1 ' i I - . " I t " -1 i Reading notices. per Bm sia Classified AdrtVp lLi laS CUmed Aarertiaie. Una tunes - 0c On month, daily and Sunday y IL8 ,CPf f W this page Hctpud Dfk ttl 4 Um vmina tMfor publi cation for clasaUicadon. Copy re ceived after this time wQl be ran nder the heading Too Lata te classify. HOP PICKERS WANTED . inn juuji FOR IflfntM TTnr. dependence. 60 acre early hops. S AtoEkW.U bc5L PfeWa W August 5JiL For particular inquire rhirbin. Cornoyer orer J. C. Pen- HOP ttflr r nniaii vrnii.. r - - -- -.--.- . 444. my Jr Bealater at Employment Ottic. -.- . --,-! i ut. t. a Id 4, HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Good man to work out part room rent. 1620 Ferry. HELP WANTED FEMALE WASIIIXO and h-onms done at tig Cainee St Call 1020J. Mary WiehV WANTED PnotMAn tv w ST- C???b!S f t-idng complete charge. ttox 748, Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous POHTABI.H tvrwrM.p. -fi i new and used. Adders and typewriter for rent Typewriter Exchange, 421 Court street. ..FO SALE Ojd papers. 10a bun-ale- EUteaman office. a Hi . m , . -ii-uvxa.n.nju FOR SALE Indian Scout Good running shape. 15.00. Sae it at MS N. 17 th. a ... I, ...... . . ( hj, lf1J)J IRRIGATING pump, engine, how and pipes, 21 inch, Shand pump. Ford engine. Will pump 4 Inch stream. MRS. L. A. FERGTTSEM The south section of the Woman's onion of the First Congregational church are sponsoring a rummage sale Saturday, August 2, at 7 Court Street. FURNITURE sale now. Entire fur niture stock of J. A. White, deceased. New and used big bargains at 2315 State Street Tel. 3780J. C. G. MILLER, EX FOR SALE Loose clover hay. S. 00 per ton. Mrs. O. H. Thompson. TeL 27F15. WANTED Miscellaneous wanted used pianos. In ex change on radios, phonographs, or fur ptture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company. HAULING by contract 1 ton truck. Tel. 705J. MISCELLANEOUS aaa,amaa a aaa "- - Y(rJIJLIUlrLn DOGS boarded in a real dog hotel. E. B. Flake. PeUand farm. Pacific highway. NU-BONE corsets Mrs. G. H. Llt- Tieiieia. Tel. Z35 ROOM AND BOARD PriAffn on,1 mwwn a a e)jEA rAKA- - vi -..m uiiu a wtaa na b awv VCUVCI St. Excellent meals. A pleasant home. lose in. rteasonanie FOR RENT APARTMENTS - - - - -i -- -- --,-yvJii-v-v-rvwxi-i.rLrAxri A nartmanf aS1 S anil SI? FVi mr Grocery, 899 N. Cxua 1. TWO and threa room apartmanta ror rent. AMBASSADOR APTS. Phone 1972. ; aMaMAaMeAAaMMAAAMMaMWMi . Mil T PR ADTQ nno naat ntanava. ment. Furnished rooms and apta TeL 4 u. VIRGINIA apartments, I nicely fur nished rooms. Clean and desirable. Electric range, electro-kold, heat and water. Don't miss seeing this. PHONE 2678. VMWwWVVVVVaVMWMa4'aw PATTON APARTMENTS, down town district a Clean, comfortable, nicely furnished, reasonable. For. In apection yjl at?'?'y. P??ftor' DESIRABLE S room furnished apt. close In. Bath, garage. Inquire 127 Vnion. CLEAN, comfortable, modern well located apta. for rent at the 8t rat ton, 670 N. Winter St FURNISHED rooms and apart ments. 2261 Hasel Ave. TeL l19W. FURNISHED TeL 2910R. apta, ft, ft, 110. Furnished S room apartment, close In. 541 Mill 8t Water, lights, tel. Ad ulta. 12 per month. FOR RENT HOUSES FT1R RKNT Homat fnvnlahed and nnfurniahad. F. U WOOD tit Stale Straat FOR RENT Clean houses $10 to 9(0. Also flats store bldga. business lota BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 North High Street Houses furnished and unfurnished. $3.00 to $45.00. H. P. QRAXT ISO N. Com'l. 2492-M. 8 R. house, rar. 444 N. Winter. Q I vMUm riirnlahA1 timiaa Sf S 1 A 4 Will tuilliauvu WVU V V 194 North Court 7 room Ttouse in North Salem, reas onable see Mrs. CadweU. Statesman office THREE room houses furnished or unfurnished. Free water, electrically equipped ; laundry and garage. CaU Gertha store. West Salem. TeL 800. FURNISHED large modern 6 room house basement attic, garden, gar age. TeL 2SC7R. FOR RENT HOUSES $10 to $40 furnished; $12 to $63. Also houses sold. No down payment Just like rent. SEE BECHTEL or JTHOMASON 241 State St. Room 4 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE .17 WS a3 ft a m-'l A OU -as 1,1 SSaSaV Mtl KwaajaT" dence witlt a wonderful view. Built fee CViD BAT H SXIlt noma sty owner, it- a. (varus leas T'alrmount Street, phona 1417. . 4 U. . fhi. 414 1 a4 4 44 Gravenstein's, Rulifaon's. Box 5. Route 8. , Ta - . , . w .WW. mm m UK , close-in, 4 nn. houae, pay Kka rant. Nice 4 room house, flrapaon hdw. yioors, $25 down, $2S per maw. IncL Interest. Modern unfurnished ' house tar rent Insurance Money t Loan RICH U REIMANN - TeK . jyy. m N5 FOR SALE OR' TRATTB ' - TWO nice tracts and an aacome -nropasty to trade far a stoeat ranch. A good 10 acres to "trade for i oom house. Large T room house, cor ner lot. nke shade, will take good car r lota For equity nice 0 raoaa ttonae . f nrnisned. 2 large - lots, fralt, streat pavad. amall paymant down, 2S par suantn. Price $3000. . . . BOtrn'OOIV-UBALTT - S0 M Capitol TeL 2807 Res. JJ. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE " " 1 1 . iiuiij.. si as m Na. High St. Phone t41 i) rsiiii mm Hi ai s 1 l5EtSTJSir.,rWct4 acre. et 2T?& 7 On-nenS: M . vau ta SEE Mrs. KIHs with fw ftiate street TeL 17ST RRATaV tYlt ATVWTT1 I a ., - v wvurAAtji now I South Qoi ' u type noma la aicw 1a mi iin vnanL - - a . . tatty itai"WS il00!!." . fence on back o la. pi-. Jlii. StES ?.tot b ahada d with Inn- . , w ii iili0" balanoa Hire rent LM k Vt "T" .':-: .V .. "' ufc 'rai 1 s tt vt8 Vit - ,wil" of uili iT.!rrrT. jb acraa MrrtLJS.wH,lw,t b!8- clear, aa part payment on nice nwrt about 8800 per mo. In V"" ii:!!"0 rndt'beTn o vu ivou ttuu gooa sou. Also client oM , tt4 serrica w vujr Erauna, gooa rustler: N!r tnt S Mw.i- . . v.vi " "nun ua aanuna payement C J. Jackson with . W- O. KRUEGER 117 North Commercial oag. ' V... . ' 'nifw.n.B VLZ ," irem, nana SfJST- r.P1?? ust aalL toov. vau a jeiierson Kt. WK K V. - .1. 1 1, m a nice corner and dean stock of gro- ""i.. . JLL . . "ireme oargaln, may -""o n ex us see you aoon. Have a tn mAm 1 n . . . ara affeHni tk, .V. " tZl' " " mier street which we will rent it for $3.M per month with n one year lease. If Interested caU an na .....w w LAFLAR LAFLAR Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg. oaiem. vregon. 150 5owr? P?r ma- buys NEW English type home. Fine lot with 12700 Buys R. home on large east in tot itor and shrubbery. Part basement Close to school. IS'On M-w a d v- -r . . bur. ijp nome. Fnrnaca. Firealao. Garage. Large i W ithrlots or ttviU ahruba, and (iau, a -si UJaV Money toloan. . Insurance. . aB.XjVl 4UHMStyr 320 U. a Bank. Bldg. TeL 8J7, Out on th. Si.,.. -"V" a vcrv .11: V. ' ""..15 for a thousand TcT,lT-na - TT , ....l.uo, a, iuuu room bouse, water system and a good '" omw win sacrtrice. in tneedga of Salem a good acre with a m ruum nvusr, aouoie garage, on high- way and worth $4500, owner wants a lararer honai aiul win A anlenniff x Mnm nA ,.u i . - v-... uvu., un uase- w niTMv nrepiac-x on pave- nw-ut, wninui trees, encumbranoa $1,- VLv ' nousa ana barn. Fair bulld 000 and owner wants small clear la- School bus goes by house Pos- J?810" r,nt away. $8500. Terms 20 Improved acres near Salem, clear Charlie O'Brien. 494 N. Capitol ser salesa daria. - - - bL Salem. I improved acrei close and clear iur ottiem nome. Cloae In furnished T room house ior rent. ssu. MeGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209-10 IT R. Rank niHtr nn mm mm n i'i VnfWWWWw oargam. new i our room strictly I modern, east front paved street See I owner, 1771 N. Cottage St " "in oxvrva, urujc;ibKle,a And fixtures valued $1200 In good fAaMAn4t.il Jl.l. rtfrBBT-w CwTATrt- And flxtaree at fnvoiie price doing j w. w per aay, rr m invoice a bout flvVV, COCNTRT STORK Buildings, K acre ground, stock. pump, uving quarters. pium 4411U room in an excellent and 1 thriving community on paved highway I 8 miles OUt 13700. Bulldins Rtivrlr and I fixtures in good condition. 1 a rTtr-ci I On Pacific hirhav. 4 ranm h. choice location for fruit stand and ,ol location -forfrtilt r7n4 camp sue. v ui seu low price. SEE jeiser with ANDERSON A RUPERT 169 South Hlgli Street tlS.'tO. U. Ill ill IV a trnnA tt-A , ------ "J b . . w... house. With larva lnr kooHnv r-,,it n - - -' U1Q . U . uOi tn bi 143 jeiierson sc. C rTYia. And hrflVfn Qf nrvnlr ndw on I Hfrif 1 V TlirwiArTi in av-w nm tr e41 ... .caj rwtx.j t f.4i"3 drain IVtnrd rivima 1 ro-a ai4 airt " - - w.-.-.w F -'va aaiij. I uuamy conairucuon. trees, not atninjr I you caa find fault with' and priced ror an inTestment at &. easy wruiak WINNIE PETTTJOHN, Jtealtor i4i bouiq iiin street A REAL BUY. FORCED SALE tyt Acres. vooa sou, new nouse, elec- ";". mmxwa, yaraga. jTOUilry house. Good well and a ton- hav .... " , ""4 'J f wuiufm site In barn. Price Just cut . Price b1,alnK with yearly income of now only $2450.00. $760.00 down. J540.00.- Taxes only $70.00. Will net t miles from Salem. Improve- !J,Per cent plus depreciation. Reason meats worth more than price terms, p. a box 239, Salem, Ore, asked. TeL 1440J. It-Acre Modern house, almost new. trood barn. 8-acres in cherries, peaches and prunes. Good land. A srive am-av nrir-a nt teaza nn - . - w v U V V V . V V. Tormi 40-A. good soil, no improvement All cultivated laniL fknlv ttTnii nn 40-A. Good 5 R. hooaa. hara. ann Poultry house. Running watar, will trade for house in Saiam. Price tsneo no 70-Acrea Good R. houae, 2 large bams. Good soil. 20-A. crop, 6-A. timber. Good road. Price only 27400 Will taVa annva r.A HERB 13 WHAT YOU WANT 1280 Acraa Stock ami grain raaeh. SO house and Irrigation welt 100-A. cultivation. 8 miles fencing. Price only $9 per acre or will trade for fnaH !oe or city property. Tau baS " bl SEARS ft TUCKER 134 South Commercial Street FOR SAI.K Hit rnntn mAmr- home full basement, varnm r-4rt right. 1(40 Na tth St TILUEa, THE TOILER il Hn-E, VtOOMfT LAhVafttY -TV4:scr n . - I 1 t 7 STaTEMPMtr -WV-4T U8 PI te a Good luvespken FOR SAUsREAIf ESTATE yBAl?-St threa root. S. 1l-!rT .tana,. Oooi two room house, flna kt fi 40 " w yva wiu uae. f , F. U WOOD pot0 " iSL-S25J ?. town from ",,- iinsu moaem 1 caa rrr iy rant aiaaa u a W " M K W SUCa f rt what I hara. T00H "" v bbw me. xei it ma show you be pleased sad RmmKAw house cheaper than you ean rent One, H. C SHIELDS wagon Bide. TeL 171 FIVE room furnished house at 175 iorsjniTJXnji. 1 ri v cyJU.L. r . - I C"ulu eeveniaentn at flltt.M. --- XeL "47-W. IllOLT ittiw IDEAL. ocatioVr aw." sacraice price. II.- fayment down, AalMioa like 0"uw PPPwnt only. L.f0R Kew Modern s a bun f new saoaern J R. hua- I MWW niraianaa. a real lava nest for- two. Good term. Shown by sp- I Dolntment on r t 1. " I -behhtk . ufS, State Street Room 4 EXCHANGE RmI Rf f """ """"" 1 '"'.. AIhrta fu.i am acres, un- ii JTv buiu larm. box vo cutLciuuan, ----- io ai ovo r all. Want acreage near Saiam. creek ta rear. Price 12209. Win a cent vacant lot for equity of $1200. uci Wn uicaimute river In Benton cotmtv. Iri tvnea ucnil ' LKf V rTTTT TD rt T . ZZO Stats RtFMt m-i -ii -i ig,iin 1 1 -- , , ,n n n ri rw) h , w,fLE OH TRADE Nice home with good view, Una shade and fruit iwith good vie iTL.-berrVf8! tartan, - flowers. . Two kTIJ. 2rSm tna nous, I basement flranlamt. t t - or a iota and I smaller ttla mm i n , I schools, bargain price, w.-wnuvi. ACI. 11ID1V. Near three 17& A KjTa-aalav-.. at a a kTaa.i at v' A. CU1C, of town. $17,000.00. Trade for smaller larui ur a Dusmess. . H. M. EVAN3 J7S state Street Tel 1981 WILT. rMnM . Small rnrtn fnm.4fe T . . . --.o v Trent iff tl FOR SALE FARMS 9S 4 as r mm - " " .. - . o cnj miles on ?"ve"on .ol buildings. 25 acres ?lr3?D",e8- Terms .Would consider TZ?L-mam- HERO, RL 2. Sll impinn I aajavaa pM '''iwmt., i, hmJm,, I BT OWUPP in -.--a.. aw a;i7 linu V II acres in fall wheat; 14 milos from Sa-i1ni-.n ar t81 ,ae highway. Water P'P1 jo fcoua and barn. Fair bulld- WELL LOCATED ACREAGE f ma tv aT ' . VT 71 n"ies rrom Salem on paved highway, best of dark outuiiuresr a son First National Bank. Bldg. irsi iauonai j ..x . 1-2-5 acres or n t4Sf mt 10 AM mm a . . , n a . . ; oi c iIU" "prings, close 12 tf.7UraoaUu Payment. I ""mi. oeu on Tt Ior trade. Tel. 1248J2. I trVwftm a a a 10 A. fruit tract 4 R. house, full basement and furnace. For Salem 6-10.A-nJ.R- noose and garage for lot A. new R. home, complete In ev- J uouut. ciecxnc water system. $2060 to Ioxn. Insurance. MELVTN JOHNSON 20 U. a Bank Bldg. WVv'Woaa. y, Tel. 637. Call YOU Beat It? K?ww.tv"Jfa!:ai'.7 A. cultivated. or', "r.,a tered by k j . F Bi"ul8 water piped to bldga which are not new but ser vloeable Road graveled 2 M ml. to Small lain m-ltv. t.lk . . 1 Hevemi mrtiwa Cm-i . . school. S ml. to shipping point Price v IV taa Mfian IP m wA o.1"- KOBERTS, Realtor 341 State Street Tel. 803 or 281-R. A VnTTTTTW 2 Dpm a t rHOTPR ojz AT71 a c, , " - n uaii ju-i east Of Snlpm iar.rr.4n f-if4 ,i u. i v- t . w eaiiiA Lrrri 4 I fa lair building. House S R., barn, garage. iUliHIIl. HUUSO hen house, good weii, tv chickens. soma tools, price reduced to $2t30 terma Clnmm. r, i . Ir-fEE BECHTKL or THOMASON I treet Room 4 Business Opportanitied Will buy a business site DANDY SERVICE STATION flflOn InmitlAn am r l-: n stucco bldga, 2 gas pumps, erocerv store, nxturee and living rooms, also a garage for general repair work. 1 ....KTO"'?r.'ta for 850. WU1 give tarma SEE SEARS ft TUCKER 1$4 South Commercial 8'reet MONEY TO LOAN To flnanca your new noma or refl Mnee your present home aoe.P. a BELU-20 tTr Bank BidgTreL twt . iii. rilo.r1' Jii1 1 IU,AL ES TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Ostisaa. aaa.. - a.a..-. - riTiriJr-ULfl . PERSONAL LOANS MALrfi on furnftura. Aara mIHm w . nua . . . v. ...... mi . . M or "2r Jfood aecurlty. Repayable monthly. Whea tn financial need raa GENERAL 17TYESTMENT i . uinnuvaiiwn First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 1 1' rt w crzwJ 1 WHAT'S "THE Nattec, TUS .TIU-IE' nvx HONE Y TO LOAN f 1 ! 1 1 1 If A Vn . - - - . -. BTAT8 BATTNOS AKI JLQA2T . IIS South Blall Stfatr Talephaas 1MJ Balam. Oraann. af ft VIST TAawsin rvm . .C'wpacts Rafinaacad arrange to reduce your nayaantav aaasi iiw ear. Cor. Lrsartv fit. t.- FnatWltl 'Baten.tt f aFXAST .T"i, 2 Par aana. w. Ijl WOODL ttl fitatA Et& - - ' - . - w w r"i IAa loans at lowest rfi'JL-J term abtaJnable. Our lasuranca . liwi nn.ni - Taj I4f t08 i ftrsgbn Aag. U$b?Fph "vvc miuvneu notes. mm iany - All TTTIS -"r""'?aj. III Oregon Bid. Saenad rioo. nnrikat) tUara avaaai tT:. Taleahona t LbwiiMt w b.'V- - LIVE STOCK and POULTRY HAXSON hatched breading cocker- Risr'N! .Assrv'K west of Startoa. FOR rats' wnnn -aa. a VW aelPe..UBa,aa,a, , , ., , . THE ben wood In the city for fee money e.t Trnv'n tnai t.-V n 1 T riwiiM I vanaw TVt m a A p w'T GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal r: www, cm ana fuel oU. Call on na tor pricen, Wa good KrTteT QUaUt' latRMinB TRANSFER STORAOW sKai-i at a A a 'I'l'a'a'H inrullWinsaXja- WE risaVan It" Asa Ka.J a,tl k. -- - - m vwa WH1MUJU aUl US Cobtai A Mitchell Co, phone til. PS 5 "in - Alat fit tnill Klrwtlr Waa-.a1 kna - - -w.a . a.a vvucu aJVB g,l Prompt delivery. Phone 1542. Fred Wells. Inc. tit s nhttroh at Eu ' M a m m. . . i m. oia nr. rt. ur, oaK and ash. wo, i oia nr niu aiab. Reduced prices. u. u. naroaugn, ,8 Highland Ave. TDVi mm. mm 1AAA a IIVUV A9fV. nrsr ie H ai -A . ..a r.onn uin AM fia t Cft V SfiFssT iiw rnrVWIU:i.w LOST AND FOUND taaaaaaaaaa.. 1 1 fl l ' I I HJUanl T TDCD 4 T . . . uiucaau rewaru tor return ox 4 if ah in AT outfit Inat Katiirav Ttilv Tel. A. R WILSON'. 20S9W. FOR SALE USED CARS The Home of Best Values 80 Cars To Choose From 192J Buick Standard Sport Rds. 1926 Chevrolet Landau Sedan 1925 Chevrolet Pniiru $7$ 24S 1 50 iw rora a rcoaaster ' ' w "." 45 128 WhfntW Snnrf PftimA 91 tr- - ' i i f BB S?fcial 6 Sedan 4W 1929 Modei A Ford Town' sed'an 02 mm-t.r virer, a 71 fJII r uruur cport Koaaster 420 Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BY VALLEY MO- Marion & Liberty Open Evenings and Sundays. Phona 1027 McKay's for Used Cars m m w m . - . With an 0. That Counts 1927 Pontiao Landau Sedan ..$125 00 Aati a "wUupe oZd 9e 1927 Chevrolet Coach 295!w 1926 Chevrolet Landau Sedan 295.00 1928 Chevrolet Coach 235.00 4.y- rvra .Louring . 150. Used car dept., 530 Chemeieta St Telephone 1425 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. VERY SDecial for nilir-lr naal rnarl t fl 1 1 r I fi JT 1 '4 C in T4-k 4 nnnHitlA J ...r, viiuuiun taiiu license. Price $65. Call 700 North BITS... Of General Knowledge By W. L. GORDON" Lemons are natives of Asia. They were used by the Romano to keep moths from their gar ments and in the time of Pliny, were considered a deadly poison. "Mac's A WMins Helper" &O0 HOO - MR, WHlPttrl SAID H&JbTO t5Y IBi-t300 HOO- 'BTAIEM-MTS- OUT MOON OFP Satardaty Horning-, Awrnst . Now FOR 8 ALE USED CARS Used Cars Valley Motor Company MgTMedel A Town' Sedaa-' Wir Model A aratSbS W2 5hietWh' iTsis JJT Cherralet ttaadster )S.o I - voacn n a w 1 tires tires iis.lo 025 Durant cyt Sport Road- I n.i-. I 17 Essex Coupe I is?a 'sw xj--i 4M.00 r sa 1R Ford Modal T Road I il Vt a B SB Bnm sssliWlAl 1 " - - mm av I TERSdS-TRADES iVallev Motor CAmnnv I - ww -w-wuvasw I iTeiaphona Mil c.i yemar at i&erty i wwn ah - - ai,rajij-uTrunrxr I k;- Tr.. -TT . " at 'w mil i ipiiiii x namnrir j"fy ood S NASH Tour. Best tar idition. CaU S680W aftar I . M Used Cars You Mfly Be I ta J a rxt... Proud to Drive 1 Lata series Hudson-, Stan- oara seaan. original finish rasida and ont extra good. ucw car aemce. ana ruar- ... " " -i. .... aiusv ante j nmanaer- 8e- uu. umw muni ana ruobar, A-l machantcalHr tii -Tina Aim tnlMfitui in - - 1 1 . mvMAJ Ri ... " - - av seex ruabie-aeat eouon. new rubber. This car has only run a few thousand miles and fa a Kiiv 'II Lta model Kesex coach, or- j6lucu &imaa maioa ana out exceptionally good, new car sarrlnaa aiut anM.t.. 4J5 't?d80i 'Moer eustomv " . uaw i-a paint Job, brand new 8-nhr hearr 1 'it dSrk,a' .-:x:r 4)1 42S . ntVTatot aMTirea 'I 2 Dodge leather upholstered seaan. run leaa than .eae miles . , . 15a, All tha a Twit ttatA rara a-. iai $1 licenses and are guaranteed right r we wui maae tnem right. I . mabt. other care In ato iuaay outer care m stock to ehoosa 1 trom pricea from 25 up. State Motors, Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX J tlhmtrtalrmm a4 tTI-t. c- . n . . I - , u A RATtntTV UnAUt a ---.. , , . ";,' vwupn. . isea owner, izi Bligh Bldg. TeL 717. mmm m ------ -i -,ri -inrij-.i1.njl 2ta ton tl mt ft Vfuwl tmntr till i vv rasn. uui isozai. 1930 irhavrnlit EranH.nl t I Jan. This year's oar and practically I "ww. nw car guarantee, s 7 6O.00. see I ft 11 mam. aa a? aj A -fsa- . . -a . - it" at j vnnaeieni at. -reL 1416. WANTED USED CARS I - - - - - I S A. land rloaa tn Salem, tma tA gooa automobile. Mat this. Rt- a NOTICE OP FIXAL ACCOITKT "jln the Circuit Court of the State or uregon. Tor the County of Multnomah, Probate Depart ment. In the matter of the estate of Cyrus Bntler, deceased. Notice is herebv riven that tha undersigned Prances E. Bntlor executrix of the estate of Cyras fecount inhercucortofrhe1 etui. 4 rf-V . . i . n . omlb ot, urcgon, ior tae tjouniy of Multnomah, and that Wednes day, the 20t!' dav of Ant-iisf loan at th hour of 9:30 a. m., of said day. at the. Court Hnnso at Port. land in said County and State has been appointed as the time and place for the hearing of objec tions to said final account and the settlement thereof. Date of first publication, July ZZ. 13U. Date of last publication, August FRANCES E. BUTLER. Executrix JtSSE G. WARRINGTON, Attorney, 622 Corbett Bldg., Portland. Oregon. J19, 26, A2, 9, 1$ NOTICE OF FIXAL SETTLE MEXT In the County Court for Marion County, State of Oregon. - In the matter of the estate of LOUIS MEYER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the final account of Sonhia Merer. the executrix of the estate of Louis Meyer, deceased, has been fined in the Cnnntv Court nf Marion County. Oregon, and that me suin aay or August, 1930. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. thereof, at the Courthouse at Sa lem, has been set as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said final ac count. Date of first publication. Au gust 2nd. 1930. Date of last publication. An. Cost 29, 1921. SOPHIA MEYER, Executrix of said eatata. S. M. ENDLCOTT. Attorney for executrix. A-2-93-16-23-S0 WHALE GOES INLAND KULATO, Alaska. July-21 (AP) Far from its natural salt water habitat, a white whaia which swam several hundred miles np tha Yakon river, was killed six miles fcelanr karat ttxA.r by natives. il't hejlp you DO 'EM "So . IVOU CAM tS?T- -Vvy EA12LV Is Opp 1 I WHEATS 1ULLTIS j3 H 0 RT LIVE1 plotjk prices Allowing imm 1 -: Average Reduction Is 20c Barrel; Butter Quotation Firm RT1LAND. Ore,. Aug. 2. P Flour prices followed the downward wheat market today redo rt loan averaging 20o a batv rel were announced by the Spar, ry Floor company: Thla brought family patent to SS.20 and pan try flour to 15.70. The butter market was firm at TnoTsdaya advances. Re ceipts were comparatively light, The egg market as s whole was fairly steady with supplies reasonable. Pallet eggs have be gun to Come in from Oreana farms. They bring 14c to 15c uozea soia to retailers. Huckleberries are on the local martet at 20c a pound. Tomato receinta am liharoi with prices ranging from 90c to ax ior me neat stoeir frnm th .vanes. California cantalonna nrla jar jb a,w are Deing cut to clean-up the supply in anticipation of the ar rival of the Yakima n rod net Tha ruling price is- 13.25 to 13.5 a crate. in Fran of in PORTLAND. Ore.. Am. 1. iAT J KUIUS L. Holm an nna of tne men mentioned as a possible independent candidate tar m. ernor, has announced lie would not U a candidate "if he t Jullna L, Meier) can be nrevailed nnnn to accept the nomination." In a letter to-the Associated Sportsmen's clubfl. vnleh tirmf Holmaa to announce his candi dacy, he asks the clubs and all his friends to unite with him in support of Meier. Meier said todar he had read Holman's statement but that he had no comment to make. A meeting will be held here Friday night to organic an in dependent political cluh and tn elect delegates to attend a mass meeting planned ror the purpose oi nominating an independent candidate for governor. Blimp Acts as Aerial Taxicab NEW YORK. Julv 31 fAPl The 120-foot blimp Mayflower turned aerial taxicab for the mo ment today when it landed on a 35-foot square of cleared deck of the liner Bremen, swinging at anchor at Quarantine, tnnk aboard a passenger and sailed away. The operations were carried through casually although many of the' Bremen sailors who acted as a landing crew never had seen a blimp before. MURDERED rt. Edit Thompson, private in- restiator, who wit found mo. red in the runporta af her MassackusetU home. Police m Dorts are that ha. ...1.. v b m aA ilvpUQIf OaaBBF CM Slain WOmaS WAS taken aawaaf IIMWI1BK V 44 Jaw H '- 9 ft s? V"-' ? ' J SM& VOU'KE ha BLUE'S a-iv-v v mac breakj AttfisTiDo Ta Lmy TO OOWIMMIMti I I I V- U XAllTH HB,ao I'M J V kat mf. oriutte Time to Buy General filarkets SAitr tttTUXOslH leg. I AP) Pradue-. sxeksaja, ae( arieat: Batter, extrae SS, sUasares l prist Crtts SS. tints 80. extras $gx frta ilatns ttett. ,-n X0 PORTT.4 VT1 (W. a.. . . a mt . . L -m I Rati vaiaata. Oracaa. lSfiSAef at. ataSkda. ltfltAj.. 41HM.U.. -7 - - ,--- 1-. .nwivqE; P-aa.tS(a57cJ lilbernVTle. HT whalaaala k.S. . i a.it red Portlaaai asttara Oregon Timothy, 441 ft at A anas. a w 1 ycaaatav nr. s; ajaa TUT, fl9&B 19.50: sifaifa. ie30: eiTThe: t k.y SIS: straw. S 7 S , ta S nW - - Hopa 1829 erep ltHglSe. , a I posTZJurD otAor POBTLAND. Ors, Aug. 1 (AP) wheat faturea: . . Open Biga CIom eat : 85 85 85 Dae. - 80 89 -.CMi. rkeU: biS Bead blna. fLol. Soft white, waatera white, ST. Bard winter, aerthera spring, wmtera red 84. Oatc: Ko. 1 8 lb. white $25.00. Cora: Na. E. Y. ahipaeat $39.50. JtiU raa: staaaard 25.00. PKODTCTB POSTLAVD. Ore, Anf. 1 (AP) "Ilk (4 per cent) $3.802.40 cw7 aehverad Pertlaad. less 1 par eeat; grada B atillc. $2.05. Botterfat, ttatioa .trk e; aaliTerias ia Portlssd S3 tyase. i Fooltry (hsyifif prteet alita, hesvy heat avar 4H lbs.. 20e: medium: heat S 14 ta AlA 1K It.. Il-L. V .... araCIere 1H taSH IbV, lerhoras, 1T oviorva wc; jrtaia asors, ifit SBO ev er, 02tc: old 15e: colored docki t5e. PoUtoei gents. No. 1 rardea $3.00(2 9. KW potltoas a ft a. e LIVE 8T OCX POaTLAsD, Ore., Aog. I (AP) usia it, eaivea 10. qaotaaiy tUady. .f,U "lilk. d and eaalea sad common 5.50 G? 8.00. Cslvag I50-5OO ids. gooa sna cnoice 8.506r 10.00.; com mon and mediam e.008.50. emeep zuu, qnotably steady. Ltaht SO lha in. m.A - - J .v .. 8n.007.00; mediam 4.40 0.00; all wsiKhts, fommoa 8.50 4.50. Tearlinr Wetheea SO.ltO TWm - aan4M ----- - , i.vuU,ii, ewea 0-120 fas.. 1. 76 (? 2.50: ewes 120-150 lha, UOeJ.tJ: .11 weifhts. cnll sad common 1.00 1.50. ttori 150, steady. Llrtit Hrht. lifl.Kio tKa ttnAA a 11.00: light weight 100-200 lha.,' n.oo Q 11.25; mediom weight 200-220 lbs.. 10.00(911.00: laadinn vnrlit OOA.OCn lb.. 9.50 10.75: heavy wefrht 250 290 Ibr. 9.2S 10.50; hesvy weight 2900 350 lb.. 8.75 10.00, Packing owa, 8.00(.00. Slaughter pirs 0.75 10.75. Feeder and stoeker nisa. 11.00 13.00. FKTTfTS VEGETABLES PORTI.AVIt firm 4... 1 rm Fruita and veteUbiea: freih. frai't or anirea. Volenrias. trt.50(S9: rraDefniit. Imperial. $6.50(27; limea, 5-do. eartona, $2.50. Lomons California. IS iff 0 25 Cah. hge local. 2 lb. Cncnmbera hot hoBse, Oreftoa. 75c-$I do.; ont door grown 75a log. Tomatoes local hethoats 1020e lb.; California $2 2.50 lug: The Dalle, tt Kffll tl V..- T...WIV - X. UU.. VUlVUf llllll pi ICV to retailors: aota, 56e. Walla Walls, $1(91.50. Lettnca Oregon, $1.25 2.25 a ersto for it. Aapararna Oregon $1.25 & 1.40 dotes hunches. Spinach local, $1 1.23 oraass box. Strawberries $2.25 a erata. Baapber ries $2.25 a crate. Blackcapa $2.25 a crate. Loganberriea $1.75 a erata. IMsckberriaa local $2 crate. Watermelon Calif era ia Klondike!, 2i(??3e lb. honeydewa, $1.75 flats; can taloupes California, jumbo. $2.73 4: atandarda. $3.50 8.75; pony, $2.75 rate- Celery Oregon eelery 73c fi $1.25 dot. Peppers Bell 15f?30e. Cauliflower Oregon, $1.80(31.90 erata. Table potatoea 1930 crop, local whites lU61c Th. Peas Oregon t 07c lb. Beana The Dalles, 7So lb. Green corn Tha Dalles: 8045 dos. Garlic new J315e lb. CHICAOO OBAIV CHICAGO. Aar. 1 (AP)Proirpeets ef the scantiest corn crop sine 1808 with Only two exceptions listed corn today to a new top price record for the aeason. . Monthly unofficial crop estimates showed a sensational drop of 40S.000.000 4 t. -1 1 . .4.. ..... . niA 41WUCH ia iu iorec44ii OK IVdU CUI4 production as compared with similar pri- ,ai- rs4ia 4.a u smnis 4U Today's Indications wars for eontin-- Sging fields thonrhont the corn belt, and that la Illinois wa officially re ported today aa heiag foe the last five months the severest la 58 years. i'ioaing quotations on corn were nn- aTl a.S.t (. a Vn.K-l KI-K-- 4K. ' w - - is -- -.' . , , ... , . , a . . t sieraay imiso. rneat ciosea f-o I s-8c off. Oats 1 j-s ta 1 B-8a an. NOTICE OP APPOIVTMEXT Or? KXEUUTKIX Kntira is hprphv srivian that tha uiiurioifiuvs us. vceu uaij ay nointed hv Tha Conntv Ronrt of the State of Oregon for the Conn- a . . a a . ty 01 oarion, as execauriz or tne last will and testament and es tate of David A. Harris, deceased, anl that sho baa dnlw nnallftat aa Such ezecntrix! all Mnnn haw ing claims against the estate of sua aeceaent are nereoy notmea tt) n resent the name, dnlw warifiMl. to me. at the office of Ronald C. utover, my attorney, zos oregron Building. Ralem. Marlon Conntv. Oregon, within six months from ins oaia or tnis notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 26th day of July, 1930. MT.T.TR 1 Xfir.W. Ptraonfa! of the last will and testament and estate of David A. Harris, deceas ed. RONALD C nrTirFB Attor ney ior executrix, Salem, OTegea Miy a, Aug. z. a, ia, as. By RUSS WESTOVER PAGSNING Eggs Move Upward on Local Mart; Hogt Dropping igain r4 raw 4 mjr Cartoaa ' . (Ta Oansosur) aa34 Cartaaa -SS -S9 White wheat tumbled a cent yesterday, and red wheat took twice that drop, with the new white quotation 74 cents and red 71 cents. Dressed hogs are down a half cent over vesterdav'a nri took an upward trend, with mo- -urns Bringing the farmer 19 cents now and extras 22 cents. Buttertat is qp cent toVlay. xn tTrarts Ann !. ' wotsilaai vrapeuan Isle at Pine BtBH.4 IK ..50 0T .V, utter Oramedary. IS. 10 as. pass. a sa Co.,'. P.ttad. eaaT- ? imaaa 1 aaaaa-'m . ayv Ty4mntlfl ialil Lifflea . Oraartt. KmUT AA'a -t.ss .2.90 -4.TS . -7.00 .r.fs -S.7S -9.00 -0.2 S -9.25 .2S ..3S .3.50 .s.oe s.ee luo-e ISS'S 150s - ,., 176'a 200'a SIS'o , 25fa 288's . 821's Rsapberries Black Caps Currants - Apricots 1'OcaI peaches mXM -1.00 nusi -l.0 w -4.ee -i.se os .10 SO Sttdltti drasas Fraah y't f I . . , . iaaaoas RBlmF ganiah IK atuiaroomi. lb. f44l4.4l.. rnrv.i it " . .. Baaaaharrt""" " Caatamnpea LU t. a -c Watermelons a'aa Local celery, dot. Grasa eora. dat. -80 ta LSS 60 Banched egetables. per aas. baachsa-- aii V. 1 . Han Beats J iZ TnrainTT if? Radishes JPsrslsy - it Onioa. .. J? Gar lie, lb. Califernia Tomatoes, hig Hothaale, crate - Lettuce Lake Labtah . PBraah... kK. -.11 t,73.00 2.80 -l.73-2.Oe : - wwa w Cab bm re. lneal nauoarb, local rea. local Potatoes . Oreea Deaa Fappera Egj Plant Asnararna Casliflowar, arato optnsea - Artiehakaa. New potatoea. local .02 H ta 04 raada (Retail OaoUtloai) Calf meal, 25 lbs. 1.2S M.oe .44.00 -40 00 .81.00 -$i. oe .eo.oe -54.0 Bora tea. toa Cora, whole, toa Cracked and ground Mill raa, tan Brsa. tea " With milk . Egg ma a Ear (Buying Price) Extra . Medina . ...22 Poultry (Buying Hries) Start ie 0T -17 10 15 Roasters, eld Heavies ,,. Mediants Llht IS Broilers Leghorns IT sad If Greta and Hay (Biyiag Price) Wheat, western rod 11 Soft white 74 Oata hn Barley, toa - tj of Bay. retail price Oata and vetch . Olover -1T.00 ta 18.50 10.00 AlfalTa .18.50 te 23.0O Ifaat fBaytag Priee) Drinr Lambs -04 ta .00 10 , 15 . 10. . Lira Hogs Dress ad Hsga Dressed veal Waal Coarae . Medium -10 -30 afohatr Old Kid -30 -25 Small Share of . Liquor in U; S. ' Is From Canad WASHINGTON, July 11. (AP) Assistant Secretary Low uaa of the treasury said tonight' only two per cent of the Intoxi cants sold In this country cam from Canada. Speaking in the national radio forum of the Washington- 8tar and Columbia Broadcasting Co, Lowman said $25,000,000 of li quor waa exported from Canada -to the United State last wear but thtt much of this waa "short circuited" back into that coun try where they have "bootleggers and speakeasies who thrive after six o'clock when the rovemmant liQuor stores are closed. Duelists, Shoot But Spectators Only Ones Hurt METim r.rrr. ir. ifAPi Whan a Miuirt anread tn t a suburb of Tacubaya that two yonag and pra-iaeat men woro tit flak dml' a amrlnna rord assembled at th designated spot, The doeiistsj arrive-, empues 4K.I. awtatvla a aaaK nHiSF hart 4MC44 y W -. VWS w -, - the only easaalttes were two af tho bystanders who were crltl-. eally wounded. The dneliata. . nrha lha nnliea said woro Predro Castro Jlmenes, . Uootoaant of th Dresldentlal guard and Kedolfo -drtlnes ) Torre, wiw-rfjotd.:'-;V-- L03 ANORTJ-S Jnlw si ; AP)--.DolOM9 Dal Bin. film trtts.- asnaaSAad' todsr aha hti be married next Wednesday to Cedrtc Gibbons. Him studio art 4g sa a.w " ilt " " 02 u: ,,.io 1 1 1 20 a at a at aa.i -a-Jai W ...a-l.TS 1-7 A a- at aaa 1 1 a--i.BF-T wm a xes director. .