The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 29, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem Oregon; Friday Morning. August 29, 1930
"Laugh :Clowtv Laugh" is
Played at Funeral at No
ted Actor's Request
(AP). Lon Chaney. who started
life as a clown and met death at
the height of his career u om
of the ; creen's ; most celebrated
character' actors,' was burled to
. day la the Forest Lawn cemetery,
The final chapter in the 'lite
story t "the man ot a thousand
faces," his funeral, reached dra
matic heights perhaps .shore these
in the film stories that made him
, famous.
The climax of the drama came
when Lieutenant Colonel fl. S.
Dyar. United -States Marine corps
chaplain, hla simple" oology com
pleted, stepped hack from the
silver, flower-banked casket, and
the violin and organ began softly
the strains of "Laugh Clown.
Laugh" the title and theme
song of on ot Cheney's most
successful pictures.
Sam and Jack .Eelnberg, set
musicians for Chaney since he
made Us big hit In "The Hunch
back of Notre Dame. wept as
they played Cheney's favorite
"mood music," used at the stu
dio while the cameras ground
away on scenes that often requir
ed Chaney to carry on in spite of
grotesque and painful poses.
Wtdsw OoUapsee
As Song Flayed;
The widow. Mrs. Hazel Chaney.
to- whom Cheney's last request
had been to have his "set music"
played at the funeral, collapsed,
weeping hysterically. Tears well
ed la the eyes of friends ot Che
ney, la attendance, men and wom
en Whose names are known
wherever films are teen, officers
of the marine corps, and down
and outers of pictures and other
professions, whom bo had be
friended. There was no religious musie
played 1 n the downtown chapel of
the Guardian Angel daring the
services. The first .song played
was the popular waits of a few
years ago, "Let the Rest ot the
World Oo By."
The active pallbearers were
not drawi from the motion pic
ture colony. They were Cheney's
closest friends one, John Jeske.
his chauffeur tor ten years, was
said to hare been the actor's
most constant companion.
STATTON, Aug. t Bohle,
the small sen of Mr. and Xrs, C
O. Bowman who lire south of
town died suddenly Wednesday
afternoon. -The Httle fellow was
out with members 'of the family
while they were feeding the
chickens and was playing in the
wheat bin. He was later taken
with convulsion and medical aid
was summoned, but ho lived only
about an hour and a half. .
It was first thought Uat on ac
count of his sudden death be
might hare - eaten oomethlng
poisonous white playing In the
barn, but an autopsy performed
showed that death was duo entire
ly to eatlag the wheat. It Is said
that the wheat had recently been
. The Httle fellow was two years
and eight months old. The funer
al service will be held In Salem
at the home ot Mrs. Bowman's
daughter, 445 Norway street, at 2
p.m. en Friday. Interment wtlt
be In City View cemetery. The
Weddle mortuary ot this place
has charge of the service.
BREMERTON, Wash.. Aug. 2t
CAP). Deputy Sheriff A. D.
Corliss said Mrs. Julia Lee. Chris-
, tenon. , had confessed - the
killing of her husband. Q. L.
Chrlstenson, and : John' Hlgehar.
at the Chrlstenson home near
Peslabo last Tnssday. afternoon,
The two seen were moonshiners.
The7 two men were shot down
as they worked in - root house
about 150 feet from the Chris-
tenee - residence. - ChrUteason
had been .shot three times and
Higebar oaee. , Both wers ap-
parentiy Instantly killed.
. 'Mrs. Chrlstenson married
, Christiansen, who was 27 years
1 her senior, about "a month ago
oyer the objections M Aer fam
ily, she said. Higebar about go.
began working with ChrieUnsoa
on the day he was killed. She
said" she had attempted to get
ner husband , to abandon-tnoea
shining, but wlthont success.
- - After the wen 'were hilled
Tuesday, Mrs. Christensen walk
ed several miles- to Touhtbo for
adecto. The doctor made an s
asetaattea nnd reported tho don
We ktmng to Kitsap county oftt-
Ggsser feBeld .
- On Charges of
; After eraihiiir hla ear hea so
railed to make n tunrn nt Church
and Mission street late Thursday
n&bt, XUreace Gossertraf Ar
rested ear a reckless driring
charge. pis ' ear was orerturned
when It atmes: h ersk-- '
: .Eatedah R. Delacfuf, a Fllfptno
from Calforaia. wa arrested and
charged with driving his nuteeso-
blle with four In tho drirer"s seau
" His three companions were Fili
v f h i. . .
f .if-
t jjiijjjjiapgl. Wggsssjsay"" ' jrc'Lgrti?cK .It -v
r n lift i nun i--'"' i -c nr - 'Z" -
Telephoto transmitted to San Francisco by Bell system shows the German seaplane, piloted by Cwptate
Wolfgang von Gronaa and bis tnree companions, landed In A eve xoric narDor Troen tianrat. ancma
tag a flight from Germany.
(Continued from pace 1)
bridge over Milton creek, C. J.
Montag, Portland, $SC4t.
Linn county Bridges over
Dobbin, Wolf and Canyon creeks
on the Santiam highway SS miles
east ( Lebanon and removal of
old bridges, C. A. Catching, Rose-
hurg, fll.Sl.St.
The matter ot a snert highway
to the beaches again came np for
discussion. E. R. Palmberg,
president ot the Seaside chamber
or commerce, presented 10 tae
commission a resolution signed
. A . . m
oy ui enzmoers et coauoercv wi i
Seaside. Astoria. Warronton.
Gearhart. Cannon Beach, and the
Clatsop county chamber of com
merce, which would leave the
choice ot a short route to the sea
with the commission. The reso
lution pledged support of such a
highway. -
A Lane county delegation.
headed by C. P. Bernard, county
judge, asked the commission to
bold back the county's share ox
the automobile tax revenue and
accept this amount as the coun
ty's share ta cooperation with
the state toward the completion
of too state highway system in
the county. The commission ac
cepted the proposal. Lane coun
ty's share of the tax revenue over
a period of four years would be
about I50M00, it was said.
Reserve Planned
In Clatsop) County
Chairman van Duzer said o ra
cers ot the forest service favored
the highway commission's pro
posal to make a government -re
serve of a.C.41' acre timber tract
between Cdnnoa Beach and Sea
side. - That tract' is said to be one
of the most beautiful stands of
timber in the state.
Host or the timber u owned by
the Crown-WBIaaiette Paper com
pany. The highway commission
proposes to acquire the tract and
give the Crown-Willamette com- J
pany in return an equal amount
of timber In the Sluslaw national
forest adjacent to the company's
hoi drags near Jteedsport.
(AP) Sffecthre enforcement of
prohibition by. federal agencies piano for use in takiag up paseen
alone was declared an "utter im- j gers and tor the flytag school
possibility" tonight by Assistant
Attorney General Toungquist In
tho coarse of an appeal tor In
ereased cooperation from state
and municipal authorities.
Estimatteg -the number et fed
eral agents at one to every 70.000
et population, he termed the force
pitifully mdoenate nnd said
tt was the daty of tho states to
lean tnetr assistance.
The assistant attorney gener-
ars remarks were made i. an ad-
dress hreadcast over the Colum-i
hla aystem ander th a. safe. tl
the Washington SUr. His asneal
tocratlon was irtu
mnnsr . eeseruons
heard recently fron Attftraev
Mitchell. Prohibition Dt-
snent cossmissinn. " lulc
tuo local authorities In msnrT
sections' are already aivlna- valu-
sK ar . 1
.VJc,.meat Wfca
ITT. . i
dlctlng improremenu for the fu-
bt i in inv vsinrsi . strmprivai ' a nsi SHseev
"Si .
tl 'LTT.Z r?. . rs "
uj't. a- . i. ' '
mTttL- mn V.Jli7t PrTlor of nnrses at
ZMKM wia vaeee, in some cases 4 tt hMnii aiM i
aaors stringent than ths federal
statute- Th v-
navo the ma -
tire, ho added, niacins- the nam.
nor of leoal peace offieors at x7S4
oss as compared with Ue 1,70
gonis a too proniomen bureau.
Girl who Will
Christen Boat
Reaches Coast
- eBBsaBBBsas
Brawn KMUMIt mnidnrhtH
James -B. Brown, sublaher at the
LemlsvUla -Herald Poet, who was
seteeted or the
Kinmcky.i. tn ehristei -th nam
KgU cruiser LoulrriUo at the
atarrow hr crsxn irom mart
Ska cartlas n ljeol'nptlnlrWS
Water trass th; farm where Abra
fham Lincoln waa heUsred horn.
with which te baptise
the new
Herej There
And Yon
Bits of Personal News
Gleaned About Interest
ing People
Growers of berries are in the I
best shape this year of any ot 1
the berry or fruit producers la 1
I the opinion of Earl Pearcy. local 1
buyer. The season has been ox-1
oellent for growth of .berries and j
me marnei is not giaiiea. ne
prune crop Is in the doldrums
here because California has the
largest yield lm its history andlOM column and in a parallel
thus controls the market which I
is law. anrwav. dna to eastern 1
w . ' t l
apathy at buying commodities. I
Pearcy expressed himself Thurs
day as none too pleased with ex
tensive federal government "in
terference' this year. It you d
ih wL .
here and Portland over the west-
side highway, you'd relievo traf
fic congestion," he said.
Postal receipts here are $5009
to SCO 00 ahead of receipts for
the same number of months last
year reports Postmaster John
Farrar. This increase, without
a session of the legislature, is
encouraging, Farrar feels,
e e e
T. C. Elliott. Walla Walla
business man and noted author
ity on the history of he north
west, was n visitor in Salem
Thursday, calling on his old Am
herst friend. A. N. Bush, and
other Salem acquaintances. In
Juno Mr. Elliott was honored
with the degree Of 'doctor ot let
ters from Amherst the distinc
tion being won because of his
contributions to historical re
search In the northwestern field.
He recently underwent an opera-
tion on his eyes in Portland,
which he hopes will lmpfoTe his
sight, which has been poor for
several years
Myron Butler was la Salem1
Thursday afternoon after having
flown a new MenocoupoM cabin
plane from 8aa Francisco, where
Butler and
chased the
Emfl Willisms pur-1
machine. The two
left San Francisco at 12:18
o'clock Wednesday and "sat
down" for the night at tho gov
ernment emregency field at Ton
callo. They came oa-to Albany
arriving there Thursday morning
at 10 o'clock. The piano being
new. could not stand tho strain
of hard flying nnd so the trip
had to bo a bit slow said Butler.
Toung Butler and Williams hare
been managing the airport at
Albany and have . purchased the
1 whleh they are conducting there
I They also gre gas and oil serr-
lee tor planes landing on tho
field. Mr. Butler said that they
averaged about four visiting
planes a week.
e e
A scarcity of -water for stock.
1 intense heat, nnd
irao iMTuuax cquhioh were
sVest h ntrsLon Olson who rpa -
pqdIs in the Willamette vaiiev
itTSff? LI?,. !rIr"f
I " - AV:. XTJr'
Ulett Of tU&U 7 aVd
i ah . a.tif r.ttia m
I i JiTT. T7 ... lT'TI
pound, and ihW were sold for
j "eh cars of, Usome sections.
r- w..A.t. v
1618 1 back door and most of it
residents know very little about
m u
1 it, oeaae, manager of tho Doa-
eouesa hoanitaiTa. iLahl-lrS
la little trip he and several others
I Moss lake, near Soottsl
1 u vmhu 'hi, aa. b.
aT," a-CrxT !?
1 .rr -zz aw
1 ri,attijA -. w m
the others making tho Jaunt
io me iaxe.
SEATTLE. Aug. S j ( AP )
Tod Morgan. Seattle, former fnn-
ior lightweight Ionise champion of
tne woridywon n clean cut deci
sion over Eddie Maxk. Denver, tn
a six round bout Aere tonight.
; - i ii, - .--'Ji
BJes available for export frsm
the three varplas prodsclng areas
of Asia. Bwrsas,- IsmoChlaa and
'Florida- has an ear of iaT
I acres ot land that is nretoct-
fwm wwwss.-
I Too Late to Classify
i iwiwoMimiMWMw
I tm at ptv Mrh.M. vu.
I Road. rTetKFit.
(AP) The republican national
committee in a statement today
said few administrations in re-
times had such a record of
promisee kept ae has that ox
Herbert Hoover.
in support of the assertion
the committee issued n lentthv
summary ot administration ac
complishments as Compared te
the Kansas City platform. Ton
alatiorm Blanks were riven In
column the committee's riow ot
what ha Anmm vi .
Mw . nww wwm wivmw mm
Recalling the president's
statement: "Platform promises
must not he empty gestures,'
the compilation said a reduction
for 1130 at Mr. Hoover'i recom-
mendatioa was evidence that the
party pledge to reduce the "tax
burden'' wherever possible was
being carried out.
Almost every plank in the
platform was dealt with in aim
ilar fashion. The statement
said the promise of a necessary
revision ot the tariff had been
fulfilled nnd that the new act
had given substantial aid to g
riculturs. Emphasis was placed
on the prevision enabling the
chief executive to Increase or de
crease duties SO per cent where
necessary nnd on ths reorganiza
tion ot the tariff commission.
01,'fl CLAIMS I
(Oentinned from ease t)
never was an officer and extort
ed the money on the represents
tion that ho. could give the still
operators protection from ted
eral officials.
McBrlde's testimony was the
first intimation made during the
trial that the goTernment would
attempt to prove Whitney took
money prior to the time Al Hub
bard, former agent and rum run
ner, said he became tho "go-be
tween" for tho dry office and
the Olmsted liquor organisation
In 1925.
'.1 W
PONTIAC. fcficb.. Aug. 28.
AP. Four girls, aged 8 to IS,
confessed - today, according to
state and county officials, that
they started tho nearly 4S tires
whih dm InMriiM thale
pante and pawled all Uresis
aators over a neriod mt saore than
i month.
L'' .nr flftTIf
Mp- '
f? t?Ta crotser. near sateie
Creek. Mich. The eldest daurh-
I ter. Dorothy, told officers today
lS2J SSPtt
iimwu vasi m w iu nope vi
imolleatlnar a nelahher wham aha
she was
i n ?
OIX 1 HIUTea 3S -
Planes Collide
At State Fair
DES MOINES, Iewa. Aag. .
pcrwua were in-
Jured. somi of them eriticaHy
iv M
lwwt1." w-
rag an exnimuon us xown
I V.
Jo Allen, pilot of one of the
Intnnea. waa waa at the anaat rt.
Mously injured. Physicians said
they' believed he reeetred frae-
skulL Others . injured:
Hrold jailer. ie. of Norvalk.
Iowa, probable skull fracture R.
HalL It; of : Den . Moines; J. Jk
Hayes. aCItehenvlllOi Iowa; Mrs.
Claude Pope., pes Moines; F. W.
senredsr. Gait, iowa.
Allen nnd Cy Younglove were
flying rtth a trie ealUnr thens
SflreoUo -sons e sjun-. They
started te snake n tarn nnd In do
tns so mixed wiags, Allen's plane
fell near the nircraf t tent. Yonng-
lere righted ' hla,- and Unted en
the municipal airport.- - t
; .666 ;
Relieves n Jlendacho'ew XswatzSa
ia e mtnsrten, cheers m Cold the
first day. sand sisecks ISalacin tn
PI 0 fflB
Uegality of Procedure to
Date Questioned by
(Continued from page 1)
of the vacation matter as it had
been presented to the oonnoil. a4
declared every atop had been tak
en legally.
Hal D. Patton. alderman, sit
ting la on the meeting made the
saggesttoa that the -purchase of
a 4 J -foot strip north ot the
Southern Pacific holdings, would
permit the moving over of Trade
street, retaining Us present width
of feet and yet allowing the
paper mill the 4-foot addition it
seeks. Bayne said he would not
start injunction , proceedings
J against the council should ouch a
traae oe agroea npejnv. &eys
said the proposal was mot teast-
Max O. Burea and FV M. Are-
gory both spoke before the coun
cil committee in opposition to uo
street vacation. Aside fro:
Keyts, Aldermen Patton and Ol
son. Mr. Gregory and the remou-
trance signers tnero were no
other parties at the hearing.
Mr. Fry declared on several oc
casions dating the extended dis
cussion, that the narrowing ot the
street to a S 0-foot clearing when
two tracks for the railroad vero
deducted from the It-toot width
after the paper plant construction
was finished, would bottle up
Commercial street and greathr de
crease the value ot his holdings
there. He pointed out that he
was .favorable to the development
of the paper Industry hero but
did not think it fair that this
development should be at the ex
a - - ...
pense of his own holdings. Both
Bame and Fry indicated they
felt the Fry warehouse on Com
mercial stret was logically to be
included in the property affected
and indicated that the consent of
the owners of this property was
essential to street vacation.
iiu am
LIMA. Peru, Aug. 38. (AP)
Peru today apparently had re
turned to the normal status ex
isting before a revolt last Friday j
stirred the nation and resulted In 1
Installation of L4eut. CoL Luis M.
Sanches Cerro last night as the
new head ot the government.
Sanches Cerro. arrivius: from
Arequlpe by plane, succeeded a
military Junta which on Monday
ousted President Augusto B. -Legale
and was sworn in last night
as president of the new Junta
without portfolio. His cabinet. In
stalled at the same time, reads as
Secretary of war. Malor Alejan
dro Barco.
Secretary of foreign affairs.. Col.
Ernesto Hontagne.
Government and police. Major
Gustavo KImenez.
Finance and commerce. CoL
Ricardo Llona.
Publte education and religion.
Lt CoL Armando Sologuren.
Public works and industry. CoL
Ealogio Castillo.
Marine and aviation, Comman
der Carlos Rotalde.
Tho new administration today
began to reorganise the govern
ment. Intending to oust those of
ficials who were adherents to the
former president, now lying 111
aboard the cruiser Almirante Grau
in Callao.
CHICAGO. Aug. 21. (AP)
Ltewtenant John P. de Bhase.
crack navy flier who was killed
at the national air races hero
yesterday, died a hero, a coro
ner's Jury decided today.
- After hearing testimony from
fellow pilots who witnessed the
accident at Clover range, the
Jury 'found that do Shase's fatal
tall was duo to his anxiety to
tarn sharply from tho stands at
the end et his race and avoid
tho possibility of crashing Into
the midst ot thousands ot pee-
The Jury's verdict wss that
the death ot Lieutenant no
Saaso and. Lewis Welner, Spec
tator Who was killed, were ac
Shanghai, the New York aad
Paris of China, ranks among the
first eight ports of tho world.
1J n
.Asnm, nu- as. sva"
12 Koatha NetttilOWi. t)X3
f UsntJiS KtU J10C0XD Cost WfUCa
Arawssla to ,2553 ;-
JLn Seai n4 tht nUnest tm M Irmstawat
Hawldns & Rocsrts Inc.
4 a
. 'I'
Declaring that she will stand by
her husband, Mrs. Warren B.
Duttoo, wife of n wealthy Cal-1
iformla rancher en trial in San
Francisco on a charge of mur
der, admitted her indiscretions
with other man bad anapped bis
mind and led to the tragedy.
Mrs. Rosenteld
Dies at age 72
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 28.
(AP). Mrs. Bertha Rosenfeid,
72, widow of the late Sol Rosen
feid, pioneer wholesale merchant,
died of heart disease today.
Mrs. Rosenfeid had been active
in civic and philanthropic work
in Portland.
Heme at Wfc Talkie
Special Colored Mack Sesueett
Comedy "Jans Mamas .
Also FaUen, Serial nam Kows
-."w.-x.. . : - i
?. . if .;-1
Ok A J
R Lewis CO
j Stone I
Meat- 1 n
NEW DELHL India, Aug. 12.
(AP) The eonfllct ot author
ity on one nana ana passive re
sistance on tho other was re
sumed tn India today, worn
from Madras said that province
followed tho load ot Delhi jres-
tardar nad. declared the working
committee of the all-India na
tional coasress an unlawful as
sociation while- the six members
of -the - iwerkiag commutes .ar
rested hero irhen the ban went
into effect yesterday were sen
tenced today to - terms ot six
months simple ' imprisonment
etch. - '
Several other provinces hare
banned the -working committee,
adopting this action so they can
move against afitators it new
disorders occur. .
Meanwhile the Delhi nation
alists countered by naming a
new working committee while
leaders of tae Bombsy govern
ment called tor volunteers to- as
semble' on the -Esplanade Mai
dan Sunday despite a prohibit
ing ordinance. Such meetings
were banned early in the sum
mer by the chief magistrate who
said he feared their effect on na
tire troops quartered nearby. Po
lice broke np never al large dem
onstrations to enforce the order.
Canoe Party is
Well Along way
JUNEAU, Alaska, Aug. 28.
(AP). With 11,000 miles of
their 11.000 mile "arctic to tro
pics'' canoe Jaunt still to be tra
versed, three Canadian brothers,
Y. Alrln and Eyans Fisher,
an4 a fourth youth. Carl Briber,
left here today for Prince Rupert,
Canada, by way of the Inside pas
sage. Starting at Waterways, north
ern Alberta, tn tho heart ot Can
ada, en May IS, 1120, they pad-
.Attend the Matinees
aad avoid the
evening crowds
Our Gang Comedy
H Wain IFronj
XL paramount yvtum
Dandng Sensation
AdaglolsU .
. Talking Fiddle
Impress! oslstls Dancer
50 New Smslp Cdttatjes - 50 Tent Houses
12 Dcubla Cottajrci
MODEB .BATH DOCSJE, prttato naiha, aAXlcd Attendants.
- - fc i Hr- fTTtrls tirht's. rnnnlsf nstfi In all cs
,Sjee. :- ' j ' - -y, ,. - '
ttATlSt "
Xent XUnses fwrnisbed except te soAIkg an4 eooUn wten---stls
jp,se' week JatLOOt . ', .
COTTAGES: FnrntsM sncipt
and tSLtni yer sroek 9.eo and jUgn. ;fl ,
eemrsuneo ' failawaeTm4l ti-i '-irf ai s
luacsii:-' Old bAtjis'abJ2
sths smoai Oci new
K each tOc
slrena tnrnlanlaj own snits, pee Week tJS.
' Xo restrlctians
Art for M. D. Drwtnkn, rre
e e - e e - e et'- o -
Today Norma Shearer .
"Their Own Desire.
Today Aileea. Pringle Via
"Prince of Diamonds."
Today Norma Shearer and
Rod LoRocqueln "Let Us
Be Gay."
Ttxlay "Follies of II Jf."
died rivers and Great Slave lake
to MacKenzle delta on the arctic
ocean, and swung hack, portaging
between rivers to tho Yukon riv
er. At Circle City, on the Yukon,
they added an outboard motor to
their slender 1 9 -foot long craft.
Bratvaag Called
Home as Arctic
Storms Feared
OSLO, Norway, Aug. It (AP)
Wireless calls te hasten home
were sent out by Scandinavian
radio statioBs today to the 8ealor
Bratvaag, carrying the bodies ot
Salomon August Aadree and his
polar flight companions, found ia
the Arctic SS years after their
In view of tho danger of sud
den and swift storms in the Arc
tic which might cause the wreck
of the little ship and the loss for
ever of the polar party's story as
recounted in Andree's diary, the
Norwegian and Swedish govern
ments decided to hasten the re
tur aof Dr. Dunnar Horn, who
found the bodies.
California fruit growers are
benefiting considerably front the
"Eat More Fruit" campaign re
cently launched in England.
-ST-. t
Metrotone K
Wek J ' .."'". .
week eTlcA
thren -dnynv. ' -
68S sTff lTeljr"
FTJRN1SHKD 0 roam house and
Igarsge. Gaa, Call Mt N. Church.