The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 31, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    Local News Briefs
No Cachet Allowed No offi
cial cachet will be used from the
Salem postoffice In reco"niton
of the air tour Sunday, roiiowmg j
failure of the federal department !
to sanction the stamp. However, i
the American Legion aud -chau
ber of commerce have made ar
rangements for a special de, to
ahow a map of the air tour
route. The cachet is of especial
interest to collectors of such
postmarks, and already several
letters have been received here,
the genders believing that a spe
cial postmark would be used for
the occasion. They will not be
disappointed, thanks to the local
Cole McEiroy's dance, "Tumble '
Inn." 3 miles N. of Albany, Fri..
August 1st.
Mrs. Ilallin Sues Lillian E. j
H&llfn yesterday filed suit in cir- i
cuit court for divorce from Rease j
A. Hallin, to whom sne was mar-ifjied
ried in MeMlnnville in June 1930
She asserts in her complaints that
Hallin is selfish and possessed of
an exceedingly irritable temper,
and that he is suspicious and has
nn justly accused her of Improper
relations with other men. She asks
930 a month pending outcome ot
the ease.
Dance, MeBiroy's band, "Tum
ble Inn", 3 miles N. of Albany,
Fri., Ang. 1st.
Dr. A gpie lie win
Dr. Agnes
Lewis has Just returned from a ! that he used the butt of a gun
Ix-weeks trip to Philadelphia and ! on Eveterr Dancer as reported In
other eastern points. While in j the Sunday Statesman, was made
Philadelphia she attended the na- ; by Henry MayfieM yesterday. "I
tlonal convention of osteopaths. ; didn't have a gun. so couldn't
She also stopped at Yongstown, ' have used one." said Mayfield.
Ohio, to attend a proctology con- The affair was an altercation
vention, for which the noted Dr. ' which arose over Dancer s atten
C E. Blanchard was leader. Dr. tion to Mayfields sister, May
Lewis also visited friends in Mln- i field driving him from their
nmnts and Montana Doints. ,
See our display Bird baths.
gun dials, vases, brownies, frogs i
and other lawn decorations. lar-
nell. 1215 N- 16th.
Visiting Milbums Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Howard and four chil
dren arrived yesterday from Ester
ville, Iowa, for a visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Milbnrn.
McCoy street. Mr. Howard
and Mrs. Milburn are brother and
sister. Howard Is also a brother
of L. L. Howard of near Salem,
with whose family he is also visit
ing while here. They made several
stops in Minnesota while on the
way west.
There la no reason why you
should neglect your teeth. Ask
I)r. Eldriedge. 303 State St., about
his. liberal credit system.
Finn Returns Home B. A.
Finn, 2210 Hazel avenue, injured
when a ditch in which he was
working caved in last week, was
able to return to his home Wed
nesday from the Deaconess hos
pital. The accident in which he
received bruises and other minor
Injuries occurred on Mission
Eat at the Green Lantern,
home pastries, home style, nice
cool place. 1326 State.
Answer Shows Why Joseph
Lockinger, in answer filed in cir
cuit court to a complaint of Syl
vester A. Hoyt for damage be
cause Lockinger shot him. alleg
es that he shot Hoyt while he was
engaged in robbing the defend
ant's chicken house. On this
pround, Lockinerer claims- he
should not be liable in the case.
Dance, with McEiroy's band.
Tumble Inn". Albany. Fri, Aug.
Lanterns Recovered Twelve
Ted lanterns stolen last- week
from their places at street obstruc
tions in different parts of the city
,n uu..i " j
were recovered Qunng a ram u i
.till two miles west of Turner. ;
police report. Tbe lanterns were ;
being used to heat mash, they saia.
-iwr arrests were made In connec-
tion with the raid.
Work Progresses Traffic
over the North Commercial street
bridge is being detoured over
Front street between Market and
1). streets while engineering work
Is done on the structure. The old
v.. ..- wn removed, but
.,iri mioo
the new bridge which is under
McCullougli on Trip C. B. Mc-
Cullough, state bridge engineer.
left yesterday morning in com-
pany with two federal bridge men
from Portland, for Gold Beach,
Curry county, where they will in-
soect some bridge work. McCul-
lough experts to return here Sat
urday. Appeal Time Set The Ameri
can Seal Kap corporation has been
granted until December 1 to file
bill of exceptions In Its case
against G. A. Ostrin and others.
The case was heord in circuit
court here last week, and verdict
nas given for the defendants.
Prisoners Released Paul Rlch
erdson, William Graham and Rob
ert Goodwin, arrested last week
for alleged operation of a still
were released to Marshall Taylor,
federal prohibition officer. They
will be arraigned berore me tea-
eral court in Portland.
Steed Much Better J. Lyman
Steed superintendent of the school
for the deaf, Is able to be about
for.the first times following a mi
nor operation which he recently
Visiting Daughter Mrs. M. D.
llorgan of Florence, on the Lane
ounty eoast, arrived In Salem on
Wednesday to visit untthe week
erd with her daughfer. Miss Gen
evieve Morgan.
Xorblad to Hertford Governor
Korblod will spend Monday at
Medford where he will give the
pr!ncipal address at thi ceremony
dedicating the municipal airport.
Goodwin In Portland E. C.
Goodwin, local Insurance man,
was a Wednesday business visit
or in Portland.
Tinck Called The downtown
fire department Wednesday after
noon extinguished a small grass
fire at 22nd and Lae streets.
Billy Sfssoa Home William
A. "Billy Sipson returned home
Tuesday night from Fort Lewis,
Wash., where he has spent the
past six weeks training with the
R. o. T. C. He will leaTe here
August 9 for New York City,
where he plans to spend two
years in graduate study at Co
lumbia university. He was grad
uated from O. S. C. in June with
honors, from the electrical engi
neering school and holds a schol
arship from the Bell telephone
laboratories. He is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sisson.
Pillow-arm davenport, Kolster
radio. Soanish lU m miiirMi
! and other household goods for
sale. 302 Ambassador apts. Tel.
Old Charge Raised Charges
of non-support were brought
against S. E. Benshoff in justice
court Wednesday when charges
against him in August, 1928
came to court for the first time
since Benshoff has been out of
the state. His wife alleges that
he has failed to support his
daughter, Sylvia. The case was
continued. Benshoff declared he
would take care of the daughter
as necessitated by the court's or
der. Good New Baled clover $10. R.
9, Box 61. Tel. 44F24.
Denies Using Gun Denial
Dollar dinner every night 5:45
to 8 at the Marion hotel.
Griuluate Change Job Miss
Katherlne Everett, a graduate of
Willamette University this
spring, has accepted a position
in Carbonado. Wash., high
school where she will teach al
gebra, general science and Span
ish. She had previously accept
ed a position in Stayton high
school, but gave it up in order
to accept the new place.
Kodaks, developing, prescrip
tions, Woolpert & Hunt, Court at
Musician Applies Faith Sher
burne, winner of second place in
the Montana state musical con
test last year by her clarinet
solo work, has applied for en
trance to Willamette university,
the registrar announced Wednes
day. She is also an accom
plished pianist and will continue
her work in the school of music
All makes of radios repaired.
Majestic radio sales and service.
Vibbert and Todd. 466 State St.,
Tel. 2112.
Moves For New Trial C. W.
Laflar has filed motion in circuit
court for a new trial in the
case brought against him by
George Smith. Laflar says error
in the law and insufficient evi
dence did not justify the verdict
given, damages having been
found against the defendant.
"Y" Man Here James J. Muf
ley of San Francisco, former Y.
M. C. A. secretary of Tacoma,
was in Salem Wednesday visiting
at the local "Y Mr. Mufley,
who is now associated with a fi
nance corporation in the Califor
nia city, was accompanied by his
Promise- to Pay Albin Krie-
brought before Justice
. Z ,? . A
Brazier Small on edneda7
charged with non support of his
tlons Krieger's case was contin
ued and he was released.
Permits Issued Building per
mits were Issued Wednesday to
J. M. Sandifer for construction
of a garage at 5S1 South 15th
street at a cost of $60 and to C.
' H. Robertson for reroofing a ga-
rage at zii iorin tapuw m.
cost of $28.
Kaufman Here Charles Kauf-
; man, a graduate or Willamette
university with the class of 1929,
; was a visitor on the campus
Wednesday. Kaufman recently
j received his master's degree
j from the University of Washing-
; ton.
Insurance Man Here S. D.
Peterson of Seattle, assistant
secretary of the Northwest Cas
ualty company and field super
intendent of the Northwestern
Mutual Fire Insurance associa
tion, visited Marion Curry, local
representative, here Wednesday.
Zontas Meet Today The Zon
ta club will meet at the Gray
Belle this noon, the session to be
in charge of Mrs. Leon W. Glea
son. who is chairman of the busi
ness ethics committee of the
Homer Smith Better Homer
i .
Smith is recovering quite rapidly
from a continued spell of illness,
at Hot Springs, near La Grande.
Mr. Smith has been recuperating
there for a number of weeks. He
is expected here next week.
Giving Exams Girls who ex
pect to attend the Campfire girls'
camp at Camp Santaly in August
will be given physical examina
tions today at. the county health
unit. No charge is attached.
Picnic is Tuesday The annual
all-day picnic of the local W. C.
T. U. will be held at the fair
grounds Tuesday, August 5, and
not Sunday as previously an
nounced. Hug Returns George W. Hug,
city school superintendent, was
back at his desk yesterday after
spending several days at ocean
Wants Money Due Fera Wads.
worth yesterday filed in circuit
court salt for judgment on money
alleged due from Guy W. Shaw.
$250 Bail Fixed But Not
Raised; Floyd Hickey
Pleads Not Guilty
"Guilty" pleaded Lucille How
ard, 19, when she confronted Cir
cuit Court Judge Kelly yesterday
morning after secret Indictment
returned against her following
her disclosures which also re
sulted in grand Jury Indictment
of Brigham Young on an unnatur
al crime. Sentence will be im
posed upon the girl October 15,
and meantime she is held until
she can raise $250 bail.
The Howard girl was sought
last week as star witness in the
case against Young, whose trial
was postponed to the October
term of court following failure
to find the girl. When she was
found, she was Immediately ar
raigned on the secret indictment.
Hart Admits Larceny
Floyd Hickey and Ernest Hart.
charged on Joint indictment with
larceny in a dwelling, also enter
ed pleas before the circuit judge
yesterday morning. Hickey
pleaded not guilty and his case
was set for trial Tuesday, Octo
ber 7. Hart admitted guilt and
.pleaded to a charge of simple lar
ceny and was sent to the county
jail for three months.
Earl A. Evans, charged with
forgery, of a $75 note against
the United States National bank,
was arraigned and pleaded guilty.
He was sentenced to a term of
one year in the Oregon state pen
itentiary but upon recommenda
tion of the district attorney he
was paroled to his attorney, R. H.
The case of Methodist Old Peo
ple's Home against Winslow, as
administrator of a will, was
heard and taken under advise
ment. t
"I'm satisfied with Oregon"
becomes more than a mere song
phrase when one is able to com
pare figures given in recent re
ports of the government weather
While eastern states swelter in
113 degrees of heat Oregon basks
in a mere 90. The hottest day so
far recorded in Salem this year
was on July 11 when the mer
cury reached 95 degrees. The
highest minimum temperature
recorded was on the night of
April 21 when the thermometer
at the Salem airport registered 60
Nor is it only the summer cli
mate in which Oregon excells, ac
cording to the weather man.
While eastern and middle west
ern states shivered as the tem
perature dropped to 40 degrees
below aero Oregon moaned over
the coldest weather in years when
on January 23 the mercury drop
ped to five degrees below. The
lowest maximum temperature re
corded was on January 11 when
the thermometer registered 21
The income tax and the prop
erty tax, equitably levied, consti
tute the most just method of se
curing money for government.
Charles V. Galloway, charter
member of the state tax commis
sion, told members of th Salem
Rotary club Wednesday noon.
Galloway recently returned to
Oregon after an absence of sever
al years.
- Tax raising plains should be
sufficiently variable to meet
charging economic conditions and
political needs, said Galloway, He
pointed out that Oregon today is
raising between 140,000,000 and
$50,000,000 in taxation by the
same general machinery used in
1909 to raise 112,000,000 each
The speaker said that increas
ed taxes were largely due to in
creased demands in the part of
the general public who at the
same time, lament the added costs
and biennually ask tor new offi
cers because of the fancied extra
vagance of the incumbents.
Jap Captain to
Visit Nbrblad
Captain S. Oba, of the Japan
ese training ship. Taisel Mara,
which arrived in Portland harbor
recently, will pay an official visit
to Governor Norblad- here Friday
afternoon. He will be accom
vanied to Salem by the Japanese
consul in Portland. Governor
Norblad will return the official
visit Saturday.
Here From Amity J. R.
Snodgrass. city marshal of Am
ity, and his daughter Miss Flor
ence Snodgrass were visitors In
Salem Wednesday.
Joins Realty Firm Felix
Wright of Stayton has joined the
sales staff of the Seara and
Tucker realty office. This brings
this force there to four men.
Bnney in Portland Dr. - Carl
Gregg Doney, president of "Wil
lamette university, is in Portland
on business connected with the
university endowment.
Dancy to Lave W. H. Dancy
president of the Rotary club will
leave Thursday to attend the con
ference of district Rotary officers
at Aberdeen, Wash.
Inspects Postoffice Here to
Inspect the postoffice was E. R.
Potman, a Wednesday visitor
from Engene.
days not too ho
. r
tP V V U ' V
Tales of endurance records come T
daily from all parts of the conn
try, mostly voluntary. Little
Clifford Peters. 10, of Albany, N.
Y., pictured above, had bis en
duranca forced on. Mm. and ia
Bligh's Capitol Would Not Seem the Same
Without Jefferson, Oregon, Native
A. B. Holt, much better known
as "Archie, ' is me genial man
who keeps everything lovely at
Bligh's Capitol theatre. To go to
the Capitol without seeing Ar
chie would be like getting apple
pie without the cheese. Not that
Archie is the big cheese, but he
is a good attraction to bring one
back to the theatre.
Jefferson, Oregon, had the dis
tinction of being the birthplace
of this jovial theatre man. His
parents came to Salem when Ar
chie was only five. He attended
Salem schools and left high
school to go into the service Ap
ril a. 1917. He was 17 years old
then and it was old Company M of
Salem that he joined. After
guard duty in eastern Oregon,
(the fighting was heavy there,
Mr. Holt assured me). Company
M was sent back to New York
where after two months it was
sent to France. Company M was
the first American soldier group
to enter England. The stop in
England was very brief and they
were hurried on to France where
they did service for two years.
Rode "Hike" In France
Mr. Holt was a motorcycle dis
patch rider, and as such was able
to see most of France in the
course of his military duty. At
the end of the two years Mr. Holt
Here today for a business con
ference is B. A. Rowell, general
manager of refined oil sales for
the Gilmore Oil company with
headquarters in Los Angeles.
Rowell has been in the northwest
for a fortnight conferred with his
district organization and his visit
to Salem is one stop on an itin
erary which is planned to contact
him with dealers and managers
in the principal northwest cities.
In Salem Rowell will visit G
V. Smith, local manager tor Gil-
more oil products.
In a statement given out this
week Rowell said that results al
ready forthcoming from Gil-
more's heavy investments in the
northwest this year are already
bearing results. "Business condi
tions here are shaping around
nicely and I believe that nowhere
in the country is a better courage
exhibited toward 'business as us
ual.' "
A deal a day was closed the
first three days of this week by
Bechtel and Thomason, local
real estate dealers. Deals an
nounced are:
EUlng M. Anderson of St
Paul. iMinn.. has purchased the
James Dav suburban home of
eight acres fronting on the Sil
verton road. The deal was for
a cash consideration, reaching
near the $6,000 mark.
Eugene and Viola Rosennaum
of Portland bought the bunga
low on Jefferson street owned by
Mrs. Sarah Goodfellow for
Ralnh Crnm has purchased a
modern bungalow In South Sa
lem from James coats ior
Wfinese aeaiers rejwn o" ua
g several deals pending and
say that business is improving,
being much better than it has
been for some time.
We wish to thank our friends
and neighbors for the many beau
tiful flowers and kind expressions
of sympathy at the death of our
wife and mother. J. is. Simpson
and family.
Nearly 25,000,000 individuals
received dally mall over. 4 3,8 40
rural routes In the fiscal year of
shown as he explained to District
Attorney McCrea how his par
ents chained him to a post in the
basement of their home each
day since vacation time.
was discharged along with the
rest of the company in New York
city, and arrived in Salem in July,
After returning home he fin
ished high school where he says
mathematics had the greatest ap
peal for him, but athletics ran a
close second. All the time that
Mr. Holt was in school he was
laying the foundation for enter
ing the show "racket" as soon
as- he had completed his school-
work. First he did odd jobs, then
became an usher, then head ush
er (those were the days rhen
there were boy ushers), then
stage carpenter, and then he went
into the booth as an operator of
the projecting machine.
Started Show Work Her
After a time Mr. Holt became
assistant manager of the old
Grand, then bing operated by
Mr. Bligh. During these years,
Mr. Holt worked under Mr. Bligh,
George B. Guthrie, and A. E. Laf
lar. In 1921 Mr. Holt married Miss
Leah Hensen and they moved to
Albany and from there to Klam
ath Falls where Mr. Holt man
aged a theatre there. Patsy, only
child of Mr. and Mrs. Holt, was
born in Klamath Falls. Later
they left Klamath Falls for Se
attle, where Mr. Holt was assist
ant manager of the Heilig the
atre. While he was in Seattle,
with the interest of Calvin Heilig,
Mr. Holt purchased the Grand in
Salem. Then he came to Salem
and operated this house for a
season. Through Mr. Holt's ef
forts here the first association
vaudeville was brought to Salem.
Later George B. Guthrie purchas
ed this house with roadshow con
tract and all.
At this time Mr. Holt entered
the selling end of the show busi
ness and became a representative
of one of the big booking offices
of America. He continued in this
work until Frank D. Bligh opened
the new Bligh Capitol October 4,
1923 (it which itime Mr. Holt
came back to become manager
of this theatre and here he still
Not only does Mr. Holt occupy
the position tf manager of the
theatre, but there are 36 office
rooms, 15 store rooms and the
New Salem hotel which requires
no small part of his attention.
Gets 'Big Kick' From Job
"I get a 'big kick out of the
combination of show business and
office business," said Mr. Holt
"It brings one in contact with all
manner of people and one gets
many good ideas from them all.
Especially is this valuable in get
ting the ideas ot business men
who - look at the show business
from an objective standpoint. It
makes a valuable background."
Another thing that has made
Mr. Holt's show work enjoyable
is that Mrs. Holt is an organist
and in this capacity has worked
with him much of the time.
Athletics of all sorts are favor
ites so far as Mr. Holt is concern
ed. Said he. "Golf is all right
to play. The score does not mat
ter for I just go for the walk
Mr. Holt is a member of the
Elks lodge, and belongs to the
American legion, the chamber of
commerce and the Ad club. And
believe it or not he is a member
of the Methodist church. And in
addition to all this he is a booster
for Salem, "for," said he, "after
all the moves, Salem is the best
town of them all. Guess I'm a
home guy."
Perhaps that is what he is, but
whatever he is he is a "good guy"
to know.
WltkMt pfalim m tow t tftm
an Ortfw Bide
Call 2193. Used Furnitmre
151 N. High
'Burt' Crary Inflicts Dam
age at Oceanside Y. M.
Boys' Headquarters
Robert Boardman. boys' phy
sical director of the Y. M. C. A.,
became the first casualty at the
boys' camp at Oceanside when
"Burt" Crary, cook, poured a cup
of hot coffee down his neck. A
letter received from Oceanside
Wednesday tells of the incident
as well as of other events during
the session for older boys:
"Today Is busy as usual and ev
erybody is getting prepared for
the trip to the light house. It Is
going to be made this afternoon
and it will prove very interesting
to those who go. I am sure. Yes
terday waa Sunday and we had a
wonderful feed and also several
visitors. The visitors included
Mr. and Mrs. Kittridge, Mr. Ros
enburg and daughter. Mr. Rosen
burg has given us a fine tract of
land and I am sure we all appre
ciate it very much.
Crosby ia Visitor
Fred Crosby, trl-state secre
tary of the Y. M. C. A. has been
a visitor for a few days and
while here be gave several inter
esting talks. Mr. Crosby is mak
ing a tour of the various camps
conducted by the "Y" and he
says ours rates very high.
The honorable and worthy men
Frederick Smith, Irving Hale and
Dwight Adams from the Salem
Y" were visitors at camp Sun
day. Toward evening Paul Ka-
foury and Jim Bell dropped In on
us and left again right away.
"An amusing incident occur
red at breakfast the other day at
the second table. In the course of
the meal, "Pop" Crary was put
ting some coffee on the table but
before setting it down he reach
ed to move something on the ta
ble and when he leaned over he
poured about a cup of hot cof
fee down our distinguished phy
sical director. Bob Boardman's
back, causing him to yell with
much pain and agony. 'Take that
shirt off. 'take that shirt off.' The
patient is coming along fine so
don't send flowers yet.
Lions Invited to Camp
"Wednesday is stunt night and
if possible we are trying to get
the Tillamook Lions out to wit
ness our stunts.
"Sunday afternoon there was a
secret initiation of some boys to
the camp Ragger society. Phil
Brownell, Jim Sehon and Joe
Hershberger were officially pro
nounced Red Raggers. Oh, boy i
are they proud? And how!" I
Realty Security
Alone Held Valid
Foreign banks whose cororate
names contain the word "trust,"
operating in Oregon must con
fine their mortgage loans to real
estate mortgages, and cannot loan
legally on chattel mortgages, ac
cording to an opinion handed
down by the attorney general
here yesterday. The opinion was
sought by the state banking de
partment. Obit uary
St. Helen
Died in Portland July 27, Mrs.
Irene St. Helen. Survived by one
brother, John Somerville of
Rutherford, N. J.; two sisters,
Mrs. B. A. Albaugh, Scio, Ohio,
and Mrs. B. G. Minard, Newark,
Ohio. Funeral services Thurs
day at 2 o'clock from the Terwil
liger Funeral home. Rev. W. C.
Kantner officiating, assisted by
the auxiliary to the Patriarchs
Militant, the Pythian Sisters and
the Artisans. Interment City
View cemetery.
Died at San Diego, Calif., July
24, James 9. Pinnell, 64. Sur
vived by sisters, Amanda Pin
nell, ot Milton, Iowa, Mrs. J.
Boyer of Cantril, Ia.; and broth
ers, A. J. of Milton, Ia.; E. S.
of Oklahoma, and I. H. of Sa
lem. Funeral services Saturday
at 2 p. m. from the Clough-Tay-lor
chapel with Dr. W. C. Kant
ner officiating.' Interment City
View cemetery.
Died in this city July 30. Wil
liam H. Judson. Funeral an
nouncements later by W. T. Rig j
don and Son.
City View Cemetery
Established 1803 Tel. 1260
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
JSelrrest fElemoriai
S120S 4piUn Mod tritely
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Jast ten minutes from the
heart of town
Istcoot Bttfial
Hanzen, Political Writer, Enigmatic as Yet
Henry M. Hanzen, political
; writer on the Portland Telegram.
was a Salem visitor yesterday.
Asked whether Julius Meier
would come our. as an indepen
dent candidate for governor,
Hantzen laughed and said they
were not ready to say yet.
However, long distance calls
from Portland have come to cer
tain prominent local people ask
ing them to Join in a petition to
urge Meier to accept an indepen
dent nomination. One person who
was solicited declined to join in
the petition, which was to have
500 names on it from all parts
of the state.
Hanzen Close to Joseph
Hanzen was a close political
associate of the late George W.
Joseph and is regarded as high
in the councils of the Meier group
Robinson Asks $20,000
Stock Salem to Carry
On Operations There
The Pacific Coast Linen mill at
Vancouver, Wash., is having some
financial difficulties according to
E. G. Robinson, president of the
organization, who asked Van
cduver citizens to take $20,000
more stock In the project to keep
the plant running for the next
nine months. Robinson, one-time
utility operator at Aurora, spoke
to the chamber of commerce In
Sa!m this spring on the flax in
dustry when the American consul
from Belfast, Ireland, was a Wil
lamette valley visitor.
Robert Simpson of Clifton, N.
J., largest stockholder in the
Vancouver mill, offered to take
ten per cent of the stock subscrib
ed. He chided Vancouver citi-
"Dress for the occasion"
Senator Hotel High St.
' Today! IWfeJ
A Sale of VVy feJ
Fine, Sheer Chiffon Silk fl'
I AAVkJ- fc3VV 1
I Pair Mi.
mm a-:'''F!
I I i I I All CfSIVt I
III m m
ii m . m m m
r v
which represents the Joseph ele
ment In state politics. As politi
cal writer Hansen handled most
of the anti-supreme court mater
ial which proved the basis for the"
Joseph attack on members of the'
According to Rufua Holman'
who was a Salem visitor Monday,
a meeting will be called for the
nomination of an independent
candidate, probably next week.
Groups dissatisfied with the reg
ular republican nominee. Phil
Metschan include the Joseph fac
tion, the United Sportsmen's or
ganization of Multnomah county,
which has endorsed Holman, and
the Municipal Ownership league,
of which Ralph Clyde is presi
dent. Dan Kellaher's Housewives'
league is also rated In the anti
republican organization ramp.
sens for their apathy In the con
duct of the plant.
Robinson told his hearers that
$5000 would keep tfie mill oper
ating for the first three months,
$7000 the next three months and
$8000 for the balance of the nine
months' period. Robinson said as
soon aa the finances of the mill
are arranged he will import an
expert spinner from Ireland to
supervise production.
"Weiser To Mr. and Mrs. John
Weiser, 629 North Winter street,
a girl. Betty Jean, born July 23.
Schaef er's
Malted Milk
at 20c
is the greatest drink value
in Salefn. Try it for lunch
today at
Drug S;tore
Salem's original yellow front
candy special store
135 N. Commercial St. Tel. 107
Home of Schaefer's Remedies
Penslar Agency
These are fine gaugt
sheer chiffons in extra
clear texture slim
smooth-fitting ankle
and foot. All the lead
ing colors for summer
as well as many fall col
ors in this sale.
Snua-Fittina I