The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 01, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' " PAGE FOint - ; - f ESSd ' "
I.v n i i iw in; ii ii, ....,, , .. . - . is TtF T IfP"1''
mXo Favot Swav$ U$; Ne Fea Shall Awe."
First Statesman. Uarea St. 1SS1
' Caua&cs A, Srticn, Sbkso P.- Sjurrr,'IMfrre
CtUtUSA. Swacvs EddrM$er
Swinnw P. Sackxtt - Managing-Editor
Umlw ef fa Aesodated Pran .
Tb Ac5ated Prn fa xcluslvely entitled to th vae forcbTl
eatlon et nw iaa,tctii crdit4 to fe.or Mt tArwtM crwlitad
ta ttum pcr. .; . . , .
. P&elfle Coait AdTtrtliltit EepreentllTt:
Arthur TV. Styp. Ptortlahd. Seeorttr BIdr "'"
.. 6a FnutcteOk Sharon Bide; V Aacelea. W. Pao. BUs.
EMtam Airmisisx RsrMststiTei:
faihHMi fftinu Ine- Kw tH KtdlMO At.j
Enured at tha Postoffiea at Salem, Oregon, a Second-Clm
' Hatter. Published every morning except Monday. Buevui
ffict 215 S. Commercial Street.
Mall Subsertptlon Rates, In Advance Within Oregon : Dally and
Bonday 1 Ma Sfreents; t Ma $1.18: M $2JS; 1 yeu 4.0. Elsa
wber It eent pirlbot &.t far I rear Uk advaack
By City Carrtn It en ataatfr; kk a ym lb advanca. Pw
. Copy a euita. On toaJna. ana Neva Staada lata.
todat tali -:
By ILS. CopfTaad, BL.D,
Phis Wordripoer
" JVTERLE Thorpe says what's wrong with business is our
If Apsycholosry. Which tea be true: oelr yon can't forever
WmTU V.. j.!it t . . ii
i .,wwu uuamras on iaiui, sops ana cfijtniy. ine trouDie witn
business is not this year's bad psychology but last year's
.v worse psychology. The confidence cagkra of 1929 who
: r preached the "new economic era? of perpetual prosperity
are the ones who put the kink in business this year.
One treobie with business because it contributes to the
mental deprcssta which accentuates business depression
is that we are plus-worshippers. Do you know what that
means? - It means if you are a merchant you think ybu
should do 15 more volume of business this Julv than last
July; if you are railroed man that you should handle more j IrSI?teteja.
care oi iragni wis year tnan iast;li a printer that you
should crowd through the presses more thousands of im
pressfoBs thai last year. We have elaborate statistical or
ganizations and they are built around the plus sign. If com
parisons oi gross, net, tonnage, yardage and mileage CO not
show a plus, then we leap to the instant conclusion that the
tunes are out of joint.
Suppose we didn't have these comparative figures. Sup
pose we. just went ahead working as hard as we can, would-
n t business carry through? And if we are getting by and
making; a little profit (as most businesses are in spite of
their wail of hard times) why vote democratic and shoot
the meter reader just because the profits do rot measure up
to some former year? There is value inthe pVs and minus
sign in business, the value that comes in spurring one to try
to equal or exceed former records. The trouble comes if we
are just plns-worshippers, and fret ourselves ill when a
mines sign shows up any place. This is no excuse for lying
down on the job and joining the calamity howlers. Our pur
pose is to give just a little better and more, cheerful mental
perspective of business facts and figures
We have just one more suggestion: stor
many you. meet, "How's business V Most men are always
complaining' about business. 'It's a silly; idle question, like
chit-chat about weather, cold or hot. used just to make con
versation, it most often unleashes a mouthful of lamenta
tion. Instead of asking a man how he finds business, ask
him what his golf score is; that makes a buoyant optimist
out of mm on the instant.
Asytafag tatt Interfere wtta
Qm Batvrst aad Ire lum f tha
feet la vaUtng la feosad t et&s
ajIBfrtUMtt.-, tT
your, toot is
tnrbtf ottt t
ltr natarai fr
sifkuC atratt
la tdtml W U
tka rSlalL
, Baclt ttam U
eaesfcte -ot
Headlas Ay
tha loot Oaelf.
lei an law
laeitaclu . V
Uaar A ersea baa beJXeiAt
kiauelf t W efartt Croaa
rbeamalftm, er erea. some sort
qf IMney r tpiml IfaftttA, Ua
thesA orgaaa aad parta Aza toaHf
petteetlr ateajal. SA.Ie atexels
MtinA tie paaJ of ersTAlaA a
ft foot walch AAif tecoas toe
weakened la certain parts el Its
delleate atraetare' t perform ita
mnetlon properly. . -
Tiateor is on cotaaea
name rtraa this troaktAv It H A
dlsplacenteat el the Wnee At t&e
foot wnieb reeelre the weight I
the to& wbett ataAiiag df trtlk
lag. As restlt tii arc if the
root Is Aetreesed et CaUeaeA.
There are manr causes - tor
tale condition. Chief of these
are fctpropcfly fitted fboet. TkeV
mm? b shees with exeeasitoay
hick heela. or nsrrvw or eadrt
etieesv eaho valek de lot &rm
neeaaeary rapport to ltfrhlto
Another tease far flat-teot Is
the turning of the feet oatrard
la walUaa. Weakeaed ameeMe
and Mgamente due to ezhaastfBg
lilaeee. poor health, -old are.
rapid growth ta axalht, a
wetvkt, prolonged etaadtae
hard floors, corns and bvniaits
and speclfle dieeasee -an thee
ara factere fn prod-actng fhrt-
f oot
The first measure to take ta
th treatment of flat-foot la to
get properly adjasted aheea. Aa
a matter ef fact, foot discomfort
from any eauae is HIety to disap
pear if the Bhoee are Correctly
Everybody ahould cultlrate
correct attitude in standing and
walking- It is a good thins to
develop the feet hy throwing the
weight of the body frequently
upon the onter side of the feet
while- "tending. . One ahoeld
walk wtth the feet held parallel
and pointed, forward, with the
weight on the onter tide.
Every sensible person win give
close attention to the seleetlen
and fit of his shoes and to- the
eultfrsthm of a proper attitade
a standing and walkmg. He
must do this If he is to avoid
foot trouble.
Ton take all sorts et trovtle
la the selection of a hat. Toe
atndr "models' and styles mad
SWk is 5Wn 5Uifk fairly suffer until the purchase
ett has been determined upon.
I71RIENDS, meet Dana. Sleeth. how much care de ytra take fst
JD We never heard of him before,, but we see his by-line serectinr your shoes? Ten
on an article in the Los Angeles Record. And here is his ar- should take pains because your
. i tt 7 !.vi : il: i t. j.i comfort and health depend wpon
mac. we wixiu. iurgive mm every tuiug cioc eAtepi uie m- i Dronerly fitted shoes. please
iuat cesenpnon oi tms agea, piacia town." unng on me t don't forget this.
cat o nine tails, my hearties. Let us show this journalistic
pot-boiler the old town knows what to de when some- scrib
bler sprinkles cayenne pepper under its tail.
But you will enjoy the story, even if you fail to recog
nize the Los Angeles version of th facts.
"SAJLE3X. Ore., Jaty 25 Thia aged, placid town recently be
came water power cossdous and Immediately -discovered that the
power tract works while you sleep.
"For years Salem, has been drinking WU3amett river water,
pumped by a private corporation. As one old-timer said: 'Wheat the
river is Mxi we onr set half chlorine, when It ts low, wa set
three-fourths antiseptic and one-fourth water.'
"Salem fought for years to amend ita corporation-designed city
charter ao that it could buy itself a water plant. When it fixed up
the charter, and passed a waterwerke law. sad elected a water
power mayor 'and eeunefl, and set a new city attorney, tt foand It
had only started to tight.
"Salem discovered that the OregoA-Waahinftan corporation had
quietly bought the old river water works. Salem then looked about
tor a clean source of water and discovered that Marion lake was
Ideal; It also discovered that the Northwest Electric company had
filed on the lake for a power project.
' - "This interested Salem, because it had understood that a form
er 'city attorney had filed on this site for the town.
"When the matter came before the state board tt developed
that th former city attorney had put ta a feeble appUcatioa that
was full of holes; that he had later agreed with the- power treat to
accept a mere 40 second feet of water from Marion lake for do
mestic use, and that the town really had no xifhta at all under the
law. '
"While the town slept the only available source of clean water
and of power had been pre-empted.
"Salem woke up In time. It, with neigaJaering towns, will make
ea honest application tor talA Marion lake and SanUam river power
and it wUl have aa equal chance with the corporation before the
slate board, and, tt ts to be hoped, later before the, federal commit
BTJT had Salem slept another year the Northwest Electrie
woald have gotten through Its application, would sate begun work
and would have had vested Interests that would have tied Salem
iu a knot.
"Eternal vigilance is the price at liberty.
Answers to Health Qewrle
J. A. F. Q. Hew can exces
sive snoring be prevented?
2. I am a girl of IS. 5 ft. 1
tn. tall. What should I weight
A. The cause of aaorlng must
le determistd. Almost invarta-
sir snoring is the resatt et
mouth breathing. For further
Information send a aeU-addressed
tamped envelope and repeat
vour Question. .
2. Tea should weigbi abeot 112
A Reader. Q. What would
cause silver fines moving like
streaks of lightning before the
eyes? Headache fellow these
A. Biliousness or anto-tntox
Ication would be apt to cause
avmntoms tneh as yea describe.
Correct the diet and wate -the
elimination. These are symp
toms mt one form of "sick head-
che -
W. J. Q. Can Uackheads be
: F. 8. H. Q- Would sinus trou
ble cAmso dsll pains Sa the seadi
A. Tea, it woald be advisable
to consult A nose and throat spe
cialist tor an examination,' -
J. H. D. Q.-Waat do you ad
vise for sears left by pimples?
A. Apply hot and. cold eoi
presses alternately for t mln-
stes night and moratag. Tas x
ray I also helpfuL
.Of CUOrcca
Town Talks fro ffW lUat
saaa Owe Fstberr Bead
Roy was helpless before him.
Daa't held him by the throat, his
fingers sinking home. Roy beat
and tore at the man for a space;
then his face blackened and his
eyes bulged, and Danl flung him
Brander might have- helped aim
but for the fact that three men
dropped ea him from the com
panion, hatch and bora him.
smothering, to the deck. The
three were SUva and. his allies.
SUva had a knife and Manger
had felt it on the deck above.
The one-eyed man. lay there now
twisting and clutching at a gaaa
la hia aide.
SUva waa first down on Bran
der; and he struck, at Brander'a
neck aa ha leaped. But Brander
had time to dodga to one. side,
so that SUva hit him on the hip
and bora him down. The ether
two were upon them.
Thia sudden tumult in the cab-
la rang, threagb) the Sally. The
night was atiU. The noise eould
be heard even by the boats that
drifted hall a mile away, its
abripk omtareak was unsettling;
tt Jangled taut nerves. Long Jim,
Loam. Eon III ten and tne two
remaining seamen lost courage,
raced to? A boat, dropped tt to
the water, and palled en to see
what was to come. TtcAel. who
waa oa deck ran. to try to atop
them: tat Lous "truck eat at
him hlrndJy. and threw the eAd
mate, off ate balance far aa in
stant that was long enough to 1ft
them get away.
The desertion or tneea use men
left oa, the Sally only the foar
of fleers. Roy. Manser. Sura and
SUva two men. Faith, waa stfll
helpless, so was Roy.. Manser
had dragged himself upright
against the bulwarks and strip
ped up his shirt to lntesugaia an
wound. It was bleeding prefasetr
but Tee found that he eeuld
breath without dttftoatty. and
told himself that be. weald come
oat all right,
Of men abia to flaat aboard
the Sally, there-were .left TjartV
SUva, and the two seamen ea eo
side, against Brander, Tfcfcel and
cox. The atmuae ax none aa
Cox were In some sort aneertain
bat the aroblem was fsjekiy set
tled. -
runX dxopplnr Faith sad
fttnzinsN Rov aside. bad -charged
inte ta 4 main cabtn .. t tteiaa
Brander, but Brander was ae In
extricably Involved to-his straf-
gl wfth his tare anugoaans
that . Dan! set mm Immediate
chance at him. Jle was ahlfttng
aronad the tirattai taagie er
sw walchlns. wheer wnua ces
came out t hia cabin in a singae
leap, r-'---- - ' .
Ansnst L iNX
Two ears of rails. aad oa of
WUlm had beea aeUep; aa was
, In. tsirt sad trousers, his belt tne whp kad faUea Oft him,
I tlght-gtrthed. no stared etaptd- and whirled aim madar. At the
The Portland Grain Rate Victory
NEWS of the action of the interstate commerce commis
sion is frartaininj the frain rate) differential favoring
Portland over Seattle from points south of the Snake river.
la one of the most important items in the papers of y ester
day. It means that the great lead of Portland as a port
for the export of wheat will be preserved. The vast move
ment of grain from the interior will continue to concen
trate at Portland and move down 'the Columbia river. This
means that Portland and the Colcnbia river wflt stow and
develop as the wheat production I th interior biaases.1 oies arrives tor the Baiem Ught 'JSSS.
x'ernaps, i nas reacnea us maximum, duk even ix. it conuzti and Traeuoa sempaay-waaea aa
ues in just its present volume it represents a large propor-lsoin to extend the commerciai
'Pia5 MinwimM I street ear ltn out to the ml
T. at,t- ttM.1. t. . Tha1m Tmflai1 t..ln. fY.m. 1
for it brinora thousands of dollars, to Oresron for the hand!:.
lirw f th wheat and th boats and the financing of thai I (L SeoTflL teteram stage
.am.ifiVYTi Tii trroaf vftliim nt business Tn aItm I driver SAd SaaH eatTisr , died BATS
biawaciVMvuw. , . rwf iTestardaT at the an of 7 d years. 1
keep up the port and the channel to the sea, which are use-l Jr. ttMuonateiy known si
f ol for the transport bf all other-Oregon products. , I old caV He drove th first
. rv onnrsA nf sven oros(oi TnTwrtgn(a tha rnt In 1 atar oat t Portland in IStt. !
. . Yt .y -.-"rV TT. Zr'TZl - - I the strength, to
IWI raws pm- u oporaHn w wmpij Barnes is harlar away. They .hed lata th
absorb this cut it will nve tha etowct wearable more h. adr rl.idWa M rlcabin. tun fightiag. caai was
m. . . & I . : t At fS 1 .- . I . . ' ... . . .
lor nis crop, ana enaoie mm to compete oetier wiu v-i street, near Hign. remoaeiea pr-i enwivviiu y huw.
i..4,-.n irmMTT-m ' wh. In in vk MHnvttl mrm f lvonhla pmton to makianCtt hi home. 1 He aad tkrowa tlmselt into a de-
If old Tlchel had cotne down'
the eompanioa-mdder a minute.
sooner he might have saved Wil
lis, and ho and Willis between
then could have overcome- Dan'l.
rot he was too late for that; he
wa In time to see Willis- fan;
and before he eoald ipeak, Dan'l
Tobey had attacked him.
Deal was par maniac now; n
did not stop to ask whether Ti
chei was friend or foe. Tishet,
old man though h was, was nev
er one to refuse a battle. He met
Dan'l charge with th tigerish
enem that caaraeterued him m
rages! aa leaped and was fairly
in the air when Deal struck him.
et Dan'l's greater weight and th
Impetus of his charge were too
much for old TlcheJL In the flash
ef a second Baal had hist by the
throat banging his head against
th floor till th skin of his scalp
was crushed and the blood flow
ed, and Tichet at last lay still
Daa I got up. chokjtnx for
breath hia ehia down on hia
chest. Tear wea blood on htm;
is shirt was torn; his hair was
wild. Th mild, round fac of
the man was distorted by wrin
kles of passion. His Up was bruis
ed by a blow, and It puffed out in
S surly, drunken way. He stood
there, tottering- looking with
blinking eyes at the heap of men
fighting at one aide of the cabin.
Brander was ta that heap some
where. Danl stepped unsteadly
toward the heap of men, peered
down at them, and laid hands on
them, to pull them away. They
were too closely, Intertwined.
He backed off and looked
around for a weapon. Ia a cor
ner of the cabin he saw something
that might serve. It waa the
head f a kttling-lance-i-a bar of
metal three or tour feet long.
flattened at one end like the
blada of a putty knife, and
around t th keenest edge-. Fee
tse, U would, De. mounted oa a
staff; bat there was aa staff on
tt now. Ha nicked the thing us.
lalaaeed tt tn hia hand, aad
walked gingerly back toward the
struggling knot of men.
when Brander dropped down
Into , the cabin, aad through th
Open, door saw Faith i Seal
Eh waa paralysed for aa
it. Taen. uraga forged an
mr to teased the daaaes;
above hlnv d dodged ta o
lid as SUva leaped, dowa trap
the decs, ffirrs atrack antes
Brander'a hip, hU kail aUUlaS
th air. Brander - wa threwa
headlong, sad girt naag alter
aim. Brander relied on als bier.
eatebina SUva tn the' stomach
with both feet. as.tS other two
men dropped across Als body.
TTa tiaA nnt Ilttla ffaa tnra bis
kick at SUva s that the man was
sahmt. Brander grrppod ea of
Brander groped for It, SHlra
warming- ever him. He got the
knife, but knew he eould not use
it, so he threw tt whh th halt
of his arm which, was free. Crush
ed down by the men atop him he
Toyag ef th LausoAnei
- V H
Coatlantn the tetter ef -Mrs.
Sarah) K. Beggavone ox ta mem
ber, ef the ttisslonary party
knows as -the great relnforce-
nsent: - - " .
wAftef (I dart w arrrretl It
Rte de lanelro. Sotttft America,
aad, as w saUed tip tb harbor.
Saw the Most beaattful scenes we
tkd ever looked nnffn. NO ladies
appeared OA the street taaveiled.
wax we uaiSBwnnry won mmimr
id where we pleased and wer A
great curiosity, w visited ta
pelacA tady wer introduced to
the emperpe ea.BraxtV boa Pe
dro. He was a tine looking gA
UemaA And was. very eonruouS.
W also saw a beauttfnl ErtsV
gas ladf of the eenrt.
v, .
Two C Our Catted SUM war
Teasers wer fa the harbor and
darts nr stay of a week they
semi their gl down and too
sahor aad shewed a maes at
teattoa. It was hard to say fare
well tA tSXtflTnl RlOV SA Are
weighed anchor and sailed away
far cap Bora awd Talparaie.
-Soon efier retrtng ihit port
we werd detained sboxit A month
by terrltie head wrnfttt. 4nd be
fore we rounded Cape Horn were
driven southward to. the 10th de
gree of south latitude. On day
the captain. (Captain Spaaldlnw)
requested aU the ladiee to Come
On deck dressed, la their beat at
tire, and, as we appeared, hi
gar the order to sqnare away
the yartl, and w were delighted
to learn that th wind was now
fair. Th captain said, 'I knew if
you ladies came on deck we
would have a fair wind With S
good breese we started north.
"Presently our ship ran into a
shoal of whales; they played
about the ship for some time,
the captain said that com ef
them were over SO feet long, and
that these were the first whales
he had seen in 30 years in these
waters. After two months from
Rio, we arrived in Valparaiso to
rind that the smallpox waa rag
ing as aa epidemic In the city.
We lay in the harbor two weeks
without goidg ashore; then, via
Joan Fernandez, we sailed for the
Sandwich Islands.
'When we crossed the equator,
going south, the captain called
' ns on deck to witness the resur
rection of the North Star, and as
ft arose above the waves the men
saw that It slid acres the floor
and flew lute th afters eabfaw
(To be continued)
bared ttei nea7and -wo ail
Cheered, so glad were we to see
our old friend again. ;And there
in mid-ocean w consecrated our
selves; anew to th work et Cod.
A little later wd struck the trade
winds, and bad. Warm weather .
and fair sailing tin we reacnea
the SasdlrickIsfcedA, The thin
thst Attracted ,irt attention was
the extinct. tleeaer aad
mond Headw whicfti w were told,
had a tfttkr take- oa. tae tia We
eould seo the. bold headland far
out to sea a enjoyed th eight .
We react the . Columbia
rfrer IS May, IS !0V arte arses;
Toyaga of kesrly :ig mntha.
IBABereft say. th date bterritat
IS th .CotumblA rrrer was may .
Stk ISft.' Hefner says. to aw
ot tatMar -tWrircw.TDTar was
betoteTiev lf.y; tWeee SnyS
im tnedto af Fort' VseeTerv
rlre wi female tare eawfU.
W wtat down toe Ifrer tosrtet
boat aad eaUattaAedt oar uhadod
bh rke Crsop-TAlrtet Wtox tn
brifesWn- aa A sasev w tratete
aad ddw4 tw Thftdtiw aU thw
good w eoejd among tnw au
di '.
Ui. Arnie, hi H Hudtdn's
Bay cofepdny.CeUfioAid a A
aid oAt Aitbes
Cmtsotf Indians; they ViU kffl
yon. Mr husband saldy I anl r
der orders ana musx a
shaH consider myself rmrnortar
nftta niy work don.' p , ;
fr. FroiT toll th Indian
MH VUVJ uuw.uvi m.. v. "
or lie, or" ocntftfrft adhitteryr they ;
mast love oodj . ana. rove eaca
other. They promised ro drtte le
said, and that. llUrill kepi, their
word as long as we . remained
among them. They never showed..
any rudeness or ltfaignity to us.
They wUlinglyJ assisted ns m
buudrhg .the mission souse: i
mention these things to Show
that they were not as bid at rep
resented, except in the matter of
infanticide many of the female'
children were destroyed,
"One dark, rainy night, whea
(Continued on Page f r
A Problem
For You For Today
If S c&rpenters call tmfld &
uvuov aaa p . af aaa we aaaatp eeauw m
couia iz carpenters ouud a aim- i
liar bouse?
Answer to TesteidayS Frobfem
$117.75. Explanation Di
vide 4777.25 by 1 minus .01
(.97T and take If of the result.
a distaac
of two aad a
btiked of hiachane at
Brander. took Willis . for fair
game. 5 ir he thought t aa.
was to remember that WUUa WSJ
loval t Faitlu H AtUcked
tore WlUin was XaUy awak, and
bore "the other man tack tate the
cabin from which aa had coma
Danl bent wuiia agaiass tae
bants, o that for an' instant tt
seemed the man'a back would
snap ; but despcratjoav -ftTa Willis
th strengtk to fUng himself
nadian growers, who long
f reaght rates on wheat.
have enjoyed more favorable pratory to makingi hi home.
Charles d. Pufdr n placing e
cement waQc ta treat et bis rest-
oence oa sua street..
- Who says the world fa : aot ?gttlai" better whea dozens ot
Lions can invad the -local boy acoit .camp wUhout Injury to a
siagl ladT .
Th barxlar ta iho Devi homo stopped to-haaxe- hi socks
befor making a getaway. ; Evidently toe-prints Are as tell-tale as
HAVANA (APT Tha- Cuban
educational systaak " was . aot af
fected by the recent badges slash
aa President' Gerarda tfachade In
sisted rather on increasing the
bahek of battle: and b proved
this night Uat h could Cght
whea A eaose.
Ha rocked wmis at last with a
left-haad blow ta the ribs, so that
th younger anas dropped his
arms to hhv bis braised : body;
and .Danl 'drevo aw fist to
other's iaw -Thw blow smacked
loudly, and Willis ren witnont a
game tuna tD other man eases
ed himself to Brsadsrs back, hia
right arm abooA Braadere seek
to choke Was, Btaad . wedged
bis-ehla. dowa. aad grteped the
arm between aia calm aad hia
breast, aotdms tt eft a UtU
front bja threat. The cava asm
S: him trent the laf sus. and
randers - left asad flans; eat
end gripped EUTa katfe wrist.
t Brander , waa naat th ' tirat
flush at anger; Tas was enol bow
aa h waa always coot In dangexw
Bare Suva, tae men against hint
were toaraed. At Any rats, aelr
ther mad any xf art ta as, a
weapon. Therefor BraadeT Caag
the eae sua eat et sis anna, and
kara Tola attsntloa te fiara, .
r Ttm wan fuel la time. Stir'
shifted th knife to hia
Braader grarpled tor tt.
and the blade slid aloha; his fin
gers.- barely scratching them.
Then-he had the band that held
tt; aad he-dragged tt dew aad
wrenched ft over, and th Cngers
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SMsnt .
3. iiau m
Salem's ptmrcAnia
asiTESrUtionj tsr schooljc-' 1
opened' aa&rtha knife tan;