The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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irl'PAGB . rTfae OIICGON STATESMAN. Sakt Oregon, Tuesday MonuBgAagmt 5, 1333 ; -v .. - -
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bciety N
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Ouvq M. Doax, Society Edifrr
Club Affairs
Golden Wedding Is
Brilliant Event
RIcfcey An erent of more
than ordinary Interest to the old
timers In this and neighboring
communities was the golden wed
ding annlrersary celebration giT
en for Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Lewis
at their home near Lyons Sunday
by their children.
Relatires 4d old friends from
distant places and near were
present. At noon a long - table
was spread under the shade of
the trees in the yard that had
been - decorated with greenery
and golden fcolored flowers to
represent a spacious dining room.
Around the table over 50 rela
tives and closg friends gathered.
The afternoon was spent-recalling
old times and greeting
'.friends who called to wish the
couple many more years of hap
piness. Among the beautiful pres
ents received by Mr. and Mrf.
Lewis was a golden colored. bed
spread presented by members of
the Lyons community.
The wedding cake was a gold
en cake baked by Mrs. Amos Vass
of Salem, a -sister of Mr. Lewis,
decorated' with paper dolls dress
ed to represent the bridal party.
The faces of the dolls were pic
tures of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis cut
from tintypes taken about SO
years ago. The face of the flow
er girl was a picture of Miss Lois
Trass!, the oldest granddaughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. .
Mr. Lewis was bora in Miss
ouri and Mrs Lewis in Iowa.
They were married .In Kansas.
They came to Salem from Glasco,
Kansas, in 1889 and nave lived
in Marion county the greater part
of this time. They spent several
years in this community.
To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis were
born the following children, all
of whom are living and were pres
ent Sunday: E. A. Lewis, Nannie
Lewis Martin, Roxle Lewis Traak,
V. R. Lewis, Eulalie Lewis, Ly
ons and Veneta Lewis Bidwell. "
The Lewises have one great
grand child, Donna Jean Trask.
and 13 grand children. Lois and
Loris Trask. Virginia Lewis Holl
igan, Robert and Nile Lewis.
Winifred Martin, Glenda and
Wave Lyons, Evelyn Lewis. Beu
lab, Lucile and Kenneth Lewis,
Jacqultne Bidwell, all of whom
were present Sunday excepting
Robert Lewis.
The complete list of all those"
present Sunday is as follows: Mr.
and Mrs. Amos Vass, Salem; Mr.
and Mrs. A. O. Culler, Dallas;
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Cutler and
children Edward and Jacqueline,
Aberdeen, Washington; Mrs. Earl
Cutler and son Richard. Port
land; Mr. end Mrs. Walter Fra
ser, and son Howard, McMinn
ville; Mr., and Mrs. Charles Lucas,
Salem; Mr. and Mrs. M.P Cutler,
Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. W. Bidwell
Tuesday, August 5
, W. C. T. U. all day picnie, August I, Fairground-. '
Bring own basket and table service. Coffee, sugar and
cream furnished. -
Wednesday, August 6"
Spring Valley missionary society, with Mrs. R. C.
Shepard, Zena.
Thursday, August 7
Hazel Green missionary society, all day picnic, Or
vllle Luckey's wood. Englewood church: society will Join
with this group for the day. Picnic dinner.
Regular business meeting, Capitol Assembly No. 84,
United Artisans, Fraternal temple.
Marlon county Veterans association, Silverton,
Knights of Pythias hall, 10 o'clock. Potluek dinner at .
Friday, August 9. J . -Daughters
ef Veterans. a" e'eloek. Woman's 'club
Sunday, August 10
Aumsville Pioneer association, i0 o'clock. Swank
IVTt, basket dinner, old time reunion.
and daughter Jacqueline, Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lyons
and daughters Glenda and Wave,
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Martin and; daughter Winifred,
Lyons: Mr. and Mrs. Loris Trask
and daughter Donna Jean, Al
bany; Miss Lois Trask, Stay ton;
J. Coats, Turner; Mr. and Mrs.
V. R. Lewis," Lyons; Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Lewis anc' daughter Evelyn,
Salem; Mr and Mrs. E. A Lewis
and son Nile Ada; . Mr. and Mrs.
C. O. Lewis and children Lucile.
Beulah - and Kenneth, Lyons: Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hallegan, Mill
CItj; Mrs. Roxle Trask, Lyons;
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Magee and
daughters, Margaret and Hasel.
Rickey; J. Chase, Tacoma; Miss
Wilma Chase, Gresham; ' Mrs.
Harry Chase, Salem; Mr. and
Mrs. H. Hobson, Fox Valley; Mr.
and Mrs. John Trask, Fox Val
ley; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shel
ton, Lyons; Mrs. D. C. Abels,
Lyons; Mrs. W. H. Swank,
Lyons; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pat
terson, and daughters Edith and
Loraine, Salem; Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Hlatt, Lyons; Mr. and Mrs.
S. D. Browns, Lyons; Mr. anjd
Mrs. R. A. Brown, Lyons; Mr.
and Mrs Al Ring, Lyons; Mr. and
Mrs. A. Rush, Minneapolis. Minn.;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson,
Lyons; Mr. and Mrs. A. Vaughn,
Lyons, Mrs. Helen Vaughn,
Lyons; Mr. Allen, Fox Valley;
Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Doane, Salem;
and H. Bissler. Fox Valley.
History Section
Makes Pilgrimage
A tour long anticipated by
members of the history section of
the Salem Arts league was the
week-end pilgrimage ma&e to
various historical spots of inter
est' along, tee ' Oregon coast be
tween Wheeler and Astoria.
The party of 19 motored over
to Cannon beach where they
spent the night at hotel. In the
evening a history class lead by
R. J. Hendricks was conducted
at the hotel and a study was
made, of the beaches visited dur
ing the day. including the inter
esting call at the sight of the
beeswax ship sinking of years
ago. Music and a'; bonfire on the
beach added much Joy to the Sat
urday ajght festivities.
Sun&ay . morning the group
moved on to Seaside, Ft Clatsop,
Ft.' Stevens, ana to Astoria the
objective of tbe trip. ,
At Astoria the Astor monument
was visited, which proved a most
interesting part of the trip. Thir l
pictorial monument tells in Illus
tration the establishment of" the
city. Later in the evening on a
platform Just below the monu
ment and in sight most of the
historical, spots fa which-Is was
interested the group held a sec
ond history discussion ' class, and
enjoyed the advantage of locat
ing in the distance most -of the
places being discussed.
The party returned home Sun
day evening after only one acci
dent which demolished the ear ef
R. J. Hendricks, but which did
not stop any of the party from
continuing the trip. . .
.Those making: the pilgrimage
were Mr. and Mrs. John Clifford..
Mr.- and Mrs. R. J.- Hendricks, Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Kurth, ' Mr. and
Mrs. a. H; Van Trump Mr. and
Mrs.. Corp&tein of Phoenix. Ali
son; Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Carrie
Roland, Miss Grace Gilliam, Miss 1
Ellen Hodson, Mrs. Robert Paul-
us, Mrs. W. F. Fargo, Mrs.
Blanche Jeaes, Mrs. Waters, and
Miss Julia Webster.
Neighborhood Play
Wins Attention
An Interesting venture Into the
field of stagecraft was the play
"The Stolen Prince" given under
the direction of Mrs. Dorothy Mc
Dowell and in which a group of
her neighborhood children form
ed the east of 11. The work was
done as vacation play work.
xne piay was produced as a
garden event Jn the McDowell
garden at 7:30 o'clock Monday
evening. Japanese lanterns gave
an added charm to the interest
ing work of the youthful actors
and actresses. A group of par
ents and friends made up the au
Those' taking part were Glenn
Steusloff, Doris Schunke, Flor
ence Foster, prudence Foster,
William Foster, Oren McDowell,
Elizabeth, Lewis, Arlynn Thratt,
Perry Thratt. Francis Doolittle,
and George Bownen.
Special attention is called ej the
all day picnic which is being spons
ored by the members of the Sa
lem W. C. T. U. today at the fair
grounds. A basket dinner will be
enjoyed at noon. Coffee sugar and
cream will be furnished the
guests. All W. C. T. U. orders of
the city are especially requested
to be present. -Interesting program
features have been arranged.
a a
Mrs. R. C. Shepard of Zena
will be hostess to members of the
Spring Valley missionary society
at her home Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. Charles Purvine and
Mrs. T. J. Merrick will be the as
sisting hostesses.
Miss Lela Fox of the state-ac
cident commission staff return
ed Saturday from two weeks va
cation spent with friends in ' Ta
coma ana Seattle.
Patriotic Orders
Plan Thursday
The Marion County. Veterans
association will meet for Its sum
mer session at SUverton Thurs
day at 10 o'clock in the Knights
of Pythias halL There will be a
potluek dinner at noon and a
program win be given which is to
be furnished by the Silverton or
The most important business
will be the election of officers for
the coming year. Another bus
iness as well. will be brought be
fore the organisation. All patri
otic organisations of the county
will be represented. ,
This-is the second of tbe three
yearly meetings. One is held at
Woodbum la the spring, one -at
Silverton In -tbe summer and the
fall meeting will be held to- Sa
Among 'those ' organisations
which -will go fs the-Salem Wom
an's Relief corps. This organisa
tion baa already made prepara
tions for chartering bus for the
occasion. It will be necessary for
at least IS members to go in or
der to receive reduced rates so it
is being urge that all those that
can go. maae reservations who
Mrs. Bertha. Loveland, telephone,
2251. at ls earliest convenience.
The bos ewiU leave the Senator
hotel at 1:30 o'clock.
Aumsville Pioneer
Folk to Meet
The Aumsville Pioneer associa
tion will hold their tenth annual
homecoming in Swank grove at
Aumsville, Oregon, Sunday, Au
gust 10. There will be a basket
dinner and an old time reunion.
This meeting has been held for
the purpose of renewing old. ac
quaintances, but the old timers
are becoming few in numbers
and the remaining few - Invite
every one who can to come and
spend the day with them.
Mill City. Complimenting
Miss Florence Nystrom whose
birthday was Thursday, a dinner
was given in her honor at the
homo of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Nystrom of Niagara.
Thursday .evening with .places
marked for 30 guests. The table
was set on the beautiful lawn
which surrounds the Nystrom
home. An attractively decorated
birthday cake formed the center
piece of the artistically deco
rated table with vases of flowers
completing the decorative scheme
of pink and white - .
Following the dinner conver
nation and music were diversions
for several hours. The music.
which was . furnished by Mrs
Myrtle Knutson. Misr Winifred
Stone and Miss Ruby Nystrom at
the piano and Richard Nystrom
on the accordion was of special
interest as each of those taking
part ate accomplished musicians.
"Mr. and Mrs. David Adolph are
off for a motor trip -of two weeks
during whieh they will visit Vic
toria and Vancouver,. B. C.
Doerfler Clan
Organizes Sunday
Sunday the descendants of Martin-and
Theresa Doerfler gather
ed for their first reunion at the
home of James Doerfler, Sr in
the Waldo HUlav i
WentzeL Joseph, Martin and
Mary Doerfler were bora near
Falkenaa in province of German
Bohemia, Anstrla, and came tj the
United 'States with their parents
In 1SI7, settling at Appleton,
Wise, until IS 7 7. when the fam
ily moved to Oregon, where Joseph
and Martin, the only surviving
members, still reside. Crossing the
Atlantic a year later and joining
the family In America eam three
orphaned nephews, one surviving
now, J. A. Doerfler, of Marion,
-, The forenoon- was devoted to
arrival of guests and preparations
for the picnic dinner which was
spread under the lovely maples on
long tables graced with summer
flowers. Just before the dinner
hour, James Doerfler, Sr., .gave a
short talk, reminiscing generally
on the early life and history of the
Following the dinner the elan
organised for an annual reunion,
with L. A. Doerfler, -of Albany, as
president; F. A. Doerfler, as vice
president, S. M. Doerfler as sec
retary. Lee. Doerfler as treasurer.
and Maragaret DoerQer aa aJato
rtan. F. A. Doerfler acted as tem
porary' chairman.
An Informal afternoon of mu
sic, games and baseball was en
Joyed. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. James "Doerfler, Sr., Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Doerfler. Sr.. Mr. and
Mrs. J. M Djcrfler and daughter,
Dellora, Mr. r nd Mrs. J. J. Doerf
ler, Jr., and Raymond, Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Doerfler, Jr and the
Misses Ann, and Margaret Doerf
ler, Mr. A. N. and Fred Doerfler,
all of Silverton; Mr. and Mrs. F.
A. Doerfler and children, Donald,
Wallace and Ann Marie, of Mac
leay; Mrs. Wensel Doerfler and
Miss la Doerfler and Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Doerfler and daughter, all of
Sublimity; J. A. Doerfler of Ma
rlon; Mr. and Mrt. L. A. Doerfler
and Miss Virginia of Albany; Mr.
and Mrs. Harl Hanneman and
three sons, 4f r. and Mrs. S. M.
Doerfler. and Geraldine. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Oleson and children.
William. Robert and Eleanor, Mr.
and Mrs. George Doerfler and chil
dren, Florence, Doris an Cletus
and Mrs. R. M. Fox and children.
Joan and Robert, all of Portland
Mr. and Mrs.' George Smith and
children. Germalne, Zelpha, and
Walter, of Stayton; Mr. and Mrs,
Hal Russell and children of Ma
rion; and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Doerf
ler and children. Lucille. Bernice,
Harold and Lawrence, of Salem.
Additional guests were Mrs. J.
Amstutz. Elarn Amstutz. J. H.
Leraux. Gene A. Leranx and John
B. EL Sissons Plan
Southern Trip ;
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sisson ac
companied by Miss Virginia Sis-
son and William Sisson will
leave Wednesday morning for
San Francisco, where they will
give "bon voyage" to William,
August 9, as ho sets sail for New
York city.
,, In .New York,; city ' the younger
Mr. Sisson will take up the two
years scholarship won last spring
from Oregon State college, anc'
whieh at the end of the two
years will give him his masters
degree from Columbia university.
The scholarship was given by tbe
Bell Telephone' company.
After seeing; William oft on bis
long trip; Mr. and Mrs. Sisson
and Miss Sisson will continue to
Los Angeles and WhitUer where
they will visit friends. They ex
pect to be gone . about ' three
weeks. Mistress Mary Elisabeth
Sisson will visit with Mrs. L. C.
Marshall at Neskowln during this
motor trip of her parents.
e e
WorldWide Guild
inns JZJiiov niite
Seventeen World Wide Guild
girls of the Sterling chapter, en-
oyed a beautiful devotional ser
vice given by Helen Alexander
and Edith Mae Jenks, .on the
lawn at Boulder Knoll, the coun
try home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Gile, Sunday morning at 7:00
o'clock. ' After the devotions
breakfast was served on the sun
porch. When breakfast was over
and the dishes were washed fun
was had by taking pictures of
the girls at unexpected moments.
Those who hiked out were: Edith
Mae Jenks, Carol Stoddard. Jew
el Howell, Velaa Alexander, Dor-
omy Koss..Betn. Billings. Lor
raine Gregg. Mrs. Earl Gregg,
Loreta Wolfe, and Mildred Tay
lor. The others present: Mrs. H.
Gile. hostess, and Alice Zielke.
Edith Sterrett, Helen Alexander.
Leolyn Barnett, Ruth and Janet
The girls will meet at the
home of Mildred Taylor at Wood-
burn next Monday. August 11.
for their regular Guild meeting.
LaVinia Buirgy and Alice Zielke
are arranging for the transporta
All the Guild girls are request
ed to bring- their White Cross
gifts to the office of theaCalvary
Baptist church sometime this
Silverton Members of the
Dahl family held a picnic In she
Coolidge and McClaine park at
Silverton for the pleasure of Mr.
anc' Mrs. Theodore Opsund and
daughter, Jane, who are moving
to Portland this week. . Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Dahl and family, Mr. and Mrs. H.
O. Dahl and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Dahl and family, Mrs. C.
Ziegier and daughter Jean, and
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Opsund
and daughter Jane.
Plans of Woman's
Club Near Completion
r Plans are under way for the
new work of the Salem Woman's
elub for thla year. It is expect ec'
that a 'meeting: will be held this
week sometime at which will be
completed the program for . the
coming year.-, Nearly all commit
tees - have ..completed arrange
ments, committee jm embers have
been chosen and work otherwise
ia very nearly outlined.
Committee heads not announ
ced In the sprint; but which have
since been appointed are Mrs. S.
M. Endicott, who will act as
chairman of the institutions de
partment; Mrs. J. C. Nelson, head
of the educational committee;
Mrs. C. C. Clark, head of the
American citizenship committee.
The project for the year is not
yet determined but will no doubt
be decided upon at the next com
mittee meeting. Several hare
been suggested to take tbe place
of the two Just completed, that of
the Doernbecker hospital fund
which has been naid so far as Sa
lem's quota is concerned, and
completion of paying for tne
Tbe nrorram committee which
will be called together for final
arrangements for the year are
Mrs. Walter Pennington. Mrs.
Hrrr Weidmer. Mrs. W. K. Fe ld-
man, and Mrs. N. D. Elliott. Mrs.
David Wright is president of the
Salem woman s duo.
No-Host Picnic Is
Jolly Event
A number of the Salem friends
of Mrs. Georgia M. Woodard, of
Sheridan, Wyoming, held a no
host picnic supper in her honor
Friday evening, in the attractive
gardens of the Cherrington home
on Court street. Those partic
ipating were members of the lo
cal tent of Daughters of Union
Veterans of the Civil war, with
which Mrs. Woodard recently be
came affiliated. Miss Erma
Swaddell, senior vice president of
the order, waa in charge . of the
arrangements. Huge Japanese
umbrellas, artistically arranged,
added to the natural beauty of
the grounds. Small tables In
group formation seated the
Mrs. Woodard. who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. J.
Entress, for several weeks, plans
to return to her homo the cohj-
- - - - 7 i
One of the happiest affairs of.
the year lor. the members ef the
Hlahee golf dnb ; was the Wed
nesday night tonrnament" and
dinner for the wives, of the mem
bers. Covers were placed f r
100. Following the dinner hour
contests and putting events on
the ninth bole npon which had
been turned a floodlight, and
later music, dancing and cards
In the clubhouse made up aa ex
cellent evening of sport and
WE can never be sore just what,
makes a child restless, but1
the remedy can always be the same;.
Good old Castorial There's comfort
in every drop of this pom vegetable'
preparation, and not the slightest ,
harm in its frequent use. As often as
I roar child has fretful spell, is "
everish, or cries and can't sleep, let
Castoria soothe and quiet him. Some-'
times it's a touch of colic. Sometimes
constipation. Or diarrhea a con
dition that should always be cheeked
without delay. Just keep Castoria;
handy, and give it promptly. Rebel
will follow very promptly; if it
doesn't, you should call a phyucun.
Electric Heater
' No wardrobe- is complete with
out several sheer prints fashion
ed into dainty, simple models.
The frock ' presented t o c' a y
achieves its grace through a
. flared cape collar and a charming
. full skirt that express the last
word in, fashion. The pert sash
-and the sleeve ruffle add dainty
feminine touches.
- Pattern im Is perfectly rav
ishing developed in chiffon, geor-
". gette, voile or flat 'crepe. A light
r. dark' ground would be equally
smart. Fot early fall, I suggest
chiffon velvet or wool voile with
tiny woven designs.
" 'May be obtained only In sixes
14, 11, 18, 20, 32, 31. 31. 58 and
. 40. Six 16 reeulres 34 yards
f 3 S-lneh material. - -
He lrgkattkiat miHww a-".
ciMry. I srasw tme every sis,
sad sistola, asset faMtrsctieas are
fia. . - ' - ., i .-
Seal fifteca mti ra colas care-
fail wrapped, er staraps, for eeah
pattara. Writ plaiaty jaar -petae,
ddra, . atyie. , aamto. a4 . -waata."';
. -'. ;
Ob- fcAak' af a.ftrtf .C' miaUa.
'asd ebiUrt aise trassfsr pafr
M-ae, -firtce-cau; ta . earns
wba rltr with a patlara. A-,
araas alWaall . aa -at-dara- . te ;
Statta-aa Patter - Deae-tatast, f
S. Waa nia atraas, VevXecav
Members of the Hasel Green
missionary society and members
of the Englewood church! mis
sionary society of Salem, will join
In an all day picnic to be held in
the wood of the Orvllle Luckey
home Thursday. B6T& organiza
tions will contribute to. the pro
gram which . will . follow the pic
nic dinner.
"Sydney The Talbot Women's
club held a no host picnic In .the
Doty grove on the banks of the
Santiam river, Wednesday after
noon. The- time waa spent swim
ming and' general' 'conversation,:
About 35 guests were present. - A
dainty summer lunch was. served
at nve q clock.
SUvertOBv-Mrs. Irma LaRlche
left-Friday for Edmonton. Alber
ta, Canada, where aha win spend
several weeks .visiting relatires
and) friends. Mrs.' LaRlche 4s the
district health nurse With head
quarters at Silverton. No clinics
will, be-held -at Silverton during
tne momn oi August. .. .. a
f Turner- Miss Julia Meyer of
Conrams, and Tbeo B. Leagele ol
Albany were"r married Thursday
morning . at -tne Jietaoaist cnurch
parsonage .by- Revj w.- S 'Bur
goyne. After a abort wedding
-, ennnnlBannBBssBfcawasssssssnannnBMB
CI. 75
O NEED to worry about who has
the first bath.or how touch water is
used... if you have an AUTOMATIC
There's hot water enoufii to f o all
'round and then some to spare!
Relieve yourself of the sudden worry
of "Did I turn the heater off ?" when
you're far away from home. Relax in
the thought that on cleaning day, wash
day, every bath time.l.or any
tine there a an abundance of hot. '
water always on tap. Thk is possible
with an automatic electric water heater.
The convenience is great
the cost of operation ia
negligible. '
Z " - .
Consult our engineers
without pblisation... :
about the sixe and type
home should have.'
WATER o'o.wol.l Jtnwl 'V - -
i - m f
J r SALEM ' OREGON CITY; 4'iLjOf 7 : ' i '- LLSDORO; ; v
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Oentteasea: - - ' r - -
Ton ara fcerebr aathprlzed te eater say subscription ' to
The Hew Orenen Statesman for one year f ram 4at It la nn
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