Bell Cass of Eola; Hollls Pe
terson. West Salem: Adelaide
Bettencourt. Portland: Lowell
Cree, Scio; Paul Cree, Willlmina;
Grace Tracey, Margaret Sora
h a n. Peggy Smith, Ellinore
Smith, Joan Smith, Rose Dickin
son, Crystal Cree, Mr. and Mrs.
George Cree.
Dinner Party
Compliments Guests,
Dr. Russell S. Showers of
Dayton, Ohio, secretary of the
home mission and church erec
tion society ot the church ot the
United Brethren and Ira D. War
ner, Bishop of the United Breth.
ern church for the Pacific coast
were guests at the W. A. Dunl
gan home Thursday evening for
a six o'clock dinner.
Covers were placed for Dr,
Russell S. Showers, Bishop Ira
D. Warner. Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Dunigan and Miss Wilms Duni
gan. Farewell Party
For E. E. Pruitts
Salem Heights A farewell
party was given for Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Pruitt Friday night by
members ot the Salem Heights
community club at the clubhouse.
A happy social evening was terr
pbered by the fact that Mr. and
Mrs. Pruitt. valuable members
of the club, are departing for Sa
lem in a short time, where they
will make their home after hav
ing spent the past three years in
the Salem Heights district.
Guests expected at the Otto
Wilson home this week end are
Mrs. Ernest Wilson, cousin of
Mr. Wilson, and her son, Carl,
of Palo Alto, California. Thy
expect to remain for several
s -
i?ecoim SGatle
: Saturday, Sept 208 P. M.
t -
And Talking of "Night-Lites" these
catty little Dresses stand out
like a "Lighthouse in a Storm1
Youthful lines arc at their Beet
in this new shipment of dresses
for afternoon and eveniBf wear.
One of course wants to look out-
standing to a degree f aotice
ability and these dresses -eurje
"turn the tridu" Come in awT
fcrouse around.
Opem Saturday Nile until 8:30
Quality Merehandise-Populsr Prices'
SET . .
Ur$ TAKE FOR GRANTED atodent radio
perforata . . . sound 'engineering . . . wctst
ff id... electro-dynamic type cpeakor...
beautiful cabinet:.. tonal Edeiity... power
... volume... clectiity...puk-piil empiuV
cition and alt the re of the features
thot belong to prcent-dy itdio receiver.
Tneie things thoM be n erery ter f it
descrres to be cuffed eiodem. k f the re
finement. . .die pu. . .which radio mut
be to excel todey.
stands in the forefront...
the triumphant achievement of electrical
engineering genius! The features which have
always marked -Bosch Radio for Udtr$hip,
are climaxed in the new de luxe models by
eight superb refinements bringing radio
entertainment to a perfection not available
to the public 'a few short months ago! O
NOW. ! waiting for you at your nearest
Bosch, Radio dealer... are the master products
of present i day radio. One . : . the new . Bosch
Standard is a typical Bosch set, simplified to
meet every day requirements. Tht ofrHr,' the
new Bosch de luxe, combines in one receiver,
a the modem refinements necessary to com'
plete the enjoyment of the most discrimmtt
iog... and both are moderately priced.
ypOR NEAREST Bck redio deW w no dMoUyinf two
jBntircJy new toecb rexko receivers in four beautiful ebinet
dWffttvTwt) of these include the Botch Sundordf -tuWsuoe
. screen erief receiver, end ere priced t $148.50 (Tubes,
SJ1.30) end $163.50 (Tube., $11.30) feck of the. oW
two, eW bw modekj equyped with fr-tubc theses! end
'vry relwcjwcnt 'now bcrcldcd e modem, plus merry ctcsW
'4vBsjNblleUW- Priced tt $199.30 (tube, tUbO
end SSS7.50 (Tube. S4.0).
Tv appreciate what the - new .screen grid
, Bosch lUdio has brought to you, Visit otv
telephone MILLER'S TODAY, anf ask :
nori'ft demonstration. It wCl be'a : k'l
1 ' if" I-? L. MTelaiion!-- ;
- 1 1 l! 4
zmJ' 1!mp m0m n-v;
N- WmC vr ipf III
vSi , f- Jp n III
k jw iMtLsmiLm&ai-mt. mm?, ,,-mMk sv, , ,,.,.1 -III
Tuning Mtw ...
finds the exact point
f beet rito of rT
ery etntloa with electrt
rI nccurnryMnkre poo
ibto tuif with epMik
e ftbut off.
O Btntloa Seleetor . . .
Tbo only, cootrol
which m n4d tf tt lis
tred to dtorrgMW oth
er eflneaM'Bte. Thin
cootrol. nloo ndjueU ye
rrim - for- yboMoffh
3 hull Automatic Vol
ume Control ... Au
tomatically ho Ma the
volume at desired tone
level for ojl - otationa.
Automatically reduces
4Hpeaker Mute . . .
Tune with, the aueter
from ' atatkm .to etatiou
with the speaker shut
off, and avoid the hoow
iug of atatiouo passed ou
the dial.
lLl78t . .
5 Tone Selector . .
Whether you prefer
a low mellow tono or
brilliant high Botes, or
ny tones between, the
Bosch Tono . Selector
gives you absolute
choice, at your finger
tips. 6 A Xju e 1 v e Inch
Speaker . . . Pro
vides greater volume,
deeper, fuller tones.
tyLocal-DUtance Switch
. . . Provides a surge
of reserve power for dis
tance or weak-signal
stations, and improves
the reception, of local
Bosch Line - o lite
"teuslnc dial . . . cuts
sharp line of light
the dial, giving
you instant and excep
t tonally accurate tuning
. the unmatched per
of Bosch Super Bcreeu
Grid Radio, plus the glorious
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plus five gang condenser tuning .
Wttfc five tuned circuits which
opttt hairs' for selectivity, plusv
custom-tuning to - the Individual;.
home. This last, is an. unique fea
ture;. At the time of installatioa
every set is) iBdlvlduaUy"tuned to
perfect reccpUoe and to the aer
ial and ground te.wtdch'tt la
cbauected. JEvery set.' la 'custom,
ejneered to the. room wherein
it plays.
w 1
The Home
. Bosch;::