The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 01, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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. -
Tc"ty : Uillion.. Dollars to
v Cs Expended in Urge ;
: Klamalh Project , w
- ppUcatlons ' for thedevelop-
feorsepower oa,the Klamath river
feetweea the ; so-called ' Grant
' 4Wr site and the California
Jiae, were 'filed in the oftlees of
jakea Lu per,, state engineer, here
fbrsday hy the Calif ornia-Ore-gsa
Power company. - The cost
the proposed development was
c&Jaated at iiMoe.OOO..- - -Swords'
on tile In the offices
: tae state engineer show , that
: the - California-Oregon " Power
;- company ' previously filed appll
jftina , with the federal- power
eoprolssion for a -license to, pro
&A with the development. Bo-
iPT this license can be issued
jby the government it will be ne
tZeakrT xr the state to issue per-
- &tt$ covering the appropriation
M water. - - ' "
WU Extend Over
Jkper said the proposed power
development; would extend over
period of 10 years. The power
tewpany previously tiled with
state "engineer an application
-i cwsariag derelopment at cthe
Grant power site. This develop
ant contemplated the appro
vVUtton of 1500 second .feet of
water from , the Klamath river,
ill all. and 70,000 horsepower.
. rm distance ' from the Grant
apwer site, to the California line
If approximately IS miles. '
"The State engineer " indicated
that the permits would be grant-
bat that all Irrigation pro
fw4 ln the vicinity of the pro
.' aftse " development " would re
eTr adequate protection. , -
' TJe first of the five appltea
tfcfiS filed with , the state engi-
, nurr Thursday . covered the ap
wMriaUon of 1100 second feet
' M water from the Klamath river,
fit foot . tall. : and development
ef 4,091 horsepower. The cost
ol this development was estl
atad at 14,000,000.
The second, application also
aeaght an appropriation .of 1500
mvmnA "tflt of water. 214 foot
fall, and development of 30,477
kerseoower. This development
Will cost 500.000.
" fffcavoa Power Site
M mJIX Tie a nnit nation covered
the development of 65,455 horae-l-
power, through the appropriation
ttt 1500 second feet of water.
With a fall of S84 feet: The es
timated cost' of this development
was $5,600,000.
"The fourth application sought
an appropriation or
-et of water, and development
t Ail 1innnnwAr! thrOUKh-U
nt ten ft The-cost of
this project was ..given at 12,
The fifth application request-
0A an approbation of 1500 sec
i nf wafer with a fall Of
111 feet, for the development of
sk hanraowcr.. xoe coat vi
- this development was estimated
1 AAA oeo. -
. ., UMr said the nroposed de
raUpnient Included the Canyon
: Mower site. . The fee covering the
fire filings aggregated 15850
legs mm OUT
PARIS. July 1 AP) Legs
deflnitelv vanished from
iria wfcfoh todav continued
- d&playing its winter drees ideas
a Mira hnrari at the rate. of
AAA wiaaIs a dar. cennlts legs
to show.with sport and unpreten-1
tious street costumes. But the
rest of the time it's ankles and
, nothlns; higher.
rkMaamaVen .are franklr. bored
when, anxious buyers and style
f writers : ask them for definite
fiffnrM about skirt lengths.
' ."Sports and street dresses re-
mb thnrt and nraeucai. one
" mm mr xnlained. - ' -
. ,' The same dressmaker rode to i
her present fame on the sports
- h nnstwar neriod. Her
specialty ; is c simple clothes for
aettve women." -.
Today like all the others she
.fcMA- m nllMtlnii In '- which
sport clothes were . subordinated
to ankle -length, afternoon coei
" tames and evening dresses which
- nt aklmmed the floor, or wct-
' ually trailed.. r . .
Income sources, . fzSStJlltv cobs
mon, school tund. Interest, 25
1S3.03; eommoa school fund, ab
stract deposits. 335;agrieultur
si college fund princfpaL . pay
ments oa loans. $3 HO.t ; agri
cultural .- college -fund -. Interest
University fund jirincipaLpay
meatf on Joans. $2400; university
fund Interest, CS0JI; rural cre
dits loan fund principal. $1404.
17; .rural v credits reserve fund
interest $2709.12; jl? R. Burbank
m, iuu0 pnntipu, 'payments oa
nana f 1A. 1 -n n .
fund Interest, $243; J. T. Apper-
soa faad . arinclpal. wyxleatsi ea
loans, .$5.14; J. T. Apperton tund
principal. Income sources, $3. and
J. T. Appersoa- fund Interest,
$llt.3L z . '
" ' " ,M iONES CXAJT ttEEXS J. . '
v. - - -. i ' i i .1. .
Uembers of the Rotary . club
vert cnestr at Camp StatUm. the
Boy Scout camp. near.--Uehama
Wednesday night. After a hearty
bmI Af rnA cams food, the raaata
were showa over the camp) grounds
and alonx the streanrat the rear.
u unw Morta jrors; m. - nm
?vffe KantlaiM ... SwlmMlnc and
heating arc provld ed - and fishing.
At the camera aour a prorraa
Was rendered Chief O. P. Vest
having the boys null off a number
a atnat. : RAbcrta. , UortOm r WOa
hearty applause with her accordion
and she responaea xun many
coreaT Other muals was provided
unui ume xor laps. ; .
There are 13 boys from llarlon
aad Polk counties carolled at the
camp. The second peeled clsses
this week -ana a. sew croup wzu
move La. ' '
i. rIaf .1Krajiakaaa . f th Wln-
aehaga tribe t Indians was a vis
itor "at eamp -Saturday night and
nrataad tb koTB f OT their VOTk.
While there ac inaae bcouivw
ecaUvv West Chief Light Eagle of
his tribe. so now the scouts- call
West -chief." :
- Betarians wko -dia not- attenu
tha supper meeting at. Camp San-
tlam enjeyea ueir regular innca
eoa meeting at ? the afarlon.
Charles Galloway of tha stats tax
Mmnlsaloa rave . aa v lntereauna
talk oa taxatioa matters. .
met ti vei VW CAST
amnna Valv Sl. Kev. A. T.
Knorr left this week tor Toledo,
Ohio, to attend a cpnrenwoa
; a - v.Btheran charca.
At tha close of th session, he will
Tislt tn both -Minnesota and Wis
consin. While RST. JUIOIT awaj
Us wife aad chUdrea- wilt visit
friends and relatives. This week
ad she will ha a gueit In Long
view, jts : ."vh-,-. ,:
ins Lens ?
" r ; -; " ' ; . '
Eyeglass insurance aad thor
I ouh czamiaatloa locladed.
1 1
KEW JTORK, July 31(AP)
rtitMiAa waa anrrounded by PO-
Uee tonight and - an 'emergency
aenad patrolled the streeU follow
ing tha killing of a Chinese and
tha wounding of another In an ap
parent renewal of the tong war.
Tk. first victim was shot in a
i.M'rr and died later. Five inln-l
tts later a . second shooting la
- front of a basaar a few doors away i
a an anidentlfed Chinese to a i
hospital wUh ten.wounus.
CM fl'I Bl
. Jan denartmeat
tamed aver to the stats treasur
er during the monta miwjm w
'i: tal f $134,030.11. according to a
report prepared by George. G.
Crown, clerk of;, the state
Itpma lncludel la the turnovers
Common school fund principal,
t?7Zhentson loans, $$3,107.87; I
italic f - tihT?Inr? 1 .
' ;--V
See This
1 Bargain
Sale Price
nfiailiral Dob
tfirror with a4trae
uve BSJigins; cord.
. Bay aw.
. Sheeting.
. Bargain!
'Aagast sale Price
c yd.
TblBk'of ft!
fiae -firm
81 tach , Bheetinx
priced to save:yoa
Me yd. Bay atewt
'AkGreat-,;-- :
' ,Farorite " , .
August Sale Price'
39 f
Lunch doth of.
popular . .ltaea
crash... TlaJai with
gay striped bor
deraJ Save lie o
'eacBw: - "'
f ' j En and -deeply
bottom and " top: ri
jaaHracmaarsi was - MHWfm' . srveevaae . essiie ''wj i'-sj
with all felted cotton. Richly colored VI
Damask covers. Blake an early ae- N
lection for these. ' S
" '" I
aJ1 tK Mitol '-L ' ! '-i-"-.'- . J - ":. . . .: '". - 4
tloav emamel . Orn
ish. Rote smooth
ly.. Special for Aa-
Act Now! Save!;
August Bale Prica
- " ' v " 1 ,S ,
XSectiic Iroai, aJck
- I plated finish; Up ,
back-rest. . Super
' raality super
' aavisiaaI-"'-t
,A - Best; Seller!
August Sale Price
Pali rp Ohalr i
.walant finish.' Cor
duroy sag . seat,
"spindle leg. " Spe
cial r
Sted Bassinet.
August Sale Price-
- 9.35 J,
Walnut " f inisjicd
enamel ' ' basstaet
with link springs.
Sturdy hardwood
frame. -
Good new for home-makers! Here's a Furniture Sale
that rbriasi- you rSTYLiB
savings of more than 00. And of paramount import-
rnM trnn n RIIV NnW anif PAY I ATFR1 Onlv A
niiwy , j vw aaaaa mm a - a w w tun a m m ... a. -
small down payment U inquired, balance in convenient
payments.- .
" You'ti save .suDsl listed on this
" najre! Whether you want to furnish i room orarhome,
be here tomorrow to get your share of the values!4 Ur j:
come, if you billy need "just a few litUe things", to make
.ryoibhoniempivcl . Irsl -
2 i-i.- . - r : : : I r
- ,.r(. -
H flJaBWatasaBSHaSB )
J 5i : :
.fcj-fc-- saa aaaa--
For real efficiency
peed aad ease of
operation, choose the
Wardway KlecUie Gy
ratort Toss the soiled
clothes into the hot,
swirling sads, aad sec
thesa, emerge white
and spotless to S to 7
minutes time! No rab
bins;! Ko center posts
to .tear fabrics. Bay
aew aad pay at your
convenience !
S3 Down, f 0 Monthly
! bln I '
I) " J
a i i
il II m ! 111 HI I
tffrJc Cocaploto O-Pleco?
EDaQto'g OcEaT SBaQtt2
of Walnut Veneers
- iSSoS
Here . is a Dining Group of notable distinction and
charm,: .--a . It consists of 8 pieces . each piece a
masterptece in itself! Smart oblong table, host chair.'
5 diners and decorative buffet. - Constructed of se
lected walnut veneer, polished to satin-like smooth- ,
ness! Greatly underpriced In this sale.
Only $17.50 down $100 weekly8.
All Wool BlankeU
Specially priced for August, just in
time for Fall needs. Finest wool in
colorful plaid . CC OQ
paterns, 66x80 . V9VO
Cotton Blankets
August Sale Price -1
Extra value for August! Soft, fleecy
cotton warm but not heavy. Size
70x80. Plaid colors HQ ,
with borders J- VOC
5-Piece Curtain Sets
Worth $1.25
Charming ruffled Curtain Set with
valance. Made of fine marquisette in
plain colors. Exceptional bar- AO.
gains. August Sale Price HOC
5-Piece Cottage Set
'Attractive for. kitchens, 'bath rooms:
Fancy Rayon pattern with rubberized
ai at a a apa. a av
bacK. August sate nice,
set l.;,.;,
a ae v-a aaW-VwA
Rayon Panel Curtains
$15 .Values
Sheer gracefarmarquisctte with 3-inch
fringe. Wonderful values. . A Q
August Sale Price, each-. eJOC
Colorful Cretonne
Greatly reduced ! - August
sale rncic, per yard
Here's Value!
A ugust Sale Price
5 0.89
Table Cloth of fine
oaalltv linen. - snart
patterns, 68x84.' Char-
acteruue of wara'a
Style aad Low Price
: August. Sale Price
25c values. fils white
Turkish towels la
doable loop cosustrac
tkm for extra wear.
August Sale Pries;,
6-pc. - Breakfast : Bet,
washable, . grtea
enamel finish. Large
drop- leaf table,- A
chairs.- ;r.-'.: ,r,:
; Chenfle Ruis . J
August Bale Price
Quaint and colorful
Hit-and-nliss style!
Big value! . ;
Size 24x48 inches.
Save 15c on Each!
. v ' .' ...?'"
August Sale Price
Pequot PnTowjJDases
42x36.: HantxaedV
Smooth , f traw pure
white. Stock up Now I
9x12 AXSUNSTER RUG. Gives that quiet charm that comes
only with fine floor coverings. All-over patterns that ensemble
with any furnishings. Beautiful colors, deep pile. fOA CA
IIWUB AUgllai JTX1CV 9 ""'J . , , .- , ' , -' . . yfefV IVV
, aa.uu uowb . aau aionimy - -
INLAID LmOLElJM. Tile desisn in plain
. ; ' and . marbelized ! effect. Always looks neat:
and - clean. ' Green or blue with, gray-tan
f ' squares, 6 ft wide. Per running ft,
Now, only ..7..... "",,, - , aalC
- FELT BASE LINOLEUM in cotorfcL new
; catterns. Resists hard wear. Saocth, lus---troc3
finish, 6 ft. wide. In August ?ilfyCt?
ruanbj ft only ISc to ' v.Us3C
But on
the Budrtt
Plan! .
; Ml -
V!7 3 lie sarinss. If you're style conscious, you'll adore the
iJSirSlj - . the charm of the softly toned Mohair uphobtery! Ward-bflt
SSfZrtJ!?0 ff4 through. Ward-tm economy for all our patrons! Reversible
l tTr' 'ia rI veiouxi uoomy. cavenpon cj
" wamwaaaj SVi cut VUf yaLcal03i tiCTerSlDlC
: If AAtSt V, sll VAtHUAfsl ' ASBAta.A . a ' Tl . J I' " "a. .
dab c!l w imica-6a or-
- 4" I tni I'll aY MinnrminM
' , aju a." a.a. Ufl lillj lIlIJIf I KI.AN
;EaJiy it iriila Tj payij Osly ?3.C3 down-$76 racnthlv!
- . . .i
iPrcsspt DcKvcry
Dellverr wd be made prompt
ly after 'purchases are ma&
Anaagesseata eaa , be aaada
m. -
iV7 ' IKAWz u if
L O ,'
faM kltoij. It dainsK J 1-.1JL. . . .
? T . CaWwafc ST h .am
"Rein crab cr!
All August - Farnltare Ra!
meirhandlse Is soil sindcr our
world-wide guarantee f "Sat-'
tefactloai or . year
back"! " ,
, f
. ..
' a