CIRCULATION thBj imntm eistrilmttos fr ffc Mtk u4Uc Its 6,677 ATtrsfS felly' Bt ptiJ 3M . Ilebr Analt Bmu ( Circa !atiaa. WEATHER Fair today and Satarday, no change In temperature, Max temperature Thursday, 84 mln. 47. West wind. Hir er 2.7. FOUMDEP I65fc EIGHTIETH TEAR Salem, Oregon, Friday MonrifigAiisBst 1, 1930 No. 10 OREGON MJ Famous Girl Stunt Pilot Due Here With N, W.Air Tour Party ST IN AIRSHIP Gunmen's Shots Made Her Widow Selects Youth For Big Honor MILLS STATUS QUARRY KILLS TO TWO INSTANTLY BILLINGS SI AGIO THROWER NOT BOMB IN 1 yv I Reorganization, Possibly Receivership. Planned To Continue Work Minority Stockholders Said Objecting to Lack of Regular Reports By C A. SPRAGUB The Involved affairs of the Ore gon Linen Mills promise to come to head within the next week or ten days. The resignation of Col. : W. B. Bartram as manager has precipitated the problem which -has confronted the officers and directors for some months, name ly the financial reorganisation of the company. . The mills were closed down recently with . some assurance that they might be .re opened in case pending orders de veloped. A recent effort to inter est eastern interests in the enter prise failed. - , The board of directors, com posed chiefly of local and Port land men, is due to meet Monday to act on Bartram's resignation and discuss the future . of the property. Rumors were current yesterday that a receivership might be recommended in order to eonserre the assets of the company- with a riew to reorganiza tion and resumption' of opera tions. In case a receivership oc curs, operation would be contin ued by the receiver. Stock Holders Main Objectors A group of minority stockhold ers have become active the past few days and have considered the formation, of a stockholders' pro tective committee. They have be gun inquiry into the company's affairs. The complaint of some stockholders is that no meetings of stockholders have been held since the initial meeting to organ ize in 1925; that no annual re ports of operations have been made to the stockholders; that the directors have continued to hold office without holding the regular annual meetings for elec tion of directors, unless they were held without notice. Further com plaints have been made that the affairs of the company were turned over to the manager and that the board held infrequent meetings and so did not know the costs of operation and condi tion of the company. While none of the minority group was willing to be quoted direcly, they stated that they planned to do everything in their power to save the linen industry for Salem. They expressed their faith in the future of the enter prise if the combination of suffi cient working capital and experi enced management ob tained, and pointed to the success made at the Miles Linen mills when It was taken over by new management a few years ago. Not Concerned In Merger Proposal The group which has been cpn " ferring the past week is not in terested in the Miles plant and Is solely concerned in protecting the Interests of the stockholders of the Oregon Linen Mills, so that the mill may be continued as an , Independent enterprise and not (Turn to page 2, col. 1) 3n lies HEMORRHAGE CAUSE PORTLAND, Ore., July 31. (AP) George Heathman, builder of two Portland hotels ' of that name, died in an ambulance that was taking him to a hospital to night. Death was attributed to cere bral hemorrhage. Heathman is survived by his widow, a brother, Harry E., and a sister, Madge. RANGE WAR ENDS PORTLAND, Ore., July 31. (AP) Word was received today from II. V. Schmaltz. Burns at torney, that Frank Dobkins' fences around the Wagontire mountain water hole were opened late Wed nesday. Opening of the fences is believ ed to have ended the long con troversy about water rights -for cattle on the mountain. The water hole is on property owned by W. W. Brown, but Dobkins held home stead entries on 16 "forties' en tirely surrounding Brown's prop erty. Dobkins fenced his land so ail cattle were shut out from the water supply. - . Recently the government land office .canceled some ot Dobkins entries. Dobkins asked a rehear ing, which was refused. J CREEKS GO DRY - REDBIOND, OreWoly 81 . (AP) P. W. Earner reported today tbt Willow creek and abont 60 springs la that Tkinlty are entirely dry. Many of the springs have never before been known to go dry. Ranchers are T haaling water from wells to : swpply their cattle and sheep. TRUE BILL LACKING PORTLAND. Ore., July SI. (AP) Federal Judge McNary to- fifiSq Is ! 'i i P'v.y-:::-:-.-.-'.- . ISQGC Iiss Dorothy Hester, the Portland girl who has done what no other woman airplane pilot haa ever done; make three consecutive out alde loops. She will arrive here with the Northwest air tour party Sunday. McNary Sees Bright Outlook f or Future Farm Relief Will Come Gradually Along With Improvement in Other Fields of Activity Says Senator on Return to Salem By JOHN NELSON (At Fir Cone Farm. Marion County) "You can't expect complete farm relief in a month or a year as a result of congressional legislation' 'Said Sen ator Charles L. McNary Thursday after his return from one of the stormiest sessions he has experienced in Wash ington. 'The relief for farmers as well as for all phases of business will come gradually, but it will come," he pre- Liner Is Saved -From Bad Fire JERSEY CITY, N. J , July 31 (AP) Fire discovered In a hold of the Dollar Liner, Presi dent Harrison three hours before she was to sail on a round-the-world cruise, was under control tonight. Great quantities of wat ter wire poured into the hatch es, however, causing the stern to stick in. the mud of the Hud son river. Heathman Dies Suddenly ' Dobkins Fences Opened Murder Charge Removed Salmon Fishing Resumed day ordered murder charges against Clayton Kirk, Klamath In dian dismissed after the federal grand jury had failed to return an indictment against him. Kirk had been held in the In dian hospital at Klamath Agency since June 30 in connection with the murder of Louis Knight The two Indians had exchanged shots during a quarrel. Knight was kill e'. and Kirk was wounded slightly. CATCHES EXCELLENT WHEELER, Ore., July 31. (AP) Commercial fishing will resume on Nehalem bay at 6:00 o'clock tomorrow night. Troll catches recently have been good and fishermen expect a tood catch on chinook salmon. XCISAXCES CLOSED PORTLAND. Ore.. July 31. (AP) Federal Judge McNary to day signed temporary injunctions closing for one- year t o Astoria and two Portland places declared nuisances in connection with re cent liquor convictions. DENIED OLD JOB PORTLAND, Ore., July 81 (AP) -The Multnomah county civil service commission today denUil thA amplication of C 8. Stowe for reinstatement aa cnier deputy eosmty clerk. Stowe recently was acquitted of charges of violating the civil service code by engaging la poli tics. - y;v . BAIBD EXONERATED PORTLAND, Ore.,-July II. (API The municipal civil service-board today exonerated B. B. Balrd, discharged patrolman of charges of accepting money to "fix a traffic ease ant ordered him restored to duty. , . f ri o aictea. McNary looks for business conditions in the country to pick up during the late fall and win ter and believes complete relief will be effected by spring of 1931. "It is a world-wide depres sion, but however general it may be it is only temporary."- "The Hoover administration has been all that could be ex pected, coming at such a time as this," the senator declared commenting upon recent dissatis faction voiced about the presi dent. "Hoover has done every thing humanly possible, to aid conditions, but the remedy neces sary for complete relief is be yond human control. It must come naturally with the improve ment in economic conditions." River Development A Major Interest But business conditions are not McNary's specialty. He would rather talk of other things, namely, river and harbor de velopment, reclamation projects. farming, and farm problems. His main interest, now, he says, is In the development of Oregon through such developments as are projected on the Columbia and Willamette rivers. "The complete development of the Willamette river between Portland and Eugene or Spring- field is of special interest to western Oregon." he declared telling of legislation making this project possible. "This year congress adopted three amend ments I offered, one for the deepening of the river between Portland and Oregon City to eight feet, second, a re-survey of the Willamette river between Sa lem and Oregon City to a depth in excess of four feet, and third a survey between Salem and En (Turn to page 2. col. ) Escape Efforts By Two Convicts Come to Naught L. Oorham and A. Sllsby, con victs, attempted to escape from the Oregon state penitentiary here Thursdays while working in a flax field a short distance north of the mala Institution. Guards were sent In pursuit and the men were captured after running less. than a block. The convicts offered -n resistance when overtaken by the guards, and were -returned -to the mala prison. -"-- .": " " , Gorham Is serving three years in the penitentiary for burglary in Umatilla county, while Sllsby is serving two years for larceny in Lane county. .,, . . ., Berquist and Swanson, Said Experienced Powder Men Are Victims Thrown Over 50 Feet From Scene, Badly Mangled Reports State SILVERTON, July SI (Spe cial) Swan Berqnist. 60, and Nels Swanson, 45, "bard rock men" whose homes were said to be in Portland, were killed in stantly by an explosion of dyna mite in the rock quary on the Jack McNary place near Drake's crossing, ten miles east of Silver ton. Just how the fatal accident oc curred la not known. The men bad drilled a hole 20 feet Into the rock and sprung it with sev eral minor shots, then placed a heavy charge of dynamite in the bottom of the main nole. They also had some sticks of dynamite at the surface, and investigation afterward showed that ' this had exploded as well as the charge sunk in the rock. Death Instant, Indicated Berqnist was thrown a distance of 100 feet by the Mast and Swan son 50 feet. Men who were working not far away telephoned to" Sflverton for a physician and the Jack and Ekman ambulance, but the men had evidently been killed Instantly. The bodies were badly mangled. It was reported here that Swan- son was an expert "powder" man with 15 years of experience. He was said to have been single. Ber quist was married, his family liv ing in Portland. Funeral ar rangements have not been an nounced. STITE HEALTH S Outlets Must Be Extended Below Water Line, is Officer's Verdict Outlets to Salem sewers were inspected yesterday by Dr. Fred erick Strieker, state, health offi cer. Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, coun ty health officer, and H. H. Van devort, member of the city coun cil. The inspection trip was occa sioned by fact that outlets to the three of the city and the state sewer on Center street, are not covered, due to the low level of the river. As result of the trip. Dr. Douglas said last night some kind of report on the condition would be made to the city coun cil next Monday night. Members of the Inspecting par ty were of the opinion that it will not be a difficult problem to cor rect the situation. State regula tion requires that every sewer outlet be entirely under water, which Is ordinarily the case here except m one or two summer months. Hickory Street Problem Difficult The Hickory street outlet of fers the greatest problem, and one which Spicker wants a state sanitary engineer to Investigate. Here the sewage empties into a slough, back water from the Wil lamette. Some method of getting this washed out must be devised, probably either through long ex tension of the sewer, or a cut through to let river water rush into the slough. The Center street and Marion street sewer outlets were also in vestigated. The Union street out let, coming out under the rail road bridge. Is covered properly, CHICAGO, July SI. (AP) The July grand jury In its ex piring breath today expressed its confidence in an early' solution of the murder of Jake Lingle Tribune reporter, and washed away the general smirch of rack eteering from the record of oth er Chicago newspapermen. The Jurors in a 'final report to Chief Justice Denis J. Normoyle of the criminal court, held the rumors associating several re porters with gangsters and crlm Inal activities were unsupported by evidence. They gave a Tote of confi dence to the state attorney and the investigators working on the Lingle- murder. - .The grand jury report wrote Gals: one phase of the Lingle murder ease that bad developed from the investigations in Chi cago of Harry -T. Brundige. Brandlge. the grand Jury com mented today, had acted in 'good faith as a reporter but Ws ac counts were predicated "upon purely hearsay evidence.'' m INSPECTS EWERS SCRIBES ABSOLVED BV CHICAGO JURY I i oJ5l- -j w 1 "''i, - , A' BBBBBSnam Wt I Mrs. Gerald Backley, widow of the Detroit radio announcer who was shot to death by three men in the lobby of a Detroit hotel where he sat. Buckley waa a member of a wealthy family and la said to have tak en aa active part in the cam paign to recall Mayor Charles Bowles. L 15 ARRESTED Radio Entertainer is Said To Be Sweetheart of Gunman Sought DETROIT, Aug. 1 (AP) Margy Mansell, 21, radio enter tainer for WMBC, was arrested early today in connection with the slaying of Gerald E. "Jerry" Buckley, political commentator for the station, shot by three gunmen July 23 after he had an nounced the recall of Mayor Charles Bowles. Police said Miss Mansell is a sweetheart ot Pete Llcavoll, a no torious gangster, sought as "key men" in the slaying. She was taken to police headquarters for Questioning. Licavoli'e automo bile was found in her possession police said. GENERAL CAllESTO BE HO T MEXICO CITY, July 31. (AP) General Plutarco Ellas Calles, former president and one of Mexico's outstanding military leaders,' will marry Senorita Llor- ente, 24, at his big ran Ji 1" miles from here tomorrow. The an nouncement was made tonight In circles close to the Calles family. T. A. Robinson and Mrs. T. A. Robinson, who Is the daughter of General Calles, will be the wit nesses. The general and his biide will spend their honeymoon at Tehua- can, State of Pnebla, which Is a resort famous for its hot springs. General Calles is 52 years old. His first wife, Senorita Natalia Chacon, whom he married while she was in her teens, died in June IS 27, at a Los Angeles hospital, where she had gone ft. an opera tion. The general was then president and as there is a law forbidding Mexican presidents to leave the country he was unable to go to his wife's bedside when she died. ION IS T PARIS, July 31 (AP) Two thousand republican guards, mounted and afoot, reached here tonight and were distributed at strategical points as reinforce ments for the city police as a precautionary measure against a much advertised communist man ifestation tomorrow. Preventative arrests as Prefect of Police Chiappe calls the plac ing of communist leaders In pri sons and police stations overnight have reached nearly 200. Tomorrow is the sixteenth an niversary of general mobilization for the world war and has been proclaimed by the communist party "international anti-war day." Premier Tardleu has forbidden any parades, meetings or inter ference with work. Mild Case of, Diphtheria Is Reported Here First case of a serious conta gions disease to be reported in the city la several weeks bobbed np yesterday, when Illness of a three-year-old Salem child was diagnos ed as diphtheria. The child had not had the toxin-antitoxin immuniza tion, reports Dr. Vernon A. Dong las, county health officer. There are three other children In the family. . The case reported is not severe. Dr. Douglas sends out the remin der that immunization clinics are held each Saturday morning at the child health . . demonstration. IN BUCKLEY C1SE DDAV monstt GUARDED GAINS Much Discussed Suitcase Contained Chemicals Witness Declares Woman Brings New Angle In 14-Year Old Case at Court Hearing SACRAMENTO, July 31 CAP) Governor C. C. Young and members of the advisory pardon board plan to question Joha Mac Donald, retracting witness in the 1910 trials of Thomas J. Mooney and Warren K. Billings, at the state capitol here Saturday afternoon. Arrangements for the hear ing were explained tonight by Vincent Kennedy, the gover nor's executive secretary. SAN FRANCISCO, July 31 (AP) Estelle Smith, important witness In the trial here of War ren K. Billings for bombing the preparedness parade July 22, 1916, today tore wide open the supreme court's investigation of Billings right, to a pardon by giving evidence,' never before dis closed, that Billings was an acid thrower Instead of a bomber. . Miss Smith, who at the time of the parade worked in a den tist's office, told the supreme court Justices she saw there dur ing the parade the man she later learned was Billings. He had a suitcase he was afraid to have her lift, saying he was a cameraman from a newspaper and afraid "you'll strain the lenses in my camera." Later, she said, she met Bil lings in city prison and he told her the suitcase had contained acid bottles and he had come to her office not to make pictures of (Turn to page 2, col. 4) TO CHINESE CITIES Approach Hankow and Oth er Industrial Towns on Yangtse River SHANGHAI, July 81 (AP) Communistic activity in south central China that reduced the rich city of Changsha to a sham bles and resulted in an attack yesterday on the U. S. gunboat Palos tonight was sweeping on unchecked in an apparent effort to clamp the red grip on the Yangtse river valley with its many important cities. Pillaging bands of Chinese communists were reported with in 25 miles of the Important in dustrial cities of Hankow, Wu chang and Hanyang, and authori ty 3 of the Japanese concession In Hankow were erecting barbed wire defenses. Klukiang and the nearby sum mer resort of Ruling were re ported being evacuated by for eigners. Communication was fragmentary and the exact sit uation was unknown. Shanghai Now Becomes Worried Indications the communists were preparing to establish them selves throughout Hupeh and Hunan provinces were contained in dispatches from the affected area. They told also of plunder ing along the Peking-Hankow railway. Even Shanghai's foreign set tlements were under special guard. Police patrols were dou bled and authorities prepared to crush any disturbance. Meanwhile Hu Han-Min, as president of the administrative section, announced the govern ment would be responsible for whatever happens. The foreign office Indicated an early reply would be made to a Washington state department communication concerning Americans at Tsianfu, Shantung province, reported en dangered by nationalist air raids against the rebels. Legge To Carry Acreage Gospel Into Northwest WASHINGTON, July 31 (AP) Chairman Legge of the farm board left for Indianapolis to night to carry the gospel of acre age adjustment into the soft red winter wheat belt of the- east central states and to the white wbeat regions of the Pacific northwest. :.' After conferring with growers of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michi gan and Missouri at Indianapolis on August 1, he will go to Chica go for conferences with officials ot the national wbeat, cotton and livestock marketing groups, He will be joined there by Secretary Hyde and they wilt go together to Caldwell, Idaho on August 8; Pendleton. Ore., August l; Port land, August 10; Spokane, Wash., August 11; and Bosoman, Mont August 12. . . REDS MB m n Kyj THOMAS A. EDISON Scholarship Test Requires Much Puzzling; 49 Try to Answer By LORENA HICKOK WEST ORANGE, N. J.; July 31. XAP) Forty-nine bright young men, selected as this . ar's most promising preparatory school graduates in the states and the District of Columbia, dove down today into 50 typewritten pages of one of Thomas A. Edison's cele brated questionnaires and came up smiling but sha1 ing tthftir heads. One of these rowmtsters Is ro- ing to be selected tomorrow for a four-year college coarse, "all ex penses paid, but before taking him on as a protege, Edison wanted to Know several uings. Ann, as ert C. Ladd, Vermont entry, wan ly observed, as he left the exam ination room "so much of it was the kind of stuff you can't learn in school." The toughest and most thought provoking of Edison's Questions, Eonpinen QUESTB TO LADS Wltberboys generally agreed,, had to ao wun a-scienuiic parry siranaea in the desert. Here Is the ques tion: Nice Problem fa Ethics Involved "Ton are at the head of an ex pedition which has come to grief in the desert. There is enough food and water left to enable three (Turn to page 2, col. 1) mm FACES 2 CHARGES M. A. Butler, paroled from the Oregon penitentiary this summer, was in Jail here last night, facing two charges each of which may send him back to his former resi dence at the end of State street. Haled before Justice Brazier Small on Thursday afternoon Butler was charged with obtain ing money under false pretenses and also with issuing a check without sufficient funds. Bail for the first charge was set at $2000 and for the second at $1000 neither amount Butler be ing able to raise. Butler asked time to consult an attorney and indicated he would plead not guilty to the charges. The complainant on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses is a local bank which loaned Butler $300 when he gave a statement showing he had a net worth of $5700. The bank alleges Butler bad none of the property he claimed was his own POIFIi Tree Sitting Contest - Ot Objectors Goes On The endurance contest for tree Bitting objectors to the city's pro posed vacation of Trad r reet for the Oregon Pulp and Paper com pany continued uninterruptedly Thursday with considerable doubt apparent if the .11 remaining re monstrance signers would come down before the council convenes August 4. The metaphor appeared mixed, however. Inasmuch as City Attor ney Trindle stated that be had prepared a written oppinion de claring the Oregon laws made It impossible to vacate the street un less the remonstrance was with drawn or two-thirds of the prop erty holders of Salem petition for the vacation. Thus the paper mill rather than the remonstrance sign ers appear to be la the tree. ' Mrs. Sarah E. Stale y. 457 South Commercial street, withdrew her name, leaving 11 of the original signers, although Dan J. Fry, Sr., Just back from Neskowin, has not as yet 'actually withdrawn his signature. Max O. Boren, one of the sign ers of-the remonstrance, has had pictures taken showing the huge cinder clouds generated at- the mill. Buren contends tlat the cin ders can be stopped in the same manner that the Pacific Northwest ATM R-1 00 Circles Over Montresl Awaiting Dawn Wheri Landing Will Be Mate After Long Flight Bad Weather Encountered Over Gulf, Damaged Fin Also Causes Delay But New Record is Set ST. HUBERT, Que., Aug. 1. (AP) The British diri gible R-100 arrived over St. Hubert at 1:30 a. m. on & Transatlantic voyage frem Cardington, England. The airship which left Cardington at 9:45 p. m. Monday made the flight here in 76 hours and 15 minutes, which sets a new record for east-west crossing of the At lantic by a dirigible. She va3 delayed during the last hours of the flight by a damaged fin which greatly reduced the speed. Near the end of the trip heavy thun der storms caused further delay. The dirigible was sighted tea miles northeast of here at 1:05 a. m. traveling slowly east to ward the illuminated landing field. Half an hour later the huge ship was barely moving at an altitude of about 500 feet. Cheers Arise a Big Bag Appears Appearance of the sky wan derer, after many hours waiting, was the signal for an outburst ot cheering from those at the field who needed sweaters and coats because of a drop In tem perature. " - From the airport the ship flew to Montreal, 15 miles away and circled the city at 1:40 a. ra. She flew lew with her lights shining and searchlights plavirg on her long gray flanks. Moor ing at the airport was deferred until dawn. ST. HUBERT AIRPORT. Q., July 81. (AP) The Brltieb dirigible R-100, largest of air craft, tonight was making clow progress down the St. Lawrenc river valley, headed for this air- port after repairs were made to a damaged fin which delayed her progress several hours. A message from Squadron Commander R. S. Booth said tke dirigible should reach here by 11 p. m., she was due at 4 p. m. Trouble Noted Over Quebec The messages telling ot the damage did not detail its exteat. nor Its nature. It was recall! the ship scraped a fin in betog walked from her hangar at Car dington, England. When the big silver ciger . neared Quebec at 4:10 p. m., it was apparent she was in trouble since she was making slow bead-, way and at times appeared to t standing still or drifting with the wind. A few moments- later Both wirelessed the field here he k4 a damaged fin and probably would not arrive until tomorrow. The mishap, coming almost at the end of the voyage and inni 150 miles from her goal, recalled a similar occurrence aboard the Graf Zeppelin on her niaidca voyage to America two years ago. Public Service corporation haa handled its-cinder problem. Buren intimated Thursday that he might be induced tovwithdraw his. name provided the paper com-, pany made a binding, written agreement to handle the cinder problem in a manner to rem ova the nuisance entirely from the downtown district. Buren said the facts he had un covered led him to take issue that the elimination of the cinders would cost $50 dally. He said bis remonstrance to the vacation at ' the street was made r.s a matter of public policy and declared hia self opposed to the Idea of boy cott of citizens who expressed their Tiews In the remonstrance. ' Several councilmen meanwhile expressed themselves as favoring; the vacation of the street. One de clared he would rote for the meas ure, remonstrance or no remon strance, and wonld leave It to the signers of the petition to bring court action to restrain the vaca tion .of the street If they felt such, action Illegal. . Oposition expressed about town was centered first ca the cinder nuisance which It is held the paper mill has aHowed to' continue ao second on the alleged need of all ; of Trade street , for : .the future .' growth of Salem.