1 McalJ Pastor Here Rer. I. J. Evans; formerly putor of the - First ' Christian - church ? here but t now- tutor ol tuft First Christian eli area, In Sacramento. Califs will occupy the Datait of hln farntf . pastorate Sunday morning - at 11 o'clock, announces J. How. regular faster:' Ber.' Krana will alsc address the HenVBlbl ct&m ,, utc am paui 10 a large mem- t eersrupa under his lastruetorshlp. . .".at It o'clock. -Rer., Xvans eame -flwa - this i week te be with - lire. "Krana. whose father. Thomaa "ST. - 'Lewis. North 17th street. Is quite - SaU o alishUr need Ra41 rwieo High boy Reg. $17f-.00. ndw 1117.04V 1 only; MaJettic '93. eg. 17l.ee bow I145.M, 1 aly,; 8parton . Reg.- SlSf.Se ?.w 1 only. Brunswick "if. nag, xi7.0 new liis.oo, 1 nly. Imperial rnrnltare, Co ' Seek tian&&miJL. g. e. Berahoof is, lodged la- Jail and M.iivi,wi - stuemniing to gain f unda ; to support.' his. r wife and family. : Benaheof " waa 1 haled .Vioto. justice .court .hare this week charged ,with- non-support -alter bo was . arrested at. Lebanon, Oregon. Benshoot haa' been out f tbe atate two years and has thoa avoided the non-support cnnrge. Cole McBlroy's dance "Tum ble Inn" J. miles if. of Albany, jrrt, AUg. ;lst, ; , Vlatts Old Frfead W. W. Sawyer of Nampa. Calif., where she la president of the T. W. C A. board, visited tola week with Mrs. Elisabeth Oallaher. local T. W. secretary. The women were friends in California th Nmai association being under the Val- lejo office, for which Mrs. Gal laker waa general secretary prior to coming to Salem. Mr. Sawyer was also in the city. - -. Eat at the Green Lantern, home pastries, home style, -nice coot place, 1321 state. . , tardea ta Speak During the absence of Rev. George H. Swift, rector, Tv G. Deckebach, senior warden and lay-reader, will de- ,Hver-the address Sunday morn fig at 10 o'clock at St. Paul's Episcopal eharch. Morning prayer will be read by the other layreaders, barman Perbrick and Robert Neimeyer. The 7:10 a. tn. Holy eommanion service will be omitted. . , Pillow-arm davenport, Kolster radio, Spanish desk, rug, mattress and other household goods for sale. 102 Ambassador apta. TeL ill-J. :y:T:i', ' Leaving for Omfcremc J. ; M. Comer, - pastor of the Seventh Dy Adrentiat church, and his family will, leave . this morning tor uiaastone park to attend the nana; conxerence .and : conven tion of the eharch. The Adven- ... tuta iiaTe purchased that park for their anautt tneettflg place " jand dedication 'will be held Sun i A largeiholr of 299 Toices yrlll be a fetr- tfe i.i DaBceMcElroys Band, rTsini ."bl InnwJ. miles N. Of . Albany. ;;;Tonight," Aaglst.;-: ! ; J- Printers to Picnic Members ot The Statesman mechanical depart ment will hold a frolic at River dale park this .afternoon, the groap to leave town a 1 o'clock. Included in the group will be lino type operators, make-up ' men, atereotypers, pressmen and - fore man of the 'back -office.'? The employes work Into the wee ama' hours each . morning . to bring forth the paper. - " . - i v - - - -Gofid Ifew Baled clover $10. R. Box 1 Tel. 4T2. , , . "Swki 1M50 thonages An an temobile accident-whichv occurred t Scolts Mills, Mar 25. II Is I basis for a damage action filed in circuit court yesterday, by Lorla ' Wrolftad against Walter and Jos- , h HesseL The complaint says TSTter Hessel drove the car care lessly while' under influence of liquor. Dollar dinner every night 5:45 to S st the Marion hotel. : leaving; oa Vacation Miss Helen Brittow, secretary in the of . flee of the city school superintend ent, will begin her - annual two weeks vacation. Saturday. She plans to spend the time in Eugene -and on a trip to Crater lake. Miss Vera McCune, secretary to the principal at Parrish Junior high, will substitute for Miss Brlstow. Si Tone In on KEX tonight at 8 o'clock and hear some startling truths about chain stores. ; Picnic Well Attended Around 1 JO members ot the Sunday .school of the First Christian church met at Hager'a grove yesterday after noon and evening for the annual picnic ot the congregation. A big supper featured the frolic. O. J. Hull is superintendent of the Sun day school. ; . . , : .' -"i Angst'. Transferred -- R. L. Aacst. salesman for the General Petroleum corporation here, has been .transferred to Longview where he will have a aimilar job . with the company. ."' "olt Store George Hulet Thursday reported to police 'the theft of a suit of clothes from his room "at 91 5 Broadway. The suit dfeafpeared Wednesday he "eaJd. , BoJness Visitor W. R. Ka - aer, Portland real estate man, was a business visitor la the city yes- ; vterday. -; . . "Tj - 5IoTlnt0 Jx)ABgeIesJl-Arnold Olson; 1Z25 Nortk Liberty street: is moving his family to Los Aa- Guardlaa Appointed WV It -Cobb has beesT appelated gvardtasi of the $2,000 estate. of Walter Ck Relfe, aa iacompeteat;person. ,. jjnicn SfiTEnS-PJLLS -J. , ' I mr- '-. jV $.. ,-m' f t r-K- ft CIT 5&VXS XT ; f Pwli Tract T," g Chai u,"?" to S'Jw - from Myrtle Creek, has purchased a, tracr In the Alderbrook addition, and has started construction ot a home. Chapin'. .on, j". W Chapln. Is Operating th : Red Lantern servfen sUUon and restaurant. 1c r-y- m-inway soutn Of wwiW rhe - Alderbrook addltfon W be developed into eomaonf project, witar golf eonrse and fTt'on features, .steps to that, end being adet way now. rrrvVr,1Br ", Court at I Attend PlcBk Amons Salem pwpie- woo atiende.-t tt Shrine picnic Wednesday, at JanU am neaca in Portland were Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Flack,: Mr, and Mre..Waye Henry. Mr. nnd Un J. O. Russell. Miss Lorafne Gull- roro. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Pattys. Mr. and Mrs, C.- L. Blodgett and on ?BU1. This group' .enjoyed luncheon at the beach, end was Joined by the .evening dinner by mr. mo -fltrs. . uavux wrignt.'-- All makes M radios "repaired. Majestic radio sales and serriee. Vlbbert and Todd, 4 CI State St; im., ana. , Defendants File Answer De fendants Delia Schellburg, Grace Holford, C. C. Wilson and , Lee ttrown yesterday filed answer In tne case of A. D. Gardner, at at. against Anna SUrton. et aL The defendants named ask that plaln- yiia- aemands te accorded, but no judgment fox costs be entered against these defendants.. , . Tune tn on KEZ tonicht at a o'clock and hear some startling irntns about chain stores. , Colorado Mam Bars W. J. Magfll mt Colorado has narcfcinMt the J. J. Dorst 40-acre tract in the Silverton hilla and moved,hia family on it this week. The deal waa handled by Ai- C. Bohrnatadt. local real estate dealer. Drost has gone back to California to reside. Sale of slightly used Radios PhUco High boy Reg. $179.00, now 5137.00. 1 onlv: Malestic S3. Keg. S179.K0 now S145.0S. 1 oniy. sparton 951. Reg. $1S9.50 now $140.00, 1 only. Bninswick 14. Reg. $147.00 now $115.00. 1 oniy. imperial rarnlture Co. : Briefs Ordered Case of R. F. Larson, former Kansas resident, who seeks an embalmer'a license In Oregon, against the state em balming board was brouxht in dr cult court yesterday.' The ludre oraered briefs submitted by each siae. i Woman's Union, First Congre gational church, will hold a rum mage sale Saturday at No. 357 Court street. Amaranthus Sponsors Show Tnrougn courtesy of Frank. BUgh ine Amaranuns dub is sponsor ing the shewing of Will Rogers tn his latest picture, "So This Is Lon- aon" at the Capitol next Monday and Tuesday. Members f U club are handgckets for the event. ' Spot, dance Sat; Hgxel iGreen. . LIceBeee bewed Marriage B- eenses -have been issued hers to Ernest Elohe, 24 Canby; min worker, and Alice Barneko. 17, 710, Columbia, Salem, atndent; and to C. B. Wander. 23. Inde pendence, and Leta Wllkenlng, 22, Turner. Dance with . McElroy's Band "Tumble Inn" Albany, to night, Aug. 1st. . : Petition Granted Application of C..E. Snlltvan. for a permit- to nam logs on the Mehama-Gates road- has beenr granted by - 'the county court and Albert W. Miller has been granted license to oper ate at two-table billiard hall at Monitor. - '. . Dance every Sat, night. In cool pavilion. Legion Park, Stayton. Assets Turned Over Order was issued In probate court yeeterday allowing petition that assets of the estate totaling. $16,857 In notes and judgments be turned over to Sophia Meyer, executrix of the estate of Lonis Meyer. Defaults Ordered. Orders of default were Signed yesterday by the circuit Judge in the divorce actions brought by Lorlei Gillette against Clarence J. Gillette: and I Cassie Willoughby agafnst James E. Willoughby. Estate Worth AM.OOO Eatite of the late Dr.-L. F. Griffith has been appraised at $45,493. by, D W. Eyre. William S. Walton and E. F. Slade. Final Account Okeh Final ac count of Haxel TJrleh, administra trix of the estate of George Glen Urich, haa been approved and the administratrix discharged. - On War' to Sookam Mrs' Vl K. Strike, who has been spending tome ume visiting in this xaty, left yesterday afternoon : for Spo kane. ' ". . v , Learlag Trip Mrs. Irma S. LeRIehe ot . the Marlon county child health demonatraUon. will leave today for a vacation trip to Banff,. Alberta, Canada. . - Estate Appraised Ktt t Jane Bellinger, a minor, has been appraised at $500 by Joseph' Al bert, L. 'P. Aid rick and : H. V. Compton. j , : , , Snesr for lloa-y Associated On company: haa filed suit for Judgment :on.SkhiU against A. E. ia -Branca. itt.llcnthi Ncte $lC;b.C3 Cczt'JtZllj: r llcnthj Iicte;ic:3Xa Ccct VUZr' -:; Tr-.;'iaBdtab5C3LCT tbv$23C0.C3 ";l : 7-5 ' Amply Secured' and the highest type of investment loans:; z'z-y inyestments"' jCjsuiTAr(CE HatIdns '- Permtta Ijwoed The following uuaing - permits wer - issued Thursday by the city buUdiag ln r: Q,- Anderegg, reroof dwelling at mt Centerf street, eost fMr Le a; ChUds, repair house. at 2397 raster ifrMt m. 200;. Lea N. ChUds; repslpdwel- ae.sontn winter, street, cost f200; E. JL' Canada, yeroof toepalrdweUIngT at .1412 worth CapltoL, cost fi00;. Emfl 'rusen, erect garage -at 4$ Norta l4Uk street. $300 J. J uamoie. 4 reroof house" -.ar J9t oouia uta street, cost 50.i jrreo Toy Gflder and eandy fori every xhild attending Saturday's Matmee at ,Biigb:CapHeLj Gets -FelowsWp-rA teaching zsuowsblp in the Spanish depart ment haa been awarded ts .Mary Le ajkeav s , graduaf with the class of 1929 - at Willamette university, according to word re ceived at the school. Mlas Aiken, the daughter of Mr. and MraV.R. a Aiken, 157; Sonth Winter street, Uuglvt Spanish in Inde pendence high achool Ust year She will work, toward a master's degree., in the department whUe .T.... V ; Free Toy Glider and candy lor every child ' attending Saturday's Matinee at Bflg t Capitof. :-i X)mu : Remodeled Reraod eling of the pipe organ In Waller nau at Willamette . anlverslty is under way by the Guenther Organ company of Portland. About $2400 Is being expended on the project and' when, completed the organ will be one of the nest In the state,' authorities At " the school believe. Revoletng- of the instrument .and raisinr of the console to a level with the stage are ins principal charges being maae. vf' o: .v ' Ladies' Free! Old Ume dance Tew Park Hall Friday: night. Oonorece Poured Concrete for footing ot thejiew South Winter street bridge was . being poured Thnrsday, whDe excavation for footings ot the .North Commer cial . street bridge was begun. Work is progressing satisfactor ily on both -structures accordinn to uugn Koagers. city enrlneer. who keeps daily watch on the work. The north abutment wall on the South Winter street bridge wui ne ponrea maay, ne said. tore Ofl Applied Another coat of oil was put on tho surface of the slough west of Falrmount hUi Thursday when City Sanltarv Inspector Batty Cooper and Har ry sinks, county, sanitary inspec tor, put new apparatus Into use. The slough waa a breeding place xor mosquitoes nUI some time agp wnen me nrst ell was apray- a on we surface. - T Resurfacing Promisees Re surfacing of 1$ blocks on South commercial street by the county paring crew will be completed -next week, according: to Street commissioner Walter- S. Low. New buck top l . inehea i in thickness is be lor vut'oa the street up to where the Orernn Electric tracks Intersect it Mill screes. - . '--'V--:.-"- Driver Arrested J. T. Davis of Yakima, Wash., is cited' to ap pear this morning in police eonrt ce answer to k charga, of reckless anyinr fued noon bis Arrest Wed nesday night. The arrestinr offU cer earn jjans turned the corner at Liberty and Court at n danger, out rate of speed. Ban was set at $10. Default Divorce Day Default divorce day U set for the circuit conn today, and Judging from tne papers filed the Jndee win be kept busy for soma timn mt. tllng fstes of those who are seek- ng divorces. Berlnar-Set-Order vu aXnmA In probate court yesterday setting aepiemoerje as ume. for hearing on peUtion of W. a Kantner. 'ex ecutor of the estate of Anna A. Kantner, that certain properties of the estate be sold. . Go To BeachMrs. Madalene L. Callin. vaUey . editor of The Oregon Statesman, and her small daughter Myra left this morning ior a two week vacation which will be spent -at their summer home at Klataanda Beach. At Cutler City Three. Salem girls, Mildred Drager, Mary White and Lucille Wood, are spending the week at the Drager cottage at Cutler City.;; , - - Hearing Is Set Final hear- ng in the estate of Emeline K. Davis has been set for September ..Ronald Glover is administrator. Action Dtssnissed On tinnl- tlon, action haa been dismissed In the circuit court case of K. Breen against Meuie Harrington. . BirtKa Kenschen To Mr. and Mra K, B. Kauscher, 2S9I Brdoks avsh nue, n soy, Kenneth Burton, horn jy e. . . :-' .PIANOS -: ' FOR RENT ! rcan aiojL rwt vmu Department . w. WI N. Elsfa I .05 Oresoa.XUd -V - - ' Tfc OltEtJQN STATE5SI AN. Salera. Qregtm. Friday HIorniiig; Acnsl Petitioa Conncll Asking that th alley riinnmn'-est:nd west threngsi the "Charles Cartwrlgbt addition to th city be designat ed as a motdr way, a nuzaher nf property owners ta that terri tory bavw entered 4 petition- for consideration ' by " the 'ounctt. Signers of the petition are Maud A. Scott, Mrs. Henrr B, Htfei sen. Mrs. s. Hartry. Adam Eaget, Belle De Antrentont, John, Mea ger and cm; L. Ceyera. Therrs ejuest Jwin preMhly ; tss ered . at the saxt ssnnneft J5- 'Tor: ymam K Power. part Itfc in pouee court Thursday when he pleaded- guilty to eharss ot fafling to ston at si Atop stret, He was arrested nfber Ms-ear and n motorcycle, driven, hy Ttr gn Kuhin collided last week. JCn bin' being badly injured In the erwlu . ... - . , .. ;- -Sen Roberts to Sis; Kva Roberta win be soloist at . the band concert te few played to night at a o'eioek tn WUlson park. The eoneerts, held twice a week, are attracting ar large nnmher, ; itj '..a:., -rr - - n2;r? ,.-yr?'vs -Mew c B elensB William Lar head and Charley Jones, serrinf Ave days - each ivthe city . JaU tor-minor liquor violatlosa were released Tbursday, They were arrested last Saturday nigat. Leave foi Mlaaonri Myrtle M. Meyer. 1902 North 5th street, left Thursday on a trip to SL Joseph, Mo. 8chlas Died at the residence miles north ot Salem on Rout g, July 31. Fred Schlagv f 4. Survived by widow, Caroline; five sons, Godfrey, Mann el, David, John and Benjamin; six daughters, Martha, Bertha, Rebecca, 'Mary, paaltne and Esther,, all of Salem, Route 8; three brothers, Dan of Salens John of North Dakota, and Chris of California; three sisters, Lan ra Bits of Oklahoma, Lydla Jans of North Dakota and Mary Bur- aeske- of Canada. Funeral an nouncements later by the Salem Mortuary. Jndson Died in tals city July SO. Wil liam H. Jndson. Survived by son. Percy, Bremerton, Wash.; ' ne phew, Lewis Jndson ot Salem. Funeral services Friday at 1:20 o'clock from the W. T. Rigdon and Son mortuary. Interment Odd Fellows cemetery. . Close Med at th raalilAiica. A box 29. Salem. Inly 31. Mrs. Car oline L. Close. If. Survived by three daughters. Mrs. William Knight. Wapato, Wash.; Mrs. L. GUI, Seattle; and Mrs. Frank Conn, Salem, Rt. 4, and two sons, William dose. Donald. Wn.: and J. Close ot Salem. Funeral ser vices Friday, August 1 at 1 bjl from Clough-Taylor chapel with Rev. Tlbbit officiating. Interment at City View..., ; V.. . . Died at San Diego, Calif.. July Z4, James 8. PlnneU. 04. Hus band ot the laU Jalia Bross Pln neU. Salem. : Survived br sisters. Amanda Pinnell, Milton. lows- Mrs. J. Boyer, Cantrll. Ia.; Mrs. mary uarrei, Enid. Okla.. and brothers. A. J. of MUton, Iowa; T. 8. of OkUhoma, and L H. of Salem. Funeral services Satur day at 2 p.m. from the Clough- rayior enapei with Dr. W. C. Kantner officiating. . Interment City View cemetery. Kendall. , Died in a local hospital July 81. Kendall Klann, age 14. Survived ny xatner, c. K. KUan, Madras. Oregon. Remains shipped to Ma dras Fridsy jy Clough-Taylor company. , ... .?- - ..P Citj View Cemetery CsCnblisbed 1888 TeL 1264 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided fer i Prices Reasonable . ' Peltre ilfemorfal . wos aitt Mooemttly ; A Park Cemetery civith perpetual care : Just tea minutes from the ; heart , of town Foar Bottles of New. HairTonic Obituary cpav uflin riiCtDCcccn tuic mini imiii uiu I iiLiiumsi IlleJ , xwnisnea a tnen umuorwt i ana Gray HnJrikn Bade to4 . j I ; YouthfoljCbbr . t. : Now .': ' READ HER DEILIGHTE : STORYeTOTjD-HERSFT rt fltwas reeOr emfsarraaalar te he not ever thirty years eld and have gray hair and. iseay aaaey Ing eUadrnff.'Blt was caeaing my narr ce cesab eat .by the rsandf nf asl-my.acafa seemed se drr aad Itchy -all theitimeUwrites ilrsJ i- Cnty,hoserpktareVar pears eel e mat,T4,-Tk5 l lesmef aSsnt Lea's Uair TezU 'ai, it ia nb-j zj snort et a mtracss what It m isr meviFesr kettles and a veek ty shsmpen wh tasir aewder Hi U.lThe rst bottle made such s wonderful imprevement I kept en aad teday ay seal? is as kealAy an can bcjNet a lit af sUadrtl any mere and yoa shonli lavs seen the gray hairs ge back te its rer- rfTw"1 aiwr rubbed it ?it?W f "J mrtmff levery "yewaiaea gntck . result IflTOeiPHI LECTURE SDOil HznyM HawcrtSi la Come .Here tfext Thiirsday, " Amateur , and prof esslonai.ho Ugrapiers' f Salem' are" off ered an- exceptional' treat Thursday nv enlnsv Agnsrt; in the- audltor Jnnr of th flalem' cnaniber of conmercev , when, fiarryL H. Hs worth; Saservttor ef Visual in straetion in tho Paaadesa -etty Schools glveal his lllsstrated lee tnre: Throxn Out Deserts in the Wske nf Spring, according to L Earl Deaae, manager ot the Salem -i Deaeoaess - hospital, who ia an WKpcrienced photogra pher himself. : Manager Deane, who is n per sonal friend of. Supervisor Ha Werthhas made- a hobby of pho tography all his life andwaa com missioned by. thn'Frencn. govern ment to. make pictures of the bleeping, sickness inVAXrlca. " He has also done newspaper aLma gatlne: phstpgraphy and he lah thusiastlc concerning thapicturea to be shown by Haworth. Plan Sectloa of . Salem Arts League ' . Deane la Interested In arousing interest among Salens photogra- . Wants Back Alimony Nancy M. Jones yesterday entered com plaint in circuit court here against L. F. Jones for Judgment Of 18,850, alleged due in $150 attorneya .fees and alimony at the rate of S7S a mon.tb since December 8, 1920. Personal Judgment In that sum waa en tered against Jones In the King county , eonrt In Washington in December, 1920, the complaint states. Croesinc Not NeededAnswer of the Oregon Electric on peti tion applying for establishment of a grade crossing near Wood barn was filed with the county court yesterday. The railroad aays such crossing is not neces sary as a matter of pubUe con venience and necessity, inasmuch as there are now two good grade crossings about, a half mile on either side of the proposed site. Seeks Divorce A. II. Jones yesterday fUed In circuit court divorce proceedings against Graee Jones, to whom he was married in Polk county in Sep tember, 1908. He says defen dant deserted and abandoned the home In October, 1928. There are two daughters. ' , Seeks Divorce Alleging that his wife was unfaithful to him, and naming another man, Alvln Krieger seeks divorce from Pearl Krieger in complaint filed yes terday in circuit court. He seeks custody ot their two children. They .were married In October, HIT. ' . , portlaad - Wallace H. Brown, Portland insurance man. was a bnsf nessrriaf tor yeeterday. v ATTENTION KIDDIES . . Go to Biigh's Capitol . Sat mrday Matinee) and receive FREE box of candy together with a TOT GLIDER. No raise in Schaefer Quality Butterscotch . t Wafers. Taken , from our reffukur ? ;46cniockj A atemarkable piece of candy made from Pare Creamery Butter Friday and Saturday Only Two lbs. for 40c - . , at SchaeferV ore Salemw original yellow front and eandy special store N. Oommerclal St. TeL 10T Hesne of Schaefer's Remedies " " Penalar Agemcy IJBJ YBT THIBTY Dasr I' i Sao.-. sr Anyese mar ebtalm the ttaamira?- Sta.TlCandrs2j sni r rran fcaira are net st sU iheVsshiea ia these hangar times. better groomed and I tre yeun g t Ukimt if - yea wu large aaead sociaSy er ia ewatoess.nNe mene need be desfg.' nated ; asTthe grsy haired narty any mere.1 Obtain a bottle ef year drtist, er send tl ta Lea Tenia Co, lentweod. Eli. fee battle re. twii 'ataa if - store nasal it yet Besalts auaranteed aatisfctarv ia six ; veeliiLermeaey refunded ea - - I I I Si 1. 1930 phers la the formation of n pho togrgphie secUon nf the Salem Arts league, and he haa obtained the hearty co-operation of Presi dent John Clifford In presenting Haworth to Salem "lovers of the Vhotographle k arC: The Salem Arte league, through president Clifford, extends m cordial Invfr cation to alt interested to attend this lecture. ' "Haworth, who traveled more than 8.000 miles over the Colora de and Mojsve deserts, pictures the lure -of the vast stretches of bnmlag sand and rock; Ae ahowa the animal and plant life, flowers, and ; physical features. He win also show a group of plctarea he made In Oregon and Washington last year. . The sUdes were- madTe lit Haworth'a own laboratory and colored by a colorist under his direction. . - . . June 8, Haworth gave nls'Iee tire before the Natnre clib of Southern Caluifornia. in Los Angeles, and the following waa said concerning ft: "Haworth'a pictures are of unusual merit and charm." Lift Insurance -claims paid In Salem in 1929 amounted to $98. 000, figuree released this week by the National Underwriter reveal ed. Of the claims paid, two were for sums between $8000 and $0000, six were for claims of $2, 000 each and nine were tor claims ef $1000 each. The re mainder were tor miscellaneous sums. Claims paid in Salem were con siderably less than for other ci ties of small site tn Oregon. As toria's claims amounted te $462,- 00. Bend $124,009, Eugene Oisf.BQv, Oregon City $229,000. The magazine reported more than two billion dollars oald bv jne companies to beneficiaries daring 1929 with $8,000,000 paid one group of heirs ss the largest single payment. RABBIT MEAT 30clb. Riea in Protein and : Economical - - - - The ideal picnic meat SHAEFER'5 RABBIT SHOP 100 8. Coral Tel. 281z4 Open every week dsy . except Monday - t, t - ' VI. - t t i -.- - f OVilCECK uraiisiT Plff in ssim Confidence in Future Suc cess of Industry is v Expressed . Here Thursday to .confer with ibeal men interested ' the pro dactloa Of flax -aad Its manufac ture fnto linen were Robert Slmpaonof Clifton, New Jereey, Q. Robinson.' president ef the Vancouver, Wash., linen mills ta-wWeh Simpson Is the heaviest stockholder. Robinson declared that: there were untold possibilities for the trowth of flax and Its manufac ture into linen in western Oregon and western Washington. He said the Industry was suffering, how ever, from a faUure on certain leader's part to recognize that the industry could only advance as all ,?rodacUoB' manufacture, dlsfrlbution. were advanced La unison.: vt-i--,- -:, Robinson ds much Interested t a?o the Oregon Line, Mills TrWrne OrSS and eowjMT attack by the tJ.!?d F$Tt c?mi!n7 on through 1 JSri 2k Salem,, of , which I am ffi'j?? 8Urpri?f1 f sTentleman of ifr. Jadbet. ter8 cahbre would tolerate such a proceedinsr Per- i Wf and totimlSS ahould be Sed Si.iT Jon. I consented to with S fm"onrance to petition of the Oregon Pulp paper Co. f or TacaUon of 43 feet of Trade street between ComX ard Front if I was assured it would not interfere with my Front st- 1 heard nothing Urec 1 satisfied; but what about future tenants? Am I I?u f?! to priate eorporaUon8 demands which might result in the confiscation of ray prop. rty or attempt to protect my property anT take a chance of being run out of town, hung in effiry or what not? My good wife and I areTcciased if l ing on a portion of Oak street that nerer waa opened and on account of steep Muff on the east ride never could be used if opened. This street etween High and Church was racated by the city1 fifty years ago. The ownetv gare in exchange !rr F1 -y for street Purposes to open hp 14th street ' . , i - . - - I resent the insult by a local paper referring to me as a "hick town citizen" who should hare a monument erected to his memory, ray record will disprove above. I have always 'tried to be con Bervattae and progressive. j tyj&P1 of w; whethW Vhavt contributed with time and money to help build Sa lem industries. Mr. Leadbetter will tefi you how many thousand I hare invested in the Oregon Pulp " and Paper Co. r --f';-:' - -:T - - I hare been a resident of Salem 48 years! and ; taxpayer in the dty of alem 45 years and as such 1 TFV; lhe riht 10 nake objection to this dty establishing a precedent of vacating 43 feet of a business street that has been constantly used since the town was laid out about seventy fire years a- ::; dan j.fry. (Pd. Adr.) ' - Public Not 5BE FORMER Jewelry t x xs r ...... ; . : .- J-;-"1 . '. r ., " .' I - ' arid' ; Jh PAGu FIVE its operations inasmuch, as a ghnfe down in the plant bare affects his" Vancouver. Wash., property. ; Mr. Simpson said he had come west last week solely to attest to fcta lines mftl ' tiMtiM i,.. - Re expressed his confidence In the eventual success of the Industry. In New Jersey, Mr. Simpson tor years has eondueted a large floral iaduatry, growing roses tor sain on the New Tork City markets. Zfrs. Robertson : ; 5 :.: stricken; Rites .... v ; " - . . . '..V . 1 ' i,' --c '.. . - Mrs. VI ra Robertson of King- -wood Park died Tuesday ta thin city at the age of Slyears. ! Pri- vat tnml ' mill i . v. Thursday at 10 a nt. and eoaclnd. lneerrseea were held at the Port, land Crematorimm nUniolein, Rev. George H. "Swiff offieUted. ? Mrs. Robertson has been a re sident or Oregon since 1904 eoseV ing here from Hinsdale. MIcht-. gan. . Her husband. Arthur Re bertaon, died la 19 In Portland.. . s. uroxton. w. a rMrfn ..i J. G. Croxton bf Angola, Indiana. She was the footer mother ot a 5WSSJS many' a. Kooertson with whom she E3D M "-a,j - - V -cv,.r " Adv.' " .