The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 03, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Sakn. Oregon, Sunday Bloming, August 3, 1930
Cjassificsation Planned H
Dteianate Areas 1or H
Hearings on the proposed elas-
Uttettttmct retorestattoalsnds tff
Columbia;. Washington And Yam-
hilUcelftllea will-bavhald before
one .or Ts ore AnemKers .of tea or
gon State twafd of i forest rjr".dn;
September , 2r 4n 4.raewe
log te a -statement teaoea eiar
day 1y ' State Greater LTa F,
CroaSmillor. The total area' to be
considered '-at these hearings
8,544.18 acres, segregated among
tbft fftMAM cearftles 's tWIOWs:
OblttratlA V5.237.3I: Washlngten,
I5,3102 And TartWir II
Tttemeetlags wm begin At a. m
. on the respective dates at the
court houses In "St. Helens, Hill;
bbero and HcMhnrvttle
The purpose of these -meetings
is to wire not only ne owners of
the lands involved but any Inter
ested party the Opportunity to
present arguments either for or
against tb elaasitlcatfcni of Aay et
all the . lands tentativly listed.
Immediately following the hearing
a record of -the - proceedings to
gether wlttr the 'recommendations
of. the board -of forestry will be
.wferwarded to' the state- tax com
mission. It is then the-duty of the com
mission to review the records and
issue a final order either for or
geahtst the classification f any
or ell the laads. Shonki the deei-
eton be for' classification, the as
sessor is notified and be then
taust-olaoe the lands upon Aeepar
ate reforestation tax roil.
The lands then become-subject
to all provisions -of the law n
ItAsch -1 following. This includes
aQ? annual forest fee of tire eefttg
pet acre, together with a HM
p$r cent yield tax of the gross
yf&ld at the time the font crop
iaMianresied. Both the forest' fa
and the, yield tax go to the county
and are distributed as alt other
taxes ere distributed. -
Mnfle Carefully
JiEraployes of the state forester's
office have been truByifor't!'past
several months -making field in
vestigations of lands en (table far
cTasslfictrfon and eheeMnr tbe-va-ribos
ownerships. Regular fennel
. netiees adrtetng the ownera-af fbe
hearings ' bare already "been seat
o$t In accordance erlth-thTelatn-tdry
requirement of ao -days'
notice. "-
"In making up list of lands for
classification, care has been takes
to include oely lands that dear
ly roue wider the pperistoas of
tfae law, viz.. these that do not
nw contain any merchantable
f Brest -values bat are chiefly valu
able for forest crop production.
An effort has also been made to
bieek the areas as mueh as pos
sible and to leave out all mar
ginal lands or other areas where
there to a possibility that It-might
be some day devoted to " agricul
ture or -seme -use other than the
production of timber crops.
Already one bearing baa "been
Leld under the reforestation law,
that -being In Clatsop .county, last
February, 'at which time early
1H,00 eeTes were considered for
fiasslticatfon. Objections at that
time resulted In the rejection of
only 1.900 acres and this on the
grounds' that there were merchant
able -Talaes thereon. The balance
of the area has been passed upon
by the state "tax commission and
the lands are now on the asses
sor's rolls as reforestation lands.
-'In the meantime, considerable
vorlc 1s being done in Clackamas
roomy Dy rnose in cnarge or tne
work. Some field work has ben
tfone In outlining areas to beeoo-
aldered -and the records of -the s
rVsot"s office hae been eonsalted
tor. determine ownerships.
(Continued from page 1.)
anast e ewwng down fram
lop f fbe dirigible to apply glue
and raiat to the pateh.
Tint Make (Trip , T
"Throwxlr Caaette,
Meanwhile refneling eperatfensf
were continued ' a,nd offteers -ee-f
tiinated the fin repatrs woald be '
completed and the afarp reedy to
ill again -wttlrln-three days. "The.
Tt10a-wiU Tislt several Canadian
titles before she starts tm liearre-
turn trip to Carffhagton, Eng
land. Officers who conducted a parry
f newspaper -men about the pal-'
atial abip today, minimized the;
reports that their araft Iras in'
'dinger Thursday afternoon when
aha was caught in the storm near)
Xthec .and her 'fabric ,'dataagedi
1 The repairs were effected by
sl-)a lying across the -girders la-i
Sfe -the aralop. Ther aald. '"and
taere was nothing rery difficult
about It,"
iQustet Upbeld
-Principal Case
r C. -A. HnraTd.atata
"tendeht- -vof nbtle inat
twrtay-nhetd theTygbW;
cbooll boatdin dhunbnhtc
rB!phane.1-prtndpAi wf Hbe TTgh
"TaHey ckool, nat-lraben
'eonrrnr aa4!natrctor. I
-At the moo ri ttpei
naismlssal y ttre achoolbeard ly
-j?pealed to "TV ffink "BniBi
. tiavgh superintendent ef "a"tfb)oo1i
of 'Wasw ewtrtrty, wbTeTeTea
the scfeeef beanrs decision. ' The
itchool oard then appealed tot
the state anserintendenp
ttraa Spotted "Wetnitfay
--that fitehea -would - Appeal tc
th wirts from Mr. Howard'
derision. , A
?A 1 treating fn eoeaettlon Mrit:
j tha wntrasersy "iraa-eld tu ;ta
ere. There
And Y on
Bits of Personal Kws
' Gleaned About? Interest.
, tag P
Word of the success which a
former Salem boy. Hubert Lewis.
has be mahUg ta-tWytae
last few years, has trickled back
to Sslem. -where 4ivea-hia oaoUter,
m Ca."Ewls, "And now Xel
his back home on a visit, bringing
pwlth him his. second lieutenant
banking. He will report at Fort
Winfield Scott, San Ffaalsco,
September 12, from where he will
JS-mjaTWremT'er T6r two
years aeariee in' Honelela. . Uent;
Lewis attefnded; higa seheel here
for three rears, then, getng to Cti-'
ieargo 'wbereUe Tlrilshed. "He at
ttended the Unlrersly of Illinois
far a jrear; via than O. & C. He
aede -hJgh--cho1aatlo boners at
'West, Point and was also on the
West Poiot track Uanj.
e '
Little Metschan talk and con-
lWerabhi tupport far-JCOas Jdeier
a w-lBependeBt' aavdidatehas
been heard at Forest Gf ore in re
cent days, reports Hugh McCil-
rra.-(wTrtoe'die6i, who was
la Salens a business Saturday.
; V. M. Voorhees and G. M.
HltcKlnJts "hale ffbm "Seattle.
Their business Is the planning and
operation of hotea. Mr. voor
hees, as an, architect, has learned
that a carefully prepared plan,
with a clear .picture of the exter
ior of the proposed hotel, aids In
promotion of such a project. The
two : men - conferred with Hal D.
Patfeon en their rtstt to Salem en
CCendmied from pane )
kminfatrativedepartaaeats) : is the
creation bTvacWdf the leglslatura
of 3l2i$f ttta -baard of
higher aduaatiea. to Administer
the "state's edueatio&al lnatita-
tione. BPnsd,a 'required
by atatote, ttayreceatiy appelnt
ed n execo'yty secretary at an
annual aalary 4f 7;&00, with an
office at tb eapital, -bringlBg Ike
total anmal cost of lUa office to
over 120,09. This, witbont any
reduction ef fbe offielal 'force or
expense ef ny of the tate - eda
catlonal tsatftoUeas.
"U'ith iilgAiaalaried "directors,
ad minis taring the nine new de
partments, nunerens higb salar
ied chief f -dirision, asd other
assistants, the Increased expense
of the state gorernmect would
easily amount to hand reds ef
tbonsands -efdoitars a year, to
say nothing -of salaried state,
treasurer without duties. Where,
then, is tbe efficiency of econ
omy? "It ia fundamental principle
of American government that
tbr? must Ae a system of checks,
and balances. No officer orJde
partmeat of government should
be able to usurp all political
"The affirmative argument
makes the -claim that the, cabinet
form of government ha3 been
thoroughly tried ent.- among oth
ers, in our own federal govern
ment for over 140 yean, but it
also makes the damaging mis
take Of quoting from President
Hoover to the effect that federal
reorganization is a necessity for
the proposal Aound adminls
tratiof), ooBttQjy,, moee eXfectlve
ceTemAentai yolicies. And relief
to -the ciUzanatiitta-Ahowlng that
4h eabiaat Xaxaa of government
is not a panaoea for Ail .govern
mental ills."
This week -will "be a busy one
as far. as aneeilngs at the cham
ber 61 commerce are concerned,!
Respite -the fact tbat August
4feeaBy ferfaaga slump te ehaat-
ber - activities.
Monday aJght the Salem Con
tractors' association' holds Its Au
gust -Session -at "tfee cbamber
reading room. Fred Crixaoa
Taesaay ttirtit the Mama
?eunty -OaAte - S-eetaetivo- aeaocia-
4kmvDrw4desDr.H& 'S. Prime in
president, -saeeas At p. mv - la
the oAameer alte room. In tbe
AAdttsaisEm steckhAlders -ef the
If aier Jruit ProdactShonipaAy Is
scheduled? to; aeeet to bear the;
annual report of tste presUeat.
Thaaext nUhL-AAgoat 6, the
Aewly -organised - ooopenatiVe as-
Laoeaatieaiot dairymen in -the Sa-
iaaa Patriot -will -gather te near
T.-sA, SaeUard.-'dairy laagne man
hager i from -Cfcehalls, WaaIl
Thursday night the Saiem Arts
Kleagae will be boats in the Cham
ber audHerium to H. H. Haworth
who- will apeak n -Tliroash' Cal-
itotaia Deserts ia' the Wake at
Saturday unorning and after-
naom wepapar swaQsaers from
Marion, iClackamaa and Uultno-i
man. coantieT.'wTirgatber here at
nf enanmrTOnta tot region-
UAP):r; L.-Bton, he fOr"U-
rrestlgarloii -tne 'eaiBe ox
Oeorgenff Davnl snwt, oownet
Icut tatrttalista, rnA were ,Jslaln
Tnth-ofelrwm tetw ' last
i t 'April, "eaCtpefTom thw coaBtr
JaiItTwllnwtlrou 'wta
-0eArYVantfMMJ eon rioted nbf
itulsefi'. aaaa aseaned.
ffaeeTs'afovfM'm traeff
fxnw aaen bat 'ajeHeeM thay
kawiaiarfhrodv f ortlv
MaaJ lU2yUaia aiurna:brea
was disclosed by a negro prisoner
who saw Benton and Hamilton go
through tha window. No other
prisoners attempted-Wasaape.
Johm-L. -Wik. compaaloir-f
Ae Smith brathers n til
tkromgh the seat wart last gprta
which ended In -their deaths, tasa
Meatlfled Beotffn arwat hro
xrarported robhera arhn ili ? lira
Smith brotheri .daringr'a tcn21e
when tbT1" allegedly resisted rob
bery. He was arrested on a charge
of laroeay bat tha eharga had aa
dropped and be was he:d for ln-
Testigation ia tha double killing.
mm. im
CHICAGO. 'Atrg. t (Ap)
August will see Illinois laaacb -an
epl in'iUtlcs-4ae aampalga' be
tween Rath oHaaea McCorsaick
and Barnes Hamilton Lewis for v
seat la the TJWedtates watte.
The-eyes of a -aatioa wlll tarn
toward this prairie state to watch
the' struggle between -the -eeartly
former senator and a woman.-The
cam-pa Ign win'ttetton!hea-oft at
the state party, conventions In
on August 2 2.
Mrs. McCormlck today said she
SeattlertuIdeTlVer a'Pb-beT6T thai
frepublican conrention and' at that
ktlme set forth the -rlews wlrica.
ftTa -t Mm fcr on -moHHcTr1
bistort ron'rie. ' '
historic course.
Lewis is formulating the foun
dation and taxation as dominant
State prohibition referendum
proposals are expected to be laid
before each of the party xonren
tiona. The 'former -damocratic senaioc
said t would 4ihamtilon legisla
tion to .grant tha state authority
to .determine among themselves
the Alcoholic content of beverages
aold within their borders. He JI4
he -wonld alse auaport a federal
act; against Manor traffic .between
statee where alcoholic coAtant jsv
uiremeat differs.
CCootlnUad from .pesw L)
ot dlrectorA if lth the resigna
tion of CoL W. B. Bertram as
Tnaaager the aaill is left wltbABt
as -exeeative ned. The financial
Affairs ef the company araB0wa
to be badly involved, the current
debt reported being around '1100,
000. One member of tha board.
Biatea satnrday that an effort
would be made to organise the
ftMls affairs so" it could operate
without the eest And -uncertainty
of a reoeivereaip. In other quar
ters the bellefwas expressed that
a receivership would -toe-necessary
in order to conserve the assets of
: The first thing which the
stockholders are desirous "f ob
taining is an audited statement
of the company's f inancial dosI-
tion. No stockholders meetings
have been called since the initial
meetings when the mill -vas or
ganized about five years ago.
several hundred people resid
ing in and around Salem are fi
nancially interested in the bonds
and stocks of the company and
are naturally concerned over -the
fate of their investments. The
entire eommunltv has been keenlv
interested in' the development of
the unen industry here : and the
general opinion which has been
expressed Is that every -effort
should be juade to reorganize
and continue the nifTl as a weav
ing jnilL enlisting new xaniUl ao
it may be securely financed. Lack
Of wockins; .canital. xDerianeed
management, 'And modern wear
sag, eqnipmect have -been icausee
ittrllwfed to he dlWcillttes .tf
tnemiu. in andiUea the entire
textile field ' has been operating
under fceavy odds 4n pastwar
GALVESTOX; Texas. Int l J
( AP) The ohosen Aeautles of this
soaatry And from foreign naAIoas:
began matching charms this.aft-'
emoos in the . mternaiionaL
pageant of .pnlchrlUide. ' '
Hardly had zt of fte-f 0 jcob-'
teatacts been Ihtcoducad ata bail',
room luneheon than they werei
atade -ready for- Heat. parade an!
the fcsaefc. At -the iunchooa eaelt
received .a "diploma." -algnlfylagf
Iho -had bean Aaleeted to -rapue-'
sent her locality in the ompetl-i
tlon to determine who aball be
the 1520 "beauty queen' of the
universeT ' : 1
Most ef -them had short hair ntftX
all are dressed" In aft eraeon r
sport costumes. A couple or
werei stoCkfagless.
T.S asstfiiag awitf wflnbewon
anti tomerreWA float iparadej
ana me nrsi ntie winner "Mian
United States," -will be selected f
Monday -nixhL For tha universal
tlilerjriss' TJnltd"BtAteswin on4
f teat wWrseTen OTeJgn' eal tries, f
'.MeAnafhiie A'mrrDwhich had
ttwett trotrble tovrnvtax Ae tres4
noAaato-wiio. tnbuid ts nss-
M - - 1 - a . . - m '
onieiat final waowneenumt 3StM
Flbrlda Edwards would bt aendlH
flarttiBhAd.hA'wasestgnated as
tne otrJeUl entryrby-thensmrot
pan Antonio-Atid'Althoagk Paggy
aintrs. fad 4 been rmotted at
fbewdauarters srroateilo4anrths
K; t?aln of Partlaad thus, opaned
a JJewelry and 'repair Abap tn the
BeTryncieetrte shep.slr. Cata-tfi
an axperieneW-watck repaleer-aaj
h has beAaTitt-thwtbtfslaeAa: for 1
over 4S -fyears.- rortnnny years t
e Was mnrattneaa At'Saakatclmt
ttfteURkaenat -Dance
In Wisconsin Rzittl
COonannet- tr 9iM X)
Lakeriew hotat "TheTa they fotnid
HTilm. I
Bracftatle Touch !
WTe ;t Killing J
Tht lour killers transacted?
their SlTaea business in the mat4
tar of Tgetngatiig'iry. Ther
axauttd sutreM' ttte aanee noor.
btasbin "aalda -' oya aad ajifla
gikllag to the patter f a inachan-
lcal orcheatra. zuta Mryed a
raidtel tBte thw -tnfcWBe.
-tender edd to tystxs4era. and
sent a ballet into -Znta's 4edr.
fWblEa Iitrrifiad dAnoexg vatched,
the1!raQlspateha-a"Ybney of
lead into the gangster s - eros"
trate f on,ad tan,e:oely as
rnay. bad nerI; tsey-4eft,
Once mora the police are -aedk
lug Tad Newberry. " the i erstwhile
new -an Ally of APCepme,' whe
was reported to be in cnicaga.
Thay iiaxe ,haan looking far, lan
berry since the first attempt to
kill -Znta and taat night, they!
IaIUm' " a. . n. m. n r
e,Jnay naY-naa me as-
fHtaeee -ef Oaeene arknen.
Zuta was credited by police
tbeorieta with - inspiring the s
saslnatlon Of Lingte friend -of tAl
capone And friend ef former
Police CoaualssioAer ftwsael.
Through Llngle's death there
eame about tha retirement of
Bnssell itraaa 'the eBatosioner
s hip and' the -and of alleged
liaison bfaen gang boas and
police ' chief through a t reporter.
iaAeordlng to ; publiaheid reports.
It sraa 'tAroagh Xata schem-
I log that Newberry lost -
lng that 'Newberry lost bis JobM
friend, Solly Vision. : fell herr t to
if, JtoUowiaa; thla reaaoaing, the
detectives uioablad their Aeajsch
for- Newberry today. -
:XotA was tha ' first of the 2 8
-pnhUa enemies" listed -several
waake age by the -ChJeaajo eriine
aommission to be disposed of. but
like all oiber gnngsUra, ae was
nxeooted y -ganglatfd : laataad of
the Jaw.
Gang killers .get their men -and
siay wUh iramatia settings. They
found Biom JOBaniDat years ack,
smiHag a -greetias amid the
Maoms of his fleral shop. -That
was the beginning of modern -war-
Care to tee underworld elans,
made rich by hootiagging.
They found aevea of Mofan's
men in a north Clark street gar
age, a whisky depot. Tbey liaed
them up and alaoghtared them
wTh machine guns the St. Val
entino day massacre.
formerly Franz Joseph
v. a. to., Aug. 3. (Af jin a
tiny tent, of the northernmost
fringe of this remote and desolate
Arctic Island, -which may almost
be oalled the roof ef the -world,
today oat the world's -first woman
Arctic explorer.
"She is Kfau PetrovAA Demttey,
Leningrad, 'and she ts just -2S
years -old. "She" is a member of
the Soviet -Arctic expedition tbat
the gortet Arctic-expedition that
afrtred here today from Arch an-
el Aboard the Soviet tee breaker
Miss Oenmey, fgaoring warn
ings no woman could survive the
rigors tmd -privations ef 'life in
the treeen Aretic, insisted upon
brarlag tha perils vf the iolar
regions with the reteran male ex
plorer s wbo compos the present
expeditioo led by tUe weUOtnown.
professar, .Otto Schmidt.
While .this lspatch announc
ing their arrivAl was being sent
by - wireoees trom tha -ieboy
across across the icy wastes -of
.ItteiiKtlar -mean to Areejaei.
40ss 4esaaey, who -fs .ecead 'intl
Everlasting care is guaranteed
eveiy lotan:Belcrest,
Whenyou look at cemetery;
-property -rmpare nt 'with th
?tst3 varitaeaBelcTest offers.
Vg rnflcMrtlrtti
-DimHtJiamED itAtAjaiB03iiifyw
-'of tha rpadition.
gttis?oaderattBA'-anBf f 'ef
party that la to restore tha but
on Cap Fi)r left SS yean ago by
Frederick: q. Jackson, flrat Eng
sUb xplsar"tohart the former
rrsma jrowapn Xsmd.
'Flanf -d Hrhaal rrAASntenta
for tht awnal putinf of, the Che-maketAtt-dub
ini be tnada Tv-is-daw
sight 'WAaa e mamtasra ot
thwodtinf committee meet At the
T. -m? C. A. On 5 the oommitree
arar. l. Hamilton, C A Downs,
LarOla perry, -Mrs. W. M. Ham
ilton, A- HOtfneU, A. H, JulUn,
Mrs.lE. A. -Haff nelL Echo Baldet
ree. Ben Rlckli, ad GladyaMiV
lar. -
The .outing: this year will "be
ffom "Adgust '18 to 24 In the
Three Sistera region. . Poaslbiqty
that more than the average crowd f.
of 20 will mak the trip was ex
pressed by Ben Rietli, -a 'siem
ber of the ffommlttee Fourteen
haw'rg4teid;"tir thorip.
Thope who are signed up are
W. M. Hamlitea. Helen Hamilton.
Gladys Miller,Aognsta Notdurft,
K.' il. .Hefueil,-ha aldrree,
A. H. Jntlen, TMChard rpjolin,
Paallae ItitkU, Cora'ltnndU, Will
Risk. Bessie Smith, and Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Leo of Portland.
2 (AP) Rectnmnandations the
United States work ont basts for
negotiations through which the
Soviet government lan " e "teebg
nired -by tha United States And
that, a now Dwftrnt Morrow' ba
do in Rasaia" Jwere made today
by Baal D. Cravanth, Maw York
Speaking before the Russian
conference of the institute of noli
tics which crowded the hail. jCra
vanth said:
. 1 -think we Ahould take Ad-v-aatage
ot tha first opportunity
offered. to -ait aooand a tbie And
discuaa this Mima ry .pr ol m la
there a basis on which the United
fits tea eaa xacog&ine the Soviet
government. 4 would -not seek
tha opportunity, tat when the op
portunity -came, I think if the
government Agreed if it -got
aboard It would be entertained
the offer might come.
"We all agree the Soviet gov
ernment is firmly entrenched in
Russia and will be there for years
to come. I think we will agree
it is willing and able to perform
Us national obligations. It has
done so."
i ine
The -hearing of John MacDon
aid's stery of "lies" told in the;
Thomas J. Jlooney and Warren
K. Billings trials in 1916 was
"concluded before Gov. C. C;
Young and the advisory pardon
.board here late today after Mac
Denald was eleeely questioned for
move than three .hours.
TJnder Questioning by Lieut
Gov. H. L. Car na ban. chairman
of the board. MacDonald admit
ted for the first time in a public
statement na had been drinking
whisky daily for a week before
the preparedness day parade July
22. 1010. He said -he got out of
a 'San Francisco hospital abont ,
week or 3ten days before the pail
Ade. after having - undergone an
operation. MacDanald admitted drinking
while -testifying as a witness in.
the Bttlings and Mooney trials,
bnt said be did not -drink mtil
court -was over each day. .
Too Xiatse to Oassijy
iWiNrEr At once, men with:
teams to bank 25a cords of wood. TtL,
Stunt 'Prcfam Scheduled
To Start at 3lCM. t
Airport Here
(Continued from Pag L)
Tf4 Tarkinc "apaea nilong the"
Turner Ttjad wm Ua-araTTth!e. "
Other, expanasa totaiUng aever-.
ai hnadred delUrslbATS .been 'in",
enrred -hy tha iegioa which .an tlea
ipateg a large crowd to cover the
Tha filers will "be entertained
bare over tanlght and-afonday'.
morning will take off te tha next
tswn. The tour started Tuesday
morning at Vaaeeuver, Wash.?
and will be eoneroded this weak
at Port Angeles, 'Wash.
The local committee la charga
of arraogemaaU Includes Braxlet
C.v Small, general chairman; J.J.
BUtott, H. G. 'Malaon. Douglas
McKay and TUng Bartlett,
One Plane Forced
Dow ntSallns
(AP) Fartyfra
"a a It: pi an as
loomed -out Af the -Aastern aky
thla afternoon -and 'dropped to'
rest on Swan Island ntrnort for-
the - fifth night atop of tha Pa-?
clfie northwest air-tour. ; 1
Only one plans tailed te arrived
Miss Virginia Ogden, Seattle, was;
farced down twice on her flight
from Pendleton. With her second
foreed landing, af The Dalles, sn
sent word to Swan Island of fieta!
she "was leaving her. piano And
taking a ba to -Portland. ' ;
Tex Banktn aiid Idles -Dorothy
Heater, stunt pragtam headllnara,
wepe; forced down.At-Hood River
by lack-iortaeL . .
The ronttna program of outside
and Inside loops. Intricate rolls
and turns .nod -oarachute rumns
got under way ahortry after thai
laat pianee ha) arrived. Mora
than -20.070 Apeetators ware 4m
the island And on - the -high cliffa
near It.
-Addttleaal features ot - the
program included the -appearance
of Lieutenant Basil "B. Smith in
his speed - piano which -he flew 4ft
the recent American circus en
gine air derby. He gayo an exhib
ition of bis plane's speed.
MesbAnias ' will overhaul tha
motors of the planes tonight and
tomorrow the fleet will take off
for Tillamook And Salem.
It need not be, if you will call our service
man to adjust and repair it for you.
If you will telepHone 395, wje will be glad
to render-you FREE INSPECTION
SHI VICE. We charge for sn&y what we
HX Court -St.
ji A Bill
'ak1 "T-
predion ol thctoihluJ .
UineffltirMin t
Untenanted Jail;
Constable Wroth
HUTCHINSON, tosna., Ang. S
. .(AP)-Tlie little town of
Tvroev has (not mucn need ot a
Jail ad th lacknp nsnaUy isn't
a lockup at all for it's wide open.
Constable Tran Verbeck yes
terday noticed a shiny padlock
on the door. Finding no one who
Admitted responsibility, ha broke
into the JaiL
Within he found 40 gallons of
Hg wjne la tha making.
verbeck wants to know who
has '-outraged the dignity of the
H.L.Mencken to
"Wed Writer of
Popular Stories
. BALTIMORE, Ang. 2 (AP)
Announcement of the en
gagement of Sara Powell Hardt,
writer tor popular magailaes, to
Henry -L. Mencken, Baltlmare
author, erttie and oditer of the
American Keren ry. was made to
day by Mrs. John Anton Hardt,'
Montgomery, AU her mother.
"The Weddrag will be Septem
ber , and they will eoatiaue ' to
make their homa here. .
Th Author of "la Detaaie of
Women' has been known for two
decades, along with, his literary
associate, 'George Jean Nathaa.
New York theater critic, as Al
most a rprefeseional .bachelor.
Ha will be 60 years aid Septem
ber 42.
Telephone Firm
Announces New
Operating Staff
With the appointment of B.
D. Miller as chief engineer; C
P. TdnsslftDg as general plant
manager, 'and Ferd Prince aa
general -traffie manager , aelec
tion of tha . f operating exaaatlve
staff for the. dragon area,-Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph com-
Lpany, -has heea cqmpietea, so-
cording -to word receivaa oy
in. Aller. nanfleer. trom B. ..D.
Wise', Tlce-presldent and .general
manager lor uregou.
Mr. Miller will be in charge of
all engineering and planning
work; Mr. Touesieag will head
the construction, maintenance
Hind installation departments,
and Mr. Prince will be in charge
of the traffio operating depart
ment handling- Aalls.
Is your
Telephone 295
- i
vtr a anrNRTON. Anr. 2 (AP) '
Plans' of communists to block
the Slkdg rtm 'add thus force
th nalind fiialas aiaboat ' Palos
to remain in tbJUIr readies of
tha stream In the ylcinlty of
ChsngabA weroresorted today to
the navy aepertmenx.
rThAgAAAAAadAAArith Amer
icana evacuated "from tha etty
last weekWBaHai waa'deitroyed
h vOTTOimtRt. nnA! bandialiordes
relayed- thd reobft5 to" the fTangtse
river -patrol wblan in tarn com-
municated it to the fiavy.
The message Aaid:
"Beported tf water faBa At
tempt -srfll'ba sjnada.tO.Motk titer
five miles downstream by granite
loaded iuakaV
sVnother eonunuaicatlan Aaid:
Reports teld of the eaoeutton
of 20 rich Chinese three miles
east of tha city, where 2,000 com
tnanists ere-sapnoaed to bs ns
semWed.'lt Added, these apparent
ly were no omuntsts In Cbang
sha except gmslltdeUehment at
the norlhern end.
SILYERTQtf August. 2-ewn
of the death of FrAuk -M. 'tluse.
former "Bookkeeper -f the Silver
ton Lumber obnlpany, has been
received at SHreTton. His death
followed a major operation. ' He
is AurTived by his widow.
Your Gasses SfoiiM
toiiswze With
Year Features
Woman all know that
a hat ,1gDwn may be
decidedljr becoming to
one woman and posi
tively unbecoming to
anotiier wearer.
It the same way with
glasses, and for that
reason, no one should
insist on any one par
ticular style of mount
ing simply because that
style "looks good" on
some friend or ac
quaintance. Optometrists make a
specialty of selecting
the lenses your eyes re
quire and designing
mountings that harm
onize perfectly with
your features and gen
eral appearance. Glas
ses properly fitted and
mounted need never
detract from one's ap
pearancerather, they
should make a decided
improvement, and oft
en do bv relievincr
' T O
that tired, drawn look
about the eyes and
"mootrtmsr out' the
squint anH .frown.
Some look best in crold
wy w
rimmed; glasse3vothere
in shell rims. or.
, -, .
haps, trimlesss. Opto
metrists have all ?the
newest tviesirijnQURt-
Ungs and lenses in both
eyo-glassea and specta
cles, rand can" mmnlv
you 'with glasses that
maice you see good
U you are fortu
nate fsas Ho break your
giasses-sa ve the. pieces
andtakethemAoan op
tometrist i Without re
croiuiatibn ; if -your
yEs,rthey -wall .dupli-
a a f 1 si
care me lensesyouhave
been wearing. '-. -llieTJMiriey
rpu KpUt
ora pampfigoool, ccor-
well mveiriw a
i. - W i.
-. -M6i0Ss)
er atrlkjullesi ass nynssit noffi
went to Tulsa. Two nfa -were
wan,, Canada, '" i.