The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 15, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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    :r.ZCC:r G? A'aIIAI?; Ca!ci thx-ca. Friday ifan-Jr'r. Ac
-est IS, 1S:3 .
, n I - o i i r :
77 . -o
w :
I II ' " 1 ' 1 . . v . . III
V 3s . f V HOSPITAL!
v -
- "lYo Faror Sway Ui; iVe Fear Shell Awe."
Tram Tint Statesman. lX&reh 2S. 1SS1
Cbasixs A. Enucrx, Shuooji F, CAcnrr, fttygiftcn ;
Crakles JL 8rACua
Sheldou F. Sacxitt . -
. . Umber of tb AMddat&J Fttsa'
9b AMOctetcd PrM la xeiaalYlr ntlttea to tb bm for ptibB
atlon f all mi dispute bc cradltad t k r aoc eUMrwla crtUtA
a ttola ppr. - .
f Padflo Coast Adrertlalnf RepreaiiUTf: ...
Arthur W. Btypa Ine, Portland. Pru"'y Fia -
..Saa Fmaeiaeo. Ebaroa Bide; Lot AngrK V. Vo. , -
1 ' Eastern' AdTerUsIns; Repressitatlres: ,T
rPaiMu-Steeber. lac. New TorVXTl Uawn At. I T ,
. ' -. .- Chlcasa tM M. Mlchisaa Art, - , ;, ..
' - EnUrttt at (A Pottoffia at Salem, Gregrrti as StcodCUr
Hatter Published even morning except Zlonday. Burixes
effice 215 Commercial StrtzL . ; ,
RatB, In AdTmneo. Within OreMi Daily nj
Vbero cents pr Mo. or .C i ir 1 year la advaac.
Br CWy Carrieri If eer a mmih; S.St a year 1 advaoea. Tee
Copy 2 casta. On train a. and Kwa biaao eonia. . , , ,
. .MaD CubacrtDtloa
Sunday, x mo. 9 eenta: s .
. a WKat ; the M!i Ordinance Requires
TTVTE believe the putlls irould be interestei in kno'srirsg
V just what the lrcnicntV are uiid:r which ithcir
milk is produced When th;7 tniderstand what the rrovi
sions of the city ordinance i ere then they wil know, tetter
whether they want the repealed xsd: milk olfered
for eale complyinwith no rention and meeting no staad-
artu either as to cleanliness , in producing and handnrj. or
The really marketable ,rrades of . milk are A and B.
Grade A milk is what the Dccrla demand but as Grade B
raw milk may be sold as Grada A r-.'.Ik if It is pasteurized,
the practical requirements for the dcIr7nrrftthos3f for
Grade B production.' . . v
Here in brief are the requiremecta f cr 'srsda A culk:
Bacterial count permissible. 0,009 pvtw - ' - .
Coirs 1 most be tested one a year and ahowa ta a fret cl tuber-
loals and eontagxons aBortion. ' , r ; ., : t:
- Dairr barnsr Lighting must be at leut I aauare teet of vlndoir
r atanenion or adeqaaie' artificial light. VentUatloa ntnatxbe at
least 400 cu. ft of air space' per stanchion (equiralent of a space
I ft. long by I it. wida. by 10 ft. Wgh). Good floors of concrete or
groored lamber, bunt so as to- drain; most bo kept clean. Other stock
sot to be kept in parts ot barn need tor dairy cows. In ease there la
second- story, part abore ; cows should bo celled tight. - Walls
and ceilings most be whitewashed ones year or painted once in
two years; Cow yards should b4 grz&ei, asdJlralnad as well as prac
ticable and kept reasonably deasw Mannxa to bo remoTed and dispos
ed of to prevent breeding of flies. : . i-'. "
Milk House: Must bo separated from sUDie or nnng rooms; most i changing ef tho workman's pos!
By TL 8. Copeland, IL D.
In theco modem days we pat
tae eyes to task calling for
dereo of , muscular ; and
nerrona . orxort;
People go on
without ore
thinking of
Siring lb eye
rest erea Car
i trier later
t , I I layers :
, I:' r sono-
: ; - J t" r-Uet
t ' t9 :"""jn
I v v : rr
V V i to'siari th
DQ03PQI3 their em; ., j.
, - . .--- en. Thesa trs-
eanUons. If ttakea,, prorent w; r
icax oi ;iui ryes, prgans i
sentlal to bef t ::crt on the J; ..
And on tha ctisri hand, inry
workmen ' are pcrf 3ctiy reckl 3
with , their eyes. Only- too of: i
symptoms of cje defect derf ,
and thenilf 'ttig are negl;.: 1
www aun u- ui Tlsicn
sure to result " -tT r
The? organ oTrlsion' is uch
delicate structure that wt e a t: . -
Tisioa la once lowered it aa rz-y-
ly be restored. This distrt- :?j
effect may be from anyou cl a
nnmoer or different causes.
The skilled arorkman should
bo allowed freaae&t rest periods
so ?t5at the ? eyesight may bo
sare a. Is a great rifstake ta
wori till day Ioet -'TrUicut cro
rest, except the trl:.. t 1 tcrral
of-l"z.l:i?sorhen tl:3 tC eor
ra tla era fsr tla trie Jan bt a
aeeond' 1 - . .
Ttere curt be to rulo against
tls r::':'a tr; ta taks
lsci axsy frcn tia work to Lis
Helper. t TiUa eyo-rest bnsineas
U jv part ot nature's way of pro-
-Tht wis. iadustrlat leader or
foreman or physician would do
well to hare th-larlag light in
th work room properly adjusted
so that workmen shall haro ad
equate protecQon from their
glare. By rearranging the shad
in of th Ughte, the Irritating
gure 11 remoTOd.- By th simple
be well lighted and ventilated and screened tolceep-out flies. Floor to
b tight and walls and ceiling celled and painted ou:o a year. Must
bo kept clean at' all tlme,-.? -'" v;M''jf--l -i
. Utensils: Containers must be of non-absorbent material con
structed so as to be kept dean easily; Joint and, seams soldered
flush.; milk pails of narrow mouth design. Utensils must b cleaned
thoroughly after each tisagir anr disinf ectedw!thgteamriiotwater
or chlorine; stored In milk room after cleaning so as not to become
contaminated; A i i h'-X-: ' ' " -v" " '
Milking: Udders and teats of eows most be "clean t -tlmft of
making, flanks, tellies and tails frpe from Tlalbla dirt. JlUkers'
hands should be clean, rinsed with a disinfectant . and dried with
clean; towel Just before milking;. Milkers, must wear clean clothing.
Clean milk stools. Persons handling' mCk must pass a medical exam
. (nation one a year.!1.-;- ' -;: v. "r-t ,r rX.,-. "
Handling milk: Milk shall b taken, at one after mnwns; to
tion the nam result may be had.
No matter what thav Tuion no.
ord of an Individual ? may hare
been preriouslT,: ther. come a
time in th life of nearly erery
man and woman when' th era
need" examination and the anpli-
eauon of- some optical aid. The
There's tho two shells, both
forty-fires.' Tho sheriff took a
individual who do an rrt- tOOthplck tTOm hi TOSt POCket
sir amount of atudy reading,
needlework, or other work, re
crolrinr Close TlsIon l , lux to
feel ..a declining power of - vision
around tho age of 41 to SO year.
, Tbia condition comes from two
causes. The first of them la a
and bid U on tho desk. There's
th two buUets that they dug out
of Mortison when they post mor-
tenibtf'i'fafcS Another loottjfck
fire one of tho bullets that are
left In If t
fin tmfm Iiav I tat' T1
sheriff's pale eyes lighted. "I
thought you was lettln' me off
altogether too easy, askin' so po-
rAh4 don't get tunny about ask
lag th girl to hold them, either.
Har a heart! m
"la she good looking-? And
rews asked sharply. If Peter be
gan letting- a "heart" stand In
The end ot tho trail! '
. V
This, series yesterday left th
Lewis and Clark party at fort
Clatsop, definitely, located and
beginning;, to bnUd their - rod
fort," and; Captain ciarsjsetung
oat to.t&t sea to rina ftstac or
their primitive salt factory That
was Sunday, December S, 1S0.
Oa Uarch tl. 1801, the ex
plorer started oa their . return,
restina lent was not one of. their
maximiu They did not believe tn
losing - any t: time; erer madt
hast slowly. There was no time
to lose IT they were to get back
over .the" Rockies and down th
Missouri- before th river fros
orer. They lost no tim unneces
sarily oa? any jart ftf their long
journey , westward or easrwaro.
And they were most able students
and wonderfully faithful chron
iclers they would - nareT maae
great newspaper ? reporters if
they had gt; attention to the
accomplishment of correct epeii
tng; hut Ten so. they spelled
ail they wrote M ways so that
their v readers could understand
what they meant It was the same
with Jason And some or tn
wisest-men of history hare been
land are) poor spellers; a fact
that ought to comfort somt of the
readers of this column. Doat
worry'orer much about your poor
spelling If you hare the facts and
tell the. truth, . !
Lewis and Clark left records In
their Journals concerning the var
ious Indian tribes all along their
Journey . they are invaluable to
students. They found- thousand
of Indians In what Is now west
ern ptagon for erery Indian here
new.' ia, tn nast iis years tpat
race has all but . vanished from
our section. And most of the van
ishing was ttoni ta the half cen
tury after. Lewis and : Clark saw
th . PaCifi ocean; ? through th
disease 'which the white men
brought Ia fact the vanishing
ban been going on for 10111: Urn
before; there were many more In
dian her. 50 year feefor Lewis
and Clark cam than when they
They put down In their Jour
sals t evidently V alter they... left
Fort Clatsop, some tacts concern-
inr the ; coast Indian that 'are
worthy of -study. They said: "Af
ter many inquiries and much ob
servation, we are at length en
abled to obtain a connected view
of the nations' who . reside along
the coast oa both , sides of the
low us on the bay, and the survi-
vora do not number more than .14
houses, and about 200 soul.
- "Next to them along th south
east esast Is much. larger na ;
tion, th KiUamucka, who num
bef 40 hosses, and 1000 souls. '
Their first establishments are '
U four huta at the mouth of
Ecola (Whale) creek (first creek
entering - Csnnon beach on tho
north sid;), 15 miles from Point
Adams: and two mile below are -
a few: more hats; out th princi
pal town la situated 25 miles low ;
f r, at the entrance of a creek,
called Nlete (I.'ehalem), Into the
bay, which we designate by tho '
name of ICllUtnnek bay. (Incor- .
rect; should b Nehalem bay.) t
Into the same bay eaters a see
ond t creek, fire -mllea farther,
where is a Killamuck village,
called dilherhurst; at two miles i
third creek, and a town called
Kilherner; and at the same dis
tance a town called Chlshuck, at -
thenmouth of Killamuck river.
Towerauotton r and Chuck tia '
are th names of two other towns,
situated ' on ' creeks which empty -
into the bottom: of the bay, the .
last of whlc is 7 0 miles from 1
Point : Adams. (They confuse the -Kehalem
with the Tillamook bay.
Hoquar ton,. slough' is the one
which: runs through, the city of
Tillamook; a tide water elough..
It Is no doubt what Is left of the
name ot the Towerauotton tribe
of the Tillamook nation.) .
"The Killamuck river is about
100, yards wide, and a very rap-
Id; but .having no perpendicular
fall. Is tho great avenue for
trade. There are two small Til
lages of Killamucks settled above
Its mouth, and the whole trading
part ot the tribe ascend it, U1U
by a short portage, they carry
their canoes over to .the Colum
bian (Willamette) vauey. and.
descend the Multnomah to Wap
patoo island. (This part ot th
record must hare been set down
on . the Journey homeward, for
Lewis and Clark- did not discover
the Multnomah (WUlamette) riv
er till April I, 1804, on their way
back. They missed it on their
way down.)
V .
"Here they purchase roots.
Which they carry down the Chock
alilum, or Columbia; and, after
trafficking with the tribes on its
(Continued on page 10)
lit for things that dont matter the way of an action picture like I Columbia. -
on vrv or another. That eirtol:! tirrfi fcham? 'tha'Harald I. '
w Dlaced wlthntmM bound to b peo-wouldf have of geUing any good "To th south, our pergonal ob-
parallel to th tirstLnd here's I P161 xhlhU A.' A nice picture I "art.- -Honest that's a sweU J servaUoft has not extended bo
th rnn. f h lJa nonaautan. I a mav,,ieta- k pm ampera i jaea. w couia caption u . jbho uw- juiwuucn ,iu-
atilkroom tor straiolng. Bottlisg and capping to be done by a ma-1 slight hardening of the crystal els a .48." Equt on. bye. he
chiae. a :w :,.-" - . .v. ciear lens situated Jast baek of
Cooling:" MUk must b ool th pll ot th eye. 'It doe not
10 degrees snddtept there until delivery. But if milk Is to be pas- change its shape or : "focus" ao
teuriied it must be cooled or pasteurixed within two hours of time readily aa it did earlier la life,
ef production. " :. 5 : T Second there is a leaser degree ot
Dairy farm must Tiave-a sanitary toilet and good; safe'' water elasticity' of the tocaalng muscles
supply. : '". , 1 - zi-" ; ' v - - Inside the eye. Thm muscles ars
Those are the provisions ia condensed t brm I ov Grade A fontinuoasiy acting: to reshape
inilk.' Now for Grade B milk, which is what most of the 2ift?gll!I?-S: iiira' 'iieSZ
people are getting tsfter)asteiirizin sold SH0 Jv
ts Grade A iteiiiTized the conditicIlscUffr from the imea you find you lavs 1 to
above in these respects: ' . '-' "-: ; " ' ' - PMh. your work or your reading
. Bacterial count permsssibl ttei' eowlot Inches farther off or
Cows aot requlr4 to be tree from contagious abortion. . when tha finer lineapr raarktosi
No special rule about dairy bin floors extent that they be dean. I of your work are teen with f.
Temperature tor oooUng raised to TO degrees;' fort thea the time 'has come, to
Now if the people will study thesef provisions carefully jT 36 eye eraminad carefully.
we do not believe theywill f ind -wlth'-tIiW deTwui naiirX?re
ther from the standpoint of the consumer ivto wanU pure abi, t
milk, or of the producer who wants to- supply his customers - it my b that in two or three
With Dure muk. : .-.;;.-';- -r . -. . rear a .pair of glasses a littl
The conditions are not onerous. They are
mcrt dairymen have. been, vrorkiinr under . for . years. Soma
minor provisions may be questioned like the specified kind
ef a muk paiL But on the whole we fail to see how the cr
could be much, more lenient and be able. t) have corifWenceii win, continue normally use-
that its milk was eafer: " v : disease and accident
f:.. J w- .t.l. - v t.. I awwwt w noma vnmaj
icv viib -jwyic wviuu uc Aauy ikub wmsi, vi we uuic, AU I " A ConstandReader O. What
stronger than the others will be
needed.' And : . possibly another
change fa five year Urn will
carry on through life .very com
fortably. ; Then probably : the eye-
adjusted ft third toothpick until
It balanced at light -angle ftcross
the' other two. " - ' ? -s's.
There's two shots, beep tired
from' that gun, the lady's finger
prints Is on It ah was seen, rnat
nlng from the lodge to th path
with It la her hand, and more
over, eh admits the- shooting. If
that ain't an open and shut case,
X doat know one when. I see it
Ilea bate tcea itmng c? oa con
siderably less than that,T-Feter.sreo::lB they
have." :t7i::r r
"I don't tee that tiers '$ need
of any more fussing around the
sheriff said conclusively. ..
:."I know but I Just feel 'fus
sy , Peter grinned. .
"I see," Simpson, sodded sage
ly. "You're like all th rest of
th newspaper folks. Too want to
make soma sort of sensational
story for your paper, to keep the
readers all het up till' the trial
comes off.'" - : z . .
r "It's ft ftuiny thing," Peter ob
served, rrhifs the Idea that al
most everybody baa. They think
we caa say, pouf, here's your
news. and there It Is, like a rab
bit pulled out or a hat oeev, ir
"But U would ttUlrbo Inst as
goo, aa, exhibit as U ver waa."
Peter argued amiably. "You're al
ready photographed th fingers
prints, ftscyoa, dont need it ror
that And - I'll let you .have the
bullet back when rn1; through
with it." he added with a tine
air ot magnanimity. A
. Peter strove to maintain an z-
presstoa of detached Indifference
it .
"Have a heart for the sheriff, i mooks) ; bat w obtained from
t meant Peter 'explaia4, with-1 those who war acQualnted with
eringly.- vThs ballet r'tata I the seacoaat a list of th Indian
exhibits, yon lunkhead. W don't
want to mix 'em up with a leg
shew, r want the best shots yon
can get ot them, and that's
enough. As a matter of fact he
added molufyingly, "she Is good
I looking
"WeU that's lucky for once,"
. . Of Old Oregon
Tow Talks Craa The States
man' Our Fathers Rnd
tribes. In th order la which they
succeed each other. to a consid
erable distance. v;'t
The first nation tot the eouth
are the Ciatsops. who reside on
the southern aide of the bay, and
along the seacoast, on both sides
of Point Adams (the point on
the south side of the Columbia's
Andrews . sighed over the cruel
under the robing keenness of thai fate which all too often, la his I month.) Ther are represented aa
iuwu( u. xUfc iu aoy. y larwitiicv m ocimcv iu uum i ui remains or. a mucn larger na-
snon wita eagerness benina their I goo iooks aa. rxm. itioa: but about four years ago a
-weave more, ne-u sund ror i disorder to Which tCl thea they
a picture, ana so wui tne nusoana i ware strisrers, but which leeai,
rr you tail taata said so." peter i from their description, to have
oiierva c .- on wno noias out
candy to ft child.
Andrews brightened
"Gee, that's ftae.
(To be continued)
4e MA MAVt Vah4 Vjft SMMAImI , railr1,il, ft.; Sllll4et ASl Btf A 1 . A . . . - . . I MA ' AmmM - SMK lAtfft4 Mftstflff
mm iwiw iuawt vw ;(wN;twMtwitt ouiiwu.avciuiet is aavisea tor a jauent won- I " .viH.- m . amusement and admiration on
lows j?ut 91 oax oauupoieac, i. t-t ' v A
I To eea to. taiak lfi. al
mighty important thai you should
fir off that sun.-' th sheriff
said meditatively.
"It Is Important! Peter agreed
earnestly. "And. it's Irregular I
know that It may not com to
anything. If It doesn't 1 won't
tell you, becaus youli b just
where you were before. If it does I
It wia mean something, to th
defense and I know you're aot i
so very keea-about helping the I
defense., s . r
- Th sheriff chuckled ft dry.
rattling ehackla, like the. rustle
ot dead leaves la a wind.
"TottTa pretty, smart ? young ;
teller he said with ft mingling
been th smallpox, destroyed four
chiefs, and several hundreds of
the- nation. !-. - -
"These (their bodies) are deposited-
la canoes, a few miles be-
August tS, 1003
Engineer John H. Lewis ot Sa
lem haa been named one of five
delegates to the satlonal irriga
tion congress to be held in Port
land th last ot th month. .
1 C W. Abrams had L. C. Rulif-i
son, members of the local militia
company doing daty at the Lewla -and
Clark fair, are here for a tew
days visit at komev .
Chief Mark H. Savage of th--,
Salem ftr department and his -mea
were, busy yesterday storinf
hty ta the feed room of the de- .
partmest's eaarter. ;
Miss Helen f Ise, formerly ot
Salerd but who hag been la San
Traaelsco, Is hero tor a visit with ;
friends. , , ' . . ,
Isrroved and because pscpla bandlinz milk da not want to bled with eczema? ; .
spread disease and cause death. But history has shown I at can be done for a bad
many cases where contamination has crept iiv eausinjr epi- j caM ot conatipationt j
wcaw wiu ucanw, wuue xxiu Ducuarus were uw. lutuo- JL A" simple, weU-balanced
tained. Inspection therefore becomes a protection both to diet avoiding too many, sweets
the consumer and the producer. u";-' v sad rich? heavy foods, it is also
We think Alderman Vandevcrt and any others wha de- Important ' to keep j the system.
sire the repeal ot the milk crdinance should point "out spe-1 Ci" I, .v. ' - ..v
. n v. j,i-mm v.. .v..i Mt... ii ifi.1' , correct the diet and take
7tAtl,,.'r ?ll:ivu vc, ytt V1 f more exordse. For farther par-
,Z3 posiuon max ins wnoie oruinance snouia do Knockea out I ticuUrs vsend a self-addressed
envelop . ' and
and sale of milk without EwtiE2 yeta
we'd be doing it for ft living In
stead of slaving our live away
trying to zaake deaillses. Kcboiy
eaa - make facts If : they aren't
there. The rabtit'a got to be in
the hat, before we can pall It out
AH I want, to ia u to find the
rabbit" 1 ? "vi 5
"But than alnt nft rattltl
v "Maybe aot" Peter acknoi
edged with an air- of unconcern.
reneat 1 "b,t sir m the, tun et hunting
We inredict when tney stu tha criiiaa : I tKJtJr-dtt2'e1i '
n u.vk. r.-."-JZ. -u l.. Si - - . . i . : l "well, what la it yon want to
wia uuu uu&ut, iw.yuxa Wuu iv wuiu ucj maue any MRa w; nta t. dot I don't mind tatting you Ta
easier on ine proaucer witnoui xncurrinsr svnaxara to puDUC J cause and cur tor lumbago? sratefui to yoa for bringing in
ine&iui. - . . - - , i - i. - i rmuencio, : to eneca jsiveren
h!i alow voice. "Ton got ay num
ber knowm' I'd have to b extra
fair about giria the defense ev
ery chance. Just 'because I'm eon
viacea rn my own mind that the,
lady is guilty as hall. And X not
Ice yoa ain't sail ft word, abort
cx owing you sosethiag tar get-
VjLg me out of Stkoia- t-brlnxias (
in that alibL"
s. l knew I didn't have to." Pe
ter KTinned..
rTTelLT von wrla. Th shsrift
uniocxea a arawer in tne aia ot i
tt dssk and it! i the pistol In ,
Peter's outstretched hand. "Go
and shoot It if t wttl make yoa
' . B .- I riUUQUUU . 1.W CUft, niUOUII - at . fill
. TVi St9tATY'. f. Ton-r,r.i1w1 ..ii.: I i t i-v - V. .. I storr. I -rt fif hated Jt havlns J Bappier. nt con t fO WWM
. . . . - --r-r1 r -a-v v uu um iu6W wj w m w i r; ,7,t , .V.:.... i anybody and mind you crcir
txi&d to maice a arndv rjeffir-rAtn-ptrf it -lrfMmr fflsomft lnieeuon strain -or cold ii w wf iaa, jrj.v
m ..l ! - . ... jT I tV. Matin (..ltutlii.. m....
gjettlnjr a copy of the cfrdisance and studyinsr it carefully I0, tenAppiicaUons ot heat
Irirlnarinft-vrlth t?'fr-W?Vv- sometime give
- . sr - o vi-. v vmsmv eaast wf a eA?fTTflf -5
a. ai.. t mi s in w m a m m . -
con. to tne conclusion tnat puouc neaitn aemancs tne con
tinuance of the present ordinance in substantially its pres
ent form. We invite corsnent frog pscJuigi V'dlstribtcrs
and consumers ca any ;2a cf - the juesticn, aa that the
public and the city, council may know what different opin
ions there are. . " ' j - , r x- .
A Problem
It ft- certain number is- multi
reel by 14.S If 2S.S2 Is added to
t-s product of the sua is divided
by I.::, and 240 ti subtracted
' . . .v Oregon's Croprt V! -; C ' -
rpiIE papers have beta to full cf . rcjrta cf - di:trt-j fa
trhcre drouth has wroutV Cat weri little Sraera: wattlVnnerT13
Answer t Teste-g-7 Pre- T
- ft - "' tit
ttlri C!:;;. Er
2iia, :;: t-i i.. t : r -3
aehs c2 t -:r : c. i i
sum, c i' i-:, i-;, t
xisij itseu at practically tin Czzs tl Vymvte'? ec:
w tyuu. vi fcviillJXCr CI glCXCT 1-13 K
gunainea in otner tctuns. : tra ta-? -r-r
awrra of the very favorable situation in- wliich this state
isr vresoa as ancTm o tra cr?T rcrcrr T-."i 1 -'
Oregon's corn ere? is Kil tUiiUy taJ j tl3 3 11 cf a war tra Iresr;
53 12 tt! fi- averar -Zl , ; I thes : ? :
.... wmkjww r aoout tn aam as last year and two t thre
asLaa bushels shove the averasx - :
CiU produttlonii lea thta Urt year trt aor tis Croys&r
i.: t. c:
I eouldatrun across nobody who
had seft klal v .
:,"rirft-et aa, Td like to look
around the lodge a Uttl more.
"Well t aint atepplng-yoa,
it. .vir ... a - - -
ai ueyru-4 uiwAa-w -- - 4
"Thea Pd like lo tatO my cam
era man. take photograph of the
two shells and also ot th bullets
taken from the body Peter; hav
ing no toothpicks, checked eft the
items on his finger. 7 4 -
"To newspaper folks ' always
have to have tl&Sares t make
your stotiti hCt litemt!a doa'l
you? X marks the sot and ail
that sort o thing." ike sheriff
O till t ZXm: PiUr lit tt'
t f..-t "rt there's one other
"ins:, xr te pistol ts atia
yow7 : . .' . .
'It t". i 1:." - . -
" .7U," I war. t- ton t" let ar
Barley shows a Incraas over jh ave-2.tit. a isreas front I TelT
ti ; r-c-ri t! i (
Rye U slots mi aaj 'ahost til t-" ti V V r ;rt:x
romofj, an important cr:a t,:c,, j:
vsr last year and only a littl vtfr t r r? "-5. -v. .
Ail tarn hay measures an arer.s cx.,.;.t a little uniar the
yls'.J ot last year. " . - . - . .
- The hop rroductlca f;rt:ast tx ttont f 3f.Y c ! I--t t"i? asl ncei
leri tiaa the average. TL C.ztezz U reflecUXU l-ai-roved price Irra trj prcrnica cf a gocl
la fruits the prospect Is far better than "atia' ercjs.
we:3 ci ccuna cew par, tzt cscmtj f:r til cuts as
wtr ccriiieratly t;:i:r tlia U2I.
I j. 1 -
ft C M
rw" f t v -
tz: 1 n:t r:pcrf !. - -
cnirj t!.i . wi Lr? in
..'VX' xf'?-"! la
- . ' r 1 -
... . t. v k - . . .
t -v
-1 t.
r""r r-:
frrrj r-j r!l t"-j trtf?
I . cUvcrsIcd ij cur production Li Crcc
w-vr'-i I ----- 1 v v.w 1 41 v
fr:n !"t -T ?
J t i ji j .-1 : t-
V Ci cJrj-
a and to
rrcfit in
a.j a t--J t-ta to tl3 to.
anybody and mind you trlar
. "I woat I wm, Tsapeeuvety,"
Peter promises. ."Andrews that's
tie etmerama cam last sight
Ill aead him right w 1 sup
pos youv locked th lodg How
If voull lust gire-m the key "
"Ton ain't wasting any time, I
se. I guess you'r afraid I might
get sensibi ?and -chang my
mind. Th aheriirs tacft was sol
omn. but Peter thought he detect
ed th climmer of a smil la the
smaiU keen eye, over .which, th
yellow, wrinkled .eyajidi , wit
deeepUv tasaltodovV--..
With the Distol and key clink
lag faintly together, wher h had
fTttsl1theai nonchalantly into
1:1 c::t pocket, Peter sought An-
dr;TS. who waited, with the ex-
perienced rtlence of th camera.
: : in, c z ta - ti. aiajw a i-ie.-
t:U tripod wu propped be-t-:'i
lis knees, and a large
t :'i t sx rested on the floor b
Lj feet - - - -
"Ii:t !woat make a plcturor
1 1 T x -'. 2std disgustedly " wt ta,
t ' 1 si- gtrn,t: directis,
"iiso (you dlak. wants to lock
tt ft 1 ;t and a t-Ut Uali o
c: ; I r "t th dana to ts kcLilT
!: la 1 :y hand," h ran rreated
r, 'Now If ahe'd eti-1 f ?r
: ,i ' ;m make a swell actioa pl
"Two bullets and two ahetla."
Peter corrected him fc!r, "Jrct
aa close up as yoa caa get them
S3 they can bo enlarged.
"But you' got to have human
J-orort . .
Ta tL3 tz-zz Cit L13 Ca
literesf Peter Informed him.
Why I
Sltould Carry
Becaqsel tws It to my famCy to provide against th loss of my arning
BecauM it rHl esttU myrirea ta rftcciTt aa ciucaiioa.
Because tt wd eaatU E to be lai?enit ta try clj aga,
Because tt Jp st ti tru!y crisis a ccrry ti tJ tsvii t-skl
Becsuso ttls ft real reserve being univers&rj cc-ptiLle as collateral
- lor loans, - . T ; .
Because tt U. ta txjst toVKtoetV--payatl V.'Jct''doottr.fe whei''
' dU. ' v. ... .
- " .. -. " . .r
: Because It Is tie safest sad mcst enomlc&l mcrrt for x&y bustocas.'
Because It enahSes me to set op an estate at pree--Mt2i Che privilege off
- - paying for It In annual tastaUments. -
: Tog these and taaay other reascavthli Bank Is a-flrnf beever fa'
Life Iiisuran It Ij c, flncsra cphlca fop:
which there Is NO substitute, t!;cu!J ts core ticrcu-;! favestl-'
Irated. U our services can be ttizzlzizzzo U r:ala ta tri!ysls cf -your
owo'useiJ, tKejr are---wit!icut ctpuxi ta ccnrunl
wd do not sriTi' iim n;:in.!rc3
' United Scares I Tc.::c:id Zank
. oac.7?j-C.vj::;
' - " - - " '
: . Gr:rd a D-7 in C-fcrrdb-it I
-1 i 'i