The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 01, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    " PAGE - " " - .
- . I 1 .1 I I I I '
Mrs. 17 F. Smith
Honored by
v Bridge Party
' One of the largest and most In
tereatlns mid-summer parties was
giTen Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mn. J.'Lyman Steed, hon
oring Mrs. E. F. Smith. Summer
flowers arranged artistically about
the rooms of the Steed home ad
ded to the attractiTenes3 of the oc
casion, where places were ar
ranged tor MravE. P. Smith, the
honor rnest. .Mrs. Georsfe L. Ar-
bnekle. Mrs. Willis Ronghton.
Mrs. J. M. nicuoison, Jii9. riru
Brock, Mrs. Ray Hartman, Mrs.
George Alexander, Mrs. Homer
Smith. Mrs. LeFurgy. Mrs. W.
Wells Baum. Mrs. Howard Blake,
Mrs. R. J. Berry of Sioux Falls.
8. D., Mrs. E. J. Scellars. Mrs.
Flora Thomas, Mrs. William Me
' Gilchrist. Jr., Mrs. Charles Bauer.
Mrs. WilHm Eans. Mrs. Fred
Stamp. Mrs. George Barahud of
Xenerli. North Carolina, and the
koctets, Mrs. Lyman Steed.
- Honors at bridge for the after
noon went to Mrs. Charles Bauer,
while consolation prize was giTen
to Mrs. William Brans.
i ; Following the afternoon bridge,
play, the hostess, Mrs. Steed, as
sisted by her two daughters, Eli
sabeth and Virginia, aerred dalnr
ty refreshments.
" Picnic Supper Enjoyed
By Younger Maids
A group of the younger, maids
of the city were guests Wednes
day erening at the country home
of Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brans,
for an Informal picnic supper and
"swim. Guests who .motored out
for the erening were. Miss Fran
ces Martin, Miss Isotel George,
Miss Margaret Corey; Miss Esther
Wood, Miss Frances Marie Kupper,
Miss Marine Myers, Miss Cynthia
Delano, Miss Phyllis Day, Miss
Hazel Johnson. Miss Lois. Wilkes.
Misi Margaret Burdette, Miss Fae
Driseoll and the hostess. Miss'
Margaret Erans. - -
' -
Complimenting Mrs." Minerva
Holcomb.' of Salem, on hef birth
day anniversary, Mrs. R. M. Fu
ton entertained Ihe "Likem Birth
day Club" at her home near Aums
Tille, Sunday, July 27.
Under. large cedar tree a long
table was set where corers were
placed for 14. The club members
present were the honor guest, Mrs.
Helcomb, Mrs. Pan! Johns of Sa
lam; Mrs. Ralph Stnrgis of
Brooks and Mrs. Roy Fuson of
AumsTille. Additional guests for
the afternoon were Mrs. Martha
Fuson, Mr. and Mrs.- Charles Mar
tin and daughters. MereU Gwen
and Charlotte. Mrs, Fuson was as
sisted in serving by the Misses
Merle and Gwen Martin. The
guest of' honor was the recipieat
of many lovely and useful gifts.
The "Likem Birthday Club" is
- made op of fire life long1 friends
and schoolmates.
Mrs. Harry Kimball, accom
panied bv Miss Marion Kimball.
who hare been visiting at the
home of Mrs. Clarence Bowes for
the past week, left Wednesday
. ironing for their home in Port
Huron, Michigan. Mrs. Kimball's
mother, Mrs. J. L. Bement.' who
has been making her home in
Salem for the past year accom
panied her daughter to her east
ern home. The travelers came
to Salem orer the Canadian
-Rockies stopping at uanrr. Laae
Louise, "Victoria, Vancouver and
Seattle, en route and will return
by way of San Francisco, Los
Angeles, Salt Lake and Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crlder of
San ! Jose, California, and their
children, Betty, Jane and Jack,
who; hare been guests for the
past seven weeks at the home of
their son, C. L. Crlder of Dallas,
left Tuesday tor their home in
the south. Mr. and Mrs. Crider
are well known Dallas people and
hare been welcomed by their for
- met" friends during their stay In
lolk county. Mr. and Mra. Crider
hare just recently completed an
attractive beach home at Capito
la, California, where they will
spend, the- remainder of the sum
mer.' The Crider :s bare been
guests at the home of Mrs. Crl
der's sister, Mrs, Will May.
u tow and
The thovoM d previous
woersyof past oasocia
tionsi never enters. to
inev- the posseuioa of
JVtRefH Diamond Its
' pedigree starts withyoi
1 aeJae posset fro
' its aaery-loW Vhr
: i.
Authorized Yirojn
J7t State Street
News and Glup
:0UVE M. Do AX
Sunday, August 3
Marion Post CC, Veterans of Foreign Wars of Sa
lem and Linn Post of Albany, and their auxiliaries will
bold joint picnic at Green's bridge, honoring State
Commander, Cicero F. Hogan. "
Tuesday, August 5
W. C. T. TJ. all day picnic, August 5, Fairgrounds
Bring own basket and table service. -Coffee, sugar and
erram furnished.
Pattern .
The woman, who is no longer
slim will welcome this charming
afternoon frock wifo details plan
ned especially for her. Tiny
tucks at ack neck and front
shoulders give added fullness
where most necessary? the short
sleeves hare graeefal flares that
just cover the stout vart of the
arms. T-he dainty lace collar with
long tabs, the downward point of
the skirt joining, and the slight
ly lengthened sides give an addi
tional blender effect.
Pattern 1854 is lovely fashion
ed of chiffon, georgette, voile,
dimity or fiat crepe. Collar and
sleeve flare may be made of lace,
organdie or georgette in cream
or ecru tones.
May be obtained only in sizes
38, 40, 44, 44. 46 and 48. Size
38 requires 4 1-8 yards of 40 inch
N draranakiiig azaariaaea Ba
teau ry. Yardaaa ,or .
and ainpla, sva-t Inttructiaat are
titan. '-
Scad fiftcca ecata ta coin aara
fallj wrpa4. er ttampa. for aaeb
pattara. WrWa alaialy jaa aaaia,
(ddrvn. style number and siie
Oar book af paUorot for aaattav.
aad children, also traaifor aat- V
tarna. nftcca (rata: too canto
wato ordered' with a pattara. Ad-
drota all sail aid orders to
Slatttmae Pattern - Department,
343 West lTtb atreet. bow York
- On Sunday, August 3, Marion
Post 6(1 Veterans 'Of Foreign
Wars of Salem and Linn Poet
of Albany, and their auxiliaries
will hold a joint picnic at Grcwa's
bridge, honoring Cicero F. Ho
gan, newly elected state comman
der of the organisation.
roua Jaariz
tory is yovrs, oa yours
lone., b e variety of
fistuKtrvv Mountinos of
beautiful aortimanship,
m m wie toao wf prices
. standard the worU rer
Virgin Diamonds
5U secured onfy throvth
yonr local b
Dramond DeoUr :
& Keene
Society Editor
Prominent Couple
Wed in Roseburg
A wedding of much interest to
Salem young people was solemn
ized Saturday of last week, when
Alice McKinnon of Eugene and
Walter Socolofsky, sob of Mr. and
Mrs, D. D. Socolofsky, were
quietly married in the parsonage
of the First Baptist church at
Roseburg, Oregon. Ralph Smith,
fraternity brother of the groom
was the only attendant.
Following a ' short wedding
trip, Mr. and Mrs. Socolofsky are
making their home at the D. D.
Socolofsky pome for a brief time,
prior to Mrs. Socolofsky's return
to Eugene, where she will con
tinue her work as secretary to
Hugh Riggs, dean of men at the
University of Oregon. .
The bride has a wide circle of
friends 1n Salem, havim made this
her home with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. -f). McKlnnon. prior
to their present location in En
gene. She also attended Salem
high school and later became s
student at the University of Ore
gon,, where she was, graduated
with the class of 1927. She was
member of the Delta Delta Delta
sorority. ...
.Mr. Socolofsky is also well
known' in Salem, having -, been
reared here and graduated from
Salem high -school In ..the class of
1926. He was equally prominent
in athletic circles both In high
school and university.
. He was affiliated'' with Beta
Thet Pi, national fraternity. .
. -
Mr. G. Tronstrom and daugh
ter, Mrs.. Marion Raamussen of
Mapleton, Iowa, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tronstrom of
Aberdeen, Washington. : visited at
ihe homes .of Mrs. O. Moason and
Mr. and Mrs.' J. A. Reynolds, the
first of the week. This was a
happy reunion for these people as
they are all former Iowa friends
who hare not been . together for
many years. .
They left Wednesday morning
by motor for their respective
Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Welch of
Seattle, Washington, and Mrs.
Fred Cornell of Los Angeles.
California, are - guests at the
home of their father, Eugene (X
Eckerlen of this city. They expect
to leare Salem for their respect
ive homes some time next week.
155 North Liberty St.
We are not new in Salem We have been serving the peo
pie of this vicinity for fifteen-years and to be in business
in one community for this length of time is certain ''proof
that we have; always rendered honest serviced wifli; "de
' pendabie'mefchandise. ' . : . -;""f-; '' : -
f::i-: A - .' : :, - - '':: :V"7 :"''?r. :
This store is'located in -"Ready-to-Wear row" for your
convenience. : .
:- - - i MSS -SOPHIA KAFOXJRY,-Mgr. :
Van Cleave Family
Enjoy Reunion
At Monitor
' The eighth annual reunion of
the Van Clears family was held
at Coaster park, on the banks of
Butte creek, near Monitor, Sun
day,. July 27.
About 60 relatives and friends
were present.
Dinner was served ft 1 o'clock
which was followed by a short
business session in which Gordon
Van Cieare was elected president,
Mrs. Delia Fitzgerald, rice presi
dent and Mrs. Pearl Daris, secre
tary. - Tillman Van Cieare was elect-,
ed assistant historian to F. B.
Van Cieare, life historian, of Spo
kane. Wash.
Following a song serrlce, Rer.
D. J. Gilanders led the devotions.
Miss Marian Olson and Miss Mau
rine Rice gave vocal solos.
Those present were Mrs. Mary
Swaggart. Mrs. Blanche Peterson,
Willie Williams. Miss Hazel Mc
Morris, Mrs. Shirley Flemming.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olson and
Marian Olson all of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Daris and
sons, Harold and Chester, Mrs.
Delia Fitzgerald, Alvah Van
Cieare, Mrs. Addie Palmateer,
Mrs. Florence Williams and
daughter Generiere, all of Silver
ton. Wallace Williams and Mr. Al
ice Myer of Woodburn.
Mrs. Rice and daughter Mau-
rine, of Bearerton.
Mrs. Anna Mackey, Naples,
Mrs. Fannie McM orris and
grandson. Dale Taylor, of Molal
la. Anita Akers, Pendleton.
Tillman Van Cieare and daugh
ter, Velma of Longriew, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Van Cieare
and sons Gordon and Howard, Mrs.
Elizabeth Hosier, William Hosier,
Mrs. Jennie Christman and aon
Elwin, Rer. D.J. Gilanders; all of
Kenneth and Melvin Van Cleave
of Middle Grove.
Mr. and Mrs; Alrin Van Cieare .
and family, Marvin, Geneva and
DaryJ. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van!
Cieare. and family, Leroy, Char-,
lotte, Richard and Rolland, Miss
Nora Rutherford, Earnest and-
Kenneth Luckey all of Hazel
Mrs. Kate Basbon of San Fran
cisco. - .
Arthur Van Cieare, Jack and
George Van Cleave, Mr. and Mrs.
Will McMorrls, Miss Ileta McMor
rts. Miss Bertha Van Cieare all of
The regrets of the company was
that Mrs. Ellen Van Cieare and
Mrs. Matilda Van Cieare were un
able to be there on account of ill
ness. Also that Mrs. Sarah Mor
gan of Vader," Wash.; could not
be there.
MJss Ola Clark entertained
Thursday with an Informal af
ternoon tea honoring Miss Ada
Ross who will leave soon for
Berkeley, California, . where she
will register at the University of
California to take advanced work
in English.
Salem's Newest
-to - Wear
"A ten percent discount will b given on aU purekatis mad.
ok our opening dayi-:HdayAug. zit andSciurdayXug..
1 King Family Reunion
Held at Fairgrounds
One hundred and thirty-fire
descendants and friends of Wil
bur and Marcella King, who
crossed the plains in 1147, held
their third 'annual reunion July
27, at the state fair grounds.
Mr. George Cox of Lebanon,
24,' brother of Marcella King was
the oldest member present. Af
ter the picnic lunch, which was
served at noon, was finished, of
ficers tor the coming year were
elected. A program was enjoyed
which Included' the following
Song America by The audi
ence. Violin solo Ralph Branch,
accompanied by Lels Savage.
Duet and drill Effie and
Francis Devault.
Cornet solo R a y Charles
worth, accompanied by Verda
Music Musical duet. cornet
Ray Charlesworth violin, Ralph
Branch accompanied by Verda
Vocal solo Zelda Parrish, ac
companied by Mrs. Howe.
History of the King family
read by Edith Long.
Reading Mary Kleeman.
Piano solo Lois Savage.
Duet Zelda Parrish and Mary
Kleeman, accompanied by Mrs.
Piano solo Florence Murphy.
Piano solo Bernice Caspell.
Wilbur and Marcella King
took donation land claim in
1847, six mPes south of Silver
ton. The two f Ticers elected were,"
Marcella C: pell, president and
Ethel Branch, secretary.
Mrs. Godfrey Hostess
For Annual Picnic
Mrs. J. E. Godfrey was hostess
Wednesday evening for her annu
al picnic at Hager's Grove. Swim
ming and sports entertained the
guests before the serving of the
pienlc dinner which was arranged
at long talbes beneath the trees,'
The guest list f ' ' the evening
Included, Miss Winifred Graham,
Miss Helen Brlstow, Miss Eunice
Robertson, Miss Margaret Knapp,
Miss Pearl Amburn, Miss Ruby
Johnson, Frank Lynch, Russell
Smith, Hint Eyman, George
Brown, Rufus Sumner, Arthur
Knox, Chester Nolan, Oscar Blum
burg, Mr and Mrs. Jack Hardin-,
Bill Hammond and .Miss Emma
Godfrey. . Additional guests' were
Mr. and Mrs. Linn Smith, Mr. and
m J ve.a .. 3 ww
airs. &a. uunngnam, nr. ana airs.
J. H. - Willelt, Mr. Aya of Port
land, Mrs. Winifred. Denlson, Miss
Louise Williamson and Roy Guard.
Miss Ola Clark . was hostess
Wednesday afternoon to two ta
bles of bridge and tea honoring
Mrs. Harry Rica of Chicago, who
with her two daughters, Janette
and Ruth Ann, is spending the
summer with . her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. TJ. G. Boyer. Several In
formal affairs including a num
ber of affairs Including a number
of motor trips to different places
have been arranged for Mrs. Rice
and her daughters during her
stay in Salem.
o a
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W.
Woodrttft and son Billy, and Mr
and Mrs. William Watkins and
children, Marjorie and Wilfred,
will leave the first of next week
for a two weeks stay at Nesko-
. Q. When one attends, a. musi
cal or other performance and
cannot stay. until the conclusion
of the program, what should he
do? , .
A. He should ait as near to
the door as possible, because it
is discourteous to the performers
to leave before the conclusion of
their offering. -
Q. What is the birth stone for
' A. Sardonyx, or peridot. ,
o o v
Mr. and Mrs. William Watkins
and children, Marjorie and Wil
fred, are now occupying the new
ly completed Viesko home on Le
felle street. They will be "at
home" to their friends shortly
after the first'of August.
a .
Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Goulet
and son Romeo, Jr.. accompanied
by their house guest, Billy Kier
skl of San Francisco, California,
left Wednesday morning by mo
tor for California where they will
enjoy sereral week's vacationing.
Mr. and Mr. E. E. Brofiua ar
rived Thursday from San Fran
cisco, California, to be the guests
for a brief stay at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sanford.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L Angst and
son, La Verne, expect tr leave Sa
lem soon for their new home in
Longview,. Washington. Mr. Angst
will have charge of the General
Petroleum plant in that city.
Here's good newt for Salem coat buy
er ... This month, August, when
stores all over the country are offering
clearance sales on spring and summer
coats, Miller's inaugurates a selling
plan that makes it possible for you to
own a new fall 1930 coat at a reduced
The Reason
Miller's have cleared their stocks entirely of
Spring and Summer coats . . . they cannot pat
on a Bale of OUT OF SEASON STYLES. Quite
obviously then their sale must be a sale of new
. coats! Miller's are determined to doable their
coat sales over the same period a year ago. New
coats must move twice as fast this month as
oat of season coats sold last year. To double
this coat business Miller's are willing to give a
generous reduction which begins today.
Just select your fall 1930 model coat this month, deduct th discount as
shown on the scale below and the coat is yours with enough saTrarttf
buy the accessories to go with it. THIS MONTH ONLY.
$ 17.50
in i : till ; --17 C7v.ra
a i r . fisr - j wai paieamai
Birthday Celebrated
A" community picnie was
Sunday. July 17th at Mager a
Grove, complimenting Mrs. D. L.
Spaulding of It F. D. No, 7 on
his 77th birthday anniversary.
The table was spread for 44
The afternoon was spent in
This Is the first time in seres
years that the Immediate com
munity has been assembiea.
Those present were the touow-
ing: Mr. and Mrs. D. U paus
ing. Mr. Earl Spaulding, Miss
Louise Pbujade, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Spaulding and children Leon,
Harold. Vergil, Louise and Darid,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dishbrough,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ellison, Mrs.
C. F. Lansing, Mrs. Pete Lerman,
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bengs and
daughters Mildred and Bernice..
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hulst and chil
dren Robert, Cornelia and Jean
ette, Mrs. E. N. .Starr and son
Virgil, Mrs. Helen Beecroft and
daughters, Maxine and Dorothy,
Neideen and Wayne Straw, Mr.
and Mrs. jNJ Kitchen, and son
Billy, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Byram.
Miss Frances Byram, Mr. and
Mrs. Marian Curry and children,
Wilbur. Wayne and Jean, Mrs. A.
N. Brown and Miss Frances
Miss Alice Unthank of Rich
mond, Indiana, arrived in Salem
Wednesday of this week -to" visit
at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Guy
B. Smith In the Royal. Court
apartments. ' Miss Unthank will
leare the first of the week for Se
attle and points north, visiting
Glacier National park before her
return to Indiana. ,
$ 22-so
C!oats that use the princess Kne to Advant
age . . . often slightly blou&ed . . som
times semifitted ... a few capes .'.vclali-'
.orate and interesting sleeve irMtnumt. . . "
niodels in bolero.'and eton effects.; ; Inspired ;.; ?
. to careful detaamg, jdistinguishWy
lavish fur collars and cuttT f: '
r Mfller't invite
and inspect
Mrs. J. T, Pelaney la xpeexea, .
home Friday from a" motor tr
to California. She wm be accom
panied wn the ; return . trip Sky-'
Mrs. U P. Arbum of Los anpe.
California, who wiU be athouae
guest at the Delanejr home oa
Summer street. -
Saul IPolinorsky. noted Tiolin
ist of Portland has Just recently
moved his location to 8alem
vhere he Is contemplating open
ing a musical studio or the study
of violin.
Mr. anl Mi FraW Deckebach.
and small ou;feFnhV will leaya
August S foil their ewnome
Portland. ThewISfVb located
In the Laurelbnrst Park district.
Here is a never-tailing '
form of relief from
sciatic pain:
Take Bayer Aspirin tablets and aroij
needless Buffering from acUtkse iuoa
bago and similar excruciating paiaa.
They relieve; theyefenld any harm.
Just make sure it is genuine.
you to iaIl"Vaiay
these new rnodili. :
GO A3?
lap- "
f T. ' . .: ... u u u