The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 14, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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    -:- Events of Interest in Social - Musical - Club Circles
rIS week is "the begin
ning as it were, for fall
and winter society and club
And music circles. The full
swing will not be reached
until after the state fair has
come and gone. There is too
much to be done for visiting
. celebrities and friends dur
ing the fair week to allow
routine social and club life
to interfere, therefore many
of the clubs which meet dur
ing the winter, especially the
social card clubs, will not
commence sessions until aft
er the fair.
TVinvo o ro mnariv of the I
1 111 V W V- J
tulv nliihn lndffp UTOUDS.
and service gToups which
- iova hptnin meetings the
" naei WAlr fir Will hPCin thlS
week. Among those to be
gin last week was the Salem
Woman's club, the Eastern
Star social club, the Three Links
club, various church organiza
tions and one or two social
This week the Willamette
Shrine -will meet for its first
meeting of the fall Monday
night; Sigma Nu chapter of the
Delphian society will meet Mon
day afternoon; the Etokta Wom
an's clnb will meet Tuesday;
and the study classes of the Sa
lem 'Woman's club will meet
Monday afternoon for the first
time this fall.
There is also the preparations
for college that almost crowd
out any thought of other activ
ities while rush parties take the
youth here and there, and when
hey are not goiug to these there
are farewell affairs to attend,
and no less important there is
the matter of clothes and final
arrangements before departure.
And the weddings still contin
ue to come. Miss Macyl Hunter
is being ertensively entertained
before her marriage to Harris
Lietz October 19.
The wedding of Miss Dorothy
Llvesley to Conrad Paulus was
perhaps the most brilliant social
event In Salem this year. Mil in
all the weddings have kept Sa
lem from becoming sleepy this
Waldo Hills The home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edson Com stock was the
scene of a merry no host dinner
at 7 o'clock Thursday evealng.
The affair was in honor of Mias
Shirley Sylvester and Roger Corn
stock, both of whom will leave In
a few days for Eugene where they
will attend the U. of O. Shirley
will be a sophomore in Journal
ism and Roger a freshman in bus
iness administration. Covers were
laid for Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MeCan
nell; Mrs. S. J. Comstock, Miss
Jennie Graham, Miss Ida McQuaid,
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sylvester, Shir
ley Sylvester, Mr. and Mrs. Edson
Comstock, Janet and Roger Com
stock. Stayton--Members of the La
dies' Aid of the M. E. church and
their friends held a silver tea at
tbe H. J. Rove home Thursday
afternoon. The afternoon was
spent In visiting and making plans
for the annual bazaar. Mrs. Rowe,
her daughter, Dorothy and son,
Kennard, will leave soon to spend
the school year at Corvallis. Miss
Dorothy, who was a member of
the 1930 class of the Stayton high
school, will attend O. S. C. and
Kennard will enter high school.
Mrs. Henry Glass of Seattle,
and ber sister, Mrs. Lucy Brad
ner, are guests in the city at the
home of Mrs. Adam Ohmaft on
South Commercial street. Both
Mrs. Glass and Mrs. Bradner are
.former Salem residents and are
happily renewing acquaintances.
Monday, September 15
Sigma Nu chapter of the Delphian society, 2 o'clock, .
public library. .
Willamette Shrine No. 2. White Shrine of Jerusa
lem, stated meeting, 8:15 o'clock.
Tuesday, September 16
Etokta Woman's club. Mrs. Mason Bishop, 1350
South Commercial street. 2:30 o'clock.
Reception for Rev. and Mrs. D. Earl Parker and
Miss Margaret Wr. Stevenson. . First Methodist church
parlors, 8 o'clock.
Social meeting American War Mothers Luther
an church Tuesday afternoon 2:30 p. m.
Salem Rebekah Lodge No. 1,; will observe 73th an
niversary of founding of 'Rebekah Lodge, Monday eve
ning, September 15. '. ;
Past President's club Woman's Relief Corps, will
meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. Hattie
Cameron, 398 North 21st street
"Press Club" will meet Tuesdays afternoon, 2:00
o'clock with Mrs. E. E. Thomas, 1919. North 5th street. .
' W. G. T. U. will meet Tuesday afternoon September
15. 2:30 o'clock in W. T. U. hall on Commercial
street. It has been requested that ail directors f all de
partments have reports ready: Annual election of offl- '
cers. Mrs. R. S. Bail will lead deyotionals.
Wednesday,' September 17
Woman's . Foreign Missionary Society- of Lesli
Memorial church will meet Wednesday afternoon at
borne of Mrs. John Bertelson. Election of officers and"
new year's work plans -will be discussed.
South fcircle First Christian church will meet Wed
nesday with Mrs. Estella Gabbert. 955 Hoyt street for an
11-day steeling covered dish luncheon. All members
urged to be present for work.
Wednesday Afternoon Woman's Union, First Con
gregational church, will meet with Mrs. A. N. Moores,
S55 Chemeketa street; Full attendance urged to tran
sact important business matters. - . "
Thursday, September 18 -
Faculty Women's dab will meet at Lausanne ball
September 18, at 2:30 o'clock.
Chapter G. P. E. O. will meet September 18, at
home of Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist, 360 McGilchrist
, street Mrs. H. E. Bolinger assising hostess. .
Friday, September 19
"Homecoming" at home of Judge and' Mrs. R'oss
; man, 919 K. Capitol street, for members a ad friends of
, First Congregational church t 'clock. -
X---- .. ' '. ' . ' . ' 5
Informal Evening
At Mott Home
An interesting hostess of the
past week was Mrs. William B.
Mott, when she entertained In the
home on Rural avenue, honoring
her husband's birthday anniver
sary. Following the "congratula
tions" and Informal conversation
al evening, a late supper was serv
ed the guest, which included the
honor guest. Dr. Mott, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Hamilton, Mrs. L. C
Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. James Mott,
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Thorn, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Fry. Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Staver, Mr and Mrs. E. V.
McMechan, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Poorman. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
White of Portland.
Steven Whitford
Artist in Piano
One of the outstanding musical
events of recent months was given
Friday evening in the residence
studio of Mable F. Powers, when
Steven Wrhitford was presented in
piano concert.
About 40 guests were privil
eed to hear Mr. Whitford and
each expressed themselves as hav-
mg enjoyed a raosi ueuguuui
musicale. Mr. Whiteford is excep
tionally well known In musical
circles and is considered by severe
mimic critics as nossessing a rare
and unusually beautiful talent.
His artistry., was extraordinarily
executed in the Chopin numbers,
"Symphonic Etude," and the two
compositions by the French com
nnscr. DeBussev. His Dresentation
of the Brahms number was a do-
light to his listeners. His closing
number was narticularly. "Chor
ale." by Bach, which gave oppor
tunity to display his delicate tech
ninue. softness of touch and ex
tremely beautiful rhythm.
Mr. Whitford U the acconiDlish-
ed artist student of Abbey White
side, who is now visiting in Fort-
land, but leaving shortly for her
home in New York city. Mr.
Whitford is planning to study tils
winter with Miss Whiteside in
New York.
Thft Power studio was made
exceptionally attractive by artist
ically arranged bouquets of au
tumnal and late fall flowers. Fol
lowing the musical, the guests
were served by the hostess ana
two vounr assistants. Mias Lan-
Ita Bellenger and Miss Porritt
Howard. Several out-ol-town
guests motored to Salem to at
tend this recital.
A small group of musical peo
ple have been invited to tea Sun
day in Portland at the home of
Maurice Seitz, which will Include
Mable F. Power, of this city. Mrs.
Power will remain in Po-lland
over Monday at which time she
will take advanced lessons from
Abbey Whiteside.
Stayton The 12th birthday of
Miss Vera, daughter of Mr. ana
Mrs. Charles Burnwster was pleas
antly celebrated at her home. The
affair was a complete surprise to
the honor guest. Those present
were Hortense and Eleanor Stay
ton, Gertr"de and Marcele Mur
phy. Lora Mills. June Keyes, ) -nice
Jordan, Jean Mayo, Delphia
Brenner and Vera and Leona Bur
mester. The afternoon passed
quickly playing -miniature golf on
the lawn and other tames. An ex
cellent birthday cake and other
refreshments were enjoyed. Vera
was the recipient or a number or
useful and lovely presents.
Mrs. Merrill Ohling and small
daughter. Sarah Ann. arrived
home the middle of the week
from Seal Rocks, where they
hare been spending the greater
part of the summer.
U-v '
Today We Present . . .
A group of three Willamette univer
sity women who will be prominent in
campus affairs this year. Willamette
folk are gathering for college which will
begin with this week, and the town seems
rather more lively with their advent
Left is Miss Josephine Albert, daugh
ter of Air. ajid Mrs. Joe Albert, who will
resume her tvork at Willamette Wednes
day. Miss Albert is a popular member of
Beta Chi sorority.
Center top is Dorothy Pemberton Fisher, (Mrs. Gurnet Allen Flesher), who will begin her senior year in
Willamette and who Will be editor of the college paper, "The Collegian;" Mrs. Flesher is a member of the Delta
Phi sorority. Right top is Miss Virginia Edwards, who has been popular in university circles and who will enter
college Wednesday. Miss Edwards is a member of Delta Phi sorority.
In the lower center is Mrs. T. A. Fugate and daughter, Ruth Pauline, of Aberdeen, Idaho, who are guests
of Mrs. A. T. Woolpert and Mrs. F. D. Voight, sisters of Mrs. Fugate.
At the lower right is little Miss Pauline Drager, who greeted the guests of Mrs. R. C. Hunter when she an
nounced the marriage date of her daughter, Miss Macyl Hunter, Monday evening.
Formal Reception
Honors Pastor
The First Methodist church
on the corner or state ana
Church streets, will be the
scene of a formal reception.
Tuesday, evening at 8 o'clock,
honoring the new pastor,: his
wife and family. Dr. and Mrs.
Earl Parker, and Miss Margaret
W. Stevenson, director of relig
ious education.
This reception is an expression
of welcome and hospitality from
the congregation and friends of
the new arrivals in Salem and is
being carefully planned for the
pleasure of the honor guests.
Committees in charge of the eve
ning include, Mrs. Herbert Ost
lind, decorations; Mrs. Paul H.
Acton, refreshments: Mrs. C. C.
Clarke and Mrs. Frank : Myers,
table; Mrs. A. J. Mttls, program.
reception, Mrs. E. C. Gilbert and
Mrs. Thomas Holman.
Mrs. W. C. Young will Intro
duce to the receiving line which
will include. Dr. and Mrs.' D.
Earl Parker, Dr. and Mrs. M. A.
Marty, Miss Margaret Stevenson,
Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findley,
President and Mrs. Carl G. Do
ney, Mrs. S. G. Wilson, A- A.
Schramm, J. O. Russell, Dr.
Fortner, and O. E. Price.
The following program - has
been arranged for the evening
which includes:
Music Miss Edith Findley
Welcome address from the
Board of Trustees
A. A. Schramm
Welcome . from the Sunday
School Miss Llna Heist
Welcome from s Willamette
University ......... '. . J .; .
Dr. Carl .Gregg Doney
Response from Dr. Parker,' and
Miss Stevenson.
Music Ronald : Craven
Miss Macy Hunter, bride-elect.
was the inspiration' for an at
tractive bridge party ' ; Friday
evening, when Mrs. R. Lee Wood
and daughter. Miss Esther, enter
tained. The honor guest : was
complimented with :a miscellan
eous shower following the even
ing ot bridge. . Honors- at cards
went to Mrs. L. V. Benson; hat
ing high score, while second
prize was given' to Mrs: R. C.
Hunter. Miss Hunter wits pre
sented with a guest prize. ' i
9 li
The first meeting of the South
Circle of the First Chrlstlaa
church, for the fall and winter
work, will be held Wednesday
with Mrs. Estella Gabbard. 955
Hoyt street, for an all-day meet
ing. A coTered dish luncheon
will be served at noon. AH mem
bers are urged to be present as
there will be considerable ; work
to be completed.
Miss Mary Scbults left Friday
morning for; a two weeks motor
trip to San Francisco., and Los
Angeles, California. While In
San Francisco. Mis Schnltx will
complete arrangements for the
purchase of a very rare old vio
lin to be used in j her : concert
i " I
Mrs. Russe'l Eonesteet left
Saturday morning ;f6r Portland,
where she will snend thei week-
iead wUM her mother. Mra Jean
ne Briggs. who has been In Port
laud for the past week. The Sa-
Iiem ladles tvi'l . return Thome
Tuesdar renlng. ! .
1 j ;
Olive M. Doak,
Classmates of Old Days
Gather in Salem
For Reunion
YEARS and years ago in fact so many that they laugh
ingly dared call their reunion a "golden jubilee" a
group of Marion county girls romped merrily through the
traditional Three Rs in the Prospect Hill and Salem schools.
This week members of that school class, at the inspira
tion of Mrs. Mildred Robertson Brooks, now Marion county
treasurer, were all gathered
siru fipnnnl riava v'
And what fun they have
had recalling those days of
country school, and later
school times in the city!
Adding the supreme touch to
the occasion was .the presence of
the group's first teacher, Lucy
Fullerton Bradner of Seattle.
Visit here ot Mrs. Bradner, her
sister, Nellie Fullerton Glass of
Seattle, and May Culver Huff of
San Francisco, was motive for
the reunions. The three visitors
have been house guests of Mrs.
Brooks at her pretty country
home south of the city.
Mrs. Brooks entertained at 1
o'clock luncheon Thursday noon
for her guests, and the other
members of tbe class.
The most pleasing phase of
the reunion was held Friday aft
ernoon, when Mrs. Brooks was
hostess at the "golden jubilee"
tea, for which she was assisted
by her daughter, Miss Gertrude
Mildred Brooks.
Carrying out the golden Jubi
lee idea, decorations for the tea.
were a profusion of golden glow,
gold en rod, helvin and Helen
The members of the class
present at the tea were: Mrs.
Bradner and Nellie Fullerton
Glass of Seattle, May Culver
Huff of San Francisco. Dell Jory
Page. Blanche Jory Miles, Ada
Estelle Jory, Addie Thompson
Melntyre, Alice Moore Gibson,
Miss Mellie Colby, Mrs. V. W.
Ohmart, and the hostess, Mrs.
Brooks, all of Salem.
' Mrs- Huff will return to her
home in California this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fredrick
Son entertained at dinner Tues
day evening, complimenting Mr.
and Mrs. George Askins, 8r., In
observance- of their golden wed
ding anniversary. Mr. Askins,
for many years was a prosperous
farmer of the Needy district, be
fore retiring and moving to Can
by. Those in attendance at the
dinner were Mr. and Mrs. George
Askins. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. George
Askins, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Fredrlcksoa," Mrs. Minnie Lead
better of Canby, and Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Fredrickson and
children Evelyn, and Lorrain.
Mrs. Frank Ross Is expected
heme during the coming week
from San Francisco, and Los An
geles, California, where- she has
been for f he past" two' months
visiting friends and relatives.
Mrs. Ross makes her home with
her" daughter ' and son-in-law.
Mr; and Mrs. John Stimpsoa. of
this city.
Society Editor
- '
?,- ..t rise it -
together for the first time
West Salem Rev. Meredith A
Groves officiated at a marriage
ceremony at the parsonage Wed
nesday afternoon, which united
Miss Lucille Lacey of Salem and
Mr. John Sizemore of Kingwood
The bride was gowned in helio
trope flat crepe. Witnesses were
Mrs. Annie Church and Mrs. De
lores Howard, who came from
Sela, Wash., to be present at the
wedding. Mrs. Howard Is a sister
of the groom. The young couple
will make their home in Salem,
Stayton The lirst meeting for
tbe season of the Women's Com
munity club will be held Thurs
day, September 18. This meet
ing will be in charge of Mes
damea Beauchamp, Goode, Jones,
Brenner, Shjelton and Murphy,
and they have chosen as the sub
ject for' the afternoon, "Fall
Flowers." The committee plan
to take all the ladies present
bout town to see the various
gardens: All who have cars are
asked to bring them, so that all
wii lhave an opportunity of visit
ing the gardens without walk
ing. A speaker from out of town
has been arranged for.
Mrs. C. D.. Gabrielson, accom
panied by "her son, Carl Gabriel
son, .will leave for the east Wed
nesday, where a month wilt be
spent in the central eastern states.
Mrs. Gabrielson will divide her
time between Des Moines. Chica
go and in Culver, where she will
visit her grandson,- Charles Kay
Bishop, who fs a student at Cul
ver .Military academy.
Mr. Gabrielson will go on to
Boston where he will attend the
national American Legion, conven
tion. "
Mr, and Mrs. R. L. Poarch ar
rived, in. Salem Saturday - after
noon from their home a La
Grande. - Oregon, to visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Brags; and Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
MeLellan for a short stay. The
eastern Oregon visitors are for
mer La Grande friends of the
Mrs. Frank W. Power was a
gracious dinner r hostess during
the' week' when she entertained
for Miss Rosalie Buren, Dr.. and
Mrs. Wolcott Buren, Dr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Power, and Miss Flor
ence Power, in her home ' on
North 13 th street.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hill motor
ed to Portland Saturday where
Mr. Hill Judged the dog show at
the . Multnomah - county fair ' now
being held at G res ham. "Oregon.
Ther were accompanied " on , the
trip by Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Stock
well. -
vV- I
i 4
Smart Bridge Play
At Hunter Home
One of the loveliest parties of
tbe fall season was that given
Friday evening when Mrs. El
frieda Hunter complimented her
husband on his birthtfay anni
versary, with an informal even
ing of bridge in their home on
Leslie street.
Something novel and most in
teresting was the cleverly plan
ned system of scoring which was
carried out in a most unique
manner. The "high" couple of
each hand was allowed to pro
gress as usual, but . had a
"punch" put In their score card
and any person receiving three
"punches" was awarded an in
dividual priz. This afforded
keen competition as well as
added Interest to the usual
bridge game. Clever and atrac
tive "punch prizes" were pre
sented throughout tbe evening.
while high score prize for the
ladies was awarded Mrs. George
Nelson, while second high was
given to Mrs. Howard Blake.
High score for the men was
awarded Mr. Henry Kropp while
Mr. N. S. Wicker carried away
the second honors.
At the close of the evening's
bridge play, the guests were
seated at a beautifully appointed
table, artistically decorated in
pink and white. The feature of
this part of the evening was the
cutting of a big pink and white
birthday cake, lighted with ta
pers arranged In a question mark
design. Unusually dainty place
cards marked covers for tbe hon
or guest, Mr. Hunter, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kropp, Mr. and Mm
A. E. Uhlman, Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Wick
er, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blake,
and the hostess, Mrs. Hunter.
Liberty Mrs. Anna Robbins
entertained Friday afternoon In
honor of the fourth birthday of
her twin nieces. Marguriete and
Marlly Luster of Portland. The
afternoon was spent playing
games, after which refreshments
wefe served. . Both ot the little
girls had a cake on which were
four candles. Those who enjoy
ed the afternoon were: the honor
guests, Margurite and Marily
Luster, imogene and Julia Ann
Birch. Delores Daugherty, Allen
and orpna May Dasch. .
The Dallas, family spent Wed
nesday at Mehama, picking ever
green blackberries. They report
the berries large and very plen
Valsets. A blrthdav nartv
complimented the sixth birthday
of Lois Ray this past week. An
afternoon of games was conclud
ed with dainty refreshments, the
most Important part, ot which
was the large blrthdav cake
adorned with six lighted candles.
Guests to eomplunent Lois were
Norma Fisher, Marcella Murphy
jsveiyn- Dodsoa. Louise Rhodes
Carol and Jean MeCoy, and Pat-
sie rraster.
Valsetz. Miss Elsie Jones
Falls Citr Wim, tK k.i.
Veldon Morris of vlt a
2. The marriage was solemn-
tu J l W - .
uvu in roruina ana arter a f
days . snsnt .ther . Ur
Morris returned to Valsetx where
they will make their home.
:-.;i-;:-..v.,: ....
V- x
Wedding Friday
At a simple, nui imprensiw -nr&llrilnir Which tOOk DlaCe
Friday noon, Miss Elizabeth Taft,
daughter of Mrs. W. N. Talt, De
mim ih Kride of Ivan D. Mer
chant. The ceremony was read in
the presence of immediate rela
tives" of the young couple. The
bride, who was unatteaded. was
attractive in a traveling costume
of brown crepe, with hat and ac-
BoriPs to match. Her corsage
of autumnal flovers was in har
mony with her ensemble.
Immediately following the wed
ding service a breakfast was serv
ed by Mrs. W. N. Taft ana sisters
of the bride, Mrs. K. DeWitt and
Mrs. Fred Blake, after which Mr.
and Mrs. Merchant left by motor
for a wedding trip to soutnern
Oregon. They will be "at home"
to their friends in Gold Beach,
Mr Merchant is well known In
Salem, having been graduated
from Salem hieh school. Later
she attended Oregon State college
where she was affiliated with
f!amma Thl Rptx sorori-V.
Mr. Merchant Is also a gradn- j
ate of Oregon State coilepe and
is identified with Phi Delta Theta i
fraternity. ;
Ford Memorial Church
Women Elect Officers
West Salem. The Women's
Foreign Missionary society of
the Ford Memorial church held
their monthly meeting Wednes
day at the home ot Mrs. Lester
DeLapp in Salem. The annual
election of ofcers was held ,
wntch resulted as roiiows: e-
elected to succeed themselves
were, Mrs. J. W. Simmons, pres
ident: Mrs. J. A. Yantiss, vice
president; Mrs. Grace Bliss,
treasurer; Mrs. M. A. Groves,
secretary; Mrs. Lestes DeLapp,
corresponding secretary; Miss
Helen BUbs. extension secretary;
Mrs. Grace Bliss, treasurer; Mrs.
Rose Kendall Burleigh was elect-
ed stewardship secretary, and
Mrs. Leonard Burgoyne, mite
box secretary. Devotions were j
led by Mrs. Groves. Mrs. Bliss j
conducted the study hour and
Mrs. Simmons the remainder of
the program.
At the next meeting, the sec
ond Wednesday in October, the
society will begin the study of a
new book, "A Cloud of Witness
es," being the testimonies of re
tired missionaries.
The October meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Bur
leigh. Turner Mrs. A. D. Hale
planned a dinner Sunday for her
husband's 79th birthday. The
guests included Rev. and Mrs.
W. S. Burgoyne and daughter
Ruth, of Turner; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Brown, of Harlan; Mr. and
Mrs. WTatkins and daughter.
Vera, and D. Watkins, of Greens
Bridge. Mrs. Brown and Mrs.
Watkins are daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Hale. Other xuests
were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ti
tus and children Glenn and
Alice, and Walter Peterson of
Turner. All wished for Mr. Hale
many more happby birthdays.
Jefferson Mrs. Harold
Knight entertained Tuesday af
ternoon In honor of her son Bil
ly's nineth birthday.
The afternoon was spent in
playing games, after which re
freshments were served at a beau
tifully decorated table placed on
the lawn. Mrs. Knight was as
sisted in serving by her sister,
Mrs. Burt Ingram of Albany.
Those present included Juani-
ta Holt, Mina Wright, Fern In
gram. John Wright, Lee Wright,
Donald Nebergall, Burton Thurs
ton, and Billy Knight, the honor
Opera and Concert Singer
w t. . :
Gunnell A Robb "
Oscar Feuge. Grand Duchal Opera, at Dessau.
Alexander Oberaaier, Municipal Opera at Lipilg.
Phradie Wells, Soprano at Metropolitan Opera. New York
2SS wTm"' Aito wlth th America- Wtbti DperS .
kSL 8ol,r"0, wlta American Light Opera. cV
So. rhompao .ratrm-Sopr with irftfht ppe,a
RWgNhvTen-- W-ffi "ifSfe College,
Georgia Van Dyke, Concert Sopsnof New' Yor a.
Leo ILPetrle, Tenor, Cleveland. ObS -
Marerf5tWSr-Conet SIns Soprano. Cincinnati, Ohio.
I Get trndT ImU-k . yman MeDoilsld Salem, Ore.
juettrnde Aidrte.(wlth Schsberts), New York Clty." ,
Girl Reserves get
IT bas ben announced that
Mrs. J. E. Blinkhorn has
been appointed as "the direct
or of girls' work committee of
tbe Y. W. C. A. for this coming
year. Her committee is not yet
complete but Mrs. Otto Head
rick, Miss Elsie Miller and Mrs.
Howard Blake have been chosen
to work on this committee.
Mrs. Blinkhorn will work up a
large committee with an execu
tive head for phase of girl re
serve work.
The first meeting of any of
the Girl Reserve groups for this
fall will be Monday night at the
home of Mrs. ' Elizabeth Galla
her, secretary of the Y. W. C.
A., when the high school group
will gather.
Miss Helen Breithaupt has
been chosen for the advisor, of
this - group this year. Assisting
her will bo Miss Carmelita Bar
quist. and Miss Pauline Rickll.
Officers for the high school
group are Margaret Nunn, pres
ident: Theresa Aldrich, vice
president; Gwen Gallaher, secre
tary; Virginia Wrassum, Treas
urer; Grace Skinner, social
chairman; Luclle Rolow. pro
gram chairman; Agnes Moore,
publicity; Eileene Moore, ring
chairman; Rachel Gardner, serv
ice chairman.
Advisors for the other Girl
Reserve groups will be appoint
ed this coming week.
Sigma Nu Chapter to
Meet Monday
ine nrst rail meeting to be
held by Sigma Nu chapter of the
Delphian society will be conduct.
ed Monday at the auditorium
room of tbe public library. Mrs.
C. S. McElhinney is president of
this chapter. The hour at whirh
the meeting is calfed Is 2 o'clock.
One of the features of the aft
ernoon will he a book report on
"Green Pastures' which will he
presented by Mrs. Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Price Sullivan
and young daughter T?nfh irn.,
were dinner guests Friday even
ing of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chap
man at their home In the Royal
Court apartments. Mr. and Mrs -Sullivan
are well known in col
lege circles both having been
graduated from the University
of Oregon. Mrs. Sullivan will be
remembered as Miss Ruth Sen
snick, before her marriage. They
left late Friday evening by mo
tor for their home In San Fran
cisco. California, after having
spent the past two weeks in
Portland with Mrs. Sullivan's
The Woman's Union- of the
First Congregational Church will
meet with Mrs. A. N. Moores as
hostess In her home at S55 Che
meketa street, Thursday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. A large at
tendance Is especially asked as
Important business matters will
come before the organization at
that time.
Studio open Oct. 1st
1547 Market TeL 2445W
Endorsed by
Mme. Schnmann-Hcink
Mine. Johanna Gadsky
Mr. Paul . AlOiouse
liss Winifred Byrd
Walter Damroech
Freak van der Stucken,
etc., et,;
. Thirty-five years of
' teachtng experience at
Leipsig and '. Dresden
(Germany) London
(England), New York,
Cincinnati, Chicago.
7 Voice placing:, corfeet
breathing, Bel Canto,
artistic Interpretation.
Complete courses fwr
pera. Concert and Ors
Special classes - Utr
. teachers.