The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Ore goa. Tuesday Morning, August 5, 1830
Have Golden
z Wedding JFete
r :
. . . . " : .-'
Soap Output Established in
City Already Receives
Financial Backing
Articles of incorporation for a
strictly Salem concern, with Sa
lem capital, have bee filed, un
der title of the West Coast Mf jr.
Co. , Incorporator are M. Mul
keyCarl T. Pope and E. M.
Hammer. The concern will man
ufacture chemicals and hop
prays bat the principal product
will be soap of all kinds, from
bar soap to washing powders.
The manufacturing company
entails reorganization, and 'refi
nancing of a soap industry which
already has a small start in Sa
lem under N. Christenson. Chris
tenson has had a small plant In
operation here for some months,
and has already built the busi
ness ap to a point where there is
a steady demand.
Experienced In
Soap Making
Christenson is a veteran soap
maker, having lenrned the trade
In Europe. He was for three
and a half years superintendent
In the largest soap factory in the
world, and was for some years
'superintendent of the Palm Olive
plants. The product here is sold
under the trade name "Modern
The reorganized industry is
capitalised at $5,000. It is
planned to enlarge the plant as
soon as necessary. Capacity now
will take care of a 15,000 month
ly business. Pope is attorney for
the corporation, and In charge
of organization. . Hammer bat
been associated with Christenson
since the plant opened here.
TESTS JT suray
Names of girls who passed the
beginners' or swimmers' tests
while at Camp Santaly, Girl Re
serves' summer camp held from
July 8 to 29, were announced
yesterday for the first time by
Dorothy P. Hutchason. senior
American Red Cross life saver
In charge of the swimming in
struction. Miss Hutchason was
assisted by Eileen Moore. Passing
the tests were:
First camp, grade school girls
Beginners' test: Joan 'New
comb. Dorothy Gibson, Frances
Gildow, Florens Daugherty, Doris
Mee, Virginia La Veil and Fran
ces LaVelle; swimmers' "button,
Jean Marshall, Junior high girl.
. Second camp period. Junior
high girls Beginners' test:
Clara Lentscb, Peggy Peterson,
Arlene Moffit, Margaret McKen
aie and Jane McKenzie; swim
asers button: Anna Larson, Bil
ly Johnson, Dorothy Rulifson, Lu
cille Haekett, Marine Murphy,
LaVerae Pennell, Marjorie Smith,
Gretehen Rochenfeller, Cathryn
Eaton, Evelyn. Stewart and Nel
lie Bhaw.
Third camp period, high school
girls Beginners' tesf: Gladys
Jfnreh and Theresa Ulrlch; swim
mers button: Hilda Pounder, El
eanor Moen, Yalta Davis, Mar
guerite Shaw, Jean Oeder and
Ruth Chapman.
Doll. Dressing
Contest Is Set
For Wednesday
Wednesday, August 6, a doll
dressing contest for girls, will be
held at the Tew Park play
ground. At the same time, there
will be an airplane making con
tact for the boys. Children must
have made their own exhibits.
Prizes will be awarded for the
best entries In each division.
Thursday, August 7, the girls
will display their embroidery
-work at the Yew Park play
ground. Judges will award rib
bons for best entries.
Grain Harvest
Under Way Now
In Rickey Area
RICKEY. Aarutt 4. Nearly
all bar In the eommnnlrv Is taken
eare ot and grain harvest la bow
la progress with a fair yield
W. R. Humphreys- eut the first
gram this season.
In Opebatic Role.
Ignoring the call of fame, Marion Talley, operatic star, continues
from the lights of Broadway. '
enpervlsion of her wheat fields far
Eighty Six Pass Swim
Test at Dallas After
Week of Instruction
DALLAS. Aug. 4 (Special)
Eighty-six of those taking swim
ming instruction In Dallas during
the past week received their be
ginners and swimmers buttons,
Saturday afternoon, when Jack
Hewitt, instructor for the Amer
ican Red Cross, completed the re
quired tests. Many ot those who
were strong swimmers could not
qualify as such. Inasmuch as they
could not do the surface dive,
back swim, and swim 100 yards,
using two strokes.
More than 300 were register
ed for the weeks instruction, and
much enthusiasm was expressed
by those attending and who spon
sored the undertaking. It is hop
ed to repeat the instruction an
other year, and hare the period
cover two weeks, Instead of one.
Those receiving beginners but
tons were: Mary Staats, Orlando
Peters, Fred Meyers, Teddy Fav
er, Virginia Coon, Gladys Ham
mer, Helen Vlerg, Fred Campbell,
Ralph Reaspner, LaVonne Carr.
Clarence Stanley, John Gerard,
Bob Dalton, Clarence Peters,
Frank Peters, Billy Faver,
Virginia Adams, Elizabeth Ro-
well, Jane Helms, Mary starbuck,
Nile Robinson, Alice Neufeldt,
Edna Bowman, Myrtle Clayton,
Harold Peterson, Elbert Hawkins,
Robert Shreeve, Audra Allen, Ril-
die Allen, Buddy Foster, Chelta
Russell. Harold Burch, William
Rowell. Ted Rowell, Jack Eakin,
Etbelyne Gayman.
Theone Foster, Frances Moore,
Betty Waters. Mary Ellen Dalton,
Imogene Ballantyne, Almeta Neil,
Eythel Ray, Dorothy Elliott, Ruth
Plummer, Hazel Plummer, Ileen
Gatens, Doris Moffitt, Helen Ro
well, Maxlne Helms, Lois Robin
son, Imogene Hillary, Olive Rus
sell, Jeanne Hartman, Darlene
Bowman, Warren John. Helen, El
liott, Ruby Voth, Mildred Dallas,
Paul villvock. Thomas Heron,
Mrs. T. R. Dulaney, Mrs. Chas.
Ray, Lois Walton, Helen Shreeve.
Those to receive the swimmers
buttons which Indicates they can
swim 100 yards using two kinds
of strokes, surface dive, hack
swim and do other diving are:
Melva Robinson, Dolly Howe, Rex
Pemberton, Lenthal Bollman, Ra
chel Uglow, Burrell Webb. Thom
as Starbuck, Irene Shehren, Cath
erine Hawkins, Theodore Coon,
William Van Nuys, Mary Himes,
Bob Hartman, Chester Wilkison.
Those qualifying in junior lite
saving and who will receive the
Red Cross emblem are: Theodore
Coon, Rachel Uglow, Melva Rob
inson, Dolly Howe, William Van
Nuys, Rex Pemberton.
None ot those taking the senior
life saving were able to qualify
In., the required tests. Miss Doro
thy Page will receive her exam
iners emblem, after having work
ed with Mr. Hewitt for the past
Filipino Stabs
Turlock Youth
TDRLOCK, Cal., Aug. 4.-
(AP) Everett Kinser, is year
old Turlock boy. was stabbed
twice. In the back and perhaps fa
tally injured Saturday night
Police said Klnser was stabbed
when ha and several other boys
. taunted .. two - Filipinos on the
street la Turlock, calling them
"goo toot." The boy was ehased
for more than a block by one ot
the Filipinos brandishing
knife. Miledo Partolan was Jail
ed oi an open charge pending
the outcome of Xinsers Injuries.
. artea t i vt tv uiuitu
-' AURORA, Aug. 4 Mrs. James
alley ana so or suamaia rails,
ar at tha bom ftf Mrs.' Bailev'a
parents, If r. and Mrs. Chris Zleg-
ier. She wtu remain zor several
-week , . - .. - Z- r
week. She has already received
her life- saving certificate for her
work at the University of Oregon.
Following the close of instruc
tion in Dallas, Saturday, Mr. Hew
itt left for Albany for one week,
and will then be in McMinnvllle
for two weeks.
daughter of Gates have arrived
home from a vacation trip to
Fish lake and other points of in-
Iter est in the Cascadia. While
Mr. Collins was fishing one day
at some distance from where Mrs.
Collins and their daughter were,
the two litter were suddenly con
fronted by a large black bear.
They were greatly frightened by
the la trader. Mr. CoLUns is em
ployed at the Hammond company
store in Mill City.
hoc else
Hubbard Groups Vie in Do
ing Good for Members;
Happy Time Had
HUBBARD. An. 4. A happy
evening was spent at 8hadeV
Aerea by the members of Thalia
Robekah lodge aad their, families
at a picnic dinner. Many went
swimming while ethers enjoyed
the evening visiting.
Fifty-five were seated e& the
tames waicn were spread under
the huge shade trees. The pienie
was the climax of. a contest be
tween two teams in the lodge with
Mrs. Cora Taylor and Mrs. Nettie
Sails, the captains. The contest
started in January and ended Jury
Contrary to the rules of the
contest which stated that the -losing
side treat the winners, both
sides Joined in a picnic. Points
were won in the contest by sick
visits, visiting , other lodges, pro
grams, securing new members, re
instatements and payment of dues.
m cjfjioT
RICKEY, Autust 4 Mr., and
Mrs. Everett Lewis and son 'Nile
fbf Ada, called on old friends here ,
Friday on their way . to Lyons to
attend the golden wedding anni
versary celebration of Mr. Lewis"
parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Lew
is. . . -; ' "
Miss Betty NuthalL England's
opular tennis queen with her
rother Jim, 'a year younger,"
' who aha is taking with her as a
chaperon when she acts off from
England bound for the shores ef
America. She has treat confi
dence in Jim, claiming he will
be "as good as 40 mothera."
The fishing In the Santlam riv
er Is very poor owing to the fact
that, the water waa ot a milky
looking nature. There Is a creek
called Milk creek, which has its
beginlng near Mt. Jefferson, and
on very warm days there seems
to be a mineral which melts,
causing the water to look like
milk had bseen. poured into It,
and this In turn causes the rfver
to look milky.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvro Neal and
Hugh Cook and son Harold mot
ored to within a few miles ot the
Breitenbush Springs the latter
part of the week. They report the
road as being in good condition
for this time of year.
Frank Cook, with a party from
La comb, spent the past week at
Fish Lake. The fishing was only
fair due to weather condiUons.
Most of the road from Cascadia
on was in very good condition. :
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bone and
Miss Dora Foster, sister ot Mrs
Bone, from Hood River, were
Saturday afternoon guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl E.
Cook. Mr. Bone Is a prominent
apple grower of the Hood River
valley, having about 30 acres is
orchard: His principal crop con
sist of Yellow Newton and Spit-
senberg apples, also a few De
licious and Ortley apples. He ex
pects a very good yield and the
fruit promises to be of a very
fine Quality.
Woman Didn't
See Billings
Mrs. Franklin B." Morse today
denied Warren K. Billings was
in a dental office at 721 Market
street the day of the prepared
ness day bombing here in 191.
as detailed by Estelle Smith In
John MaeDonald hearings be
fore the California supreme
court Justices.
There is no law in Oregon that
gives the governor authority to re
move a trustee of a highway im
provement district, according to
a legal opinion handed down here
Monday by I. H. Van Winkle, at
torney general. The opinion was
sought by Hal K. Hoss, secretary
of state.
A petition recently was filed
with Governor Norblad asking for
the removal ot M. T. Loban.
trustee of the Nestucca highway
Improvement district, on the
ground that he was not in sym
pathy with the views of the six
other trustees of the district.
In another opinion the attorney
general held that a chiropractic
practitioner la a physician, and
has authority to sign a certificate
that an applicant to practice cos
metic therapy la free from contag
ious disease. The opinion was ask
ed by MUes D. Warren ot Port
land, secretary of the state board
of chiropractic examiners.
The attorney general also hand
ed down an opinion that Jaek
Cannon, recently appointed Justice
ot the peace of the Astoria dis
trict to succeed J. L. Tuomala,
resigned, holds office only until
the next election.
Barker Body
Taken From
WRST flALEMl Ancnst 4 The
body of Jeff Barker was found
Sunday arternoon on tne nver
bank in West Salem. Two beys,
Omar Coffer and Walter Martin,
who had gone to the river to swim
discovered the body lying on the
anil near the immlnr hole.
They hastened to notify Deputy
Sheriff Walter Germ who cauea
up Coroner C. W, Henkle at the
county seat. Mr. Henkle came
down and took the body to Dal
The dead man was identified
as Jeff Barker of Salem. He is
said to have relatives here.
PARIS (AP) A minimum of
18,000 accident Insurance is re
quired of all-owners or operators
of public automobiles in Paris. In
a decree that must tap obeyed by
Renreaentatrves Of three Jack
son eonntv irrigation districts con
ferred with Rhea Luper, state en
gineer, hare Monday. In an eliort
to forestall the Issuance of any
additional permits for water af
fecting the Rogue river. Among
those who conferred with the state
engineer were B. Y. Leach ot the
Medford irrigation district, u.
Armsnirer of the Talent irrigation
district, and E. H. Judd of tne
Rnrna River vallev districL
The petitioners alleged that the
only water available for approprra-
tion in tne KOgue mver vauey at
this time of vear is seepage and
dralnaea from existing Irrlratlon
ditches. This water, it was said,
rlehtfullr belongs to one or the
nthar at tha three irrigation dis
tricts represented at the confer
ence. Luper has taken the protests
under advisement.
Coker Goes to
New Eugene Job
' MILL CITY, August 4 Mrs.
A. T, Coker and family left Mill
City Sunday for their new home
in Eugene. Mr. Coker was eash.
ler for the Southern Pacific com
pany in their office in Mill City
tor a number ot years and was
recently transferred to the Eo-
gene office. Mrs. Coker states
thai they were very fortunate la
being able to secure a good ret
icence In; Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Collins and
Here is the Protection You get for $1 a year
Pays $10.
For loss of life by the wrecking or disablement of
railroad tfassenger car, or street, elevated or under
ground railway ear, passenger steamship or steam
boat, in or on which insured is traveling as a fare pay
in? passenger as specified in Part 1 of policy.
Pays $1
'.For loss ot life by wrecking of a private automobile or private
horse-drawn vehicle of the exclusively pleasure type as pro-
; Tided In policy, by being struck or knocked down while walk
ing or standing on a publio highway by a moving vehicle (as
set forth in policy), or being struck by lightning, cyclone or
tornado, collapse ot outer walls ot building, in the burning ot
any church, theater, library, school or municipal building, feet
or sight, as specified, in Part IV of policy.
WACONBA, : Augv 4. Miss
Conatanee Goffia who has been
spending 4 her - vacation , with
friends and relatlres In Portland,
spent " the past t week In Seattle
with her grandmother, Mrs. E. M.
Massey and an mncle, Carl Mss-
firings Back Youthful Color
and Beauty and Hakes
One Look Younger
ICV kalr rmt mrmw
whe I wad only 23 years eld and
it made se seem, mica aider than
I was se 1 need several prepare-
Vmt tmmmm utWui
alH I tried Lea'aHair Teaic. It is
Baiureiy wonderful,- - declares
argaret Taliachaa, well known
fkotegrapher, room 13 Yeitxea
aora BWg, WKkea Barre. Pa.
"After aaiag Lea's about fear
cits I ecran aotidag a caaage la
ay aair as ae i ftepg u ap
fear weeks everr airhi aad it
like magie the way tt grad
aally changed tight hack ta mvali
who la cray to caw Lea's!!
osue. xeei leek a macn
Premature! mt ha tmmA
Hair Teaie. smkkr .
rwnves s -n
"ae . -
wanueae preparation ene saay
tVlf the reader'a hair ss CJa, fan!
W 1
aaeven ta!c et
el dandrel er ef
bitUsef LeTs Hair Teaic at 13m
art mjl tteiA mam Tilm.
w a a a Al . a . . A '
- s ea iKssrsjai saST ssmAassaww an
SXJS!?J2!l?ir! & fa tefwae4. Ill, wk. wa maU yea a
haitU M mm4hI a Ja.. ftjt
omcx or sxampe. iv.yew enrszus
a sb .--- -
Pays $10 Weekly
Por injuries sustained In any manner spec
ified in Part XV which shall not prove
fatal or cause speclflo loss as aforesaid but
shall Immediately, continuously and whol
ly prevent the Insured from performing
each and every duty pertaining to any and
every kind of business (aa specified in the
pottcy) but not exceeding 15 consecutive
Hospital Benefits
It a bodily injury for which a weekly in
demnity is payable under this policy, Is
suffered by the Insured, and It on aecount
of said bodily injury the insured is re-
Soved to a regularly incorporated hospi
I, the Company will pay the Insured (In
, addition to the said weekly Indemnity)
; for a period not exceeding flv weeks,
IT.60 per week.
' , ' .
; Emergency Benefit Registrar
t ; tion IdentiHoDLtiqxi and
L. ' v h Financial "Aid
n company will reflster .tha person In
sured hereunder, and if Insured shall, by
reason ot Injury, he phyateaHy unable to
"communicate with relatives or frlendar and
in a condition muirlny identlllcation, tba
company will. upon, receipt of message
' giving your policy number. Immediately
transmit to such relatives or. friends as
may be known to tt any information re
' spec ting the Xaaured and will defray all
: expenses" to puVe'tljruedT In conimuni-.
cation wltfl tSd in the can of raUtrrea er
friends, provided such expenses shall not
exceed the aun of One Hundred Dollars.
For loss of life by wrecking of public omnibus, taxi
cab, auto stage which is being driven or operated at
the time of such wrecking or disablement by a licensed
driver, plying for public hire and in which the insured
is traveling as a fare paying passenger, or by the
wrecking or disablement of a passenger elevator,
hands, feet or sight (as specified in Part II of policy).
Pays $20 Weekly
For injuries sustained in any manner specified in Part
I or II which shall not prove fatal or cause specific loss
as aforesaid but shall immediately, continuously and
wholly prevent the insured from performing each and
every duty pertaining to any and every kind of busi
ness (as specified in the policy) but not exceeding 15
consecutive weeks.
Salem, Oregon.
Gentlemen: . .
Ton are hereby authorised to enter my subscription to The Oregon States
man for one year from date. It Is understood that The Oregon Statesman is
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I am now a subscriber to The Oregon Statesman
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"I ana eaflosiag a paysaeat of fLOO Policy fee. I aaa to receive a, tlO,OOOJK I
Travel Accident Xasuraneo FoUey tsawed by tbej NerOi Anaerlcanv Accident In-t
, surane Ootnpaacy ef Cblcaco, Dliaoia.
- - ; .
fdsSL Subscriptions must be paid in Advance
f i
Men's, Women's
and Children's
Shoes V.
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Buy any pair oi
shoes from ' any
1 cent sale group
and set extra nan
of same value for
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357 State St,
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