The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 02, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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Daily' avatagv ltrlbti far t
- BMtk satisg Jaa SO, ltl
Fair today- and Sunday;
bo change la tempera nrej
sax. temp. Friday T7t naln.
45; wind north; river .T.
Ararat aHy sei HM
Aoait Bnraam l CircaJatWae.
Safest, Oregon, .Saturday Morning, August 2, 1SS0
No. 11 .
IKDilER ; i
As MacDonald Told Perjury Story
Gaoina Hole in Fin After
: Cyclonic Current Hits
1 Vessel, is Repaired
'Officers Make Light of It
1 But Men Tell Gripping
Tale of Peril
treaL Ask. 1(AP) -The Brit-
lsh dirigible R-1Q0, a sailor borne
safe from . the tea, swans . gently
at her mooring, mast tonight, be
hind her 3,500 miles of epic yoy-
age that almost ended In disaster.
Speeding down the St. Law
rence river valley last night, Jut
ISO miles from St. Hubert's mast
. and safety, .the mighty air voy
ager" was 'struck by a "cyclonic
currents that "hurled It 2,50 feet
straight upward and tore a great
hole in Its fragile armor.
v-.5 X i j .
1 V.'
i H! ji i Jri-T'.f fi.'u ,n
t ' tin" i
The damage was repaired and (Part of the curious crowd that saUkered la front of th Calif onds state bnUdlnc
the hig ship proceeded slowly Into
Montreal, anchoring: at her mast
at 4:38 a.m., just 78 hours and
61 minutes after taking off from
Cardlngton,' England on her flight
to the new world,
Officers Story
Belittle Brent
Officers, told they were talking
orpblicatlon, made light of the
danger encountered. The men.
not so constrained spoke more
Their story was one to make
the heart quicken with thanks
giring for the peril that was past,
a neril that, struck with the
speed and ferocity of a serpent.
Just the other side of Quebec,
they said .a strong npcurrent ot
cyclonic force caught the R-ioe
and hurled it practically standing
on its nose, for almost 2.500 feet
in less than halt a minute.
It was during that terrific mo
ment, when all aboard "Just cross
ed their fingers and waited," that
a strip of fabric about II by
leet was ripped from-the port tin,
opening a hole as big as 4, barn
door Into the great envelope ex
posing the intricate' Interior of
the greatest airship ever bunt to
the fury of the storm
the supremo
justices were aearia testteony of John MacDonaloV witness in the Mooney pardon hearing.
Bribery Attempt is Charged
By Estelle Smith, Surprise
Witness in Billings Hearing
Offered $10,000 by Frank Oxman to Testify
Against Mooney, She Says; Now Certain
Man She Saw Bomb Case Defendant
Evidence of Convict Labor
Insufficient, Ruling of
Treasury Official
Denial Made by Amtorg and
Other Agencies Inter
ested in Import
(AP) The .ban. on Russian
pnlpwood imposed by the treasury
aweek ago was lifted tonight by.
assistant secretary oi am ww
ury Lowman, who Issued orders
to collectors of eustoms to ad
mit to this country 70 shiploads
of the product.
The pnlpwood from Archangel
first was barred under a section
of the tariff act which prohibits
importation of goods, merchan
dise or material produced la a
foreign country in whole or part
by eonyict labor. . . The embargo
was laid down when the treasury
recelTed information that eon-
Yleta bad been used In loading
the lumber.
V Lowman said tonight that the
evidence had not been found suf
ficient to prove that the pnlpwood
was produced by convicts.
The Amtorg Trading corpora
tion, official Russian commer
cial organization, .which sold $4,-
S00.000 worth of pulpwood, the
West Virginia Pulp Paper com
nanr and the Racqulett River Fa
per company, an oi wnom, i-
(Turn to page 2, eoL 1)
Minister Demands
Protection of U. S.
Property in China
Another Warning Issued to Americans in Out
lying Provinces to Seek Safety; All Rights Martial Law is Declared tfl
Respecting Losses Reserved Cities for Protection
Of Foreign People
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. ( AP) American Minister
Johnson at Peiping informed the state department Sixty Provincial Officers S
tonight he had suggested to tfce Nanking government Chanosha Executed Re-
i. I -Tr W foban fn ilia Mliilf vF I
prompt UU cllctuvc kuuu uc uueu iui me ui-x vx
Changsha to check possible destruction of American prop
erty in that city.
Earner today, American con-
Co-Inventor and Movie Men
Imperiled by Gases
In Sunken S-4
Edison Choice; Wants
To Study Physics
port Declares
sul Richard P. Butiick at Han
kow informed the department be
was again urging Americans in
the provinces of Hepeb, Hunan,
Honan, and Kiangsl to withdraw
to places of safety.
The Johnson note to the min
istry of foreign sf fairs at Nan
king, sent upon Instructions of
the state department, asked that
Spread by the red torch applied
recently in Changsha, commun
ism reared Us head today in Han
kow, Klukiang, Kuling . a
Shanghai against foreigners.
Precautions were taken to px-
rent repetition of the outrage
which destroyed much property
of foreigners snd forced them t
flee to their warships at Cban
. 111. a M I IUO BkaiO UCUllUlCUb aoe-VU v I ail7 W balSI naii)uir3 xasaan
DOrOthy HeSter tO Repeat any protection possible be ex- sha when the Hunan province)
Outside Loop Which
Brought Her Fame
BAKER, Ore., Aug. 1. (AP)
Eight thousand persons crowded
about the Baker airport today and
saw S7 airplanes of the Pacific
northwest air tour present the
greatest exhibition of aviation
ever seen in eastern Oregon.
A program of nnnsual stunts
was given by Miss Dorothy Hater,
Tex Rankin and Floyd Keame.
Frank Brooks .appearing in a tri
ple parachute Jump.
(Turn to page 2. col. 4)
The woman already has start-
ped this afternoon in a f" !'?
compartment of tne sunmergea
submarine S-4.
It wsji the first time the "lung,'
which has been the subject of nu
merous tests lately, had been call
ed noon for emergency duty.
The newsreel men. ciaua n.
Collings. director, John BrocK
horst, cameraman, and Arthur
Oernandes, in charge of sound ap-
An outside loop, one of the
most thrilling and dangerous of
airplane stunts, will be made by
Dorothy Hester, 19 year old
Portland aviatrix as a feature of
the northwest air tour fleet com
ing to Salem Sunday. The girl is
holder of the women's record for
outside loops, having completed
three In a recent flight.
A number of other stunt fliers,
including Tex Rankin, Portland,
and Lieut Gordon Mounce, bold
er of the men's outside loop rec
ord, will also appear In connec
tion with the . showing of approx
imately 40 planes of the most
modern types at the municipal
Win Arrive Enrly
Sunday Afternoon
The fleet is siatea
tended to Americans in the
Changsha area and stated the
American government . reserved
all rights with respect to all loss
es or injuries already suffered
by Americans or which they may
suffer by reason of disturbances
in Changsha.
Johnson also Instructed But
rlck to make similar representa
tions to the highest local au
thorities in his consular district.
In a cablegram of July SO But
rick said Americans arriving
from Changsha reported the fall
of the city was due to the de
defeat of Ho-Cblen's troops about
two miles outBide the city, de
fection of others within the city
and retreat of others.
eapital was looted and burs4,
with assassination of hundred ef
Leaving Changsha smouldering
today, thousands of reds advanc
ed toward the tri-cities, Hankew.
Wuchang and Hanyang, avid for
further spoils. Thousands of ter
rified natives, bearing their
goods, poured Into foreign tffe
trlcts of those cities, seeking pro
tection. Martial Law Is
Declared In Cities
Hurriedly erecting defease
against the nearby marauding ar ;
mies. government officials de-
clared martial law to prevent
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1. (AP) Warren K. Bill
ings' application to the California supreme court for a par
don recommendation went over today until next week, with
promise of disclosures then as sensational as those of the yp q. Williams, Jr,
past luur uttjrs. .
Estelle Smith, whose testimony in the original trial
Lib n fiiitl... .a
7. " zr ; ' r rxulwL inr the I9lt jrepareaness p
ZffilJ?SlIi d- completed today her direct
Ttte crew saia irom iie 1 ui .w., -" ;Tv: dan board.
noon until miamgni, Assisvani i d. .
Coxswains O. E. Long and I A. 1 motion picture men wa W010 T
assertinc Billings told her he was
engaged the day of the explo
sion in damacinn- automobiles by
squirting acid on them, and had
nothing to do with the bomb
which killed ten persons and
wounded two score.
Today she added three .more ""tMS of Columbia, because heta Salem oyer night.
.t,tmnti wnicn attract ea i- i -
treason within the cities. T
The latest information to the populace, under threat of
consulate at Hankow stated WB r,, f iW
Changsha waa burning stfll, with by midnight.
some American mission property .Unaatlated by several day,
known to have been destroyed, looting, other reds were reported
Meantime the navy department holding ruined phangsha despite,
aid two destrover mine layers, government assertions a national-
the Hart and Rizal, today were 1 1st gunboat had driven them ut
proceeding: from If anUa In the
Philippine Islands to Tsingtao,
iTEST ORANGE. N. J., Aug. 1
(AP) Arthur O. William Jr.,
a71e VmwIJIMIIA. H I.. flMCeilQ-
4 t.m. wiliiatna. fonnder of some time early Sunday
Rhode Island, today embarked, en noon in time for opening of the
a four-year career as a protege of show at S o'clock. All models
Thomas A. Edison. win oe on oujij "
Tnnnf Williams, who was graa- ternoon ana evening, w
I - - wm tM wa.V I 1lVa will he ertwenn Afirn I 11L lMaU JVvKv
v . . M i nAA wwrtTv m a mr rnTinnDrai suku i Ker iiisuui wui w awaw - au-aiuciivu vva sj
. lAJUia, AUg. X tAi-j v "A.1 " V- r n r.11 chairman .t h
m nan way mara lu , . .tA I An.r1oan lHnn which is I ji.w ani-1nr 1 ?7
flight to regain the world : " JT:.S VhT n. r'1. T.TT." u
i ia, fnia nAnnp nm ox uuh. a v- i nuuuiuitiiK mo viauvb uuui win w t
with shells. Sixty provincial 001
cers. hunted from hiding places,
were executed and 300 wealthy
natives seized for ransoming.
EracaaUoa Ordered
In Kuling District
From the famous summer te
sort. Ruling, in the mountains.,
and the nearby Klukiang' cajan
dtsturblng information that con
sular officials had aotinea tneir
countrymen to leave and evacua
tion was proceeding. Commun
ists, after ravaging Kiangsl pns-
DETROIT. Aug. 1. (AP) vince many months, were saw
A former army flier, Lee Gehl- to be threatening Kuling aad
bach, led ten contestants in the Klukiang.
across tne i mrirnPii nt a demonstration
city airport to- of K00 BtaieBt aglutors within
1 miles an tv tarnim settlement at Shane:-
mlle eourse naJ foreign police last night o-
circling slowly over Lambert-St.
LONDON, Aug. A.-(AP)- psratus. went out In the 8-4 .off I First, she said Jh' tier
With a final Hash of eoior ana th( Bubmarlne base nere witn ae. yTJTZZ. had hn nn 277 hours: The ores-
century old formality the Lonaon Lieut. Momsen U take pictures oi ease witness umt
naHl treaty bUl today became a test escape of ten men through Jury and acquitted, to testily
nt parliament and I mnv iatph with the aid at-ainst Thomas J. mooney,
U U111UBI jr-t-T . I " ' I
an Integral part or me siaiuiw 0r tne "long. cuaraeu na
- . . ni.i.i. r n.n1M I tiba1 -
t .1. iu. before parliament i win Comnarnient I erecona, u -
m a k
'""rr JSS"' Uaanntins- the 48 stat' : and the members of the fleet will remain to win an award of 115.000. reDni.e the reds and
three mmivy"yln,.trta of Columbia, because he in Salem over night. Setting out from Detroit Jniy - .tad flft Th Krench con-
had been up 277 hours. The pres
ent record is S54 hours set by the
Hunter Brothers at Chicago.
was prorogued until October 28,
and re-
York. Aug. 1 (AP) Bob Black
The craft was submerged 45 the' affidavit secured in 129 by Una Lou Relchers continued their I practically perfect.
anwred most satisfactorily a list -An admission charge will be 21 Gehlback, flying for a group ...o- reared barbed wire de-
of questions asked by Edison yes- made at the entrance to tne 0f Little kock ousmess men, ieu feniegt yie enUrged patrols
terday grounds to cover costs of under- the contestants on almost every gnliT ten-foot iron gates of
"Williams was so far ahead of writing the visit of the caravan. Up from Detroit to New York. itreeu leading to the native eity,
all the rest there could never be police officers and national sweeping down to Houston, Tex- macnine gnng were manned.
any doubt about It at au," guardsmen will patrol the roaas s, across to ms Angeu ou information that Japanese eon-
rtiiA. RAiann tint inventors son. .. , airnnrt dnrinr tne ai- hir.r over ine mountains uu
i ...... iia treat rtnthed faa in the Thampa river harbor. Fremont Older, newspaper eai-
it with the final touch of Author- Lieut. Momsen, the three movie tor. The. affidavit said the man
a. a . M. M I a VL. BWl a a LVMiaFAnVIBn
so far as Great Britain is men and ten men wno too pan m i in nor " y-
x i th, TnnmMi orcnniea a xmiii i muni nave uwu
CUIlcci lieu. - ... I ' . . . ' . I " .. -v- -.1.1 waa
The ceremony was enactea m compartment or tne s-s. ine ieav i pie . ioqj
the austere atmospnero ui i escapes wb hkoth. i ui " -
house of lords adjoining the time a man left the submarine a Not Morphine User
roval gallery where American, certain amount oi waier guuu no xeua wun. u
French, Italian. Japanese and into the compartment When all Third, she denied i the lm pUca-
Britisn aeieguu w,. vl w montallv ineom-
'fire power conierences meni n. - I j v a n n l rTra trial.
Vailed into session By Jung or tne Remaining iwur. potent uunua iu -
ana (OKgy. morning I speciui; wooituw - l auw - -- -
,,w 66' m I I, .v. .t.. .mniKTllT fall. I .-l.l .h. waa taklna . a COngh
January. j . I . j . ina r tt, a-A I mntaininr morphine
Tba Vlnr was not pree u, auu auuu - -- - nouwuiv ---- T..
Tne aing waa -r- v L- V- aft wata ras-had I v.a J.A th onantltT IU
v a aa aniw siiw inriin usr nil iiiu:u svaawj a. a aatai i. rv am iiii m uwvMvai ii ii a un.micu -1 w
-iVi. tna t ive royal commission- the batteries used for the movie too small for a nerve sedaUve.
li Litnlrm. Tnrn to page 2. eol. S) The witness asserted her
aid. "His general lnionnauon to assure ample protection
was surprising ana nis answers members of the committee saia,
to the technical questions were
He is a re-
attack on the refueling flight m ark able boy."
record tonight, passing their I physics Declared
Z88tn aioit at p. m. ai s:- winner's Hobby
30 a. m. The winner is entitled to a four
They were half way toward the ear course in any college he may
554 hour record held by the wish to enter, with Edison paying
Hunters' of Chicago.
1 ifllSMCE
all expenses. His first Impulse aft
er he learned he had won, was to
plan to enter Massac'.usetts in
atltntti of Technology, where Wit
her Huston, of Seattle, last year's
- -. . . a a I easa w a w
winner, Is a student After tnina- gecretary
lng it over he wasn't quite so sure.
"I want to study physics," he
said, "and of course I'll want to
go where I can get the yery best
(Turn to page z, coi. 3
r.nMtn of Senator and Mrs.
Charles McNary on Sunday, Aug
ust 10, will be Arthur M. njae.
of agriculture anu
Alexander Legge.x chairman oi
the federal farm boara.
Senator McNary wired tnem
an Invitation to spend the day at
across the middle west to De
troit again.
Flying a special Command air
plane, he used an elapsed time
of 43:35:30. four hours less
than Lowell Bayles. Springfield.
Mass.. second place winner.
Bayles' time was 47:36:08, an
average of 114.4 miles an hour
over the gruelling route.
Third place went to cnanea
Meyers, Cleveland pilot, who fin
ished with an average of 107.3
miles an hour for a total elapsed
time of 51:34:31. Bayles will
receive $7,000 and Meyers $3,-
000. second and third piace
snlar officials had been Instruct
ed to protest against the Chang
sha affair, reserving "the right t
demand indemnities for losses Ja
panese suffered therein," brought
this comment from Foreign Min
ister Wang at Nanking: "
"The nationalist government
will hold Itself fully responsible
for the regrettable occurences at
Theatre Bandits Confess
Cleanly Prisoner Escapes
Pear Shipments to Start
Elliott Defeats Coggins
PORTLAND, Ore Ang. 1. '
(AP) Room Wnerch, 18,
Fuyallap, nod Melvin Hagen
- 22, Bumncr, Wash-, were ar
rested here today and shortly
afterward confessed they rob
bed the Sunset theater, Taco
ma, Sunday night and obtained
BEND, Ore., Ang. 1 (AP)
Mrs. Bertha Burtls, held here for
Baker county officials, wanted to
bathe her feet today and obtained
permission to do so. She entered
the bath room in the house where
she was being held and officers
heard her turn on the water.
Later officers noticed the wat
er was sUlt . running. They re
ceived no response to their knocks
on tho door.. When they entered
ura Ttnrtls was gone. She had
aoarvaA thrOUCh SL Small Witt-
atrsL Bnrtls Vas charged with
obtaining money under false pre
tenses. ' . r
. CROP 1800 CARS
MEDFORD, " Ore-, Aug.
iPl Pa&r ahlnmenta will begin
' moving tronr: the Rogue rlw
alley Amtrnst 4 and a week later
.vnrina will he. in full awing.
The Bartlett pear crop Is esti
mated at 15te ears. Most of them
rtii m to eastern markets ex
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 1.
(AP) W. H. Lynch,. district en
gineer of the bureau of public
health Is excellent that she used With only three days remain-
- m a aanava nw iwaav nnrii ina pii v nm urn in rr. i.n
i no drags, uoes nu i u um. " - -7,
rfrlak and "lifted a nunarea 1 10 act on me prupuwu
A ... tii Atherlof Trad street, .the number of
i ? m - ov. i .ad aald her remonstrance signers had been
nay. f" " " ' .mmji I MnMii A iln hv Friday nlsht
husnana was an u.7 - : ,1 ki, w..
but decunea to reveai 1 WrlL. -i
dreas I wi, u. w., -
VZIv -nr. n.nm Insnrance I street, and George F. Peed, 1178
man and former policeman, was Chemeketa t SifhS
t.a Ani other Witness toaay. x i names roiu ""6'"
! m.mwi.d John MacDonaia i yesterday. xwemy-iwo
an invuauon w oycu i -
Fir Cone, his Marion county farm JJonStOD ITID
.ft.r m received Information l " liiJnf
that the two men would oe m
Pendleton August I and m Spo
kane August ii. '
The senator saia yeeieraay a
wonid nlan to motor the'Tisitors
throughout the Talley during the
day to give them a thorough lm-
Backward Made
In Automobile
Arnold 6andos. 81. under Ut
sentence in the state penitentiary
for the murder ot his brother-i-law
in Wasco county 11 years ago,
was found dead in Mill creek near '
the penitentiary annex Friday
night Officials said it was ap
parently a ease of suicide.
The body was found by prison
ers as they were returning to the
penitentiary after finishing ther
work at the annex near tne
BOSTON. Aug. 1 (AP)-
. 1 - .-!... at I .o-.ln. .. vacation Of tne WHO saia no waa uicmirr,
seen two men wnu
the scene of tne paraao duiuuk. i wwi.
roads, announced today the Tell-j.. t recii details. cHe Knl local citizens. Interest-
...-iall. AAafekaa.H nAw1atlil I "U wwau I B 1
denied he had told AtacAwna ed jn the paper mius aeveiop-
Thls Is the work of Mooney.
Mother Greets
Famous Sitter
er construction company Portland
had submitted a low bid ot 146,-
96S.45 tor construction of a
bridge and culvert on the Salmon
river eut-off.
EUGENE. Ore., Aug. 1. (AP)
Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, pres
ident of the University of Ore
gon, announced today Dr. Sam
uel H. Jackson, sociological ex
nert from the University of Min
nesota, has accepted a position in
the applied social science depart
ment or u !VNh-ssia tie. nercl today after
tSfr fan. " WU" hour, doft Hi. mother had
ttlDr Jamon will repUee br. JSSSVPSSi
James M. Renhardt, who has re- of uriou. to greet her yon
.in. aMn a nositlOU at the I Wiurw w . r.
" w r-. r- i . . v. a
Bat la ww av n
mont aa a nart of Salem's- prog
ress, were busy Friday with the
aimers. One of the nine remain-
Ine -names is of a party whose
residence address waa given er-
erew or tne uriusn acnovner.
White Way. told the British con
sul here today the vessel sana
Saturday on the western banks
of Novia Scotia and he did -not
know the whereabouts of the cap
tain and crew of ten.
Sampson said he was picked up
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 1 (AP)
pion ot'thel Uaude. of wesl- Four St
eVn Oregon. ... . M J..- 6S?.?rt
a . a wnreiT pati Til a n st t-i aiiauuu uu u aa -a! w w -
arwnow. - - thronrh here today on their way .worK J"
tor repreaniaiiea Tiip-a- lft New York boys" training scnooi. o mai
land chamber of commerce to tof'" f? re!7h San Uiolence were found on the body
mt the distinguished Tisitors In Saturday and hope to reach san -o-dnded that the
- a a a I aaVm tIAla jay Ft W af. 11 WTl HI U 1 -
the Rose City and to Drag ine beinr drlT- prisoner had drowned hlmseir.
two men by car to the senator's The non stop Jf ' gandos was received at the p
home. ... . SLH.,". t,. "Wfneier" is be- tentiary In February; 191S,
The MeNary's farm 1. Planted . Edwgr(i Marshall had been a trusty for the past
nrlncinallT to walnuts and in
Whh-Wasbrag 8raur 18 iPTalid-
Five Men Slay
OAKLAND. Cal., Aug. 1.
(AP) E. B. Landre, 12 year old
Oakland boy. . came down rrom
'little weak In the
TT.Iwaraltw at Ttetrolt.
Dr. Raymond D. Cool, instrue-1 pins.
tor la chemistry at the university
uurifig u pas yea,
he had resigned to accept a pos-1 Acreage LrUttO
Man at tha TJnlverslrT of Penns- I ca51' TZ-T-'T-
ylvania. - n 'r
J EUGENE, Ore-, r Ang., t
4AP) Harry lOliott.- lOnassev
efeated Billy Cogjina, Taco
ma, two falls out of . three la
tbo main event of n wretlin
how here Uml&t. - -
BtSb Kemaston, Gold , 1HQ,
and Bay Frtsby, A'Tbnny,-wrew-tled
to v draw in the prmin-
I ary e vesta 1 -- - J . 1
Mean Gain Said
: , nsmi ANAPOLIS. Aug. 1.-
a pi Alexander Letre. ' chair-
lm.. if the federal farm hoard.
told agricultural experts of ate
taten here today a 25 per cent
reduction la soft red wneat acre
age would double the present in
come from the grain and help
improve world prices,
SSISltb W ? the yesterday by the fishing Mhoon
paie? mm wpporter. that such er Mary Gou art after he had
Ul II LEU aW U1UVU ana a
aid the Goulart took him to
Provineetown and he had hitch
hiked from there to Yarmouth
where police furnished him with
Aurora Citizen r He said be put off alone in a
ti t . Pfl-ni dory after other members of the
i OCLay I tiSCape erew had left and he saw 'two
lot the Crew in another dory Sat-
riTPT.a vtrr-T.TV Wh.. Anr. 2. Inrdav. During the night they be-
(AP) A man believed , to nave eame separatea ana ne saw mem
been J. H. Goodman, Aurora, i no more.
Ul., was assassinated by nve men
in a resort dance hall outside
berta and In the latter branch of
horticulture Senator McNary was
a pioneer..
Suicides When
Wife 'Drown?;
Wife Recovers
inr driven by Edward Marshall
and Walter Toung. i
Power Company Declines
To Grant City Priority
The Northwest Power company,
which alleges that it is entitled
to appropriate the water, of Mar
ion Lake and the sanuam river
a a a. 1fV . u
WZTE. ."ZaJ for power purposes, through prior
oa ol -'""T"l'". .I-:" w iin. does not believe that it Is
yond aer oep -?. -vv----1 ----- --Hona
In Upset Match
under any obligations to delay
proceedings until such time as
the city of Salem completes Its
filings, on the water sougm oj
the power company, according to
a letter received by the state e-
safitii". .carrying machine and
batnu. eseaned: , '
- The five entered the aall on
hi ntvirta nf the dtv7 walked
A s. .in aaii nonred a vouey i -Victoria, b. u.. Aug. x
. .v. na-- aacanedlAPl Bradahaw Harrison ot.Ta-
i- wn antnmohilea carrvinc II-1 coma, seeded star, was eliminated
llnola Ucenses. ? 4 L 2 from the mtu't singles In the
i District Attorney. Herman a-1 snuan uoiumpw wwn
lea and 8hertft Phil -Herbrand I championships here today when
arrived shortly alter the slaying. I he dropped a srtirring; three net
. . a.a - wll.. Ma1 natoK la JM COnghliS
drowned in Lake Mlnnetonka at
Navarre near here today, her hus
band became frantic oeeiarea ne
could not 'live without her and
Jumped Into the lake. .
sar-S ass?
and reviveo. jgoiuoBi I r ... n- amM
compaay k - .
Mr. Coldwell's letter followed
a conference held in Portland re
cently, when an. effort waa made
to reach some amicame arrange-
and revived.
recover Uter but efforts to revive
him falln
Th aald thev found S "bootleg
Hat en the body along with
2,f06 cash.
lot San Francisco.
' were f-sY -.
The scores
OCEAN CITY, N. J., Aug. 1.
a ett wn a. . a,a,Vaa.nat an111
Raaa lUeA tnatltnU. having ad-1 and Marion Lake. The city nino tm
I H' .A Jr..., wktir ta aeonlre the waters of
lyancea tonay to ui u
the Santiam river and Marion . .
Lake for power purposes.
Th9 ipower development pre- -posed
y the. Pacific Northwest
Public Service company eontenv
plated an expenditure of approx
imately fg.eC0.0veV At the hear
ing held in Salem last September
the application was opposed by
the cities of Salem and Albany,
the state game commission, aad n -...
large aamber or game prove- '
tire orgaaliatlons. . . " " ;
"We have no objection to tan
suggestion that the decision n
the reclamation commission in -gard
to the tUIngs of the North
west Power company on Marios
Lake and the saatUa river 'be .
eontinned' for a reasonable
length of time, pending investiga
tions to be made by .the- dty ef
Salem." read Mr. Coldwell. let
ter. '-; " . " ' . " .
. "We did net egree, however, to
: (Turn te page X, eoL , 1-
Vin hf stored. - -