The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 13, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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- If your copy of The
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if i
Unsettled, probably raini
today and Sunday; mild.
Max. tempera tare Friday
60; min. S3; north wind;
river -a.7; rain .01.
Solam fiwirnii Qifnrilvir ItrnwiM CWunlm 14 1Q4A t am
Report he Would be Exiled
Refuted as Ex-President
Remains on Cruiser off
Buenos Aires Harbor
New Government Planning
To Take Action, Indicated
As Expected Transfer to
Steamer is Delayed
(AP) (Saturday) The gov
eminent this mo mi r Issued an
official communiqsflk 4n which
it was stated Drr Hipolitio Iri
gojen, deposed president of
this country. Is under arrest
and will not be allowed to
abandon the Argentine. He is
at present ou the cruiser Gen
eral Belgrano in Buenos Aires
roads outside the harbor.
(AP) The status Jtf Hipolito Ir
Igoyen, deposed president of the
Argentine republic, tonight was
as much a matter of speculation
an it has been In the six days
since he waS overthrown from the
seat directing the destinies of this
Two ministers of General Jose
Francisco Uriburu's provisional
cabinet told the Associated Press
today the aped former executive
was still in Argentine waters
aboard the cruiser Belgrano on
which he was placed yesterday
and that he was under arrest.
This was in answer to reports
that he would be landed in the
neighboring nation of Uruguay
food, or that he would be trans
ferred to a stcamsr bound for
Sanchez Sorondo, minister of
the interior, disclosed that Iri
goyen was under arrest when ask
ed about the reports concerning
the transfer to Uruguay or to a
steamer heading for Europe. He
said the cruiser was about two
hours' steaming from the port of
La Plata and would remain there
to await orders, but added the
government goon would reveal
what measures would be taken
against the former president and
other political prisoners.
Rear Admiral Abel Renard,
who as minister of marine con
trols the movements of the Bel
grano, told the Associated Press
tonight that the former president
still was aboard the cruiser "sub
ject to an order I have received
from the minister of the inter
ior." QQdn
TORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 12
(AP) Willamette valley fruit
shippers will be represented at
the interstate commerce commis
sion hearing on freight rates on
fruit in San .Francisco next week'
-by 0. C. Bortzmeyer, of the Ore
- gon public service commission,
andW, P. Ellis, attorney for the
eonfntission. .Clyde Atchison will
conduct the hearing.
"Bortzmeyer said the rate on
Willamette valley fruit, particu
larly pears, recently was advanced
from $1.60 a hundred pounds to
11.75 to middle western and
eastern points. Attempts will be
made to have the old rates re-established.
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 12
(AP) B. P. Bonhani, district
immigration jjirector, said to
day deportakm proceedings had
been instituted against 11 men
who were arrested Wednesday,
while attempting to hold an al
leged communistic meeting.
Among the group Is Iamb
Mitseff, self -admitted secretary
and leader of the communis
tarty in Portland.
'- BEND, Ore., Sept. 12 (AP)
A committee from the Bend Ki
wanis club announced today Its
plans to obtain from the city a
tract of land to be used for a
high school athletic field. The
field would provide a gridiron,
baseball diamond and a track.
Tbe committee will ask Abe
school board to include 41000 in
Its next budget for clearing and
grading th field, the student bo-
. idy funds will provide fundi to
Imtld bleachers a&d a track.
" City Manager C. G. Reiter and
s fnerabert ol Jho commissionbaTe
expressed ; a willingness to deed
the land to the school district. i
it - Ttwx-fi Ore- Sent. 12 (AP)
IJusUce of tbo Peace C. T.
K SJerrilL owner miniatare
-f Igolf course, wants his jjtrona
Many Reported Injured but
No Known Deaths Occur
In Wichita last
Thousand Quarts of Nitro
In Magazine, Report;
Suspect Thieves
WICHITA, Kas., Sept. 12.
(AP) The Du Pont ponder -magazine
near Wichita Heights, a
small oil field town, nine miles
north of here exploded tonight,
rocking towns and Tillages with
in an area of 50 miles. All lines
of communication with Wichita
Heights were out of commission
and reports of expected casualties
and damage were not immediately
JackO'Flaherty, manager of the
Du Pont Powder company here,
said approximately 1,000 quarts
of nitroglycerine were stored in
the powder magazine. The maga
zine was in an isolated spot about
half a mile from Wichita Heights.
Approximately 125 oil field
workers and their families lire in
Wichita Heights. Reports receiv
ed here said several persons had
been dangerously injured, but not
deaths had been reported.
All available ambulances here
were dispatched to the scene pi
the explosion.
Thieves Possibly
Responsible, Word
O'Flaherty said he had receiv
ed mumerous complaints recently
that persons had been stealing ex
plosives from the magazine and
he expressed belief someone may
have kicked over a bottle of nitro
glycerine in the powder house.
The explosion, persons who
went to the scene reported, ex
cavated a hole in the earth 20
feet deep and 30 feet ini diameter.
The force of the blast tore down
all telephone lines in the neigh
borhood and windows in nearby
farm houses were shattered.
Searchers found bits of metal
scattered around the pit of the
excavation leading to a belief a
motor car may have been blown
to pieces. No bodies were discov
ered. Officers advanced a theory that
thieves after robbing the powder
magazine may have deliberately
touched off the remain explosives
to cover traces of their theft.
Last 6 Bodies
Found in Mine
BLAKEBURN. B. C, Sept. 12.
(AP) The hazardous work of
recoveries' of bodies of 45 men
killed in the explosion of the
Blakeburn mine here was com
pleted today, one month lacking
a day .since the disaster. The last
six bodies were found after water
was pumped out of the No. 6
Fruit Shippers to Meet
Will Deport Communists
- Plan New Athletic Field
Warms Minitaure Golfers
to be conifoHablc.
' The nights here now are un
comfortably cool and Tcrrill
has built a mammoth fireplace
at one side of the golf course.
The fireplace takes ten-foot
pine logs and radiates heat well
but over the coarse.,
PO'RTLAND, Ore., Sept. 12
(AP) C. J. Buck, regional for
ester, announced today George L.
Drake, assistant in the depart
ment of forest management of the
regional forest service, would re
sign September 30 to accept a po
sition with the Simpson logging
company, Shelton, Wash.
'ASTORIA, Ore., Sept. 12
(AP) Oscar Salo, chief mate on
the steamer Peter Helms, and
Gene Roggemanas, seaman, were
In a local hospital today receiv
ing treatment for injuries suffer
ed while fighting a fire aboard
their ship.
The Peter Helms put out to
sea Wednesday and when eighty
miles out fire was discovered in
her hold; She returned to As
toria and tonight the fire was vir
tually extinguished. The ship
was not materially ' damaged, re
ports said, but part of her car-J
go was ruined.
LAKEBIEW, Ore., Sept. 12
(AP) D. W. pmlth, Lakevlew
taxi driver, and Willlanr A. Hick-
tXTarnar vallttr rancher. UK
under arrest here In connection
with a '.raid on the M. u. ranca
in Warner valley last Wednesday
morning. The. raiders -3h6t sev
eral bead of cattle and. a mnla
and when they left tacked a Pc-.
ture of Bill Cox, alleged feorse
thief, on tbe gate.
Smith has admitted taking a
party of men to the ranch shortly
before the raid but be has refused
to give the names of the men, A
watch belonging to Hiekey : was
rnnnd on the nath br which tbe
raiders retreated when attacked j
by ranch employes. ,
Will it be This way Today
" t, V, i 4S cv;, ; . '
riff " 1 feTs iV0. vv v ; ffA'ij t V: :
: v -, 4 1 v y A ' - - -x J -k 4 ' 4 -1 x x
ijHV't 1" - ' ' V - ;,x I- NvA
a"'"Iiiii'!iii iiywui iwrsapMiiMliir'rtlatinjMNhwiii h' '
- - ynj'ii'-'iY-' it'1 -'i ;riow'tf'"
If it is old Sir Thomas TJpton will be disappointed, for the yacht In the lead Is the American defender,
the Vaiiderbilts Enterprise, and the one behind Is Sir Tom's Shamrock V. They were snapped in an
impromptu race several days ago on the course over which they will sail today in the America's cup
Popular Sentiment Rides With
Sir Thomas and Shamrock V in
Race for Amer dan's Cup Today
Howls at Cape Lookout but
Passes out to sea and
Causes no Deaths
RALEIGH, N. C, Sept 12
f AP) Striking with sudden fury
at Cape Lookout, 15 miles from
the port of Beaufort, a tropical
hurricane howled up.the North
Carolina coast this afternoon, but
was believed to have passed out
to sea tonight without causing
loss of life.
The full force of a 120-mile an
hour wind from the southwest
buffeted the Cape Lookout vicin
itv at S D.m.. demolishinr a doz-
pn hnildinrs and damaeinc the
coast guard headquarters slight
ly. Inhabitants of tne vicinity
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
GENEVA, Switzerland, Sept.
12 (AP) The League of Na
tions assembly reviewed its past
year's work today and found the
movement for coopxation in the
economic field, launched 12
months ago, has many defeats to
mourn and no great victories to
celebrate. .
Spokesmen for various coun
tries, following each other before
the international gathering of
statesmen, are agreed Europe is
in a state bordering on economic
anarchy, and some Joint remedial
effort is a -vital need for world
peace and prosperity.
The assembly was told by Us
own leaders that atteaapts at a
tariff truce had failed? customs
barriers. Instead of crumbling ac
tually had grown more formid
able in several states, and contin
uation of the growth of its pro
tectionist spirit was threatening
to drive the few remalnig free
trading nations into adopting a
high tariff policy which all loud
ly deplored.
Students Will
Make Study of
B Penology Here
NE, Ore., Sept
(AP)- Students I the Univer
sity of Oregon law school thij
fall and winter will make a com
prehensive survey of Oregon pen
al institutions under , the direc
tion of Professor Wayne L. Morse,
who during the past year has eon
ducted investigations of the
grand Jury system in theUnited
States.r. ,. . .."4.
The study will begin September
IS and the results will be pre
sented to the next Oregon legis
lature. ' '!
The survey will consist . of
three steps. The first a
study of the legal processes In
each case. Then a study of Xbe
social history of each case" will, be
made and last, a psychiatric stu
dy in order to determine the best
methods of punishment and car
But Cold Calculation Makes Enterprise 2 to 1
Favorite;. May be Lipton's Final
Attempt to Lift "Old Mug"
NEWPORT, It. I., Sept. 12. (AP) Shamrock V and En
terprise, the house of Lipton and the house of Vander
bilt, British seafaring; skill and American nautical ingenu
ity, emerald-hued sentiment and white-hulled efficiency;
these comprise the apparent ingredients of the naval clas
sic of the year the sailing; race for America's cup. most
prized of the world yachting tro-s
phies, in the series starting to-
morrow nine miieB southeast of
Brenton reef lightship.
Sticking closely to the facts,
it's a race between Sir Thomas
Llpton's Shamrock V, flying the
birgee of the Royal Ulster yacht
club of Belfast, Ireland, and the
Vanderbilt - Aldrich syndicates
Enterprise, chosen representative
of the cup-holding New York
yacht club, whose roster of mem
bers reads like a substantial por
tion of who's who in America.
Actually and from the view
point of the popular interest
manifested, the race represents
probably the last bid of the gal
lant old Irish baronet, a prince
amoBg sportsmen, to lift the
"old mug" that he has sought
in vain since Shamrock I went
down to defeat before the fast
flying Columbia in 1899.
Fourteenth Race of
International Series
This is the fourteenth renewal
of the British-American yachting
rivalry that sprang from tbe vlc-
tory of the schooner America
around the Isle of Wight in
1851; the fifth successive British
challenge sponsored by the 80
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
Riders set
New Mark; -Tire
BILVKRTON, Sept. 12. (Spe
cial) ATter setting a world rec
ord for endurance bicycle riding
at 11 o'clock this forenoon, Sil-
verton's quartet of riders suc
cumbed to the flat tire menace at
4 p. m. .today. The puncture oc
curred at 3 .o'clock but the boys
kept on going on the flat 'until 4.
Their record is 507 hours, five
more han the previous mark of
502 hours set by a California
The local team started riding
August 22 and tbe wheels of
new bicycle were never idle from
that time 'until the test was ter
minated this afternoon.
Billy Gates was riding when
the puncture occurred. Others in
the group were Jean Hobart, Lou
is Patterson and Billy Kleeb.
GO. P. Central
' Committee Wilk
Select Nominee
V PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 12
(API Floyd A. Cook, chairman
of Republican State Central com
mittee, today issued a call for
the committee to meet to nomi
nate a candidate on the party
ticket for the vacancy, on the su
preme court left by the death of
Thomas A. McBride.
; The meeting is to -be held at
the Portland public library at It
a. m., September 20.
at Newport?
(AP) Prohibition continued to
command attention today in the
capital with Senator Burton K.
Wheeler saying conditions under
it had forced him to the opinion
that the eighteenth amendment
had failed.
The Montana democrat recall
ed having voted for the dry law
in his state. He advocated leav
ing liquor traffic regulations to
each state. Aside from his pre
pared statement, he predicted the
democratic party would nominate
an opponent of prohibition in
F. Scott McBride, superinten
dent of the anti-saloon league,
said his organization had "never
counted Burton Wheeler as a
"This is simply a case of a wet
changing his mind as a wet is in
yine with the views of Chairman
(Ttaskob and other party leaders
whom he has supported before,"
he said, "it is no loss from the
dry standpoint that I know of."
McBride said the newly an
nounced stand of Governor
Franklin D. Roosevelt of New
York brought "the wet issue into
rthe next political campaign."
"In view of the fact he has
been mentioned as a possible can
didate," he said, "it looks -as if
he makes the statement to clar
ify his position as a candidate."
Gasoline Jumps
JOne Cent, Ruled
By Standard Oil
(AP) The Standard Oil com
pany of California today announ
ced an Increase of one cent a gal
lon In tbe price of gasoline, ef
fective at the opening of business
Monday, September 15.
Effective September 15, at 7
a. m., prices offered by the com
pany for" crude oil of averaga
grade will be reduced from
eight cents to 12 cents a barrel,
the announcement said. Tbe de
tailed schedule of the new prices
Will be issued later.
The retail price of gasoline in
the San Francisco district will be
21 tents in the future Instead of
20. Tbe wholesale rate is four
cents under the retail rate.
, Charged with giving a check;
without sufficients funds, H. TJ.
Hendricksou. 172 South Cottage
street.' u arrested vesterdaT hv
Officer Kuykendau.
Praise of Pioneer Jurist is
Voiced by Coshow; Many
Friends Present
Extent of Floral Offerings
Reflects Widespread
Esteem of Public
Near , the rostrum of the state
legislative hall where so many
times he had administered the
oath of office to legislative offi
cials and to governors, lay the
body of Justice Thomas Allen Mc
Bride yetserday while hundreds of
friends from all walks of life,
gathered there to pay final tribute
to Oregon's grand old man of the
As would have been requested
by the late jurist, the funeral
services were simple but impres
sive. Huge banks flowers piled
on either side of the casket and
on the rostrum at the rear, at
tested in a degree the high esteem
in which Justice McBride was
held by his thousands of friends
and acquaintances. These tributes
came from all parts of the state
and distant cities.
Tribute is Paid
By Chief Justice
"Tom McBride, as a host "of
friends delighted to call him, fill
ed many, public offices," said
Chief Justice Coshow of the state
supreme court in his eulogy. "He
served his native state long and
well. He represented hl district
In the legislature, and served his
judicial district as prosecuting at
torney for 10 years. He was cir
cuit Judge of his district from
1892 to 1909, and justice of the
state supreme court from 1909
until his death.
"As a legislator In his early
manhood he displayed the quali
ties of statesmanship. His attitude
was always courteous to hla col
leagues whether political friends
or foes. His brief experience in
the legislature won fcim friends
who have highly esteemed him a
Made Good Record
As Proescutor
"As prosecutor he was impar
tial, faithful, able. He was vigil
an.t, vigorous, but not vindictive.
His keen Insight into human na
ture enabled him to try cases with
more than average success. He
thoroughly mastered the elements
of law, and his rich endowed in
tellect enabled him to discern the
truth from the false, and sham
from the sincere. He was there
fore, a successful prosecutor. Ho
prosecuted, never persecuted.
"As a circuit judge he was de
liberate, practical and tactful. His
understanding of human nature
enabled him to weigh evidence
with discrimination. He hesitated
not to rebuke crlma and wrong
doing, sometime even harshly, but
his kindly sympathetic nature al
ways influenced him to temper
justice with mercy. He had the
courage to do his whola duty,
however distasteful.
Career on Supreme
Bench Notable
"As justice of the state supreme
court his career is notable. For
more than a score of years he la
bored assiduously. His last opin
ion was written after the court
had recessed for the Bummer va
cation. That opinion was written
laboriously in Ion? hand, was
transcribed and handed down last
Tuesday morning.
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Seaman Killed,
Companion Held
As Tale Doubted
HOUSTON, Tex., Sept. 12.
(AP) Shot through the chest
and beaten over the head, the
body of H. H. Myhrs, a seaman
said to have lived "on the west
coast" was found in a ditch near
here today.
Clinton Kinney of New Or
leans, a sator, was charged with
murder in connection with the
slaying, although he claimed he
and Myhrs were held up and
Myhrs was killed by highway
men. Dishevelled and excited, Kin
ney rushed into a police station
this morning, crying that he and
Myhrs had been stopped in their
automobile by two white men
and a negro, that the white men
had .driven away with Myhrs
while the negro guarded him and
that presently. the white men re
turned in a bloodstained auto
mobile without Myhrs. He was
permitted to leave, he said, and
hurried to the police.
Bee Sting Fatal
To Ohio Farmer
Sept. 12 (AP) Paul Smith.
51, farmer, died late today, a halt
hour after being stung by a bee.
Stung while gathering apples.
Smith became unconscious short
ly after reaching his house, and
died soon after a physician ari
rived. '
Two months ago " Smith was
stung by a bee and was uncon
scious for several hours. ' .Physi
cians' for a time thought him
dead but revived him.' '-
Albany man, Judge of Circuit Court in Marion and Limis
.Chosen by Governor Norblad as Successor to Thomas
A. McBride; Will Hold Office Until January When
Elected Justice Will Take Over Position '
Promotion Leaves Place to
tion Concerning Appointment Grows as Possible Nom
inees are Mentioned; Willard Marks Talked but Signs
Point to L. G. Llewellyn, District Attorney
Judge Percy R. Kelly of Albany was appointed asso
ciate justice of the supreme court in succession to the late
Judge Thomas A. McBride by
ion county now has one judge, Judge L. H. McMahan.
The appointment of Judge Kelly to the supreme court
will cover the time until January, 1931. In the November
O election a justice will be elected
vote on our w
LONGVIEW, Wash., Sept. 12.
(AP) Senator Wesley L.
Jones, sponsor of the stringent
"5 and 10" law against prohibi
tion violators said today he
would feel justified in working
for submission to the people for
direct action of a congressional
proposal for modification or re
peal of the 18th amendment if
such a request were made by the
people of his state.
He reaffirmed his faith in the
dry cause by adding "I would do
everything I could to Induce the
people to reject" a change in the
The statement was made in a
letter to John Rae, Tacoma, a
contributing editor to the Long
view News. Rae had asked Sen
ator Jones to declare his position
in view of the recent defeat of
Congressman John F, Miller, a
dry, in the primaries by Ralph
A. Horr, outspoken wet.
"If the people of the state of
Washington want the 18th
amendment repealed" or modi
fied, the method as I understand
it," he wrote, "would be either
by a resolution of the state leg
islature asking that the question
of the repeal or modification be
submitted to them, or by refer
endum brought about regularly
In accordance with the provision
of our law."
WARSAW, Sept. 12. (AP)
Restrictive measures decreed by
Marshal Joseph Pllsudstki since
he reassumed power as premier
recently have caused tension
throughout the country and for
eign observers see indicatiobs Of
trouble Sunday.
Salem Heights-Liberty
Bus Starts Next Week
J. S. Sleighter of Salem has an
nounced that beginning Monday,
September 15, he will operate a
bus line which will sdrve the Sa
lem Heights and Liberty districts.
Passengers in these districts will
be picked up as far as the cUy
limits and from there it will be a
straight run down to tha city.
All passengers destiaeiPpuUide
of the city limits will be aken on
at the regular loadin? sono- st
the corner of State and Soulh'i
During fair week Sleighter In
tends to make runs throughout
rfce day to the fairgrounds - for
which a ten cent tare will be col
lected. To State street a fir cent
fare will be asked.
The contemplated schedule Is
as fotlows: Four trips to Liberty
dally,' arriving -there 7:30 and
8:S aV m. and 5:30 and C:30
P. m. u - .'
. Tbeearly morning bus will leave
Salem Heights achool at C:30 a,
m. and every half hour thereaft
er until t a. m.; then op tbe hour
until 4 p. m., after that every
half hour until 7 p.- m. Leaves
TJ. S. National bank building on
the quarter hour.
be Filled Here and Specula
Governor Norblad Friday aft
ernoon. Judge Kelly is well known
in Salem, having served as judge on
the circuit bench here and in Linn
county which comprise the third ju
dicial district since 1911. His ap
pointment leaves a vacancy on the
circuit bench which must be filled
by the appointment of the governor.
No intimatien was given out by the
governor's office as to who would
be named as circuit judge. It is an
ticipated in Salem that some Albany
attorney will be selected since the
district is a joint district and Mar
for the remainder of the Mc
Bride term. The appointment
of Judge Kelly U regarded in
local circles as one which will
meet with the approval of the
republican state central commit
tee which has the ta$k of nomi
nating a candidate f$r the va
cancy. Should Kelly be nomi
nated and elected, he will then
complete the McBride term of
two years.
Kelly Native
Of Albany
The new member of the su
preme 'court is a native of Al
bany, born there July 13, l$7e.
He was educated in the Albany
schools and graduated in tae
class of 1887 from Albany col
lege. Admitted to the bar June
3, 1892, he engaged in the prac
tice of law in his -native city.
He served as state senator
from Linn county in the special
session of IS 98 and in the regu
lar sessions of 1899 and 1S01.
In the last session he was chair
man of, the Judiciary committee.
In Albany he has served as city
attorney, and member of tbo
school board. He is a Mason.
As circuit Judge sitting ia
Marion county Judge Kelly is
well and favorably known in Sa
lem, and his friends here are
pleased to see his promotion to
the higher court He has pre
viously been a candidate for the
office at different times but
failed of winning at the pells.
Political gossip haa previously
given Judge Kelly a chance at
securing the appointment from 4
rCovernor Norblad, and the got-'
sipers followed up with selecting
Willard Marks for the place ea
the circuit bench. Marks is a
leading lawyer and prominent
politician of Albany.
This dope in other weli in
formed circles received scant
credence, owing to the fact that
Marks was not a Norblad sup
porter fn the primaries: ate
Marks has other political ambi
tions on the point of being sat
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
Salem Heights and Liberty ara
well pleased that bus service is f
be resumed and are In tbe mind
to aupport and cooperate with Mr.
Sleighter in every way possible.
Since the Oregon Stages suddenly
topped service and left this dis
trict in the lurch, people fcavo
been getting rides to the city lim
its as best they could now all
car owners are nromlsinar M tn
picl anyone up on the way to
Town, so as to turn as much rev
enue as there is to the new bus
Sleighter states that after bo
gets the line in operation there
might bo some small changes In
his schedule as regards the htr
and half hour service, will -determine
later according to traffla
Just when to drep back on tbo.
hourly schedule as there are two.
periods during the day when traf
fic will be light. - .
It Is repoyted that there baa
been movement from some scarce
to discourage the new operator,
but this community Intend to
stand by the new man to the last
ditch la Its patronage. Extra trips
will bo made throughout the day
during fair week. ' -;