- Tte'03EU)N STATESMAN, Sakg Oreywu Saturday Morning, August 16. 1930 PAGE NINE BaWnMeal Estate a Good Investment - Now Is Opportune Time to Buy cxasszran asvextuxxo Readis! notices, per lltie fto Oantfled Advertrsbig: per Hn 10e CliUHMfl AdverUasag. par Um Classified Advertising, per line time - . 39 One month, daily ut today, per Um . , jLOO Opy for this pace acoeptsd an til 4:19 the evening before p-bit-catlon for clasatflcatloa. Copy r ee4ved after this time will be ruo under ta hearting To mJ to classify. HOP PICKERS WANTED vr -mrmririririru-vyriff FOR Mltoma Bop ranch, near In Aopendence, fa aerea early hope, at acre later. WHl bests picking about August 25th. For particulars, inquire Durbin A Cornoytr. over J. C. Pen ney! Store, N. Liberty St HOP Dickers wanted. William Baa I Yard RtditM1 RmnlAmfif ("ICFLr I z(j sjnemes-era wt. m 14. 1 mvi v wawnrn pp "i" --------- - WANTED Good Pianist, filnaer. I Must be free to travel. Call before I noon at a Liberty, room a. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPING wanted for work ins man. i Mission St I EXPERIENCED waitress wishes Vrora. S9 suasion Bt. - - -.-.--.-.-.- - !- iy--MirararVVOsTj'AjsrJs, KXPEkiENCkD stenographer and general oiiice. xe -h&J., mornings. EXPERIENCED bookkepner nMda 1 ,7kESrnleta revtL e I work type form letters, revise man tiaoripts keep small seta book your Office my home. 230 So. 14th street FOR SALE Miscellaneous Orar. applea J. Denny. R. 9, box 21 "----- iii-i i iriri.nixfxrun.rxnju PORTABLE typewriters, all makes. new and osed. Adders and typenrUert .or rent, typewriter tixcranse, tzi eoart arreet. - -i ii i -njjrt FOR BALE Old papers. Xc a b un ci a. tHaiesroan on ice. viiiii".li'iM"fw-wrvn' n.n.n.r n.ru-uT.rVu"-L FOR SALE Indian Scout. Good running: anape. 1 15.00. See It at 93 IN. llttl. Gravenstein'a. RuUfson's. Box 69, Route! 8. BOSTON terrier pupa for sale. Call 6F3. C. A. Poole. WHITES distilled rtnetrar for aick ling. Keeps your pickles crisp. Puritan itoct worss, west eaiem. VWVVVWWWMMAiW1MMM SPRAY outfit complete wagoa, $75.00. TeL 2185W. except t 'TeVnISWM..?QU- i 1 'th. I. Townsend, Mission Bottom. 1 EARLY Crawford peaches Will be ready about the 15th.. Write or call V. O. Kelly, Mission Bottom, Wheat land f erry road, 7111. CLOVER hay. Tet 44F14. VvwwavsmAwww CANNING peaches are now ready. A. M. Lafollett farm. Mission Bottom. FOR SALE Good used Maytng washer cheap. Cltemeketa St See Paul Hand, 2S v CRAWFORD peacaea and Golden Ttantam -i-weet corn atjlogjmatwr. f i ' WANTED Mlsctllaneoua WANTED Used plaaos, la ex- I change on radios, phonographs, or fur niture. H- L &titr mrnirore tjwnpany. MISCELLANEOUS DOGS boarded in a real dog hotel. E. B. Flake, Petland farm. Pacific highway. -" 1 ' " . I ASTROLOGY. Dalmtstry. Maxwell I Tot 110. Mon. to Sat 1344 hi State. r jniravj'j-srsrsrr srss" rv s- i LADIES coats relined. Children's coats and dresses reasonable. Tel. 801. m RADO technltion wishes to take ever service dept on shares. Write IPSO, Erlxon St.. Salem. ROOM AND BOARD Vui HAn ryiii-ri-i-r - -i i- -- WANTED Place for child 9 yrs. old to board and room and receive good home training. Location must be within blocks of comer Center and Cottage. Call 776, except ssunaays. BOARD and room at 260 Center I Kr Rxrellent meals. A pleasant home. I Close in. Reasonable. I -i-w..ww'' BOARD, room, garage. $6.00 wx. 144S Oak. n ri ri "" i r" CLEAN, well furnished room, with or without board. 165$ Court. Call 1150W FOR RENT APARTMENTS Xi-rmmrr r..i , ',,m.ii -i- - ADartzsents $16 and SIT. Damon Grocery. $99 N. Coro'L TWO and three room apartments for rent .... AMBASSADOR APT3L Phone 1979. 1 -ijr sri'igurkrw'v'V"-J'i,i'' " rr iitr.T.ir.R apts. ands new manage-1 rT7,i.K.i rooms and acta Tel I TOO. VIRGINIA apartmenta, 9 nicely fur pished room a Clean and destrable. I Electric range, electrs-aoia, neat ana water. Don t miss seetng uus. PHONE $7i. PATTON APARTMENTS, down town districts. Clean, cotniortawe. nicely furnished, reasonable. For u DESIRABLE I room furainbedapt riaaa in. Bath, garage. Inouire It? Usk-a. ; tor RENT Duplex apts. 951 N. Winter. snjrij.rtrs"f ' -"i " PRESCOTT "aocs. 9 rooms; far- pished. Water, lights, phone, garage. Adwlts only 3201064twK; FOR RENT HOUSES HAD TWT PmlfiK1 a Ptfkftm liouss. $30. Four room $20. ve room $25. Strictly modern six room unfurnished, $3;. F. L. WOOD . 1 , C3.nA CtMof j-junj-Li-i --i - - - -- - pvTR RENT Houses rusumiea ana r. u woo $41 State 8treet ERT attractive modern bungalow $ 30 per nionth. TeL 1I61M. FOR RENT Clean' houses $10 to $49. Also flats store .bldga busioess BECKE a HENDRICKS 189 North High Street MeMMN.MMeerf Houses furnished and unfurnished. I LOO to $15.00. 13 N. Comt 2499-M. ; I IJT. -..iIiii- -, Cl - T room house In North Salem, reas onable see Mrs. Cadwell. .statesman office. fsST4snta-ajs Wstsn FOR RENT S rooms and nook nicely furnished. sarnie. Call en or ii.m. U'LTtfio-fxxni--ii-M-i-M-i-i-i- -- wnn rent 5 room modern 140 So. High. X blocks from grade junior I high school, TeL 97F4. . t-9arfrWrj- aV T aaj gsis s.6HsWt SkY-feat Ad-1 nlta (nauire 947 Mill 8t teL 2I4R. a. juinnrin ..-.-..-. room plastered house in gooa con dition with basement at 991 Mill fit ImpUre 947 Milt Tet 2I4R. - . ,njuifiuMir"ir n-ii-i-i-i-ir ........ ms RENT t room lratshe bsuner garage. Call 199SJ. -uuvin-'Lai i rir - - m FOR RENT HOUSES - inrn innamnrai. ni niini ROOM house, cans. 145 go. Church. close to. Oil 1M7R. FOR RENT HOUSES $10 to $40 fmUwl $lt to 115. Some houses for aal mat itt. - o down payment BHTEL THO-IASON $41 Stata Street Room 4. . - ii ROOM Iarni-l-i Ibreakfa-t nook. m K. 4th with FOR RENT 'Jrinrnn fSLEEPIVa nuimt K. - fe; WSo. In- FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE & X. SURLE 924 Ne. Kiz Sc. 1941. - ruti-os realtor MUM ettT -Trt.-V1. Property of all kinds. Spe cialist la exchanges af all kinds s i",n",T """"" Vim SAT r T DAT PCT a ..-.. Kiramn, t West Salem, on easy terms. Will accept anything we can use as first MEN TO R.1 V M llr .Ail nrvnA..U. - - - . . . Vgrfrt VUI lllj lor men who desire tn Inrn r one thins, ta prove it 1 another SO Here's your cliance ta make n Drove it if vau ! hm t unler , nd are willing to believe I proven to you. answer this advertisement. DOXT lt IneKnerience atoo reu berana we teech you, train you. show you aad pay you while ten rains;. We are chooaina; I mm to fill positions left open by promotions. BE AT ROOM , 147 NO. COXTL. ST. MONDAY 8 P. M. SHARP TO TRADE 4 rooms. West 8alem house, base- utcm. i u mace, garas. iraae lor s acres, same value. BARGAIN I ACRES f room house, barn. 1 acre lorsns. 18 large cherry trees, family orchard, siipo ; no traae; ft miles out. 44 ACRES Good 4 room house, cood barn. SS XveU wkliri!- JS?' reason- acres under plow, river bottom land. able terms. NICE 4 ROOM HOUSE BUILT IB. a. corner lot. close to school, $1S9B $30 cash; balance $2v per mo. s-rjre -jM-iser wnn ANDERSON ft RUPERT 1 South High Street L ook at this 43 A. before you buy. a. .-wi ao i.v. ens, 15 hogs, 3 cows. Good build ings, flat it or will trade. O ne of our best bargains- 31 H A. Z Vi miles from Salem, 9 A. pwaches, I logans. 6-rm. house. $20,000. WU1 trade for Salem or Portland income nronertv. I O nly $(500 for 10 A. close to Sa lem. A. bearing walnuts, 5 A. clterries. Good buildings. Trade for larger property, prefer near Newbera. K eep this one in mind. 10 A. ml. rrom sajem. . tult and berries. A bargain at 94500. J. F. CLRICH CO. 325 State Street Tel. 1354 FOR SALE Fan-mount Hill resi denes with a wonderful view. Built for I tome by owner. A. J. RAHN. 1510 rairmount btreet, ptwne is 37 Hi aerea. an slew tots tif fruit. close-in, 4 rm. house, pay like rent Nice 4 room house, fireplace, hdw. floors, $28 down. $ti per ma. IncL interest. Modern unfurnished houses for rent Insurance Money to Loan RICH L. REIMANN I-! Tl la.. saask . w-w ss "J wr mw n. na era. AWAMMWMMMMMWWWMVt C rma and breakfast nook, new and strictly modern in every war. tila drain board, rooms iarce and alrr. quality construction, trees, not a thing pou can una iauti . wan ana priced mr an invesiraeiu at eivvB, easy terms. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 17 Sstllth fJimrx at-rmt -' rjunr A very pretty 4 room house with hardwood floor, fireplace. 2 bedrooms for $2000.00 with $200.00 down. A very delightful new strictly mod ern home, 5 rooms H's different only $1209.00 on terms. 40 acres clear, city property, and good securities to trade for clear farm. A very fine chicken ranch of 29 acres, gooa nouse ana nam, cntcaena. stock and equipment $T500.00 ranch aione 3uu. 7 room house, modern except ment rent at $20.04, dose in 7 room nouse, partly furnished for only 530.00. McGILCHRIST PENNING TON 209-10 U. & Bank Bide Tel. 140. FOR SALE 119 Acres. Tt In cult, woven wire fence, fair buildings. 130 sheep. 200 chickens, creek and springs, timber, good road, school. Price $5800. New meaera a room house in Holly wood 'dist flmsll narsnent down, bal ance like rent New, modern, except casement wun rooms ana noog. hardwood floors, fireplace, small pay ment down. Balance like rent HOLLTWOOO REALTY zsoi 2009 North Capitol Res. 1919. WftWMAMWWW REAL BARGAINS GOOD 27 A. (arm near town, rood set bldgs., fruit nice location, sacri fice $5000 ; good terms. 20 A. near Salem an m bee l Inn fruits, paved highway, fine bids, site. out no bldgs. A real snap xor $3000; good terms. SES we for exchanges. PERRINE MARSTER3 913 Gray Bidg. BT OWNER. $ room cottage, dou ble garage, lawn, shade, flowers and shrubbery. Z lily ponds. $2500. New future, easy terms, Call 143 iL MODERN S rm. home, handy down town. $300.M will exchange for small acreago with ( or 6 rm. home, adjoining city. 11$ acres t mi. of town on paved highway, new house and bars under coastructien. all fenced, dark soiL family orchard, well and spring, all for $19,000.00 : will take city property I " for part H. M. EVANS I 2T State Street TeL 106 L LEAVING Salem will sacrifice modern I room for. horns. Owner 245 Marion. T1LLJE, THE TOILER N1QMT PO& "THE, J li-TeVl L-l-i .JJiW. V-sril fflfV-r. ... i. I jaT " " ""P 'X ' m - 1 lQ p. V V1 t-:8 C- VfVa '-Sl ! -tl fA rT?. tihm' $ -,4sl.- e-aws-aA 1 jL , - ..'1 J. "'.Iv ,1 'L. 1 J l I . "i V ' & -W-l- a- ... ?S.lrllXhJ4 -Vi.'".ii I 'ti .sjsfs I , ,,,. j-s FOR SALE REAL ESTATE nM4MaJMJiMVMMV Was. New Knsllsh type aocrta folly iwyiiu, Dtc naae, wauaut rrses, Jarge and attractive lot. Near school. S3S00. For cash: room EnaUsh home. S bedrooms, hardwood fioara, basermnt, rurnaee rire aiace. nnr. Tusliiiena ISvOa to loan. laau MKT.VTN ynrr-rKow iranoe. . iii. u. .i Beautiful Home t.00.09 Cewsx, Balaaco Ilka rent H. P. GRANT iss st. oomn. Tat S492M. IIWQl For two housea on or) lot peat 4 room cottar) eompWery fur nished, street paved, walks in, garage and wood shed. Another I room hoaaa sn rear or lot that will rent Price for all S1S5V eashr 359: bal. monthly like reat This la a real snap. Bar. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors S.a State Street Tel. 1T17. WHY pay rent when It will bur your own bejne? Kar room cottage, well built, lawn, flowers and shrubbery, worth $2100. Priced for short time $1475 ; cash 25 ; Dai. line rem. pr.r; h icear, LEO N. CHILDS CO. Realtors Sit SUU Street TeL 1727. " -i-i -li-,-rWirvrioru.riri'rr1iri niri SOUTH HIGH STREET C room ikodern home, complete La every detail. NORTH 20th 8 T R E E T Another good new home, a real bargain. NORTH CAPITOL STREET SpUn- did home, newly painted and fixed up. Worth tnve-ttiratinsr. North 33rd Street S rooms, bath. garage, Just been painted outside and in. Very comfortable. North 24th Street An oM fashioned bouse, yet very convenient Any of these worth investigating. Call P. H. BELL, Agent 106 U. S. Bank Building Tel. 902. 5 room house, south, basement fur nace, lights, water, only $1800. $250 cash, $25 per month, 7. 4 rooms, north, basement furnace, fireplace, $3900.' $200 cash, bat $25 per month. 4 room strictly modern. North Sa lem. $4000, $35 down, $3 per mo. C. J. Jackson with W. G. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial IMMW)WAAJVW. & room furnished house, fruit trees. garden, tools. 375 So. 17th. $non.O. Tel. 1S4TW. EXCHANGE Real Estate ------- -i i- - ii iirvi nrrirwirwiriortni GOOD clear Canadian property to exchange for farm la the valley, will assume. H. C. SHIELDS or P. J. MORITZ Oregon Building TeL 17 S4. FARM TRADES 100-ACRES, good dark soil, good clo ver land. 75 acres In cultivation. level with good drainage. T-room concrete plastered home, with lighting system and pumping Plant, z gooa Darns, toxtw it 3 large poultry houses, good ma cblne shed, an renced woven wire, price v$ 10,000.00 ; well worth it. will trade for small acreage near Salem. 100-ACRES, good house, barn, poultry house, Sb-A. cultivated land, 10 A. timber, all second bottom land. Will take a small acreage, near Salem, as part payment. trice i9.oe.vv. 12S-ACRES. Good improvements, 50 A. cultivated land. 2 wells. 2 springs, some timber, good loca tion and good road. Price $100.00 per acre. Will take in exchange good home in Salem. 15 7-ACRES. Good 7-R. house with bath and electricity, water sys tem. 146-A. cultivated land, has good barn and largo poultry bouse. 6 -cows, 4 horses, 1 ball. 4oe hens. v ton hay. leoe bu. grain, tractor and all machinery and tools. Will exctiaaga for small rancn, prerer one near Til lamook. ! 40-AC RES. 19009.00. S R. house, wa ter piped to house. Good large barn and etc 40-A. cultivation. 10-mile, good out range. Will trade for small acreage or Salem property. 1C0-ACRES. $ R. boose with bath and water system, good barn. 7 1-A. cultivated land, fine stock ranch, price $10,600.04. Will consider Sa lem or Portland property. Better farm. Better buys. Pleased clients - our motto. SKAR3 a TUCKER, Realtors 184 South Commercial Street TO TRADE room modern, to trade for unimproved acreage. Prefer nortn ut city. Tel. owner sTFs. 19 lots and R. house, clear, la Fails city to trade on property at ba lem. lift N. Liberty. FOR EXCHANGE- TWO houses of t rooms each, one Is rented, the other vacant value for both $4(00, Want f or 19 sere tract close to Salem of even value or less. LEO N. CHILDS CO Realtors 320 State Street TeL 1727. FOR SALE FARMS MR. FARM BUYER STOP LOOK LISTEN DONT overtook this snan. a tine 139 sere farm for $44 per sere. Own-' er is xorcea te sen on sooeunt ex health. 79 A. cultivated land. More can easily be cleared. 19 seres of finest of Piling timber, balance nne pasture with two fine springs of- wat er au rear fair diuits.. peat ox son. close to school, market road, not far from saiem. This place is well .worth $109 per acre. To see it phone 75$ for an appointment We will show you tne pest ouy in tne vauey. BECHTEL a THOMASON $41 State Street Room 4 I ACREAGE 1-2-5 acres or more, $150.00 to $450.00 per acre, fruit springs, close to Salem. Sell on monthly payments or trade. TeL 124U2. 140 Acre farm, 9 ml. from good town. Paved road good bidg., $1. 000.00 down, balance 4. Price $$. 000.00. Seeing is believing. B. E. ROBERTS 341 Stata Street ACREAGE CLOSE IN . 19 acres, all clear, i acres tn Royal Annas, f acrea in walnuts, 7 roots plastered house, small barn, chicken house, close to school est good road. $6000. Easy terms. 80COLOFSKT A SON First National Bank Bidg. Hit TC3TlT I WAS ACREAGE aim -,-llVi FOR 8 ALE It aersa, neottrlr ajftsn der pie , three milts oat a pavemesrt, small house, good well. $S0V0. Take house or good ear. Owner. Room a, Bayae Bids. FOR SALS acres nearfv atl Umber, fair buildlagm, r-maiag water, ajood road, fit per acre. F. U WOOD 941 State Street 20 A good bMm, chicken houses, spring, telephone line-, good grav el road. $2150. M A. North of Salem, 4 room house, good bam, owrbuUdtngt. Will trade for bans tn Saksra. 939M ta lean. lasnraace. MEUVTN JOHNSON 3a TT. R Baric Bfd-f. Tet T. WANTED REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCED aheen breeder wants to lease good larva near Sa- lem. Must have good feitcee. shed room and about 100 acrea clover land. Have - stock and equipment and can f arnlsh references. Box lis, States man. -Wj- -tfc - -a. -s-gs. h-m----ltV-V-v-M -Ty-fri WANTED To list houses that oaa be aoht for to tie down and t3 $25 per month. n. f. tituM 13 N. Coinmerelal Tel flJI-M. WANTED Firm, north or east, to SC0ee.ee. Have A-l securities. Box gor, Statesman. Business Opportunities GOOD INCOME PROPERTY DANDY apartment house, on one of our best streets and location ; has 3 5- roora apts i- K. apt and a small house. This plaoe baa steady renters and nas an income of $130.00 per momn, aims is priced rtgui ana if la terestea, unis SliAKB t TUCKER 184 South Commercial Street i - - i i i-,-.-,-,-, ,-i-i-ir--u-i nrij-in FOR lease first class old establish ed lunch room and confectionery. New fixtures, fountain and equipment Good business, good location. If you are looking lor a future see this. 1126 State Street. Tel. ?911. MONEY TO LOAN To finance your new home or refi nance your present noma, see . ti. BELL, 203 UVa Bank Bidg. TeL 303. ON FARM8 AND CITY REAL ES TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES, BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. jerfMMWj PERSONAL LOANS UauS an furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Reparable monuuj, wnen in financial neea rse us before closing n loan. UKNKKAL. INVlTaLKNT CORPORATION First National Bank Bidg. Phone 1309 CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 143 South High Street Telephone 2253 Salem, Oregon. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments You keep the car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 131 Salem. Ore. WWJWAMWIJWWV. m irfMfc Federal Farm Loans. S per cent. r . u. wikju. 4i state street. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. All tran sactions strictly confldentiaL STATE LOAN COMPANY 913 Oregon Bidg. Second Floor Corner State and High Office hrs. 10 :00 a. m. to 6 :30 p. m. Telephone 932 Licensed by State CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers you ex port advice and service In all lines. HAWKINS a ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1497 301 Oregon Bidg LIVE STOCK and rOlJLTUY WANTED Fryera any kind, any s mount, any time. Call 133F2. Lee's Hatcnery. FOR SAIJS Extra good 4 yr. old black Jersey cow, wun twin calves. Tot, 7SF3. FOR 8 ALE 15 good young Jersey and Guernsey milk eowa. Fresh and coming fresh, or 29 Jersey heifers freahhvg this falL M. F. Kapha rt Sec- ond hoose east or Macieay store. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEBD DRY Wood coat TeL 13. Salom Fuel Ce 752 Trade JWMWWM AAJWMW WE have If" wood en hand all the time. Prompt delivery. 949 & 12th. Cobts a Mitchell CO. phone sis. FIRST class dry old fir slab. 19-in. etd fir mill block. Screened hog fuel. Prompt delivery. Phone 1542. Fred E. wens, inc zso & ennren st. 1$ In. old fir, 4 ft fir, oak and ash. No. 1 old fir hill slab. Reduced prices C. U. Harbangh, 939 Highland Ave. Phone 1990, DRY fir as ask waad. ensl and fuel en. Cell oa na fer pricea. We give ffsodmessmre, good auaiity and LARlE-BTRANSFER a STORAGE Telephone sisi rLA fir. IS ta. 4 ft 95 to 97.59 del Summer price. Buckmaster. Brooks. TeL 9F2S. FROM TIMBER TO TOO. 3T39. Tel. VJ 1$ In. and 4 ft wood on hand at all times Also planer woeo, xet, Tracy's Fuel Tarda LOST AND FOUND STRAYED A grey Persian kitten. Please call 1443-w. FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Company Used Cars 1910 Model A Tudor 102$ Chevrolet Coach , 12S Model A Roadster IS .7 Chevrolet Coupe 3450.09 $75.00 359.00 $35.00 $88.09 1927 Pontiac Coupe iM Stan RHidehaker Coach 995.00 1929 Model A Sport Roadster - 425.00 ie nhnilt lAndaa sedan S2e.0e 193$ Model T Coupe, ruckstell WO.Of 6 trucks priced $50.00 te . $50.00 1939 Model A closed . 425.09 TERMS TRADES Valley Motor Company TeL 199S Salem Center at Liberty "His Own - ME THAT Hl IMPIEATION VI ftQ.llvwrirr-wsi If- -w-- - I V -Ss-a ... --. 1 1 r,l i'x rriv- --- rrri l sa sr mam i a r w ass s w -a in m r r s , asw - sar - ww a MLFJ WEB iph mm Alfalfa markets stirnrtht.ed aomswkat daring; tha week nd- mc ABtrnst iz. onerings con tinsnd licat doa to a holding tendency generally prwraleat tmoBK yrodaeera. Demand lm- proreal contldnrsbly witk in creased credit to dairymen oa the Paclfl coast and farther drought damtr- in th eentnl vtitera prodncln- rtiona. according to the Weekly Alfalfa Hay Market Renew of ths United States Ko rean of AgTieuHnral Econotnte. A- vldo area from tn middle Atlantic states westward to tne Mississippi rallew has had the driest growing season eh record, while) the shortage of rainfall for Jane and July in eome south central states was far greater than for any previous year of which record are available. Pacific coast alfalfa markets strengthened aomewhat with re ports of drought In central and eastern parts of the cointry and a broader demand, dne to im proved credit conditions in dairy industry of that section. Los Angeles quotations advanced abont $1.00 per ton during- the week. Although dairymen offer ed a good outlet, the strength was largely dne to a holding tendency on part of growers in the Ante lope and Imperial valleys where prices were forced np 50c per on. Fertiliser interests continued to take considerable hay at prices ranging from $15.00-18.00 per ton, delivered to citrus growers. Alfalfa comparable to U. S. No. X was offered delivered to dairy men at about the same price; TJ. No. 1 alfalfa was quoted basis current sales at Los Angeles Aug ust 11 at 118.00-19.00; TJ. 8. No. at 117.00-18.00; U. S. No. 2 Leafy at $16.00-17.00, and U. S. No 2 at $15.00-10.00 per ton. CABINET RESIGNS PORT AU PRINCE. Haiti, Aug. 14. (AP) The entire cabinet resigned today In pro test against the proposed ap pointment of Carl Colvin as di rector of the service technique to succeed Dr. George F. Free men. TRAIN HITS AUTO PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 14. AP)' Olga and Ruth McXabb, Portland, escaped with minor in juries when their automobile was struckby an S. P. and S. pas seuger train at a grade crossing here today. FOR SALE USED CARS 2M ton G. M. C. wood truck. $150.- 00 cash. Call 13 62 St e Home of Best Values 80 Cars To Choose From 1325 Bulck Standard Sport Rds. -$79B 1926 Chevrolet Landau Sedan 245. 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 150 192 Ford A Roadster 37$ 1927 Pontiac Coupe 32$ 192S Studebaker Commander Coupe 765 1928 Whippet Snort Coupe 365 1926 Nash Special ( Sedan 400 1929 Cliev. IV. ton 650 199 Model A Ford Town sedan - 625 1929 Fordor Sport Roadster 425 Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BY VALLEY MO TOR CO.. OTTO J. WILSON Marlon & Liberty Open Evenings and Sundays Phone 1027 McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts 1929 Ford Sport Roadster 450.OO 192 7 Pontiac Coupe 325.00 1927 Pontiac Landau sedan 425.00 1929 Chevrolet Coach 525.00 1928 Chevrolet Sport Cabriolet 450.00 1927 Chevrolet Coach 295 00 J 926 Chevrolet Coach 235.00 1926 Ford Coupe le.'i.OO 1926 Chevrolet Sedan 25.00 1924 Star Touring 50.00 Used car dept. 530 Chemeketa St Telephone 1425 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. k iiiVrV$WVVVXrAru Hudson and Essex announce drastic price re ductions on all models. Reductions range from $115 to $355. Used Car Prices '99 Late series Hudson Stan dard sedan. Was $1150.00; now -a $1050.00 'tO-Stttdebaker Cernxnander se dan ; was $150.00; now ...... $0-Essex Challenger Coupe ; was $750.00; now 99-Essex Challenger Coach ; was $$25.00 now tO-Burck Standard sedan ; was $609.00; now ; STATE MOTORS, INC. For the Best in Motor Cars Hudson - Essex - Studebaker High, and Chemeketa Worst Enemy" &r IIVOV HAVEMT -PB-IC OP 1 J ' J' I i . f-Ma-A.-S-- lit Ar 1 I WHEAT SALES HERE SAID HEAVY CELERY DEMAND AND PRICE WEAK Butter and Eggs Hold Steady; Movement Of Peaches Slow PORTLAND, Aug. 15. (AP) Both the butter' and egg mar kets were steady today with re tail trade reported good. Family flouri wore 20c lower. Rsriewlng the fruit aad veg etable situation, the Portland bu reau of the U. S. department of agriculture gays: Tomato growers at The Dalles, who hare supplied most of Port land's offerings, are withholding shipments temporarily, to remedy yesterday's disastrous oversnp ply. Stocks are cleaning np well today, although at low prices. Yakima 80-lb. Lugs are moving very slowly at abont 50c. Peaches are moving in slower volume to Portland home-can- ners, thsn many distributors an ticipated. K inert as show very wide range in quality. Some California? show very fine qual ity, but mostly only fair to ordi nary. Temporary Dearth Of Potatoes Noted There Is a temporary shortage of Yakima potatoes, and a 10c advance in prices hero. Locals are mostly of excellent quality, and are unchanged in price. Carlots of celery now loading at Brooks are meeting with very sluggish demand, and prices are extremely low. Green corn varies widely in quality, and ranges from B0e to $1.00 per sack of six dozen ears. The limited volume of fancy golden bantam commands the highest price. Orange prices shifted slightly, to equalize the supply and de mand. Larger sixes strengthened 25-50c per case, while 288s and smaller took a similar decline. NOTICE OF FINATi ACCOUNT In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, Probate Depart ment. In the matter of the estate of Cyrus Butler, defeased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned Frances B. Butler executrix of the estate of Cyrns Butler, deceased, has filed final account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, and that Wednes day, the 20th day of Angust, 1930. at the hour of 9:30 a. m., of said day, at the Court House at Port land In said County and State has been appointed as the time and place for the hearing of objec tions to said final account and the settlement thereof. Date of first publication. July 22. 1930. Date of last publication, August 19, 1930. FRANCES 19. BUTLER, Executrix JESSE G. WARRINGTON, Attorney, 622 Corbett Bidg., Portland Oregon. J19, 26, A2, 9, 16 VOTIfK OP FINAL SKTTI.K MJSXT In the County Court for Marion County, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of LOUIS MEYER, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the final account of Sophia, Meyer, the executrix of the estate of Louis Meyer, deceased, has been fined In the County Court Of Marlon County, Oregon, and that the 30th day of August. 1930. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. thereof, at the Courthouse at Sa lem, has been set as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said final ac count. Date of first publication, Au gust 2nd. 1930. Date of last publication, Au gust 30. 1930. SOPHIA METER. Executrix of said estate. S. M. ENDICOTT, Attorney for executrix. 2-9-16-23-10 eVsrs-ara--$ar-s.kj a i JsOQi-rs- "h - t"t 9 Drop in Proportion '26-Rndson Custom 7 pass, dan ; was 9495.00 ; sow . - 195.00 1 275.00 '26-Hudson C-storh $ pass, se as. ; was $t7a.e; now 793.00 'tS-Huprnobile Sedan leather upholstered; was $475.00; ... now 425.00 Five days free trial. $0 days aer vlce and guarantee on all the above 575.00 lifted cars. Many other good buys In our stock 530.00 priced from $25.00 and up. TL iooo.' I A1-H t WASM'T SO TlSrAUtDO'S - VWHy oZOUt-DKl-T I HAVE "SAID ABOUT THH &OhQl I tSU&SS I T -SM'T General Markets UVEBTOCK PORTLAND, Ore, Aag. 15 (AP). Csule 35, ealvss 10, enotaMy steady. Steers eOo-OOO 1 goed. $7.7ift.25; s-iaa), .83(V.75? common. e.OOO S.25; tOO-1100 Ib, good 7.75 8.25; aaediaam, 8.X5T.75; coat-soa, 4.000 6.50; 1100 1300 lbs, good, 7.9v7.75; taediata. $.7507.00. Heifers. 5S0-850 !!,. goad, 7.00 Q 7.i0: atediaav, 5.50ST.0O; rouom. .MS.50. Oewa, good. $.30 6.00: eoainioa and medium, 4.005.50; low cutters, 2.50 400. Bolls (vprlingi excluded) , 5.506 6.00; cutters, common and medium 4.00 05.50. Vaalars. ssiTk fed. 10.00 3 11.00: me thun, 8.00 d 10.00; cull sad cents on, 5.50 (a $.00. Ctlvet. 530 500 lbs eood sod choice, 8.50 (3 10.00; common and medium, 0.00 4J860- ITog-, 900, steady. Sheep, 1000, iteadr. Lizbt lights 140 180 111. .:310.P5: Ii ht weight. 1C0-130 lbs.. 10.75 4? 1 1.00 ; 10-200 lh . 10. 73 11 00; 200 220 lb... 10 00ft 11.00; 220 250 lbJ., .30S 10.75 Heavy weight 250-290 lb... 9 25 0 10.10; 290-350 lot., 8.75(10.OO; 75- 500 ll)i, JtOOwJS.OO: 100180 lbs.. t.T5 (410.75. Feeder aod Meeker pie 90-130 lbs., 11.00(13.00. SUughttr Vr 1' 1?0 lbs .5t)ts 10.50. Sheep. 300. ehitica ewei te killers, 25c Umbt. 0 Ibl. down, aooe ai( cnotre. 6.00(7.00; medium. 4.50Q6.00; all .eigtu, common. 3.50 4.50. Ycarlins aethers 80 110 lbs.. 3.004.50. Ewes BO 120 lbs.. 1.73&S.50; 120-150 ll'.. 1.5U6c:.2:; all we'gltt. cull ana com mas 1.00 Q 1.30. PRODUCE rORTLAKD. Ore., Aitft. 13 (AP). Milk raw niilkfi per cent) $0.30(a3.40 ri . delivered Portland, lets 1 per cent srade R milk. $2.65. Bntterfat dclireries b PArtund S7. Poultrr (enylnr prices! Alive heavy hint over 4 ltrJ.. 25c: medium kens, 3 to 4tt lbs.. 10c: nent liens. ic: broilers 17 to 5Vi lbi. L-hrns ITc eolored. 20c; Fekin ducks. 4 lbs. and over 20 Q 22c, old 15c; colored ducks Potatoes Gems Ne. 1 rde. $2.2J9 9."i0. New potatoes l5lt. DAISY PORTLAND. Ore.. Auc 15 (AP). Prndnra Kxchaaie. net prices: Butter. x tras 17c: siaadards 36c: prime firtta a:,-; firsts 2e. E. freah extras 27(g2?c; fresh me diiim. 22 ti 3:c. HUTS, HAY. HOPS PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. IV (AP). Nut. walnut. Oreson. S5(30c: al roondt, 85(i30c; peanuts, 9Vgl0c; pecans, 254&7c: MUeris, iiuc Hy wholesale buyin- prices, deliv red Portland: eastern Oreeon timothy $"22.'.0 23.00; do valley, $19.00(3 19,50; alfalfa. S10.00fc 0.00 : clover, eio.uu oat hay. $16.00; straw. $T008.00 ton. S-'iin- prioea $1.00 to . .'JO more. Hops 1S29 crop, 13i(silJC. PORTLAND GBAIK PORTLAND. Ore., Aug-. 13 (AP). Wh-at future.: Ooen ITisk T.ow Close May Sept. Dec. ... Cash. $1.05H ; 9aU 99 98 99 gi, 89H 88H 93 S 92 H 93 i Wheat: Big Bend Blaetem loft white, weitern white 9Vc: hard winter, northern spring, it-n raj 87 Vie. Oats, No. 2. 38 lb. white, 24.00. Corn, Ne. 2, R. Y. ahipnient, $41.00 Millrua, tUnJard. S4.50. CHICAGO OSAIK CHICAGO. Au-. 13. (APK Author itatire reports af bi- damage suffered by th corn crop since the government s latest estimate save corn values a lively whirl upward today. A leading utiofficisl expert snsonnced ths 11 principal corn gTowin- states sl.nwad s loss of 174,000,000 bushels over and above the Anfrnst 1 govern ment forecasts Trade both In corn and wheat developed greatly increased activ ity sod atreo-th as a result with corn f i tur. deliveries jnmplnr almost 5 cents a bushel from an early low level today, ai d No. 9 cash corn, the ordinary eoB tr.ct grade, aoerinr 5 cents shove $1.00, Closing quotations oa corn were nerv ous 2 $-34 cent higher thea yester day's finish. Wheat unsettled 1 $ -1 5 8 cents ep. Oats 1-14 cents ad vanced. NOTICK OF APPOINTMENT OF KXECTJTRIX Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by tne County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marlon, as- executrix of the last will and testament and es tate of David A. Harris, decea$ed, and that she has duly qualified as such executrix; all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present ths same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building. Salem, Marion County. Oregon, within six months from the data of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 26th day jf July, 1930. LILLIE M. MAGEE, Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of David A. Harris, deceas ed. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attor ney for executrix, Salem, Oregon. Jly SC. Aug. 2. , 1, 23. REGISTERS PULSE LOS ANGELES (AP) An in strument that registers the pulse from th tip of the finger has been devised by Prof. Frauds M. Baldwin of the. University of Soot hern, California. NOISE BRINGS DEAFNESS NEW YORK (AP) Work in constant loud nolso Is likely to cans deafness, says Frank G. Pedley, If. D., in a report to the American Federation tor the Hard of Hearing. By RUSS WEsSTOVER 4 U VIE Yield in Valley Just Average; Fanners Selling Early Numerous heavy wheat sales were reported oa Friday when the Salem market advanced ens cent over the price of the revl- ous day. . Wheat yields in the vallev are only average and growers seem inclined to sell rather than hold for a higher price. Grade B raw 4 milk de livered in Salem, S2.50. Kiittewfat, $ far, 83c. Bntterfat, delivered ta Sa lem, 86c. rruite (Waelstale Ooatatiasai Blackberries , .,. -2.es Apples Early Transparent, to .1.50 Grapefruit California -9.75-7.5S 1.75 07 LoKaaberries - - Eananas. lb. Dates Dromedary. SS, 10-ee. pk-a. 6 SO Cone's Pitted. et;a 4 .50 Lemoaa, Calif 10.25 Limaa y r Uraaiea. Kavsta 80 a . 00 .5.00 .5.00 100'a 12'S 150's .7.75 .9.75 ..s.ts 9.2S ...9.2S ...as .3.00 .1.15 .e 17S's . 200'e , 216 a Currants - , ,,, , Aprieoti Local peaches, kaaket.. 'lif. Aluerta peachea .1 oo Pinms .1.50 ...1 7S .2.00 04 00 65 Seediest Grapes . Fresh Fi. fiat t asauas Slimmer Squash, crate Mushrooms, lb. resets eats I Wholesale Quotations! Ice eream melons 2.50 Cantaloupe. Yakima 2.00 2.75 Watermelons 2.00 Loral celery, d - aft, pa torn, white, sack " Corn, yellow, sack 1.0S Bunched eretaales, per doa. basebes Csrrots . .SS Beets a Tamips . Radishes Parsley . .70 .40 -00 .40 -15 1.00 -15 Unions Oarlie. lb. Tomatoes. The Dslles.. Hothouse, lb Lettuce Lake Labisk Vancouver .1.75 .2.25 Seattle, iced S.50 Cucumbers Cucumbers, hot houao Cabbage, local PeM, local 1.10 .60-1. on .... ., 02 07Vfc 09 Potatoes Greea Beans Pepper .01 and .05 1$ 11 1.7$ 1.50 Epp Plant Caalif lower, crate Spinach Unions Dry No. 1 Walla Walla 11.7S Iry No. 1 Walla Wa'.la 1.40 Piekling . . 1 New Has, twt :2.2N Sweet potstoes . 09 .lt (Retail Woo tat Ions) Calf meal, M lbs. Scratch, ton . 1.9$ &0 00 .44.00 .4e.ee .91.0O .99.00 .eo.oe -94.00 Cora, whole, tea Cracked aad rresad Hill run, ton Bras, ten Wiib milk i err mstb Buttarfat Butterfst ..$7 Butter (Retail Price) Priou ...49 Cartas .49 Sgs (Bayiag Pries) litre . .29 ilediums .19 Tresltrr (Baying Pries) St a is 10 07 .17Q1S Roosters, old Ueavtee Mediums Li-hts .11 Broilers Leghorns 17 sad 19 cfraia ana nay (Bsylsg Price) Wheal, westers red 7$A Soft white 77 Barley, ton 94.0 Oate, ba. ... - $2Q$9s Hay. retail price Oats and Vetch Clever .10.00 fir 15.00 10.00 Alfalfa .13.60 te 92.00 Ideal t Buying Prie) Spring Lambs 04 te .05 1 Livs Hogs Dressed Hags Dressed Teal West Coarse . Madiasf .10 .90 .90 SS Kali sir Old Kid TOD MOIU.AN WINS SEATTLE. Aug. 14- (API- Tod Morgan. Seattle, former Jun ior lightweight champion won . .-! V ..tl- TBT1,..' ucvisivia vtsi a.VBaav u v. Carter, Everett negro. In . a six round bout hero tonight PACHECO WOUNDED HAVANA. Aug. 14 (AP) Abelardo Paehecs. a leading fig ure in the Cuban nationalist movement, was seriously injured tonight by assassins who ahot him eight times as he strolled near his home la suburban Cerbo, BITS... Of General Knowledge 1 BjW.l,GOIlI)0r ' wwee 3TirO ( - Tbo niwav of th - Dominion 1 of Canada, whicH ta 17,7- squsrs miles, Li gmte. than that ef Coa , tinental United Bute and Ala ka,'