The OREGON STATESMAN" Salem. Oregon. Snnday iffornlng, September 14, 133fJ PAGE TWELVE Gardfeils amd RoHiIlP Chicago. Team Sin PeDMi&mt Dash - Valley League lTJIL-ti CLUB ROUTS CHIPS Phillies Win 7-5, SL Louis Wins Easily, Brooklyn Has Tight Contest PHILLADELPHIA, Sept 13. (AP) The tallnd Phillies to day knocked the lighting cnicago Cubs out of first place in the tor rid National league pennant race by defeating them, 7 to 5, in the firat game of a scheduled doable header. The second game was called off In the third inning on acconnt of rain and will be played on Mon day as a part of a doable head er. Neither side had scored. R H E Chicago S 10 Philadelphia 7 12 Malone and Hartnett: Elliott and Davis. Robins Nose Out BROOKLYN. Sept 13. (AP) The Robins passed the Chicago Cabs In the National league pen nant race by taking their second game from the Cincinnati Reds today, 4 to 3. Home runs dv Her man and Hendrick In the first or two Innings gave Brooklyn enough lead to hold off a two run Cin cinnati rally -in the ninth. R H E Cincinnati 3 10 0 Brooklyn 4 12 0 Frey, Benton and Sukeforth; Phelps, Clark and Lopez. Cards win Handily BOSTON, Sept. 13. (AP) St. Louis Cardinals Jumped into first place in the National league today by an 8 to 2 victory oyer The Braves while the Cubs were losing to Philadelphia. It was the Cardinals' 20th victory out of the last 23 games. St. Louis 8 12 2 Boston ....2 8 0 Haines, Manusco and Smith; Cunningham and Spohrer. OAKLAND. Sept. 13. (AP) The Portland Ducks defeated the Oaks 7 to 1 behind air tight pitching by McDonald, Rookie pitcher, here tonight. Portland bunched three hits fn the second to store one run and repeated in the fifth to score an other tally. In the seventh on a walk; three hits and one error they scored three more to put the game on ice. The Oaks lone tally was scored in the sixth when Mel lana. lead off Man for the In ning, was hit by a pitched ball and scored on Fenton' single to left. Daglia was lifted for a pinch hitter In the seventh. The Ducks garnered two more runs off Hurst to finish the game. R H E Portland 7-11 0 Oakland 1 4 3 McDonald and Palmlsano; Dag lia, Hurst and Read, Lombard!. Suds Shot Out SACRAMENTO, Sept. 13. (AP) Roy Chesterfield held the Seattle Indians to two hits, com ing In succession Jn the fifth In ning and blanked them 3 to 0 to night. Dutch. Reuther hurled for the tribe and had hits bunched oft him -in the second and fourth for the three runs. The Sacs lead the series four to two. RUE Seattle 0 2 1 Sacramento 3 10 Reuther and Borreani; terfield and Wlrta. Ches- L03 ANGELES, Sept. 13. (AP) R H E Hollywood 3 14 S Los Angeles 8 8 0 Wetiel. Rhodes, Hollerson and Bassler; Ballou and Hannah. Missions Still On SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13. (AP) Continuing to apply to whitewash brush .on their home town rivals, San Francisco's Mis sions defeated the Seals, 8-3, to day to chalk up their sixth suc cessive win of the week. The Seals were enjoying a small lead when It happened in the eighth. McDougal walked the first three Missions to face him and the next four got hits. Turpin replaced McDougal but the Missions had the game sewed up with their six run rally:' Cole allowed the Seals nine hits but they were somewhat scattered. San Francisco 1-I......3 9 Missions 8 9 McDougal, Turpin and Gason; Cole and BrenseL Rainfall Light But More Than Year ago, Word Although rainfall during the past, second week in September amounted to only 1.1 of an inch precipitation for the week was, by comparison, much greater, this year than last. - Records of Mrs. J. W. Ritchie. 1720 South Winter street. -offi cial government raintester, "Show that on September 2; 13 2, six one-nundredtns or an inch of rain fell. , From that date until . September 21, there was no .pre cipitation recorded. ' Daily rainfall for the past week nag been res -follows:. "Sunday, September . 7. a.Ol: : Monday. 0.49; Tuesday, 0.D1; Wednesday, 0.08; Thursday, v .5I; v Friday, DUCKS WIN WITH MID ID BOX May not Shine in Wbrld Series 1 T Q W N I ES NUKE rWlrA " I I . BROAD (MS w V Some of the stars of the Chicago Cobs, who Saturday dropped from first place fn the National league after holding a healthy lead only s few days ago. They are still, however, within half a game of top place. j ! ' T SET THIS WEEK City League Will get Going Tuesday; Nine Circuits Planned This Season Tuesday instead of Monday will be bowling night for the City league this year, it was de cided at a meeting late last week at which the league schedule was arranged and franchises award ed. ' Elks, McKay Chevrolet. Bake- rite bakery. Evergreen Golf Gar dens and Reo Flying Clouds will be enrowed in the "major" league and one franchise remains open. The City league will get-in mo tion this week to launch the fall season and other leagues will line up for the start after September 16. The winter Garden will be the center of all these activities. Leagues expected to qrganize are The Statesman league, Bus iness league, Fraternal league, Commercial league, Owl league, Ladies league. Automotive lea gue and one aditional afternoon circuit as yet unnamed. Room For More " Players Reported Several of these leagues have places for additional teams and some of the teams are short of players at present, so any bowl ers or prospective bowlers inter ested are advised to register-at the. Winter Garden so that they may be registered for placement. Present ability is not essential. as some of the leagues will be in the novice, class and some will work on1 a handicap basis, giving the beginners an eqaal chance with the veterans. IS KING OF JUT PROS FLUSHING, N. Y., Sept. 13. (AP) Tommy Armour, stylist Scotch golf professional, today won the professional golf associa tion championship from Gene Sarazen one up and in winning showed again he is a grait put ter in a pinch. For years tbs fcot haj been dubbed a poor putter ar.d a great Iron pleayer. Th's afternoon, with the match all square on the 3Sth green be holed 14 foot putt for and four and when Sarazen miss ed his bid from a few inches co der 14 feet Armour vat the P. G. A. champion for the first time. Sarazen has held the title twice, In 1922 and 1923. Today's match was a great ex hibition of thrilling qolf. Leo Die gel, who has held . the champion ship for the last two years but was beaten in the second round. called It "the, greatest golf match ever saw." Since Leo was the referee be saw more of .it than any the 2,500 persons in the gallery. - 1Q I COAST UAOTTB . flaehidlag Sept. n Gas) W. Prt. - w. I. Pet. Holly.- -43 SO .683 ge' SS 4 453 Lot A. 85 IT .5641 MUtioa S8 S5 .444 Sb r. 33 SO .SlSIPortl'a 36 S5 .436 OskL 81 S3 .492SMttl 84.86 .414 AMBXXAM LEAOITS , W. U Pel. W. tu Pet. PtiUa. S3 47 .6t Detroit 70 73 .498 Wats. SS 51 .634 St. Ii. SS 84 .413 K. T. 7 68 .5561 Caieag 55 SS .890 vlCTU. 70 63 .SZI!Bo(tB 46 95 .328 ' WATZOKAX, 1XAOTTB ; iW. J Prt, W. &. Pei. . Ifc ..SI SO 579 PUUK 73 67 .518 rokL 83 SO .571 Eottea 66 77 .463 Cftiemga 81 60 .574CiiKim SS SS .399 H. Y. 77 S3 .55OIPhiUd. 48 S3 .840 " VATXOSTAX. XJKAOUS f j-iunaeipftta v fuan S. At K.w Tork FMtttottf postpoieJ. At Brookty 4, Claetsastt 9. At BoiUa X, St. Lnil 8. : tout uiom Al Clwilu 3, PVila4tki t. At Caicsra 4, WathinrtM. 8. i: At Detroit 11-S. KV Yrk 10-4. ; At 8. Vmi9 8-, BnIm 4-3. , IN STAR TOMMY Championship Northwest Gridirons to Teem With Warriors as Practice Season Opens The deer slayers will all be missing from their usual haunts Monday, heading for or already arrived at the place where that boasted blacktail or mule deer is staked out." Here's : luck - to him. We might remark also that we know of a worthy citi zen who does not happen to ! be a mighty hunter nut is quite fond of venison. In case any of you hate more than you know what to do with, name on appli cation. No use, but we feel like giv ing advice and this; is it: Buck deer have horns, does and human beings do not, ! This year you can kill ope mule deer or two blacktails, or one of each but not two mules. The new Willamette' nnlver Ity freshmien are all Is town and as our daily quota of ad vice is not yet exhausted we'll aim this bit at thena: ; ) In high school, you were out standing young men and women; the fact that you are entering college testifies as much. Try to realize that your new class mates were also outstanding in high school, and don't expect! to lord it in college with the same ease. Nobody cares now what you were last year. Pleasure Is to be found in the ranks as well as at the head of the column. You're welcome, i Don't mention it. Really, we feel quite uppity this morning because we : re ceived a letter from New York Saturday addressed "Dear Col umnist." Wasn't that nice? We're going to send for the book. . f Old Tom Lipton sees the America's cap slipping- away for the fifth time. Too bad. He's up against a tough game Building a speedy yacht Is one thing and building it so it will sail across the Atlantic before the race and still meet -home competition here is f yet - an other. Lncky for Sir Thomas he can still grin about it. ! ' The Cards and the Robins -are out In' the lead almost neck land neck. We wish the press wires would ran on Snnday so ! we wouldn't lose track of this race. Frisco, yon better do catching today. the Hope history doesn't repeat. Two years ago Just about! this time the Senators went to Eu gene for a deciding game In; the title series against Bend. Some of the present Senators remem ber, but we ll let bygones be by gones, j j jj Night Parachute Jumps Slated as Fair Week Event ; s ; vr n Spectacular illuminated night parachute Jumps will be a night ly ream re at Salem i municipal airport during state fair week, according to Lee Eyerly. fl the Eyerly Aircraft Corporation, These Jumps will be made each night at nine o'clock! as ; si Ipart or nignt nying programs at the lighted field.';.."'. Mr. Eyerly states that no i Ey- eny planes win fly s front 1 the Eleven hundred pounds of seed were required to plant SO i acres of alfalfa on k, North Carolina farm,. s- h, i at IS SEATTLE, Sept. 13. (AP) The six football squads in the northern division of the Pacific Coast conference Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho, Montana. Washing ton State and Oregon State. will swing Into action Monday aft ernoon with rival coaches predict ing the tightest race in history. Approximately 300 gridiron players are expected to don mole skins in the northwest in prep aration for the king sport of the fall season. Every team In the northern division of the conference Is fig ured to be stronger than last year, especially Washington and Oregon where new coaches have been in augurated. Jimmy Phelan, former Purdue university grid mentor, who won the "Big Ten" championship last year, has replaced Enoch W. Bag- shaw at Washington, and Dr. Clarence Spears, formerly of the University of Minnesota, has suc ceeded Captain John J. McEwan at Oregon. Babe Hollingberry at Washing. ton State, Paul Schissler at Ore gon State, Leo Calland at Idaho and Frank Milburn at Montana, will again handle the coaching duties at the other four schools. With the passing of Bagshaw, who resigned at the end of last season, after a long controversy with the students, Washington saw the greatest. change of all the coast schools. Phelan brought four new assistants with him from the middle west, had the old sand field in the Washington stadium covered with turf, ordered bril liant satin pants tor his gridders and injected the famous Notre Dame shift into the Husky style of play. All the schools Iostrstar play ers through graduation but new notentlal "greats" advanced to the varsity ranks from the 1929 fresh man sauads. - - ... Some of the old stars who win nerform again this year, however. Include Merle Hufford. all-Pacific enajit halfback, at Washington: John Kitzmlller, th.e "Frying Dutchman," at Oregon, and Elmer Schwartz, all coast fullback, at Washington State. FOREST HILLS, N. Y., Sept. 13fAP) Johnny Doer, brawny vonnr southnaw from Sant Monica. Cal.. . won the national tennis championship today at the ace of 21. In a hair-raising final match contested amid scenes of highest tension before a capacity crowd of 13.000 this new -California comet" achieved a stirring vic tory over is year old Frank Shields of . New York, 10-8, 1-6, 6-4. 15-14. to ascend the throne, The sun-bronred giant from out of the west had. beaten the famous veterans, Frank Hunter, and Big Bill Tilden in his two nrerious matches, and this after noon he gained his reward by battering the stalwart Shields in to submission with the same thunderous service and terrific volleys that had brought about their downfall. Through the thrilling moments of a great 30 game fourth set which goes down Into, history as the longest ever contested In the final round of this classic tourn ament, Doeg . and Shield fought it out with the issue in aouot until the final stroke. Four times in that memorable set Shields .held set point but was unable to nut over the tell ing 'stroke. In th end it was Doeg who " gained - the lead 'through a break througk 'tis eastern rival's strong service and after being tnrned back twice at match point punched over, an unanswerable overhead place' ment to winf set, - match, and championship. . .. '. . --".?. ,A surrey to determine the state consumption of dairy products Is to be made la Alabama. . JOB' DDEG NEW IMS CHIP ION Stake in Consider Selves as State Champs Also if They Defeat Senators EUGENIE, Sept. IS (AP) The Salem Senators and Billy Reinhart's Eugene Townies will come together in the second game of their series to decide the val ley league championship Sunday at the Lane county fairgrounds park. This series, while billed as the Willamette valley "league title ser ies, is in reality , more than that Prior to this series the Salem club had practically eliminated all other contenders for the state independent title and the winner of the present series will walk away with state honors, almost unchallenged. The only possible claim that can be set up is by Coqullle, champions of southwestern Ore gon, and the fact that their sea son record-is not as strong as the valley clubs somewhat dampens their claim to the state title. The Salem club met them in a two game series over Labor day and each club won a game. For that reason,. Coqullle feels that it is still in the race. In addition the Coquille men have since conquered the Bend Athletics on the Bend diamond, eliminating the Central-Southern part of the state. Bend was the winner of the second half of that league and Med ford, the first half winner, refused to play off with them and iaaea out or tne pic ture. Have Good Claim To State Title In the event the Townies" are able to take Sunday's encounter they will have a better claim to the state title than any other club as they will have taken a two game series from the Sen ators, which is more than Coquille or the Portland contender and champion could do. But in case there Is still any doubt in the minds of the Coquille club a ser ies might be arranged or at least one game could be played to ac tually decide the matter. If the Senators win Sunday's encoun ter it will be necessary to play a third game and this would prob ably do away with any further games on account of the proxim ity jor tne football season. In the event of a Salem win this week and the necessity of a intra game, a place for the con test will be decided .by the num ber .01 the fans attending the game played in each town. If the crowd Sunday is sarger than, that at Salem last Sunday, the Lane fairgrounds will be the scene of tne third and decidine same, nro- viding it is necessary. ii T CHICAGO, Sept. 13. -fAP) Washington made it two straight over the White Sox today, rap- Ping caraway and Walsh for 12 hits and a six to four decision. Hadley had a bad sixth and was replaced by Burke who held the Sox scoreless. B. H. E Washington 6 12 O Chicago 4 7 1 Hadley, Burke and Snencer; Caraway, Walsh, Henry. Faber and Tate. Athletics Win CLEVELAND. Sept. 13 (AP) Philadelphia defeated the In dians in the first game of their series here today, 9 to 2. R H E Philadelphia 9 15 0 Cleveland 2 8 2 Earnshaw, Grove and Coch rane; Hudlin, Harden, Jablono- wski and Myatt. ' Tigers Grab Two . DETROIT, Sept. 13. (AP) The Tigers slugged out two vic tories over the New York Yan keea in today's doubleheader. winning the six .inning second gameJ to 4 after scoring fire runs tn the ninth inning to win the first 11 to 10. The second game was halted by darkness with none out in the home half of the sixth. R. H. E. New York 10 14 0 Detroit 11 11 3 Wells, Holloway and Dickey; TJhle. Sullivan, Cantrell. Hogsett. Sberid and Desautels, Hayworth. R. H. E New York 4 4 3 Detroit 9. 11 0 Pipgras and Dickey; Bridges and Desautels. And Also Brown ST. LOUIS, Sept. 13 (AP) The St. Louis Browns, took both ends of a doubleheader with the Boston Red Sox here today, 5 to 4 and S to 2. R. H. . E Boston 4 10 3 St. Louis ..5 10 C Russell, Smith' and Connolly; Stiles and Ferrell. . ' H. H. E, Boston ; . ......,.. 2 8 -1 St! Louis ...5 8 : Q -Durham and Heving! Collins and Manion. Oats, wheat, barley and rye are recommended as winter pastures to supplement livestock feed cut short by drouth. ' ; ' Kentucky gardeners are mak ing -extensive 'experiments, with celery growing. . v inn mikes w Hi 6 Today's Bearcat Chance to Repeat Grows as Veterans Report; Passer, Punter yet Sought Prospects for a repetition of last year's Northwest con ference success on the part of Willamette university's foot ball machine, improved slightly Saturday when, a few more of the gridders who took Tirhifmnn !nf. Triankssrivino- field, some of them brinrinsr team mates were packing schoolO books and would show up pres ently. The squad will be prac tically In its final shape Monday. Indications now are mat most positions will be filled by exper ienced men as first stringers, but that reserves, as last year, will be larcrely inexperienced. More serious Is the lack of a seasoned nasser and punter. Engebretsen and cranor wia do soreiu missed, and a pass receiver or French's calibre also would not be greeted coolly. v The line will be slightly better off than the backfield, from present indications. Ackerman is back for his fourth year at center with Houck as an exper ienced understudy and Bowne representing the incoming class. Philpott, all-conference guard. reported late in the week. Whether Gottfried is coming back for the other guard posi tion is not yet known. Charles Gill is in town and -will be out soon. Reserves Lacking For Line Positions Keith Jones, who won all-con ference honors as a tackle, turned out Saturday, his Injured foot wholly recovered .but re porting some poundage loss dur ing the time It laid him up. Car penter, his running mate, Is re be on the. road leading to Salem. Bashor, a reserve who was listed as not coming back, was watching practice Sat urday and looking like the urge to don a suit would overcome him. Haldane, regular end. is out and Cardinal was said slated to report Monday. Tested reserves are totally lacking in this de partment. Coming to the backfield,- ex perienced men on hand are Lang. Gretsch and Deetz, last year's coterie of fullbacks; Don Fabre, speedy halfback who broke his leg in the Albany college game but appears to be entirely sound now: Eugene Ferguson, also a halfback who showed much speed a year ago; and Charlie DePoe, the only visible quarter back although Andy Peterson is reported to be preparing to turn out. If Andy does report, he will Just about settle the coach's worries about a passer. More Salem High Grads Turning ont That disposes of the tested material. An additional group of Salem high grads is now on band, including Wallace Hug, J1EST01 TIES NEW YORK, Sept. 13. (AP) Turning back the pages of history, George D. Widener's Jamestown today proved himself a champion worthy of his great sire St. James by winning the 41st running of the futurity and J 9 9,6 00 to clinch the 1330 wo year old title before a crowd of 30,000 that Jammed its way Into picturesque Belmont park. Packing the same crushing weight of 130 pounds carried by St. James in bis 1923 futurity triumph, Jamestown dashed down the seven furlongs of the Widener course in 1:20 3-5. Re sponding to the urging of Linus (Pony) McAtee in the final strides he gained a nose victory over Equipoise, his arch rival, which carried the silks of Harry Payne Whitney, who was seeking his second consecutive futurity victory Whichone won for Whit ney last year. Thirteen other colts and fil lies started in the blue ribbon classic ..tor juveniles, but from the final sixteenth pole on to the finish It was strictly a Jamestown-Equipoise dnel with the result in doubt until McAtee had let loose .with hl final lash of the whip, and Jamestown plunged over the lie, the win ner by narrowest of margins. Three lengths back in third place trailed A. C Bostwick's mate, ridden by lverne Fator, who claimed a foul against the winner but was turned down by tho stewards. Gigantic Blast To be set oft At Gravel pit Motorists today in tb vfeinft of the Oeder gravel pit oa theJ WnV Oil . "W ""w raua roaa may see alht, and emay get a bit frightened if they pass by at the right minute. For a big blast ing Job designed to loosen thous ands, of tons of rockr will be set off there. -. z Preparations for the gigantie blast, which will-be made from a tunnel 40 feet underground, have been nnde ay for days, and today's the day. Truckloads of powder, probably tho most ever used ;In one ; place ! the county, have been placed for the blast. . Jake RJsely is in-charge of tho rock, crusher.-. ; , Mississippi will have -100 com munity .fairs, 25 connty, fairs, six district fairs and one state expo sition this year. futurity mssic Game at Eugene tne cnampionsmp away irom day appeared on Sweetland word that still others of their f-iiwv and a punter who should make his mark in collegiate ranks. The squad has now swelled to number . 38 . players, roup wing is a list of.the freshman contin gent to date: Bill Bowne. saiem; mmerson Baldwin. Woodburn: Fred Blatcfeford. Salem; John Chip- ley. Grants Pass; Marvin Craw ford, Athena; Dave Drager, Sa lem: Willis Hershey, saiem; Frank Haley. Taeoma: Wallace Hug. Salem;. George Kohler, Sa lem; Wengel Keizer, Washougal; Robert Maine: Joe Biancnara; George Orkney, Raymond, Wash.: Julian Smith. Chemawa; Douglas Sinclair, Oakland, Calif.; Edgard Tweed, Silrerton; Miles Woodworth, Portland; Karl Weisser. Salem; Curtis Woolley, Salem. Business O AMUSEMENTS Salem Golf Course 2 miles south on River Drive. 18 how watered fair ways, large greens. Fees 75c, Sundays and holidays, $1.00. REETEE GOLF, driving practice, 20 balls for 10c. For men and wom en. Winter Garden. 333 N. High. AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry 13 Tears Salem's Leading 'Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1610 North Summer St. Telephone 611 AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES W. E. Burns Dan Burns. & High St at Ferry. Tel. 422 or 2300. BATHS Turkish baths and massage. S. H. TganTeJer)hon2HNewBnJc BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton National Batteries Starter and generator work. 202 South High. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles and repairing: 387 Court. The best in bicycles and repairing. H. W. Scott, 147 S. Com'). Tel. 8. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 110. R. E. Northness. FURNACES and chimney cleaned and repaired by expert furnace man. I use steel brushes and a vacuum cleaner. 5 yra. experience. Call 2838J. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. O. L. SCOTT. YSC. Chlronractor. 25C N. High. TeL 87. Res. 2104TJ. DRS. SCOFIELD. Pahn Chiro practors. 20-Ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg. MAGNECTJC treatments for neuri tis, gas, flu, etc Will call at the home by request. TeL 2079-W. 330 N. High. CHOOSE chlropfatio as a career NOW. See Dr. W. J. Dobbin, offi cial representative of the Pacific Chiropractic College, at his office on nnff.tate. Tel 451 Tor appointment. CLEANING SERVICE Center St Valeteria. TeL 2227. Stand. Cleaners A Dyers. Call 1433. CLOTHING Monroe Suits $22.50. All wool band tailored. Cj. W. Johnson It Co. ELECTRICIANS HALTK ELECTRIC CO. 4(1 .North Front St. Tel. No. 2. FLOOR CONTRACTING FLOORS of all kinds sanded and finished. Olson Floor Co.. 170 Front. FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasions Olsen'a. Court A High St. Tejr, CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations. C. P. grelthaupt. florist. S12 Stats Street. TeL 80. . WE make up your flowers. Lutx. Florist, Uth a Market Tel. 124. FOOT SPECIALISTS FEATHERWEIGHT arch supports built from your impression. Earl W. Pierce Orthopedic- specialist. 778 Kerry gt. GARBAGE Saiem Scavenger. TeL 1(7 er 2230. Ie Garbs re Co.' TeL 15(1. HEMSTITCHING raEPLEWORK. lUrsaret's Stop, INSURANCE v WILLAMETTE IN& AGENCY - is .eluslTe Butteville. Arent r ' tie Maaonlq Bldg. r TeL OSS. tot8 ifggggl; m1? LAUNDRIES THE NEW PALEAI UUSDRT THT6 WPTTif t Auepoong). Z 2 8. HlgH JT"-Laundry Pure Material wnn Beits CHEMAWA INDIANS PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 13. (AP ) The Chemawa I n d 1 a a warriors bit the dust here today in a 13 Ao 7 defeat at the bands of Washington high school. The Indians scored first, liter ally walking In with a touchdown in the second period. Willard Jar vis, Washington captain, had call ed time out and he and his team mates aparently took it for grant ed the time out would be allow ed. They stood Idly by in mid field and watched Ray Meachant walk 0 yards to a touchdown. The Indians converted. The Col onels argued and threatened but the score stood. The minute men came back' fighting and, starting on their 59 yard line, reached the 11 yard line on a long pass. A series of plunges put the ball on the ono yard line, first down. Earle Pag ni, fullback, went through. Jar vis failed to convert. Washington scored again in the third period. In the final period the war riors advanced rapidly to the 13 yard line by the aerial route. They prepared for another pan but the final gun sounded before they could start the play. O Directory o MATTRESSES New spring-filled mattresses retail ed directly from frtorr to you. Capi tal City Bedding Co. Tel. 19. C03S North CapitoL GEO. C. WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, sewing "niachines, sheet music and piano studies Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 43 J State street, Salem. OFFICE SUPPLIES Everything In office supplies. Com mercial Boole Store, 163 N. Com t TeL 64. PAINTING PAINT NOW before the rains start. Call me and I will go over your painting needs and give estimate f cost. Also papering, kalsomining. Ii J. Reason Phone 205 l-W. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN ADAMS for lio decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general "repair work. Graber Bros., 166 So. Liberty. TeL SO. PLUMBING & SUPPLIES Mesher Plumbing Supply Co.. 171 S. Commercial TeL J70S. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind .f printing, call at Th Statesman Print ing Department, 215 S. CdmmerciaL Telephone 500. " RADIO FOR every purpose, for every Burea All standard sizes of Radiogiffiebeiu EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP; 34T WIUII DC. A t'l. 599. REPAIRING LAWN mowers eharpened, saw filing-, keys, etc Stewart, 251 Court. STEAMSHIPS - Steynship reservations. Salem Tra vel Agency, 17S S. High. Tel. 834. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing; Stoves r sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and insi iKtsneia ana nooxa, logan ooks. Salem Fence and Stov Wnrir 22 Chemeketa street R. B. Fleminir TAILORS D. H. ' MOSHER Tailor for and women. 474 Court St TOP and BODY WORK Top, body and fender repairs, au tomobile painting.- Knowles Top Body Shop. 272?. High. Tel. 84S TRANSFER Stfte St. TeL J3. Distributing, re warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. - P0R Aoc1.or distant transfer stn age. call 11 11 Trm.. tv. . Trucks to Portland daily. Willamette Valley Transfer Co.. long distance hauling-. J daily trips Salem to Portlnnit. irw. Trade. Tel. 1400. WASHING MACHINES WASHING machine repairing, all makea..TeL 2218. o ; o Real Estate ; Directory i. EP?' ' &ENDRICKS 18 K. High . v TeL 11 ... S. M. EARLE S2 N. HlghUBt. TeL 224 2 , .7" ' J. LINCOLN ELLIS (S State v;...iy ; - TeL 3C1 R9?f? FOSTER REALTY- CO. S70Vi State, St-,-; - TeL 842 ; P?: GRABENHORST CO. . e a, UDerty st TeL si L ilSOTOLOFSKT A SON IQ4- First KaC Bk. Bldg. TeL 9'. H lOnnnwrcial TeL 1354 r, r wood J HI EUte sw TeL 73 - -"A ", " 1 -Lepoone sits Mi Broadway