Seeing Is Believing - Look Over This Page Carefully and Save 1 4- r CLASSIFIED ADVXETIBISO Reading; notices, per line 2 So Classified Advertising. per line18e CUs.n tried Advertising; per tins 3 times ita Classified Advertising, per line times j ; fttte One month, daily .nd Sunday per line ; $1.00 Copy for this page accepted un til :30 the evening before publi cation for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under toe heading Too Late to Classify. HOP PICKERS WILLIAMS Hop Yard will start picking Sept. 8th. HARTLEY and Craig will start hop picking on Mitchell Island ranch September 1. HELP WANTED tfi BLACKBERRY pickers, cultivat ed and trained patch. A. E. Bouffleur, R. 8. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Good man for hard Job ; married man who can use apartment rjjferredWYltfcetesman HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED school girl for general liousework in family of three, full time now, part time after school tarts. Small salary,, room and board. Write box 405, Statesman. 2 women with telephones at home. To make appointments, those with selling or telephoning soliciting- ex. preferred. Call Mr. Lowden 3774 between 9 and 10 only. SITUATIONS WANTED SCHOOL girl wishes position in family of 2 Or 3, or as companion to n lady. Box 73. care Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Grav. apples. J. Denny. R. t, box 24. PORTABLE typewriters, all makes, fiew and used. Adders and typewriters for rent. Typewriter Exchange, zi Court street. FOR SALE Old papers, 10c ft. bun dle. Statesman office. Uravenstein's. Rulifson's. Box 6. Route 8. TTOSTON terrier pups for sale. Call 96 L 3. C. A. Poole. WHITE distilled vinegar for pick- line Keeps your pickles crisp. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. STRAY outfit complete except vnKon, 175.00. TeL S185W. ALMOST new General Electric re frigerator. Second size. Party leaving town. 1005 N. Church. THOROUGHLY reconditioned drop lir'i.1 sewing machines at 1 each. White Sewing Machine Co., 1(7 South llk-h St. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. Good, condition. Reasonable. TeL 21 S3-W. HONEY Sixty lbs. 15.00. Phone 8 1 5. NEW Washing Machines $69.50 end up. See us Sot good rebuilt ma chines. Moved o ISIS N. Cottage and Fairgrounds""- Road. TeL 792, Ralph Cochran. orchard. Bring boxes, liellvered Sa lem 60c, Route 4, box 110J. Phone 17h3J4. PIANOS, while they last! Kaabe, COM Philrorlnir i 7 WMwr- Q ft f?ol- J.ird (50. Morris $99. Whitney J9, Bauer $65, Krakaur 178, Meesner $87. Terms S5 per month. Investigate these tuiaps at nee. Tallman Piano Store, S:i5 S. 12th St.. CANNING Deaches now ready. As- jiawall Bros., vvaconaa, uregon. i'EARS for canning. Gravensteln apples. R. 1, Box L Tel. 64F2. VULCANIZING outfit for sale. Scheeler Auto Wrecking. vrva aT.v. Leaving- 4 rooms furniture, circul ating heater. Radiant Fire gas heat er, lawn mower and hose $5.00. 81J Myrtle Avenue. FOR Sale, high grade piano, furni ture, office desk. 1281 Marlon. 6 43-R. AMN'DFALL pears :5c. Turn In at dry. r on Wallace road. F. C. Eyj"g PKACHES for Sale, 60c to $1.50 Tor bushel la proportion to sise. Do int come on Saturday. Bunday best Route 1, Box 808, about 1 mile from HopewelL or about 9V4 miles on Wal lace Road from Salem. A. R. Ratac ca. Tel. Amity 364. ONE used Maytag. Reasonable. 328 N. Commercial. RARTLKTT nears S5e-40c-50c. Wal lace Road. Boa 75. Tel. 66F13. EAttTLKTT pears hand picked, 40c bu. and up, bring boxes. Wetherby s sund, .west end Marlon-Polk bridge. orchard T mfies north of &jn river road or at stand at Waeonda Corners 18 miles north on Champoef road. Bring boxes. Asplnwall Bros. cv'rs daUvered. PURS BRED New Zealand Red rabbits eheap for ejnlck sala H. Rhodes, Brooks, Ore. 4lifrfn rvp.Tche are now ready at Patty's orchard on Wallace road. x oil BALK Dandy 4 piece Lloyd Loom set. 8x13 Wilton rug, floor In mi, table lamp, 8 burner Perfection oil stove and oven, 4 Windsor chairs, table, good sewing machine $8.00. zizu Myrtle. CANNING peaches, pears, plums. On 8alem-Cbampoeg paved road 8 mi. north of Salem, between Hopsaere and Waeonda. Egaw Bros. 3F11. MISCELLANEOUS DOGS boarded In a real dog hotet E. a flake, Petland Farm, Pacific ljighway -J)JuUVUT.nji., palmistry Maxwell. Tt-1. 118. Mon. to Sat 1344H State. radios, ohttnographs. or fur- riture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company. ROOM and BOARD UfjrWml m m mmmmm ssnaeesaea1 BOARD and room t 2 GO Center fit KcUent meals. A pleasant .tfeome. BMemsiKlfL V See STEAM heated rooms with board, -,it.hi for gtrta TeL 1647-R. FOR RENT APARTMENTS ------ Apartments 11$ and $17. Grocery. 899 N. Com'L Damon TWO and three room apartment AMBASSADOR AFTa Phene UU MILLER APTS. under new man agement. Furnished rooms and apt. I juuv jLiii.riiii-'riirii-i"i' - -- VIRGINIA aparxmeme, '"y furnished rooms. Clean and desirable. Electric range, electro-kold. heat aad water, Don't miss seeing thia FOR RKNT One or two apta. Ateo Sleeping -room. Come and see. 4J 1. Liberty TED Misellaneo$is in n i li f. FOR RENT APATfTMFVT ... . . . ii-Trn-u-u-LriJU town dloirlot r- .i . nicely furnished, reasonabis. For in spectfoa call Patten's Book Store. "" n -inn tji. ri.n.uj iujuiisoeu rooms and stpart- THREE room, furnished apartment private bath, .45 Court. Phone 1037. apa rtupWs .,. : -"--r CapltoL Furnished or unfurnished. (irxvwi n E ... , floor. Garage. 8S4 Mill, St. FOR RENT HOUSES FOB RENT Houses furnished and unfurnished. F. L. wnon S41 State Street ISO. Also flats store bldgs., business lots. BECKE HENDRICKS 189 North High Street FOR RENT 4 room furnished house., garage. Call 1390 J. FURNISHED and unfurnished houses 8 to $45. Clean and desirable. H. P. GRANT iv: Commercial. Phone 202-M FOR RENT Modern home, Furn nlshed or unfurnished. Phone 46I-.I. K. House, gar. 441 N. Winter. .... iViVldftftl 4 ROOMS, breakfast nook, garage. TeL 2441 -J. FOR RENT room modern home, some furniture, large rooms, with large attic, furnace, large lot with fruit trees, double garage. L. E. Stif ler. Call S00 between 8 a. ni. and 6 p. m. or 1T10 N. 17th St., evenings. . VMM FURNISHED room house and garage. Gas. Call 564 N. Church. NEARLY new 5 home. Tel. S652-J. room modern 8 R. well furnished house. ResBon- Bible parties only. 5 room duplex. 2103-J. 5 ROOM furnished or unfurnished house. Good condition. 1398 N. 4th. FOR RENT 2nd house on W. side of N. Pa cific Hiway 4 rooms $12.00 1JS Walter St. rtns $16.00 1275 S. 12th St. 4 rms $16.50 505 S. 18th St. 4 rms $1100 1170 N. list St. 4 rms. $25.00 680 Lefelle St 5 rms. $30.00 1635 N. Capitol St. 5 rms $40.00 1096 E Street 8 rms $50.00 LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State St. Phono 1727 FOR RENT Modern home rooms, beautiful lawn, flowers, shrubbery. Rent reasonable to right party. See owner 1605 Ferry St FOR RENT HOUSES Large list $12 to $45. Furnished $21 to $66. Rent your house of BECHTEL OR THO MASON If you want the best sii state &t., Koom 4 SMALL 3 room cottage. Call 1250W Sunday or after C p. m. ROOMS cheap. 2fi3 S. Church. FQR SALE: Real Estate eSSSW rW B. M. EARLE ! No. High St. Phone 2242 A reliable Salem realtor selling city and farm property of all kinds. Spe cialist in exchanges of all kinds of property anywhere. SMALL house and acre, close in, for $1800. Box 163, Salem. FOR SALE! Hill resi dence with a wonderful view. Built for home by owner. A. J. RAHN, 1510 Fairmount Street. Phone 1927. We have 4$ unimproved acres and a good Salem lot clear to trade for a Salem home. 28 acres with fair Improvements 4 miles Salem, worth $7500, and will talw Salem home. Good 7 room Salem home to trade for equipped small farm. 2 good Salem houses to trade for farm. We have $7008.09 private money to loan all or part must be good se curity. Close in partly furnished T room house to rent at $30.00. McGILCHRIST & PENNINGTON 209-10 U. S. Bank Bids. Phone 110 80 A. farm, 30 In cult., baL timber and pasture, good new bldgs., fruit. Snap, $4686, terms. 20 A. close In, fine soli, fair bldgs., fruit timber, creek, wells, nice loca tion, $5500, terms. For rent 15 A. farm. 30 A. farm, 80 A. farm, 3 good bungalows. PERRINE & MARSTER3 81J Gray Bldg. MODERN six rm. house on S. High St., furnace, fireplace, hwd. floors, new, $3858. I rms. new and modern. West Sa lem, $2500, an excellent buy. S rms. and floored attic, new and modern to every way, $4600. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor LIST your property with us and SAVBJ the commission. Buy 1 ere get your name and address from our display boards, then deal DIRECT with you. You pay us a small exhibit fee, that's alt Buyers are asking for your list lag. Let's have it. OWNERS REAL ESTATE LISTING BUREAU 121 New Bligh .Bldg. Telephone 717 Salem, Ore. FOR SALE $27l8.8$v Modern 4 room house. Furnished, basement, lawn, shrubbery and garage. Paving and walks paid. Small payment down. Balance like rent. 1 -Good dear home in Salem to trade for stock ranch and assume. HOLLTWOOD REALTY 204 N. Capitol Phone 2807 Res. 2968 FOR BALE OR RENT 8 room fur nished home, very reasonable, good location. Call L. K. Stiffler at 500 between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. or 1710 fx. i7tn Bt:, evenings. 10 ACRES, close in. 2 cows, chick ens, hay. 4 room house, water, gar age. Win trade. Price $4500. 88 acres, 8 miles east. Good house and barn, lights, bath, water, garage. Price 91 1,888. $ room house, furnished. Lot 60x189. East part of town. Small payment down. Price $800. Ai-F. Homyer with W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Commercial TIT. I .IE, THE TOILEIV r I'fA GOIMG "TO DO THE PNOUrAONVd FOR OORRrNONo VUU KEEO s FEU) NWHUTES- OFF TO .TvseH"n:M SOME- ITHINC OUT, AAr.-SvPKK & : -Jtiuj-T but ( hurrVbpsck jmrf wevE GOT fS Ayr I LOT of wot- i FOR SALE Real Estate tSS STREET houao COM- A JTM feTln. CU for appointment SSXTTT! Mm -uw 1 W lLII . LKO N. CHILD CO, Renltors $20 State -Street Phono 1727 TV rxrKrcT i mi vnntm uargxun, uvo room cottage, double garage, lawn, shade, newer, ahrubbery. new furniture, polished floors. Complete $2350. $600 own. uu . RTTT e , fine location. $1500, small down payment. TOUR money is well invested la this fully equipped chicken ranch for only $4 00. ' HOME Is where man dwells; It can also earn you money. Ask us about the apartment house . proposition we have listed. NOW- Is the tune to boy your home. 4 -mi., bath, garage, nice lot, shrubbery, flowers, lawn. $1200. J. F. ULRICH CO MP ANT 2S State Street Phono 1354 $23 down, $f5 per month. Good 4 room house on good lot with pav ing pd. Garage and fruit $1600. $100 down, ' $25 per month buys a beautiful 4 rooms and nook In N.E. Salem. Fully modern. Gar- age. Lot 60xl0. $3000. $3000. New 5 r. house, hardwood floors In living and dining rooms. 2 bed rooms, kitchen, full basement, furnace and fireplace. Garage, lot 60x150. $500 down. Par. Pd. $3800. 8 room English type home, hardwood floors, full basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, paving paid. Terms. $4200. 8 room new home, hardwood floors, exceptional material and work throughout. Fine view, dose to schooL 8 nice rooms. Lots of tile work. Fully modern. Lot 60x100. $2300 to loan. Insurance MELVTN JOHNSON 320 TJ. S. Bank Phone 68T $25 DOWN $25 per month, buys a good six room home located only ten blocks out, paved st, fine lot A REAL BUT. Immediate possession. Price $3208. W. it GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 a Liberty St. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING DON'T LET IT SLIP 10 Acres. 4 R. house, barn, 7 A In fruit andnut trees. Running water. 14 mi. e&lein. Only $1750. Will give terms. 50 Acres. No bldga 81 A. cultiva tion. 8 A. filberts S yra old. 8 A. Strawberries 2 yra old. Running wa ter. The strawberries should pay for place. Price only $3000.00. Good road. 70 Acres. $ R. house, good barn and large hop barn. Good land. About 8000 cords good timber. 40 A, cultivation. All fenced. Price $7000.00. Will con sider some trade. $8 Acres. Fair 4 R. house, good barn. 20 A. cultivation. Price re duced to $1800.80. 160 Acres. $8000.00. Good 4 R. house, large dairy barn, poultry house. 4 A. strawberries, 1 y, K. Mountain blackberries. Family orchard. 3 good weUs. All fenced. 5 cows, 2 horses and all implements. Trade for smaller place. 16 Acres. Extra good modern 8 R. house. Lights and "pumping house and plant. Fine land. 8 acres in peaches, cherries and prunes. Balance good Rt raw berry land. This Is a bargain at $6950.00 as the improvements are good. See SEARS & TUCKER, Realtors 184 S. Commercial St. OWNER LEAVING STATE Offers his fertile 10 acre tract, crop, stock, equipment and furniture In S room house, 1 cowi 1 horse, 2 hogs, $5 chickens, hay, wheat and oats in cluded. 2 acres logans, 2 corn, po tatoes, 2 acres bearing fruit. You move in for $3400, part cash, baL terms. 7 miles north. 20 ACRES Choice prairie land. S miles east I acres bearing cherries, family orchard, baL in clover. Full set bldga except house. $4000. MODERN 5 ROOM English type house. Close to Leslie school. $3250. Terms. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY STORES One at $830; another at $1250, up to $8000. See GEISER with" ANDERSON AND RUPERT 19 S. High St. GET LOCATED IN YOUR OWN HOME BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS IN SEPTEMBER Beautifully decorated new strictly modern home. Large living room, din ing room and bed rooms, attractively papered. Kitchen in latest colors with pretty tile drain board and inlaid linoleum to match. Hardwood floors throughout. Garatre, large lot, paved street. Only $4200 Terms. SOCOLOFSKY & SON 1st Nafl Bank Bldg. SACRIFICE" SALE : Good five room home with large Sleeping porch, paved St., large lot (0x150 feet with bearing fruit, fur nace. Located at 1970 Fairmount St. Price $2008. $370 cash, balance $30 per mo. to Include int. Why rent when you can get a buy like this? See, W. H. GRABENHORST CO., Realtors 134 8. Liberty St Phone 518 ACREAGE AND LAND 814 SO five acres. 8 room bouse. Wood- shed, garage, 1 acre family orchard 1 acre logans, 4 miles out. Terms. Stock Equipment and Furniture 83 400 for 10 acres fertile nrairie soil, T miles out north, includes all fruit grain, z acres corn, acre pota toes, wood and hav. 11000. 2t Acres 6 miles out east Fertile prairie soil, 6 acres bearing cher ries, family orchard and berries. Bal. red clover, full set bldga, ex cept no noma. DIVERSIFIED FARMING $J2J$ for 44 acres part river bottom, good house and barn. 72 Acres . $8080, All under plow, fine prairie soil. miles out good bldg, except house la small. See us about real land values ANDERSON A RUPERT 169 S. High St. EXCI&NGE Real Estate 4wseesW4sis"4Ssfaeaswi EXCHANGE A 4 room house with two lots near Portland to trade for home la Salem. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 $4500.00 EQUITY on 7 room house and 3 lots, fine location, trade for acreage with building. What nave youT V ivian Martin, es Ti. ront Ht. WANTED Good commercial or chard or what have you in fruit, ber ries and nuts in exchange for well lo cated Chicago business property. Mod em 2 story and basement brick and steel constructed Mde. with hardware store. Owner, W. H. Merker, 3188 Irv ing Pk. Blvd., Chicago, 111. EXCHANGE Seal Estate ACRE orange and family fruit 4 room modern stucco house, lights, water and gaa For farm land near Salens W. U. Wood, Box 84, Tustin, Calit - r- up,, MrnnwllWl niOftfN TRADES TRAM5S TRADES Tuesday and Wednesday Specials 120,000. A real stock farm. 87$ A. well Improved. For a smaller farm, $XX,0. A fin S47 A. stock farm. Good bldgs. For a smaller farm. $380. Fine 8 A. sandy loam soil, best In valley, fair bldgs. Trade Cor larger place. $10,500. Fine farm. 108 A. Ideal for dairying. 65 A. farm land. baL good pasture, with 2 springs and run ning water all year. Fair bldgs. Trade for smaller place. LARGE APT. HOUSE One of the largest aad best paying Apt bouses to the city. Trade for a good farm. GOOD HOMES For $20 per month including inter est. No down payment. Price $1500 $2080 aad up. Sea EECHTEL-THOMASON 341 State St Room 4 Shown by appointment No informa tion given over phone on above list ings. SPECIAL EXCHANGES 11 A. 4 room modern horn. On rved road, good buildings, fruit, ml. Salem. Take Salem prop erty. S6U0. 188 A. Good buildings, good land, run ning water, an but 10 A. In cul tivation. $U,09. Will take Sa lem property. Good new house, modern. Priced right mil trade eaulrr for small bouse. $3100. I have a man for good dairy proposi tion, wnat nave you? MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. a Bank Phone 637 or 236S-J ACREAGE FOR SALE S acre fruit tract. lo ganberries, prunes and miscellaneous I runs, good buildings, well and spring. IS minutes drive on good road or will rent to responsible party. Call L. E. Stiffler at 600 between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m., or 1718 N. 17th St. evenlnga SNAP: 43 acres 14 acres bearing filberts. jirunes and cherries, buildours. balance plow land, located eight miles out. Price for UU1CK SALE $4500. $2000 cash, balance terma SEE THIS BARGAIN TOIJAT. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 134 a Liberty St Phone 818 BEAUTIFUL acre, city water, view. wooded, gravel road, elec, close in. Only $500. Terms. Call 8809-.T. FOR SALE FARMS $ 9.508 Buys 193 acres, 8 miles from Salem, part larra land. Bal ance pasture and timber, fine stream of water, old build ings, $2580 cash, balance terma at I interest $17,80$ Buya 493 acres, part farm land, balance pasture and timber, good barn, fair house, fine spring of water, located 8 miles from Salem, would make excellent sheep ranch, $4 500 cash, balance terms at $20,009 Buys 375 acres, 150 acres cultivated, balance pasture and oak timber, located 18 miles from Salem, $7500 cash, balance terms at 6. or own er will consider a smaller farm North of East of Salem. REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE W. H. GRABENHORST & CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone S18 WANTED REAL ESTATE WHO has a good farm to trade on a well- located acreage near Salem. H. M. Evans, 875 State St. Ph. 1W61. Business Opportunities FOR RENT lot suitable for minia ture golf. Damon Groc., 899 N. Com 1. FOR RENT 13 room boarding house. Furnishings of same for sale. Box 53, care Statesman. WE have a real service station and camp proposition consisting of 21 ca bins with hot and cold water and gaa, store, meat market and barber shop. on Redwood California highway, clear of encumbrance. Trade for good val ley farm. H. C. SHIELDS or P. J. MORITZ Oregon Bldg. Tel. 1784 GARAGE and Service Station for rent. Good stand. Pacific highway, north. W. L. Fuller, "Bi ookKide," Brooks. Oregon. - MONEY TO LOAN To finance your new home or refi nance your present home, see P. H. BELL, 208 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 802. ON FARMS AND CITY REAL ES TATB. LOWEST INTEREST BATK8. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAM ASSOCIATION H9 Smith Hlffa Street ' Telephone 225a Salem. Oregon CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates.' Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers you ex pert advtce and service in au linen. HAWKINS A ROBERTS fine.) TeL 14ST 85 Oregon Bldg. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payment Yon keep the car. P. A. EIKJCR Cor. Liberty 8. and Ferry Phone 121 Salem, Ore Federal Farm Loans, 6 per cent F. L. WOOD. 841 State Street LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLw - On plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and planoa All tran actions strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 813 Oregon Bldg. Second Floor Corner State and High Office bra 10 :08 a. m. to 8 :3 p. n Telephone 838. Licensed by State LIVE STOCK and POULTRY NINE good young Jersey and Guernsey milk cows, freea and eom- titar Vratnh MOIL OoO. StOTO M UAC- leay. M. F. Kepbart 'Looking VMHERE ). I SHE SMD SHE THE SAM I HAvt TO CO OUT FOR SALE WOOD FOR good dry wood- delivered. Phone 1800. 18 INCH bin tad crowta. TeL 1S7F8 evenings. GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal TeL 13. Salem Fuel Co, 752 Trade. WB have 18" wood on hand all the time. Prompt delivery. 348 8. 13th. Cebbs 4k Mitchell Co. Phone 813. FIRST class dry eld fir slab. lS-in. old fir bill Mock. Screened hog fuel. Prompt delivery. Phone 1548. Fred E. wens, inc., zso s. cnurcn at DRY fir and oak wood, coal and fuel oU. Call on us for pricea We give good measure, good Quality and good service. LARMEB TRANSFER Jb STORAGE Telephone 3131 FROM TIMBER TO YOU. TeL 3733. . . 18 In. and 4 ft wood on hand at aU times. Also pinner wood, TeL 2885. Tracy's Fuel Yards. DRY IS In. old fir. 4 ft fir. oak. ash, also dry eld fir mill slab. C U. Harbaughs Transfer and Fuel. 838 Highland. TeL 1888. DRY 16 In. eld fir S7.S0 cd. Tel. I8F33, Four Corners Garage. LOST and FOUND LOST from Christian church four weeks ago $ Ford Coupe, Calif, li cense 6Y8212; engine 12851285. An na V. Robbins. Rt 4. Box 42. Re ward. TeL 87F12. PERSONAL PALMIST and Crystal reader. Am erica's foremost seer, Prof. Knight Salem Auto Camp. & Winter at Oak. CoUageOneinoreweekrjjeguest. FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Company Used Cars 1J28 Standard Coupe 3388 129 Closed Pickup 425 1928 Tudor Sedan nen paint 185 1828 Coune 150 1824 Fordor Sedan 115 127 Essex Coupe 825 1826 Bulck Touring 190 1837 Chevrolet Coupe 236 1924 Star Touring Licensed 60 1928 Light Delivery . 85 Overland Touring Licensed 80 1925 Coupe Licensed .. 75 TERMS TRADES Valley Motor Company Center and Liberty Phone 1995 FOR SALE Nash 6. Al. Must sell immediately. Real bargain. Call 86S0-W after 7:15 p.m. Specials For Labor Day 1929 Pontlao $ Dr. Sedan $735.00 1929 Pontiao Coupe . $28.88 1928 Pontlac Coupe 675.00 1?28 Oakland Cabriolet 895.00 1S27 Oakland Sedan 496.00 1928 Ford Model A Tudor 485.00 1928 Oakland Coupe, like new 535.00 1928 Oakland Sedan 425.00 1928 Essex Coach 895.00 FISHING CARS Ford Touring 60.00 Overland Touring 65.00 Star Tour, with Enclosures 95.00 Ford Coupe 95.00 DELIVERIES Dodge Ton 88.00 Dodae Screen Delivery 195.00 Pontiac Panel Delivery 385.00 WoodUWheaton Motor Co., Inc. Oakland Phone 2125 Pontiac 350 N. High St 545 Chemeketa St McKay's for Used Cars . With an O. K. That Counts 1929 Chevrolet Sedan ir29 Chevrolet Coach 192 8 Chevrolet Coupe 1928 Buick Coaoh 1928 Chevrolet Coach 1928 Pontine Coupe 124 Willya-Knight Touring 1928 Packard Six Sedan ..8868.00 . 625.00 395.00 415.00 . 235.00 . 285.00 . 135.00 . 660.00 Used car dept., 630 Chemeketa St Telephone 1426 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. ' tiiii ir,il -Mir"- -iUIAH Ford and Buick Used Car Lot. 75 Cars 1938 Buick Standard Sedan $775.00 1987 Bulck Standard coach 685.00 1928 Chevrolet Coach 870.00 1929 Chevrolet 1H ton truck 550.00 1918 Ford Model A Sedan Karry Keen trunk. 1930 license 550.00 1988 Ford Roadster 358.00 1I4 studebaker light 8 Sedan. licensed 836.00 1914 BtudebaKer special tourinar 125.00 1928 Studebaker Com. Coupe 695.00 1927 Pontiac Coupe 285.00 1924 Jewett Sedan, licensed... 175.00 1929 Ford Model A Coupe. licensed . 450.00 1824 Studebaker E n e 1 o s e d Touring 95.00 1923 Dodge Screen side del. 60.00 Salem Used Car Center Marion and Liberty Open Evenings and Sundays Telephone 1027 NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLE MENT No. 7116 In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County la the Matter of the Estate of Alsom Souther, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Alsom Souther, de ceased, has filed he final ac count and report as such admin istratrix in the county court of the state of Oregon, for Marion County, and that said final ac count and report has been set for final hearing an settlement t Part' GREAT scott: -riLgs HAS BEEN OUT ALU OAV MAC AJH-TRr is a r I - .. ; t f"3a " fVA GOT jb3 I ,B0S$ WOOL MARKET N W PET; SALES FEW The wool market has been mostly Quiet with a few houses continuing to report a fair volume of gales chiefly on 64's and finer domestic wools. Price hare been fully maintained at leveli estab lished during recent weeks. While mills bar not bought In large quantities, they have show a con siderable interest la offerings and Lhavn taken sample lots of a Vide variety of lines. The finer grades have attracted most attention but practically all grades have been Included in recent purchases of small quantities for piecing out and sampling. The dullness of the market has, no doubt, been influ enced, by seasonal conditions at tending vacations in the mills and opening of new lines of goods. Cautious buying by mills is also frequently a feature in the market just prior to the opening of a new series of London sales and the opening of seasons in primary markets. Trading la fleeces was very slow. A few moderate quantities of 64's and finer Ohio and similar wools were sold with pricea very firm. Offers were made on sev eral of the other grades at the minimum of ranges quoted, but the amounts of wool available at these figures were found very limited. The bulk or the wool sold dur ing the week was of the western grown lines and consisted largely of 6 4's and finer qualities. Texas twelve months wools were about as active as any line and sales were closed at prices in the range 73 to 75c scoured basis. Territory original bag lines were active at 70 to 73c scoured basis with the lines of bulk good French comb ing or better staple bringing the maximum of the range. Offerings of short French combing and clothing staple In the original bags moved at 5 to 68c scoured basis. Graded territory wools were quiet with quotations firm. A few small sales were closed on the lower grades of New Zea land cross breds at firm prices. Other lines of foreign combing wools were quiet. before said court at the court room thereof In Salem, Oregon, on Monday, September 15th, 1930, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated and first published Au gust 12, 1930. Date of last publication Sep tember 9, 1930. ANNIE SOUTHER, Administratrix of the Estate of Alsom Souther, Deceased. M. B. BUMP, residence and ad dress, Hillsboro, Oregon. D. D. BUMP, residence and ad dress. Forest Grove, Oregon. Attorneys for said administratrix and estate. A-12-19-2o-S2- NOT1CK TO CONTRACTORS The General Staff of Oregon National Guard, George A. White, Adjutant General, Chief of Staff, will receive sealed pro posal until 2:00 o'clock P. M the 8th day of September 1930 AU proposals to be addressed to George A. White, First National Bank, Cottage Grove, Oregon Proposals shall include all labor and materials required for the erection and completion of an Armory Building at Cottage Grove, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Adjutant General, State Build ing, Salem, Oregon, at the Build ers Exchange, Portland, Oregon, at the office of City Engineer, City Hall, Cottage Grove, Ore gon, and at the office of the ar chitects, Hunxlcker, Smith and Phillips, Guard Building, Eu gene, Oregon. A deposit of $10.00 will be required to obtain plana and specifications. The same will be returned upon safe and prompt return of the plans and specifications. The General Staff reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or proposals. A26-28-30-31S2-4--7 JTOTICIC OF FINAL SETTLE MENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as Executor ot the last will and testament ot George E. Parris, deceased, has filed its final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County and that Monday, the tth day of September, 1930, at the hour of two o'clock in the after noon of said day and the court room of said court has been ap pointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of ob jections thereto and the settle ment thereof. Dated this 2nd day of August, 1930. FIRST NATIONAL BANK O CORVALLIS, OREGON, Executor of Last Will and Testament of George B. Parris, deceased. B. E. Wilson, Attorney. 5-12-19-26-g 2. t THOUGHT you VOMVTCD Pi Few fMH UTF OFF. out. ; TlLUE, HOT 7 I II r 5r , a Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk de livered in Salem, f&50. Bntterfat, at farm, 89c Bwtterfat, delivered In Sa lem, 40c. rrea rmti (Wholesale Oaotatleail Biaekberries .19 Appie Eftrly Traespareat, log , Gtavencttea .1.00 .1.50 erasexmit Califeraia .S.75-7.50 1.50 OT loganberries Kanaoaa. in. Date Dromedary, 86, 10-oa. pkgs. i-ona'a fined, ease LtaoN. Cent Uoei Oraacea, Kavela OA . 5.00 6.00 .7.00 .7.75 .8.75 8.75 9 25 9.25 .25 .1.25 20 100'S , ia' ISO's lT6's . 2O0" 216's 252'a 28S' Apricots ; focal peaches, basket. Calif. Alberts peaches , ,.90 -1.50 I'lums . Gra pet Seedjeta .1.50 Red llalacaa -2.75 Whit Malagas Lady Pilfers . Tokay a -2.50 -3.2S -8.00 -2.00 04 90 65 Fresh Figa, flat lasabac Summer Squash, crate- Mushrooms, lb. Ice cream melon .2.50 Cantaloupe. Yakima 2.00 2.75 Watermelons , 2.25 Vegetaeles ( Wkalesal Quotations ) Local celery, doi 80 .90 Corn, white, tack 75 Corn, yelhrw. eack l.iw Bunched vegetables, per doi. bunches- Carrots .BO Beets 80 Turnips 90 Radishes , 40 Parsley ,. 60 Oaiooc A Garlic, lb. 18 Tomatoes, The Dalles - , ., 1.00 Lettuce . Lake Labisa 1.75 Vancouver -2.25 S.50 90 02 .07 01 04 90 .1.75 1.75 Seattle, iced Cucumbers . .... Cabbage, local Peas, local Potatoes Green Beans Peppers, box Egg Plant, Grate . Cauliflower, crate Spinach .1.50 Onions Dry No. 1 "Walla "Walla 1.50 Dry No. t Walla Walla 1.15 Pickling 10 Kew Was, cwt 2.25 Sweet potatoes 08 and 09 Dill 10 reeaa (Retail Wnonatlena) Calf meal, 26 lbs. 1-88 Scratch, ton . . 8-0 Corn, whole, ton 48.00 Cracked and ground 50.00 Mill run, ton . 2225 Bran, toa .. With milk . Egg mat 52.00 Wita Bilk 54.00 Ka-ea (Buying Price) Fitrsa 24 .....21 Mediums Poultry (Baying Price) Stars -10 -07 e is Boost era, old Heavies Mediums -17 ..IS Lights , 11 Broilers Leghorn! 17 sad IS Drain snd Hay (Buying Price) Wheat, western red J Soft white - ' ? Barley, ton Oats, bu. Hv, retail Pries OaU and Vetch .3289e .10.0015.00 10.00 Clover Alfalfa ..- 16.00 t 20.00 Ueat (Baying Priee) Spring Lambs OStf to 054 10 15 15 lrte Hogs Dressed Hogs Dressed Veal Wool .IS -10 Coarse -Medina -O Stayton STAYTON, Sept. 1. Miss Mar- cele Baker came from Portland for a few days visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Baker. Sanford C. Sparks is now at Mt. Angel, having leased the paper there. A. K. Lnlay, formerly of this Place has charge of the mechanical end of the establish ment, Mr. and Mrs. B. Pellum and children hare moTed hers; from. Woodbnrn and are occupying the q. Lj, Brown residence. Both Mr. and Mrs, Pellum are employed at the Mail office. Mrs. B. A. Schaefer and small daughter, Cleo and Miss Mae Testa ra have gone to the hop yard for an outing. Mrs. M. S. Hunt and Dale and Betty Hunt t Rockaway for their Tacatlon. They are guests of Missel Hetten Patton and Frances fjllls, two of the teachers who made their home at the Hunt's last year. These young ladles are engaged to teach here again this year. Melford Allen and wife are here from Eugene spending their vaca tion as guests of his mother, Mrs. Lee Tate. Oa Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tate and Mr. and Mrs. Allen motored to Donald, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, A fire on the Frank Studnlcka place northeast of towa Wednes day created no little excitement. About 20 cords of wood were con sumed. Buildings were In no dan ger, but for a time it looked like 100 more cords of wood would be A li . S.&0 By RUSS WESTOVER Box uiTH TEiVlOrA I THOUGHT yoU'O WMT Tpn nit TP UOOr WHEAT PITS WEAKEN AGAIN Movement Canadian Crop Principal Reason Re view Says Domestic wheat markets weak ened and prices declined to near the low points of the leason dur ing tBe week ending August 30, principally as a result of the early movement and prospective heavy offerings of Canadian wheat, ac cording to the weekly grain mar ket review of the United States bureau ot agricultural economics. Feed grains had independent strength and prices held steady or advanced at most markets, influ enced by a further reduction in trade estimates of the corn crop and a continued good demand. Rye was firm under a growing de mand for this grain for feed, while flax strengthened as offerings de creased and hedging pressure from. crushers became lighter. Coast Market Is Also Lower Pacific coast markets were also weak and lower, with wheat at Portland and Seattle selling at the lowest price of the season. In creased marketings of new crop wheat, together with continued 3low export inquiry and decreas ing storage space at the terminals were the principal weakening fac tors. Prices declined more than at eatern markets, with No. 1 hard white Big Bend bluestem or early Baart varieties quoted at Portland at (1.03 and at Seattle at $1.05 per bushel. No. 1 soft and west ern white was quoted at both Portland and Seattle at 8tc and No. 1 hard winter, northern spring and western red at both markets at 84c per bushel. Fourteen per cent protein No. 1 dark northern spring from Montana was quoted at Seattle at 93 cents and No. 1 dark hard winter at 91c per bushel in bulk. Mills were only moderate buyers and export sales were re latively small. One full cargo and three half cargoes of white wheat were reported sold to the United Kingdom, and 2,500 tons te the orient. Moderate sales of Pacifie northwestern wheat were made to California during the week. A re duction in water rates from Wash ington and Oregon to California was partially responsible for the increased sales of northern wheat to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Domestic barley markets held ksteady during the week under a continued good demand, particul arly for feed barley, consumption of which is increasing in most areas under the Influence of high prices and limited supplies of corn. Prices in California markets advanced 24 to 6c per 100 oa feed grades, but held about un changed on malting types. Prices at eastern points were mostly un changed. Foreign qnotations were reduced around 10c per 100 on Danubian and Russian barley, of ferings of which continue relative ly large. Domestic corn prices de clined slightly during the week, hut oats and grain sorghums "held firm. -o I I O- Swegle SWEGLE, Sept. 1 Kenneth and Dwight Hanson, Lillian, Lor ayne and Lester Meyers, Velma, Loraine and "Mildred Brett ell. Howard Whitehead and Francis Lolt were contestants at the play ground closing exercises Frldaj. The Swesjle Community club will hold a picnic at Hager's Grove Sunday, Sept. 7. A pot luck dinner will be served at boon, followed with games and swimming. Geo. Baeman is digging post holes for the line extension of the Portland Electric Power com pany. Oscar Haras finished threshing bU oats and has an exceptionally0 good yield of over a thousand sacks. Orvis Golding spent Sunday with his father. Mrs. Lucile Ba ker was a dinner guest on the same day. Mrs. Edwin Imtg's mother has returned from a visit at Klam ath Falls where she visited her son and famllf. Mrs. Donald Silvers and two children were Thursday visitors with Mrs. J. Whitehead. School will start September IS in Swegle district and we are going to have several beginners this year. Mrs. Hanson and family are go lag to Astoria to spend Sunday and Labor day. John Whitehead and family are going to spend Labor day at the coast. Kenneth and Dwight Hanson, John and Howard Whitehead art going to start picking hops at the ' LUahee hop yards Tuesday. Donald Silvers is going to build a ow barn next week. Leonard Schaffer is employed at the Hollywood miniature golf links and likes it real well. Perrydale PERRYDALE, Sept. 1. Felix Comegys aad kit mother left the first of tfco week tor Pendleton to attend the round-up. Mr. Com egys attends eTery year and from there they ge to Califax, Wath td Tiatt at the feomo ot his sistef and family, Mr. aad Mrs. Dorens. Mrs. Comegys Is past Ss) years of ago boVJ a good traveler aad looks forward each year for this trip. Miss Wanda Elliott aad Mrs. Nellie Zumwalt attended gradua ttoa exercises In Monmouth Thurs day morning. Mis Helen McMiU an received tier lift certificato ftt this time. She will soon bo com ing back to btgijs her third year in the primary grades here. Mrs. O. B. Karts spent Friday and Saturday la - Portland , shopping.