The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 29, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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The O3EG0N STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Friday Morning; Aogpnst 23, 1933 --
ews an
Olive M. Doak, Society Editor
His Morehouse;
'Mr Kaufman '
" - Wed
Mist Margaret Morehouse,
daughter-of Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Morehouse, became the bride of
Charles Kaufman; son of Mr. an
Mrs. J. .W. U Kaufman of Car
bonado. Washington, in an lm-
- presslve wedding aervlce read -by
"Dr. Carl Gregg iDoney, president
- of Willamette t university, at the
First Presbyterian church Tburs-
; day night at P o'clock. -
The "church was beautifully ar
ranged with palms and ferns, and
before the . altar, were- banked
great baskets of gladioli la glow-
, iagly soft pastel shades. Back
of the alUr burned . tall . ivory
' cathedral - tapers which shed a
lovely Wt fUckering light over
the? colorful, bridal party. - ;
- Just, before the bridal party
entered the church Walter Kauf-
' man.': brother of : the groom, and
accompanied by 'Miss Lena-Medlar.-
saag, Promise Me' aad
Untll - --T'-' -.'As
Miss Medler played , the pro-
' cessions! MJsa Morehouse accom-
r panled by her maid of honor, Miss
Isobel Morehouse in pink "chiffon,
wearing a pink horsehair hat, and
carrying an arm boquet of rosea,
sweet peas aad larkspur, and her
bridesmaids. Miss Mary . Lou
Aiken. Miss ' Dorothy Bosshard.
Miss Henrietta Bishop, Mies Ger-
- trade: Oehler, Miss Roby Laugh
lin and Miss Doris Steele of Ta
coma, all in pastel shades, wear
ing harmonising , horsehair bats
and carrying arm bouquets, came
slowly down theaisle to meet Mr.
Kaufman ', and ;his best man.
-Ralph Scbomp.
.- The bride; was very lovely in an
Ivory satia,- gewa, made princess,
: sleeveless sad' very long, a long
. . Friday, Augiut & ";,'"
. Douglas county association, social afternoon and
pleaie at Hager'a Grove-Basket laach aadtable service
to be brought; all residents or former residents --welcome.
Santaly Picnic
Is Jolly Affair ;
- Mr. and Mrs. Newell Williams
were hosts to the executive board
of the Lions clubs' sad their
wives Wednesday at Camp San
taly where Mr. aad Mra.t Williams
have beea spending the week.
A picnic dinner was served at
1:30 o'clock. - The menu carried
out the Idea, of the Lion's dab In
various .clever : ways, Yellowing
the dinner hour . contests and
games and stent . amused the
guests. ' Prises for contests were
awarded Mrs. T. K Sherwia aad
A. Cl Haag. ' "
At the business meeting it was
voted to organise a ladles auxil
iary to the Uons club. The or
ganization vrin be infornial ia na
ture and. the organization Is ex
pected to be perfected at the an
nual weekend party of the Lions
club which will be held Septem
ber C-7 at Camp Santaly.
The committee in charge of the
weekend affair is vDr. Carl Em
mom aad O. D. Olson.
Guests who motored ' to the
Williams camp for Wednesday
night were Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Doolittle, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Ol
son, Dr. aad Mrs. Carl Emmons,
Mr. aad Mrs. Leland Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. A- C. Haagy Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Sherwia, Dr. 'and Mrs.
By yjpoA''iiJ.ARt :
- The good half of the world
can't possibly Imagine. the heart'
breaks that corns to the bad half
remaps It doesa t - matter, about
the bad halt but .1 doat know
why . tc ehoulflnt, Km , thinking
Just -bow ef the JaU matrons I
nave knows, who . havo
mean and unkind to girl prison
ers wno were tut broke, and
then were pleasant as could be to
the girls whoso purses were fall
or who, they were sure; ; would
oe caned for by parents who
would be appreciative.
i remember one stormy night
la Chicago X went to one of the
cities'-worst jails. A girl had been
taken there for robbina- a store.
She -did It to get clothes for Jrtr
small daughter . and her young
I talked with her a while and
as I left I heard the matron tell
her ta go to bed as she- shoved
her Into the. cell, and locked the
ooor. The girl, ashed a favor. She
wanted food, it was 1
George Lewis, Mr. and Mrs-rrrrf.1,.v,., " .... c.. iLv
w-a .jejuni i ffs avesvsfu I . aaay . wiv weaaj C a4U
train well' eanrht with or an re
Z2rEr? ISMrs. Thomas Roen
bouquet of white
pink' tinted, r
fly roses.
iweef peas,
Eubudsaad1 butter-
1 Lrfng gloves, 'satia
I ,wV completed a eharmlng
.licture. V "' ' :
Is Hostess
Ushers were Joseph Feltoa of
Dayton Leslie Frewiag of Amity,
Frank Lombard ot Springfield;
- Harold Tomliasoa. - Wendell Keck
aad Karl Pembertoa' of Salem.
- A reception - was givea i imme
diately following the ceremony
at the sorority home ot the' bride,
the Beta Chi bouse on State
street. : Those assisriag writh the"
.- serving wero Miss Dorothy- Kent,
little Miss. Flavia Downs, and
' Edith Morehouse, Mss Elisabeth
Morehouse, and Miss Ruth Jean
Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman left im
mediately following the. receptlonr
fer a short wedding trip.
Both Mr., and Mrs. Kaufman
have been prominent In Willam
ette university circles. Mr Kawf-
. man Is a graduate of Willamette
and Mrs. -Kaufman la a senior. -4tt
. . ,
Salem -Folk Motor
Xo Portland .
' A delightful party given In
compliment to Miss Dorothy
,'Llvesley aad her fiancee, Wil
1 liam ' C. Paalus. was that for
which Mr. and - Mrs. A. B. ' Gal
loway were hosts at their home
la Portland. Wednesday, night.
Covers for 3e were placed and
among Salem folk to be Invited
to compliment the honor guests
were Mr. and Mrs. William Wal
taa, Mr. and Mrs. James Linn,
Mr. and Mrs:-Fred Lamport, Mr.
and Mrs. T. A. Livealey,' Mr.
and Mrs. Dan ' Fry, Jr.," Mr. and
Mrs. , Fred - Thlelsen. Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Eyre, Miss Charlotte
Zieber Miss Rovena Eyre, Miss
Virginia Vahey. and John Rob
erts. V . - - -
. Orchard Heights. ' Monday
evening Mrs. Cash Roberts at
tended a meeting in , Salem of
the Royal Neighbors of Amer
ica. Following the lodge Ses
sion. 40 .members , met ; at ' the
- homo of Mrs. Frances- Hoyt hon-
oring Mrs. Minnie' Tinnel, who. Is j
leaving;-soon to make her home 1
.in Washington.- - A- miscellaa
. eoui shower was-tendered Mrs.
Tinnel and a delightful program
r of musical numbers andTead-
Inss was enjoyed,' followed; by I
- refreshments. ... . -
A delightful social evealhg was
enjoyed by the members of - the
G. K." P. -eluh Wednesday 'night
nt which time they were enter
tained' by Mrs. Thomas Roen at
ner home on court street.
The' guest rooms and the late
supper table were arraaged la a
color. scheme of lavender and a
pastel shade of pink. The sup
per table .was centered with
flowers In these shades and fav
ors also carried out the same col
or idea.
Those present for. this happy
affair were Mrs. H. 8. Gile, Mrs.
O. - Pickens, Mrs. B. E. Slsson,
Mrs. Dale Taylor. Mrs. K. H.
Elckens, Mrs. Harry Harms, Mrs.
W. C. Pickens, Mrs. Walter Nel
son.' Mrs. J. F. Biiliter, and Mrs.
Roen. Mrs. T. A. Raffety will be
tho, hostess for September.
ed at Food at that hear!
In another cell '.was a dressed-
Bp little hussy with a cold bard'
eye. bat a full purse. She wanted
cigarettes. Did she get them? She
DID and the matron I don't
know what she got. I - i
I left there f cellar that some
Mfs.:F, EsShemih
; Hostess ; :
" Mrs. F. IVSherwIn will enter
tain fa compliment to Mrs. W. W.'
Hosebraug thai afternoon with
a "one o'clock luneheoa "followed
by bridre at the Sherwia home oa
BeHevna street. ' - - ':'
r The affair will he lnforma but
the guest list; will. Include a
group of thd close friends' of
Mrs. Roaebraugh. - It Is oaly one
of the several attractive : affairs
which have " been lTen .by Mrs.
Rosebrsugh-'a . friends' . - compll-
Imenting her before her departure
tor Fans September 1. Where she
goes as the guest of her sob', Ar
thur.' . Kosebraugh. ; Mrs; 'jlHose
braagh expects to Je ' gone , two
m oaths and -sh will ba.- accom
paaied back t New TptklJby her
tOnV f ' ,('7 '
. -.. jul xt?.. j
Mr Oliver Jessiipr; r I
Is Complimented ?
Mrs. Ida M." Babcock entertain
ed la compliment to Mrs. Oliver
C. ' Jessup v Wednesday' evening
with a delightfully Informal -din
ner at the Babcock home.
The dinner was" a farewell
event complimenting Mrs. Jessup
who, with Mr. Jessup leaves Sun
day to make her home in Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Jessup have
been in Salem tor the past year
following their -: return . .from
South America. Now Mr. Jessup
has been transferred to Portland.
Covers were placed Wednesday
night Jor Mrs. Jessup. Mrs. Mary
Sms, Mrs. Move Saocock," Dr. and
Mrs. ,D. X. Beechler, Miss Grace
Babcock. Miss Bertha' Babcock.
and Mrs. Ida M. Babcock.
Will so East
Mrs! Alice ' Wenger is ' now
spending. aV-week at Newport aad
is accompanied by - Mrs. Travel
sni ii'ie
OLTMPLL, Weak, Aug.
(AP) Tbe raya of a rising sun
vU cast death's shadow ever Ar
thur Schafer. yoaag Shelton log
ger, at dawn tomorrow. Schafer
Is to be hanged at the state pen
itentiary at Walla Walla for the
Inexplicable murder of Mr. and
Mrs.' Joe Kirk -at their home la
Dayton, Masoa .county, nearly two
years. ago, the particular eonvie
tloa being for - the 4eath ef the
womaa. , - '.:.
Schafer, . adjudged guilty April
1, 1119, nought to escape society's
mandate through a series "of ap
peals. All were tatOe. A last
hope plea to Governor Hartley' tor
executive clemency so : far, has
failed to delay hie execution.!;
, Schafera appeals "recently term
inated la" a hearing before a Ma
lty, commission. i-Tha commission
reported that Schafer was sane.
' Schafer shot through a window
and kBled Mr: and Mrs. KlTk at
thefar home oa the night of Sep-
Mrs.- Powers - will retara to
leave again September 1 for Chi
cago where she will Join her hus
band, who has beea transferred
to that city aad who has- beea
there for the past two months.
Mrs. Powers has remained here
until the Tiot weather season was
over Jn the east. .
Mrs. Power has been a popu
lar soloist In Salem and has been
actively connected with- musical
Mrs. Ida M. Babcock accom
panied by Mrs. C. A. Manlding of
Portland, left for Seaside Wed-
aeeday where they will spend
Miss Ruth Morgan and' Miss
Helen Coddingtoa, - graduates rf
Salem high school, wUl be la Sa
lem this winter attending the
school of law In Willamette "university.
Orchard Heights. - Mr. and
- Mrs. Edward-Reed- entertained
rt dinner Tuesday evening. Mrrl
- and .- Mrs. C.1 S. . MaUhews, , Mr.
, and Mrs. - Fred Drager. Mr. and
Mrs. William McDowell Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Soathwlek; Mf.' and
Mrs. J. W. Edgar. Mr. an Mrs.
- A. L. Kinton. Mr. and Mrs. Wll-
' 11am Cox, Mrr and Mrs. Clarence
Hotfino . -andv small daughters,
.Beverly. June and Dolores Jean
Mr. and Mrs. Cask Roberts.: Mrs.
Raddolf. .Visa Dorothy. Logaa.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Wy land of
Oregon City,-' and ...XL Garland ot
. Carlton. - - - -
The Housewif Idea Box
A charming frock tor late sum
mer aad early fall combines beau
ty of fabric with the chic ef cape
collr and gracefully flare skirt.
The carve er the bodice aad the
skirt Joining as It fastens through
a slash in the bodice. Note the
pin tacks at the waistline giving
fullness to the bodice. :
Patten ls?4 Is lovely fashion
ed of flat CTepe. Tone, ehulon vel
vet or georgette la solid , color, , or
print , Black brown and green
grounds - ar exceptionally smart
with beige, white or turquoise de
signs.- . V-i - '' -
May bo ebLalned oaly la slses
IS.- SO, 94. C,-g, 4 aad 4S.
Size If requires 4 yards ot 39
Inch taaterlaL: - -.
Wiea rood Earns ea fan - -,
One -of the most annoying things
about having food burn is the clean-,
in? of the saucepan, i If It ia a granite
pan remove all food possible at once. J
jlair Gil toe pan wiia cow - nwj
Add some washing soda. - Beat Jt
gradually to the boiling point. -Re-xaore
the water and. the pan wi3
'jtlean esypiS'HOUSWffa
v Ss draMSMltlac wiw' Is
aeessssry te atak tkis SMdal Ua
- en paitera. Tsrsags tsr evsry.
sits, sad siwpla, xat lmst
tml are ttv -
.- -Saad fiftae sMte la ! eaa
folly wisinwd. er .sUaiBS Urn aaeh
pattars, : Write pUialy rsav aaaj,'
-sdaraas esd -aty la aastaan- Be sava
- ia -Mata- stsa waaled.- r- - .
, Oar aaw fall aaa wialer faaataa,
, Vaak caaUiatBC . axaalsite BMels
. lar a4alti a4 ckildraa - 1 aa
, asreUaat anartataat af rArr
patters aad-itaoipad'eavtltias. is
aaw raady. Irie fiftaea eaata.
'BaokwitkXlt. tS eaat. A4-
4rra all ataii aa4 araara ta 8tte
'.maa... Patters Poartaa, 24S
Wi l?ta Itiaat, w Tart City.'
day matron's sins would eateh up I Por tw0 ehUdren, William
with her. No human could, be- so ana Aitee cowers
hard -and not find herself some
morning on the other side of the
railing. I've seen things' some
thing . like ' that happen - so often
that I know. the law of 'retribu
tion is certain. I have often
thought of her) and other Jail
matrons aad wondered if they had
yet got, theirs.
I undertook to. sympathise with
a poor girl In one of the Chicago
jau one day, and was told by the
matrdn that the girl was bad all
mrougn. sne wasa'i worth pow
der to blow -her up. Nobody could
save her. "Why?" I asked
"Well I've been a Jail matron
a long time," . she said, and she
looked it, "and I have seen girls
drunk aad taking dope and In all
sorts of moral difficulties, but I
never saw one who smoked cig-
arettes wno wasn t beyond , re
demption. I. tell them smoking
girls are done for. When a girl
wlu smoke she s downright tough
and that's all there Is to It. She's
an abandoned woman." .
rll bet that matron wasal
abandoned. You'd have to like
someone first and spend some
time with them before, you could
abandon them, .and right here
and now I'd venture- to bet that
If anybody ever . lingered where
she was, it was because they
couldn't help it. She was colder
thao a Fifth Avenue floor walk
Any womaa who wouldn't euall
at- the . sight - of -another woman
whoso sias had touad her oat: is
herself all wrong. Inside; "
a a -?!- r
Scotts Mills. A reception Was I
given at the home of . Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Brougher Friday eve
ning, for Rev. and Mrs. Herman
Macy and family,-' who : have
come from . Houston, Idaho, to
Seotts MIUs . where Ret.'-Macy
is, the new paster at the Friends
church.--' About 6 were present.
A; L.-Brougher gave an address
ot welcome. .. A . recitation - by !
Mildred ' Coalson, .' and .1 several
saxophone and organ : numbers
by Rev. aad Mrs. Macy added
mucb to the pleasure of the eve-
- - . -.. a m - 1 -
Gervals. A -shower rjecently
complimented Miss Nellie Mc-
Graw, whorls here from" South
Dakota--speaeiaa the- summer
-with her r-, aunt, Mrs. Axaes
Grassman, and who ia shortly to
become . the bride of .John : Eder
of Gervals.' The shower.' was
given at the..parlsh hall. ,
The young couple, accompan
ied by " Mrs." Grassman, leave
Wednesday-. -morning --by 'motor
tor xthe home of Miss McGraw
InrSouth Dakotawwhere the wedV
ding will oceur.: ; .i
. r : : - - . -
Tarner. Mrs. v oa Poarry.
and sob. -Atlee et Salem.- were
dinner - guests. Wednesday ere-
nlng et Mr. aad Mrs. K. C Bear.
Mrs. 'Bear also entertained later
in the'aveningfor a small party
ot friends' who were Mrs. Cleora
Parks, Mrs." Crystal .Edwards,
Mrs. Dorsy Edwards. Mrs. Ethel
Edwards, - Mrs!' Bernice' Roberta,
Mrs. : Mae Talbot.- Mrs. - Byrl
Theissen, Mrs. W. S Burgoyae,
Mra.K. ,8. -Prather, Mrs Jean
Pearry. : Refreshments were'
served at the dose of a pleasant
social, oveaiag. . : :.
.- '..,.. ;.e" . v , ;
" All resldeats et Doaglas coaaty
either hero lor a visit or those liv
ing here and former residents et
Douglas eounty will gather ajt Ea
ger s grove this- afternoon - aad
a picnic supper. Cach family will
bring a basket lunch.' and - table
i service; Chief Justice O. P. Co-
show, president of jthe froup, will
-' o . a a . .. '
and 'Mrs. M.. Wr Mahoney
i have as their guests af their coua
rtry home Mr. and Mrs. James P.
I Mahoney ot r Palmyra, Kebraska,
and: Mr and Mrs-T. V 3iahoey
t Los Angeles.. ' i 1 -- i '
Mrs. Ira H. Gardner entertain-
eid Wednesday afternoon in .Com
pliment to Mrs. Howard Zarcher
of Oakland. California. Bridge was
the center of attention tor the aft
ernoon hours. Mrs. Roy Adams,
Miss Marguerite Rollins and Mrs.
7U Calhoun won prizes and Mrs.
Zureber was - presented . with a
guest prlie.
a a a .
- Miss Beryl Holt' and her sis
ter, Miss Virginia Holt, have re
turned from a month spent at
Taft as. the guests ot Mrs. Wil
liam A. Winter in her beach cot
tage there.
Zeaa Mr. and Mrs. W. N.
Crawford aad daughters. Wilam
and Alice., ..
. -. " e
tember f, 1 tit. Ne. motive for
the crime evert was eaubllshed.
Schafer merer testified la-his ewa
behalf except at the Insanity hear
ings. , . . - - -
' ' --v r
Drowgjit Sedweea Cactle ow Ped
Drought damage to crops has re
duced the aumber -ot cattle on
feed la JIUaois to It eV ceat.he
low what it was a year, ago' ac
eordlng to the state department
of . agTiealtarey -Jj
Paper Company v
Cinder Action
-essswawawassa.." . T. .-f "v.A
OtS legaf karrler'-te the suit
of the state of Oregon, represent
ed by W. a Wlaalow, against the
Oregon Pulp and Paper company
M. Hmimul , Tbarsday. .when
jtdge .TfcT Bv McMahaa instoaed . cnirore.
a 'demurrer to the answer o
ietendant, 'The paper-mW firm, -.
iKclaredjthat WtosWaeult -to
make It -handle the cinders)
now dletributed from? the plane .
hereas not to
that It be thrown out ot court
Judge McMahaa gave tha de
fendant nntU September, I lefUe
aa addltioaal 'asiW.;.i.v;-A.
FUIplao farmers nave rorgants
ed a national chamber of agrf-
Gone In 4 Days
Roots and All
Callouses Too
: Out to stay out selling -like
hot eakee in Great Britain and
now In America the pleasant,
easy way to get rid of corns a
Joyous, refreshing, invigorating
foot bath .for. S or . 4 nights and
then ' lift out the corn roots
aad all.- .- , .
They call this miracle worker
Redox and since it has been
working wonders with . the bad
feet ot the tight little Isles
plasters' and acids, cutting and
skin destroying liquid belong to
the dark ages.
It's the modern way the sen
sible way to take out corns to
abolish eallouses to dissolve
the hard skin from heels and
toes and to put your feet In
good vigorous condition so that
you can. walk and run and Jump
and dance " with ease . and
pleasure: ...
Just' ask for a box of Redox
at Perry's JJrng store or any
modern drugstore-youll be delighted.
women s s
s sHercs an added feature
that practjcally pvyi foti "
this wonderful new' may
chine as it Is feeing used
Yoa can press
with die new
Spttd 7ija$ rvcKine
Speed Rotary.lroiier
The THOR Washing
machine Is constructed
-of tatin-finiahed MoneL
ywWW'f, .msrirssi iwill ncrecx :
.tarnish ocdiscotorV It hag
the new balloon wringer -rolU
thai axe o easy on speedy.
n s TheTHoa Speed Iroder hat die pnsginj gnrfavee ef tea
flat irons. Think of that! Yet all yoa' do is sit down' and '
eiide the pieces through. The combination now offered-
for the price of one) machine! :
that washes cloches and whirls therv
.dry, ia offered ea special terms, tooi
w mrm ' m
'-'yT: of 7yWS$&Q
- m mmr - mi x. bbi . .
Wash Silk Crept
Georgettes ;
Crepe be Chine
Trii Hu Silks
This final summer clearance of
dresses embrace ibwinfiUk'
type in sleeveieslfg0B"- in
plain itela ad'ltt
of these sold formerly at more
than double this price! , .
Tru-hu silks are f aiBous . f or
their goodness of quality . . all
are washable. Crepe de-hinea
and wash crepes are
early fall wear.
idear for
Friday and Saturday
Many other lines .of summer ap
parel are included In this' final
clearance beginning today .V. end-f
Jng Saturday, it P. M. ... It " wlli
pay you. to shop every floor . ;v
Shoes ... Millinery . . . Hosiery
. . . Accessories ... Yard Goods
. . . Lingerie . . .
Blonde and Beige Pumps. Pnrpf
(Enna Jetticks Excepted) Jkii,K.
Choice of Summer Hats... ......
' -
Crepe De Chine Stepins, Dance Sets, $.98
Combinations, Plain and Lace Trims e4&
r ... . . -.-- '-,.-. - - . ,
Regular 49c Dimities, fast colors. About 500 u
yards in this lot, per yard....L.. l....;:.:
-. ' y ...... - .' - . - '
Regular 5c Voiles, fast colors.. About 500 k HQ
yards in lot Priced, yard.. Li ; O V C
f" 1 ' ' ' i ,'a-
"OtoLV $2.50sD6V7N
-Beleace coaVeaiiat fermt
-i -'i - BT.IOHNS n.Barw -' d jr-
Vaai- - , r OaUOOfJ CtTT Mj - BXttSBOBO ' - i
Perfume . . . Powder-. . . Pearls
Add to Feminlnine Charm May We Siurzest XoiseHe "
,'5 4-ox. box Loiselle Powden Natural, Bachel or Sun-tan.
Regular $1.00 size Half-oz. Gold Capped Flacon Loiselle
. (Jasmine Odeur) Perfume. Re. IJS0 size. - -
- Regular $2a Valued .... .
During Dmonstration Sale Only "
. Pearl Necklace FREE!
.If you brinsf lhls Conoon
Two Days Ordi if Center AUU ? - ; -
"f jo
hi -v..
fiira.-s y-vsW t,-dT
- - i- - -
! 1 1