The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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1 r
PAGE SIX " , J--. .- ',V ." . .. ". ft OHCGON CTATESMAK. SalcnuV OrejWednesy &UraiagJjgg - -
R. ' ' ' . 1 r- , r s, Ts
r Evening of Bridge
Honors Guests
5 From Iowa
- Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Tltsgerald
Vand Mrs. J. E. Fitxgerald were
- host and hostesses at the home of
'j . th-latter Tuesday with an eve
ning of bridge, honoring Mr. and
Vllrs,-JV-E. Fitxgerald and daugh-i-Ktei3liss
Helen, who are guests
t fc.'frouf their home in Iowa. -iV
'Spring flowers used effectlve
5 ' ly about the rooms of the Fttz-
" ge'rald home formed an attract
"v Ive setting for the occasion.
The guest list for the evening
Included? the honor guests, Mr.
V - and Mrs. James E. Fitzgerald and
' daughter Miss Helen FHigerald.
"' Mr. and Mr. C. J. -Jensen, Mr.
- -nnd Mrs. Phillip Barrett, Mr. and
t Mrs. William Newmeyer, Mr. and
f" Mrs. N. B- Wagstaff, Mr. and
' Mrs. Charles Hudkins, Mr. E. E.
""Bnreh and the host and hostesses.
' Mrs. J. E. Fitzgerald and Mr. and
' M rs. K." W. Fitzgerald.
Mrs. Frank Deckebach
Honored at Luncheon
Mrs. Frank Deckebach, Jr.,
-who with Mr. Deckebach and
- th,elr small son. Frank III, Is
leaving soon to make her home
in Portland, was the Inspiration
' for an attractive 1 o'clock lunch
eon Wednesday afternoon at the
home of the Misses Mildred and
' Msrjorie Chrlstenseri in the Roy
al Court apartments. The hos
' tesses have chosen dainty Indi
vidual bouquets of summer flow
" 'era as a centerpiece for each
" 'mall table where covers will be
'placed for the honor guest. Mrs.
Frank Deckebach, Jr., Mrs. Cllf
' 1 ford Knodell of Albany. Mrs. Mil-
ton Stelner, Mrs.; Willard Marsh-
all," Mrs. Rex Ad'oiph, Mrs. Ken
neth Wilson, Mrs.'. Kenneth Per--ry.-Mrs.
Don Priehett, Mrs. John
" Caughell, '". Jr.,' Mrs.' Wallaee Car-
son. Miss - Josephine Baumg'art-'-rner
-'and 'the hostesses. Misses
Mildred and Marjorle Chriaten-
Following luncheon the after
noon was
delightfully spent at
"' Mrs. "J. W. Nash. Mrs. C. N.
"Need ha" in and Miss' Gladys Bar
"tholomew left Tuesday morning
'2 for Tacoma to attend the recep-
. tlon to be given ' by the depart
ment of Washington and Alaska,
' Daughters of Union Veterans of
. the Civil war, ' In honor of Miss
Grace Hurd, national president.
The reception will be held Tues
day evening at the Winthrop ho
tel. Mrs. Nash is president of the
' Oregon department of the Daugh.
. ters of Veterans, and Mrs. Need
ham is a past national officer.
Following "the. reception the Sa
- lent .'group will spend' a few days
: In Seattle before returning home.
: - -
A delightful afternoon of
i gamer and fun In. general was
-; bad Tuesday afternoon when Mrs.
' Forrest Mack entertained In bon
er ef her little daughter. Mis
- Marjorie Mack, .who celebrated
her 10th birthday. Twelve of
Marjorie's little friends were In
vited to help enjoy the day which
was gloriously spent in the cool
shade of . Marion park, where
dainty, refreshments were served.
- The honor guest received many
pretty gifts during the afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Eatress,
1845 - South Commercial street,
thave as their house guests Mr.
and Mr. J. T. Woodward and
, ; small son. Donald, and.Miss-.Ber-.;rnice
Bryee, of Sheridan, Wyom
ing. Mrs. Woodward la a, sister
of . Mrs.-. Entress. The visitors
' ' came- by motor over the northern
route and plan to return by way
. of southern Idaho:
. . .
Mr. and. Mrs. Carl E. Da vies
f McMinaville. Oregon, are re
ceiving congratulations on the
birth of -a son, born recently,
- weighing. nine pounds. The little
. lad -has been named John WII
, Ham. Mrs. G. W. Da vies, grand
mother pt the new arrival, is a'
resident of Salem and a. most hap
fy one right now.
. . . . . ..
: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mack and
little daughter. Mary Elizabeth,
were guests in Salem Tuesday en-
. ; route from DeLake where thejr
have been for the past week, en
joying an outing: Mr. and Mrs.
Mack left Tuesday evening for
Portland where they will visit
: friends for the coming week.
' " "
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sroat of
-: Honolulu, Hawaii, who have been
' the house guests of Mr. and Mrs.
i George Waters on Summer street.
, 'left a few days, age for Portland
to be the guest of Mr. Srqat's
' brother, Pahl Sroat,' for a short
time before' returning to their
. heme in the' Hawaiian Islands.
"'. : ' . -
Dr. "and Mrs. EdIboldand
small eon, Bobhy. returned' Sun.
- day evening' front Tart, Oregon,
'i Jbere they have been for the past
I k n joying a vacation at the
. '; beaeh. " ' .: '
The Hoiuexcife$ Idea Box
WMk avKalsi JdaSala .
- Hert la susxestioQ for tha bostesa
cTYtas luncheon, especially. ben
the main dish fa a salad: Split bakers'
roQ .Insert generous Inzup of bat
ter. Put the roUa into tout even1
Lean them until piping hot ; Then j
intm wiui taaaiaa. r - r
: tee HonsrwnT ::
' ' ' '
News an
l Ouve 1L DoaXj
. , . Thursday, July ii-c
Aid Societjr Woman's Relief Corps Silver tea--at'
home of Mrs. E. O. Moll, Wallace road. Take Weat Sa
lem bus at U. S. Bank at 1:15 p. m.
North Salem W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of
their president, Mrs. I G. Prescott, 178S North Church
street 2 p. m. .
Friday. July 25
' Regular meeting Daughters of Union Veterans
Woman's club house, 8 p.:m. .
Sunday, July 27
Minnesota picnic pfaympre park bring own bas
kets and table service. Coffee and cream furnished'
Business Woman's
Club Appoints Heads
The regular meetin got the Ex
ecutive board of the Business and
Professional' Woman's club, met
Monday evening at the home of
the president, Mrs. Mona Yoder
on Church street, at which time
the chairmen of the various com
mittees for the coming year were
selected. Plans were also made
for the next meeting to be a pic
nic to be .held August 27th. The
following 'committees were form
ed which include:
Chairman of committees:
Membership M r s. Mabel
Emblem Mrs Maude Pointer.
Finance Mrs. Winifred Her
rlck. Legislative Miss Hetta Field.
Program Miss Julia Webster.
Education Miss Lura Hale.'
Publicity Miss Alene Phillips.
HousingMrs. Myrtle Gilbert.
Nominating Mrs. Emily; How
ard. '
Cooperation Miss Phoebe Mc
Adams. Girl Scout Miss Helen ' Louise
Hospitality Miss Ellen Thiel
sen. '
Contact and cheer Mrs. H. R.
Bulletin Miss May Cleveland.
Elective Officers
President Mrs. Mona Yoder.
First vice - president M I s s
Merl B. Dimlek.
Second vice president Miss
Ruth Moore.
Corresponding. Secretary Miss
Helen Louise Crosby. v
Recording Secretary M I s s
Irene Breithaupt. .
Treasurer Miss Clara McNeil.
Hospitality Mrs. Hector Ad
ams. Miss Rachel Bayne, Mrs.
Bernie Bouffleur, Miss Belle
Burkholder. Miss Lillian E. Cad
well,' Mrs. Marion Delaney, Miss
Ehra L. Fisher,- Mrs. - Esther ; I
Hagedorn r Miss Daisy . B. Hay den,
Miss J anna Holmes, Miss Flor
ence Irwin, Mfs. Margaret ; Jor
genson. Miss Edna W. Lindquist,
Mrs. D. 'Gf Mtnton. Mrs. Walter
Dressing with charm and dis
tinction is easy for the woman,
whe fashions ber own frock. For
example, this adorable dress with.
becoming square , neck -and grace
fully ruffled collar, may. be made
with ease and very little expense.
There are four gedets set, in the
skirt that afford additional grace
and fullness
T..rr. itc i. .,)..
Qt fititw, - georgette,, TOtle.- or
aunity. .a dainty print on. pas
tel ground would, be cool and
fresh. If .long sleeve are added,
there are attractive flares-fo be
atUched that lend e.ite.a,bit of
May be obtained only In sixes
14, 1C It. 20, 22, 24, 2. 28 and
40. Sfaw 14 requires 4 2-4 yards
of 4 Inch material. . ..
V ffe diwawktac- esserlwce ae'
Maarjr. tartax Urn vrr 'siae,'
aae timpHt asac (MirectiMS are.
fives. . ' , -. ? - - v
- Bead fifteai'eaits la cefas tari
fBy eta paa. me Mtummm. fa. mUm
puttwrm. . Wrif rhiiBty -mfc.
44ma,atvle, ais.
vaatad. - -1 v -A
V Osr beak af HUaraa far ilatta
4 caiMrva.. iM - aaar tm
torMw. Otlmtm. mmj Ut mt.
,wka n!r4 mit m fetttra.- A'
area all " anil sad - eritra . te
- Stateneaa Pattam . aVaartstaaV
34 at I7ta a-eas Vw lark
Cit V
- - -1
d GliiliirMrs
Society Editor
Oldenburg, Mrs. Gertrude J. M.I
Page, Mrs. Edward Patterson,
aars. mana iteans, Mrs. worma
Terwimger, suss -uiarav-, E .
aub, vMrs. Nortne.Fics. :, ,
jmoiem jura. r- EiiieyTscnana.
Mrs.Ina Koon, Mrs. Helen How-
ard, Miss Sibylla Hadwen. Mrs.
Ktnei uiDoons, miss uutn iwugn- I
erty, miss Kuth MeAaams. Miss I
Edna W. Lneker. Mrs. Blanehe
IsherWood. ,
Housfng Mrs. C. L. i Hurth,
Miss SophU Kafoury. Miss Mag-
" -;.i.T,eMa'
S i ' T7 .
srr' ; ;
Beatrice Walton, Miss Bertha A.
Vinetnt, Mrs. Carrie Roland, Mis
Mnei KODerts, Miss.isetner mihs,
aaus earan juinxenmier. -
jrrogram suss Agnes uamp-1
dbh, miss Mirpan Biair, miss no-
iwwa, mi, viara. romer-i
o), nm unn siizaoein smiin,
Miss Cariotta Crowley.
Membership Miss Ethel Bol-
Ikx, Miss Edith Burch. -Mra. Md-
alene Callin, Mrs. Esther L.
Hagedorn, Mrs. Leila L. Klmsey. j
wra. -uuia u. tiayuen, - miss I
Amanda Matthews, -Miss Bessie
Mcuiona,.Mrs. .H..-V. Lieastrom,
Miss Hazel D. Philllppe, Mrs. M. i
J. Renne, .Mrs. Myra - L. Shank,
Mrs. .pearl Speer. Mrs. John B,
Ulrlch. Mrs. H. B. Willard, Mra.
Deva . Maek, Miss Florence Nudd.
Girl Scouts MUs Grace. Gil-
Ham. Ml J mil- ui n.iM
Fletcher, Miss June Philpott.
tor idimi Mra M J nn ..
lor Aaams. Mrs. N. p. Giiman,
gia MeClean, Miss Hazel .Price,
Mrs. ; Grace Sehon, ' Dr. Fannie
alTefflea. .V ZZL
Brown Tibbits, Mrs. Hins.
Legislative Mra. Emma Ha
ley. Miss Grace Taylor.
Finance Mrs. Marraret Col
lin, Mrs. Helen. Director. Mrs.
Dorranee, ..Mlaa Bessie Woods,
Mrs AlTin B. Stewart. Dr. Marr
Purvine. Miss Amanda
Sehwaubbauef, Miss ' Mary - Shel
don! Miss Flora Turnball. Mra.
oiga Hoffard. - Mlsa Ellen Hod
son. Jtra; winwred Pettyjohn.
ui.. evi. . , . - l
Publielty Miss Genevieve Mor-1
5.I!Ltttd Ram4eyer.
Alma Pohle.
.t,t?rM'"- Blake
Butx. Mrs. Helen Goolen.
Education -Miss Alia Hersh-
ner, Mrs. Haxel K. Marshall. Miss
josepnme Shade.
song leader Mrs. LaMnlne
Aurora Mr. and Mra. U.
were at home to a most ' hannv
croon of friend Sn?tta w1a t..
moiorea out to assist in observing I
the birthdays of Mra. Eller, J.' W.
. I
Sadler and V. 'Efler. The river:
spacious grounas, pools and flow
er bordered drive are rt A h-i- k
now. A nlcnle diniieV wee MnrMvlahe will be able to leave the hee-
In theooenat lona- tahlM The
river proved a- iavorite mat for
those who eniov awimmin f.rf
boating.-Others turned to cards
croauet, baseball and horse shoe
pifchlng. Those enloTinr the mc-
sion, besides - the honor Xuests.
were Mr. ani Mrs.. E.-G. Robin-
son, Mrs Francis Green. Aurora:
Mr. an Mra. Paul Wagner, Mr.
ana Mrs. John Sentje. Mr. .and
Mrs. Ziegler. Mrs. Catherine Cul-
bertson and niece Laura Ellen Mc-
Kakup. Mrs. FarreU, Portland:
Joe Riekert and BUI McKIlip, Ore-
gon State ,collegeu Helen Zelrler.
Paul and. John Wagner, of Port-1
iana. . , . .. ; :
Aurora At the recuUr meet-
ing of Western HOpe Lodge No.
12 S Thursday nicht. the newlv
elected officers were insulted by
Jessie stelnhoff, district -deputy
president. assisted by Ger. MIMs,
nasi - president, , and. Charlotte!
Taylor, district grand marshal-Of-
fleers Installed were LIxxle Fry J
noble grand. Anna Harmera. vice I
grand, -Lela- HughUl. secretary,
Cora, -Mills treasarer, Charlotte
Taylor, right support -to noble
Igrand, Ethel Flannery. left sun
porter to noble grand. Mary Eller
right, aupporier to vice grand.
Florence Crissel. left supporter to
vice grand,' Jessie Steinhotf. war- Portland. Oregon, v
der, Lena Ehlen. conductor, Edith I - i
carpenter. chaplain, Emma Sny -
der.f Inside guard.' ' Cordia ' Cof f-
man 'wilt be Installed later as out-
aiao luarov -
After the initiation the Odd
reuowsvdid not hesitau to 4c -
eept the inviUtlon to Join the U -
I Amm .-mv trt eiMA leVU aJ tie
-'"fr m mum
sectai evening later. - - '
Mr jean rresten oi Wichita.
- -
Kansas, ana Mrs.5 Grant Stuart, or
Portland. Oregon.' who have been
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs- Wallace W. Woodruff on
North' Winter street; tor, the past
few; days, left Tuesday , for their.
respective homes. -' Mrs. Preston
and Mra, Woodruf f were 4 former
school friends - in Wichita.
c Mr.-and ;Mra,. -F Tweed ;of
Spokane, , Washington,': are ; guests
in-galem at th home of Jfr. and
Mrs., w. p. . canoron Tftrth
Church atreet. - The ; Tjreeda -re
former Salem residents andsre
again treetlng their local mwdn,
-xzfAyrt. oo. -i. '
' liberty Mr. - and Mrs. Percy
-waa -nave -juat .receired word of ler or not it is wanted in the state
tbeinarHage ot their tony Fred In nm:4i.
Hew Toi city. Mr.- Jndd and hi
bride expect to visit here on their
way to their -home' 1 California
Bridge:' Luncheon
. Honors Guests
' Tuesday
Tuesday : afternoon the time
chosen (or the smart bridge
luncheon' which was given by
rMrs. v John Caughell, Jr.. and
her sister,. Miss - Josephine, at
I their "home on Summer street.
honoring - Mrs. - Frank Deckebach
and Miss Maxlne Buren. Follow
ing ; the luncheon four tables of
I bridge were .v in play with gift
presented to the
honor guests and a high score
award going to Mrs. Don Pritch-
etL The iruest list for the after
noon included, the two honor
guests, Mrs. Frank Deckebach,
.and - Miss Maxlne -Buren. Mrs.
Max O. Buren. Mrs. Wolcott Bu
ren. Mrs.. -Wallace Carson, Mrs.
Milton Stelner. Mrs. ilex Adoloh.
Mrs. Willard Marshall. Mrs. Fos-
ter Cone, Mrs. Kenneth Power,
un-JMrs. George Weller, Mr. Ken-,
neth Wilson. Mrs. Don Pritchett.
Uhe Misses Mariorie and Mildred
Chriatensen and ihe hostesea
Mrs.-John Caughell. Jr., and Miss
Josephine Bhumgartner.
Mra Fran
, V" .
Luncheon Mostess
Mra. ?rank Myers proved her-
Mir charming hostess Monday
ranernoon when she entertained
I with e l o'HrwV i.,i..hMn i.
Green Gate room of the Spa,
complimenting a trio of friends
whose anniversaries wnr nn th
same dav. Hnnnr n,e.t wM
Mrs. c, F. Patton, Mrs. George
venra and Mrs. E. J. Hodge, who
were celebrating their birthday
anniversaries and Mrs. C. M. In-
man who was observing her wed
ding anniversary. Covers were
placed for 14 at the attractively
appointed tables carrying out the
color scheme of-green and' white
fin -flowers. -favors -and liahted ta-
per. Mrs. Myers entertained her
guests- with, a line oartv at the
Capitol' theatre
following the
e e
..tvT.V , UB .? ln
The Yomarep" club of the
nomsi piacopai cnuren
will hold their annual " pot-lueh
supper Wednesday evening at
icvvjl vn lue uva aujoining ine
I vom.
"1 D street.
The committee In eharae of the
evening, win Include. Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Foley, Mr. and Mrs.
D. H. Mosler, Mr, and Mrs. Har
ry Swafford, Mr. and Mra. B." E.
Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Min-
wew mb mm, mt .aua,a
The North Salem W. C. T. O.
organisation will - meet Thursday
anernoon at the home of Mrs. L.
G.- Prescott. 1815 North Church
street, at 2 p. m. These ladles are
li - ,.n - . . -
ivi ut mirstmi
na.. 1 .
window of the Southern Pacific
Ticket office, for the benefit of
the Children's Heme at CorvalM.
Mrs. C. K. Spaulding. Mist
Rose Heine and Mrs. Marie Biet-
fer and daughter Dora motored to
Neakowin Wednesday to ' spend
the day with Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Griffith and Mrs. Roy Mills who
Ellerr BBndiDg the summer at the
f .1 - . . . m 1 . . .
l vr Armstrong
wHl 13441 10 Ber that h
getting along nicely after having
undergone a major operation
I about a week ago, and it is hoped
Pital soon.
1 .
I The annual' Minnesota picnic
which Is scheduled for Sunday,
Jolr 27th- at Pbiymore park, la
I an event which is greatly antici-
Pated. t .Thla , is, probably one of
inB largest picnics or me year ana
I promises to be an event well
worth 'attending.
- - . . .
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Griffith and
Mr., and Mrs. John . Griffith are
spending the' week at Neskowln
with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Griffith
who are domiciled In. the Clifford
Spaulding cottage for the sum-
r raer. j
I - - " e
miss X4inan cad wen, . accom-
Panied by her mother and father,
I Mr. and Mrs. George Martin,' 11M
South 14th street, left Tuesday
! morning tot a week's say at Ue-
ana "Koaas-jsno."
- " ?
Mrs. Walter-Spaulding. accom-
Pnied' by her mother, Mrs. Nora
Guard Miller of Portland, are
I guests at the C, K. Spaulding cot-
I tage at Newport...
U '- ' - -
I Mlaa Florence Power, daughter
roc Mrs. Frank Power. of this city
I Pent-the -weekend -with .the
I Mlasea Jane and Grace White of
17 -Mr. and Mrs. Dongla. McKay
V and children. -Shlrlev. Uit . TLoa
and Douglas,' jr., spent the past
weekend at Rockaway. enioylng
l a brief entla. - f
l e
1 Mrs. 1L K.'! Stdchwell W sen
ttvi.t. v . eni.. . .. ...
pn 10 wave, woaeaaay ior
SeatUe and other Sound nolnte te
1 www W J a . 1.1 1.A M
I with - friend at thlr rnn
.Q.-When "How do 0110
1 employed; as ar formal aaluta
I tien what la ; the 'correet reply T
I. A; 'Ho do yon do,T orQuItat
1 wu. thank: you."
I - o. When going -s abroad; how
f should -onev- trjtxtks'-be UntdTJ
I senger tteamerV'- dale -.of aalUnri
number of stateroom; and wheth'
" Q. When are service Plates te
moved from the table at dinner?
When- the entree fat served.
Mrs. Kenneth Brbvirn !
hlonbrs Guest , : :x : 1 -
In compliment to the, birthday
anniversary of Mra. Ernest .Thorn,
Mr. Kenneth Brown entertained
her bridge group Tuesday after
noon in her .. home on - Leslie'
street, with an .attractive 1:40
'clock , luncheon.: followed' by an
afternoon of bridge. During the
afternoon. Mra. Thorn was sur
prised with Handkerchief show
er, each of which will serve as
dainty reminder in honor of the
day. Mrs. Edwin Viesko won high
honors at ' bridge, while second
award was presented to Mrs. Hen
ry Schmabl. .
Last Friday afternoon the Wo
men s Missionary soeiety -or the
Calvary Baptist church met at the
home of Mrs. Earl Race on Mar
ket street In the absence of the
president, Mrs. O. Pickens pre
sided. Mrs. W. Earl Cochran led
the devotional, using as a topic,
The Lord Has Need of Us." The
program consisted of discussions
by Mrs. Walter Nelson, Mrs. Earl
Gregg and Mrs. G. E. Ross. The
women met on the lawn, and' after
the meeting a social was enjoyed.
The assistant .hostesses were Mrs.
W.. T. Taylor, Mrs. C," R. Gregg,
and Mrs. Amundson. '
-. - . - .
Mrs. Harry Krug, of Madison,
8. D.. accompanied by Mrs. Ma-
ble Huson of Bronxvllle. New
York, are expected to arrire Wed
nesday to visit at the home of
Mr. Krug's and Mrs. Huson's aunt
and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Gahlsdorf of this city. 1 They are
making the trip by automobile
and plan to remain in - Salem
about two weeks. Mr. Krug will
be detained on business In Con
don, Oregon and will join the par
ty here some time later before re
turning to thefr respective homes.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C Miller, ac
companied by their daughter,
Mrs. Jesse Smith have , been
guests from their home in Nash
aua, Iowa, at the home of Mr. and
Mr. W. O. Church of this city.
They left Monday for Centralla,
Washlagten, where they will vis
it at the -heme of -their daughter,
Mrs. Harold Steelhammer.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dane and.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jensen spent
the week end at Devils' lake. Mr.
and Mrs. Dane -and Mrs. Jensen
returned home Sunday evening
while Mrs. Jensen will be at the
beach for another week.
e . -
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Moon, form
er Salem residents motored up
rom their home in Oakland, Cal
ifornia, to spend' a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Hughes
and son John, are back In the
city after having spent the past
week enjoying an outing on the
McKenxie river.
e - e
Mr. and Mrs. William Gosser
and- young son, Clayborn are at
heme -again after -having spent
the past weekend at Seaside.
Miss Mariorie Chriatensen ar
rived home Sunday evening, from
Albany; Oregon, where she spent
the week end at the home of Mrs.
Clifford Knodell.
Miss Elsfe Magnusen of Long
Beach, California, spent Tuesday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Pope on High street.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Spaulding
spend Sunday at their farm aear
Bits for Breakfast
(Continued from-Page 4)
(July 1. 1227). was Charles J.
Roe, and his bride was- Nancy
McKay, half breed daughter of
probably) Jean . Baptists Depor
tee McKay, who came with the
Astor party fn 121 2, and whose
place was at the McKay landing
on the. Marion county side of the
Willamette, near the present
Champoeg park.
V V s
Bancroft says: "Roe had a
strange history. He was born in
New York In 1506, and-Came to
Oregon in 1824. He early joined
the Methodist church, In "which
for many years he had a good
standing. On the death of his
wife, - he married again In -1854
another half breed girl of ' good
character; but, becoming jealous
of her, he murdered her In 1859,
for which be was banged, pro
fessing to hope for forgiveness,
and" expressing a willingness to
pay te-penalty of his sin."
V V - , -
The writer in Bancroft got part
of his facts from The Statesman
of March 1, 1259. Roe came with
the Wyeth party In 1924, prob
ably attached to the missionary
(Jason 'Lee) contingent, as a. la
borer. Old; timers will remember
the, rude wooden slab above the
grave of the murdered woman, in
the Odd Fellows cemetery, in Sa
lem, On which was lettered the
fact that she was "cruelly mur
dered by her husband." The Bits
man-believes that alab has rotted
away and disappeared. He has
not lately been able to find it.
- .
Webley Hauxharst - built the
tirst grist mill in the Willamette
valley. according- to Bancroft;
THe Bits man, so far, has not lo-'
eated the snot where -the. mill
Stood; but it was . probably on a
creek just north of the old mis
sion ".:slte, on .the Marlon county
siaera jew rocs nortn or tne ro&d
leading to the Wheatland ferry.
Hauxhurst was a character mem-
ber of theFlrst Methodist church
f -Salem. He was a trustee of the
Oregon. Institute and the Willam
ette university; -wndpromlnenrrin
many ways In early Oregon.""
, . -: r-l
Lee said he. "spoke wtthJ more
than usual liberty," in sermon--on
bis wedding day. That' was a fa
vorite" expression "of. 1 Ms. He
raeint that his' thoaghU - and
word flowed "easily; thar he was
satisfied.' Comment: on tnt fa
mous text of scriptnro : Is dor Is
this column "before Jong.-' j I
Kid "Chocolate;-flashy, feather
weights hopes-tlut'.hjs bfcut with
Jack i"Kld" Berg, vlstust 7. will
prove theHrst. upward step Jo (he
lightweight.- throne. -su I
When Rear Admiral J. M. f
Reeve returned to his old com
mand at the head of tie Navy's
battle fleet aircraft squadrons,
these three wing commanders
became the backbone of his
fighting unit, The men whe
- KING WOOD, July 22 In the
presence . of a few close friends,
Mrs.. Florence Alsop and Gerald
C. Larkln were quietly married
at McMlnnville, Saturday, July
12. A group of relatives and
friends honored them with a
charivari Saturday evening. Mr.
and Mrs. Lar-kin will be at home
to. their friends In the William
Beckley house on Kingwood Ter
race. Charles Adams has gone to
lone where he will be employed
during -the . eastern Oregon har
vest season In the. wheat elevator
of his brother-in-law, George
Ely, '
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Applewhite
and daughter Catherine, with Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Shepherd and
family of Zena and other friends.
several of whom were free
Corvallls, spent Sunday at the
river, near Lincoln where they
enjoyed swimming and a picnic
Mrs. Conrad .Fox, Jr., return
ed to her home at Longvlew,
Wn.,. Sunday after a three weeks
visit at the home of ber parents,
Mr., and Mrs. Charles Schwartx.
Mrs. Fox' sister. Miss Mary St.
Pierre went with, her to Long-
view, where she - will stay fer a
Governor Holds
Up Extradition
Case 3 Months
Governor , .Norblad Tuesday
postponed for 90 days his decision
in the extradition proceedings in-
vilving Darious .Williams, of
Klamath Falls, who is wanted in
Los Angeles. on a charge of fail
ing to support bis three children
by former wife. -
Pending expiration of. the' 94-
aays period Williams wlll be re
quired to pay to the probate court
of Los Angeles county . ; 20 a
month for the support of his son
who is a ward of the court.
Kosh Gets Back
Driver License
By Norblad Act
Governor Norblad has Issued a
conditional pardon to Henry Kosh
of Prineville, which restores his
motor vehicle operators' license,
which was revoked tor a period of
one year when Kosh was sentenc
ed to pay a fine of $109 and serve
40 days ia the Deschutes county
jau for driving an - automobile
while intoxicated.
Records in the executive de
partment show that Kesh paid his
fine and served his jail sentence.
New Pharmacist
v At Woodburn
WOODBURN, July II Clifford
W. McCorkle. pharmacist, Is the
new employee of .the- Evenden
Drug company since L. D. Wilson,
who formerly worked them, has
bought a drug store jn eastern
Oregon and has moved there to
run it. Mr. and Mrs. McCorkle.
fwho-lived In Hlllsboro before com
lng to Woodburn, are at present
living in aifirtmenta over the post
office. - -
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Beck are Mrs: Beck's
sister. Miss Helen Ambrose and
her friend. .Miss Florence. Me-
Grath. Botk lire. In. Chicago. Fri
day the visitors were taken, around
the Mount Hood loop highway and
they plan a trip to the ocean over
Sunday. This is the first time el-
Stomach Oothor?
-If you have to be careful ef
hwhat you eat and drink, and rnf-
fer from gas, beartbrnr bloating,
our stomach and dyspepsia, .why
sot make tho Dietex . 11 minute
test? Harmless; yet , works ..with
creat-speed - One et the Iagredv4
ants na the amaxing .power to
latest J.008 times iu own welxbt,
Don't gtrs npi x Get Dfcrtex at any
arugaterew. Jut Ut-to.-the. (est.
Money-back If you sonTsoen feel
ii aew and free from- stomach
llsassHOn1y0e.rf4 .tl
t - - A
are standing in front of wasp-
powdered Boeing fighter are,
left to right: Lieutenant Com
manders J. H. Chapman, fight
ing; A. C- Masek, torpedo-bombing,
and De W. C Watson,
ther Miss Ambrose or Miss Mc
Grath have been to the far West
and both like it fine.
Roy "Spec" Keene, head ath
letic coach at Willamette univer
sity, was In Woodburn a few days
D. Mead, who hales from New
York City and Boston but wko is
"really crasy about- the west, ut
terly in love with It. I tell you,"
arrived In . Salem with his wife
Tuesday after a hurried Snotor
trip acrosa the continent which he
covered In 10 days. Mr. Mead as
sumes' the managership of the
Montgomery Ward store here.
"I like the enthusiasm ct the
people here," Mead said yester
day. . "They impress me, every
one of them, as boosters bat their
boosting is sincere. I am sure we
shall both like It here very
Mead until recently was asso
ciated with -the Rayon Institute
of America, - doing - educational
and promotional work in lncreas-J
lng the domestic consumption-of
rayon. He has had extensive retail
merchandising- experience. .
NT. T. McAllister, former man
ager, will remain with the. local
store as assistant to Mr. Mead:
Both men have mapped out a pol
icy of increasing sales in the lo
cal Montgomery Ward store
which was started on North Lib
erty street two years ago.
Family Party
Proves Enjoyable
Mlsj Marie Yates of Cathlamet,
Washington, who is spending the
summer at the home of her aunt,
Mrs, R. W. Clarke has been suf
fering from an attack -tf appendi
citis. Her mother, Mrs. Joe Yates
came Monday and will stay a
week or so-and take her daughter
- Recent - guests of Mrs.. " J R.
Chapman were Mrs. Hattle Cut
ter of Dee, Mrs. Jessie Cole and
three daughters, Iva, ' June and
Patricia and Mrs. Hattle Bod way,
all of -Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Roseoe Clarke
and children, Wilson -and Jean
ette, Mra.- Joe Yates and daughter
Marie spent Sunday at the home
of Mrs. Clarke's and Mrs. Yates'
grandmother, Mrs. Nettie" Lan
sing on Gardner road.' Othef rel
atives who enjoyed the occasion
were- Mr. and. Mrs. Elmer Smith
and family and Donald Wilson, all
of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Wilson.. ' - -
It Works Miracles With
Tired Aching Feet
. A -new discovery so please do
not- get It mixed up In your mind 1
with the failures yon have tried '
before. -
. They call ft Redox and yourj
feet can be so tired and.-weary
ao sore and Inflamed that every
step , you take is torture your
poor feet burn, and ache, all day
long..-., 4 . - .y ; v
Just take . a footbath, to-night
with RadoX a joyous inrigorat
lag foot ; bath -directions come
with -eack package '- and . when
you walk, without mUery or. dli
tress to-morrow, if you don't aay
It 1 the most wonderful -discovery
to. make-alliag feet strong" and
vigorous money bck,-:v-xL,i
If yon bar corns take Radox
footbath 2 or 4 nlgkU In. succes
sion and then pick out the corn
root a5d alL Get Radox at Pets
ry'a Drmgr Store or any live drug
store - anywhere. jdv - ;
- Amply Secured an4
wm m
. - , 6;lIcnths?Kcl 1CC3X3 iCcsf: $970.00" .
OS Oregoa TMg.T
- - -. - - v
High. Scores' Made in Camp
On Inspection;' Joys of .
,i Outing Told-v
CAMP SANTlAirl ( Boy Scout
Scout Summer" Headquarters. July
22.-Tents are up ln camp; Boy
Ecouts are here;. ; details have
been given out ; nd " the regular
routine of camp has started.' ;
Yesterday morning tent 8 won
Inspection with 4t-. points out
of a possible 50 points. Inspection -In
camp consita of beds, baggage,
ropes, tent and -grounds.
Each day three-banners are giv
en, being pennants for honor tent,
honor inspection and' honor, bunk.
Honor bunk Is given to tho Indi
vidual Scout who . has the best
bed. By this Is meant he who has
the neatest bed. Honor tent Is
given to the tent that has the best
that is the tent that is tightest,
neatest and cleanest. Honor -Inspection
Is presented to the tent
which receives the most points In
these combined events. ,
During this period there- are
expected to., be ouija bird hunts,
initiations, and treasure hunts. ...
Today a song was . written en
titled "Prune Dryer." It is sung to
the tune of "John Johnson.
My name is prunedryer, . , .
I come from- New Hampshire,
My mustache Is 20 miles long,
If there are any barbers.
Who think they are farmers.
Just tell them prunedryer's in
town. ; ,.;
It may be stated that "prune.
dryer Is an officer who Is - at
tempting to raise a red mustache.
And now as our letter Is being
finished we here present -the
Scout Evening Song floating
through the air: - ,
Softly-dlms the light of . day,,
A, ous camfire fades away,
Silently each Scout should, ask
Have I done my daily task?. -
Have I kept -myhonor brlgbtf
Can 1 guiltless the night t .
Have 1 don a ftthfe I dared
Everything tip. bf-prepared T " ,
Here we hear cair to quarters.
And now Tawt
More calls for assistance, for
money, food and clothes, are be
ing made upon the Associated
Charities, this summer than ever
before in the history of the char
ity, work in the summer . months',
yesterday said Mrs. Mae-Young,
secretary and In general charge.
Mrs.: Young1 says that the head
quarters are being keep open all .
day this summer,- this first time
such a course has been necessary
In the warm months. Despite the
full time work, the .secretary is
working on a part-time' check.
Within the past week, a nam
ber of men with large families
have literally begged for work,
and as soon as a job comes in,
there Is as applicant at hand to
take-it. Tourists form a part of
the many needy who apply to the
Charities fer succor, but In the
main, local families constitute ibe
bulk of Mrs. Young's "patrons. "
Considerable sickness among
the needy families has augmented
the calls for help. In one family
where the- mother, is attempting
to care7 for eight children, the
Charities has leaned a sewing ma
chine to the woman that clothes
might be stitched up to keep the.
youngsters property clad. .
There1 Is dirv treed for fruits
and vegetables, afld? amyone whe
might have fru 'canned or -un-canned,
toi spar fh ulWI to get
In tonch wtthMr. Yoirtrg at tele
phone 2S5Ti:-X.;x;- - - - .
To Lose Fat
Start taking Kruschen Salts
that's the common-eense way to
reduce but dent take them with
the idea that they possess reduc
ing qualities In themselves.-: ,
This Is what they do r- they
clean, out the impurities- In your,
blood by-keeping the bowels,-kidneys,
and liver. In splendid work-.
Ing, shape nd nu. yon wltk .n
vigor and tireless energy, you'd
most forgotten existed..: ; - : .
.As a result. instead of . placing
yourself in an easy chair every
tree moment' and. letting flabby
fat accumulate yon-fed an. urge
tor actlTity . that keeps yon -mov-
lng around . doing the things
you've always wanted to do end
needed-to do ts keep you In good"
condiUen;:c i '.-,
.Then watch th: ponnds Am .
oft! . - ... ..-.. , ......
- Krusche. Salts, are. tke uu-to-. -:
dato Fopntaln of . .Yonth., Tab
one bait teaspoonf ul in glas. ct f
hot or cold water, tomorrow mors- -ing
-and every 'morning they're
tastelet that , way, . and -It, they
don't change, your . whole idea - ,
about reducing, to back and ret
tha small price yon paid for them.': .
Getn if cent bottle of Kruschtn '
Salts lasts 4 weeks at Perry's "
Drug" Storn- or any progressive i,
druggist anywherw m the -worldv.
1 vi;
ilCi - itmtmt