' If . PAGE NINE Investment i t 4 i i I- A OIASSmiS ADTEBTZSOrO Reading notice, per line Se Classified Advertising, per line lOe Classified A dvertising, per tin 3 times ,i , 20c Classified Advertising, per line c times 84 One month, dally and Sunday per line , $1.09 Copy for this ccepted un- tU 4:30 the ever- fore publi cation for cUif. .. Copy re ceived after this ii.. win be rue under the heading Too Lata to classify. HELP WANTED MALE WANTKD t live wire men who prj interested In a real rood Job. 4(4 B- 17th at 8 a. m. sharp Monday. SITUATIONS WANTED Experienced woman wishes heuse-ork-rdty references. 700 N. High. WOMAN wlshe kitchen work. 83 Bug. St. TeL 10tfI.. Independence. FOR SALE Miscellaneoiis PORTABLE typewriters, all makes, Bpw and used. Adders and typewrite- (or rent Typewriter Exchange. 421 Court street. FOR SALE Old papers, lie a bus- file. Statesman office. - -i-r,- -iTM-.-n-in.r r - n nn nnflniwiyujM I .urge estate circulator for sale, r idtosll. See it at 1165 N. 16th. j KOB SALTS Boston Bull pupa ' V- -'-n'w,."-!? -S-t"--j-ux- fiieycle for sale. Good- condition. i OR SALK Indian Scout. Good running shape. ,15.00. See It at 930 IS. 17th. ftOOD upriKht piano for sale cheap. 1t9.' Ho. Hish. Tel. 12S0W WANTED Misseilaneous W A "V T r.' T TTc.il , fei.ange on radios, phonography or fur- Bill siiiure. i ami furniture uompany. WANTED Good :.;: i wit reusonably 1'7."M evenings. used trunk for priced. TeL i.j..h Krlvtng to Lenver, Colo., a closed Mr, want someone to share expenses, r-i. !8fiM. MISCELLANEOUS DOGS boarded in a real dog hotel. K B. Flake, Petland farm. Pacific ILKLnvay. tTIILDREN cared for In pleasant rr. 'iern home. Box No. 9, States- ROOM AND BOARD tiOOO board or board and room to:- two young men. Box 8, States man. KOOM and board In pleasant home, 1-.-5 Cntirt. Tel. llReW. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Apartments $1 and tit. Crocery, 899 N. Com'L DaaoD TWO tmi three room apartments or rent AMBASSADOR APTS, Phone 1172. MILLER APTS. under new manage mnt Furnished rooms and apt. TeL .101. i..unnrLnrLn-n.rinrL-i - . m. m V-fROlMIA apartments, J nicety fur r.i sited rooms. Clean and desirable. Etrctrlc range, electro-kold. beat and .water. Don't mi.is seeing tbla PHQSB ttft PATTON APARTJUSITS, down town districtx Clean, comfortable, nicer famished, reasonable. For In spection call Patton's Book store. r12SIRABL13 3 room furnished apt. rV is. Bath, garage. Inquire 127 1 lion. 1, 2 or S room. $V to $15. CViiroh street Tel. 1937R. :c: So. Furnished S room Individual court apartments West Salem good wat er lawn, flowers; no cinders no pa I - mill odor. TeL 800, GertrfsGrovs. Nice cool 3 rm. furnished apt, S'.iii-tlv modern, refrigeration. $35. Atti.its. Tel. 211. CLEAN, comfortable, modern well-l.- ated apts. for rent at tlie Strat t . &70 N. Winter St " four room aptft. tlO and $15. !8 f Com'L Call 102W. ri'RNISHED rooms and apart r i;s. Hazel Ave. TeL lSSvr. Furnished -2 room apt Close In, III Mill St. Water, lights, teL, adults ci'v. $15.00 per month. rTRNISIIED apta, $6, T. i. 210K. $8. $1. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Houses fuvnlsbod and gn furnished. F. t. WOOD S41 State etna r.vm rest Clean houses $10 te tfio. Also flats store bldgs, business ,0lS" BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 North High Street Houses furnished and unfurnished. I3..0 to $45 00 15 v. fom'i. 2402-M. i.--t tt?"v-P TrKSTTRNlSHED l ii.-. Madison St.. 4 rms. $10 00 J..06 Highland Ave., 4 rmi JJ-M "ii s 18th St- 8 rms.. 17. tu I liouse past VaUey Packing liiniiwav, 4 rms. 1555 r..-. j Ht A rma 20.00 4 IS Belmont St., rms. 20.00 5...0 N. 15th St, rms. 25-00 ..n5 Market St, 5 rms. 25.00 ltll N. 14th Bt S rms. I.KO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors t:0 State Street TeL 1727. FCrtl RENT 4 room furnished apartment In pri vate home, fs. ;" rm. house, furnace, range, garage, ...,u .nM lnnatinn. 180. 4 rooms and nook, fsrsace. Ors- pl-ice, garage, $22.60. 4 room house with garage, $20. J. F. ULRICH COMPANY !.-, State Street TeL 1854 lji.-LTjuunri i" .rLn rxru'MwMi- - - - Fl'KMPirED 4 R. house, garage, no rhildren. Near bus line anu pen. ivu FOR RENT Houses $10 to $ permnth. tv- rat.r TicrrTsrES Without a down payment Just like nt. 120 per montn. tCUt BECHTEL-THOMASON 41 Stale Street Room 4 FOR RENT Ftirn isliad 4 B. bUB- rilow. nrepiare, in ptate IVy"n c room modern home. Furnished. garage. Call 1706W or 831 I, winter. 8 R. hnirne. nr. 444 N. Winter. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE A cautlful home and 8 acres close on pavement worth $$ sad can ..o Uil.m hnma un to 83000. 'A niv hnlf acre tract with small house and garage doss xm pave ment nnhr S1 100 t welll improved acres with nice fruit, close, worth $0500 for Salem home. w have a buver for close In small Improved tract that can bo sold on very easy terms. A toad 7 toom partly xumisbed dose in house to reni tor HfrfillXTTrRlST 4r PENNINGTON FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE FaTi-m inf nm -ef- denes with a wonderful view. Built for "ome oy owner. A. J. KAHN, 1510 Fnlrmoont Street, phono H2T. S rms. anrf nOAlc. flew inJ atlMlw modern, good construction. 14500 : rree oc incumbrance, north. Wants house without basement, as wife can not climb stairs. elec available-, owner has toe much property and has cut price to more tUH piece, 22 and good terma WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street -s4swafca,sae B-jya nice borne. Very close In. Full basement, fireplace, very largs living room. Terms. IS. Dowfl and 835 per mo. buys fully modern Enr. type home la North Salem. Hardwood floors. Garage. Khrutts. $2700. ISSiO. 4 R. Eng. type home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, fall basement, furnace. Paving pd. East front. Closij to echooL 1200 down and $30 per month. 12800. 5 R. full basement Furnace. Paving pd. $200 domn. 11450. Nearly new home. Lots of built-ina 2 bedrooms. Good lot Fruit. Paving paid. $25 down a ad $25 per month. $1200 For 3 room house, garage, 6 10 A. Easy terms or would trade equity for lot Money to loan. Insurance. MKLVIN JOHNSON 220 17. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 37. Wlir NOT GO TONEWPORT? 2-Gcxxl houses, one 7-rooms, good view of tlie ocean, rents summer months for $75.00 per month, one furnished 4-room. Rent for $50. 09 per month, both rented most tlie year round. All in good re pair at Nye beach, price only $4, 200.00. Trade for small acreage or house in Salem. SEE SEARS & TUCKER 1S4 South Commercial St 1H acres, fine view lots of fruit cloce-ln, 4 rtn. house, pay like rent. Nice 4 room house, fireplace, hdw. floors, $25 down. $25 per moJ, incL Interest Modern unfurnished bouses for rent. Insurance Money to Loan RICH L. REIMANN Tel. 865 Realtor 21 N. High St j M. RLB 24 N'ol Htgb St. Phone 224J A reliable Salem realtot aeninc city and farm property of all kinds. Spe cialist In exchanges of all kinds of property nnrwhtn. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE tt acre Joining city limits. 4 room house and small outbuildings. Price with S2S down, 129 per month. FEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 20 State Street TeL 1727 FOR SALE OR TRADE TWO nice tracts and an income property to trade for a stock ranch. A good 10 acres to trade for itMBi house. Large 7 room house, cor ner lot. nice shade, will take rood car or lots. For equity nice room house furnished, 2 large lota, fruit street paved. FnutU payment down. $25 per month, hrice 93UHO. 1 1 OI.T. VWOOP-KK A LTT 2009 N. Caoltel Tel. 80T Res. 2968. GOOD CITY PROPERTY BUYS -Room modern, basement, - fireplace and furnace, nice lot lawn and shrubbery. Good garage, close In on good, street lot; Is worth more than V4 the price, for quick sale. $S309.0; give terms. -K. Ihhim with bath, good lot on paved street Price $1250.00 $(00 down. -Room, basement, furnace, fireplace, nil modern, price $3300 00; $400. (K down. Balance easy, good lo cation, street paved. These are all good buys. FEE SEARS 4k TUCKER 184 Mouth Commercial Street FOR SALE 5 rm. furnished fully modern beach home on Roosevelt ilghwey. tnly $184$. Terms. K SALU tiervlce staUon. lunch counter in coast town, doing fine bus- nessi. Excellent location on highway. 3000. FOR SALE Brand new five rm. fully modern home. $1000. Easy terms. FOR TRADE 12 A. near Dallas. small boose, price $160, clear. Will trade for Bones in tsuem. FOR SALE OR TRADE i acre dairy ranch, good clover and alfalfa land, runaiag water year round. Silo, Rood dairy barn. This is a splendid uy at sieve, wrta easy terms r wui onsider some trade. FOR SALE Service station, gro cery, confectionery, good mod era liv ln quarters, 1 A. land. Building Is well constmcted. stucco finish. Oarage s frame, concrete floors. Located on Pacific highway. This is one of the eenuine barains on seldom finds. l'rioo $4v0, easy terms. If you are interested m beach lots. see us. J W TTf-TlTfTTT mjfPAXT ;25 State Street TeL 1354. MODERN SOUTH HIGH STREET HOMB $2950. Buys a practically new modern 6 room boa wirm east rront, s rice bedrooms, hardwood floors in I rooms, furnace, fireplace. Tills property is being sacrificed for QUICK SALE, v0 cash, bal- tenns. MARKET STREET BARGAIN $2959. Btiys a modern 4 room home with nook, I bexirsorns. nrepiace, basement, furnace. $300. cash, balance easy terms per month. FATRAfOUNT BULL BARGAIN $1750. Buys aa 4 room, old style home, la good condition witn one of the best corner lots on Fair mount Hill, attractive view. $1, , 150. cash, balance mortgage to be assumed. NEW HOME $3399. Boys a modern room home lust completed, located near tne rarrisu jr. turn school iuv, cash, balance $85. per month. This home Is an exceptional buy and it wfll bo worth your while to Investigate this bargain. EXGLEWOOO DISTRICT 82500. Buys a modem 4 room home witn Dasement. lurnace, nrepiace, oak floors, fine lot, pared street near school. 1250. cash, balance $30. per month. REAL ESTATE AND FIRE IN SURANCE W. H. GRABKNHOBST ft CO. REALTORS 13$ South Liberty Street TeL 615. 9-Room liouse. close In. Priced for guide sals. Pboae 178 between 4 and p. m. mUE, THE TOILER rrvoMT uioceyl eev -mcr cgii I fcoMss Oi, -ru-t-iE - VTLS-iLJ I V1HIPPL- yriJ 01M- t43WJ V I sxaH ryT sAUAibdj C Clw y I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE - - - i m rn njuij m Comfortable S room born on larg lot, paved stre. garam and wood shed, choice fruit and shad trees. PrisTA fWnaw -ITl - v vvas ft9 JiyiCUM er employment to work out part of ...LEO N. CHILDS CO Realtors $2 State Street TeL 1T2T EXCHANGE Real Estate So. Calif, property to exchange for Oregoa Improved, suitable for dairy, me FusseU St. San Bernardiae, Calif. 6 rm. modern and new well located full basement hardwood floor, lots of built ins, tile sink, a woriderfol home at $4760.00 or would take a modern boms In Portland. 372 A., 250 cult, creek year around, water for stock, 9 mL SeJem. wood enough to pay for place will take city property or smaller ranch. H. M. EVANS 275 State Bt. TeL 1L EXCHANGE 34 acres V. mile from ' good town. Price $6000. Includes 4 cows, 8 horses, 2 hogs, chickens and hay. Will accept good house in Salem for part LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 829 State Street TeL 1727. - --ir i rsi i"rsrr 1 1 jWmtitui -tnp SUBURBAN HOME FOR EX CHANGE 12 acres, all in bearing fruit with good T room plas tered house, partly furnished, , located 4 miles out in the Liberty district Price 38500. Clear of encumbrance. Owner will consider exchanging for city property, or will take a small modern home, clear of encumbrance, as part pay ment and give terms on the balance. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS 124 South Liberty Street Tel. 515. - l JUUUUJU TO EXCHANGE 53 seres near Donald, fair bouse and barn, part under cultivation, bal snce timber. Price 35300, no incum brance, will take house in Salens as part payment. 54 acres. 8 miles east of Salem, SO under cultivation, family orchard, balance timber and pasture. House Is old but can be repaired. Price $4(00, wilt take Salem property as part payment 52 acres near Independence, with small buildinKs, all under cultivation, small orchard. Price $3000, want Sa lem house of equal or less value. SEE W. G. KRUEGER 147 North Comemrclal WHO has small acreage or lots they would trade on 4 rm. modern on Liberty St., close in? What have you to trade for 180 acres in Canada well Improved? 1 A., 4 rm. house, garage, $1900.00, 1 200.09 down; $25.00 per month. H. if. EVANS 2T5 State Street Tel. 19I. ACREAGE BY OWNER 120 acre farm; 90 seres In fall wheat ; 14 miles from Sa lem near west side highway. Water Piped to house and barn. Fair build ings. School bus goes by house. Pos-F-aion right away. $8540. Terms 6. Charlie O'Brien, 494 N. Capitol St. Salem. 4 A. -S R. modern - home. Electric liKlits and water system. 2 A. bearing filberts, t large chicken houses. Close to highway. $5590. I A. close to town, I R. house. Good Darn. Kiectne ngnts. several kinds of fruit. Some timber. 85, 000. Terms, or would trade for house in town. 11 A. Good 4 R. home, full basement Good out-butldinga. 3-4 mi. or Sa lem. On highway. $6500. Terms. 400 A. stock ranch in Idaho. 209 A. in cultivation, rest In timber and pasture. Several springs. $20 per acre. To trad for smaller acrs age In Willamette valley. 100 A. Fine soil. Good buildings. Run ning water. All in crop. flZf per A. Will take Salem residence. Money to loan. Insurance. MEL VI N JOHNSON 820 V. S. Bank Bldg. TeL 437. ALREADY TO GO 20-Acres good soil, good bouse with J Dam, Darn, garage, poutiry noun, electricity, 1-A, gooseberries, 1 A. blackberries, 4-A. strawberries, 80 filbert trees, 39 walnuts, 1M peaches, all in good condition, 2 horses, wagon, Fora delivery and all farm equipment Also all household goods, price $9,004.00 ; Klve terms. C -Acres 3H miles Salem, 1-4 mile from Pacific highway, reduced to $120.00. $600 down. 29-Acres. Good improvements, near Wood burn, 11 cows, 4 heifers, one brood sow team and all equipment Pries JS000.00, all plow land. 33-Acres. Good Improvements, 5tt miles Salem, all in fine bearing walnuts, filberts, cherries and ap ples. Wfll taks a dairy ranch in exchange. If you would like a small tract doss la we hav them either for sale or trade for erty property. BEE SEARS ft TUCKER 184 South Commercial Street FARM BARGAINS 17T acres, 100 cleared. It acres of open timber pasture, th best of roll ing chocolate ' soil,' modern 7 room bungalow, complete set at outbulld iiura. all in e-ood condition sjtt $(.- 000, Insurance, water and light sys tem, on pavement, to is acres ana improvements aloo are an exception al buy foe pries asked. Price $15,000. SOCOLOF8KT ft SON First National Bask Bldg. 98 A. best of clover - sad general farmins land, about 75 acres cultiva ted bal. timber and pastore. Water ed by creek and welL Bldgs. are old. Road craveled, located 5 miles from rood valley town on gravelei read. 1 miles from paved highway. Mast be sold to settle estate. Small pay tent down and easy payments on baL Price $5.oo per acre. E. E ROBERTS. Realtor 841 State TeL 303 sad 384R. BEST BUT- FINE 28 A. farm, all cultivated land, in crop, good bldgs. House 4 rooms, olee. light, barn, poultry house. Furniture, 804 chickens, T rabbit a, one horse, fine garden, a real 45994 farm for $3449, reasonable terms. Owner forced to sell on account of ill healtn. not able to run farm. SEE BECHTEL or T HO MASON - -311 State Street Room 4 For the best buys In farm prop erty. .s.ir ioyi nys? USSV k5 ACREAGE CLOSE In acreage. $25.4$ down, baL 810.08 per moatn. 800 owner, teL 1248J8 evenings. $S50s. IMMEDIATE ACTION ISSOs, Required if you wish to profit by this extraordinary offer of It t-lt acres 34 miles from city limits, on paved highway, t acres logana, -1$ acres prunes, 2 acres walnuts, cher ries and apples. Small amount of money will put bidga in good repair. Place sold 7 years ago for 312.400. Today's -pries 3tf4) and $190$ will handle. SEE Mrs. talis with LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 220 State Street TeL 1737. 2 DATS SPECIALS Best Farm Buys in the Valley 87 A-. beat sou. good bldss. $ ft. 48 A. $459. Sold once for 12,000 H Avail cult, small Udga. 1500. 18 A, all cult No bldgs. 14(9. 1 A. 3 R. bouse, bath, light basement garage, barn, ten house 2899. 28 A. fins farm, $3400. House R, Hath. elee. lights, poultry bouse, fur niture, 80S chickens. BECHTEL-THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. REDUCED $759 29 acres, choice clover land. 6 miles out close to SUverton road. Good all round bldg. 8 acres in cherries, fam ily orchard, baL clover, price 1250. 37 ACRES Diversified arraneements dose to Silverton highway, cozy 5 room house, good barn and chicken house, 1 acre filberts. 1 acre peaches. 6 acres strawberries, 1 acre logana all in fine snaps, dsl wneat, clover, pasture seme timber, and creek - 4 miles out prairie land, $4009. 87 ACRES all under plow, buildings. stock equipment and croD. See Geiser with ANDERSON RUPERT 109 South High Street WANTED REAL ESTATE HOUSE 8 or f rooms to bur like rent Must be In good condition. Call 35QZJ. Clear city property or small acre age in exchange for 14009 farm equity. Farm priced $6000, 80 acres, all Improved, no buildings. Box 489, Statesman. ' WANT TO BUY A rood farm 64 to SO acres suit able for dairying, located prefer north or east of aaiem, iiave some case. No trade. SEE BECHTEL THOMASON 341 State Street Room 4. Business Opportunities INCOME property, concrete build ing. $40,004. Income $5,000. Growtns- ralue district, (15,000 will handle Balance 6. Box 36$, Statesman. Monev-makuur business with a future, old established confectionery lunch, newly equipped, good location. ooo Business, see owner, 132 itate St.. 8500 will handle. MONEY TO LOAN LL inA.njmrjTjLnjvuvj-u-Lrnnj-rLiVWl To finance your new borne or refi nance your present home, see P. H. BELL, 208 U. B. Bank Bldg. TeL 103 ON FARMS AND CITY REAL ES TATE). LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORO FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need ree us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION Flrat National Bank Bids. Phone 1394 CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 142 South Hisb Street Telephone 2252 Salem, Oregon. Federal Farm Loans. 5 per cent F- L WOOD. 841 8tate Street MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments You keep the car. P. A. EIKER . Cor Liberty St and Ferry Phone 121 Salem. Ore. Crrr AND FARM loans at lowest rates Best terms obtainable. - Oar Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service Is oil lines, HAWKINS A ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 1427 305 Oregon Bldg LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. AH tran sactions strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY 318 Oregon Bldg. Second Floor Corner Stat and High Office hra. 10:09 a. m. to 4:89 p. a Telephone B32 Licensed by State LIVE STOCK and POULTRY DAIRY cows for sals or trade. One or a carload. 1-3 down. Terms to ev eryone, one year to pay. Nelson Bros dealers In livestock. Red barn at Co lumbia and North commercial, or nel son Bros, market 185 North High. HANSON batched breeding cocker els, high pedigree, S or 3 generations. H. A. Hammer, n. aaniiam, uu. west of Buyton.. m Tsunc fat rabbits. live or dressed. Tel. 25F4. R, W. Chapel. FOR SALE WOOD THE best wood in the ctty for the money at Tracy "u xaro. stobbpi delivery, pnone "st. Xixixruuii'irinrirg-,-,-i-n"i - - GUARANTEED DRY Wood COal. TsL II. Calm Fuel Cex. 753 Trad DRY fir and oak wood. eal and fuel o4L Call on ns for prices. We gtv good measur. good ulity and svaVI asjt LARMER TRANSFER ft 8JTOtftaC Teleph 1181 wa aM is- aaad ail the time. Prompt Delivery sis i n OobLa 41 Mitchell CO, pnon sis. Try 2nd growth fir $5.40 ar cord eWtvered. mom Jiurr. FIRST class dry old fir slab, l-ln. old fir mill block. Screened bog fuel. Prompt delivery. Phone 1542. Fred E wails, inc. sss-a. uusren ox. 14 to. old fir. 4 tt fir, oak and ash. No. 1 old fir hill slab. Reduced pricea C D. Harbangh, 838 Higmana av. . Phone 1999. GOOD 1 m. old fir, $7.60 cord. TeL 38F32. Four corners usrase- "That Should LOST AND FOUND LOST Open-face watch, whits ele phant enameled on back. Moo. aits sa Salem. Return to Bligh Cigar Store. Reward. Wa Sullivan. LOST la Salem Sunday afternoon. July 27, suit case containing ladles clothing. Reward. Mrs. P. E. Taylor, 289 F- 2th St., Portland. TeL Ta bor BOSS. FOR SALE USED CARS The Hom&of Best . Values 80 Cars To Choose From 1921 Bitlck Standard Sport Rds. ?T95 1928 Chevrolet Landau Sedan 245 104 Chevrolet Coupe ISO 1923 Ford A Roadster S75 192T Pontiac Coup , 325 19 2 S Studebaker Commander Coupe 785 192$ Whippet Sport Coupe , 345 1926 Nash Special 6 Sedan 400 1929 Chev. 1U ton 550 1929 Model A Ford Town sedan 625 1929 Fordor Sport F.oadster 425 Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED BT VALLET MO TOR CO. OTTO J. WILSON Mirlon ft Liberty Open Evenings and Sundays. Phone 1027 Ssaeea's1SiWaSVSV Itt ton G. M. C. wood truck. $150. 00 cash. Call 1282M. sSsssaWasalbMswaaW McKay's for Used Cars With an 0. K. That Counts 1928 Chevrolet Coupe $295.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 295.00 192T Chevrolet Coach 2!5.09 1927 Pontiac Landau Sedan 425.00 1929 Chevrolet Coach 6S5.00 1928 Ford Coupe 385.00 l29 Ford Truck overdrive 525.00 192$ Ford Truck 150.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan delivery 550.00 Used car dept., 830 Chemeketa St Telephone 1425 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. FOR SALE By owner, F passenger Nasb sedan. Nearly new. Will sell at big reduction Inquire at Ramseyer Bros Garage. Phone 199. VaSley Motor Company Used Cars 1924 Sedan $ 65.00 1926 Touring 95.00 1924 Roadster "5.00 1924 Overland To 40.00 1924 Coupe 75.00 1324 Touring 35.00 1923 Willys Tour 75.00 1923 Hupmobile T. C. 50.00 1924 Lt $ Stude. 90.00 1924 Star Tour T5.00 TRUCKS 1923 Ford truck, cab, body 65.00 1924 Ford closed cab. starter 165.00 Dodge truck, Ford rear end 90.00 Chevrolet truck 150.00 1929 Ford truck, frame, ext. 10 ply tires, overload springs special body license 650.00 1929 Ford true k standard dual high 450.00 TERMS TRADES VaHey Motor Company TeL 1995 Center at Liberty Salem, Oregon mm'w NASH 4 Tour. Best bur in town. Very good condition. Call 866 OW after T:1d p. m. AAlAewApAAAArVrVAWw Used Cars You May Be Proud to Drive 29 Late series Hudson-8, Stan dard sedan, original finish inside and out extra good, new car service, and guar antee $1959 '28 Studebaker Commander Se dan, new paint and rubber, A-l mechanically, 30-day ser vies and guarantee - 150 '29 Essex ramble-seat coupe. new rubber. This car has only run a few thousand miles and is a good buy at .. 195 '24 Late modal Essex-coach, or iginal imisn insio ana out, . exceptionally good, new car services and guarantee 495 '28 Hudson 7-passeager custom duui eaan, new iz pa mi job, brand new 4-ply heavy duty tire all around 495 '27 Oakland Sedan, overhauled, new paint and tires 425 '2$ Podge leather upholstered sedan, ran less tnan ze.uo miles i 350 All the above listed cars hav 1930- 31 licenses and are guaranteed right or we will make them right. Many other cars in stock to choose from priced from $25 up. State Motors, Inc. HUDSON-ESSEX Chemeketa and High St. TeL 1000 FOR SALE WIUys-Knlerht sedan, good condi tion. 2401 South Commercial Street Good Will Used Cars Sold with a guaranty. 1928-Pontiae 4 Dr. 8edan . 1928- Oaklaod -Cabriolet 1924-Bulck Roadster 1929- Pontiac 2-dr. sedan . $i$5.00 495.00 395.44 1924-Esse Coach 1914-Ovarland Six Coach 285.00 1927-Pontiac Panel Delivery 345.09 Many others to chooe from. FISHING CARS 1924-Ford 2 Dr. sedan 55.04 1926-Chevrolet Roadster 95.04 1924-Oldsmobils Roadster 320.44 1923-Dodge Coupe 85.04 Wood-Wheaton Motor Co Inc. 359 Ko. High TeL 2184. 445 Cberaeketa Satisfy Mm" UETS MOT Q O Ck a rr -r ssr unoi i T'o qu iCvuVi -no THtt 4XEV4WCM 7SiQ HA.MB A WMrO GENERAL DECLINE HOLDING SWAY CONFIDENCE IN WOOL PREVAILING Trading Is Active in Some Grades With Prices Firm ( Confidence in wool values con tinues to be prevalent among the dealers although actual trading daring the past week wai slow and limited to a few lines of do mestic combing wools. Woolen wools were generally rery quiet, although some business was re ported on wools suitable for the manufacture of women's dress goods. According to private ca bles, the fine wools offered at the London auction were fairly active at firm to slightly higher nriees. o.. ..... . "cio icyviwa on iliac- tically all lines of domestic strictly combing fleece wools, with the exception of the 66'b grade. These sales, while only of moderate quantities were at firm prices. The 6trictly comb ing 64's and finer Ohio and sim ilar wools were firm at 30 to "SI cents in the grease with the bet ter types bringing prices near the top of this range. The 58's, 60's . grades sold at 29 to 30 cents, in the grease and the 48's SO's grades were stronger at prices in the range of 30 to 31 cents in the grease. Limited sales were reported on some 6i's and finer origiual bag western grown wools. The better wools of this type brought around 73 cents scoured basis, while some average wools were sold at 70 to 72 cents scoured basis. More activity was report ed on the 4S's, SO's grades. Graded good 48's, 60's strictly combing territory wools brought 57 to 59 cents scoured basis, and average wools sold- for 55 to 57 cents scoured basis. All other grades were slow. Sales were reported on moderate Quantities of choice 12 months Texas wools At prices In the range of 73 to 75 cents scoured basis. A few sales were closed on limited qnantities of Australian tnerino wools. Although spot of ferings of these wools are some what restricted. Quotations are very firm. According to private rabies prices on fine wools at the recent London sales were very firm to slightly higher. A few houses reported inquiries from manufacturers on medium Borts of mohair and some offers were received but no business of any account was reported closed. Advance in Egg Prices Spreads To More Marts PORTLAND, Ore., July 28 (AP) Egg prices opened fairly steady today. Friday's advance of one cent, announced hf the co operatives, had spread to wider territory, but a few dealers were reported holding the previous fig ures. Trade in butter closed quiet Saturday, with supplies ample. The price had an easier under tone. Cantaloupes are reported la large 6upply with prices growing easier. WANTED USED CABS 3 A. land close In ffalem, trade for good automobile. Mat this, RL 9, Box 84. WILL trade quarter section for truck. TeL 3T45-J. land BITS... Of General Knowledge By W. L. GORDON 7" There is a lake In Switserland (Lake Morat) srttose waters I a.nd that titer have erpeneneea a take on blood red hue about I number of gtorms in that com every ten years. Imunity, 5(D you PHONE 1Mb-. tJp "THE' Ctrid THE OFFICE TOT GHT Td MA.C mi at j General Markets DAISY PORTLAND. Or., July 28 (AP) Produce excasage, net prices: batter, ex trss 33, stsadards 82, prim firsts 31, firsts 8. Eggs, fresh extras S526, fresk bm ditiBis 23 S 24c. KTTTS, HAT. HOPS PORTLAXD. Or.. Joly 28 (AP) Xuts wslnnta, Oregon, 25ft? 3Qc; si molds, 25fc 30c; peinnti, 9410Hc; pertns, 25 (g 57c: filberts, 17fl3e. Hay wholesale bayiar prices, deliv ered Portland: eastern Oregon Timothy, 822.50 23: do valley. $196 19.50; ftlfilfs. llOfaJO; clover. 816; ost hay, 816: straw, $7!aS; ton selling prices $1 to 82 more. Hops 1929 crop 18Vi15e. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAXD. Ore., Jaly 23 ( AP) I Wheat futores Open Hick I jn!r si oi Close 90 H 89 I Sept 90 ootf Dee 94 94 92 Cash markets: whfstibig Bend bine stem, 81.05; soft whit, western whits, 91c; hard winter, northern spring, west ern red, 89e. Oats: No. 8 S8 lb. white $25.00. Corn: No. 2 E. Y. shipment $36.25. Millrun: standard $25.00. PRODUCB PORTLAXD. Ore.. July 28 (AP) Milk raw milk (4 per cent) 82.30(32.40 cwt.. delivered Pnrtland, less 1 per cent; enide B milk. $2.65. Buttfrfat, station 29o track 31c: dclireries in Portland 81e. Poultry (buj-ine prices) sliTe, heavy hens over 14 lbs., 20e; medium hens 3- to 4H lbs., 16c; light hens 14c; broilers Wt to 2H le?horn, 17c; colored 20e: PcVtn ducks, 4 lb and ov er. 20j22c; old l'e: colored ducks 15c. Potatoes penis, No. 1 rarden $3.00 8.o0. New potatoes 2 Vie. LIVESTOCK PORTLAXD, Ore.. Jnly 2S (AP Cattle 1850, calves 175. fairly active, looks steady. Steers 700-900 lbs., rood SS.008.50; medium 4.5008.00; common 4.0006.50. Pteera 900 1100 lbs., pood 8.00(??8.50; medium 6.50(17 8.00; common 4.30 6 6.50. Pteers 1100-1200 lb., irood 7.605? 8.00: edinm 6.00(5 7.E0. Heifers 550-850 H.. good 6. 50 7.00; medium 5.00 Ci 6 50: common 4.00 5(5.00. Cows, (rood 5.00(f 5.50; common and medium 3.50ft? 5.00: low cutters 2.00 Ct 3.30. Bulls. yesrlinrt excluded 5.506(6.00; colter. emmou and medium 4.00fi 5.50. Vealers, mi!k fed. 9.50(2 10.50: medium 7.50(5 0: cull and common 5.00 7.50. Calves 250-500 lbs., good and choice 8.00 fjft.50: common and medium 5.00ff?8.0X). Sheep 1200. talking around steady. Lambs 00 lbs. down, good and choice I $r..00(j 7.00; siedium 4.50ii00; all weights, common 3.50S4.50. Yearling wethers 90-110 lbs., S.005?4.50. Ewes I 90 120 lbs., 1.75f'2.50; ewes 160-150! H t.. 1.50(3 2.25; all weights, call and , ifommon 1.00, 1.30..- Hogs. 1450. including Sd9 on contract or billed thrench, killing clauses 50 to 75c signer. (.soft or oily nogs ana roasting pigs excluded). l.ljrht lights 140-160 lbs.. 810.500 11.75: light weight 160-200 lbs.. 11.50 12.00: medium weight 200-220 ll.p.. 10.50 11.50; mediain weight 220 250 lb!.. 10.0011.25; eavy weight 250- 29 le., 0.75(gll.OO; heavy weight 290-950 lbs.. 9.25 10.50. Packing taws, 8.50 Sf 9.50. Slaughter pigs, 10.25 a 11.50. leeder aad ctocker pigs, 11.00 Ci 18.00. FRUITS VEGETABLES PORTLAND. Ore.. Jnly 28 fAP) Frafts aad vegetables: fresh fruit or anges, valencias. .auct: grapefruit. Imperial, $6.50(27; limes, 5-doz. cartons, $2.50. - Lemons California, $8S9.25. Cab Lag local, 2c lb. Cuwmbers hot Louse. Oregon, 75o $1 doi.; oat door grown 75c lug. Tomatoes local hothouse ioyoe California $2 2.50 lag; The Dalles, 1 1.1 5 4? 1:25 box. Onions selliag prie to retailers: sets, 56e. Walla Well. 1 1.50. Lettuce Oregon. fi.7serz.z s erste for 3. Asparagus Oregon $1.83 9 1.40 doses banches. Spinach local $1 1.25 orange box. Strawberries $2.25 a erat. Baspber rie $2.25 s ersts. Blackcaps $2.25 a erste. Loganberries $1.75 erat. Blackberries lel $2 crate. Watermelons California Klondikes, 248e lb. koney4ewa. $1.TS flats: can taloupes California. Jumbo. S2.75&4; standards, $3.50 6 3.75; pony, $2.75 crate. Cherries Hoval Annes. 5(?ree: mngs. Te lb. Apricots The Dalles. 9501.10 Ine: Yakima 81 if 1.03 lug. Peaches Crawford 1.40 1.50; Tuscan, 81; J. H. Hale, Celery Oregon celery 73c $1.35 dot. Peeoert Bsll 15 30. Rhubarb lseal ostdoor 75e apple box. Cauliflower Oregoa, $1.80(3 1.90 crate. Table potatoes lao crop, local whites IKOlttS lb. Peas Oregos 6 Tc lb. Beans The Dalles. 7 8c lb. Green corn The Dalles: 8045e dos. C-ariic new 1315e lb. CHICAflO oiLaXBf CHICAGO, July S-(AP) Th larg est receipts of wat so far this season ia Ckicae and the greatest ever la Oral. ha d4 assch today te paH dows the valves of all cereals. Th prfce-breakitif effect wit Intensi fied bv the elrcomatane 0t the UsH ed Sle'tes wat Visible aspply today in creased mneh more than expected, bwng augmented 14.503,000 boihels for the last week. This smoont greatly exceed ing the enlargesunt either fr las wt previont r a yr ago. Rain 4a lews and Kekreaka together with ialiesHoas of period f wide spread moderate temperatures ahead for tLe rs belt. Ie4 te heavy prefit-taking is the eora smrkec. Whs price closed aastesdy t vir (ally the day' bMtorn aeveL 1 5-4 to 2e bashel below Saturday's finish. Corn closed l-2 5-Se dawn, oats -le ff. HOT IN IOWA BRUSH CREEK, July tt Mrs. Marie Buness, 1a a recent tetter to Jier danghter, Vlrtao Buness. writes that sb is spend ing a very hot summer at Hol stlen, Iowa, where she is earing for relatives. Mm. Baness -rites that tat) -weather aaa been ex- I tremely hot and uncomfortable By RVSS WESTOVER wen. I tou MAC CCOLDI B W COMPL"t1 OrtAfer op Trie CCSMSOt-TlMC 2V1 Wheat, Hog and Lamb Prices Drop Here on Monday A general decline seemed to hit Salem markets on Monday when wheat dropped one cei:, hog dropped one-foarth cent and spring lambs dropped one and one-half cents. Trading was slow on Monday's market and there was no indica tion of a price advance in commodities. Rs Prtut (Wholesale Quotations) Apples Errly Transpareat. lag . .1.54 i-rspeiruii !! of Pine so Bananaa. Ik. Dates Dromedary. .6. 10 Oa. pkga. Cone's Pitted, eas . Lemons. Calif. .4 50 -4.50 9.25 -2.50 L.imea Oranges. Kavela 80 a , 100 12C 150' 17C coo-a 116' , 2 5 2 ' a 28'S Z.......... 32i'a Risptierries Black Capa CHi-rants . Apricots Local peaches -Plums -5.75 8.25 7.00 -7.7S -.8.75 9.00 -9.25 -9.25 ..D.25 -6.25 2.50 2.00 . 2.00 ISO 1.00 1.50 4.00 Neediest Crape Kreili Figs, Hat Caiabas 1.50 -05 -10 -65 Summer Sqnanli. lh. Mus'hrooms. lb. , Vegetables (Wholesale Quotations) Gooseberries 05 Cantaloupes " to 3.75 atermeioDS I. oca I celery, doi, S.25 .80 te 1.35 Green torn, doi. 60 Lunched vegetables, per da. bunches Carrots .o Beeta 60 Turnips , Radishes a Pariley 60 Onions . 44 Carlie. Ik. is California Tomatoes, lag 2,75 3.00 Hothouse, crate ... 2.50 lettuce Lake Lablsh -...1.7S-2.00 -90 to 1.50 02 V 03 05 OtVk 10 Cncumbera. hot'joose Cabbage, local l.bubarb, local ., , I'esa. local Potatoes Green Bcana . ,., i'epper -35 F.gg riant 20 Asparago -It' 'aulif lower, erat. -1.76 Spinach -1.7S Artichokes, dozen .90 to 1.10 It ew potatoes, local 02 to 04 Feeds (Retail Quotations) Calf meal, 23 lbs. 1.94 Scratch, ton . ... 80.04 Cora, wools, tea . Cracked and ground Mill run. ton I! ran, ton With milk T.ez mai .. , .44.00 .46.00 -SS.OO -ss.oe .40.09 -54.00 SEggs (Baying Prlee) iKstrss .. Mediums 2 .18 Pemltry (Buying rrce) 14 0T Roosters, old Heavies Mediaaas . Lights .18 Broile Leghorn l .IT aad 14 Wkslesal Butter (Bnying Pries) Batterfat Prints Cart' - ,.8t -8T -84 Batter (Tletall QroUtloas) Prints . Cartons -84 ..34 Oram aad Bay (Buylag Pries) Wb. western r4 . Soft whit Oats. ba. Barley, ton . . , ... - 7T T 89 -24.00 liar, retail price Oats and vetch 17.00 te 18.50 Clover . 10.00 Alfalfa -14.50 to 22.04 Meat 'Bay tag Price) Snrisg Lamb . 04 t .05 10 15 I ire Bogs Hresled Hogs Dressed veal .18 Wool Coarse Mediuai -14 .84 .4 -38 Msbsir 014 Kid CALL FOR BIDS The underskoed will receive sealed bids up to 7: SO. o'clock p. m.. August 4. 1430, for a tar melting kettle. Specifications are oa tile at the office of the City Recorder, City Han, Salem. Ore gon. The Common Council re serves the right to accept any or to reject all bids in the interest of the City. MARK POTJLSEN, City Recorder. Salem, Oregon. J25----7-I9-Jt CALL FOB BIDS Notice te hereby given that I will receive sealed bids mp to T: 39 o'clock p. tn. on the 4 th day of August, ltse, for the construc tion of a bridge over Shelton Ditch on Lee Street between 18th Street and Iftn Street in the City of Salem, Oregon, in accordance with plans" and specifications ad opted by the Common Council for said bridge and How on fll in mj off too. The principal items of con struction are aa follows, to-wlt: . Excavation 124 Co. Yds, Excav, below eleva tion Shown ff Ctt. Tda. Class A Concrete 94 Co. Tda, Class D Concrete If Cn. Tda. Metat Retnforeement ie,t40 lbe. Hand Rail 84 Lin. Ft. Plane end specifications may - be bad at air office la the etty hail upon depositing the snm of fs.et. Each bidder will bo required to file with hie bid eertlf-ed check or a'Wd bond, pwyahle to the City ot 6im, fa the amount of 8 per cent of tha amoant bid, whJcn wile bt lQffUfd to the City ia caee the Wider shall fail or refuse to enter into a contract tor the iTOBfitruetioa of :i said bridge li ewarded lbe bid. The right I resenred by the Common Council to accept any bid er if reject ell bide In the Interost of the 3ty. UABX VQELXEtf, Wf Recorder 8aless, pren Uy. Zi-t t-it-tlt it. i t-l U. B. Bank Bldg. Tel 14$