The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 03, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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A short scene from the comedy drama, "Our BJeshln Brides,"
starring Joea Crawford and Robert Montgomery at the Fox Elsiaore
for three days, starting Wednesday. V. - . .
Timinff Lauffhs Ticklish
Problem in Talkies; One,
Director Has Solution
- ...
Onto! the most Perplexing
problems of the til-talking
screes, one which has puzaled. dl
rectorf a ad technical experts for
many months, has been ielred
' by Victor Schertrfnger, Pas
'. jnouat director.-
The problem coneerned the
, length, of time an audience
. laughs after a taany hit of dia
log r action. IX -the audieace
- v laughter is prolonged tbe lines
which follow the leeh-provocj-tion
nay be smothered,
Oa the stage, wbare comedians
can hear the laughter of their
audiences, they always "ad lib"
or do follow-up pantomime. Bat
talking screen actors, of course
have bo contact with audiences
and thas cannot gauge reactioas
to their funny staff.
Schertzinger evolved a work
ins la to eliminate "lost lines"
In the screening of all-talking
pictures. His method has its
beginning In the writing of the
scenario and is completed In the
actual filming of the picture.
Briefly, it consists of provid
ing "finer" lines and "business"
after each possible laugh lino or
gag la the action of the story. In
the actual camera work on the
picture, It li subsequently neces
sary to insure a variety of cam
era angles oa each scene in or
der that later deletions in cut
ting may be made without inter
rupting the smooth flow of the
finished picture.
Seeertxingar tried out his. plan
In tho taming of ".'Nothing But
the! Train." soie. months ago,
and? he has been U3lng it ever
since. JU every point in the- ac
tion where- there was a possibil
ity ot winning a laugh, the writ
ers supplied additional relevant
but unimportant lines and buet
' nesa to follow immediately after
the potential laugh.
Whea - fibnink the picture,
- SchortaiBger was careful to al
low 'eattinr lewirayi at every one
of iaao potats U the story. Sub
seqaeatly, vhoa tb picture was
" presaatedf to a pro-view audience,
"jjX.r waa ponrtblo to let t definite
' aucneaco reaction to, all ot these
situation and Uns.'
1 par-.. audiences did not
lanah. tho "ad lib- fiaes and bus
iness were eliminated by cutting.
At tho Poiata where the audience
-. laughed, tho subaoonent "pad'
ding provided tho aoeessary de
lay? t amid saotherlng the f ol-
J'Aaafc OrritW to Be
At IloOywood
iftcta GaiWs: Flrs Talkie;
Then -Louahiaj tady"
- stsxt'Ter Picture
'Anna 'Christie'," Greta Gar
bo's , first ' all-talking production,
. opens the week today at the Hol
lywood. . Begtnalng f Wednesday
for: two days win. bo Ruth Chat
ter ton's "Tho Laughing . Lady
and Friday and Saturday the
'story of wild animal life. "Hunt
Ins Tigers la India," will : be 09
,the aeroen, -. : ,
- Ahna"' Chrbrtlo" Is Gar bo's
; first talking picture, her first
? oral appoaraaco ' ot any kind
1 sinto comiax to this country in
1S23 as aa uakaown Swedish sc-treea.vy-l
,.- ( ' ' .
4 ' Tho plot revolves about the re
g&aeratiea of tho Swedish -girl
who chasea ahamefal career to
- escape the tyraaay of life on a
Minnesota farau Tho wholesome
charm of tho tea and tho. love ot
" - an Irish sailor targes her of her
' ains.' . . .--.- ' '
Tho kturs has heon tJlaied
with a lavish Laid v srovldthg
amasingly reallstio settings, the
f of gy- mtcrfro&t, ;irsatti8nd
barge and Coney Island glitter
hartac heoa faithfaUr preserved
by art directors,
8oathamptoa society ;, . circles
and a Wall street financial ses
sion provide tho baekgrouada for.
tho all-dlalojao aetloa of "Tho
' Laughiaa Lady. ' "
With Xroth ChattartoA as tho
' star and Cllve Brook as her lead
lifg auua, Dlroctar 8chertslnger
l- has carried the action of tho
serosa play through the colorful
settlaff ot an ultra-smart Sonth-
amptoa house party and aa lav
preserve board ot directors moot
J ling at which - a gigantic bank
1 merger is effected. A
la filming" the house party ep
isode of ' tho story, I sets off the
modern Is Ue school were designed
and constructed. These backv
. 'grounds provide an almost com
. plete household including. a large
' drawing room,, with adjoining-ex-.:
terior terraces and gardens, a
dining-1' room; a boudoir, and a
v' bedroom and bath. ' A simplified,
modernistic - trend was followed
" in tho- designing ot , this " entire
lowi to"1 story
Adoptfea of the Sehertsmger
plan -for general use is forecast
on all comedies to be filmed at
the Astoria plant ot Paramount
aad one ot tie most vexing prob
lems tn tho sew technique or
sound picture making promises
to he solved tor all time.
The Call
Today Richard Dix In
"Shooting , Straight" and
Fanchonaad Marco's "Coua-
try Clab" Idea.
Monday William Powell
In "Shadow of the Law."
Wednesday Joan Craw-
ford in "Our Blushing
Brides." .
Today Will Rogers In
"Sp This is London."
WduMdav "Gold Die-
gers of Broadway."
Tndav "Annie Christie.'
with Greta Garbo
Wednesday Rdth Chat-
terton fa Tho Laughing
Friday "Hunting Tigers"
la India.-
TodajsV-Hot for Parts"
with Victor UeLaglen.
Wodaesdav "The Fn-
rl" with H..B. Warner and
Loi" Wilson, ..' '
Friday Buck Jones in
"Th lA&k Rider."
The reaJiioiStfts ot feminine
form aad fajilotfi)! yeerjear as
welf irs-of 'lSJfl-2-inehjaimr tho
hoop skirt ' and oosUo ago-aro
revealed ijs tfe Fanchon and Mar
co idea at tho1 Fox lsinoro this
week e.n523SS -' " ' '
One yolttthw parucu-
lar actWoh plumped without
excuBtt2VXowatry ClulT
Idea, rvr Srftgtho stoat which.
got. Erai233la: comedian. la
trouble srpreei; or so ago oat
does it in aa entirely, inoffensive
manner, so the censor hasn't
been called out. The costumes
are provided with "tippers." Any
way, the 'old fashioned" girls
wear more after their dresses are
off than the usual Fanchon and
Marco costume provides, so why
John Miljan. besides villaining
for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, rides
a unique hobby. The popular
screen "heavy" raises goldfish,
frequently " carrying ' n e w l
spawned specimens around in
Pocket-sized bottles . which . wUl'
make it very embarrassing for. a
dry sleuth one ot these days. ' .
t r if A i
! - -
ri ,
A Son. - Mou. ' f
'fib degx-ees
l ' fk' hotter and hasicTNi
irf Cvl than .
tfpSure, Sharicey-SchniGling
J t j c, J 1 todr. daf the Honywood.
' -fgS V- MM' I "Shadow of the Law" at I
Rldjfd Dlind Mvr laivW UliwutRn iot i - - - . cy ' Fox Elsinore I
: Rbd Hix ' and Uvr
j Straight t thePox1 TElrtu ore today.
Lois Wilson and H. B. Warner
nesday and Thursday at the Grand.
"Hot For Paris" Doe at
The Grand
McLaglen Star; "The 'Furies'
and "The Lone Rider" on
This Week's Bill
A Victor McLaglen comedy, a
baffling mystery drama and an
all-talking western play .offer
varied entertainment for the
week at the
Grand theater. :
McLaglen is
tho "big hJekT
in "Hot for
Paris," which
opens Sunday
for three days.
Ho take th
role aa - tiib
mate, ot a
windjammer. A ticket he bought
wins tho big prico la tho- Grand
Prix fa - Parts, but ho oeon't
know it. The sweepstakes of
fico persistently hunts to fiad
him. Believing thai they are of
ficer oa his trail Jbe 'otudea thorn
and In running away encounters
Fiti Dorsay. "h singer and dancer
in a cafe at Havre, falls In love
with Her aad has many , hilarious
adventures leading to an amas
lag coachnioa.
MeLaglea - evoa sings -a song
written tor-him. by. Walter Don
aldson and Edgag Leslie, "I'm
the Dako ot Kaktyak." Fifl Dor
say sings two nambersr "Sweet
Nothings of Love" and "If You
Want to See Gay Paree." also
dances, with a background of
beauties. . .. .
"The Furies", described as a
trango .and bafzlfajg mystery
play, opens Wednesday for two
days." Laid in New York's upper
social strata,, and amld the lux
uries of the modern Babylon, the
plot is based on the lheory that
a crime will bring about punish
ment of the criminal, if not by
law, then In the pangs of a guilty
conscience. The story has a
surprise ending which is said to
bO-etartliag in tho extreme. Lois
Wilson and H. B. Warner - are
. Coined? News : - .
1.- 4 '" r'i r
"IlrmytriaB- Gonlaslt'
i'axtfl Studio rStnats
UfrW 111
in "The Furies," showing Wed
Canine Star Finds
lie's no Exception
To Fame's Flicker
Canine actors oa the
screen have just the same
road to travel as hsaita
Twelve years ago "Baddy
was a star among picture
dogs. He made his ova two
reel comedies, aad wuo fa
mous the world over."
Now he's old,
And, just m human ac
tors, Vjien they (et old, so
from romantic leads to char
acter roles so has Baddy.
Today Buddy ts pteyiuaT
"old man" roleu fsj: tho "SB
barkie" conaedleo at fa
Metro-CtoldwjmJryer Stu
dios. In tho newest, "AH
. Quiet on tho R FTont, hm
appears as tho old mayor ot
a French visage. -,
The lure pf Blares is stf3
strong in hm, sastl he acta OS
eagerly as yaas; 4ogS, and,
in fact, is fally aa agile. TUs
son "Buddy Jr.M incidental
ly plays taitb; him : in the
picture, a travxuty on
dramas. w 1 1 o - hi
speech syuchnuixed taw
Julius White ad Ziou My.
ers are oirrctins
"The Lone Rider," a breath
taking, "western" with the hard-
riding Buck-Joaes fa the main
role will play at the Grand Fri
day and Saturday. '
Homo of
25c Talkies .
Continuoua Performance To
, day a to Jt P. M.
TO :
" " - ' - - :
Mysterious! V AV U. -
luring! Beauttv . J-j. 1
full And ao '
speaking in m y JT
voice hailed aa . M i
the finest - On 1 :
the' screen! m .? ; : ; ,
production .with
Also Our Gang Talking Com.
edy ' SbJvering ' SIiakcspeurew
v, Pathe-Souad-Xewa " ,
-'A A-1
. Via
r--- - Eer
r taSLinjr
I I ..! 1 $$ ' FNW4 tUcliard His I Old J
X 2 --U . far J.;e" , - - U
repftif xj- j.irnr.v. - 1 1 PWre ThunMay II
Whimsical Will Rogers band
now at BTigh's CapttoL
Will Rogers Returns
The Capitol
la "So This I London" WRh
"Gold Diggers" Later
la Week
Waoa people or nations hauo
dissenting views of each other
there can bo no amity unless tho
divided forces get togethei to
smile over their supposed differ
ences. This tr delightfully proven in
"So This Is London" the Fox
Movietone proa action starring
Will Rogers, to bo seen and
heard at Bligh's Capitol theater,
today, Monday and Tuesday.
Based on the successful stage
play produced by George M.
Cohan some time ago, the story
deals primarily with a wealthy
owner of a cotton mill In Texas,
a role played by Will Rogers, the
inimitable wit and philosopher;
Tho character ho Interprets
thinks he has a decided dislike
for certain foreign types.
Eventually there comes a time
when he has to visit the British
Isle. He takes his wife and o'nly
son aboard with him and on his
Way over the son falls in love
with an English girl. When the
love affair gets serious papa de
cides it is time for him to check
it. for marriage of his son to an
English girl is intolerable. From
then on. things move fast. But
eventually Dad learns English
men aren't such rotters. Irene
Rich heads the supporting cast
as wife of the American. -
Tho popular color, musical
comedy, "The Gold Diggers of
Broadway" is hilled- for a two-
day return engagement at the
Capitol. tartinr Wednesday.
The "Gold Diggers of Broad
Way" show has been repeated ia
almost every key eity in Oregoa,
as demand for a second showing
has caused most all of the the
ater men to re-Dookv this subject.
Several special selected Vita-
phone acts will complete the bill
The Sofomen Islands, home of
the savage head ' hunters, and
their surrounding waters are the
locale of Paramount8 Richard
Arlen and Fay Wray featuring
film, "The Sea God"
(Openina; Today) Two Ms attrac
tions. Wilt Rogers at the Capitol
and Jforthwest Air Tour at airport.
Today - Monday Tuesday
International Funster
ut real
tr swarwlkififi k
says and. doe
LP m vi
." - ' " -- i.- muum-uuuu wm uni n SH 1 -" " 1 11 ' 1
r, - : . - -.. -
yon braghs to -So This is Londom"
Victor McLaglen in "Hot for
Paris," at tho Grand today.
Msical Comedy
Star Hailed as
Sport Luminary
Jeinette MacDonald; golden-
hatred heroine of Paramount's
musical comedy, "Let's Go Na
tive," is known as one of Holly
wood S best all-around sportswo
men. She is proficient at tennis.
golf, horseback riding and swim
ming. :':.
Swimming Is her favorite sport,
with horseback riding coming a
close second.
A half, hour of brisk exercise
each day is one of her rules for
keeping fit. When her working
schedule at the Paramount stu
dios precludes horseback riding,
swimming, tennis or golf, she
falls back upon setting-nv exercises.-
American f
lag; Gam Cbittag, tSMif Wbr-'-art,
In a rots that sar&assea Us
first mevleteni
Had Te So. Paris.-
learm hwghing from the oa
. UK
All ,
i I . - , ,i II
Richard Dix tarns to his old
er typo of role in ,'Shootlng
Straight," on at the Fox Elsi
nore today. He is cast as a big
eity gambler and the story con
cerns his complete regeneration.
Mary Lawlor, Broadway stage
star, plays opposite Dix.
Fox Elsinore patrons Monday
fid Tuesday . wm see William
Powell in "Shadow of the Law",
ia which two women are the
motivating forces. One of them,
the blonde Natalie Moorhead.
holds Powell's future in her
hand; the other, brown-haired
Marion . Shilling. Paramount's
latest contract player, is -the girl
he loves and cannot weo.
, "Shadow of the Law" brrags-t
Powell In. an even more thrilling.
more realistically stirring pic
ture than "Street ot Chance."
Here Powell is an Innocent, high
ly cultured man convicted of a
crime which he did not commit,
sentenced to life In prison, and
free, after a breath-taking es
cape, to find the woman who
can proxe him innocent.
The story ot "Shadow ot the
Law" Is a desperate fight of one
man against the unwarranted
claim of society on his life. It's
a man-hunt from the side of the
hunted, and it ends in a glor
ious happiness that is triply ac
centea oecause of ail -the sus
pense that precedes it
"Our Blushing Brides", herald
ed as Joan Crawford's most pre
tentious picture, rurs for three
nays beginning Thursday. The
Picture presents a striking con
trast between the lives of the av
erage working girl and wealthy
society, the scenes switching
from tho department store and
i i -
in -ls u s
" "jr.. '.-.--."'.' . . - '
Plus Lew Meier and EfalUoriaus
Jf7 ' J 1 irnnnmis . I J tt fT
A "-'' tSMt veosunr mmmwuho Vr. . 1 VfJ
meagerly furnished rooms ot the
three friends to palatial country
estates and Park avenue apart
ments. The modernistic inter
iors are reported to be the last
word in film settings.
In one scene a number of mod
els displayed the latest fashion
creations by Gilbert Adrian, the
climax ot the spectacle being an
Albertina Rasch ballet in whkh
loan Crawford was given an op
portunity to display her agility
at classic dancing. The sequence
was made particularly effective
by being photographed entirely
in black and white which empha
sized the stiver costumes and
white Wigs Of the dancers.
Ruth Chatterton
Rises to Heights
In Briei Period
In less than a year's time.
Ruth Chatterton has risen to a
place of prominence fn the film
world almost' as high as the pin
nacle of public favor upon which
Clara Bow perches.
Miss Chatterton's fan mail, Ac
Cording to the publisher of a fan
magazine, has Increased to such
a volume in the past few months
that she Is almost as close to (lie
leadership held. by the flamin
haired "It GirK from Brooklyn
as anyone else in th movie
Burton Holmes, renowned
traveler and lecturer, is now
numbered among the "more stars
than there are in Heaven," at
the M-G-M studios where he is
adding the finishing touches to
tho group of twelve single reel
subjects for release beginning on
August 23. This series will take
the fans behind the scenes of
out-of-the-way places the world
LlViVs ' li .I I
Meters ;i
: fall
group of settings, ' .
dlJS , f