Celery Crop JEsiimated at 650 Cars This Summer. 0 VEGETABLES OF FIE DUALITY Labish Growers .Shipping Celery and Lettuce Daily HAZEL July 30 The Lake Labish Celery union has al ready shipped eat 2A ears of cel ery and seven ears of lettuce this aeason, according to reports from the association office. The celery and lettuce go, to all parts of the United states and recently a small shipment was sent to Japan. The second slanting of lettuce Is now .being cut and is of nansa- fclly fine quality, according to the growers. It Is estimated that the celery shipments wilT total 650 cars this season. The peak of the celery season Is reached about Thanks giving time but the cuttings now Are of very fine quality and the bunches are unusually large for this season of the year. E GOES OUT INDEPENDENCE, July SO Some time Saturday night about 40 feet of the dike that is umder construction Just south of town, washed out. This is the second time this has happened since the work began. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Anderson have returned from a two weeks trip into California. Mr. Ander son has resumed his work at the Penny store. Mrs. Wesley Wiley, Mrs. L. Ltndquist and Mrs. Arlie Ander son, motored to Dallas Monday to have a swim in the pool at that place. VETERAN IS ILL SUMMIT HILL, July SO John ShlfCerer Jr., who has not been well for some time, 18 now con fined to his bed. The rush of the harvest has been too much for him and he was foreed to lay aside his work. Mr. Shifferer is a world war veteran and served with the army of occupation in Germany. Wounds and hardships suffered while there, have impair ed his health. Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE HORIZONTAL 1 Retain. '4 Wing-like part. 11 Skill in performance. 12 Who wrote "Cmtmoa Sease" a.d "Tke RIgkts ( Mu"T 14 Digit. 15 WIm rlr, fUwIag fro Lak EtW to Lako OaUrio, forms tke boniHlary fcelw a Mew York an4 OalriT 17 WW to w Dewager Qoeea f RoasaaaUT I9Striko KghUy. ZO Wkk to tk mmmmg mm: Tb part mt a mt ri-nr b. tweea Basel aa4 Cologma b calUJ tko Miidlo t 12 Wkick ef tto Twb Aptdm wm ala called Siaoa? 24 Fur-bearing mammal. ze-oto of the scale. 27 Wke was tie sew ef Ckaoaf Z0 Small flap. 21 Cloth measure. 33 Wfcat mf tk aatoring wmwiai Am upnMM awing iacoto face to -T S4 Im wkat oatiaat are AeObl, Yamgtaa aa4 Tigris Rivorsl 36 High priest of Israel. . 36 Powerful. 4 38 Not of the scale. . S9 Steal away furtively. 41 Wkat to taw satosiaff aaae A aevel by George - Eliot is -Mrar"Z 44 Worrits. 46 Short sleep. 48 Uproars. td Exerted pressure. 53 Everything 4 Man's name. 66 Japanese statetman. 67 Bone of tho forearm, . f$ Title of former Russian ruler. VEKXICAL. . i-Wto wrote Tk Critlqw of Par Reaso"?: 2 Character to th Bible. . I Place where troope bait 4 Wkat b tW larvosl trror osj- 5 TeUe? of falsehood. , 6 One. . , 8-Paved roads. Hawaiian food. 1 2 3 I WA I5 I6 WA1 I H XO w& W TT f- Zl 32 33 35" " ' p2 36 37 p 3fl" Wl . H 1 wh ton 1 1- 1 WHEN FLYER MET AUTOMOBILE Thia shapeless mass of wreck age is the remains of the auto mobile which was hit by a Penn sylvania Railroad express train bound from Philadelphia, Pa to New York. The accident oc curred at Elizabeth, N. J. The train became derailed some 500 RULE PEOPLE IT C.E. JtOSEDALE, July 30 A. J. Haldy and family are spending the week at Twin Rocks attending the Oregon Friends Christian En deavor conference. Forrest Paul, Esther Cammack and Adelaide Wins low also went over Monday and expect to be gone a week. Progress is being made in set ting the posts for the new electric line which comes up the Rosedale hill and turns west past C. A. Cole's to accommodate several families in that vicinity. A. J. Haldy has been doing some repair work on the school house. W. E. Way has been extracting the surplus honey from his colony of bees, which he pastures in va rious places. He has several hundred pounds of fine honey for his work. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fuller, formerly of Palacias, Tex., but now living on the. Garden road. SHEFFER 10 That from which anything springs. 12 Wko wrote "Marias tka Ep- Karau 7 18 Ejecta. 16 Wkat Aaterkaa fmm ral wea a victory oror tko Bntuh at Saratoga. 7 IS Insect. , ... 21 abodes. 22 Becomes dull to the interest 23 Repeal. 25 Bars of timber. 25 Charge for service. 25 Sever with the teeth. SO Crv i the sheen. SX Wfcat-Aaaorieas rVoaUtoat kad a sortoo of dobatM with Stopka A. Dowglas? 34 Wkat Titan supported the world m bis akovlders? 36 Analyse grammatically. 37 Baseball teams. 40 Consume. 42 What to tko pout La am orbit at which tko dwtaaeo of the body froa tko eeatro of a troottoo) to oitkoe BToatot or lowaetf 43 What CUnaasi tide of roeaoct ' la oqoivatoat to Mrs.? 45 WhirL 47 Aroma. 4t rck. 51 Girl's came. '. it Crook setter. 5 Behold. JUUUULfJ.fl TU-l-l.t t tit t.t.tt t.OJ Herewfth to the solutioci tore I R A FMHS WLlMAWNrfMluS E baSsTcaIne fm ytm g A -I trOj Tl4.Msr ?s eahv N Ot istuiio: TO? f feet after striking the automo bile. Many of the coaches rolled down the ten-foot em bankment causing injury to over one hundred passengers and to some of the members of the crew. Several are believed to have been fatally injured. visited at the T. D. Trick home. Sunday. The Tricks also formerly resided in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bear of Tur ner called oa relatives her Sun day. CilTEST AT TALBOT TALBOT, July 29 Miss Min nie Miller of Salem is spending the week with Mrs. Frank Kie- per. Friday Mrs. Kieper and her guest, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Belknap and family left for Yaeh- ats for a few days' outing. MICKEY MOUSE ALL RIGHT. LETS T I J VtT l Kjs l I X ( 4lC6 Vl HIHI T;4m?. (3iW Ww&m& dai I v a ktf uro DAT C "Mastered Musicians" s7VLit-tl lilS XalitX A Xliwf charms tJK i Xnmnn ,.; ) ffcp yQty LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ADWT SALIX WELL-BEHAVED I rXEA55. DOWT MAktB NOUR PWAU DE CI5I0AJ UWTIL WOO HAVE SEEAJ I AAJAilE . THE CHILD Vol) 4S0DT tf5Sa O an, " Sj tmi 11 MnMt tm,Crtm TOOTS AND CASPER "THE ANNUAL. AT THE aXDFEU.OS CV.UBT 19 r4EAA AT HAND, MR. CA5PER ! I HAVE THH HONOR TO INFORM TtXJ THa "THBTR06r?E95Ive rVCTlOf4 UMABM0U5lY. agreed upon cfou to bb rre candidate porths PRE91DENCT. ArT i xirtsts 'I ) tKM.Sa rlamSiMttat. lar. GRAIN HARVEST ILL STARTED Harvest Work and Guests Keep Central Howell Interested CENTRAL HOWELL. July , SO Grain cutting has started la thia community aao the farmerjs are potting in long days in the field. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steften and family and Mr. aad Mrs. A. A. Hall and daughter Lucille drove to Portland Sunday and picnick ed With Mrs. SUffen's aaother. Mrs. Leisy, and J. Leisy and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Clare c Sim mons and family attended gath ering oa Sunday at the borne of lira. U. 8. Simmons near Mil waukee. Present were Mr. aad Mrs. Nate Emmet of Vancouver, Mr. aad Mrs. Will Klein aad daughter Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ostrander aad sou Ray mond and Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Cammeron, Mrs. Boardman, all of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Simmons and family, Mrs. Rlcker and Charles Bicker, Eth el Simmons and Mrs. U. S. Sim mons all of Milwaukie. Mrs. Lorena D. Kizer spent a week end recently with her sis ter, Mrs. Clarence Simmons. Mrs. Kiier is a teacher ia the Halsey schools and has been attending the summer school at Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ramadea Fare and Hollis and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Waltman and Lor etta went to Cascadia Sunday. They report a large crowd there many from surrounding commun ities being there Sunday. Mr and Mrs. J. L. Lauderback have a new car. Radio telephone service to Ha waii is planned as first link in the trans-Paeific service. IS A H4JUDS0ME LITT7S GlVL. RUT fOU X BBBM TELL I WO B5 - a - i rfM EUECTlO DAY I APPRSCIAT& - Writ 1 uti t THSONO faHAVB 1 aA aaaaakaKaMBBav CONFERRED UPON WE, CUT 4 PbVLroc! ITXSNOT CMC .to: Potctots of Fint Qncfhy Declares Portland Inspector The potato inspector In the Portland field says that the potatoeo on the early truck markets are of a quali ty xouch superior te those of previous seasons aad he be lieves that the new standard, iaation law ia to he credited largely for the Improvement. The greater part of the stock at present Is sold as U. 8. No. 2, bmt as the sea son advances, U. S. Xo. 1 win predominate. Dealers who are exposed their pota toes to sua light are waned that a short time ia such direct exposure will cawse them to -tarn green and de teriorate 1b quality. Potatoes less than 1 inches in dia meter mast be marked as "Oregon Cut!," and not "Oregon Xo. a." The potato inspector in vites consultation of growers and dealers regarding the law and regnlatlona gorem Ing grading and marking. Ho can be reached through At water 4075 and Walnut 028ft, Portland. T IS MIDDLE GROVE, July 30. Fred Scharf of baling hay near Wacnoda at the Joseph Fitts farm. He will return to this com munity sometime Wednesday. The hay baling season is draw ing to a close and grain thresh ing will soon be on as a great deaL of grain has already been cut Dan Scharf who has been laid up with a dislocated shoulder for several weeks, returned to his work with the county on Monday. WES WORK Ml FARMERS 'A Surrounding Surrender'' 'Words OH. I'LL SEE. HER - BUT VAK r.EvTMLi .ue OlOUV DO -PROM. WHAT JAV t TOW JRE MUST A FORWARD UTTLE THING" Si "A Change I NVA& JU3T CWbWta THE NOMINATION- FOO PRESIDENCY OF OUR TOOTS. I DECLINETBUTTHEY ANOUU7NT TAKE! NO ANSWER.: TOLD ME , rTOvER. . TESTERPATTHB 0O5&rAVEMBA' RAr$etTOO,. I'M thelworld; MrTYOu6lAT MUST ,'MARRieD ME, SAILOR IADS HT Two of Crew From S. S. Saratoga Visit Friends Recently 1 JEFFERSON', July 39 James Wled and his chum Robert An derson of Spokane have enjoyed a vacation with James Wled 'a fa ther and sisters. James waa so busy renewing old acquaintances aad the days passed too soon and oa Thursday evening they left by stage -tor San Diego, California, to resume their naval services on the 8. 8. Saratoga. Mrs. T. O. Davis of Seattle spent several daya with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Cum mins. Mrs. Davis formerly- resid ed at Jefferson. Mrs. B S. Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rhodes, Clarence Thurston and Lucils Smith mo tored to Portland Saturday. Clar ence ia getting along nicely since having the operation. Merlin Whedbee motored to Gervafs Thursday evening where he will spend some time helping his uncle Blaine Brown harvest his onions. Hay Baler Busy In Zena Area ZEN A, July 30 J. J. Stratton and son are In the Zena district this week with their bailer and crew of 13 men. Monday they baled on tho W. W. Henry farm moving from there to bale for Jesse Walling where they finish ed Tuesday and moved to W. D. Henry's late In the afternoon. Wednesday tho baler moved to the Clarence Merrick farm. Of Praise" "fOU APM1T THIS JEFFERSON 4JUJIMP r.niM DJU T SAW EAIOUCH IM PEAtSE OP SALLV -THAT 3H0LUS SHE HAS THE COOT) SCAJSG To EECOGAJ1Z.E 5 HEJc SUPERIOR For The Worse" THE. TbuMAVJE CLUB. MS TIRED. FOR AN ALU HEAR TO THINK BUlMEe-PUS1NE5&- CANfT TtXiTHJNVd OF ANYTHING Ml i N t- -I o s ft An interesting study of Senator Kenneth McKelLimlcmocrat, of Tennessee, on the Capitol steps, Washington, D. C, after he at tacked President Hoover as an 'internationalist." The attack was trrooght on by Hoover's re fusal to send the London treaty papers to the senate. UTTLE FOE OF PACT 1 HfSW AllCE. - CEADV You VsOM rvrY LoVB BY TEUUNr ME HOW WONDER1UL. I AM; AND NOWTOVRE TO HOLD IT BYTEUJN6, ME HQVy WONDERFUL tou are: MINNESOTA PIBC IT Winter Meeting of Group to Be Held in Salem In Near Future HUBBARD, July 30 The Min nesota picnic held at Playmor park Hubbard Sunday was atten ded by a crowd and a delightful time was reported. . John C. Winter. Portland at torney, was the speaker of the dry. Winter is the son of a prom inent Minnesota pioneer and Is a graduate from the, Minnesota law school. Music was furnished by tho Gideon quartet of Salem; and community singing was led by . Joseph Benner of Salem. Mr. ' Benner also contributed several readings during the program. Addresses of wtlcome were given by J. N. Ha u gen, Wood born, vice-president, Rodney Alden and Arthur Dickinson, also ot Wood burn. All of tho following officers were re-elected: M. B. Stegner president; .Mrs. E. Cooke Pattoa, vice-president aad Mrs. W. J. Linfoot. secretary. Other repre sentatives of the elub are: S. P. Rowley of Turner, J. N. Haugen of Woodburn. Mrs. Arrell ot la dependence, George W. Hubbsof Silverton, Albert Ring of Lyons W. B. Fuller ot Dallas. S. A. Har ris of Gerrais, J. G. Hoffman ot Sublimity, Joseph Keber of ML Angel, Mrs. B. F. Wells of Hub bard, Mrs. Jessie Serersie of Scotts Mills. A winter meeting of the club was arranged to be held at Sa lem. .The 1931 annual picnic of the club will be held at Dallas. WOMEX W1X LOXDON (AP) Women won 17 of the 67 vacancies offered In the last civil service examinations for executive posts. Of 766 candi dates 326 were women. x By IWERKS I5y CLIFF STERRETT By BEN BATSFORO HELD l TELL HA VOll ASJL1T cor Ajorww to worcn about - THAT CI CM CEA1TLEAMAJ S45 Ml) WIPE LIKES VOO-X TOLD A FOR A TOP TO T-Sl By. JIMMY MURPHY tLTiaiWV TRYUS6r HOOFER. PET6PM4EW TO WHHT MABEL AND ONE LOOK-AT . eeT OAW Convinces U5THAT ME WILL I40T BS . traveai Y - THMARTEDi m OCMFOR PEVQJ0PHEMT5' lTiMMyHut