PAGE FOUR "1 - I1 1 I . ''- : i The OREGON STATESMAN, SsJeaXL, Oregon. Sunday Morning. Septemper l. - '&tea THE CREAKING DOOR j terrS ffnr BREAKFAST! raoMc Wo Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Awe' From First Statesman, March 28, 1851 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING .CO. r : Chabixs A. gPBAGtx, Sheldon F. Sacxett, PnblUhere l Charles A. Spsacue ----- Editor-Manager ; Sheldon F. Sackett ----- Managing Editor' m i cca: ,1 i i r ai' 1 1 i Blember of the Associated Press I ; The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publica tion of all new dispatches credited to. it or not otherwise credited in this paper. Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives: . Arthur W. Strpes. Inc., Portland, Security Bldg. S San Francisco, Sharon Bids. ; Von Angles, W. PaerBld. Eastern Advertising Representatives: Ford-Parsons-Stecbeiilnc, New York, 271 Madison Ave.; ; Chicago,; 3(0 X. Michigan Ave. 1,1. I II I CTCJ Entered at the Potto ff ice at Salefn, Oregon, a Second-Clan Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Bueinesa office, 215 S. Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates. 4n Advance. WUhln Oregon: Daily and Sunday. 1 Ma 50 cents; S Mo. Si. 23 Ma J 2.25 ; 1 year 14.00. Else where 60 cents per Mo. or S4.M for 1 year in advance By City Carrier: SO cents a month; IS.tO year la advance, Copy 2 cents. On trains and News Stands (.cents. Labish Center Gets a Bell rr was a cheering: item of news which our Iabish Center correspondent sent the" other day and which appeared in the Thursday Statesman. Labish Center school lwuse is to have a bell, a brand new bell, and it will be here in a few days to perform its duty in that thriving community. Ten years now the school house has been built, and. school has been kept in it all the while without a- bell. It had no belfry eyen, and the bell -had to wait perforce on. the belfrey. But that came this summer, and now the bell lias been ordered. Bells are sot quite easily nowadays. The school clerk just sends in an order for a bell; and the bell comes out by rail or truck; and the -schoolboaid draws a warrant to pay for it. It was a different matter years ago. Bells were bells, and not ordinary items of merchandise and school equip ment. The first schoolhouse might be :built from donated labor or volunteer subscriptions ; and always the belfrey was built with the main structure. Then getting the bell became a matter of community effort. The men did their manly part in building the school, and the women perhaps took the lead in getting the bell. Mayhap the edifice was opened with a dance and the proceeds u&ed to-buy a bell. Or enter tainments were given and sociables that the bell fund might grow. It might take months to get the bell after the order was placed as it came from San Francisco or even from the bell founders in the east. And how eager folk were to hear .the tones of the new school bell that is the. contributors were eager, if not the children whose feet turned schoolward reluctantly at the peal of the summoning bell. City schools get along now without bells, save perhaps; the signal bells in the hallways. They have no great, boom ing bells high overhead. City churches toe- are becoming voiceless, no bells pealing the call to prayer. So much of noise in the city, bells become but jangling sounds. But in the country it is different. There is quiet there and the silver tone of the bell carries far, far. Time jwill be set by it in farmhouses. Each resident of the district will feel a sense of proprietorship in th schoolbeM. In future years men will recall its tone with pleasant memories. , We are glad Labish Center is to ave a- schoolbell. It will be a good investment for the community. Don: t Dodge, Decide WE hope the city council does not pass the buck on to the general public in the matter of the vacation of Trade street for the benefit of the paper mill. The respon sibility is by law placed' with the council and the action of the public in voting may be advisory only. The affair has dragged along unduly as it is. The Statesman repeats the position It has taken in the matter: the vacation should be granted but only on condi tion that such vacation meets with the approval of owners of adjacent property. This was "the position we took when, the matter was first proposed and which we still hold. In asmuch as that approval has not been secured, we do not see how the city council is justified at the present time in approving the ordinance. Lacking such approval the ordin ance would be of doubtful legality as well as setting a bad policy in apparently invading the property rights of one for the benefit of another private 'interest, even though the general public may feel it would derive substantial indirect benefit from the latter. Under the circumstances we believe the ordinance should be indefinitely postponed at the present time. The Governor's Salary IF Julius Meier were a poor man and Phil Metschan a rich man, who offered to return to the state treasury four fifths of his salary, what a chorus of protest would arise from the Portland Journal and Portland Telegram. They would ring all the changes about a rich man buying the office. With the situation reversed, the Telegram, advertising that Meier has said he would give back $24,000 out of his $20,000 salary avgovernor, has the audacity to taunt Met schan with the proposition, and ask him what he proposes tado. Is the governorship going to the highest bidder? If Meier will give $24,000 perhaps some one else will, give $30,000 and so forth till the offices of the state with their emoluments are sold at public, auction. Such a proposal is highly improper. If set as a precedent, it would forever bar a poor man irora occupying me seat, aauey, iur iusuukc, says frankly he would draw his salary because fee needs it and because he would earn it. We are really surprised at the Telegram's effrontery as well as its display of bad judgment in making the salary rebate a campaign issue. . y J The city council would do well to' leave tbe existing milk code untouched. It has been effective only three months and to date the majority- of milk producers have complied with its provisions and are advocates of its continuance. Almost exactly duplicate codes are aow effective In Eugene and lledford. There is no .provision in the code which la obnoxious to tbe public which desires, always, the best In its milk supply, and any complaint against It on the part of the producers comes from a small minority. Alderman Vaadevort means well but In this Instance his "sheep herder's" ethics are mis placed. The repeal move should be Never has a train recjgsaaV the advance advertising in this territory that the new UsImi Pacific "PorUead Bese" hat receiv ed. The-TJ. P. baa used generous display advertising space even ia tf-linj cities like towns in the WiUamett valley. Portland and Oregon should appreciate this compliment which has been shown fa the naming of this crack train. It is a graeloms tribute to our metropolis and to the charm for which it is distinctive: its roses sad gardens. , - ; American skill in designing, handling sad maaning the yacht ras beautifully displayed in the- victory of the Enterprise over Sir Thomas Upton's Shamrock V. What a .gallant sportsman Sir Thomas Is; Americans "love him 10 veil they almost wish he could Et-to take home- the cup hehas striven fer so peraeveringly and it with such grace. t Justice Kelly win be aulte at home in Salem, for he has served as circuit Judge here formany years. His . appointment aa succes sor to Justice McBride has been , ' The estimated loss of Ufa from. antosMMIo accidents tats .year JMU., Peace becomes quite tou ana nearly every accident might have bee prereatad. A bank Is like the gOTernmeat a lot ol checks sal balances. ten tabled. cordially received byv bar audi as hasardoua at, war! A ierriMe h! Ill innaV'X laikT; : 11 . . . - -,-- !: I "T 1! 1111 BrCS-CpehrtlLD. I -iSSOTS " " " ., W": Sight is the most Important of all your precious senses, j What It gives us adds immeasurably to the satisfaction of living. It informs . us. of the world in which i we live. of all 1 lta ob jects, land the doings of our friends. ' "Myopia.- or near sighted ness, ! la an eye defect that can be ; over come I by, the wearing of glasses. 'For years man has tried other means of relief. .Mas sage, suction pressure an dj vari ous exercises have been tried bnt to no purpose,' In very high degrees of myo pia, operative procedure baa , been used. But if the loag- run glass es seem to be the only corrective measure worth while. Persons who are near-sighted are called "myopes." They have exceptionally large : eyes. : They are so large and so long, that the retina, the aeeing part of the eye Is too fr back to receive dis tinctly the focussed rays of light. The effect la the same upon vision as though the picture used ia the projecting machine of a moving pkture theatre wera too small for the room. The screen is so far away -that the. Images reaching it are blurred"- and in- distinct! A person- afflicted with, near sightedness- Is never sre of what he sees. He cm scarcely make out objects across ' the room. He fails to recognize his friends on the street. ' I There is oh thing he- can do which his faT-sighted brother fails to do. It is his only ad vantage. I refer to -the ability of the myope to read the finest type nearby without spectacles.' Occasionally we hear abont an elderly person who reads : with out the aid of glasses. Almost always this is because the, myo pic eye is well suited for; close- work. While the distant vision is exceedingly defective, the near vision may be excellent. : Myopia Is sometimes progres sive. Increasing from year to year. Any severe illness may material ly aggravate this visual defect, In the correction or myopia strong concave lenses are; used fof distant vision. . Unless the degree of myopia ia very high. no glasses are required for read ing. When there is an excessive amount of near-sightedness It may be necessary to have a sec ond pair of glasses. In such a case tbe reading glasses are much, weaker than the distance ones. Weak concave lenses have the effect of Increasing the clearness and definition of distant objects. Thlnn may look somewhat smaller but at the same time they are far mere distinct. It is important that : near sightedness be corrected. Certain eye diseases are more common in cases of neglect myopia. Too many persons are careless of their sight. When the wear ing of glasses ean overcome the evils of eye detects it is strange that so many persons go on from year to year without them. I cannot urge yon too strongly to atenft to your eyes. Answers to Health Qweries S. J. Q. Can bow legs straightened? , A. Tes; in some instances. It would be wise for yon to consult an orthopedist. C. G. P. Q. X am 18 years old. 4 ft. 10 ins. tall; what should I weigh? v 2 What foods should I eat to gain weight? A. You should weigh about 109 pounds. 2 Eat plenty of good- nour ishing food, including ' milk, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water between meals and get plenty of sleep. Take cod liver oil as a general tonic:" ' H. W. O. Q. What causes quick -sharp pains around the heart when I take a deep breath? 2. What win cure a small rupture? A. This may be due to some trouble in the -chest. Have, yonr doctor make an examination. 2. In. most instances an" op eration is necessary to rare, ; ... Of Old Oregon Town Talks from The States man Our Fathers Bead ' Sept. 14, 1903 ; : saiem railroad extensions are now practically certain, with in formation that Interests behind the Portland Consolidated Elee- tric railway have purchased the controlling Interest of the local gal, electric lighting and power ptant. This deal is taken to mean connection of Portland and Salem by an electrical line. First three days pleklng onthe lower part of the Camnbell and Walker hop yard gave 3 l,7rf pounds, which should dry to - ss7 pounas. Rex W. Davis, formerly in bus iness In Shedd but now a com mercial traveler, is in the city tor a few days. .,;. i. Firebug's attempt vpoa whole sale destruction of property 'was made. . A can of kerosene was nd near fire- which broke-out the alley oa Marloa and Front streets. . :; . "iWe guarantee ourS carrier service. - fx your copy of 1 the statesman falls to -arrive bv f:!0 avA&aaaJt and a cojt will. ee ww to you. , Yest era The OTHER BULLET By Nancy Barr Mavity .CHAPTER SO "Maybe you think that living here alone has made me queer, too?" There was nothing apolo getic In Cousin Maria's tone. Peter, bending forward, looked into eyes whose vital intelligence go had been powerlesa to quench. "Let'a be queer together then," he said. "I've been back I eleven years, and that isn't far enough. I ve beea clinging for dear Ufa to proper little facts that labeled and put in a box. amd they haven't led me anywhere. "I'm just as befuddled as I was at the beginning. I don't know what good ifs going to bo but anyway it's sure to be In teresting, so suppose you give me your impressions of the Mon tanya family. Something might bob un If anyone had both the opportunity and the wit to know them thoroughly, it was you." Cousin Maria flushed faintly under . Peter's enthusiasm. Evi dently she felt her own height ened color, for she said 'ilf very nice to be made to blush again. There's been nothing worth blushing about for a loag -ttmeV She settled back In her chair 1 with a delicate rustling move ment of satisfaction. "Nobody else felt as I did about Jerome," she said. "Of course It was shee contrariness oa my part. I amghf to have been glad that he wasn't like David. Instead of that, despite aU the trouble he caused us, I was glad that David - wasn't Uke Jerome. -I might have been a little bit like David myself if things had been different but of course, being a girl, X never had a chance to bo sinful." Peter could not resist smiling at her simple regret that girls were restricted to virtue by -rigid necessity. "When I think of them at boys, it doesn't seem long ago not nearly as long ago as the night that Jerome was killed. I came here when they were quite little, to be a companion to Cou sin Judith after - her husband died. And it didn't take me long to see . that while Judith always said that she loved both of her children the same, It was one of those things that yon say from the Hps out." "I don't believe ft takes you long to see - anything." Peter beamed upon'faer with delighted flattery. "When I waa young, gentle men did not have to ' pay that sort of compliment to my eyes," the old lady answered tartly. "They were more Interested In looking atthem than what they looked at. But then ladies weren't supposed to- have brains in those days. It .was almost as bad to be clever as to have a squint. At least I haven't the squint, thank goodness!" "Indeed you haven't! And I'm sure you're reconciled to being clever by this time." Peter de clared. "Tes, whea you're bid and have nothing to do bat think, ifs a comfort to have something to think with," Coueta Maria agreed. "Cousin Judtta wasn't handi capped that way. though she al ways meant welL She dressed the boys exactly alike, and cava them 1 the same presents and really be- ueveo: taat.sno snowed no par tiaUty. But It was Jerome she loved. She couldnt help that Bat after Jeronis was killed, .she thought God was punishing her J because she had not grieved more over David's : death. - .She- waa sorry, of eoojtsev hat, She had a secret tierce gladness that -It was David and aot Jerome. " oifly a year's dif- f erenee in their -ages, but as so oftea happens in famiUea of.saeh a marked physical type as the da. la. MMiiwTti the resemblance 'topped with H externals, : There ;.. :- I it , ' ; waa wild blood ia the de la Mon- tanyas, and David got aU of ft, Perhaps his father. If he. had Uv- ed, would have understood him better, and redressed the bal ance. But as it was, David was always being told to take his old er brother aa an example. And Jerome Just loved being an ex ample. . "They never got along well to gether, hat It was David who was punished tor quarreling with his brother never the other way -round. Jerome did weu ia school and at games, and David was al ways being asked why he could n't do as bis brother did. Ton might as well ask a weed why it couldn't be a petted plant. "It wasn't that David was stu pid, though his mother thought so. But he hated routine. He couldn't aettle dowa to things that didn't interest him. He did n't like games, though he loved riding and swimming the things you ean do alone. And the trag edy of it was, that hs loved his mother, and knew that she didn't lore him. And yon cant fool children I I can see him now with his big black eyes fastened on her with a sort of hopeless yearn ing, while she sat with an arm around each boy, thinking she waa treating them both alike hut with her eyes full of adoring pride turned to Jerome. "Presently he gave up the un even competition. When he was about fourteen he said to me one day: 'I'm no good as an exam ple. I gness I'u Just leave that to Jerome, and be a warning;.' It was after that that he took to running away. He- was expeUed from school fer climbing out of bis window In the middle of the night, and then he ran away from borne to be a cowboy. Of course he was brought back again. No member of the de la Montanya family could be a common cow bey. After that there was no hold ing him. He fought restraint like a wild thing. He couldn't be a second edition of Jerome, so in stead of imitating him, he turn ed everything that Jerome did into its opposite. 1 "Jerome had a good head for finance and went Into the bank lag firm of which his father had been head. As if out et sheer per versity, David took to gambling. He was caught In a low dive, where there was a shooting tray and the police had to interfere, and he was. taken to jail. Jerome balled him out, of course, and the family hushed it up. Jerome could always be counted on to do the proper thing. "Then he got mixed up with a girl. Of course I'm a wicked, im moral woman and may the Lord forgive me for my sinful thought but I always did think that the girl was asking for ' it. She saw a chance to climb into the de la Montanya money and social posi tion. Anyway, she went to Je rome about it. an& he told David that he would have to marry her Ho do the right thing by her.' were the words he used. They were talking in the library across the hall, and I heard them. I wont have ft said that a broth er of mine ruined a girl and re fused to make an honest woman of her he said. "I cant make anything of her that she wasn't already David answered. 'I'm the damn fool of this family, and 111 admit it Bat ypn cant make me over into your' Image. And I can't stand being losked" up. Marrying Jessie would be the-same thing as prison. I'm willing to go to hen, but I'm not srfUhqf to be shut up there.' tHo dashed oat of the room and n The stairs. He ran . away for-good d Mil that .night. That i ialhsyiart we ever saw of him. joromsa was -Ja-ths right; oft coarse, all 'SOWarm waa. . t leant help talnkinr that if they hadnt made David "believe that everything, he did was a disgrace u mo iinmy, aven when "ho was the things ho i weren't really disgraceful, he wouldn't have grown up with the conviction that he was ne good .anyhow, and might as well be as black as he was painted. They wanted him to be like his broth er, you see, and he could never be like him he was born differ ent. "I heard him slip down the stairs that night, but I didn't try to stop him. I couldn't be sorry he was leaving us. It's only honest to say that he wasnt any credit to the family. But they wouldn't give him the kind of life he wanted and was fitted for. I hope he found It before he died." "How did he die?" Peter asked curiously. "Jerome got the word of his death years later. He sever told us muck about H. I suppose even his death wasnt a credit to us. I think he was relieved that Dav id was completely out of the way at last. The relation between those brothers wasnt Quite what you'd think. You might auppose that David hated Jerome because! he was jealous of his success, his tightness, the way he fitted' in with everything admirable and settled. But It wasnt that. All David asked before he found out that it was hopeless to ask it waa m be allowed to be him self and not aa imitation of Je rome. If they'd let him go off that time and be a cowboy but of course that was out of the question." Cousin Maria's thin breast rose and fell In a long, tremulous sigh. "What nobody but me ever guessed Is that It was Jerome who hated David. Instead of be ing an Imitation, David was a caricature of all that Jerome was and stood for. He couldn't mould David into the proper pattern. He never dreamed that Instead of moulding him, he had distort ed him. Boys sometimes come out with a deeper truth than they know. Because he couldn't follow Jerome's example, and his moth er wouldn't admit that any jway but Jerome's could be foUewed David turned to the other ex treme to be a warning, as be said. "I am sure Jerome didn't see it as clearly as that I'm an old, old woman, andt's taken me many years to work it out. But I'm positive that Jerome was glad when he could tell his moth er mac nis aevirs shadow was4-' laid, that- his caricature of him self was no longer roaming the world, thumbing a nose at him. I told you I was prejudiced!" Cousin Maria added defiantly. "There's more to it than that." Peter faced the old woman stern ly, until he forced her eyes to drop under the determination of fiis gaze. "You're holding some thing back. You didn't teil me all that j about David for nothing. You think there's some connec tion between those two deaths?" "I'm nothing but a fanciful old woman." Cousin Maria said with hypocritical meekness. , route about as fanciful as an fkfaV 1A . - It . Ice-pick,". Peter chaUenged rude ly. - Cousin Maria leaned back In her chair. Her high, cracked laughter Jangled through the atm air r the room. v "If yoa'd thought I was so old you had to numor' me, -I would aot have said another wordl" she exclimri iA&rnw h really think I'm worth listening to, or you wouldn't be so impo lite to me. I'U tell you this mm jinsrrpnnrs or no fingerprints, I don t think Lynn Inst marr)uu ia and killed Jerome for the sake ox a few hundred doUarsL lft " aU. the incxlminatlaa vi deacs obligingly fcahdy for the pouse. we wasat that stnJUd." you a c own?' . ', aot a theory, just s ao Uoa a notion vahsot jania. t foald be tow stupid God to tl:,JetW - ain Mistakes of Moses:" s - ' ' The generation before the pres ent one heard much discussion under the above heading, the Bits man is reading and compar ing a good deal of history Just now, most of it Oregon history, so not by any means as old as that of which Moses was a part. - S This is one reason why the 'matter in mind Is submited to the public in this way. Here is the situation: The Bits man has the job (without pay, of course,) of furnishing the wording to be lettered on the tablet of the big basaltic boulder that is to serve as the marker of the J as oft Lee mission site, 10 miles below Sa lem. So he has written it, as follows: "JASON LEE landed here Oc tober C, 1134, and began the first Christian mission in the Oregon Country. Here Willam ette university had its birth. This site was donated by Joseph W. LFoilett and wife Annie, Clyde M. LaFolIett and wife Luella. Perry L. LaFollett and wife Phoebe. Charles R. LaFollett, Eiva Aapinwall and Brltt Aspin- waU, husband, heirs of A. M LaFollett." m Is l ne words sows to the ones telling of the donation of the site, are, of course, designed to he in larger letters than the lat ter. JASON LEE is supposed to contain the largest of tho letters though aH of them are directed to be plain and easily read at a distance, so that visitors, the many, many thousands of them w,no win see tnat site in years to come, wiU have no difficulty in finding what it stands for. The work of placing the stone and providing the tablet Is be ing performed by Marion coun y; the fencing by a group of Salem citizens. The county is buHding the road. The whole wiU soon be ready for the dedica tion. But the work of lettering the tablet has not yet been un dertaken. It Is not too late for criticisms. It -will be. though, very goon. The BUs man invites' them, "Or ferever hold your peaee. t Another thing: The site of the Joseph Gervais house, about two miles away from the old mission site. Is now definitely known. This is where the famous "wolf meeting" was held, leading to the one at Champoeg, where the provisional government was vot ed. In the Gervais house Jason Lee preached his first sermon In what is now Oregon: and his other sermons that first winter of 1S34-3S. It was the place of many historic meetings. .It should be marked, a small ait se cured, and a short road con structed to it. The historic spring' should be included in the Site. The Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution will probably mark the site of the grave of the Dorion woman, if and when it Is lecated-if that can be ac complished at all. This, organis ation or some other should at tend to the matter of marking the . oft of the Joseph Gervais house. The site of the school where was held the preliminary meeting preceding the wolf meeting- ought, also, to be mark ed; and the historic landing plaee on the 'Willamette river net far away. The meeting pre ceding the wolf meeting was held at the house that was to have been the Oregon Institute's home, but was never so occupied; for reasons too lone for the pres ent article. It was on land northeast of the state school for dentally like that. And if Lynn wasn't stupid, neither Is God, I think. They say that love Is stronger than death, but the an tagonism between those brothers was a bond stronger than love. I never believed that "they could Just drift their separate ways. (To be contlued) LAY SERMON FIRST EDITIONS Th salutation of Paul with min wn hand, which Is ta tok em In every eplstla : so I writ. II Thesa. S:17. Precious indeed are "first edi tions" and original manuscripts. Congress recently appropriated a miUion and a half dollars to buy an Important collection of old books and manuscripts, the most Valuable Item ot which was a Gutenberg ' Bible, done by the first master printer. First folios pi Shakespeare are rare, held In the richest collections, either of wealthy citizens or great librar ies. Original letters of Lincoln and Washington, of Milton and Samuel Johnson have a market value and become the merchan dise of the brokers of old manu scripts. How valuable Indeed would be the original manuscript of any of tbe epistles of the Apostle Paul. He wrote as he said "with mine Own hand;" and his signature was "the token In every epistle." Tet none of the original letters Is preserved. Written oa papyrus or parchment they bars long sines erumaied to fragments or, beea consumed in firs. -All that we hav mr MhIm J lfi1i,!?.5!d les t copies. The old maanscrlnts which wo hare of portions of the Bible -only go back as far as the fourth century A. TJ. These of course are of priceless value. They are preserved la the Vati caa at Rome, la the British mu seam and similar Institutions en rThera, axe hnadreds of sdAaa. sprint nut rtr..i - ui conttaenc scripts aot original of course, hat copies, and- 1L has been tho rrt fi iCttolr to compare tha uiwva manuscripts. This study -unnscxipts exactly . alike. Not Jjr art there discrepancies man- uesay errors fa . nt v sometim w . - - - - - ? VVVJHIK .;. HUB. . uirv arawwnar tuna to-be- deliberate alterations of the : the deaf, now owned by the Ladrt and Bush bank people. mm The search for the Dorion woman's grave will go on. The reader will recall several recent articles in this column concern ing this matter. The typesetter made one statement therein read: "The Swartx saw mill on Pudding rlvey was about two miles 'southwest' of the Tourpin house, near where the traveler crosses the bridge over that stream on the . Silrerton-Salem highway." The word 'south west' should have read 'north west," which any old resident will gee is obvious. But more about that a Uttle later on. H The Bits man "got his hat "on wrong" about what finally be came Of the Tourpin claim. It was Lewis Johnson who at last got it. Instead of B. W. Junkers. Tourpin deeded It to Munkers; but he had in some way 'hocked his right to H to Johnson, and there wag a suit to quiet title. That was to make good a trans fer to Johnson, for MuakArs had traded his right to Johnson tor cattle in the Prineville district, eastern Oregon. It was Munkers who went to Prineville to attend to the cattle. Johnson remained here. About the Swartx mill. There were two Swarta mills. There were In all at least six pioneer saw mills near there; on the two branches of the Pudding river in that neighborhood. The first 'one was the Simon Swarts mill, on his donation claim, on the northeast branch; or the Small Pudding river. This pio neer mill, erected in the early sixties, had an up and down saw, run with a 12 to 14 foot water wheel. This mill waa about a half mile due east of the old Swarts house. It was. for that time, a large, fine, frame house built with lumber. It stood about a half mile south of the Tourpin log cabin, with tbe ancient Indian village about half way between, as told in this col' umn last Wednesday. The second saw mill was own ed by Towle and Hopkins. It was on the Jefferson place. Hopkins was the father of Bill Hopkins, who killed Harvey Ogle In Sa lem in the early nineties, and went up for life for the crime, as all old timers here well re member; with the mysterious in cidents it was a notable crime in Salem high life. The third mill was the one of Dick Swarts, son of Simon. It was the one that atood near where the Silverton road crosses Pudding river. It was bought by George and Dolores Wood- worth and moved about a half mile up the Pudding. That was the fourth mill. They resold the mUl to Dick Swarts, and he moved ft to the Tourpin land; or what had been the Tourpin claim. That became the fifth miU. Later. Kutner Bros, built a mUl oa the old Simon Swarts donation dalsa: the sixth. A great deal of timber went out from that section in the form of lumber and wood, la the early days: m - U Several pages could be writ ten about the bloody deed of that section. Ia 1SSS, Jos Drake (colored) was hanged la an enclosure on the east side of the Marion county court house. for a murder committed there- That was before all hangings ia Oregon were authorised to be done at the penitentiary. There was a newspaper item a few days ago about the burning of the historic Sappingfleldi house, east of Salem; a state- the aid star mart ran naat ft Stages msy have passed that old house. But none of the stages on the main Use. They all went north on Liberty street, tbe fairgrounds road, and on straight to old Waconda, near the pres ent town of Gervais. (But more about old roads snd trails In a later issue). text by later editors. For instance I John V:l reads ia the most ancient manuscript: "Tee tsar ars three taat Wi witaess : th Spirit and the water and the Mood and the three agree la one." Later some copyist modified the language la the effort to sup port the doctrine of the Trinity snd put the following ia ahead of the above: , , . For thers'era Hum ttii Wr witness in nearest the Father, ; the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. If we had only the original edi tions and manuscripts! And if we had Christ's words preserved with greaser accuracy (for It must bo recalled that his words were not written dowa till long after his death) then perhaps many things would be clear. Lacking- them, sad realising through what phys ical difficulties the copied manu scripts pass, one sees how danger ous it Is to wage religious war oa Interpretations of obscure bits of tho scriptures. Bitter controversy has arisen and antagonisms arous ed amoag Christian groups, who ought to be uniting their effort la proclaiming Christ's teaching of brotherly love, over how some auviuo bo construes, as Dryden wrote a hong time verso should bo construed. As ago: "Are there aot many points, some need sure T aaviac faith. Ua JSerhv ' tore leave efcsoure, Which every sect wuTlOrest a several way? Fer what one sect mctrprets, 7 an sects Saay.- If we had tho original manu scripts we weald still have dis sension, to be sure. The absence Of them ought to Impress upon professing Christians (even it their own doctrine has tailed to effectively)' that tolerance and considerstioa should be shewn to these who read their Bibles dif ferently, aad eret to those who do not find la the Bible the an- i mumii. - .vui MKWSAU VUU kU. VIVUVWVA cribe to ltT