The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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The CnrCCN TTTATHSUAH. Salen. 'Oregaa, Thursday Kerning July Sl lg33
., -. f; - v ;..r-- t v . ...
"'-'-Z'"l-t' "sssaasa - L""'-
le Acreage Jn Roberts
-.J. District Ready for Sec- --
ond Harvest -
ROBERTS, : July SO. Raphael
Bettlnconrt. who has quite i
Seres; of string beans started the
second picking Tuesday.
Vlfr. and lira. Roy Rice and chil
dren. Dorothy and Roy Jr., went
to Hlllsboro Sunday to visit Mr.
Rice's mother.' Mrs. E. M. Rice.
- who has been Quite 1H with
- Inflammatory rbenmatism. She Is
now in the hospital at HQlsboro,
harlBr special treatments.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fldler of
Pedee, Oregon, were Sunder Ytait
- era at Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Fidler'a
' home. . " - '
Panl Carpenter spent the week
end at Neskowin wiht Edgar Rod-
ers, Stanley Wilkinson and Vktor
Birth of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. X. P. Kugel ot
Salem, soent Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Fidler.
Mr. and Mrs. August Mickelson
' of Salem,- risked Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. H. B. Can-ter.
- Miss Melba Davenport of Port
land visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 8. C- Davenport, Sunday.
Miss Joan New comb of Fair-
lew. was a guest Sunday "with Mr.
'and Mrs. J. P. Blankenshlp and
- family.
- Mrs. J. B. Parker o Salem Is
spending a few days ' with her
, daughter, Mrs. George Hlgflns
- and family.
Mr.. and Mrs. J. Jt. Parker of
Sullerton, Calif., visited with Mr,
and Mrs. George Higgin. and Mrs.
J. B. Parker, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Edwards
June Edwards, Leroy Edwards
' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kernes went
. to Roaring River fish hatchery
. Sunday.
: Floyd Query, wbo Is now at
Clorerdale, Oregon, spent Sunday
at his home here.
4 ? '
7 i
1 f
1- ' V'i '
Georges TchMcherl (left), wbo recently- reUged Ida post Soviet
commissar for foreign affairs following a brilliant career as states
man. The resignation la said to have beea. seessltated by'the
commissar's poor health. Maxim LttTinoff (right), who haa for
some time been acting commissar, haa been appointed by : the
centra executive committee to snececd the retiring head of for
eign affairs. - -..
AMITY, July SO. Mr. and
Mrs. John Zahler and family are
spending the weekend with Mrs.
Zahler's parents at Silverton,
from there 'they will go to De
Lake for three days.
Theodore Barner returned
home Sunday after a three
months motor trip in California.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rogers
and daughter, Elsie, and Mr. and
Mrs. J.' E. Rogers visited at the
home of H. J. Rogers at Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kin grey. Al
lan Kingrey and sister ot Osh
kosh, Nebraska, visited last week
at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. lL
- J. Rogers.
Mrs. Frank Smith of Portland
pent the week with her mother,
Mrs. R-Wallace. .
Barbara Stimpson, wbo has
been visiting - her grandmother
Mrs. Anna Stimpson, returned to
her home at Pasco, Wash.
ill Rosenbalm . of Medford,
pent three days visiting with bis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rosenbalm.
Rey. Leila Lackey, her father,
James Luckey. Miss Iola Luckey
and O. G. Xooney hare returned
from leadership training school at
Philomath. .
j The attendance was considered
good for a small denomination.
This being the first attempt in
this district to hold a summer
school. Of fifty-seven present,
forty were young people, who are
very enthusiastic about coming
again next year. Much attention
was gWen to recreation.
Peter Zelinskl returned to Sa
lem General hospital for another
operation. He is improving, but
it will be some days before he
can be brought home again.
Mr. and Mrs. Crowe left Mon
day for their home In Moseow,
Idaho. They were guests of their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. A. F..Van Cleave. Mr; and
Mrs. Crowe may return later in
the summer as they are expecting
the return of a daughter from
Fall From Horse
Injures Wrist
day evtuJng as R. A. Chapman
was riding a horse home from
work the - horse "in some wap
threw Chapman off, 'hurting his
If was at first thought the
wrist was fractured but an x-ray
'was taken by the local pbysdan
and It showed It was bruised and
sprained. Chapman is in the em
Ploy of D. H. Looney. V'
was a sister-in-law
t, Ditmara of Fair-
Mrs. Brook
of Mrs. T.
field. ..,
Mrr.Ray Barker and daugh
ters, Lona Mae and Jeanette left
Sunday for the beach resort.
Wood, where they will spend
some time with Mrs. Barker's
aunt who has a cottage at this
Miss - Gladys Brows, Leslie
Brown and Vernie Banyard mo
tored to Portland, Monday where
they will remain a few days as
guests of Miss Brown's aunt.
Mrs. Cora Farrell. Many places of
Interest win be visited 'While
there, including Lotus Isle and
Jantzen Beach. From Portland
the party win go to Astoria, then
return home,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sharff and
children Roberts, Dorothy, and
Kenneth, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. F. R. Nusom and children.
Rosemary and Ronald spent the
day at the Silver Creek Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ooffin
were guests, recently at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Krebbs of
Harvest Season" in t Full
:Swingin Valda Hills
- i This Week
Kaufman family : together with
many relatives and friends mo
tored out to the creek'?
Sunday where they enjoyed a plc
nle dinner. : The affair was plan
ned to. honor Mr. and Mrs. Wa.
Sherter and $ wo sons, William
and - Harlandr who ' are spending
the summer with Mrs. Shurters
parents. Rev. and i Mrs. - Wm.
Kaufman. The snorters motored
from their Illinois -home in June.
They formerly ilred in this neigh
borhood, moving to' Illinois IX
yean ago. Many aeugnuui so
cial affairs are being piannea in
their honor,
. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fuller or
Cuba were weekend guests at
Fred Kaser'sv Mrs. Fuller will
be remembered as Edna Klopfen-
stein. After s an extended Tisit
with relatives they will return to
their Island home.
-The Juvenile order of Neighbors
of .Woodcraft, their parents and
friends numbering 40 met tt the
Drift Creek pieale grounds San-
day for a social time. Miss ouve
Ottowiy Is their leader and plans
many happy houra for the youngsters.!
Harvesting has begun in ear
nest in the hills. At every farm
you hear the hum of the binder.
LeRey Rue Is shocking for Mrs.
Maude Haberly. Roger Comstock
for John: Goodkeneeht, Philip Rue
for Karl Baberlf, Korman Naegll
for Lv B. Haberly, Loren Thomp
son for C R. Riches.
" The John Goodkeneeht family
hay been ill with "flu but are
now able to be about
Harold Roop, Jr is recovering
nicely from injuries received last
week when a hay fork fell on
him piercing his aide nd groin.
When the accident occurred his
mother was ill in the SilvertonH
hospital, but she has been
brought borne.
. Noticing an article about so
many Shephards being - on-
schoal board we remembered
that the Haberly name was seen
many times is the Centernew
schooL . Karl Haberly is clerk of
th board; On Is bond sxe L
B. Haberly mad Mrs. M. If. HabeTf
lyiWttneesen are Mildred .Hanewy
and . Burnett Haberly. -,f -v ? .-T
Keratt .Hawthorne of Portland
has , been spending a week .. at
Frank Egsa's." Kermlt Ukesl to
eome to the farm and seldom
tlasee a samxier . eatlna ! like
other small beys from the city,
the'eountry has wonderful at
traction. . ' r-': - : . - '
Mr.- and Mrs. E. C. Dye and
daughter Juanita of Oregon City
spent Sunday at -P.' J.:Keuswan
gers. -;:-s-. . . -
work en the road in this dis
trict is progressing "nieely. They
are -now at work making the new
strip through the Rue farm. The
covered1 bridge over. Drift creek
s no more. Just now, a mile de
tour . is necessary until ' a tem
porary bridge can be put in. .
Mrs, Maud Haberly and
daughter. Miss Mildred motored
to The Dalles Thursday, return
ing Sunday. Mildred taught in
The Dalles high school and will
be there again next year.
Mrs. Ted Fin ley and children.
Teddy and Norma,. spent Sunday
with relatives at Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Edson. Comstock,
Roger and Janet Comstock-mo-
to the Minnesota state picnic. : On
their return they were accom
panied by Mr.- and Mrs. F. E.
Sylvester, and . daughter, Shirley,
of Sllvertonv who ' were supper
60 n
lake', labish, July : 30 a
large TJ. S. gotemment car, trail
ing a great flat boat laden with
measuring Instruments, engine
motors, cables, survey instru
ments, grappling .hooks and a
blea of all sixes. passed south. en
the Padflo highway here today.'
They were bound for the upper
Willamette rivers to make a map
ot the river for . the federal gor-.
ernmeat. . :
"All this points to deep water
mm itict
and Mrs. Charles McKee, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry McKee, Mr. T. O. Mc
Kee, Mr. Alphln, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Lynes. Dick Hitt. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Knight and eon Bil-
lie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, and
family, Mrs, R. C. Thomas and
Mrs. D. T. Hammll motored to
T achats Sunday morning retarn-
inc Inthe evening.
Thev reported haying a fine
time. The fishing was good, hay
ing caught a goodly number of
torn cod.
Mrs. Roy Hixson and daugh
ter Loraine, and Mrs. L. D. Wor-
maek spent Tuesday In Salem
The two ladies are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. August Kroshell
of Eugene spent Sunday with
Mrs. Kroshell's mother, Mrs. R.
A. Buchanan.
for the Willamette said one of
the " surrey r experts iT jritk the
party, v .
Mr. and lira." George " Wlnslow
and daughters Pauline and Har
riett and small son, George Jr., of
Tillamook were In-Salem Monday
morning where Mr. Wlnslow had
a business engagement. Later In
the day the family : vent to ' the
borne istTlr. and Mrs. - Oliver
Whitney et Brush College, brother-in-law
and sister ef George
Wlnslow where they were guests
until Tuesday 'when they return
ed home; George Wlnslow Is a
lawyer and represents Tillamook
county In the legislature.
rsoh People
jAttend Jennings
, Lodge 'Meeting
' . i - -
and Mrs. A:W.J Oliver nd;on; i;
Wilfred. -Nettie Reeven and sLu-.
ra Klhs returned homrfroni Jen
nings Ledge Saturday tor the re
gular Sunday - morning I service
and also to attend . the ; district i
Sunday school convention' at Ma- ?v '
rion of which. Rer. Oliver- Is '
They all returned to Jennings
Lodge Sunday evening for the re-,
mainlna of the camp meeting.
I They report a large crowd in at
tendance and many camps un
grounds. - V '
WHEELING, W. Va., July 29.
(AP) The war deoartment has
orderetr'zO single engined cargo!
planes from the Fokker Alrcraf
corporations plant.
'Hours 8:30 to 5:30
Telephone 2860
WACONDA, July SO Guests
at the A. W. Nusom home Sunday
were: Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Thur
mon, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Nusom
and daughter Shevenly, and
Jor Towns, all of Forest Grore j
and John Brook of Oakland,
Mr. and Mrs. Kmil Cramer badT
as their Sunday guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Carter Keene and children.
1 . Recent overnight guests at the
Allyn Nusom home were: Mrs.
Gracj Hooper and daughter, Lau
rie s of Madera, California: and
Mrs. Willard McCullock ef Med
ford. " '
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gof fin at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Harry
Brook at Oregon City last week.
Announcing -
Beginning Today;
at Nine o'clock
' A Thousand' Real. Birthday Cakes
to be presented to nil our friends and .customers .;
In addition there will be
v-1 A Thousand Credit Slips for ;
. . All to be freely siven with our com
pliments and fodwisnea, . .
Moreoverthere will be s long list of
sreat values Watches Diamond -
Ring--Costume Jewelry will all be of-
- fered at a third to a half less.
- "."c And every reader of this newspaper : 1 -1
- ' " is invited to share in the Great Birth- '
-v:; day Feast -- , - ,
t begins This Morning and continues
Friday; and Saturday C'SJi
and everybody's wekome. No mcoey needed. - Open
. an account andTayrUs As-Yoti; Are PaidTr
New, fresh, crisp goods, bought at special prices by Breier for
you. We consider it our' duty to bring our customers these "su
per values" just nowy when everyone wants his dollars to do dou
ble duty. By buying at Breier's you will be surprised at savings
made. . -' -
Of it very fine quality
with woven 4 inch col
ored bent,' size .42 z 36.
This case was intended
for a 7Se retail value
our. special
price is
Plan to attend This morning at nine o'clock
I U .. i-i r-i r t 1 I - s. ' -
57"Stats Street,
- v - :'
' Bis P. . assortment -; of .
ladies' bloomers,' shorts,
combinationl, panties,
8tep-ins in "voile v and
rayon mater- Cf nf
ials, Values
-t ,
.Heavy Turkish lowel
she 20 x 40 with white
- ground and lars - eol
ored ' stripes JUended -in.
A towel like this usual
ly sells; for 45c. Very
rspeeiaJ pnry. - .
Broadcloth Dresses ' , $1.63
i990' Silk Dresses ., " A x
$5.00 .Dress-Pants Y r. ,r $2.93
2 Pr. Baby Shoes X ... V... 39c
. Men's8 in. Work Shoe ' . ; $2.79
Men's $1.49;Dress Shirts -Ll98o
v Men's Work -Shirts 17 Jto -20.g9C
To the manufacturer's
knowledge this spread
has not .been sold for
less' than $5.00. This is
of the tcry-finest of
rayon and conies in two
beautiful ' eombinatkms
of colors, deep rose and
tan, and deep.yeHoW and
tan. This fa an extra
1 large spread -which-gives
ample length for
a booster. limited wrm
Ctaty $2.66
, Aviation Suits .
Aviation Suits for Boys
Men's Dress Panto
tadWI Dress Hats up to $X49$lJ0O
Men's Athletic Unions
MenV Wcrk Shirts 144 to 17.39c
Men's and Boys Dress Caps ii
': Ladies'ArtH Support Slippers .$3.77
2"by"ft, RngsFgcv- Patterna83c ,
; --.v;.,, a? -y;
- - i - ' "J " J- , 'Z ,
.141 21. Ccamcrrdsl
Store 24
July 28th to August 2nd
Demonstratirig the exquisite Beaoty-Baflding qualities of tht
These delightful prep&ratioris are made with Almond Oil, Almond Meal
and other Natural Beauty Builders. They are not only the ideal make-up
for daily use but actually refine the pores, remove blemishes and add ex
quisite loveliness to the complexion that is a permanent beauty. This U De
cause the marvelous Almond OU refines the inner tissues! You should
know more about these rare and unusual
This is your opportunity. Make an appointment NOW for a delightful
Capital Drug Store
CAIi 3118 OR 3119 .
New low Prices
Same High
We Ctrl ve to Achieve this Purpose by
" Mailing Available Standard, Soundly
made TJerchandice ot Economy Pcices
Extraordinary Values!
Cummer Styles Emphasise
Stripes and Ovcrplaidc
Extra Pants at $4.88
Style and quality are happily blended in The Arris
ley through . the eombfiiatkni of smart cut and "dis
tinctive patterns .with dependable fabrics and skiCful
tailoring. Cassimeres, twists and worsteds are of
fered in the season's newest' colorfcgs. -
Men's Styles for
A fashionable, young man's model which proves con
ciu&ively that good taste ! in stylo .need no be ex-
Pensive.-- : - -; ' -.. . '
' Buy Now! -
The f ssftons -SOLAR"
brand, too, tst smart Sennit
saflors am4 aeft, swagger
Mlbuu. The bat roa'U wsat
' for mld-snusssr Is here at
mm SMrtOBlatdas) low cost!
, Buy. Now!
Extraordinary- -Values!
" .- ; ' - . " . "
- , Processed to . .
Prevent Shrinkinf;
These shirts are' made os
sseroes : body Uses . asd
.Selenttflcanr v ffoporUonod
' to aire ceaaplate comfort. ;
Buy Now!
;"'r , - "V, , :7 -jr . Extraordmarjr: ;Valuei! " .
You know this dependable brand, although
never . befcre at this drastically revised
price. ;rThe same - fine, extra-heavy, ' full
; mercerized socks with reinforced toes that
wear and wear . . . but which now cost you
substantially !esav Smartly, fashioned . in
'Plain cowrs. . -,
Buy. Now!
1C3 Ncrti liberlj El. Salen
- t-r