" lilt OREGON STATESMAN, Salcn, Oregon, Wednesday Homing, BpUabcr 10, 1930 , ' PAGB SEVEN mnn I fl nnn nnn mil i H 1 ! , . t - Iranians nnnnnnrft " 5 lifli1! AH Departments of West Salem Church Planning For Rally day WEST SALEM. Sept 9 At Forfl Memorial ehureta Sandaj. the pastor, Rev. If. A. Groves conducted both the morning and evening service. His subject In the morning vai "cheerful tir ing" and tn the evening, Our daily bread." The current event topic wag "Three candidates for governor." A special musical treat was a violin solo by Mr nd Mrs. P. Feelke. The Women's Foreign Mission ary society will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. eLster De Lapp, at 1863 North front street. Salem, Wed nesday, Sept. 10. All departments of the church are planning great things for Rally day which is to be held Sunday, October 5. It is hoped that date may be a real "go to church" Sunday in West Salem. The pastor is hoping for a 100 per cent attendance of church members and suggests that all bear the date in mind and nlan to come before and becom ac quainted with the plans tor Rally nay. The Bov Scouts will meet thin evening at seven o'clock in the 1 - M. E PICKING IS IT SOBI SUNNTSIDE, Sept. 9. Prune picking will start this week In several orchards of this vicinity. The prunes are a moderate crop this year. Miss Neva Gregg of Red lands, California, sister of C. R. Gregg, 'is spending the summer at the Gregg home. Mr. and Mrs. N. V. King, and daughter, Virginia, of Walla Wal la, are visiting at the home of the brother, G. T. Heckart. Miss Helene Gregg has returned to Glendale, Oregon, where she has a position as instructor in the nigh school. C. H. Taylors are installing a sew water system in preparation tor the coming prune season. Lancefield Boys - Accept Eastern Appointments AMITY, September 9 Robert and Stuart Lancefield. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Linn Lancefield left Monday for eastern cities. Roberts, a '30 graduate from West Point, in the class of 1930. went to Kansas City, Missouri where he has been stationed for two years in the office of the United States engineers PHI Oil Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE HORIZONTAL. 1 once more 5 discharge from a sore 7 -market 11 shooting star 18 dwelling places 16 man's name 18 become mature 18 irl's name 19 perform" 0 distributes the cards in a game 11 ufCx f- denoting the com parative degree 12 narrow roads 15 rigid piece capable of turning about its fulcrum 18 amnio 9 begins r tl chopping tool 82 negative $ the thorn apple 17 confide i the truth ef ,. . 19 founds tions II fails 42 armed - combat 43 fine lavs thrown out by a volcano 45 small point 47 by 48 seek laboriously for in formation 41 note of the scale 50 sturdy S3 Hebrew queen II allowance for waste , or refuse ST title of respect IS at this place 1 I2 ? H hS I I6 I6 I l' Ms, '! JLM'L" IT 3V Tt U 36 37 3d " 3 P v p " p w1 w J6- "Herewith is tha solution to yes tsrdsy's puxxle. FOR ROC is tlsi N Seminssty cXSU BentUct Abbey Is Progressing MT. ANGEL, SepC 9. The work oa the aew sen iaary building at Bt, Bene dict Is progressing rapidly.. The steel tinssi for the roof are tm place, sad tha laying off the tOe off the roof only awaits the completion or the brick work, which fa abovt two-thirds done. The new bwUdiag is off the same general dcs'gn as the monastery building. Stuart will attend PnlnmM, university in New York. Ho was a 1930 CTtnaa a TX7a.(.. high school at Portland, and re- wnou me Bcnoiarsnip wnicnne will use at Columbia. II OREGON SUMMIT HILL, Sept 9. Dr. D. D. Craig and family, Mrs. Grace Cates of St. Helens, and Mrs. Gladys Mason of Cleveland, Ohio, both sisters of Dr. Craig. drove out from Salem Heights end spent Sunday afternoon at the Booth place. Mrs. Cates and Mrs. Mason have spent several weeks touring the west, visiting Yellowstone park. Bricer canyon and many other Interesting spots. Mrs. Msson has a real dairy ranch of several hundred acres just outside of the city of Cleve land. Forty three acres of this place is sugar bush, yielding hundreds of gallons of maple syrup. One most sit spellbound and listen to Mrs. Mason tell of the detail workings of her ranch yet the writer heard her remark, "I would like to sell out and come to Oregon." inns GUESTS CLOVERDALE. Sept. 9. Mrs. Fred Schifferer entertained her aunt and family from Portland, and her brother Fred Major and family of Macleay on Tuesday. Mrs. M. Fllflet and daughter Palma of Salem spent several days here last week. Mrs. Earl Hedges and children left here Thursday for eastern Oregon, where she will teach this winter and the children will at tend school. Irvin Hedges employe of the warehouse at Monmouth until i cently is here with his parents. Ivan Hartley is carrying the mail on route 2 while Mr. Gun ning Is away on his vacation. Mrs. Hattle Busick r Salem ac companied by friends from Seattle were calling here Sunday. Mrs. J. N. Robertson and Miss Robertson of Salem were enter tained by Mrs. Jay Cook Sunday, Glen Garner has harvested a heavy crop of evergreens. SHEFFER VERTICAL. , 1 among 2 essential ofl of orange flowers t Greek letter 4 plural pronoun 5 person ordained to the pastoral office e hard outside coverings 7 letter of the Greek alphabet 8 character created by Ibsen aeveweweweWMMAAM 9 go back 10 tifle of former Russian rulers 12 command 14 assault 17 parent 23 incarna tion 24 connectiol 26 weather cocks 27 wore away 28 performed 80 habitual drunkard 84 one who abates nuisance 85 peruses 88 one's resources J7 wise 88 flowers 89 compound Isomeric with another 512 smaU growth on ' the skin itHouse ef Lords Yabbr.): . 48 Secome fatigued Ifexist 12 Utah iabbf.1 for theriam EB1H mm BE K 1 1 1 nti I pi I B iRinnff a (u m h swu ii i.i i ii n ii i 4 Af I nijiio viuim rvvtns mrnni w nnrirlbsst Turner-Marioir Road Im provement has Made Rapid Progress TURNER, Sept. 9. The pav ing crew on the Turner-Marion road, will complete the distance they win pave this fall, south of the Crawford school house, fey the middle of the week unless they are hindered by rain. Kenneth Hickok, of Portland, was in Turner Sunday. He will be the commercial teacher in the Turner high school the coming year. D. B. Parsk who has worked in the flsxedepartment at the state penitentiary during the de livering season, has accepted the position as guard. Nellie Savage, who has bc:n spending a large part of her sum mer vacation with her aunt, Mrs. O. P. Givens returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Savage, Jr., at Bremerton. Washington, the first part of the week, to be ready to enter school. Petty dale Group Enjoys Meeting PERRTDAL7. Sept . Friday evening tbe Woman's Missionary society held open -meeting. A fine program was presented and en joyed very much. After the meeting adjourned everyone was ushered outside. where watermelon was served and a general good time was enjoyed. SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 2 BETHANY. Sept. 9. The opening date of the Bethany school hss been set for Septem ber 22, according to announce ments made this week. Mrs. Mabel Towe and Mrs. Stewart McClnre, both of whom hare taught here for a number ot years, will teach again this year. Mrs. Towe's home is in the 811- verton hills' district and Mrs. McClure lives in the Brush Creek district. MICKEY MOUSE ( GET TUESeT V HANDCUFFS OFF AAT- I LOST TWC TWIS RUNT AROUND Ue A BALL AN" CWAIMt "POLLY AND HER A BALLANXVrl.. ) hu Kn- yJ- ii .iaii - Lirorv: a WM L J i.1 1.1 BMb AND I'AA tawing OH- 1 LWKAT 0JR KAMEr, 'Z&wjf t bUsfc3 LADV LOOK Mfi 00 iJ$ Y 'S&Z' j ' LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY fSPv lMtilHlltitif O0 UB TO -Wft ffOHSfe AN ILL-BRED LITTLE X" W 1 r4PB f J W GEB, X t WIGHT HAWtJx- 1 SHI OlO CT ON PURPOST-il 1 SAVyGB AMD VOU SHOULD I ' L p gt " TOOTS AND CASPER ma6axinh oob! lctt Mtf pead rr -to You: 'OURaUBtTOBS. MAV1M6- CAMPER Ai rr HOOTEt TT VCE LSfWn Sk Afl s A a. FvlLL. PEP AMD .Bctth apb a.m. IT.. I . J Vest SahemNees Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Bess drove to Newbnrg Sunday taking with them Mr. Hess's aunt, Mrs. M. C Caldwell ot St. Louis, Mo who has been their house guest. Mrs. Caldwell will spend some time with relatives tn Newbnrg before going on to Seattle where she win visit with friends and where she has property interests. From Se attle she will go to Los Angeles where she expects to make her home. The Texaco Oil company has rented and will operate the Rnge service station on Kiagwood Drive and Edgewater street. Mrs. Ben Creasey who has been visiting relatives here has re turned to Mlssonla, Moat., where she has been employed the last year in a restaurant A petition asking that George Chapman he appointed dry coun cilman Is being circulated in west ATTACK UDED WASHINGTON. Sent, t (AP) a. idnniltaneous attack br all of the American nations noon the problem created by farm proauc-i tion aanlnses was recommended I by Secretary Hyde here at the! inaugural ceremonies of the first Inter-American conference on agriculture and animal industry. Hvda asked tha dele rates to consider seriously International cooperation as a method ox cur ing the twin evils, over production and low prices. Hs stressed the necessity for governments and as sociations throughout this hemi sphere to realise that a program of increasing production efficiency was "not in itself the answer to the farmers problem." Secretary Lamont later told the delegates the competitive trade forcM Itetween this nation and those of the south were generally over-estimated. He said the fairness which char acterized the trade between North PALS" - PRtl504T. m . I VTTA1 l-TV. Vsnrm awaits FARM SURPLUS M " C nui f CTT U I rh. Ttiroir urinra SPTV I I . . M "V r s J . HAir lliuur tta fW X.-A -.w.r.-iii-r 1 GET GOING I'M fl ??SSCS. I 1 1 f KNOW Mt BUT O0 SOON . JT. 7' , I L vO KgSJ GOT GOOD 1 1 r, JsH d anxious to set I PmffiSS. 2D l&m wn... Kv (( J-L, rr Kft WW foq mdu wviicKev-s k i J VW f BONt? TOawCR" WE'LL & 0 Slk J rt? v-i i?tt WvA' 6E-T in plant, and f n K f tvmM tfLUlf I' W - ' . . . I VS OU6rHT "TO &B. ; v . CMeCkAMr UPON TMH.f lM Tlt3EE ' INMAfnO JAU IM OtAY J lM-AB3AJr ' I CAMPER AWt )l a I L . S I M.irM aiivtiamM- 1 tMs.M-IT I ill I fTrjL szrv nirnun j 1 1 i i v 11 1 lArrHfJT i jgs v . - II o.T "S v Salem and has a long list o Hgn- Horsee X. Pattisem who has Just returned from Colfax. Wa., where he visited, friends and worked through the harvest sea son was the guest for several days of his mother, Mrs. Anna Pattlsoa and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pattison. He has gone to Milwau kee where he will teach the com ing year in high school. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith have moved from 1272 Third street to Woodhnrn where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pfeifanf with their granddaughter, little Mar garet Rose Green drove to Ger vals recently where they spent the day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pattison and Mrs. Anna Pattison. motored to Portland Saturday where they spent the afternoon shopping. and South America could be shown by the fact that 70 per cent of Latin American goods came into this .country duty free in X9ZS. Otegon Pioneet Dies at age 92 In Los Angeles LOS ANGELES. Sept. (AP) Mrs. Elisabeth J. Sweetman, 92, who traversed the Oregon trail from -Illinois, her birthplace, in a covered wagon with her parents in 18iS died early Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Will iam J. Gardner. Mrs. Sweetman came to Los An geles from Oregon after her mar riage in 1872 and lived for years in ah adobe house at Fifth and Hill streets, now the center of the puisnes district. Her husband, a cattleman, died several years ago, Mrs. Sweetman is survived by four daughters, Mrav Gardner, Mrs. Emma Ledbetter, Mrs. Lizxie Cud deback and Mrs. Mary Dosle, one son, John 7. Sweetman of Rlalto, 20 grandchildren, 25 great grand children, and nine great-great grandchildren. "An ace "The Eyes' 'The Hunan VALSEIZ UI IE iffi Critic Teacher Acts as Hostess for Small Lads and Lassies VALSETZ. Sept. . Mrs.. March played hostess to a num ber of children Friday afternoon. Mrs. March is the critic teach er tor the third and fourth grade and is loved by all the children. Those invited were Betty Rudy, Junior Davis. Lillian Da vis, Martin Rudy. LeU Morley. Billie Bartrom. Milton Ferguson, Bobby Bloyd. Dorothy Ann Hob son. Betty : Lane Babb, Reggie Turner. Mrs. March, three chil dren, Hatheran, Louise and Pat, also enjoyed the party. A very nice lunch brought the party to an end. Mrs. Dorrls Sandstrom re turned Saturday from a week's stay in Portland. - W. D. Barnett spent the week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fisher spent Saturday and Sunday with rela tires in Gasco. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Park and Mrs. Park's sister, Mary Kath rene Massie, returned from a va cation of a. week at Crater Lake. A grand time was reported. III DE W IDE LONE PINE, Calif.. 8ept. 9. (AP) A one day trip from the highest elevation to the lowest in the United States the 14.501 foot peak of Mount Whitney, to one of the lowest. Death Valley, which is below sea level, was re counted here by Normal Clyde, member of the Sierra Mountain club. Clyde" made the long descent yesterday in seven hours the first man to accomplish It be tween dawn and dusk. He hiked from the mountain peak down to this Owens Valley town in 8V4 of a guy Have it Dynamos!" 1 If ST II LDWFST "Flowers and Weeds" By BEN BATSFORD THEVRBIU CONFEREKICS. NOW, AND THEY LEFT nracr ORDER NOT TO BE. P13TURBE3; A Stressberty Shcrt Cckt Possible At Head Green HAZEL GREET, Sept. 0. B. CL 7.ieltusk1 and family re eajoying strawberry shortcake. Xfreir MarshaHs are having a surprise crop of Bice bon sue for se dry a se bourse. An automobile carried him to Death Valley, 270 feet be low sea level and SO miles east Of here, in another 8 hours. Clyde's descent took him through a temperature change of 88 degrees from two below freexlBg on the wind-swept peak to 118 degrees in the shade in Death Valley. MOO JOT TURNER, Sept. t Mr. and Mrs. Neal Edwards left Monday morning on a two weeks vacation trip. They will first go to the vi cinity of Harlan to enjoy a few days fishing. In the private lake ef a friend.. Mrs. Edwards fa ther, W. H. Carrigan, will meet them there. A norther ntrip wll then be taken. whien may extend to tne Canadian border. Mr. Edwards is employed in the flax department at the state penitlentiary. Mrs. Edwards li the intermediate teacher in the Turner school. GUESTS AT KIXGWOOI KTNGWOOD, Sept, 9 Over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Pinley Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. D. Dsttton and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dal ton, all of Santa Rosa. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dalton are newlyweds and are taking the trip as their honeymoon. They visited the parents of the two men at Medford on their way north. They went from here to Wenatchee, Wn., where they will visit other relatives before re turning to Santa Rosa. About 1.700 Georgia farm boys will attend 4-H elub camps this summer. mm GHAP HOSES TIFF HIKES OTTAWA. Sept, t. (AP) Upward revision of the Canadian tariff as a measure to relieve un employment and economic depres sion tn the dominion was forecast today in the message from the throne which opened a special session of the Canadian parlia ment. The session, convened specific ally to deal with unemployment heard the governor general read a tour-sentence speech in which amendments to the custom act and the customs tariff were men tioned as being expected te meet the usual conditions which now prevail. As the enunciation of the con servative party recently eame into control of the government, the governor generaTs speech, was regarded as conforming with the party's traditional advocacy of a high protective tariff. The first day's session was ad journed after Captain George Black, member from the Yukon, was elected speaker of the bouse of commons. Bids on Armory Are Opened at Cottage Grove COTTAGE GROVE. Ore., Sept. 9. (AP) A low bid of S42. 1S4.98 for the construction of a new armory here was ssbmitted by Stevens. Niblock and Lea bo. Cottage Grove, it was fount' day when the 12 Wd were (" ed by Lieutenant Colonel Riles. snd Major Hamilton, represent. ng the general staff. The stsff will award the con. tract from Salem, probably torn or. row. A. Lombard, Eugene, waa with in fl CO of the low bid. The high bid. 852,400. was submitted by F. M. Odom, Salem. Construction is expected to start within ten days. About five months will be required to com plete the structure Hunzicker, Smith and Phillips, Eugene, are the architects. By IWERKS By CLIFF STERRETTj By JIMMY MURPHY