The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 29, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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    Today's Paper Today
To mail subscribers Tbe
Oregon Statesman la to
day's paper today; received
day of publication om all
Salem R. F. kVav
Fair today and Saturday;
temperatare above normal.
Max. temperature Thursday,
85; min. 49; west wind;
rive a.
9 t
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, August 29, 1930
No. 133
' L FOUNDED 1631
Fl 15 SET
Burning Candle Seen by 2
Policemen, Disclosed
In Reports Filed
State Fire Marshal Thinks
Definite Action may
Be Taken Soon
Strong Indications that the fire
which practically destroyed the in
terior of the Cherry City Milling
company - building Wednesday
night had been deliberately set,
were found when an investigation
of the blaze was launched Thurs
day, it was stated that night by
Clare A. Lee, state fire marshal.
Offieera of the fire marshal's
department and insurance adjust
ers were busy on the scene a num
ber of hours Thursday, and Mr.
Lee indicated that some definite
action might be expected after the
probe was completed, possibly to
day. Important evidence is contained
In confidential reports on file at
the police station in which Offi
cers Shafer and Burgess described
conditions which they found in
the burning basement while tbe
fire was at its hottest.
Homing Candle
Been la Basement
" "lifficer Shafer worked his way
to a point near the apparent cen
ter of the blaze in the basement,
and according to the story he told
the Insurance adjusters, he saw
there a burning candle, sitting up
right on the floor.
Shafer called' Officer Burgess
from the police station and they
went in together. Burgess later
reporting that he also saw the
burning candle. They were not
able to obtain it because of the
flames in the vlnicity. They found
there also greasy waste and rags,
they declared in their statements
to the adjusters.
Reconstruction .of the building
will be started immediately, ac
cording to W. T. Jenks, who with
H. S. Gile owns tbe building and
leased It to the milling firm. They
do not know whether the milling
company will lease. it again.
A deal was near completion pri
or to the fire, for sale of the mill
to the Oregon Feed company, it
was reported.
PENDLETON. Ore., Aug. 28.
, (AP) The twenty-first annu
al Pendleton roundup opened
here today with a parade of 2000
Indians in full tribal regalia.
The Indians were gathered
from seven reservations from
Washington, Idaho, Montana,
South Dakota, Utah and Oregon.
Results of today's events in
cluded: Cowboy pony race: Pablo Mar
tinez, Cheyenne, first; Willis
Zeek, Prinevllle. Cecil Willing
ham, Prineville.
World championship calf rop
ing contest: Arthur Beloat, first;
King Marjitt; Dick Merchant.
Time, 20.4 seconds.
World championship steer bull
dogging: Gene Ross, first; Buck
Lucas; Paddy Ryan. Time, 17
Cowgirls world championship
relay race: Pat Lucas, first; Ma
bel Strickland; Velda TindalL
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 28
(AP) Trial of Earl gears,
-82, alleged "sock bandit." be
gan In circuit court here today.
gears Is charged with ser
ies of holdups In Portland over
a period of two months. Tbe
holdups netted him about
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 28
(AP) Ronald Ralston, 11, son
of Mr. Md Mrs Allen , W V Ral
ston, Portland, drowned at a re
sort here today. The body was
recovered in water barely deep
enough to cover the body.
The- boy was believed to have
slipped from ladder nnder
diving board. No one saw the
ASHLAND, Ore., An. S
' (AP) Dr. D. Kerr, pastor of a
' Presbyterian church at Grants
Ptis, was arrested today durfr
ed with speeding! M to 5 mltos
- . nrk wlmfp Mid M
waa takJnf Wi wife to hoe-
"l rarafKn CTSTODY
ifMieTT.iKn Dre.. Anr. 28
i.oi-tv. Lndke. Nehalem
' f two alleged poachers
.who escaped from deputy game
wardens lt December, was a r-
resUd on Tiimo
German Fliers land in New York
. V
T V"WC - ft.
Telepboto transmitted to Saa Francisco from New York by Bell sysU
Hand of snayor'a reception eoimnittae; Fraaz Hack, mechanic;
Cafjtaln too Gronaa and Frits Albreoht, wireless operator. Plctu.
harbor, after Gennaa filers landed.
German Trans -Ocean
Fliers Given Great
Welcome at Gotham
Addresses Broadcast in America and Father
land ; Mayor JimmieWalker Praises Pilots
for AccompUshmpnt in Long Flight
NEW YORK, Aug. 28(AP) The German Trans-Atlantic
fliers were welcomed at city hall today at a cere
mony broadcast in this country and Germany.
Mayor James J. Walker greeted the fliers and Capt.
Wolf gang von Gronau replied, both speaking in English.
Then Gustav Hauser, acting German consul general, and
Capt. von Gronau spoke brieflyv-
la German.
"If I'd known Gevany was
listening in," the mayor re
marked, "I would have said a
few wie gehts and auf wieder
sehens myself."
The mayor first greeted the
Hiers inside city hall.
"It's a splendid thing you and
your crew have done," he told
Capt. von Gronau. "You are
welcome. You'll find hundreds
of thousands of persons of Ger
man extraction here who have
made the most splendid kind of
citizens. You are welcome for
what they have done as well as
for what you have done."
Will hop Westward
In "Flying Whale"
After Capt. von Gronau re
sponded briefly, the ceremony
was moved to the city ball steps I
for the international Droaacast
and the benefit of a large crowd
waiting in the plaia to see the
At seven o'clock tomorrow
morning the fliers leave their
hotel for a flight westward In
their Flying Whale. They expect
to get in the air by eight o'clock,
flying up the Hudson and Mo
hawk rivers, circling over Niagra
Falls and spending the night in
Buffalo. Saturday they go to
Chicago for the air races and
Monday to Cleveland for the
start of the international balloon
rape. They return to New York
Tuesday, and from then on their
plans are undecided.
Sock Bandit" Trial on
Portland Child Drowns
Minister Said Speeding
Alleged Poacher Held
warden. The other man, Koneri
Starr. Is still at large.
The two men were arresiea
December 10, 1929, after Guy H.
Forsythe, deputy game warden,
and Victor Anderson, deputy fish
warden, had found them in pos
session of 101$ pounds of steel-
head trout and silverside salmon
taken from the Rogue river by
illegal methods. The two men
were allowed to enter their cabin
to change their clothes and escap
ed through a rear door.
Ludke's bail was set at $500
and he will betransferred to Cur
ry county for trial.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 28
(AP) A dispatch from the
Oregonlaa's Washington cor
respondent says the 1931 an
nual meeting of the association
of agricultaral college editors
vU be held at Corrallis. Tbe
date of the convention has not
been fixed.
PORTLAND. Ore Aug.e8
(AP) George C. sabin, manager
of the Oregon eaves resort eaid
today 22,000 persons hav -visited
the caves this summer. This
number, he aid, was 200 more
than the number of visitors at
thi. time last rear.- The figure
does not Include thousands of per-
nn, who come to the caves anu ao
- t- tnron them
y '
(AP). Colonel and Mrs. Charles
A. Lindbergh became the center
of attraction for 40.000 persons
at the National air races today.
The popular hero and his wife
set their black and red Lockheed
Sirius, low-winged monoplane in
the middle of the airport early
in the afternoon, coming here
from Columbus, O., where they
spent the night, by way of In
dianapolis. After taxiing across
the field, they were met by race
officials and cameramen and es
corted to the grandstand by a
small auto parade.
The crowd cheered as the fam
ous couple was taken to a box,
and several hundred persons left
their good seats to stand in front
of the Lindbergh space. Jimmie
Doolittle was stunting with his
doodle bug, an event which us
ually keeps all eyes turned sky
ward, but only the Lindberghs
were watching him. The crowd
was watching the "Lindberghs. I
Amateur photographers In
droves climbed the railing around
the box and pointed cameras at
the couple, some staying long
enough to expose whole film rolls.
Finally, Major R. W. Schroeder,
chairman of contests, led the
Lindberghs out of the boxes to
the chief Judge's stand above the
press box. There they could see
the races without themselves be
ing seen.
MEMPHIS, Aug. 28. (API
Baltimore's contingent of fast
playing youngsters -came from bf -hind
to defeat New Orleans 6 to
4 here today in the first game of
the American Legion Junior
world s series. - Three successive
singles in the tenth and a bn t
seat Baltimore's winning ru i
New Orleans RUE
200 000 020 0 I 12 3
000 000 220 15 12 1
Denis, Butseman and Setters;
Burrows and Kaun.
Three Executed
For Prison Riot
f OSSING, N. T., Aug. 28. (AP)
-In a triple execution in Sing
Sing prison tonight, Claud Udwine.
34; William Force, 3; and Jesse
Thomas, 20; were electrocuted for
their part In the Auburn prison
riot last December in which ten
lives were lost. They were convict-
ed Jt responsibility for the death
of Henry Sullivan, ring leader of
the mutiny. .
ft .
1 r--f
u, shows from left to right: George
dwmrd Zunmer, arlation student;
o made on police boat. New York
Lane County Makes Deal to
Speed Completion of
Road System
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 28
(AP). The. state highway com
mission " today awarded bridge
and highway construction con
tracts totaling about $165,000.
The largest contract was won
by Joslin and McAllister who bid
$74,922 for regrading and resur
facing 5.7 miles of the Haines-
Baker section of the Oregon
Other contracts awarded were
uiatsop county grading ap-
yfi" to bridges over Necani
cum river and Wahanna creek on
Roosevelt highway near Seaside,
R. L. Houck, Independence,
Tillamook county Pleasant
valley-Hemlock section of the
Roosevelt highway, three miles of
gravel resurfacing, Joslin and Mc-
Ca Ulster. $36,570.
Baker and Grant counties
Construction of a frame storage
building on the Old Oregon Trail
at Baker and one on tbe John
Day highway pear Austin, R. H
Jones, Baker, $10,188.50.
Columbia county Widen
Turn to Page 2, Col. 2
DETROIT, Aug. 28. (AP).
A kidnaper who turned state's
evidence recently against two of
his alleged companions in crime
was on the list of witnesses to he
.called by Detroit's 22-man grand
Jury which began Its work of in
vestigating crime conditions to
This man, Joseph (Legs) La-
man, who is serving a 30 to 49
year prison sentence, will not be
called, however, until the Jurors
have completed the first phase of
their investigation, which deals
with the assassination on July 23
of Gerald E. (Jerry) Buckley,
radio political commentator.
Wilber M. Brucker, attorney
general of Michigan, discussing
the probable testimony of Lam an
today said that the convict had
given him an "amazing account"
of underworld activities.
The Jury held a short session
today, calling only one witness,
George Lumsden, secretary to
Police Commissioner Thomas C.
Wilcox. Lumsden was Instructed
to return tomorrow.
Bronze Plaque
Honors General
Henry Wheeler
MITCHELL, Ore., Aug. 28.
(AP) A bronze plaque to the
memory of Henry H. Wheeler,
pioneer citizens of Wheeler county,
will be erected by the Eastern
Oregon Pioneer association. The
plaque will be placed beside the
highway about three miles west
of Mitchell, near the place where
Mr. Wheeler was attacked by In
dians, September 7, I860.
Wheeler and another men were
driving a stage from The Dalles to
eanyon City when the attack oc
curred.. The first bullet fired pass
ed through Wheeler's face tear
ing out several teeth. Wheeler
and his companion leaped from
tbe stage, unhitched the front team
of horses and escaped.
-The Indians seized $10,000 in
greenbacks, but not knowing their
lvalue they scattered them about
J the country side.
Oscar Duley, Eugene Dep
uty Expected to die From
Bullet Wounds
Tells Companion Moonshin
er Fired When he Tried
To Arrest son
EUGENE. Ore., Aug. 28.
(AP). Oscar Duley. Eugene po
liceman and Lane county deputy
sheriff, was shot five times and
wounded probably fatally tonight
while conducting a liquor raid
near Marcola.
John Carlyle, deputy sheriff,
who accompanied Duley on the
raid, reported they were combing
the woods looking for a still when
the shooting started. He was
about a half mile away from Du
ley at the time.
Says Shots Fired
By H. Sutherland
Carlyle ran toward the sound
of the shooting and found Duley
still conscious and able to talk.
Two of the five bullets fired, had
entered his head.
Duley told Carlyle he was in
the act of arresting the son of
H. Sutherland when the father
fired upon him from ambush and
the pair escaped.
The deputy immediately organ
ized an armed posse which, aided
by blood hounds, began search
ing the woods for the two Suth-
Duley was taken to a Eugene
hospital but was not expected to
Wire. Found About Throat
Of Girl; Lifeless Body
Left Near Home
SOUTH BEND. Ind., Aug. 28.
(AP) The .lifeless body of
Marverlne Appel, age 8, a wire
wound about the neck and an
abrasion on the head, was found
tonight in an alley at the rear of
a house about two blocks from
the home of her mother, from
which she disappeared last night
The coroner, who took charge
of the body, said the girl had
been dead but a short time, and
police said they believed she had
been held prisoner for nearly 24
hours in the neighborhood.
Detectives working on the ease
sought- to determine the identity
of a man driving a small automo
bile who was reported yesterday
to have asked Marverine and sev
eral other children to take a ride.
The children refused.
Girl Kidnaped
Previous Night
The girl disappeared last night,
and her mother, Mrs. Eula Appel,
asked police to search for her.
Authorities in several other north
ern cities also were notified.
Deputy Coroner William F. MI
keeh, of St. Joseph county, who
examined the body, said the girl
had been attacked before she was
killed. .Baling wire had been tied
tightly about the girl's throat, but
the examiner tonight had not de
termined what caused death.
Available police and. posses of
citizens joined in a wide spread
manhunt for the slayer.
One suspect was arrested. He
was Jack Stancer, 32, who was
held for questioning after he had
appeared at the Appel home to In
quire If the girl had been found.
Police had- not definitely connect
ed Stancer with the slaying, how
Bromley Hopes
To hop Across
Ocean Saturday
TOKYO, Aug. 29. (Friday )
(AP) With favorable weather
reported along the first 1,000
miles of their Intended route, Har
old Bromley and Harold Gatty,
American aviators, announced
they would start their proposed
trans-Pacific flight at daybreak
Saturday. This would be about 11
a, m., Friday, P. S. T.
Bromley and Gatty hope to land
at Tacoma, Wash.
Judge Fines KimstU
For Being Late. $5
It Handed to Juror
(AP) Being va stickler
for , panctoality, Superior
Judge George Cabaniss fined
himself $3 when he arrived
five minutes late for county
court today.
'After sectoring himself
publicly. Judge Cafeaniss
handed a Juror a 5 bill.
"Give tbls,o the first
needy person jou nmtj the
jurist ordered. The" juror
nonrommilally ' placed the
money in his pocket.
Indian Witness Says
Protection Payment
Made to W. Whitney
Testimony Carries Start of Alleged Bribery
Back to 1923, Prior to all Hubbards As
serted Connection With Officers
EATTTJ5. Aucr 9A ( AV
lpnpp an Tnrlian throw int
, " ..... w WW W f.. A VVV. J , VUU J Vi
the mot startling; statements heard in federal court here
since the Lyje-Whitney conspiracy trial opened more than
two weeks ago.
Jack McBride, who admitted that he sometimes' was
McNary Request Brings
Word State Department
Not Likely to act
The state deDartment of the
federal government does not feel
it stiouid conduct an investiga
tion of alleged dumping of pulp
and pulpwood from Canada, Nor
way and Sweden unless concrete
facts, are presented showing evi
dence that would prove dumping.
This answer was the gist of an
extended reply reeclved Thursday
by Senator Charles L. McNary to
a wired request this week asking
for more information. In his tel
egram the senator declares that
mills in the northwest are "com
plaining bitterly against a Dres-
ent situation which leaves them
without orders. They claim
dumping from foreign nations is
responsible for conditions," said
the senator in his message.
Claim In Evidence
Of Damping Found
in the reply from Washington
acknowledgement is made of pe
titions for help received from the
Fuget Sound Pulp & Timber com
pany complaining of the situation
but the .telegram states "the cus
tom service has found no evi
dence Indicating dumping." Ref
erence is made to an Investiga
tion made by the treasury depart
ment in 1928 and J929 when the
question of dumping of pulp and
pulpwood by foreign countries
was up but at that time "the de
partment was unable In any in
stance to establish facts necessary
to constitute dumping."
Senator McNary's secretary, at
Washington conferred with the
treasury department, the customs
service and the state department
following receipt of his wire this
G. A. I
James E. Jewel, born on an
Ohio farm In 1847 and sow a
lawyer, stock breeder and farm
er at Ft. Morgan, Colo., stands
tonight where General Ulysses s.
Grant stood in 1865 at th
head of the Grand Army of the
Union veterans of the Civil
war elected Jewel commander
in chief as their S4th encamp
ment drew to a close today. He
succeeded Edwin J. Foster of
Worcester, Mass. His election
occurred oa the first ballot when
Kansas switched from its favor
ite son, Harding Merrill of
Wichita, and Illinois followed
suit. Jewel received 243 votes,
Merrill 43, Samuel P. Town of
Philadelphia, the assistant quar
termaster general and custodian,
191; Charles Nason, Portland,
Maine, senior vice commander In
chief 14, and Smith Stimmell of
Fargo, N. D., last survivor of
Lincoln's mounted body guard,
ten votes.
The new commander enlisted
In the 27th Iowa infantry at the
age of 17 and fought at the bat
tles of Nashville and Fart
Blakely. He later joined the G.
A. R. in 1879 in Colorado.
served as commander of the de
partment of Colorado and Wy
oming in 1921 and 1922 and
was unanimously chosen senior
vice commander of the national
G. A. R. at the Denver encamp
ment in 1928.
Is Halted When
One Member ill
STATTON. Aug. 28. Charles
Warner and Everette
spring sitters, ended their "flight
today all because Warner ate some
beans while he Was "off shift."
Warner is said to have eaten a
dish of beans shortly before en
tering the water. After a time be
became ill, developed a tempera
ture and was advised to leave his
position -by a physician. Determin
ed not to give up -their honors,
Everett Phillipi, the other hot wa
ter sitter, relieved him. But when
his shift was completed, Warner
was still In a painful conditions.
.The endurance contest was
abandoned for the present.
Rronlrino- a coipn voa-r B
tVia rornrHa tmlav -t
vciiwa "inaian" McBride, be
cause "i am part Indian.- was
the witness. He asserted that
he had paid William M. Whit
ney, former assistant prohibi
tion administrator and one of
the defendants chanted with
conspiracy to violate the prohi
bition laws and with receiving
bribes, 11724 for protection for
the Grays Harbor county moon
shine ring.
McBride said he had no eon
tact with Roy C. Lyle, former
administrator. Earl Corwin, for
mer field agent. R. L. Fnrant. a
former agent, and C. T. McKin-
ney, former assistant United
States attorney, the other defen
dants In the action. He testi
fied he had told no one of the
bribe until a witness before the
grand jury.
Grays Harbor Ring
Said Money Source
The Indian testified that in
1923 he collected $3448 from
members of the Grays Harbor
ring, including Chris Curtiss and
Roland B. Lane, still operators.
He said while he was sitting in
a restaurant in Aberdeen a
waitress told him he was wanted
in a booth.
McBride related a story of
talking to Whitney in the res
taurant and then meeting the
prohibition official in a room at
a hotel there. It was in the
room that he paid Whitney
$1000, he said. He testified
that at another time he gave the
assistant administrator $724,
half 'of what he had collected
from the moonshiners for pro
tection. The Indian admitted that he
Turn to Page 2, Col. 4
HELENA, Mont., Aug. 28.
(AP) State board of health au
thorities and doctors in eastern
Montana today were puszled
over a malady that has claimed
three lives at Poplar and one at
Columbia Falls.
Dr. J. H. Crouch, state health
officers, reported the malady
probably was meningitis. Doctors
in that section, he said, had di
agnosed it as malignant influ
enza. Dr. Crouch said there was but
one case of the disease at Pop
lar now. He reported the orig
inal patient, a nurse and a
neighbor woman who helped in
the sick room succumbed. A
second nurse is gravely ill now.
The victims, he said, became ill
suddenly and suffered intense
One of four children attacked
by a similar malady at Colum
bia Falls, has died.
Tarkington Said
Not Going Blind
BALTIMORE, Aug. 28. (AP)
Booth Tarkington, Indiana no
velist, is a patient at the Wllmer
institute at John Hopkins be
cause of his recurren. eye trou
ble, but hospital officials denied
a report that he was in immediate
danger of losing his sight.
A report from his summer home
at Kennebunkport. Me., was that
he was able to distinguish only
between light and dark.
Big Program
Closing of
Field day at the city play
ground on 14th street today will
end the activities of the year for
the supervisors and several hun
dred children who have enjoyed
tbe work there during the sum
mer. Races of various kinds,
swimming- and diving contests,
and games will feature the final
Thursday children from 1 to
13 years of age displayed -mats
and baskets of their own manu
facture as the. big feature. Entries-were
judged by Mrs. May
belle Burch, while A. -Andrews
judged airplane models entered
by 'boys. - Mike Miller was given
first award on the model he dis
played. Baskets were jadged as fol
lows: 13 to IS years, Edith Mae
Lord, reed and raffia, Edith Mae
Lord, rope and raffia: 11 and 12
years, LaVelle- Saaford. rope and
raffia; Doris Mars ton, reed and
raffia; Doris Marst on, raffia; 9
and 10 yean, - Florence Dienm,
reed and raffia; Irma Illert, first
In both matting and raffia and
rope and raffia. - .;. -
Legality of Procedure t
Date Questioned by
Hal Patton's Exchange Idea
Declared Impracticable -By
Mill's Attorney
vacation of 43 feet of Trade street
hstvMn rnmnmrrlil and Kraut
streets was raised again .Thuraday
night when Aldermen Kowiti.
O'Hara and Johnson, sitting a
the council ordinance committee,
heard discussion of the reaseas
for and again?t the proposed ac
tion. The meeting adjourned after
two hours discussion with the
council committee in conference
but unwilling to give any state
ment as to the report which h
to be presented to the city coun
cil next Tuesday nkht when the
vacation ordinance comes up
third reading.
John Bayne, leader of the re
monstrators, presented most of
rhe argument against the street
vacation. Bayne contends tbe
council has no legal authority to
vacate anv street. He holds that
the procedure to date, even if au
thority rested in the council for
vacation, has been illegal.
Claims Fry Property
"Particularly Affected:'
Bayne furthr argues that the
property of Dan Fry, Sr., on Ci
mercial street will be particularly
affected by vacation of Trade
street and since Mr. Fry does not
appear as one of the owners of
adjacent property who have con
sented to the street vacation, the
council Is powerless to procede to
grant the 4 3-foot strip of land to
the paper company.
Mr. Fry. appearing personally
before the committee, said he felt
no action could be taken until it
was definitely determined wheth
er or not the names secured eta
more than a score of petitions ,
circulated about the city, consti
tuted two thirds of the ltaT
property holder of the city
Mr. Kowite told Fry of the par
tial cneeic on tne petitions muie
by T. M. Hicks in which Hick
assured the council the necessary
two thirds of signatures of prop
erty holders had been obtained.
Kowitz said hi) committee did sot
have time to make a detailed
check and indicated that rfe
council should provide . soaw
means of making the tally. If one
was desired.
Walter E. Kejes, appearing for
the paper mill, cited the history
Turn to Page 2, Col. (
PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 2S.
(AP) Wflliam Gibbs McAo.
former secretary of the TJnitd
States treasury, is "out of pon
tics' he said when he arrived
by airplane here tonight.
Mr. McAdoo stopped here n
route to Pendleton, Ore., where
he will attend the roundup.
"I am out of politics," said
Mr. McAdoo when questioned
about reports he might run as
independent candidate for gov
ernor of California He refused
to elaborate his statement except
to say, "I am on my vacation
now and intend to enjoy my
self." Mr. McAdoo refused to say.
however, whether his "out ot
politics" stand would be main
tained after his vacation.
McAdoo 's arrival time in
Portland was greatly delayed by
smoke and haze which- made fls-
4 . a Mai a 1
ing Uliucuil, uapisia xiair j r
pilot, said. McAdoo will leave
for Pendleton tomorrow.
Will Mark
Prises on mats of reed and raf
fia, rope and raffia or raffia,1
were given to the following In the ;
several groups; Lucy Klein, Edith
Mae Lord. Itjene Van Avery, La
Velle San ford, Jean Anunsen. Ma
bel Lord, Irma Illert, Florence
Diehm, Marjorie Diehm, . Delvsv
Sebengood, - Mary Van Avery,
Bettv Annnsen and Valeria Karr.
lA girls' biff ball the Trojans s
captained by Mary Van Avery d-;
feated the Beavers headed : by
Maxine Erion. 21 to 2. Lineups
were: Trojans; Mary Van Avry.
Irene Van Avery, Edith Mae Lord;
Valeria Karr, Clara Salstrem,
Jean Annnsen and Betty -Anna
sen; Beavers, Marias Erion. Rath
Walker; Mabel : Lord, Barbara
Compton, Thyra Salstrom. Mar--Jorle
Walker. Rath Anunsen., Ir
ma nieit and Lor en e Taylor. .
Today the swimming races and
diving contest will begin at 1:31
p.m.. It was announced 'Thursday..
Class A boys and Class A girls
will compete la the races and .
dins. At 2:45 blfrcle racf,
dashes, rope climb, three legged
race, broad Jam?, and sack raca
will be held.
Kissem uuu