"(' j' I'm . hiillw,j ,l)... ail Mils Mil: F U DATTLE T.J, I. 53j, - - --v- --.? Bcous. if ?'Pcep!3 ta C -'.."r- a i - fcai.-': mr. - A - -... Hugh E,j5nkins,pinnecl by1 I a - - - - . 1 ' i 1 ' 1 FC i.oiea; i.iany uussis Visiting, Too .5 : .' - " "" 1 -'.. . . . - BROOKS, - August J 4- Mrs. Ronald; K. Jones and "eon Ronale - MILL CXTT, August 4 Cagh E- Jenkins -at Mill city narrowly escpped fs.ttj Thursday tnerainxj Trhlle -working at tramp 2 ,ter miles south 41,21111 City. Th ac cident " occurred about ll:So o'clock fa Ulae" forenoon' while Jenkins Hoi - ia - two trothera were telling tnti, .. t- -. A snag fell d'eawghe;jeH klna on thertgtt lde, knocking Mm 4 own. iri8"Trotb.ers m ta Ws - assistant ".d Detberr-Jea-I -Una lifted the ,ree" from "the ln-t iurefl -aui'i'l which would 'litre ' talrea 4wa men to accotu plish under ordinary tkecai ifctanoee. - j. J ' " Jenkins r rushed to the o. !tal la inn -Sty wker is sru yfiat B bok'vel))li' ut iia raali 'n'ht eid wa fcatfiy rtflseC it wUI lkrTr fe e4 ral 4tya liefore t ffl atte "to teare tfe 'bwpital. . 1 The tame aroteg Gsorfe Tfy aeser ra etrtck by iltriiMi whlla working -,t cam t jwd nrceelTtd a., severe cut -cm tfcfrglda of tlf head' tjrulsea on ila ana. -He wa ijTotrght to the JU Ctty bOBpUaJ ;Trhere the Jajurloi wera dresied. e liar torcka jcM .aubt Jfjdegtet-bforeha ?ould aet out of the Tr. 'He waa ,aiW :-to leave th - ipapital -taa ame arenlnr. ..: ,,,...-.. - d " ,i , ;j Schoeler Soon : , i ToTakeV0oi ' vstiKirxjiumvE.. Anrnst iReT. William Schoaier, atutint th nrMMi KArmi nMMm atata 1 college u4 xh traratty of .Ore? tember 1, to estafarlsh bed4ttar rtera tor lata oxk.. . ' . He hn rented -a large Aaina I te7 alilclirwJU.. he. used for .a Vesidenee for his family, and also a gataeriae'vlaeafor 'students tar TftUgioua -lnatrttcttoBg. - Ux iBcboeler and fatnlly have lived In Independence. lor the .last Awat IlANSANNE, Aug. (AP) i Tar v rraneh paaaengeta were 'drowned and a pilot and mechanic Injured today: whe a hydroplane eaged late 4be lake -at- Ceaeva. ross - w ora jr lizzie EUGENfe HORIZONTAL. - arlunian beings, r . 'ft What lake feerifcera Italy 4a asaaidw ef ets- heaatlfal ta the WarM? 12-4a poker, what ,la jt,lysr' -; atakat pi in the altar v it ai eeraat h- - -. ; SI .Wiajf. '- 44--Ja. ahett tiaaa, - - ' : 15 Depart. - - 16 SaUOE. . -' ... s .Ig Radent, ;" j 2 Pen-nSm of an Krlsc pDet, r , t Tool fer eiet j lr. -v - -' 21 V,Tt city is the aeat el. tie tat fcrvs aUfiJL wofka? . j iter s ateaure - - - - 9 g&lMsted. CS One who CnlihEa, ; " f-a-.Was indebted to. v " 32--What la tha Rtiaf ward: . Rome ia eallatl ihs .City? ir i2 iir T" iw" cSJ T!T 15-Aasoclata Arts (altr.). , S$ reast ef burden, . . j , 5Eeer Gyntfa tnovher, " . kO Ne-rativa. igWVVkat wetd Aauera-w J . ;rT u ser1 , latUUart .1. - atarchaat lalt , C4 ta ito zperieneed ta aa aecX . It.'-:! . 7 9 e!f. - ... -.. . . 5 f.!W.;.ii af Lr lilt. - f C2 la what rat"a lraa U CatV. pons ea a-UrecLua 64-" 17a e;-rxrt f 53.- ' 't3 Ject . fc3 L7ess.J i T-- -v -ti-ai;. H .la "fS 1" iv. 1 'ratl 1 ' if ii t t. : t . 143 r . j i. i ff f loba McDoiuudw f irnA nnti. - a wviMuiim imun pea wira ay ixutanoft awprana jnsucsw IEEE fflSBMLW &htzeht ExeciiUve. -Golnjj " To Important Jpb In UtrBBAHD, August ' I Twen-ty-tiTO relatives ; abd trlanda gathered at the TJnlon, depot fn Portland rrltfaj-tolhia ?jiist YeH ma,ehoQ farewell as aha Teft ok tbe trala tor New Tork City front which. jplace ehe jaOa for Ixndoni August t. ' I The" group showered " MlaS ovuuu wnu wngo. : DVttq UU a oeautnui leather purse presents ed ty tht janrzen otnoa gtm. Atmmg ' those to aee Klsa 6choH iotf on the :trip wera her paresis and alater, Mr. and MraJ U V.f Sdtoll, Hlaa Dorothy Scholl and JJr. and lfrs. .rra3ik Beer all ef Hubberd. end Mlsa Heertetta Wolfer and Mis Florence Beardt sley, crttre teachers of tbe Ore- gov Sate norma) ecbeoi at Mon-I. month, miss woiier is an aunt of alisa ScholL . "Mis SchoU.vwho ias.been aa- ststant export manager for the Jantsea.'JEaltttar'tnUls of Port? fiaaa tor mors than .three years. goes te Eagland tola as, SHCFFEIl T' PMrie Alp. t. tha Aariati.T 8 Domestic anhnaL " 10--Lament. '.' 17 Brenie'fn lloman antiquity. " 3 ' -raasw aa tha warU? - - -22 Female of tha thee. " SaChaerva. i 2MSaajegle. - 7 What Preatdamt ef Ih. U t, . rsoade -jji . treaty " wfih Spala, t d:y tleTUarie. th.e U, 3' . whaa he was SecrsUry ef " ' : Statet'. - A. . , 1 w. 2?" IkrikL - taiKIst; :-v f - - ' ... ' 2 lAz3el te&b&t. w S3 Of each an enual'ouahtfty. v 34 Tha VU's t f I WUI ;SlblieaI ,jcharactar area taraad ta aaal - Jar ef stilt hacaaae she Uakad ' ' - haefct - - - - - Hen j tf "racca-lie eIseS, tJ- ., Ut b tie L' att aeeasait la -Urg&a ef Mnr. 43 Prefix j three, - 4" Peryejrcs, v - ' .raoa,- ..... . S &te9. - " j,- . - f 9aTaTtic!t, rr'"-;" '-xm 1 1 Leq-Ire, liwlscrtevj . j , - -7 ; - - t 54 r-inds. ' . ;-i aTI caeTealip. 1 vUf4lasla. . CJ Perfcm. 65 Arraycrior iiir.y. :"!; -CtrsiIJa la tUa'.,.'i la r terdarapuzsje. r. IC 1 I-' 1L - , 1 Itiw -mxul iui f nArU hn ..... i . . ... . Gran Harvest IIczt ' - lred HasliVhacher thresh-. d six acrea e fall aowa hair ley Jary 3. A Combine -was 'vaed. The arleld waa rod. . Almoat El the faU n$ winter grala wae cot ;last ; week. C JL . Kobow" la nski two harreatera m hia tract European sal aid adiiertlslag taJCttagrer tor (ha . new Jantxea factory t ZAndoa.. ..- -l KKS. K0T8 BACK ".'! 2ENA. A)t. 4 Vta. n KorS awA- feoa, Richard, et Portland, e taraad to tbelr-home Saedartor 'ai ahortTlBlt They Occupied a cabin oa the grounds at "Maplemouadv', wm ei jar. aaa ra. D. uea- ry, .-d tiare worked BTtB; .Hia atra wherry and icharry picking, Kichird helpad Mr. Henry In the hay and grain fields alaa. aCtaEYttOUSE POLLY And HER rJSTF. BlPn llJftViKTxXs ) BRN3 W" BACK VtfMtN rl J J J V Ait. AVrWW - i P?(yaua Trttltri ?( ' j .1 x. ' ....... . - , . mm .J 1 VW IIWM.-I.:' - - j V5; OTTLEANNmROONEY . I TC0 T1' yrvZXU rl I I , V . .-I HI u.TW3 GRAND NEwVOUS- JJ ft y.CMiUruu II - V .jj v rr- fi r- 1 n 1 1 t'i.i 1 in. 1 1 --i.s-i krss fi-n- v -' it mi -itt v.4i .11 t4-i-'ii f - V at - -T - - - - - - 1 . 1 1 1 1 ' i ir ai r - Ml., r wr m i .1WU w. ou i lu - ill " i. i. -ri' . i .v. p -.a. j j. a m "!- a r. ATI. I ; k 1 , fc. a i - 1 ' . . " aanaaaaaa a aaaajaaaaj -aaaSBBaaaaaa... - ... ,. 1 f " ' "W" "iV'"4 SCTI ifT'll P in mtar. flzar in tha reuMteaimm . w . 1 IS MI 13W OAK GROVE. auet:4-eiUr ers f the-Epworth League nrn a feweU-pexty fee their. retir-t tag pastor, George Foea aad-his liancee, Margaret, pre, of Salem j Priday night at the grange hall at. uaKorofe. - Various games were. 7 blared daring . the evening. , Jast before A lala tunca tolceh of asbrec-t ation jcbnslstlnr of a "beaulllul tonataln. pea aad : pencil act "wee prpen ted by An ya St oatf er oh' hoi halt. of lie League. ; t . A apeech of thaks anS "encoUj a cement to the league was felren gare a short acknowledgement of the tjft,.. - A damty lunch of sandwiches, cake, pickles and Punch was im mediately served. ;The tutire taemWshtP ot 30 .rount people was present several guests and the ehaper- pals CEII i!2hl THSlrJSST. coVT I I I .srr- tttm-fS - I !! " - ItlXV aa.iaL m . B..Btaii.aKHaaF -i.i.i.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiihi m rLm a ' a v , '-" a.. arB aaaaaw .m SB1 ( ' . J i. .J. 1,. , W . W.. .,i 'S .... . m KViaaV V eaf-r aawo - a 1 eerrieee were fceld eday - eit - 4 ernoon at 2 o'clock at the Moa-1 metk-Christ!sa church for T. -J.-i AL!?J, r'l fcva fruit rs7r er. ot the UlsUetce sectiaa 'rear Mcnmouth, . vrto Cat Vei5"iay in the IlermLitoa te?pll tIlow lnf Isjsrlcs . receired Koniay alght. The automobile he was dur ing collided' with another car on tha "highway east of Boardmaa. talfilp was .returning home from a jto taonths stay ia South -Dakota, lila former home, where lie had taken a "carload of Polk oua ty; prunes for dtroaaL-.Iia -as atteatitlrj to EtatIlh a tcrr.ia enttnarket. lie Was accocar.ied by at t a anhterin-law, lira. Glkdya A3slp, and araadiatt-hter. Irene Alslp. eaughter4a-law alge tecelred injarlsa. Ilia son, Russell end V. Ubur Stayer were else la the party ta another ear. -" ir. Alsfp was bora January 19. 1SS7. la Deeorah. Iowa, and had spentmuch Of his Ufa loathe lja-1 kotas. Ho came to Oregon m. 11 la. Alwari active ta Urra OrgahTxa ttdhJ. lia Van an enterptlslhg; member of the Polk fcouhty Yarni- era TJntonr He-owned and eperab- ed. the Monmouth prune dryer. Sunrirtn Wa.Sls wldd;and; tour. soas. , Ttussell rot -dsrene; rrank, Henry and .Tent "of laioa mouth: end a0. three gTand chfidron. 1 .'." , ' j Baria'wAs ta 'the ferowa teme tery-Taet 'DaTtah "under dttetettnt Of the Keeuey Taheral Home of die Who" etc, "With" ReV. Ylctot Ufarrlt 'of Hohftfouth, oTfleiatlng. j ones. 'Af ter "teecat business mbtht Vaa ' caned at 'f htca It was Voted ta head aflss Pro is the .lelegatf rent Oak drove to the Epworth League convention ht lPail City Alf fh'li t It was ako decided that thfc etf lira membership wetl , 'attend the convention, ' Sunday, August 10 and arrangeiaeQta were made ao that all weuld have a way to . ' - I The Sheriff ObHea Taw Stanrls ? SV ii a5S ; "Sally's Temporary Tnmsgtuf 1 it:oxi-rou.'i; riLCCTiOM M - . - 4 I ' CvaSacLa IjcI. t oyer lis i s w&ereiy ta mi eeyeien s 1 'a fscr iTti.l.Ios to VEve'a XLzzlz ccta tr:rEl.tTth ta -'wc!--a'nd rjesi.?- The ta Vfi&Uoah iaclala a fcfrcplase, The ta- J aHUilGll FsaaiEEIIi S hfit- Church - team Cdri ducts West Bale Service . - On Suriay-. , - . , - 1 WlGST 'SALKM. Aug. 4. Th MenV (xospel.team of :the Jlrst Methodist vhhreh of Salem cent xtweted tha tnoVning aerrice at the rerd Memorial church sundan actlajf . as supply :durtnt the ah hence of tha jjaitor IC A.'Gr6rts, who f oa'hts rjatloit. Sight aseu bers jof the . team, were present, who Turntshed' abort hddtesses apd several flhe mualtfal number. " The chief address of the aerrlee was given by. Ronald C Glover Salem attorney. ,HU subject was the 33rd Psalm. A letter from the. pastor, descriptive of nil travels, Waa readat the morning aervice, . " Rer. y , J. .Wartea of tybst aleta preached In the evenfug on "Mending Nett." tebedee aOns Mickey With a Mount Corrected" AM-3 II 1 MFUV CAN'T LtTT rvr: fan tr proved speedboat, an las. prere i sea airnort and an ecan wave hydroelectric power tlant. V7ilh the last ha lrT A trenerate power front the ocean waves, . - r ' followed tha Sarlonr, hut Zebedei himself was to busy taendina netl to go. Attentioa was called to thb hcrodera menders of nets, who ara felse too busr to aro. WsS Ruth Beesa aad hUsa -Ifartha, Warren sang and alias Adah Clarke and Visa Xueila-Reese also - gaye a duet- The Reese sisters are from Salem, v4 j.u. Mr Mm V. T.amk mmk ions, Lester and yirfU, who forhv eriy lived tn West S alert, but are how residents of Salem, have wonb one a motor trip to Kansas, where they -win visit relatives. They win also be the- guests ef . their son ia Pheesdxv Aria.. They ware accom panied oa the trip by Mise Mabel laotnaa. , . .. --i Mrs. C. C. Flshback aid chil dren. Marl and Naida hava retarn ed from a week spent at Cutler City find aTl sow gone to New- burg, where they will be tor awhile with. Mr. Pishback, who la employ- ea at earpenter work la that city. Recent jguests pt Mr. jad Mrs. G. W.iRlehardson, were Mr.,an4 Mrs. Stephen Lee of Wlaham, Wm Lea is a rallwar conductor. Mm. Lee is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ricfaardsoa. Another dauahter. Mrs. Ella Dnchein was thblr guest .ILL MAKS A EST VrTM VOU. HR1MPS v-aL-nTiTLucrcD- - IX : vcott XLL LLO C? A - 1 aW " ww.'J T I "TL'fA ' f? f ' . i.cr.-. -c.i -rrP. XV; . . C. -..' v. fa - - f Jr. and Mrs." "Wlfliam Poormta . are ependiag two weeks act Taf t. ' Mr. Jones' and MfFoorman'mo- - tored;orer to Taft to 'be with ' - their families over the. week-end. Mrs- Mary Mathews anc her mother, Mrs. Mary Martin ara at TiUemoek aa gueata of Mr.' K tr im's brotliers v ; hlr. and lira.: Xn&rdT Ramp t and children EarU Leo and Cleo -Ramp, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Ras mussea and -daughter Arlene, ' spent Sunday -at Sitrer : TJreek - v Falls ahd enjoyed a picnic din,; ne. s r. . , y. A; '. : MrsT B. X -Moriti, who has beba ; raest bt her daughter, rs. H.1L -Bosch ?for; the-past -month,-went to Portland-where she will visit T another - 'daughter, Mrs. A. R. "'1 Johnson, Mra. II. H, Bbsch and J chiUrea Marie enC Jack Bosch ' went to Brett en bush springs Sua d"at wnerb Hhe- n)0yed a pie ' ale s . limner Vita ; the Jollowjhg - . relatives. Ur. and ' Mrs. P. j. . Mbrlts f Salem, and Wrf khd ' Mrt.-A, Johnson of ..Portland.. ' v - Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bruadidge - ' hnd .children, pleanor, Lavon and . Barbara' Bruhdldge, have tnovtd 4 near 8alem, where they bars. ;. rented a farm. "The Brun&ldgwHi have lived pn .the R. EL Jonea . farm Yqr feerbral year. .. . ; Gilford. Weight., eon bf Mr. aftd Mrs. tSeorge Wright, is spending the hammer at the home of hia brother, . Loman Wright tt La ' blah Center. - r Mr. and Mrs. Chris Otto 'aad . Mrs. Maude .Timin and son Ley al Ttana . pent Sunday at the , home.."of,Mr. and Mrs. Fred E T. ans. and Mr, aht Mrs.C Earl Conk-" lta. Mrs. Bjrana and Mrs. Conklja rf are daughters ot Mrs. Tima, and Mrs. Otto Is an auat, . , Sunday.. .-. , . ,' . V-'.--- Miss Helen Gosser. daughte. of v Mr. aad Mis. J. A. Grosser is visit ing relatives la Portland, .- By TVVERICS WATCH CUt RASMUSN IKtCP VOU CYCON TVWI By CUFF $11111; By BEN B ATSFOnO way rrHEt'RS. jusr latk Jfc a : a . -, I - t r - a I -. V,. in OL . W P I I . n - a I T r ( K3F-"Ir4lM J 1 Tf 1.1