:- r 3- 1- ira a saving - - 3. J" A nhatrlnilna 1 a Th WEATHER Fair and copier today and Friday, thunderstorms in mountains; Max. temp. Wednesday 85, Mia. 47, north wind, rirer 2.4. Statesman Is saving, mot aa expense, -the average housewife ; finds according; to recent survey. EIGHTIETH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, Jnty 24, 1930 1 - - AW. iEIS PUT OFF AGAIN City and Company Seeking Development Rights to Confer Soon Firm May Not Be Required To File Over Again if Salem's Plan Fails . Definite action In connection with the application of the North west Power company, a subsid iary of the Pacifie Northwest Public Service company, for per mission to appropriate the waters of Marion Lake and ,the North Santiam rirer for power purposes was deferred Wednesday at a meeting of the state reclamation commission here until Tuesday, August S. The continuance followed a discussion In which It was brought out that attorneys for the city of Salem and the power company might agree upon some procedure which would protect the interests of both. The mu nicipality previously had filed with the reclamation commission a petition asking that the appli cation of the power company be denied, and that the city then be -feisu. 6lx months In which to per fect its application for appropria tion of the water for power. It was specifically provided in the city's petition that in case municipality failed to perfect its tiling the - power company then would have authority to reestab lish its rights to the water In controversy. Object to Making Renewed Filing O. B. Caldwell, representing the power company, contended that his employers desired to be fair, but he was not in sympathy with the plan of the city to com pel the power company to start j new proceedings in case the city failed to complete its filing. He urged that the proceeding mere ly be continued over the six months period," which would give the municipality- time . In which to complete Its application for power development W. H. Trindle, attorney for the city, said this was satisfac tory as the municipality did not desire to act unfairly In the con troversy. Trindle said that In event the municipality did not complete its application within the six months period, then the Northwest Power com pany should be allowed to pro ceed with the development with out unnecessary costs or embar rassment. Plan for Election Told by Trindle It was explained by Trindle that the city expected to refer to the voters at a special election in the near future the Question of a charter amendment, which would authorise municipal power devel opment. Rhea Luper, state engineer, in response to questions propound ed by members of the reclamation (Turn to page 2, col. 7) .ALLOTMENT MADE w AsaiiMii i u., u. u.t juiy zx. - (AP) - Senator McNary an nounced today 32,6 7 8,81 $ In fed eral aid thus, far has been allot ted to the Roosevelt highway in "Oregon. V The funds hare been applied to 171 miles of road construction. During the past fiscal year, Mc Nary said, the Roosevelt highway received 3939.912 to be applied te 4 9 ft miles of road. McNary safd that In addition, 40 tt miles of forest road Included In the Roose velt highway has been finished with an expenditure of 3794.545 by the federal government An other 5 miles are under con struction to which 350.000 will be allotted. , POCLTRTMEX ELECT CORVALLIS, Ore , July 23r (AP) Fred Cockell, MUwaukie, was elected president cf the Ore gon Poultrymen's association at the opening meeting of the annual two dav convention hem tadav. - . - Other officers elected were J. L.. Russell. CoTvaUis, vice-president; F. I Knowlton, Q..3. C, secretary treasurer; Mrs. -W. H. Thompson, Canby, and Lloyd Lee. Salem, members of the executive com mittee. ,r. - - . Cockell, the president-elect. Is ene of the IS American repre sentatives at- the . world poultry congress in London. -i All Oregon nonltrymenV eon ventlon records,, were broken to-uav.'-Mar than S5S Or ran tkibT- EZE2OeTfiril from ether ' i President Leo,' lnhl annual re port, advocated establishment ef an association booth at the state fair, endorsed braaea county, associations,- and praised the work of the Oregon experiment station. He said the discovery of a new chick en pox virus more than repays nil special poultry appropriations. Tariff -ehanges,;he.aaid,vwiu be beaeOdal to the somltrr industry. POWER GAS Extorti on Charges Follow Slaying of Buckley, Espousal of Recall Movement Also Suggested as Motive for Murder of Announcer; All Detroit Aroused at Crime TTtaETROIT, July 23. (AP) U C. Wilcox announced late a confessed bootlegger which icy, iauiu announcer siain Dy torted money from him. Buckley was political Nearly 12 Million Shown as Figure For This City In Schramm Report Deposits hi all banks in Oregon at the close of business June 30, 1930, were 1290,541.621.85. or an increase of 311,462,071.49 since March 27, according to a re port prepared here Wednesday by A. A. Schramm, state superinten dent of banks. Deposits increased 385,837.82 oviV Uefigures released June 30 1929. Salem wih deposits of 311,889,927.75 ranked second to Portland. Total deposits reported on June 30 of this year were the highest of any midsummer call, with the exception of in 192 . 1927 and 1928, since 1903, which was the first year that such records were kept by the state banking de partment. The total deposits on June 30 of this year included $126,951.- 147.75 time an' daavings deposits and $163,590,474.08 demand de posits, an Increase of 3984,7(1.19 since March 27 In time and sav ings accounts, and 310.477;- 310.30 in demand deposits. Total time and savings deposits Irere the highest on June SO of 'any midsummer call since 1908. "A , decrease of bills payable and rediscounts of 33,184,686.89 since June 30, 1929, and an in crease of cash and due from banks of 38,703.892.53 indicates a stronger position for the banks." read Mr. Schramm's re port. "A further Improvement was shown in the total of -other real estate of 31.628, 86.87, which Is a decrease of 3145,803.71 since a year ago. Banking house, furni ture and fixtures showed a de crease of 3207,941.54 over, the same period. The value of bank ing house, furniture and fixtures on June 30, 1930, was 310,481,- 324.85." Loans and discounts have de creased 34,449,217.90 since June 30, 1929, with a decrease noted in United States government se curities. Fifty-two cities and towns In (Turn to page 2, col. S) in m DEPOSITS Coast Highway Gets Aid Fred Cockell President Road District Opposed Infant Paralysis Noted HEARING IS HELD JEWELL, Ore, July 23. (AP) For two hours timber owners, logging operators, farmers of the Nehalem valley, and Clatsop and Tillamook county commissioners tiled before the state highway com mission here today to protest the creation - or a proposed '"super road district" in Clatsop, Colum bia, Washington and Tillamook counties. Lester Shelly, Ternohla attor ney, appeared before the commis sion with the statement he was the only sponsor of the petition for the district. The proposed district covers an area about 48 miles long and 16 miles wide. The major por tion Is in Clatsop eounty. TWO CASES IN OREGON PORTLAND. Ore.; July 23. (AP) Dr. Frederick D. Strieker, secretary of the state board f health, reported today there were two cases of infantile paralysis In uregon, eotn ef them in Portland. Dr. Strieker urred- tromnt at tention to any unexplained ailment fering. PLEADS GUnTY PORTLAND, Ore Jily St. (AP) William T. Reuther. 40. pleaded guilty in circuit court to day to a charge of assault and robbery while armed and Jndge Hewitt sentenced him to 16 year fa the state penitentiary. Heather was charged with rob bing a pharmacy here at the point or a gun jne 30. After leaving the pharmacy he fired two shots. t pursuers. CLAIMS hTGE TlMJlv" THE DALLES. Ora Jaty-23.- (AP)-Clyde ; MeCaUlster. Pine Crest wheat farmer,-Is harvesting 199 acres of Turkey hybrid which Is expected to yield 4.909 bushels. He also has two acres ef new soil planted, to the variety mad wheat from drill row . 14 : feet long weighed tt pounds. At this rate the two acres will yield more than 199 bushel to the acre. , - , Radio Man Police Commissioner Thomas today he has an affidavit from states Herald E. (Jerry) Buck- gunmen early today, had ex commentator for radio station vwiiflc. He waa an avowed en emy of gangsters' and outspoken eritm of the administration of iuries uowies, Detroit s re called mayor. Through the mlcronhone h had denounced lawlessness, rack eteers and gangsters. Commissioner Wilcox gave out an arriaavit from an unnamed man who said he had been m dueed by Buckley to start boot legging. After he became aligned with a prosperous liquor selling organisation, fie swore Buekley demanded and received amounts totaling 14,000. Police apparently accepted that purported revelation as a possi- Die explanation of the slaving. Other theories were advanced by HUCKiey s associates. One group, headed by the victim's brother, Paul, former Wayne county as sistant prosecutor, insisted he was killed because of his espousal of the mayoralty recall. Others, including the police, had believed ms continued attacKs on gang sters oriered the motive. A third theory was he was shot to forestall his Identification of the man who killed - two gang sters in front of the hotel. In which the radio station is lo cated, on July 3. Buckley wit nessed that killing from the win dow of the radio station. Buckley was shot from behind by three unidentified gunmen as as sat in the lobby of tVe La Salle hotel at 1:50 a. m. His assail ants pumped 11 bullets into his body and he died shortly after be ing admitted to receiving hos- Recall Victory Pltotietles Tiagedy - The slaying came five hours after Detroit citizens by a major ity of So.600 had voted to recall Mayor Bowles on the basis of charges he had tolerated lawless ness, it climaxed a series of 10 gangster killings in Detroit streets during the past three weeks. The effect was to arouse the entire state. Within a few hours the fall weight of the state's law enforce ment machinery was thrown into the investigation. Under the di rection of Governor Fred Warn Green, state civil and military au thorities immediately took an In terest in the case wh the an nounced Intention of aiding local officers. 4 COBLENZ, Germany, July 23. (AP) The recovery of 39 bodies from the Moselle river here following yesterday's ' col lapse of a pontoon bridge mark ed the tragic end today of what promised to be one of the most Joyous occasions In lhe life of venerable President Von Hind en- burg, who four days ago started from Berlin on a triumphal tour of ' the liberated Rhlneland. Gloom shrouded the Rhlneland tonight and spread over all Ger many. Radio programs, . social functions, and . festive, celebra tion were called -off everywhere as aa expression of national grief.- Sorrow was deepest In this eity once occupied by - troops of the American expeditionary, force. It was for the most part cltlsens of this town who. eager to see the Illumination of the former fort ress of Ehrenbreistein, on the right bank of the Rhine to over crowded the frail bridge that spaas an estuary of the Moselle Nart-, its confluence Into the Rhine. Among the victims, of whom 19 were : women . and " girls, four young children and 18 men, there was also an American boy, six year old. Raymond Lawler of Akron. O. Like the German youngsters alongside of him, he his German grandparents te case athe fascinating, lights and the fireworks, ; part ot thc Rhine land's celebration. He and his grandfather perished. y , -; Cooling Breeze 11 Provides Relief : MHeHere A cooling ereexe brought relief from the brief beat wafe in Sa lem Wednesday : and the maxl- murn temperature jell seven, de grees under that registered Tues day. , T he - mercery! ' hovered around 89 degrees daring most of the 4ay.-reaching : its peak of 85 degrees .early in " the after noon. ;: ; . '.v- . - ,: Clear skies with r moderate north and - northeast - winds Was forecast for ' Thursday '"and - Fri day- - H AMERICAN LAD III 11 -HEIDI j I - ! T - DEVELOPMENTS G. 0. P. Chairman's Delay In Making Announcement Causes Surprise Object of Attack is Away From Washington and Cannot Be Found By F. M. STEPHENSON . WASHINGTON, July 23. (AP) Confidently expecting the early retirement ef Claudius Huston aa chairman of the repub lican national committee. Presi dent Hoover and party leaders today went ahead with arranging campaign plans In the absence of Huston. The republican campaign dis cussions both at the White House and at the capltol were based up on the assumption Huston is get ting out. However, his continued absence from the city was begin ning to receive notice. The chairman who haa been under fire of a powerful group In the party, promised early In the month to make an announcement of his Intentions as chairman as soon as the senate adjourned. When the senate adjourned Monday, the party leaders sat back to hear his statement None was forthcoming, inquiries were launched but Huston was not to be found. His office yesterday said he was in New York but to day there was no Intimation of where Huston could be located. Return Today in Tentative Promise It was said there he would be here tomorrow "if he ean ar range some things." What was to be arranged was not disclosed. Out of the round of conferen ces today it developed that if Huston does not announce his In tention of resigning shortly, steps will be taken to seek his ouster. Meanwhile, harmonr was the by-word as republican leaders bent their efforts to rearranging the national organisation from the worst-split It has suffered in years. News that Senator- Borah. Ida ho. Is preparing to take stump in tne approaching campaign of the arm relief and tariff issues add ed concern to the republican managers. Borah Is on- the other side of these Issues from the Hoo ver administration. Harmony Efforts Being Launched Senator Moses, of New Hamp shire, the chairman of the repub lican senatorial campaign com mittee, conferred at the capltol with-Senator Watson, of Indiana, the party leader in the senate, and Post Master General Brown. Considerable Interest attached to this meeting. Moses has been an ally of Huston in his fight for re tention of . the chairmanship while Brown has been an out standing opponent of Huston. It was said' after the meeting the Huston situation was not dis cussed but the conference was re garded as one of the first peace moves in the new harmony pro gram. Hoboes Arrange 30-day Mourning Period For How CINCINNATI, July 23 (AP) Jeff Davis, for many years rec ognised as "king ot the hoboes" late today said the international Itinerant hoboes of America will go into a 39, day period ot mourn ing for James Eads How, "mil lionaire hobo." and a leader of the brotherhood welfare associa tion, another hobo organisation. How died yesterday at Staun ton. Va. Davis said the International hoboes organisation will erect a statue ot How at the Eads bridge on -a Mississippi- levee at St. Louis. The bridge was built by How's grandfather, part of Whose wealth How later used fostering better conditions among hoboes. Kentucky Belle, NOwSSJsHeld . On Drunk Charge 8 AN FRANCISCO. Jnlv 13 ory of th "Belle of Kentucky Utian-tailred beauty who reigned over San Francisco's ntrht Ufa. In the hey-day of the Barbery coast. Police Jndr fi T Rtalrar tnrisv -dismissed charges of drunkness against Hay Sheen an. 35. - Jul is . old . woman. Judre " pleaded the prisoner, "trying to f arret thm' tariff faffrtiMi tt tfcna who once fought for my favor.' aomrags or the ence-eeautt-tul May Sheehan still , adorn, the walls of deserted eaf m wImm doors; closed with the advent of BALTIMORE. Jnhr Six-. API Jim : London - of Philadelphia recognized in moat of the east as the. world's championship heavy- wigm wreauer, xonignt .. threw Karl Posella of Baltimore, a Lith uanian, with a head laelt In. mi hoar; ten. minutes. 111 HUSTON ROW EXPECTED SOON New Physica1 Director Here vs. V ft ' W. Vernon Gflmore, who succeeds "Luke" Gill as head of the boys' physical edncatlon de partment t Salem high. He was graduated from O. 8. C in June, after starring la track athletics at the state school and devouring, all the physical edn catlon courses offered there. PRECEDENT CITEO "Particularly Affected" is Phrase in Statute Paper Firm Relies Upon "Particularly affected" are the two magic words which Walter E. Keyes, attorney for the Oregon Pulp & Paper company here, hopes to use as a key to unlock the remonstrance gate which was thrust across the vacation of Trade street In the city council Monday. Keyes is emphatic in the state ment that Section 3821 of the Oregon code relating to remon strances to vacation of streets ap plies only to such petitions when filed by men and women who are particularly affected. This means, according to Keyes, property own ers who would be more damaged by the vacation than the general rank and file of citizens. "For example the party having property adjacent to a "blind" street is more affected than the average citizen," Keyes declared. "In the case of the proposed va cation, the adjacent property owners Joined with the paper mill in asking the street be granted to the latter organization." . Mr. Keyes said he was not alone In his opinion. City Attor ney Grant of Portland is said to hare told Keyes that in Portland cases the "particularly affected" Interpretation had always been placed on the statute. Bert Ma cy, local attorney, called Keyes Wednesday to assure him he was right in his views since Macy had seen a similar situation in anoth er city. Under this Interpretation, the city council could proceed at its next meeting, August 4, to vacate the desired part of the street. Un less the 22 objectors wished to carry the matter into the courts, the matter would be at an end. If the 23 petitioners sought legal action, the next step would be to ask an Injunction to prevent the city assigning the portion of the street to the paper company- -roe matter of the rights of the remonstrance makers under the Oregon laws as well as the rights of the eity council would then be fully heard and the question of "particularly affected" determin ed. In a public statement Tuesday, City Attorney Trindle said In his opinion the remonstrance of the 32 property owners in Salem made it Impossible for the city council to vacate the street un less two-thirds of the property owners in town petitioned the va cation, or unless the 22 signers withdrew their remonstrance. Murder Suspect Held in Salem's . Jail Over Night Claude Rhine, wanted in Taco ma for the murder July 11 of a night policeman and Frank Gay, a Jail breaker wanted in Spokane, were in xhe eity Jail Wednesday night. The men were apprehend ed tn San Francisco and are In eustody of Officers Larry Amund son, J. E. Ferrar and Prosecuting Attorney H. Gardner, of Tacoma. Rhine, the officers said, was staging a, small hold-op In Ta coma Jnlv 11 and wtian tfl- eer tried to Interfere, struck him over tne head with a small jack handle, causing his death. Fund Available In Market Road Work Announced ' The state highway departmeni Wednesday announced a total of SP.19M99.49 -of market road funds are available for construc tion and maintenance work-? in Oregon during lt3e. '; - The segregation by counties Includes: Clatsop, - $33,427.92; Lane 374.203.24; and Marlon. 97x.iit.zet STflEET VACATION OUTLOOK BLANK AS CONVENTION OF G. 0. P. NEAR No Answer Ready For Vital Query "Who Will Be The Nominee?" Tom Kay Believed to Hold Inside Track But His Enemies Numerous Tomorrow brings the opening of Oregon's "historic" Dolitlcal convention. It is unique in that it is the first time delegates under the primary system, shall choose the nominee. Whether it will be historic depends more on the af termath of the gathering than on the events of Friday and the days which follow It. With the public concerned largely In picking the winner. It is a certainty on tne eve of the convention that no one, not even the delegates, have any fixed ideas on who will receive the coveted award. Tom Kav. state treasurer, an- parently has the Inside track. He nas neen tne most active cam paigners among the committee men and throueh the nress. He la undoubtedly the best qualified oy legislative and orilce-bolding experience among the field. His knowledge of Oregon's nroblems is thorough. He has the poli tical advantage of beine an in cumbent member of the board of control and the nost he would vacate If elected rovernor U nr mean advantage in a trading con vention. Tom Kay Thought Strongest Contender Kay'g name will go before the convention as probably the strongest contender. He has known weaknesses, it not real. certainly pyschological. He waa not an out-and-out Joseph sup porter which many will say im plies a weakness while other del egates will love him for this posi tion. Kay arouses marked anti pathy from union labor. His age and previous condition of health are objections-, not to, be forgotten by aa electorate. How far these disadvantages will go is problem atleal. Against Kay will be Metachan wno is known to have cherished for a long time the ambition to be governor. From eastern Oregon comes Ralph Hamilton, well- anown enough to be a candidate but not sufficiently long-time In politics to have made manv ene mies or to have made notable ac complishments. Julius Meier Not To Be Overlooked Julius Meier is not to be over looked. His comparative youth, his successful, business experi ence, his friendship with Joseph make him a man to be watched. Holman is eager but has not a chance for republican favor. He may break the party, lines and go ont to drub the ntilities on an in. dependent platform. George Neu- ner stands well with the dries. Without the publicity attached to a federal attorney's office, Neu ner would be much less seriously (Turn to page 2, col. S) JT OKLAHOMA CITT, Okla.. July 23 (AP) Twenty-one accused night riders of the Little Erick community ot West Oklahoma, pleaded not guilty here today to federal charges they conspired to rid their countryside of negroes. With one of their number, Un der Sheriff M. T. Baker of Beck ham eounty declaring the charges "politics" the alleged conspira tors were told to furnish bond of 32.099 each by United' States Commissioner Fred W. Green. Baker also asked preliminary hearing and it probably will be held July 30. The 21 men of Erick and two more as yet un caught are charged with conspiracy to vio late constitutional rirht in m. nection with the. alleged rustling ui zvv negroes rrom their home by "nlrht ridinr." elmiliHnn nf petitions and other means. Scat tered over the state In many cases with crops left behind, .the negroes' say they are destitute. - The Statesman At the G. O R Convention' Special aews 'report wffl be f aralshed daily to Ore gost Statesman readers dar tng the cowing republican convention ..ia Portland. ; . ' BeginahiK Friday moraing, the day the .cuenezrtjpa be glnn,' The 'Statesman will haw a special representative ta Portland te give the be hiadthe ecene aews' as well" aa the actaal happenings ess the convention floor. .., You'll waa t each Issue of the paper while the eonven tion lasts-for. It Trill wake Oregon political history. water for - these special NIGHT 1 ED COUNT DENED Hi Pioneer ot Air f Travel Mourned f V 14 V -V- 4 11 GLENN H. CURTISS Leader in Conquest of Air Dies Suddenly After Recent Operation HAMMONDSPORT. N T.. J,,7v 23, (AP) Funeral servic fnr Glenn H. Curtiss, who died in Buffalo today will take place at the Curtiss residence here Friday afternoon, It was announced to night. The Rev. G. P. Summer llle, rector of St. James Episco pal church, here, will officiate. Burial will be in Plaasanrvlow cemetery in Hammondsport. BUFFALO. N Y. Jul,. 94 (AP) Glenn Hammond r.nrHaa pioneer aviator and guiding genius oi me aeronautical world, died suddenly today in the General hos pital here. He had been operated on for appendicitis July 11, and had been renorted out of A and well on the way to recoverv. in cause or aeatn was pulmon ary embolus, a blood clot in a main artery close to the heart. Mews or the death of the man to whom aviation owed so much of its achievement In the past Quar ter century came with a shocking suddenness. Mr. Curtki waa said havn been suffering from appendicitis, with recurring acute attacks, for soma time. He was fnvolvf In a suit brought against him by the tiemng-cnrtiss company In a Rochester court to recover nArlv a million dollars. The complaint charged violation ot patent right and misappropria tion of funds. Curtiss failed to ap pear in court. Attorneys for the company charged he was feigning Illness and thn prmrt nrriereri three physicians to conduct an ez- ITurn to page z, col. 7) IS Program for the regular Fri day night band concert to be held at Willson park beginning at 8 o'clock was completed last night by Oscar Steelhammer, director. The music will begin at 8 o'elock, with numbers to be played In the following order: Radio Waves March (Jewell). Selection "The Prince of Pil- sen," By Request, (Landers). "Gems of Stephen Foster" (To- vani). Popular Numbers. Selections "High Jinx" (Clark). vocal solo Miss Eva Roberts. "When Irish Eyes Are Smil ing" (By Request). . "Sunnyslde Up." Theme song ot "My Maryland" (Fuhrer). Overture "Jolly Robbers" (Suppe). The Liberty Bell March (Sou i). Star Spangled Banner. CURTISS SERVICES FRI OH 1 READY Govei nor Would Avert Water Hole Range War Threatened bloodshed resulting from the alleged refusal ef Frank DobksLake county rancher, to allow the;attle of other farmers to crust ' his property to water holes.:' Wednesday caused Gover nor Norblad to eend telegrams to rreeiaeni noover ana v.. u. Uoort, commissioner general of the federal land efffee. -asking that some immediate, action be taken by. the government to net tle the controversy.,. - v . - The telegrams were arepared after Governor Norblad had con ferred with A. L. Cross and B. G. Skulason of Portland, field rep resentative and' attorney for the Oregon, ' Humane' society. Cross said he had received telegrams from livestock- raisers that cattle were dying by the hundreds ; be cause - they eould not . reach .the water holes. vv1Jn The trouble was aald to have originated when Dobkina filed en If forty acre ; tracts of land, which entirely surround the wat er holes. : These water hole are the v only sources for livestock watering In a wide area of range eountryj . VICTIMS mm Thousands Injured and Ten Times as Many Homeless v" All Italy Stunned at Worst Catastrophe Since 1908 NAPLES. July 23. (AP) Southeastern Italy tonight ha counted its dead to the number of 873 in half a score of towns tum bled to ruins by a series of ter rific earthquakes which began aa hour after midnight and had cet ceased to vibrate this evening. Government estimates placed the injured at more than a th Oil sand and the homeless at ten times that figure. Melfi, pictur esque mountain city, nerched nerU ously upon the crater of the e tinct Monte Volt' re. was an ir of ghastly debris. Event the an cient cathedral, dating back to the ninth century, waa wrecked. The almost Inaccessible natnre of some of the areas devastated made difficult the work of succer and the enumeration of casual ties. Most of the towns hit th hardest are off the beaten paths. of tourists and transportation i poor. Several supply trains have beee sent to points on the railroads in the interior from Naples and hundreds of relief workers touipfct were penetrating recesses of tbe agricultural area offering relief to the still terror-stricken victims. Wont Eearthquake Since Messina, 1008 The quake stunned all Italy. It was the worst earthshock tinoe Messina was aU but obliterated ! in 1908. The first tremor came an hour after midnight.. Its own awful nature was supplemented by a tremendous electrical etoraa over virtually the whole arfecte area. The Intense area extended froaa the Tyrrhean sea to the AdriatSe. but the coast settlements suffer less in proportion 'than the moun tain populations. Naples a perienced several hours of parr and scores of casualties. Among the city's victims was the Count ess De Rossi Vargas. Rlonero. often visited by quakes In other years, suffered at least 20 deaths, San Sosslo Baronia re ported 14 dead and 100 injured, Rapollo a score dead and 30 hurt, Varile ll known dead with 40 in jured. Rlonero is known as tb "home of the flowers," and is a celebrated city among tourists ef the more ardent group who pene trate far into the hills. Fully one thousand building were destroyed in Melfi and R?e nero. Further Casualties Believed Suffered. Because almost all of the confc munlties which were hardest kit are distant from the principal cen ters and communication lines, tbe authorities tonight viewed the pos sibility that the death list thuc far supplied would be materially increased. With torchlights and every other available Illumination the ruins of scores of towns were being searched and emergency hos pitals wers filling with victims. Never In all Neapolitan history had this classic city experienced such stark mad fright. A freniied populace raced " through streeta, apparently heading nowhere. Tonight the work oft rescue pe ceeded as rapidly as the . meaa available would permit. The wster holes are on a quar ter section of land owned by W W. Brown, livestock raiser, whe for the past 40 years . has kept the water ' opea to the cntine' range. Dobbins holdings com pletely surround Brown's quar ter section, so that Brown's cat tle are barred from his own wafc ... r holes. -. ;.; V.V--' ' President Hoover, after re eclviag complaints a few month ago, withdrew from entry, three ot the II "forties" before Doe . klne - had completed his filiansk -Dobkina has appealed to the gen eral land office. Governor Nes blad's telegram "asked that the .appeal 'be disposed of as soon at possible, and that - tne fences a kept open vending the final 4e JIIHIkll ' . T . 1 - Cross - said .Wednesday thaax Dobkina has armed guards ptr0 ling his fences and that the dis tressed cattle owners are amtu their ; men. Cattle men declared that Dobkina is holding him rights, " with a view of ; aeUiaet them at an exorbitant figure." rThe state can act In the cae only upon receipt of Xedersl la stmaUona, - -lJ