From Mid-Vafley Di Communities , .MillGty -o i i .MILL CITY, Aug. 2. The an-BnalaH-day. meeting: of the Me hama church will be held la the Mehima park Sunday, Aumst 10. The'apeaker at both mirnins end afternoon services will be Rev. C. C. Hulet, master of the Ore con afate grange. A noon picnic dinner' will be served. - Mr. and Mra. Bud Collins and daughter Lola of Gat- hare r rived home from a vacation trip to Pisa lake. They report a splendid time although Mra. Collins . and laughter had a bad scare when a bear appeared before them while Mr Collins was some " distance away fishing. Mr. Collins Is employed as clerk at the Hammon.' company tore tn Mill City. Mrs) Zora Stone expects to re turn to her home in Mehama Sun day after haying ; spent several weeks In Mill City at the home of her son Fred Stone. Mrs. Stone had a very severe attack of pneu monia and as soon as she was able to be moved sBe was brought here to her son's home.. She Is practic ally recovered now. , . ' " Mr. and Mr. Cbarles Gqltra and children Coenla and 'Bob -el Al bany, spent -Sunday in MiH City at the home of Mrs. Goltra's mother, .Mra. Fayette Lake. In 1 honor of tie 16th anniversary their wed ding which ocenred on July 30, and the anniversary of Mr. Gol tra's natal day. Mrs. Lake served a dinner in their honor. There were four generations seated at the table. . x Mrs. Sadie Brantner of Ocean side. Calif., is spending several weeks In Mill City on a visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Turpin. Miss Janice Dunlvan who is at ! tending summer school at the State Normal at Monmouth was a visitor over the week end at ber home in Mill City. Miss Dunlvan haa accepted a position as teacher at the Howell school near Stay ton for the coming year. . Mrs. George Kane has left for her home In Vancouver, BVC. aft er a visit here at the home of her dawhter, Mrs. E. C Gordon. Mrs. Cordon an family accompanied Mra. Kne home. They made the trip by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen ar ' rived home a few days ago from s their wedding trip and have gone to housekeeping in the W. W. Al len apartments.. Their wedding was an event of early July. gara Is staying in Mill City for th nresent at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mrs. McCurdy ;has been quite ill with an attack of heart trouble and her daughter la nursing her. Miss Rose uieancn oi roruauu returned to her home In that city Wednesday after a visit of several days with her sister Mrs. Louie Dawes if Mill City.S!rs. Dawes and bihy daughter Donna Rose ac companied Miss Died rich as far as Stayton and visited . at the home of Mrs. Dawea' and Misj DIedrich'a parents for a, few hours. - Miss Macy Wachter and. Miss Prances Chance oi Mill CHy left the last of the week ?or Living- ton. Calif., where they will visit Miss Chance's grandmother. Mrs. M. J. Chance for the next two months. Both girls were members of the graduating class of the Mill City high school this year. They may decide to rem At-4n Califor nia, for the winter. Mrs. Haiti Malinda o! Portland was the guest over the week end of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brill of Mill City. Mrs. Sam Godden Is spending several days at the Tire Camp. Mr. uuuucu uu uevu ii vuv mum for a week or more. - Miss Helen - Holford of Stayton Is staying in Mill City at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Gladys Stone. Miss Holford is -learning to oper ate the switchboard i ti the tele phone office.: .. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baltimore pent Sunday on a pleasure trip at 4 the -Tillamook beaches. They re i turned home late Sunday evening with a tine lot of elams which they had dug during the day. Mrs. Alma Thomson and daugh ter Sylvia of Salem were visitors this .week of Mrs. Delbert Jen king of Mill City. Mrs. Thomson la a sister of Mr. Jenkins. v . , o Orchard Heights o- I GIRLS DRIVE ACROSS NATION , 11 mm mmmmmmm - i-'- sh-v gts&gui Siami A z: ,-;) V$&m kfW - , . ----- - " m - . -Wr5;'--J nmmmmx , rzgJ$M x Miss Lillian M. Publicover (right) and Miss Louise 1JL Standlej, both of Boston, are shown with their new Chevrolet Six, which they drove to the Pacific Coast recently. They will cover approximately .12,000 miles in their car before getting home to the Massa chusetts rnetropoliv They enjoyed their trip immensely, despite the difficulty they expe rienced in making therr wishes known. Westerners and Southerners just simply could not translat the new England'accent, according to the visitors. AumsVille i AUMSVILLE. Aug. 2 Mr and Mrs. M. McCullough and grandson, Ralph Bell of Grants Pass, motored! tB-JSilverton Tues day on hsifft8S.?,ote- Mrs. T.jSV"oiiiion came home fron Portland-- Friday night after peadibV -several days visiting an'C tuaiaaki ,at Port land. :vn'- A Howard anV children. Mi Clelland, Vilas, Junior and Roy, spent Sunday at Hubbard visit ing. . . . Jack Eastbnrn of Cottage Grove is spending the week here at the P. B. Collins Jiome. O- . y r--o Hopewell O Q HOPEWELL. August 2 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rogers and daugh ter Barbara and Owa Kotka spent Friday at Pacific City. 1 . Lowell Purvine . of Spring Val ley .was a dinner gojest of Clif ford Stephens at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens Sun day. ., " Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wood and daughter. Loig and Mr. and Mrs. rfohn Mills, who are visiting at the Wood's home, spent several i days at Pacific Citv. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rieebea j were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Branson, Sunday. The dinner was in hon or of Mrs, Branson's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bantsori and Vernon Stephens spent five days at the coast. Lucile Emmerson spent sever al days visiting Beulah Campbell. Rica Niemi and Arleen Nieml of Alaska- are viaiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Par-ven. -Auburn X AUBURN, August 2. Mr and Mrs. . Murray Johnston and s6ns, .Walter and David, and daughter, Ethel, have gone to Montana for a vacation. " Mrs. J. C. Adams and small daughter, Irene, of Oakland, Cal ifornia, and Mrs. Adams' mother, Mrs. George Wynn of Gervais, vis ited at the Ben H. Hawkins home Tuesday. Edward Schultz, son of Mrs. George Witte, is suffering with, a mastoid. He has been visiting the doctor every day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hooper spent Sunday visiting .Mrs. Hoop er's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred BratxeL Mr. Hooper Is working for the gas company between Al bany and Independence. Miss Blanche Baumgartner en tertained some of her schoolmates recently 'with a alumber party. ; North Santiam i NORTH SANTIAM, Aug. 2 Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Cobb of Wlllamma. were weekend visitors at t.he home of her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Young. Mrs. Cobb stayed 'over this week to assist in the care of ber small grandson. Wilbur Young, who has been quite ill. Mrs. Glenn McClellan and Mrs. George B. Howard attended the district Sunday school conven tion in Marlon on Sunday. ' The Women's sewing club met Wednesday afternoon, the time being spent in Quilting. The meetings have been discontinued until October. - Lewis Scofield acompanled by his cousins, the Misses Margaret and Lucille Smith, who are here from South Dakota, spent sever al days this week at Marshfield where they were guests Nof Dr. and Mrs. Roy Scofield. Pearl Miller, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller the past week, left Thursday for Boise, Idaho, where she is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Browning, Mrs. Bessie Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Higgins of Port land motored to Walport and Yachats 8nnday. Stayton STAYTON, Aug. 2 Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp have gone to Newport, where they expect to spent two or three weeks. William Ortman and family have returned to their home in Arlington,: after a visit with-relatives . here. . "Billle owns and operates the newspaper . at Ar lington and several years ago was employed in the.'. Stayton Mail office here. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Tate are now at - home -to , their many friends at the -farm home of the groom northeast of Sublimity. Mrs. Tate was formerly Ethel Fresh, daugher' of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Fresh, of this place and she was v recently married to Ralph Tate, son, of Lee Tate and also of this place. Miss Faye Mack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Merton Mack and Bernard Lyons, son of Mrs. Ella Lyons were"- recently united in marriage. They will make their home in Corvallis, where the groom la employed. Miss Mack, who is a graduate of the. state normal school at Monmouth, taught school last year at the Oak Glen school northeast of town. ' Mr. and Mrs. 6. Phillips, of .Berkeley, Calif., have been guests of Mr. and Mra. H. J. Tate. The ladies are cousins, and the party made the Mt. Hood loop trip the past week end and are planning a visit to Seaside. Mrs. Poole Operated On Mrs. William Poole who has been in poor health since the birth of her baby about three weeks ago was removed to Sa lem in an ambulance Wednesday, and underwent an operation there Thursday. "HTS. Marion Fresh and small son are visiting relatives in Mon mouth, having gone to attend a reunion of the Mulkey, family there Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Poole were in Portland the other day to consult a specialist In regard to Mrs. Poole's health and as a result she will enter the tubercu lar hospital as soon as there is a place. It is thought that the rest and quiet there will be most beneficial. Helen Patton Visit Miss Helen Patton was here from Portland this week for a short visit. Miss Patton taught last year in the Stayton school and will each again this year. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weddle and daughters are home from a pleasant outing at Taft. Mrs. Alice Downing Phillips is assisting in the bank during va cation time, as she was employed there before her marriage. O O I Labish Center o LABISH CENTER, Aug. 2.- Mr. and Mrs. J. Worth in gton and family of Zen with Mr. Worth ington's brother and his family from Tennessee called on their friends, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Mc Claughry and family Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weinman motored to Portland Thursday where they visited Mrs. Wein man's parents. Mrs. Weinman's 0 :i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis who nave uvea here tor five years ex pect' to start Tuesday for their oia nome ai rugniaaa, Kansas. They will drive through and ship their household goods. They do no, expect to return- to Oregon. Ben Biets'and family will move .. IntoUhe Mike Schwartz house which the Davis family will va cate on their departure, - . Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Grice and daughter Irene, . L. Grice and Mrand Mrs. J. B.. Best, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Castl of Wallace : road' drove to Silver Creek falls .' Sunday where .they spent the day -and enjoyed a picnic luncb j rta. :. ' :, . Mr ant'. Vm'-'A'" A Wltltn S and children Earl Dean and Doris - were gaesta Sunday of Mr. and W A-U U LI J ILL, their farm" home near Mehama. The Cardwells who are formerly from Wyoming lived last winter . In this neighborhood. . Ear! .Hyatt who has been staying tor the last two months at the A. R. Sonthwlek home and working In the fruit will return soon to his home In, Minnesota. Lurora AURORA; Ang.. 2.MT. and Mrs. Will Flick, Mr. and Mrs. Paul -Hendricks and daughter Norma, had a delightful trip to Bxeiten huah where, they spent the week end. They report a heaatlfnl place; with mod' baths, swimming tank and danee hall. A. modern hotel will soon be under constractioa. . W. O. i Wise of .Xeedy. had the misfortune to catch bis arm in a g:s engine; and he was severely burned. ;:,'AS--t - -- Mrs. George Kraus and : daugh ters Orletta and Georgia, are. .!! guests ef Mrs. Ernest Greenwood and daughter at Salem thiaweek. i n il oiop tar Service Fi? tLJEaatled Sttottec ocOims Every pneumatic tire of our manufacture, bearing our name and serial number, it warranted by us against de fect in workmanship and material without limit as to time or mileage. ttee Eyei? Tirfltttteia - Come in and tee these heavy duty .;.. m v . . - , 'Peerless tires. No tire of comparable -i " "' J .1- al-A D 1 U. TV. f-m-M y' price c4UU uicc a ccticaa iicavy uu- . . , : J-rTX ty casings in ability to stand up under gruelling punishment They are de- ' i i 21. r-L at.-: i..-J.a tzJi rfor service U. 1 raxon ' - Tires . 30 x Zyt Clincher 31 x 4 Hi Pressure. 32 x 4 Hi" Pressure. x 4.40 BaiooiLi 30 x Uo BaDoon .$440; -$8J03 .SM0 --155 31 x 5.25 Balloon L'...:.lJ95 " 33 x 6.00 Ply 29 x'ain - ' 5ss 30 t'iiD S 28 x " 31 x S-na ya a 30 x f in 31 x 525 : .$9.75 28 x 5-5n - fooft 20 x s.nn - i i 9a 31 x 6.00J tn sn 6 Ply U. S. Peerless 30 x 40. 30 x 55. 31 x 525. -11225 30 x 6.00. 31 x 6.00. 32 x 6.00. 33 x 6.00. 31 x 6.50. 32 x &50... 33 x 6x75. S105 J11.60 .$12.60 4120 .$12.90 J13.10 .$140 -$14.65 :$17,.75 . . -v. CDcapEtctta and Uth father, who fell from a cherry tree tome time ago and waa sub sequently confined in the Veter ans' hospital, is reported as slow ly recovering. Misa Laverna Holm of Wood burn is a guest of her sister,- Mrs. Bernice Daniels. Bobby Degross left Tuesday for Portland where he will visit relatives. o- o I Kuigwood; - KIXGWOOD, Aug. 2 Guests of Mr. and Mfs. A. L. Apple white Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. William . Wonacott ef Aumsville. Mrs Wonacott is Mrs. Apple white's cousin. O. B. Bittner Is home after having spent three weeks in a Salem hospitaL He is recovering slowly from an operation he un derwent there. Hla sister, Mrs. Emma Tursluh is visirfirg at the Bittner ome.7t " The new 'dwelling of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook la nearing com pletion. The interior plastering is now being done. .Edward Finley and A. A. Liv ingstone drove to Reed sport near Marshfield Monday . where Livingstone, wished to . look . at some' property with, a "view - to settling In that vicinity. They arrived home Wednesday evening and express themselves as pre ferring this part of the state to southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Larkin and Mrs. Larkin's daughter, Mtss Ma bel Alsop spent several days re cently at Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Bak er spent the week end at Ocean side. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Beaver, and Mrs. Mary Beaver returned Tuesday evening from a five days vacation at the sea shore. They went first to Florence and also visited Heceta and Interven ing points. They enjoyed fish ing and crabbing. They were ac companied on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Millie and Mr. and Mrs. John Bolin, all of Salem. nujnDSdDEJ H A IPKidDVlEnD jELKBurnr By official tests, by service in the hands of individual owners, and by public accept ance Hudson is a proved Eight. And official registrations, recorded in every state in the Union show that, for this year, more Hudson Eights have been delivered to con sumers than any other Eight in the world for the coAcn n(0)giD 01150 tor the SEDAN flight other model' just aa attrac tively priced. Wide range of colors. All prices f. o. b. Detroit, Factory State Motors Inc. Comer Chemeketa and High Tcienhone 1000 yy Yoyr Tires N at "REDUCED" PR1C WITH the sharp price reductions on the complete line of new Firestone tires, we offer motorists the greatest tire quality at positively the lowest cost ever known. Jnst think of being able to bay the tires that carried all the winners to victory in the great Indianapolis end prance race...500 gruelling miles without a sign of tire trouble at the terrific average speed of more than 100 miles an hour. . . at' prices no greater than ordinary Urea. Take the judg ment of all the champions and equip your ear with Flrestonea. Drive in now and save money. VeV OLD Fl ELD Balloons 4.40-21 4-50-21 $5 4.75-1 ... v ; $.oo-jo - 0.1$ All other aUes preperiiea ' - atelj lew. ; BRAKE SERVICE Scientific testing, ad justing and relining. Cowdrey Dynamic Brake Tester. ' BATTERIES The last word m ejual Hy battery construction. Lowest prices. ANCHOR Double-Breaker 4.40-21 4.50-2X 4.75-19 7.f$ ,$.C0-20 0.5$ 5.ZS-21 . . lOvXS -AH other aiaea proOortiea h ; atelylsw. - Batter in strength, I'll m imt r. TsJi 1 i n . T "1 . " -tppwa jxeavy imyualloon surpasses ugux racuon ana wear;resifenice any heavy duty tire that even Firestone , , " cve Dau- ieauuiuuy deaiped with gold atripe. t lt ' " llmtl V Zr-9 ; .o; . : Si$-fs tSfS ' S00"X r .CO-XO . . X7,SO . II40 W . . .1540 .CO-19 . . STOP SERVICE CENTER ATIJBERTY STREET ''!'S ; - The Station with a Clock r : : - i Cah .